What updates for installing windows 10. Prohibiting automatic installation of drivers

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The announcement of Windows 10 has turned the world upside down in some ways: getting a new version for the first time operating system from Microsoft was free. But the joy did not last long. As it turned out, new system often conflicted with hardware drivers and collected data about users and computers.

Analysts, market participants, and ordinary users We were very surprised - why would Microsoft give away its OS for free? After all, the cost of maximum versions of previous systems sometimes reached up to $500! Among the main reasons, experts cite, for example, the desire to promote a new platform to the market with new programs and the Windows Store, applications in which Microsoft itself controls - and also collects money itself.

The free upgrade program to "ten" was supposed to last exactly one year after its release on the market, and the period officially expires on July 29. Microsoft has so far promised that the program will actually end and that everyone will then remain on the version of the OS that they originally had.

“My struggle”: how Windows 10 tried to get onto users’ computers

To make our instructions and the steps described in it clearer, we will briefly talk about the history of the latest confrontation between users and Microsoft.

Over the past year, Microsoft has made great efforts to migrate the maximum number of users of current Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 systems to the new version - even those who did not want to. And the transition program to Windows 10 took a lot of blood from people.

First, the GWX.exe (GetWindowsX) utility was installed on the computers of all users with suitable operating systems, which began to irritate them with a constantly popping up window asking them to update. Moreover, GWX is quite well protected from attempts to disable it or remove it from the system.

Gradually, users learned to remove it, removing the KB3035583 update that installed it from the system, and the game began. This update persistently returned to the system - either on its own or through packages with other updates. Microsoft has transferred it from the category of regular ones to security updates that should be installed on the system automatically. In general, “it’s on the door, it’s on the window.” This struggle continues to this day with varying success.

Many users received a system distribution kit of about 4 GB on their hard drive for free, which is hidden in hidden folder, you won't find him that easily. For those who were completely unlucky, it downloaded via cellular networks.

With the final weeks of the "free offer" approaching, Microsoft is likely to go all in. So, it's time to brush up on your knowledge and sharpen your weapon.

The easy way: disabling all updates and third-party utilities

The easiest way to avoid any offers (especially if nothing has arrived on your computer yet) is to disable Windows updates and do not turn them on until July 29. This is the most effective way. In theory, it opens the system to new unknown vulnerabilities, but today such a probability is minimal, especially since home computers are protected by routers. In the vast majority of cases, the user himself downloads and launches the virus.

You can set Windows Update to manual mode and decide for yourself what to install. But then you will have to figure out for yourself what is being installed, know the numbers of “harmful” updates... And there is still a chance to miss the new and well-disguised version of the update offer.

And if you have already received an invitation to update your PC, then you will have to clean your computer.

For the lazy, third-party utilities have already been released that will help get rid of all the mess without headaches. Life found two:

But remember: try them only at your own risk (and better - after you've made a safety copy). Firstly, they are written by enthusiasts, full guarantee correct operation no, i.e. in rare cases they can mess up something in the system.

Secondly, we cannot guarantee that these utilities are virus-free. Moreover, even if the utility itself is “clean,” no one is stopping an attacker from downloading it, integrating a virus into it, and placing it somewhere “in a public place.” Be careful, try to download from known places that check for malware.

The hard way: switch to manual control

All update utilities are delivered to your computer through Windows Update. If you don’t want to disable receiving updates (and if you take your computer out of the house and work through external networks, then disabling them is dangerous) or they have already reached your PC, you will have to clean them. Here is a list of "harmful updates" containing the same GWX utility.

For Windows 7

  • KB3035583
  • KB2952664
  • KB3021917
  • KB2977759
  • KB3083710

For Windows 8

  • KB3035583
  • KB2976978
  • KB3083711

If you removed the packages listed above, but the problem remains, the reason may be in the following updates: KB2990214, KB3014460, KB3083711, KB30383710, KB3035583, KB3021917, KB2977759, KB2976978, 2952664. These were originally released by Microsoft for other purposes, but in In some cases, users report that the company disguised the utility in them.

The first way to remove packages is to go to the update center, find the “harmful” updates listed above by searching among the installed ones (it’s in the right top corner) and delete them from your computer. But this is only the first stage, because after a reboot your computer will definitely try to install them again - after all, Microsoft has carefully transferred them to the status of required (which are called “recommended” there, but are installed in automatic mode). Therefore, after uninstalling and rebooting, you will have to run the search for updates again and, in installation offers, manually mark next to each of the “harmful” updates that you want to hide it. Then it will not install.

However, various cunning people learned how to do this last fall, so today such technology does not always help. But it's worth starting with this.

The second way is to operate through the command line (CMD). You need to run it and enter next line: wusa/uninstall/KB:3035583. And do this with all the numbers from the list above - those that are in the system. And after the reboot, you will also have to go to the update center and mark it as “harmful” so that the system does not install them again.

Next step - We prohibit the system from updating at the registry level.

In 2016, Microsoft released official instructions on how to add a command to the registry that prohibits upgrading to Windows 10. To do this, you need to create a 32-bit DWORD key named DisableOSUpgrade at the following addresses (if the required section does not exist, you need to create it too):

Additionally, you can enter the line: HKLM\ SOFTWARE\ Policies\ Microsoft\ Windows\ Gwx, DWORD value: DisableGwx = 1

And don't forget to reboot the system. All update notifications should disappear.

Now this method works. Previously, it periodically happened that after the next update, a line would mysteriously disappear from the registry, and all the adventures of “Let’s update!” started again.

Covering our tracks

After disabling updates, do not forget to clean your disk. Firstly, Windows leaves copies of update packages, and secondly, you might get lucky and Windows distribution 10 in a hidden folder eats up its 4-5 GB of your disk.

Everything is simple here: the standard Disk Cleanup utility (cleanmgr.exe), which comes with Windows 7 and 8, can remove it. But to do this, it needs to be switched to the mode for removing system updates.

Open the utility and set it to scan drive C. When it displays the results, click on the “Clean up system files” button. It will reboot, re-analyze drive C and show system components in the list for cleaning. Check the boxes for service packs and temporary copies of Windows components.

