Skype does not work on windows. Restoring the work of versions of Skype on Windows XP SP2: it is impossible to establish a connection. Internet and networks, computers and programs. Consider the main causes of problems with launching Skype

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Telephony in modern world is one of the most important technologies, and the situation when skype not opening can confuse many users. There can be several reasons for an application to fail - from the program itself to a problem in the operating system. In any case, there is always the opportunity to restore its correct operation.

Skype does not open on a computer due to a variety of reasons - from simple solutions to problems in which you need to reinstall the system. The article does not imply the presence of communication problems in the program, only an error on launch, no response when clicking on a shortcut, or launch with a blank window.

Common causes of failures in Skype:

  • a failure occurred due to user settings;
  • The disruption occurred due to a failure in Internet Explorer, which is responsible for displaying many elements of the program;
  • problem in system settings;
  • driver or program conflict;
  • failure after a program or Windows update.

Before any manipulations, it is worth checking, probably the problem is observed by many users and there are malfunctions on the server. If this is the true reason, it is enough to wait for the program to be restored, the developers are responsible for this.

Crash in Skype settings

Skype won't open, what should I do first? - It is worth checking the serviceability of the program in the field of settings. Sometimes user data creates errors and prevents quality usage.

To fix the problem, you should perform a simple manipulation:

  1. Most often, even an inactive program has a workflow, to close it you should press Ctrl + Alt + Del and go to the “Processes” section. Here it is worth closing the process from the Skype manufacturer.
  2. Now you should press Win + R and enter the text %appdata%\skype and Enter into the line - this command will transfer to the section with user data.
  3. A folder will open in a new window in which you need to find the shared.xml file and delete it.

After deleting the configuration file, a reset should occur and there is a high probability of restoring the program. If the technique did not lead to the expected result, you can use another algorithm, in which the first step is similar, and then it costs:

  1. Win + R paste into the line %appdata%, then press Enter.
  2. In the directory, find the section "Skype" and RMB.
  3. Select the "Rename" option and add any number to the end of the name.

The lack of manipulation in deleting conversations and chats, the program should start as new, although the contacts are stored on the server and, accordingly, will be saved.

Reset system settings and Skype

Developed special programs, which detect and eliminate all temporary and useless files. All actions can be performed manually, but there is a risk of forgetting about some section and this will take a lot of time. Best Program, which will help to cope with this task qualitatively - CCleaner.

Consider the algorithm of actions using CCleaner:

  1. Download the application -
  2. On the first tab "Cleaner" you need to run the verification algorithm using the "Analyze" button, after selecting the applications that you want to check.
  3. After the analysis, you need to click on the "Run Cleaner" button.

  1. A window with a suggestion will appear (it is desirable to do this).
  2. Then go to the "Registry" section and start the registry analysis.

  1. After the search, the number of errors found will be shown and it will be possible to start the elimination of violations.

Performing the manipulation will, in some cases, allow you to restore Skype and speed up the performance of the entire Windows system.

Complete reinstallation of the program

Often Skype is used to restore startup re-installation programs. An important condition for efficiency is complete removal previous version, otherwise the method may be useless. There are special programs for this, for example, iObit Uninstaller.

Complete removal of Skype:

  1. Download the program and then install;
  2. In the main window of the application, find Skype and click on the delete button;

  1. After a standard uninstallation, you will be prompted to remove traces of the application on the PC in all storages, you should agree and create a restore point.

After the procedure, you will need to download the new version of Skype and install it.

Problem in Internet Explorer

A similar problem has existed for a long time, even with the release of version 5.5, when Skype was tied to IE. When you enter the program, authorization occurs, which activates ActiveX and some JavaScript frameworks located in IE. If the browser settings are changed during the manipulation of the user or other programs, Skype may stop working. This error is characterized by difficulties in adding new contacts.

For most popular systems before Windows 8, a special fix can be used, which was made by the developer themselves. For some users, just updating the browser is enough.

