Blue screen safe mode not working. What have you changed lately?

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Safe mode (English – Safe Mode)– diagnostic mode, in which all unnecessary drivers and Windows functions are disabled. Used to troubleshoot problems that arise in PC operation. You just need to launch safe mode and fix the errors, after which the PC will work as it should again.

In what cases might you need to enter safe mode? For example, to solve the problem when .

Also, in this way you can remove viruses, reset your password, fix errors (incl. blue screen death), restore the system, etc.

There are several ways. Plus they differ somewhat depending on which one you have. operating system. Therefore, below we will look at everything available methods how to login securely Windows mode.

There are 2 universal methods that work on all versions of Windows - XP, 7, 8 and 10. Moreover, they are the simplest. Perhaps we'll start with them.

Login via msconfig utility

The first way is through special utility. To do this you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. Press Win + R (the button between “Ctrl” and “Alt”) and enter the word “msconfig”.
  2. In the new window, select the “Boot” tab, indicate the desired OS and check the “Safe Mode” checkbox. There are a couple of sub-items here - it is recommended to choose either “minimal” (standard option) or “network” (in this case there will be access to the Internet).
  3. Click “OK” and restart your PC - now it will turn on in safe mode.

When you fix the errors, do not forget to return the computer to normal startup mode! This is done in exactly the same way - using the msconfig utility (only now you need to uncheck the box).

There is a small nuance here: in this way you can enable safe mode in Windows only if your OS boots normally. If you can’t even load the desktop, then use the second method.

Login using F8

This method is suitable for those whose PC or laptop does not turn on (the desktop does not load, the monitor goes dark, etc.). In this case, do the following:

  1. Turn on your PC (or laptop) and immediately press the F8 key repeatedly until a menu appears (in some cases you need to press Shift + F8).
  2. If the Windows logo appears or the screen goes dark, you failed. Wait until the system boots completely, then restart your PC and try again.
  3. When you do everything correctly, a menu will open where you use the arrows to select “Safe Mode” (the best option).

P.S. This method does not work on Windows 10! This function disabled by developers.

Special download options for Windows 10

If Windows starts, then you need to do the following:

What to do if Windows 10 does not start? If the PC boots before the login screen, then “Special boot options” can be opened in another way. To do this, click on the power button icon (in the lower right corner), hold down Shift and select “Restart”.

We use a disk or flash drive

This is the most reliable way boot Windows 10 in safe mode. But in this case, you need a DVD or (they can be recorded on any PC or laptop).

Connect a USB drive or insert a disk, load them (), and then do the following:

  1. After loading, press Shift + F10.
  2. After opening the command line, enter – bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal.
  3. Then close it and restart your PC. It will turn on.

To return the PC to normal startup, enter the following on the command line: bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot.

You can do this in the same way (or as an administrator ) .

You can also enable the mode in Windows 8 in 4 different ways

The first two are described in detail at the beginning of the article. The other two are quite similar to the options that are suitable for Windows 10, but we will still look at them in more detail to make it easier for you to navigate.

Diagnostic tools

So, the first method is to activate the buffer format (only suitable if the OS is working normally). To do this we do the following:

The PC will start in Safe Mode, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

And another simple option for starting safe mode in Windows 8 is by bootable flash drive or DVD with Windows files. The procedure is as follows:

What to do on Windows 7 and XP

You can enter safe mode in Windows 7 or XP using one of the following: universal methods described at the beginning of this article. The first option is suitable in cases where the OS is working normally, and the second option is suitable if the PC or laptop does not turn on.

It is worth noting that the operating system is in no way related to the BIOS. It also doesn’t matter what brand of laptop you have – Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, HP, Acer, LG, etc.

What to do if Safe Mode does not start?

Sometimes a PC or laptop stubbornly refuses to enable safe mode. The reason is trivial - viruses damaged the Windows registry. In such situations, there are only 2 options:

  • restoring PC operation (system rollback to a checkpoint);
  • installation special programs.

The optimal method, of course, would be the first one - restoring the computer from a checkpoint. If you do not have them saved (for example, disabled), then the only option left is to install recovery programs Windows registry. In this case, you can use the free Safe Mode Repair or SafeBootKeyRepair.