If you don’t trust the cleaning results or want to do everything yourself, look for a special folder named $WINDOWS.~BT. It takes up 4-6 GB and is located on drive C, but remember - this is a hidden folder, Explorer will not just show it. If you have an alternative file manager who knows how to work with hidden and system files, there will be no problems.

In "Explorer" you need to open the "View" menu, in the old version - "Tools" (if in the old "Explorer" you do not see the main menu at the top, press alt), there find "Folder Options" or "Folder Options", go to "View" tab. Next, look for the item "Show hidden files". Once you turn it on, look at your system disk(C:), the $WINDOWS.~BT folder should appear next to the Prorgam Files, User, Windows folders. You can safely remove it.

Everything for the user, everything for convenience

Now you know how to remove persistent offers to upgrade from the system, you know that you need to carefully study all offers to upgrade and click very carefully, and most importantly, you know that upgrading to Windows 10 can start suddenly.

You need to hold out just a little bit, but the enemy is strong and cunning. If you play it safe, you'll be able to welcome July 29th with your favorite operating system. Otherwise... we always have the option to pull the power cord before the first of August!

How would we like to conclude our guide? "We'll hang in here! We wish you all the best, good mood!" And after July 29, when the free update program is completed, it will be possible to add the final one to Microsoft: “No money!”

Despite the fact that Windows 10 has been on sale for quite some time, it is still considered a “young” operating system. Developers work every day to improve it to make the user experience more comfortable. All changes made, no matter how useful they may be, are carefully packaged and come to the computer in the form of constant updates, so it is so important to know what they contain and how to install them correctly.

Do I need to update Windows 10

The issue of the need for Windows updates has always been acute, and for good reason. There is still no consensus, so in order to decide whether to update the system, it is necessary to consider all the arguments for and against.

Why you shouldn't update Windows 10

The wisdom of updates to the Windows operating system line has always been in question.

If we talk about the operating systems Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, then almost all updates did not bring anything new or made changes to functions that were ordinary users were unclaimed. With the release of Windows 10, this tradition was partially preserved. Most updates to this OS add only new corporate, server and other narrowly focused functions, as well as fix old ones and add new small errors.

Windows 10 updates take a long time to install and require a restart of the computer. There would be nothing wrong with this if they came out less often than once every two weeks. For the most part, Microsoft’s corporate policy is to blame for this frequency, thanks to which everything new is immediately packaged and sent to work without thorough checking and testing.

Windows 10 updates take a very long time to install and at the most inopportune times

Windows 10 doesn't ask users whether they need an update or not, and installs everything automatically when the system reboots. This can catch a user by surprise who decides to quickly reboot the computer. Some Windows 10 updates can take up to two hours to install, depending on your device's specifications. In addition, downloading them can eat up all Internet traffic, and sometimes even computer resources.

Also in Windows 10 there is such a thing as advertising. And on free versions systems, it is often accompanied by the forced installation of unpopular and low-quality software from Microsoft. Updates to advertising services are also included in the general Windows update list.

Why you need to update Windows 10

It is imperative to install the first update immediately after installing the system. The fact is that there are many more varieties of Windows 10 than might seem at first glance.

First, the general non-personalized version of the system is installed. After installing the drivers and the first update, the OS changes to a version that best matches the hardware configuration, which improves the overall Windows performance 10 and its compatibility with the computer.

Now let's talk about the advantages of regularly updating Windows 10. Surely you have heard about the spying functions of this system. In many ways, such services work with a single goal: collecting and sending statistics to the technical support center. This allows developers to monitor Windows operation 10 on different computers and under different conditions in order to regularly improve the system by releasing updates. It is thanks to the active collection of information that some Windows 10 updates are truly valuable and can make the user experience more comfortable.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the security system update. Every second Windows 10 update improves system protection against viruses and other external threats.

Taking into account the high activity of ransomware and cybercrime in recent years, updating security systems is relevant. Even if the computer has good antivirus, which you fully trust, does not provide guaranteed protection against threats that target vulnerabilities in Windows itself.

Windows 10 General Update includes vulnerabilities and security updates

Windows 10 updates are especially important for owners of older hardware. After installing Windows 10, most drivers are downloaded automatically: this process often includes some steps to improve compatibility to further ensure better performance computer. Unfortunately, the Microsoft database is far from complete, which especially affects outdated hardware. But such information is collected very quickly, and with the next update a package may arrive that is intended exclusively for one of the computer components.

All types of Windows 10 updates and misconceptions associated with them

By “updating the operating system”, many users sometimes understand completely different things. To avoid confusion, it’s first worth taking a closer look at a couple of points: what an update is, what it can be, and what it cannot be.

The confusion about the types of updates is quite serious. It arose due to the inaccurate translation of English words into Russian. For example, version - version, edition - version, build - version and the like.

Table: what is called “Windows 10 Update”

Switching to Windows 10 (Version update)This procedure is also often referred to as “Upgrading to Windows 10” or “Windows Upgrade,” which sounds very ambiguous. Switching to Windows 10 means upgrading from Windows 7 (or 8, or 8.1) to Windows 10. This is the only procedure that literally translates as “Version Update”.
Windows 10 also has internal divisions into versions, for example, version 1607. Such versions are updated through Windows Update. In fact, this is an update to the assembly, which is called a version for beauty.
The transition to Windows 10 can be done through the Windows10Upgrade utility, which is described below.
Changing the Windows edition/edition (Edition update)Microsoft also refers to this procedure as "Windows Update". It literally translates as “Edition Update.” Changing the edition implies, for example, upgrading from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional or another “tariff change”.
The article below explains how to do this.
Windows 10 build update (Build update)The correct name for this procedure is “Build Upgrade”. However, when many users say “Updating Windows 10”, this is what they mean, so in the future we will call this procedure that way.
Updating the build means updating Windows 10. The main way is automatic update Windows via Update Center. However, there are others, which will be discussed below.
Windows Additional Resources Update It means everything that is an important application to the system, but is not officially part of it. This includes security features, components, some services, firmware, and more. When Windows 10 says it is updating, in most cases it means updating resources. In Windows 10, it is almost inseparable from a build update, so it should be considered part of the “Windows 10 Update”.