Resetting settings in IE helps in many cases, for this you should:

  1. Close all IE windows and other tabs in Explorer.
  2. Restart IE browser.
  3. Using the "Service" section, you should go to the "Properties" item. You can open the window with the section by clicking on the gear.
  4. Next, go to the "Advanced" section and click on "Reset".
  5. It is important to put a highlight next to the “Delete personal data” item: visited pages, cookies, hash, etc.

  1. In the new window, it is worth confirming the action by clicking on the "Reset" button.
  2. After performing the manipulation, close the program.

When the steps are completed, it is worth checking the health of Skype, the program should work again.

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Skype is one of the most popular computer programs among the people. One of those that even people far from the Internet use. In this regard, today there are still many users of such obsolete systems as Windows XP, and therefore there are numerous performance problems, system errors and other problems associated with the obsolescence of the system itself. But this does not mean that you cannot use Skype on Windows XP, you just have to dance a little with a tambourine.

The official site offers you to download the current version of the program. Does it exist old skype for Windows XP? - of course, you just need to select the required version in the appropriate directory. However, it is recommended to download the program only from the official website. Otherwise, you risk running into a pirated build filled with trojans and ads. Is it then possible to install Skype for Windows XP on my own? Yes, and it's very simple.

To download the official application, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the site

  2. Download the program by clicking on the "Download Skype" button.

  3. After the download is complete, double-click on the installer.

  4. In the new window, select "Install".

  5. Read the information and follow the prompts of the Skype installer.

  6. After the installation is complete, log in to your account, or create

Skype for Windows XP downloads and installs within two to three minutes, provided you have access to the Internet. This is a lightweight and easy to use program.

How to run older versions of Skype for Windows

If there are difficulties with starting the program, then you can use the following tips.

First, you need to check compatibility. Windows XP is outdated a long time ago, which means that new versions of Skype may simply not be compatible with your OS version. The problem is solved either by changing the version of the program, or by changing the OS settings (depending on the problems that arise).

Secondly, you need to change the settings. Change the settings in programs that work with Skype. This, in particular, applies to versions of the program after 5.5, when problems with Internet browser explorer.

In this case, the problem is solved as follows:

Thirdly, you can change the settings of the program itself. This is the last chance, in this case, you need to untie Skype from IE. For this:

Having done these simple manipulations, you have untied Skype from the Internet Explorer browser and made it work offline. This is a 90% guarantee of solving problems with older versions of browsers.

Video - Problem signing in to Skype. Internet Explorer version is out of date

How to get Skype working on an old computer

It's no secret that Skype works the same on all devices - a little slow, with long downloads, disconnections and other shortcomings. Despite such a long development, the developers have not been able to revolutionize the performance of their program. However, this only suggests that there will not be much difference between the version of Skype for XP and for Windows 8 in terms of performance.

If you want to know more, you can read an article about it on our portal.

What is convenient for Skype for Windows XP is that in previous iterations you can make video calls on outdated processor models without enabling SSE2.

Important! Therefore, owners of older computers are advised to download previous version programs - 6.1.999.130 - before this version (and all previous ones) of the program, Skype supports video conferencing without SSE2. After - no.

But there is a nuance here: this version is already outdated, so you can't access it directly. However, if you log in to the updated program, and then log in to the old one under the same login, no problems should arise and you will work in the same old version with working video conferencing.

How to do it:

Step 1. It is necessary to uninstall the old version, as well as the entire "% appdata% Skype" folder. But on this moment this is not possible, since the folder will most likely be hidden, and to show it you need to do the following:

Step 2 Download Skype version 6.1.999.130 from a reliable source, install. Do not open the program.

Step 3 Rename the program file from the root folder from just "Skype" to "Skype_6.1.999.130".

Step 4 Right-click on "Skype_6.1.999.130", click "Submit" and select "Desktop". A shortcut will be created on the desktop.

Step 5 Download the new, current version of the program and install. Above is a detailed guide.

