Windows operating system. Windows operating system GUI operating system

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Basics of operating systems

Slides: 85 Words: 7861 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

OS. The volume of discipline and types of educational work. Literature. Functions and architecture of operating systems. Definition of the operating system. home control program. The location of the OS in the hierarchical structure. Operating system. The evolution of operating systems. Windows 8. IBM operating systems. Purpose, composition and functions of the OS. Facilitate the operation of hardware and software tools. The composition of the components and functions of the operating system. operating system architectures. Modular structure. Modular - interface approach. Multilayer (hierarchical) structure of the operating system. - Fundamentals of operating systems.ppt

Operating systems of personal computers

Slides: 36 Words: 1709 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Operating system of the computer. Plan. Software computer. Hardware - a computer and its peripheral equipment. Computer software. Software (software) or Software is a collection of programs. Operating system. operating system components. Functions of operating systems. operating system structure. The base module that manages the file system. command processor. Peripheral device drivers. Driver concept. Modules providing a graphical interface. Loading the operating system. It can be on a hard disk, on a floppy disk, on a CD-ROM. - Operating systems of personal computers.pptx

"Operating system" computer science

Slides: 25 Words: 1082 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Let's repeat what we've been through. Operating system. The operating system is a set of programs. OS tasks. operating system structure. command processor. Device drivers. Graphical user interface. Utilities. Reference system. Computer startup. Loading the operating system. Computers without operating systems. The first disk operating systems. non-graphical operating systems. Shell programs. Graphic shells. Windows features. Graphic operating systems. OS Microsoft. Alternative OS. Linux operating system. - "Operating system" informatics.ppt

An operating system is a system of programs

Slides: 25 Words: 1708 Sounds: 1 Effects: 89

OS. Basic set of computer programs. An operating system is a system of programs. Operating system. operating system structure. Command processor (interpreter). Drivers. Graphical user interface. Utilities. Reference system. Loading the operating system. Computers without operating systems. The first disk operating systems. non-graphical operating systems. Shell programs. Graphic shells. Graphic operating systems. Types of operating systems. network operating system. According to the number of concurrent users operating systems are divided into. - Operating system is a system of programs.ppt

Network operating systems

Slides: 63 Words: 5817 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Computer networks. CCENT CCNA. OS. Operating system. Main functions. Additional functions. OS classification. Features of hardware platforms. network operating system. network operating system. Tools for managing local computer resources. Means of requesting access. network operating system. The first network operating systems. Network Features. Peer-to-peer network operating systems. Department networks. Calling remote procedures. Asymmetry. Procedures. Remoteness. Calling a remote procedure. Calling remote procedures. Calling remote procedures. Stub call. Dynamic linking. - Network operating systems.pptx

Operating system objects

Slides: 24 Words: 1208 Sounds: 0 Effects: 86

Operating system. Computer. CPU. Program. Hardware. System software. Resident programs. Devices computer system. Missing words. Phrases. Basic definitions. Operating system. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Tool software. Words. PC without operating system. Complex of programs. Ensuring information storage. Core. Application. Multitasking. OS boot steps. operating system structure. New terms. - Operating system objects.ppt

Purpose of the operating system

Slides: 11 Words: 563 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Operating system. General information. Purpose of the operating system. The composition of the operating system. command processor. GUI. Loading the operating system. Computer self test. diagnostic messages. Special program. The process of loading the operating system. - Purpose of the operating system.ppt

Processes in operating systems

Slides: 39 Words: 3425 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Operating systems, environments and shells. Multitasking OS. Classification of multitasking operating systems. batch processing systems. Time sharing systems. Real time systems. Multiprocessor processing. Methods of multiprocessor processing. Threads and processes. The concept of a process. Process states. Process Model. Process states. A set of operations on processes. Process management. Process control block. Process contexts. One-time transactions. Ending processes. Multiple operations. Context switching. Context switching. - Processes in operating systems.ppt

Software download

Slides: 12 Words: 672 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Software loading. Automatic operation of the computer. Need to download. Operating system. ROM. Read Only Memory. 1 stage loading. Stage 2 loading. Computer. 3 stage loading. Automatic processes. Properly prepare for shutdown. -

File managers

Slides: 14 Words: 304 Sounds: 14 Effects: 51

File managers. Shell programs. Shell. File managers. Principle of operation. clones file managers. Developer. NC interface. DN interface. Far interface. Windows interface. WC interface. Spreading. NC capabilities. -

Operating system.