What is meant by “Windows 10 Update”

Windows Update is responsible for updating the system in Windows 10. When it starts, it automatically checks for new assemblies and additional resources, and if anything is found, it begins immediately downloading and installing. There are other ways to start the update, but the procedure itself is always the same.

"Windows 10 Update" is "Windows 10 Build Update" plus "Windows Additional Resources Update". This procedure is indivisible and unique possible option updating your system.

Updating Windows 10 involves updating the operating system and some of its components

There are no update methods

Due to various misconceptions and user memory about Windows 7, you can often find mention of update methods that actually do not exist.

Selective update

Many users mistakenly believe that selective system updates are allowed in Windows 10. Once upon a time there was indeed information that Microsoft would make such an opportunity for owners of the Windows 10 Professional release. However, this idea was not continued, and users are not expected to have any choice in the near future.

All updates for Windows 10 are downloaded in one package, and it is impossible to separate what you need from everything else. There are also no special programs or utilities that allow you to implement this function. And although there are ways that allow you to update the system to a certain version, excluding subsequent ones, you will not be able to choose what to install from this update and what not.

All updates for Windows 10 are packaged in one package that cannot be separated in any way

Manual update

Manual updating of Windows 10 can be considered synonymous with selective updating: that’s exactly what it means. Windows 10 only has automatic updates, which you can run manually. It’s just that it either starts itself or at the user’s request, and Windows 10 always updates the same way.

A manual update can be referred to as an offline update via an MSU file downloaded from the Microsoft Update Catalog

Upgrade to Game Mode

Game mode is enabled in the settings:

  1. Click on the Start button and click on the gear icon to open Settings.

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to open "Settings"

  2. In the window that appears, click on “Games”.

    In the window that appears, click on “Games”

  3. On the left side of the window, click on “Game Mode” and activate the single switch.

    On the left side of the window, click on “Game Mode” and activate the only switch

If game mode you won’t have it in your settings, just update the system using any of the suggested methods and try again.

Installing a specific update

It is recommended to download only the latest Windows 10 update, which is what the system itself does. Any update package is installed completely and includes changes to all previous OS updates. You won't be able to skip any specific update.

Update packages include changes from all previous ones, unless they have been excluded by newer ones. Also, if problems arise after updating to the latest version, you can update to any previous version. How to do this is described in the chapter “Updating to a specific version”. However, remember that any subsequent update of the system will return all changes.

How much do updates weigh and how long does installation take?

The Update Center downloads only the latest update, which is enough to keep the operating system up to date. Several packages are downloaded simultaneously only if the internal version of Windows 10 is changed. In this case, their weight is summed up. The updates themselves do not accumulate in any way, but simply replace each other. Their sizes are approximately 500 MB for x86 systems and 1 GB for x64.

After applying the changes, the update package itself is removed, but the amount of free space on your hard drive will change:

  • the size of the operating system can change up or down within 1 GB (the weight of the update itself does not affect this);
  • The update cache will remain on drive C, which weighs 50–80% of the update itself.

The update cache is designed to restore the system in case of failure. Usually it is deleted on its own after some time if there is not enough free space on the disk. The update cache is located at C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\. This is the only trace left. To remove it, you need to disable Update Center and start the system in safe mode. How to do both is written in the chapter “How to stop updating Windows 10”.

Deleting the update cache will not harm the system in any way

The time it will take for the system to update is difficult to predict, since it depends on the capabilities of the computer and Internet speed. The update may take from 15 minutes to two hours.

If you run the update check yourself, the weight of the update will be shown before it starts downloading. If the system starts the process itself, and there is little space on the computer, it will notify the user about this. The table below shows the sizes of the latest update packages for all internal versions of Windows 10 that the system will download.

Table: weight of the latest Windows 10 update packages

Windows 10 versionUpdate packageWeight for x86, MBWeight for x64, MB
1703 KB4034674498,1 862,2
1607 KB4039396612,8 1150,8
1511 KB4034660577,5 1092,9
First version of Windows 10KB4034668450,5 852

How to update Windows 10

Typically, Windows 10 updates are launched without the user's knowledge. Either the system receives a message about the appearance of something new, or it checks for updates using a timer on its own. If information about the availability of updates is confirmed, their background download will begin, and the user will learn about this only after the computer is rebooted.

However, you can request to check for updates yourself.

Basic method

The easiest way to run the scan is through Windows Update, which is located in the Settings window.

  1. Click on the “Start” button and open “Settings” by clicking on the gear icon.

    Click on the “Start” button and open “Settings” by clicking on the gear

  2. In the window that opens, click on “Update and Security”.

    In the window that opens, click on “Update and Security”

  3. Click on the "Check for updates" button.

    Click on the "Check for updates" button

Video: How to check for updates in Windows 10

Via “Command Line” (forced)

Checking for updates may be disabled through various system settings. If this is the case, you will not be able to update using the general method. In this case, you should use the “Command Line” to force the search for updates to begin.

Through utilities

Windows 10 can also be updated via special programs designed specifically for this purpose.

The utilities will not provide any special features. They do not contain the updates themselves, but only redirect the system to the Microsoft server to search for them.

Both applications described below are located on the official Microsoft website in the “Downloads” section software».

Utilities for updating Windows 10 can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website

Media Creation Tool

Windows10Upgrade (+ transition to Windows 10)

Here everything is even simpler, since you only have to press one button in the application itself, but it will be installed on your computer. It also allows you to upgrade to Windows 10 from version 8.1 and earlier.

Download the application from the official Microsoft website, run it as an administrator and click “Update now”.

Run Windows10Upgrade as an administrator and click "Upgrade Now"

Updating to a specific version

These methods can also be considered as updating without an internet connection. They differ from the previous ones in that now the search for the current version of Windows 10 will be carried out not on the Microsoft server, but on a Windows 10 image or a special file.

Via ISO image

Video: how to download the official Windows 10 image

Via CAB or MSU file

Files with the CAB and MSU format are special Windows 10 updates that are designed to update systems that do not have access to the Internet. You can download them from the official Microsoft website. Update files should open like regular .exe files, but if this does not happen, they can be launched via the Command Prompt.