Step 6 After downloading the new version, two shortcuts will appear on the desktop: "Skype" and "Skype_6.1.999.130". Everyone launches their own version.

Step 7. Disable auto-start of the updated version of Skype and installation of new updates.

Important! To use two versions of Skype, you must close one version and then start the other version.

Why is Skype not installed?

There may be several reasons why the program refuses to install:

  • disable automatic updates. As a rule, auto-update is enabled in Windows, and Skype is configured to connect with this Windows feature, if the user disables it, some versions of the program may refuse to install, believing that there is no network connection;
  • incorrect network settings. In some cases, the problems lie in the network connection, or in the network settings. In this case, it is recommended to use the version of the program that does not require the Internet - Skype Portable.

Video - Old version of Skype without ads for Windows 7, XP, 8, 10

Do I need to update Skype

In some cases, problems with the program arise due to the fact that the version of the program is simply outdated. Especially often this happens when the program is installed from some ancient pirated disks and portals. How to solve a problem:

Video - Installing Skype on Windows XP

Does it happen? What to do in this case? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. After all, problems with computer software can happen for a variety of reasons. And it is extremely difficult to predict them. No one is immune from the problem under study. As a rule, users usually iterate over everything possible options and try to fix the situation. What could be the reasons that Skype refused to start?

"Curve" installation

The first scenario is far from the most dangerous. This is a wrong app installation. It is after it that Skype does not open. Or it starts to malfunction. This type of initialization is also called "curve". Why is this happening? Even minor failures and malfunctions that occurred during the installation of the application can lead to this problem. As a result, Skype will not start. Or it starts to glitch. Correcting the situation is easy and simple - just remove the program and reinstall it. It is recommended that you do nothing on the computer during initialization. Still not opening Skype? Then the reasons may be different.

old version

For example, in the fact that the user has installed an old version of the application that is no longer working in principle. Usually, only the latest software builds are posted on the official Skype website. Sometimes users use existing installers that were downloaded a long time ago. Hence the problem. As a rule, in this case, the application will issue a warning that it is necessary to update due to the lack of support for the previously installed version of the program. Skype won't open on your computer? What to do? Listen to the recommendations that the operating system will issue and update the application. There are no other options. Optional to install latest version. You just need to pay attention to the fact that the software being initialized is supported in principle.

After update

What else should you pay attention to? Skype is an application that often crashes. And users should know how to deal with this or that problem when they come into contact with the software. Sometimes it happens that the Skype window does not open immediately after the update. Here, users are offered several solutions. Which one will be the most effective, it is impossible to say with certainty.

First, you can simply restart your computer. Sometimes this approach works. Usually, after any initialization or update, it is required to restart the operating system. Secondly, you can try to completely remove the program, then manually reinstall it. Often automatic updates cause crashes in Skype. Therefore, many do not recommend using it too often.

Thirdly, one tricky trick is offered. This is about deleting your account from the application system. Often this step solves the problem with starting the program. Skype not opening? Then you have to find the% Appdata% / Skype folder. There you need to select the folder with the name of the user account and click on the delete button. Now it remains only to run the program and enter your username and password in the appropriate fields.


Skype not opening? Gives an error message? Or the user generally occurs Then you can try to reinstall the driver. Especially if you managed to see what exactly caused the problem. This information encrypted with " blue screen of death".

Reinstalling drivers is the key to success when running most programs. You can simply update to the latest versions. It is also recommended to install or update ActiveX, JavaScript, and DirectX. After that, you can restart your computer (this is important), and then try to start Skype. Most likely, the problem will disappear. Especially if on the "blue screen of death" it was possible to identify the equipment that required "Skype" still does not open? What to do? The most common options are not as many as it seems!


The next cause of the problem is infection operating system viruses. The most common scenario. It is because of some viruses that computer software refuses to work fully. Skype may not start or work intermittently. How to be? It is enough to cure the computer - the problem will go away by herself. You will need to perform a deep check of the system antivirus programs. Then everyone is treated (there is a special button in antiviruses for this purpose). And what cannot be corrected is removed.