Operating system (OS ) is a set of programs that ensures the holistic functioning of a computer and its devices when interacting with the user in the process of solving various information problems on the computer.

History of creation Windows

The history of Windows dates back to 1986, when the first version of the system appeared. It was a set of programs that extended the capabilities of existing operating systems for greater ease of use. The most widely used in our country Windows system 95. Her feature was the ability auto tuning additional computer equipment, as well as the ability to work with the Internet. Windows development does not stand still. Now the most common systems are Windows XP and Windows Vista.

General characteristics

Windows is an integrated program. The Windows shell can run not only special programs, designed for operation in the Windows environment, but also "regular" programs. This shell provides an efficient and comfortable exchange of information between separate programs performed under her control. Users are attracted to the Windows environment by the specifics of the applications implemented in this environment. In original delivery Windows package there are several applications. They perfectly illustrate the capabilities of the shell and provide some minimal service.

When Microsoft called a press conference at Comdex in November 1985 in Las Vegas, many considered the event a last chance, especially after Windows environment was not released as promised in June of that year. The press conference smoothly flowed into the presentation of a new product -

Microsoft Windows 1.0.

Windows is a ubiquitous, essentially standard multi-tasking operating system for modern IBM-compatible computers. There are two main families of it: relatively speaking, for home use(Windows versions 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98 and Millennium Edition) and for professional applications (Windows NT versions 3.5, 4.0, 2000 and XP). Systems of the first type are installed, of course, not only on home computers, but also in most institutions, firms, and institutions. NT is used when they want to create a local or global network enterprise or educational institution (however, here Windows NT has serious competitors) or when it is necessary to provide increased system stability, which, generally speaking, is desirable for everyone, but for professionals it is simply vital.

From the point of view of working methods, the appearance of the screen and windows, buttons and menus, the systems of both families are very similar. So if you know how to work in Windows 95, then in NT 4.0 you will not have any special problems. And if you have mastered Windows 98 and Me, then in Win 2000 you may not notice any difference at all.

No, you will notice something: the 98th and Me often freeze, give obscure crashes, after which you have to reboot, and 2k and XP. they don't do anything.

Microsoft is going to gradually transfer all home users to new technology(NT in translation - New Technology), for which, Windows 2000 systems were created, and then XP. Development " old technology'discontinued - for the Millennium 'mind nothing

will no longer be.

The first generation systems (Windows 3.1 and 3.11, as well as NT 3.5), which were very popular in the mid-90s, have practically died out.

Name XP comes from English. experience(experience). The name entered the practice of use as a professional version.

Some of the most notable improvements in Windows XP over Windows 2000 are:

New GUI design, including more rounded shapes and smoother colors as well as additional functional improvements (such as the ability to present a folder as a slideshow in Windows Explorer).

Opportunity fast switching users, which allows you to temporarily interrupt the work of one user and log in as another user, while leaving the applications launched by the first user enabled.

Function "remote assistant", which allows advanced users and technical personnel to connect to a Windows XP computer over a network to resolve problems. At the same time, the assisting user can see the contents of the screen, conduct a conversation, and (with the permission of the remote user) take control.

Program system recovery, designed to return the system to a certain previous state (this function is an extension of a similar program included in Windows ME), as well as improving other methods of system recovery. So, when loading the last known good configuration, the previous set of drivers is also loaded, which in some cases makes it easy to restore the system in case of problems that arose as a result of installing drivers; the ability to roll back drivers, etc.

Windows Vista came out 5 years after XP.

New system supports both 32-bit and 64-bit computers (we worked with the 32-bit version), has improved mechanisms for working with mobile devices, as well as the ability to manage and maintain a large number of computers in huge companies.

Vista will be 15% faster than Windows XP to launch applications. Vista will boot up half as fast; the number of reboots performed when installing updates will also be reduced. The operating system wakes up in just 2 seconds. In addition, Microsoft estimates that migrating to a new OS will take three-quarters less time, and installing it System Administrator will spend only about

A big plus of this system is that 32-

and 64-bit versions are being developed at the same time. So users who work with more demanding applications get a 64-bit system that meets all the requirements. However, it still has a big drawback:

64-bit operating systems are still

do not have proper support from hardware manufacturers, as many of them have not yet released drivers for their hardware.

The operating system went on sale on October 22, 2009, less than three years after the release of the previous operating system, Windows Vista .