Launch Command Prompt as an administrator and enter one of the following commands:

Changing Windows 10 edition (without reinstallation and data loss)

Changing the edition of Windows 10 is only possible to a more “expensive” version of the system. If you want, for example, to change Enterprise to Professional, only complete reinstallation systems: Enterprise - the most expensive edition. But from the Home version the transition is more than possible.

  1. Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Settings".

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Settings"

  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Update and Security” section.

    Click on the "Update and Security" section

  3. On the left side of the window, select Activation and click Change Product Key.

    Select the Activation tab and click Change Product Key

  4. Enter one of the following keys (the keys are conditional: they allow you to change the version, but do not activate it):
  5. If the update does not start automatically, select Windows Update on the left side of the window and click Check for Updates.

    Select the "Winodws Update" tab and click "Check for updates"

How to stop updating Windows 10

If you urgently need to interrupt a Windows 10 update that has started, quickly disconnect your Internet connection. Now you need to launch Command Prompt as an administrator and enter the following commands one by one: net stop wuauserv, net stop bits and net stop dosvc.

Open the "Start" menu, enter "cmd" in the search, click on " Command line» right-click and select “Run as administrator”

If you want to prevent downloading updates, the easiest way to do this is through services.

  1. Open the Start menu, enter “services.msc” and run the found utility.

    Go to "Options"

  2. Go to the "Update and Security" section.

    Open the "Update and Security" section

  3. Expand the Troubleshooting tab and select your problem. The system will give you further instructions itself.

    Expand the Troubleshooting tab and select your problem

Regularly updating Windows 10 is a useful thing, but not always convenient. However, periodic updates for this system are almost vital. It’s better to endure an hour-long system update once again than to try to deal with more serious computer problems later.

As you well know, Windows 10 periodically downloads and installs some updates. In theory, they should improve the functionality of the OS and eliminate existing errors, but in reality, installing such patches on the system often leads to new problems: sound disappears, when loading blue screen, devices fall off, etc.

The most The best decision in this situation, in my opinion, disable the automatic update of the dozens once and for all and manually choose what to install and what not. For example, a week after the rollout of a patch, check reviews about it on the Internet (whether its installation by other users led to any problems), and, if everything is in order, download it and install it.

Some people recommend blocking updates through services, others through editing the registry, editor group policies etc. All this is unnecessary and requires too many body movements. There is a much simpler and effective method, which I will talk about now.

To implement this task we will need two small but extremely useful free programs.

Win Update Stop - cancel updates

The Win Update Stop program, by pressing just one button, permanently disables downloading and installing Windows 10 updates. By the way, it works great on other versions of the OS: XP, 7, 8, 10.

You can download it from this link from the official website of the developer: https://www.novirusthanks.org/products/win-update-stop/

After installing and launching the program, click the Disable button - this will disable Windows check updates. We check that the changes have worked successfully: go to the Update Center and click the button to check their availability. We get this picture:

Accordingly, if you suddenly decide to return everything to its previous original state, run the program again and press the Enable button this time.

So, we have removed the function of searching and installing updates. Now we’ll make it so that we decide for ourselves which updates to download and which not, and when to install them. For this we need the following free program—Tamed Windows Update.

Tamed Windows Update – selective Windows 10 update

Download the program and launch it. Click the Search For Updates button - it will scan the patches already installed in Windows and show a list of those that are available for installation.

You can see details about each update: release date, size, category, degree of importance (critical, important, recommended).

Check the boxes for the patches you want to download and install, and click Download & Install Updates.

Friends, like this in a simple way, with the help of two small programs, one of which needs to be run on the system only once, you will get full control over Windows 10 Update and will be able to independently choose which updates to install and at what time, and which ones it is better to abandon altogether. Good luck!

This page should answer any question you might have about upgrading to Windows 10. Many of you have written to us asking about the process and the need for the upgrade, and I hope this page helps answer all of those questions.

Oh, and by the way, since this is quite a long list of questions, we want to offer you this option. If you would like to receive this help in a nicely formatted PDF document, which you can read offline, then simply share this page and a link to download the PDF file will appear.


Question: What is Windows 10?
Windows 10 is the successor to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1

Question: Is the free upgrade to Windows 10 still available?
No, the free upgrade offer to Windows 10 ended on July 29, 2016.

Question: What are the equipment requirements for the operating room? Windows systems 10?

  • processor with clock frequency 1 GHz and above;
  • RAM - 1 GB for the 32-bit version or 2 GB for the 64-bit version of the system;
  • free hard disk space - 16 GB (32-bit version) or 20 GB (64-bit version);
  • graphics card supporting: Microsoft DirectX 9 with WDDM driver.
  • Internet access and the ability to work with account Microsoft.

Question: Can I transfer my Windows 10 installation to another computer after receiving the free upgrade?

Question: How many versions of Windows 10 are there?
Microsoft announced in May 2015. All publications have common features, but are sold and distributed differently depending on the type of device they are intended for.

There are two and only two editions of Windows 10 to install on new PCs:

  1. Windows 10 Home- cheaper option. It includes a set Windows functions 10, except those for the Pro version. Manufacturers computer equipment installing Windows 10 Home on devices that target cost-conscious consumers and small business markets.
  2. Windows 10 Pro (Professional) designed for devices over High Quality and higher specification business class. It costs more, but also includes a group of functions for enthusiasts, professionals and anyone involved in online business who will appreciate: Hyper-V visualization, BitLocker encryption, the ability to configure a computer as a “Remote Desktop” server, and It is also possible to join a Windows domain or register in Azure Active Directory.

Question: How do I activate my copy of Windows 10?
When upgrading over an existing, activated copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, the installer checks Current state activation.

If it determines that the installation is activated correctly, the program reports the information to the Microsoft Store and generates a license certificate that is associated with that hardware (account Microsoft entry not required for this step).

The automatic activation process is also identical if you use ISO file to run the update or did it from the downloaded update files.

Once the first activation is completed, you can perform a clean installation of the operating system on the same hardware using an ISO file that has the product key embedded in it.