Users often encounter a problem when they cannot boot a computer or laptop running Windows 7 not only in normal mode, but also in safe mode. This problem can be caused by a variety of reasons. System and hardware failures often lead to the fact that the operating system cannot boot or spontaneously goes into reboot, or after turning on the PC a blue light appears screen of death. What to do if Windows 7 does not enter safe mode, how to solve this problem and restore your PC's functionality. In this article we will try to solve these problems.

What is safe mode and why is it needed?

Safe mode in Windows OS (Safe Mode) is a special diagnostic mode of operation of the operating system, which is used to identify and eliminate errors in the OS registry. If you run Safe Mode, unnecessary system components will be disabled by default. In other words, when you turn on a computer or laptop with this option, only the most necessary system components of the device and important drivers will be loaded.

If the PC on which Windows 7 is installed encounters any malfunctions after turning it on, you can try starting the device through safe mode with a basic set of services. After the system boots into Safe Mode, the user can perform the same actions as during normal Windows startup 7.

This download method will help detect the presence of virus, adware, and spyware in the system that interfere with the normal functioning of a desktop computer or laptop.

If Windows 7 only boots into safe mode immediately after turning on the PC, this indicates that there is a problem that is preventing the operating system from starting normally. In this case, the reason, as a rule, lies in recently installed software.

To solve the problem, you can try to restore the system. To do this, go to “ Start» - « Control Panel» - « System Restore».

But what to do if a device with Windows 7 not only does not enter safe mode, but does not want to start even in normal mode. Let's try to understand this issue.

Reasons why Windows 7 cannot boot into Safe Mode

As already noted, most often the need to enter safe mode on any version of Windows OS, including the “seven”, is due to the need to scan and check the PC for viruses and the presence of virus software. Of course, if the computer does not turn on normal mode.

Even though Windows 7 is this moment occupies a leading position among all operating systems presented, it cannot be said that this version The OS is the standard of absolute quality. Unfortunately, Windows 7 has many of its own bugs and shortcomings, which affect the stability of your device. Especially if you neglect to install licensed software.

If Windows 7 Safe Mode does not turn on, this problem may be caused by:

  • the presence of viral, potentially dangerous software (viral advertising, software);
  • hardware power failure;
  • file system damage;
  • technical problems.

As a rule, if Windows 7 does not want to turn on in safe mode, according to experts, this problem lies in the presence of “evil” viruses in the registry due to the installation of applications and software from unverified, dubious sources. Most likely, under the influence of modified spyware, the registry branches in the system files that are responsible for entering safe mode were deleted.

How to boot your PC in safe mode

Everyone knows that you can boot your PC in safe mode by pressing the F8 key immediately after turning on the PC. But pressing this key does not always bring up the safe mode menu, which can be caused by a number of problems.

If Windows 7 does not boot in safe mode, there are several ways to fix this problem:

  • reinstalling the OS;
  • changing the system configuration;
  • using the special AVZ utility.

The most radical method is complete OS reinstallation. The only thing worth noting is that this option is only suitable if you have at hand removable media, a distribution kit with this version of the operating system. That is, the one that was already installed on the PC. This will require " System restore point" The most recently saved system restore points will open in a special window when this feature is activated.

It is worth noting that if the system has important files and it is not possible to install the system from the installation disk, this option cannot be called the best solution Problems.

Sometimes, if turning on the computer is impossible in Safe Mode, you can perform the so-called “knurling” ( system rollback) - a process that is identical to a complete reinstallation of the OS, allowing you to save all previously installed important programs, applications, software. If necessary, you can do backup data, important information on PC.

If you completely reinstall the system, you can restore lost registry data using a utility application, namely System Restore. But you need to remember that using this console is not effective in all cases. To ensure that the OS boot option is restored in Safe Mode, we will need a recovery REG file that is fully compliant with this OS.

The best option that will help if Windows 7 does not want to boot or start in safe mode is AVZ utility, which can be downloaded without any problems from the official web portal. In addition to restoring PC functionality this program will help eliminate various threats, malware on your laptop system or personal computer. To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

To boot Windows 7 in safe mode, you can also try change OS configuration. At the same time, the main thing is to avoid mistakes in your actions by adhering to the following sequence:

  1. Go to the menu " Start", click " Execute».
  2. In field " Open"We enter the msconfig command and press the OK button. After which you can see the window that appears “ system configuration", as well as other active tabs at the top.
  3. ", after which the line " Safe mode».
  4. Check the box " Safe mode", confirm the action by pressing OK.