Don't forget to scan your computer for spyware. They, too, can sometimes harm the system, and also cause Skype to stop working. By analogy with viruses, spies are removed or dangerous objects are disinfected. Now you can try to launch Skype. It is recommended to reinstall the application. The computer installed the program. Skype won't open? Then you should try another little trick. It does not work as often as we would like, but it is worth considering.


It's about cleaning the system registry. If you do not carry out this procedure from time to time, the operating system will begin to fail. As a result, sooner or later, many programs will refuse to work. And Skype is no exception. It is recommended to use an application called Ccleaner. It will help to automatically check the computer registry, and then clean it of unnecessary accumulated files. After that, try again to launch Skype. You can send the computer to restart after scanning. Usually, after cleaning the system registry, the operation of the operating system is getting better. And "Skype" begins to work in full.


But that's not all. Skype not opening? Gives an error message? If all of the above problems did not occur, then you should make sure that the program is compatible with the operating system. Often Skype refuses to work on Windows 10. You can correct the situation only by reinstalling Windows on a more old version. Fortunately, incompatibility does not often cause Skype to stop working.

Almost all of us have heard about the Skype program - a great tool for communication if you are at a distance from the right person. Over time, Skype began to be used not only in everyday life, but also for work and business.

The popularity of the program is due to its accessibility, simple and accessible interface. Developers regularly release updates and improve their brainchild, based on the complaints and wishes of users. But Skype, like any other software, also has its shortcomings and small errors. For example, some users began to complain that Skype does not start on Windows XP or opens with an error. Why is this happening and what can be done in this case?

Why doesn't Skype work on Windows XP?

You need to start, perhaps, with the fact that Skype officially stopped supporting WindowsXP back in April 2014. Therefore, a huge number of complaints come that users cannot update the program or it does not start at all. Of course, this does not mean that you absolutely cannot run Skype on your Windows XP. If it is extremely important for you to remain a user of this operating system and use the program, it is possible, but you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly configure something, fix errors or reboot. So, Skype does not start on Windows XP, what can be done?

What should I do to make Skype on Windows XP start?

First of all, you should start with banal actions - make sure that you have access to the Internet and the data transfer speed is quite high.

Perhaps Skype does not start for this very reason. Then check the data from your account (the validity of the login and password), maybe there is an error somewhere. After you realize that this is not the case, proceed to the following steps:

  • and all its components;
  • File "%appdata%\skype\shared.xml", check if it exists;
  • Refresh Adobe Flash player;
  • Install Microsoft.NET Framework 4;
  • The video card driver also needs to be updated;
  • Go to the update center and see if all other updates are installed;
  • Install the latest version of Skype.

If the previous manipulations did not give positive results, try to go from the opposite and vice versa to download more

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to quickly launch Skype on a computer. We will learn how to open Skype without the program and talk about how to restore its work.

How to quickly launch skype

First, let me tell you about easy way launch. This is just for those who do not have the time or desire to understand.

If everything is entered correctly, then a full-fledged Skype will open. Here you can chat, call, send video messages. This will happen through your account- just like in a regular program. Those with whom you communicate will not feel the difference.

How to restore the program

I just showed how to log into Skype if it does not open on a computer. In principle, you can stop there, but many still find it more convenient to use regular program. Therefore, next I will show how to restore its work.

Login through the browser is more suitable for temporary use - when you urgently need to open the program, and there is no time to figure out what's what.

Windows 7, 8, 10

Most often, Skype does not open due to the fact that the version of the program on the computer is outdated. This is solved by updating it.

1 . We open the official site

2. Click "Download Skype" and wait until the file is downloaded.

For Windows 8 and 10, installation takes place through the App Store (Microsoft Store).

3 . Open the received file. It is usually located in the Downloads folder.