As long as the hardware identification number (ID) matches the computer's previous configuration, the installation is activated automatically (Microsoft does not provide details about what information is written to the hardware ID, other than to confirm that it does not contain personal information and not used for surveillance).

The watermark on the desktop reflects the build number of pre-release versions. Activated builds that are not part of the Insider Preview program do not have a watermark. If you perform a clean install using the same Windows version 10, which was previously activated on a computer or other device, you can skip the step of entering the key. Windows 10 will automatically activate after installation is complete.

For other options, you can enter the product key according to the version of Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1, or for Windows 10, which is automatically activated after installation is complete.

Question: I heard that after a year of installing the free upgrade to Windows 10, Microsoft will start charging for subscriptions. This is true?
No it is not true. The upgrade to Windows 10 was available for a year. There are no pitfalls or surprises for those who updated during this period and there will not be any. For those who managed to update before July 29, the subscription will remain free until the end of the operational period of your equipment.

Question: Will the copy of Windows 10 I received remain free for me forever?
No, after your hardware becomes unusable, you will need to purchase a new license for your new computer. But this does not mean that you cannot change a single part of your computer. .

All Windows devices 10 will continue to receive updates "to maintain the lifespan of the device." What does it mean? At some point in the future, your hardware will no longer be able to respond technical specifications new release of Windows and then updates will stop. But as long as your device can receive updates, it will receive them.

Question: What happens if I run Windows 10 Enterprise?
All products that are processed within a separate license agreement companies and Microsoft do not qualify as Windows Home (Pro) users.

Question: Where is the version of Windows 10 Enterprise?
The Windows Enterprise version is available for upgrade through the Volume Licensing program " Service center" The Enterprise Edition is also available in a time-limited evaluation edition to anyone with a current MSDN subscription. MSDN subscribers can also find tested and development versions intended for developers on the download page.

Question: How many devices have upgraded to Windows 10?
At the time of writing (September 2016) - about 350 million devices.

Question: Has Windows 10 been thoroughly tested?
More than 100 million users have checked the operating system and pointed to Microsoft errors through feedback. Windows 10 testing is the largest testing in the world. In addition, Windows 10 is constantly updated and becomes more stable every day.

Question: How to get Windows 10?
Windows 10 will continue to be available for purchase, either on-device or as full software. You can buy Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store.

Question: Can I still agree to the offer of a free update if I have already created but not yet upgraded the system?
All updates must be completed and reach the Welcome screen by 11:59 pm on July 29 in Hawaii time zone (UTC-10).

Question: I was told that Windows 10 is spying on me. This is true?
Like all modern operating systems, Windows 10 uses the Internet to provide services and collects statistics about crashes and errors to further diagnose problems.

Windows also uses an anonymous ID to track applications: which applications you install and how often you use them. Collectively, this information is called telemetry.

However, the company does not collect your personal information other than what is stated in your privacy statement. Also, Microsoft does not scan files on hard drives, but only indexes the content so that they can be searched locally on the computer. Windows 10 is also not equipped with a keylogger.

As part of the Windows as a Service model, Microsoft has developed information sharing in Windows 10 to improve product quality.

Additionally, Windows 10 integrates online services such as Cortana and OneDrive to:

  • save and synchronize personal settings;
  • create personalized dictionaries using speech and keyboard input.

All of these settings can be customized using the privacy settings in Windows 10.

Question: Is Windows 10 telemetry a threat to your privacy?
No, Microsoft is not spying on you. If you're worried about telemetry being enabled, you can.

Question: Is it true that updates are installed automatically?
Yes, in Windows 10 Home there is no way to choose which updates to install. You can schedule the time when updates will be installed and then restart Windows (you can postpone the update for 6 days).

Note! Security updates and new features are included in cumulative updates.

If you are restoring Windows 10 from media that contains an old ISO file, you only need to install the most recent cumulative update. As a result of this, you will receive Windows 10 in a completely up-to-date state.

Those who use Windows Update for Business and administrators of systems running under Windows control 10 Pro, Enterprise and Education may delay the upgrade for up to eight months.

Clients with license agreement By using the Enterprise version, which includes the software, you can install it on your computers, which only receives security updates, without introducing new features.

Question: Are ISO files available for the latest version of Windows 10?
Yes. Take advantage free tool Media Creation Tool to download installation files as an ISO file. Also, you can immediately write down the installation Windows files 10 directly to a USB flash drive.

To open the contents of an ISO file:

  1. In Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 - right-click on the file and select “Open with” - “Explorer”.
  2. On Windows 7 - Third party software is required to mount ISO files.

The ISO file contains installation files for Windows 10 Home and Pro versions.

You can choose a 32-bit or 64-bit installer, or download a larger file that contains both.

Question: Will the Media Creation Tool be available for customers who want to download Windows 10 on installation disk?
Yes, the Media Creation Tool is available for customers who wish to install Windows 10. You can download it from this link.

If you are installing Windows 10 for the first time, then you will need to enter a valid Windows 10 product key or purchase full version Windows 10 during installation.

Question: What should I do if I previously installed Windows 10 on my computer?
If you previously installed Windows 10 on your device, you must have a digital license. When you install, Windows 10 is automatically activated without entering a product key.

Question: Windows 10 has been completely updated. Can I delete installation files?
I recommend that you do not delete the installation files yet. If there is not enough disk space, then you can delete them.

The Windows.old folder contains the files that are needed to roll back to the previous version. It deletes itself automatically after 30 days. But you can do it manually. .

Setup files Windows 10 are located in the hidden folder $WINDOWS.~BT located on the C drive. These files will be useful if you need to do a reset or if you are testing Insider builds and need to roll back to a previous version.

The files can be deleted using Disk Cleanup, but we recommend that you keep the files. They can help you.

Question: How to reinstall Windows 10 on a computer?
After upgrading to Windows 10, you can reinstall or perform a clean installation of the system on the same device. You don't need a product key to Windows activation 10 on the same computer.

Question: How long will it take to upgrade my PC to Windows 10?
This depends on the quality and age of the component of your PC on which Windows 10 is installed. For most devices, installation takes about an hour.