Now you need to restart your PC and check the functioning of safe mode. To do this, during the reboot process, at the very beginning of the system boot, press ". Now you need to re-enter " system configuration» - «» - « Safe mode" Uncheck the box next to “ Safe mode", click OK.

As you can see, if Windows 7 does not boot in safe mode, you can solve this problem using several of the methods presented above. The main thing is to adhere to the established sequence. If the system continues to be unstable, the computer does not boot in safe and normal mode when turned on, the system reboots spontaneously, perhaps the main reason is technical malfunctions. In this case, qualified specialists will help you troubleshoot the problem after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of your laptop or PC.

Video on the topic

Question: Blue screen (I did something in safe mode)

After loading Windows 7 the screen of death appears,
I did something in safe mode, now I can’t install Windows 7, if you know, tell me how to remove the drivers for the video card, I’ve been suffering for a week now

Answer: Well, install the third one, with full formatting system partition

Question: Blue screen on windows 10 pro, at any time

Hello. Today there seems to be a blue screen. I opened the computer to measure something with a ruler. When I finished and started to close the computer lid, I heard a squeak as if I was turning it on. And yes, the computer restarted. As a result, I opened and looked in minidump to see that a blue screen had occurred. Maybe I touched something, or maybe it’s just a coincidence, but please look. Also, somewhere a couple of months ago, a blue screen also happened, but with a different error, although the complaints were all about the same file USBPORT.sys and ntoskrnl.exe, as I understand it, this is the core of the system (photo of the screen itself in the application). When I was running Win 8.1 there were never any blue screens.
Here I posted my minidump and, just in case, a screenshot from bluescreenview in the application

As I found out this driver (USBPORT.sys) uses this device- Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E26 and Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E2D I decided to simply remove it, then after a reboot everything was restored

My hardware:
Intel core i7 2600
Maternal asus board b75m-plus
RAM Kingstone Hyper X 16 GB 2x (1333)
GTX 980Ti
SSD Transcend SSD370S, TS128GSSD370S 128 GB
HHD wd 1Tb
Aerocool 600wt power supply
OC Windows 10 Pro x64 genuine license with all the latest updates
The same latest drivers to the video card, motherboard and other USB things.
Plus I add the DxDiag file
Checking SSD for presence bad sectors and check random access memory memtest gave no results. Everything is perfect. Please look, maybe I'm panicking in vain

Answer: The topic can be closed. The problem was solved after full formatting SSD and subsequent clean installation of the OS. I left the computer for the whole night, and then used it again (the total operating time was about 14 hours) and did not observe any problems. If anything, I’ll just take out the SSD and install the OS on the HDD

Question: Blue screen BCCode: f4. What to do?

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Language code: 1058

BCCode: f4
BCP1: 00000003
BCP2: 877E08D8
BCP3: 877E0A44
BCP4: 8326F3B0
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

I can’t boot Windows in normal mode, only in safe mode. Constantly blue screen. I checked the screw with Victoria and found nothing, tried changing the power supply of the system unit... Dancing with a tambourine does not help. Windows is licensed. Before this, the only problem... the USB was constantly turning off and on. What is the problem? Help!!! In attachments there is a dump of Vila and..


Message from ZaRoZa

USB kept turning off and on

This happens when south bridge bad...

Question: There was a blue screen, now it's gone! The computer just restarts!

Hello everybody! I have such a problem! The blue screen started to appear. Before the screen crashes, an incomprehensible sound occurs in the system unit for a couple of seconds, everything freezes and gradually begins to close the games of the program one by one. After 15-30 seconds the computer reboots

What I did:

1) Opened the system unit and wiped the contacts of the cable that connect the mother to the screw. (Did not help)
2) I ran the screw through Victoria to check for broken sectors of the screw, I’ll attach a screenshot below.

For unknown reasons, the computer now reboots in the same way only without the blue screen.
Tell me what to do? I'm tired of these reboots.