4 . We install the program.

When finished, a shortcut will appear on the Desktop and in Start.

Windows XP

On a Windows XP computer skype program doesn't work at all. It cannot be installed or updated. This is because XP is an outdated system and is not supported by the developers.

The only option is to use the web version. That is, open Skype in the browser, as I showed in.

But in this case, the program may not start. Then you need to make a special shortcut and open the application only through it. The method works if you Google Chrome or Opera.

1 . Right click on Desktop → New → Shortcut.

2. Paste the following text if you have Google Chrome:

"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" https ://

Or this text if you have Opera:

"C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" -user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" https://web

A new icon will appear on the desktop. This is where you need to open the program. Just close your browser window before launching.

If it does not open after the update

If you have updated Skype and it still won't start, the first thing to do is restart your computer. Did not help? Then follow the further instructions until the program works.

These instructions will help restore the computer version, if it does not open at all - it hangs, crashes. If your problems are related to something else, look for the answer.

Solution 1: Delete the folder

1 . We complete the program. To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager".

In the "Processes" tab, we find in Skype list, and remove the task (complete the process).

If there is no such process, close the window and proceed to the next step.

2. We press the key Windows keyboard() and, without releasing it, on the key with the letter R. A window will open where we insert% appdata% and click "OK".

3 . Delete the Skype folder and try to run the application.

On a note . All your contacts and messages will remain as they are stored on Microsoft servers. So don't worry - nothing will be deleted!

Solution 2: Remove the program

Thus, you will completely remove the program from your computer. Now we clean the registry in CCleaner: Registry → Search for problems → Fix selected. backup before that it is desirable to create.

After that, delete the folder (see) and reinstall Skype (see).

All your contacts and messages are not deleted when you uninstall the program, as they are stored on the Internet - on Microsoft servers.

Solution 3: Reset Internet Explorer preferences

Skype is associated with the Internet Explorer browser. And sometimes she starts to fail precisely because of him. The solution is to reset your browser settings.

  • Windows 7: Start → Control Panel → at the top right, install "Large Icons" → Internet Options → Advanced → Reset.
  • Windows 10: right click on Start → Settings → in the search bar type Browser Properties→ Advanced → Reset.

Solution 4: Disable Antivirus and Firewall

Try disabling your antivirus and running the app. If it opens, then the antivirus is blocking its work. To fix this, add Skype to the exceptions.

The same goes for the firewall: disable and try to run the program. If it works, then you need to add it to the exceptions.

How to turn off the firewall:

  • Windows 7: Start → Control Panel → at the top right, put "Large Icons" → Windows Firewall→ Enable or disable Windows Firewall (left) → disable both.
  • Windows 10: Right click on Start → Settings → Network and Internet → Windows Firewall → turn off in "Domain network" and "Private network".

Solution 5: Label Modification

This is a temporary fix. It does not solve the problem, but simply helps to run the program once.

1 . We close the application (see).

2. We bring the shortcut to the Desktop: Start → Programs → right-click on Skype → or .

3 . Right-click on the shortcut that appears and select Properties.

4 . In the "Object" field on the "Shortcut" tab, add a space and the text /legacylogin at the end of the line and click OK.

Now the program can be opened on the computer, but only through this shortcut.

Other reasons why Skype may not work:

  • Viruses
  • Unstable Internet
  • DirectX Version below 9.0
  • Processor up to 1 GHz, RAM up to 512 MB
  • Problem version of the program

For example, a couple of years ago a new version applications refused to work on some laptops. Over time, the developers solved the problem, but this happened only after a few months.

Other startup issues

The desktop icon has disappeared.

Start → Programs → Skype → right click on the icon → Pin to home screen or Send → Desktop - create shortcut.

The program stopped starting automatically when the computer was turned on.

  1. Open the app.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper left corner of the program (where the username is) and select "Settings".
  3. General → Start Skype automatically.

How to get an answer to your question from an official representative.

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