Question: How can I free up space for the update?
If you don't have space on your hard drive, try deleting files or apps you don't use. You can also perform a disk cleanup to free up space.

Devices with hard drives 32 GB or older with full disk space will require additional disk space to complete the update.

Question: What should I do if I have an external HDD?
During the update, the installer may ask you to free up space on your device or to connect an external hard drive with enough free space to continue the update.

If you connected an external hard drive, make sure you always have it handy after the update. Perhaps the files recorded on it will be needed to restore OS settings.

Question: I need to remove some of my applications during the update, what should I do?
Some applications need to be uninstalled because they may cause problems with the update. You can reinstall the apps you need after the Windows 10 update is complete. Some apps that have compatibility issues with Windows 10 will need to be removed completely.

Question: Can I change the operating system language after updating?
Yes, sure. To change, you need to select the language you need and add it to the system. Then it will switch to a new one.

To add new language go to “Options” - “Time and language” - “Region and language” - “Add a language”.

To switch, click on the added language and select “Use as primary language.”

Question: Is Windows Media Center available on Windows 10?
Once the update is complete, you will not be able to install Windows Media Center.

No, Windows Media Center is not part of Windows 10 and will be removed during the upgrade.

Question: Can I go back (roll back) to my previous operating system?
It's possible. There are several ways to go back to a previous version of Windows:

You can rollback by going to “Settings” - “Update and Security” - “Recovery”. Your ability to rollback will depend on what version of Windows 10 your computer is running.

For example, if your computer is running Windows 10 version 1511, then you have a month to revert to the previous version of the operating system. If your computer is running Windows 10 version 1607, you have 10 days. To find out what version of Windows 10 you have, click Start - Settings - System - About. If you did a clean installation of Windows 10 or deleted the Windows.old folder, a rollback is not possible.

You can perform a factory reset if your PC manufacturer provides this option. Alternatively, if such a feature is missing, you can use installation media and product key to install more earlier version Windows.

Question: What should I do if my computer crashes? What happens then with my update?
If your PC's hardware fails during the one-year free upgrade, the next PC you buy with Windows 7, 8 can be upgraded to Windows 10 again for free.

If your hardware fails after a year of free upgrade, you will have to purchase a Windows 10 license again. Upgrading to Windows 10 from previous Windows will cost a fee.

Question: I have OEM Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit installed. Will I be able to upgrade to Windows 10?
Theoretically yes, but Microsoft hasn't said what it plans to do with the OEM versions, which are intended for smaller PC makers but have also been purchased by users.

Most likely, you will get the opportunity to upgrade, but only to the Windows 10 Home or Pro edition, regardless of whether you have “Ultimate” or any other.

Question: Can I just go to the store and buy a Windows 10 license?
Sure you can. Windows 10 can be purchased.

Question: I work with software and hardware that was developed for Windows 7/8.1. Should I upgrade to Windows 10?
If you are working with any non-standard hardware or software, you may have to hold off on installing Windows 10.

To find out if you should upgrade:

  • Go to your vendor's website and check if your hardware or software is compatible with Windows 10.
  • Make sure you have the latest drivers for your hardware or software to avoid crashes in Windows 10.

Question: What volume? random access memory Enough to upgrade to Windows 10?
Microsoft says Windows 10 32-bit will run at 1GB; 64-bit version - with 2 GB.

If you're running Windows 7 64-bit and have 3GB of RAM, Windows 10 64-bit should perform slightly better. To support more than 4 GB you will need the 64-bit version.

Question: Is upgrading to Windows 10 the same as my current edition of the operating system?
If you have the Home version, you will get Windows 10 Home. If you have the Pro version - Windows 10 Pro.

Microsoft always analyzes editions of previous Windows and updates to ones similar to Windows 10 where possible. Users who use Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows 7 Ultimate will receive an upgrade to Windows 10 Pro. Windows 10 Ultimate does not exist.

Question: Will I be able to upgrade from Windows 8.1 32-bit to Windows 10 64-bit?
Of course not. If you will be updating the 32-bit version previous Windows, then it will only be updated to 32-bit Windows 10. The old 64-bit version of Windows will be updated to 64-bit Windows 10.

To install the 64-bit version instead of the 32-bit version (or vice versa), perform a clean installation of Windows 10 with formatting the system partition.

Question: Can I go back to an older version of Windows? If I install Windows 10 and don't like it, can I go back to my Windows 7 or 8?
Yes - Microsoft allows you to roll back to a previous version of the operating system.

Also, it is advisable to make a data recovery media (Recovery Media) of the old operating system, so that returning to the previous version depends not only on the “rollback” function.

Question: I have extremely important applications for my business installed on my PC. I'm nervous about the update, what if something goes wrong?
Don't install Windows 10 when you're not comfortable. If your apps impact your business, wait until the developers have fully polished them and tested them on Windows 10. Only install the new operating system when you're ready. No one is forcing you to do this right now!

Question: What will happen to the Windows Insider program?
It continues. Microsoft values ​​the Windows Insider program and will provide Insiders with information about the latest Windows 10 builds and updates.

Question: Will this copy of Windows 10 RTM that I upgraded to through the Windows Insider program be a genuine copy of Windows 10?
No, it will not.

Q: If I want to continue to be a Windows Insider, can I install the current Windows 10 Preview build and continue to use my Microsoft account to still be able to upgrade to Windows 10 RTM as of July 29?
Yes you can.

Q: Can I continue to receive new versions of Windows 10 after July 29 if I choose to remain an Insider?
Yes you can.

Question: Will the builds ever end?
Yes, they will end.

Q: If I want to upgrade a Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 PC on July 29th that is not part of the Insider program, must I enroll before July 29th, or can I enroll after that date?
The Windows Insider program continues to operate after its release on July 29. If you would like to take part, you can still register after July 29th.

Question: I signed up for the Windows Insider program before July 29, 2015 and installed every release build (RTM), which means I can upgrade to Windows 10 RTM. But can I do a clean install of Windows after updating?
Yes, users Windows programs Insiders can perform a clean installation of any tested build of Windows 10 even after the release version of Windows 10 is released. The RTM version that Insiders receive will be the same as everyone else.