Answer: Yes, and Avast too loading windows. Maybe I didn’t express myself correctly about closing programs. It turns out they start cutting off slowly in the browser, the music goes out, disappears windows panel which is below, error windows for torrent files that are being distributed pop up, if lineage is loaded, it crashes and a window with an error appears. All these glitches occur within 15-20 seconds, then a blue screen. Right now I was just lying on the couch, music was playing quietly, when I heard this sound again from the system unit and again a blue screen with error 0x00000007a, what can I do to solve this problem? (((
This is what the drweb shows: 5 hours ago I scanned it, clicked neutralize, the problem was not solved

Question: A blue screen popped up; before that, sometimes, sometimes once a week, sometimes once every three months it would freeze

Have a good day!
Please tell me what the problem is. A blue screen popped up.
Before this, sometimes (without obvious frequency, sometimes once a week, sometimes once every three months...) two types of freezes occurred: 1. the computer did not respond for about a minute (work was already running programs at the same time continued) and the hdd led lights up without blinking, after which it was released and worked as usual; 2. froze completely (mouse, keyboard - zero response, buzzing in the speakers, which was how it reacted to the freeze if it was not nearby), rebooted with a button and work continued almost from the point of shutdown. The power led does not light up yet (it worked as usual for the first time, at some point it became unstable, after which it stopped lighting up altogether). And today there is a BSOD.
I don’t claim that it’s all connected, but I outlined all the symptoms at the moment.
In the attached archive there is a minidump folder and an AIDA 64 report. I uploaded it separately (the size is too large for an attachment).

Answer: Look in the event log to see what was happening at the time of the freeze.

Question: Windows XP. Blue screen prevents computer from booting

Hi all!

I need help from those who know, as I am faced with a blue screen problem.

Let me start by saying that I used the trial version of Kaspersky 2015. When the 30-day period expired, which was a couple of days ago, I decided to look for new key. Today I deleted the old Kaspersky, downloaded and installed the new one. I entered a new key, the license passed. Checked quick check clear for viruses. Then I launched one of the poker programs, which produced an error, although everything had always been fine with it before. I found out that this happens when installing a new antivirus that blocks the program. I added it to the trust list in Kaspersky - it didn’t help. Then I decided to try another effective method through Start - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore. I set the date yesterday. The computer started to reboot, but failed to turn on. Now, when Windows boots, an automatic reboot is activated and a blue screen appears, preventing you from working in Windows. I tried to log in through "Normal boot" - a blue screen. I tried through "Safe Modes" - blue screen. I also tried it through the “last successful one”. Blue screen everywhere. By holding F8 we were able to find out the STOP number: 0x0000007B (0xF789E524, 0xC000000E, zeros, zeros).

I think it's all because of Kaspersky. The system, apparently, did not accept him. Additional information may also include the fact that the computer has been scanned for viruses. There weren't any. Disk C 14.6 GB; There were 1.7 GB free at the time of the crash. If it were possible to log in using Safe Mode, I think it would be possible to uninstall Kaspersky. Or somehow roll back through system restore. Maybe that's the problem. But the blue screen prevents me from logging in even through safe mode. What to do, please tell me.

Answer: in BIOS Load default, then take boot disk and move in the direction:

Message from I am bad

In Windows XP, simply start the installation, and when you get to the screen shown in the figure below, click

Go through the Recovery procedure.

Question: Blue screen 0x00000018

Good day, gentlemen. The essence of the problem is this: the laptop is not new for a long time. I am attaching information from the BSoD Collector. The story began four months ago. Blue screens of all kinds came up. Since I had no experience in solving such problems (because I don’t know anything about system administration, much less programming), in September the laptop was submitted for diagnostics. It was cleaned, the thermal pads/thermal paste were changed, after which the problems disappeared until the very beginning of December (and the experts said that the hardware was in acceptable condition). Now it's a bit of a mess again. The blue screen appears consistently a couple of times a day. Memtest showed that the RAM is in perfect order, the hard drive is also not bad (there are 3 bad sectors, the rest are still working). Reinstalling the system did not solve the problem, the viruses were found and cleaned by two different antivirus programs to be sure, Aida said that there was no overheating (and the thermal paste couldn’t have dried out so quickly, huh? Considering that the laptop is on a cooling stand). The drivers were checked to the best of our ability according to GOST (that is, according to the instructions in this section), nothing was found. Ccleaner solved the problem for 1 day after cleaning the registry, which did not lead to a fan of all sorts of bsods, but just one with stop 0x00000018 REFERENCE_BY_POINTER, the specific culprit was not indicated on the screen, bluescreenview swears at only one executable: ntoskrnl.exe.

What’s especially confusing is that this evil exe was already in progress before I handed over the laptop for diagnostics. And then either the repair specialists screwed something up with the hardware, or my hands are out of my depth. The second is more likely.

In any case, the question is: what to do?

Do not offer the well-known (and only) help about error 0x18, because I don’t understand a word there.

Answer: In order of updating: a new hdd was installed, so far the flight is normal, Windows Seven was installed without problems. The laptop now thinks a little faster than before, even the evaluation service slightly raised the score (which indirectly confirms Turok123’s assumption, since the new hard drive is almost identical to the old one in terms of parameters, therefore the old one has outlived its usefulness). Thanks for solving the problem)))

Question: Missing operating system windows 7, I miraculously entered safe mode, what can I do?

Good afternoon
(Windows7 full Acer laptop)

Fixed error 0x0000005. I did not find any malicious KBs... and therefore deleted all updates since this error appeared. The laptop didn't work for a long time.
A terrible "Missing operating system" arose.
Miraculously, I managed to enter SAFE MODE. Not by simply pressing F8, but by miracle... somewhere when exiting BIOS by pressing some keys, I cannot repeat this.
I'm copying the information now.
Please tell me what mine should be further actions to restore windows7.
Most likely I deleted it myself boot files. I don't have a disk. But there is another room with Internet access.
There is no way to contact a specialist; I am in the middle of nowhere.
Please, help.

Answer: LiveCD would be nice for you, with a bootloader recovery utility. There are millions of them on the Internet)

Question: BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) during installation NVIDIA drivers

Hi all)
Here's my problem: when installing drivers on the computer's video card. gives BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).
what to do?
Thank you)


Message from Sanya

Well then all that remains is to check by throwing another video camera. If it works, then your earthly life will end.

Everything in this world will come to an end someday)
and what’s there, around the corner)

Question: Blue screen when starting Windows 7

Hello, I have a problem with starting Windows. The fact is that upon startup, a blue screen of death appears and immediately reboots. On a blue screen, STOP error: 0x0000007E (0xc0000005,0x84217328,0x807866c0,0x807862a0). Safe Mode and Last Known Good Configuration also do not start. Installation disk lost. Please help me what can be done

Added after 1 hour 41 minutes
There is an assumption that avast is to blame, but how to remove it?

Answer: Found it here on the site.

The information applies to the following systems:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

"STOP 0x0000007E" Error Message After You Upgrade to Windows XP

After upgrading to Windows XP, you may receive the following stop:
STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x804E518E, 0xFC938104, 0xFC937E04)
Note: The four parameters in this message may vary depending on your system configuration.

This can happen when the system throws an exception that the error handler cannot catch.
This can happen when one of the following statements is true:
Not enough disk space. If the error appeared after the first reboot during Windows installations or immediately after installation has completed, there may not be enough space on your hard drive to run Windows.
BIOS incompatibility. If the error appears after the first restart during Windows installation or immediately after the installation is completed, the BIOS may not be compatible with Windows.
Incompatible video adapter drivers.
Damaged Random Access Memory (RAM).
Damaged hardware driver or system service.
Incompatible third party program remote control. If the error is associated with the Win32k.sys file, it may be due to a third party remote computer management program.
Use one of the suggested methods to resolve this issue:

Method 1:
Make sure there is enough free meta on the disk. Delete unnecessary files from your hard drive: temporary files ( temporary files), temporary Internet files (Internet cache files), backups from programs, .chk files that contain fragments of files from disk scanning. You can also use another HDD with a larger capacity.

Method 2:
Update your BIOS. Contact your motherboard manufacturer for BIOS updates. You can temporarily disable features in the BIOS such as caching or shadowing.
65416 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, A-K
60781 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, L-P
60782 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, Q-Z

Method 3:
Check the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) to find out if your PCI hardware is compatible with Windows XP.
314062 The Latest Windows XP Hardware Compatibility List
Update the latest video adapter drivers. If a driver is listed on the freeze screen, disable or uninstall that driver.
Disable or remove any drivers or services you most recently added. If the error appears during Windows boot and the partition on which the system is installed uses NTFS, you can use Safe mode to rename or remove the faulty driver. If the driver is used as part of the system during boot, you must boot into the Recovery Console to access the file.
If the problem is associated with the Win32k.sys file, the cause of the problem may be a third party remote access program. If such a program is installed, you can remove the service by booting into the Recovery Console and deleting the specific system service file.