Question: If I opted out of the Windows Insider program before July 29, 2016, can I still use the free Windows upgrade if I had a genuine copy of Windows 7 (with Service Pack 1) or Windows 8 (with Windows 8.1 Update) installed on my PC before? how did I use it for the Insider program?
Yes you can.

Question: If I opt out of the Windows Insider program after July 30, 2016, I will need to purchase a new license for Windows 10 if I had a genuine copy of Windows 7 (with Service Pack 1) or Windows 8 (with Windows 8.1 Update) installed on my PC. before I used it for the Insider program?
Yes, you need to buy it.

Question: I have a laptop with licensed Windows 7 Ultimate, which is installed on it. I want to upgrade this laptop to Windows 10. But also after the upgrade, I would like to use the license and install Windows 7 Ultimate OS along with Windows XP as virtual operating systems (with VirtualBox help) for demonstration purposes. I can do it?
No. Since you are using a Windows 7 Ultimate license as the basis for upgrading to Windows 10, then Windows license 7 will be tied to this laptop and cannot be moved.

Question: I have Windows 8.1 with a built-in key (Windows 8.1 Embedded). If I upgrade to Windows 10, will the key change and no longer work on Windows 8.1?
No, the key will work if you decide to roll back to Windows 8.1. Remember that the key is only for this device and cannot be moved to another.

Question: If I have Windows 8.1 and upgrade now to Windows 10, can I, say, 16 months later upgrade to Windows 8.1? And after a couple of months, go back to Windows 10?
Yes, yes and yes again! Although it’s hard to imagine what conditions will force you to come back and reinstall different operating systems on the same device.

To the first “yes”: you can roll back to Windows 8.1 only in the first 30 days. In the future, you will only have to install Windows 8.1 again.

To the second yes: if you upgrade your device to Windows 10, it will be free for the first 12 months for the life of that device, so you can install Windows 10 on that device at any time.

Question: Is it true that a free upgrade to Windows 10 retains the properties of the license that was on updated Windows 7 or 8.1 system? Meaning that when I upgraded my OEM system with the free upgrade to Windows 10, it is still licensed as an OEM system?
Yes, licensed as an OEM system.

Question: I have a genuine copy of Windows 7 Professional on my laptop. I've never installed builds of Windows 10. Can I do a clean install of Windows 10 instead of upgrading? Or does it depend on whether I have an OEM license or a retail copy? Are there any problems if I do a clean install first?
Yes, a clean installation is immediately possible. Microsoft has stated that a clean installation will be possible on a retail or genuine OEM copy of the system.

Question: If I built my own computer and purchased an OEM license, will my OEM license apply to a Windows 10 upgrade I make after July 29, 2015?

Question: Can I use an OEM license to upgrade another computer to Windows 10? No

Question: My SMB has OEM Windows 7 Pro licenses that I received along with the computers. These computers are joined to a domain. Can my cars get a free update? And if so, how?
Yes. OEM licenses are eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 10. You need to download the ISO file to install and upgrade operating systems, as domain-joined machines will not see the Get Windows 10 app.

Question: If I'm upgrading OEM-licensed machines to Windows 10 (Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 or Windows 8 with Windows 8.1 Update), can I upgrade my PCs' hardware a few months after installing Windows? Do Windows 7/Windows 8.1 OEM upgrade policies apply?
Yes. The same algorithm will be used to determine which hardware has changed. After changing components, it will indicate whether you need to repurchase a license for the operating system. Some hardware changes will not cause activation problems.

Question: If I upgraded from a genuine installed version Windows 7 (with Service Pack 1) or Windows 8 (with Windows 8.1 Update) to the final version of Windows 10 at any time during the first year, can I reinstall Windows 10?

Question: Can I do a clean install of Windows 10 if I have a genuine version of Windows 7 (with Service Pack 1) or Windows 8 (with Windows 8.1 Update)?
Yes. Question: If I upgraded from a non-genuine Windows 7 (with Service Pack 1) or Windows 8 (with Windows 8.1 Update) to the final version of Windows 10 at any time during the first year, would I receive a genuine copy of Windows 10?
Q: Do I need to use a Microsoft account to upgrade from Windows 7 (with Service Pack 1) or Windows 8 (with Windows 8.1 Update) to Windows 10?

Question: I understand how my Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) Pro computers will be upgraded to Windows 10 (I have reserved the upgrade). Do I need a Microsoft account to purchase? Windows keys 10 in the Microsoft store (for the future), or can I skip the MS account?
We do not know. Microsoft hasn't confirmed how they will track activations moving forward. When they do, we'll let you know.

Major updates for Windows 10, unlike previous versions This OS no longer carries “boring” designations like Service Pack 1 - each of them gets its own name. Thus, the first update, to version 1511, was called the November Update (after the month in which it was released), the second update, 1607, was called the Anniversary Update (in honor of the anniversary of the release of Windows 10). And now the time has come for the next, third update. Here Microsoft moved away from the practice of linking to anniversary dates (or perhaps there was simply no suitable calendar day at hand), and version 1703 was named Creators Update(“update for designers” in the Russian version) - because this update focuses on content creation and gaming capabilities of the system.

How to get a?

Starting April 11, Windows 10 Creators Update should be available as a regular update via Windows Update for everyone Windows users. If it does not download automatically, you can install it manually: as of April 5, proprietary Windows utility 10 Update Assistant (“Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant”), available on the official website (downloaded from the first link, Update now), allowed you to update the system to version 1703. Depending on the Internet connection and the specific PC configuration, the update procedure may take an hour or even more, so before starting it is better to make sure that you will not need a computer in the near future. Another option is to install the latest version of Windows 10 “cleanly”, from scratch. To do this, you will need to download the Media Creation Tool utility (available on the same official page, but via the second link, Download tool now) and use it to either update the current system or create bootable media to install Windows 10 on another PC.