Method 4:
If you have the opportunity to boot into Safe mode, remove all drivers that do not have digital signeture. For additional information How to do this, please refer to the article:
316434 HOW TO: Perform Advanced Clean-Boot Troubleshooting in Windows XP

Method 5:
In rare cases, you may identify a faulty third party driver. You can try to solve this problem by moving all third party drivers from WindowsSystem32Drivers to another directory. To do this, boot into the Recovery Console or another Windows installation, if available. Just make sure that the folder you are moving these files to was not created - 8/13/2001. If your computer is running a third party IDE or SCSI controller driver, you must install those drivers and leave them in WindowsSystem32Drivers. Restart your computer and continue with the installation. For more information, how to disable a service that prevents loading Windows, please refer to the following article:
310602 How to Disable a Service or Device that Prevents Windows from Starting

Additional Information
If you receive stop 0x0000007E when you boot your computer for the first time after installation and you did not install any 3rd party drivers during Windows installation, then the problem may be unsupported hardware in Windows XP. And this is precisely because XP is still trying to install its drivers.
If you got this stop after upgrading from Windows 2000 or you just installed new hardware, the problem could be an incompatible driver or the hardware itself. For more information:
315222 A Description of the Safe Boot Mode Options in Windows XP
314058 Description of the Windows XP Recovery Console
308041 Resources for Troubleshooting Startup Problems in Windows XP

Also for additional information you can refer to article 0x0000000A

Yes, this is unpleasant. But not fatal. From the error message it is not clear what the reason is and how to fix it. But nevertheless, there is a sequence of actions and methods that should be performed first, since they are universal and in most cases will help in eliminating a critical error.

Diagnosing the problem

What have you changed lately?

Try to remember what you changed in the computer, its configuration and settings. The most common reason is a recent change in the settings of both the software and hardware of the computer. This may include installing new drivers and receiving OS updates.
The driver is software, which allows the equipment installed on the computer to interact with Windows and work correctly. Hardware manufacturers and driver developers cannot take into account all possible options for possible configurations of both hardware and software of a PC. Therefore, there is a possibility that the installed or updated driver causes a critical error.

Check your computer's internal hardware

In some cases, a bad connection, bad contacts inside the computer can cause a blue screen. Open the case and check all cable connections, make sure all wires are securely fastened, and all existing equipment boards are firmly seated in their connectors.
While checking everything is not difficult for a personal computer, it is more problematic for laptop owners to do this. But you can check HDD and RAM to make sure they are connected correctly. Remove, using a small Phillips screwdriver, removable panels in the back of the laptop, under which the hard drive and RAM are hidden, or plus the motherboard, as in the photo below. Check the tightness of the plug connections.


Check the temperature of the computer: processor, video card, hard drives. Overheating can cause equipment failure. One of the most common overheating problems is an overheating video card. The second most likely culprit could be the processor.
The temperature can be checked in most modern BIOSes or using special programs for Windows such as SpeedFan.

Memory test

A common cause of failures is a faulty RAM stick. When RAM starts to fail, it leads to unstable operation of the system.
You can test your RAM using a program called “Memtest86”. The program is free and free to download. You can run it by burning it to a bootable CD. You need to restart your computer and boot from the disk. Memtest will automatically begin testing your computer's RAM, which may take a long time. We need to wait for the results.

Run the “CHKDSK” function used on the hard drive to scan for errors and fix possible problems. A faulty hard drive can lead to blue screens due to corrupted files. To run CHKDSK, open Computer/My Computer and right-click on the drive you want to scan. Select Properties.
On the Properties screen, select the Tools tab.
Click the Check button in the Error checking section. Your computer will ask you to restart to scan the disk.

One way to determine the cause of the failure is to narrow your search. To do this, you need to turn off everything without which the computer can work, without which it can start. This way, if the error goes away, you will know that the cause is one of the disabled devices.

  • To run a desktop computer you need: a motherboard, hard drive, power supply, RAM, video card and keyboard.
  • If in motherboard There is a video connector, then we connect the monitor to it, and disconnect the external (additional) video card.
  • If you have several RAM sticks, then it is better to leave one of them, then alternate when loading options with different slots in the motherboard and memory dies.
  • If the PC starts without errors, then we try to connect one device at a time and start the system until an error message appears. This will allow you to find out exactly which equipment is causing the failure.
  • Unfortunately, this method is not applicable to laptops; there is no option to turn off devices (at least for a novice user).

BSOD Information

Have time to read the error message

Often the computer will reboot faster than you can read the error message, let alone write anything down. It's all about the Windows OS settings, which are set to automatically reboot.
In order to still read the message, boot into safe mode and uncheck the “ “
In short:

  1. Properties of the system\ Extra options systems
  2. Advanced tab
  3. Uncheck the box Perform automatic reboot

Click the Apply button and reboot the system.

If you can’t boot into safe mode, then you just have time to read the code on the screen (about 1 s)

BSOD code and name

When the blue screen appears in front of you again, you will have plenty of time to study it on the screen, since the computer will now restart only on your initiative.

What exactly is important and needs to be rewritten from the screen is described in detail in this section
The error code always starts with 0x characters
Always located after the STOP phrase:

Then go to the BSOD error description page and enter the recorded code into the search form, you will find a description of the error and possible options elimination.

BSOD solution

If the operating system cannot start, try booting into safe mode.
Safe Mode is a truncated Windows version, in which only the necessary components are left for loading, which in most cases allows you to boot during failures.
To do this, while the computer is booting, press the F8 button until the boot menu appears, in which you must select Safe Mode with loading network drivers.
This will allow you to access Device Manager, drivers, startup.

Run a virus scan

Viruses and others malware may damage Windows files As a result, they can cause system collapse. Always use an antivirus solution. Well, if the computer does not boot, then there are two options:

  1. Use antivirus scanners in safe mode.
  2. use LiveCD (LiveUSB) with an antivirus (this is a boot disk from which you can boot and scan a non-working system on your hard drive with an antivirus). Almost every antivirus manufacturer also distributes a LiveCD version.

Checking the integrity of system files

Using the built-in sfc utility http://site/sfc-exe/ you need to check the integrity of all system files protected by the Windows file protection system.
To do this, run Command Prompt cmd.exe as administrator
Type cmd.exe and press Enter
In the black screen that appears (which is command line) enter sfc.exe /scannow
The system scan will begin and the changed files will be restored from the backup source.

Driver rollback

If the cause of the problem is hardware, the first thing you should try is rolling back the drivers. Especially if before the failure you installed a new piece of hardware or a new driver into the system.
This process will restore more earlier version drivers with which the system worked without failures.

  1. Open Device Manager. To do this, you can press the combination Windows keys+ Pause or by opening the Start menu, right-click on Computer (or on the desktop shortcut called My Computer). Select Properties. Then Device Manager.
  2. Select the hardware whose drivers you want to roll back. It is possible to expand subgroups by clicking on the plus icon. Right-click on the hardware icon and select Properties.
  3. Go to the Driver tab. Select Roll Back and Confirm.
  4. Try rebooting and see if this has any effect on fixing the BSOD

Rollback Windows changes

If rolling back the drivers doesn't help, the next step is rolling back the Windows changes. In other words, this is a rollback to the state of the system when it worked correctly.
In the search bar, enter the phrase Recovery. Open the found program and select the date before the error occurred.
This will restore the state of the computer to the selected date, everything that you installed later or updated, all these changes will be canceled. It’s as if no one simply did them, since we can say that we have returned to the past.

Lack of hard disk space

If Windows runs out of disk space on the system drive (where it is installed) it may cause system errors. Remove unnecessary files and programs with system disk, if the free space on it is less than 15% of the total volume.

System and driver updates

If rolling back drivers and changes does not work, you can try installing new versions of drivers (if they were not installed previously). It is quite possible that the developers have already fixed the error and all that remains is to update.

  1. Click the Start button and type Windows Update in the search bar.
  2. Click check for updates.
  3. Then follow the instructions.

Reinstalling Windows

The last resort that you can resort to if the previous ones did not help is a complete reinstalling Windows.
Make sure that all your important files are saved in a safe place, as the hard drive will be formatted during installation and your data will be lost.

If reinstalling Windows still does not solve the problem and the blue screen still appears, then the reason is still in the hardware. You need to find and replace the faulty part of your computer.

Replacement of faulty equipment.

  • On a laptop, replacing everything except RAM or hard drive can be difficult and expensive.
  • If RAM tests show errors, replace the faulty stick.
  • If your hard drive tests show errors, the first step is to create a backup copy your data and replace with new hard disk.
  • If the fault is in the video card, then replacing it can be expensive. And it is almost impossible to replace it in most laptops. For desktop computers It’s easier to find a working video card, replace it temporarily and see how the system behaves.

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