Start Menu

Microsoft continues to “finish” a new version of the “Start” menu: now application tiles can be combined into folders (to do this, just drag one tile over another) - it looks like a tile, inside of which small icons of the programs located in it are drawn. True, for now this function seems somewhat crude - you cannot assign a name to such a folder, and opening it at first causes confusion (all the applications contained in the folder “fall out” into the ribbon below it in the form of a whole block of tiles).

Next, if you use only tiles in this menu, and the list installed applications you are not interested in, you can now hide it using the corresponding option in “Settings” (“Personalization” - “Start”). As a result, the menu will look much more compact, and the list of applications can always be called up using the corresponding button in the upper left corner.

Considering that the desired program can still be found by simply starting to type its name; such a compact version of the main menu has a right to life.

Microsoft Edge

The company continues to develop its browser, gradually adding new functionality to it (for example, in the summer of 2016, in the Anniversary Update, Edge already received support for third-party extensions). In Creators Update Microsoft Edge it became possible to save all the tabs of the current session (two buttons in the upper left corner): in addition to its main task (postponing reading of currently open tabs for the future), this function can also be used to restore order in the tab bar if you are used to keeping several dozen open sites at a time. It is worth noting that the tabs saved in the sidebar are not kept in memory - when such a session is called, all sites are loaded anew.

In addition, another tool has appeared for working with tabs – the thumbnail preview panel of open sites (called by the “down arrow” button to the right of the button to open a new tab).

From improvements imperceptible at first glance, a new version Edge boasts support for online payments based on the Web Payments API, streaming movies on Netflix in 4K, reading e-books in EPUB format, supporting the new Brotli compression algorithm and Flash disabled by default.


Virtual assistant Cortana also received its share of improvements. For example, it now “manages” the initial system setup after installation, can remind you of what you have recently worked on (not only on the current device, but also on others where you logged in under the same account), and can also independently create reminders based on sent mail. However, in our realities, this is all of only theoretical interest - Cortana is still not available in our country.

Windows Update

Windows Update now allows you to pause installation of updates for up to 35 days (on all versions of the OS except Home). For Windows 10 Home users, the time period during which they can prevent Windows from restarting to install updates has been increased from 12 to 18 hours a day.

One of the main innovations of Windows Update is the transition to the new Unified Update Platform, which allows you to reduce the size of downloaded files by downloading only those changes that were implemented after previous updates. Also in the Creators Update, it is now possible to specify the current Ethernet connection as a metered connection - in case of traffic restrictions, this will prevent automatic downloading of updates.

"Night light"

“Night” design themes that make it easier to see the screen at night, on mobile devices have existed for quite some time, both at the system level and at the level of individual applications. Available for Windows users third party utility f.lux, which changes the color temperature of the image on the screen depending on time. And now Microsoft has introduced its own version of this solution - the Night Light option. It allows you to reduce the proportion of blue color, making the picture warmer and more pleasing to the eye in the dark. You can quickly turn it on using the switch in the Notification Center, and you can configure the behavior of Night Light in Settings (Display section): here you can adjust the degree of “warmth” of the image and set the operating hours.

When activated manually, it turns on instantly; when turned on according to a schedule, the “warming” process is extended for two minutes, which makes it easier to acclimatize to the new style. It's still too fast compared to f.lux, but overall the appearance of such a mode in Windows 10 is welcome.

Game Mode

One of the biggest new features in the Creators Update is, of course, “game mode.” It is activated in the game menu, called up using the Win + G hotkeys (here in the settings you need to enable the “Use game mode for this game” option). After this, Windows will limit the consumption of system resources for running background processes and will provide the freed “power” to the game. This should work best for games from the Windows Store that run on the Universal Windows Platform, but regular games such as those from Steam will also benefit from this option. You shouldn't expect any noticeable increase in fps, of course, but you can hope for smoother, stutter-free performance and slightly faster loading. After a couple of days of using it in World of Warcraft and The Witcher 3, no significant changes were noticed, but in other, more resource-intensive games, perhaps the effect of the game mode will still be more noticeable.

Also in the game menu there is an opportunity to stream gameplay, with video from a webcam and voice from a microphone superimposed on it. It uses the Beam streaming service, which was recently purchased by Microsoft, and with its help all your friends on Xbox Live can follow your broadcasts. Of course, on Windows computers this function is unlikely to be able to push aside the same Twitch or YouTube, but at the same time as Windows 10 it is launched on Xbox One, so with its task - to create your own simple and convenient streaming in the Microsoft eco-system - she can handle it.

System applications

System applications also received their share of changes. Thus, the familiar Paint acquired a more modern “universal” version... and turned into a 3D editor. There's even a community where you can share your creations; In addition, shapes created in Paint 3D can be used as holograms on HoloLens devices. But in general, to be honest, it looks more like a justification for the name Creators Update than an application that is truly in demand among the broad user masses. Fortunately, good old Paint has not gone away (and has not changed at all) - so now there are two graphic editors in the system.

IN mail client The Mail inbox is now presented as two subfolders, Focused (for important correspondence) and Other (the name says it all). Mail itself decides what to put and where, so it is very likely that the user will soon want to disable this option and see all the letters the old fashioned way, in one folder - fortunately, this option exists.

Audio and video players Groove Music and Movies & TV received a slight update to the interface style and a number of other cosmetic improvements (like the “frame-in-frame” viewing mode in the latter) - however, in our conditions they are of very relative value. The regional Windows Store lacks appropriate media content, and as regular local audio and video players, they are clearly inferior to a whole host of analogues.

Windows Defender has received a new interface with a somewhat strange name - “Windows Defender Security Center”. This application combines the built-in antivirus and firewall settings under one roof, plus you can manage family sharing settings and respond to system health reports (for example, updating outdated or malfunctioning drivers).


In Windows 10 Creators Update there are many other, small and not so, innovations and improvements (taking a screenshot of the selected area using Win+Shift+S, smoother resizing of windows, improved display of rows system utilities on monitors with high pixel density, quick access to VPN settings, drawing on touch screen on top of photos in the Photos app, displaying universal apps in a compact overlay mode, etc., etc.). In general, the update turned out to be quite large-scale and contains many really useful changes - the only thing that is somewhat surprising is the virtual absence of improvements in the tablet mode of use.

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