Windows 7 included both some developments that were excluded from Windows Vista, as well as innovations in the interface and built-in programs. Games have been removed from Windows 7 Inkball , Ultimate Extras; applications that have analogues in Windows Live ( Windows Mail , Windows Calendar etc.), technology Microsoft t agent , Windows Meeting Space; from start menu the ability to return to the classic menu and the automatic docking of the browser and client disappeared Email.

Windows 7 supports folder aliases internally. For example, the Program Files folder in some localized Windows versions was translated and displayed with the translated name, but at the level file system remained in English.

New version 11 DirectX, first released as part of this operating system, has the following improvements: support for new compute shaders, multi-threaded rendering, improved tessellation, new texture compression algorithms, etc.

player Windows Media Player 12 received a new interface and became truly "omnivorous", unlike its predecessor, which required a large number of codecs for playback.

Advantages Windows

1 . Usability and device support .

2. Unified user interface.

3. Support for scalable fonts.

4. Multimedia support.

5 . multitasking

6. Communication tools

7. Developer Opportunities

Windows Disadvantages

The main disadvantage of Windows for users is that the described advantages of Windows are achieved at the expense of a significant increase in the load on the computer hardware.

Windows is not a one-size-fits-all solution for all users and for all occasions.

Has its negative sides and programming under Windows. The fact is that Windows forcibly forces programmers to use tools software interface Windows (API) is more

600 functions.

Windows is the most common operating system, and for most users, it is the most suitable due to its simplicity, good interface, acceptable performance, and a huge number of applications for it.

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Dagestan State Pedagogical University Completed by:Musaev.M.M Head:Vezirov.T.G Multimedia project on the topic “Operating system” Makhachkala 2007

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Lesson: "Operating system" Purpose: to introduce students to the types, purpose, composition and stages of loading the operating system. Requirements for knowledge and skills: Students should know: - definition of OS, types, purpose, composition, stages of loading; -principles of O.S. Windows. Students should be able to: -distinguish O.S. - trace the stages of loading O.S. Software and didactic support: PC, OS, MS-DOS, Windows.

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Lesson progress: 1. Setting the objectives of the lesson - How can you comfortably communicate with a computer without knowing its language? -Computer without OS: can it be? Why is Windows OS the most popular among users?

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2. Verification homework Task 1 Find and correct errors in sentences: 1. A program is a sequence of commands that a computer executes in the process of storing information. 2. System programs are tools designed to create software. Task 2 Fill in the missing words in the sentences: Lesson progress

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Lesson progress A computer without …….. is useless rubbish, a pile of iron. ……….. Software – designed to perform specific user tasks. Most user friendly …….. Software.

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Lesson 3. Updating knowledge - What types of software are basic? - Without any system program computer not working? - What operating systems are installed on your home computers? At school?

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Lesson progress 4. Presentation of new material Functions and composition of the OS The operating system with which you will learn how to work is called Windows. This operating system received the name “Windows” due to the fact that the main means of communication with the user in it are Various types windows (“window” in English “window”). Today it is considered the “number one system” worldwide. Its widespread acceptance as a standard is beneficial to end users.

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This is a complex of system programs that ensures the joint functioning of all computer devices and supports the operation of all its programs. O.S. ensures the holistic functioning of all computer devices, provides access to computer management and also organizes and stores information in external memory computer. O.S. hides from the user complex details of the interaction of complex unnecessary details of interaction with computer devices and frees him from studying machine language. O.S. stored on the hard disk, and may also be stored on a special system floppy disk or on a CD. Operating system:

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File system management. command processor. Device drivers. Graphical interface. Service programs. Reference system. Compound:

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The software module - its purpose is to manage the file system, which allows you to manage the storage of information on external memory disks.

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A command processor is a special program that prompts the user for commands and executes them.

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Device drivers are programs for working with computer devices. Each device is accompanied by an instruction (driver program) that describes how the OS should work with it.

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Graphical interface - thanks to the graphical interface, the user enters commands using the mouse, which allows him to avoid errors in the formation of command text that occur when entering the latter from the keyboard.

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Utility programs are utility programs that allow you to maintain disks, perform file operations, work on networks, and so on.

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Help system It allows you to get the necessary information about the functioning of the OS as a whole, and the work of its individual modules.

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Multitasking. Object-oriented approach. Connecting new devices to the computer. Graphical user interface. Advantages:

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Convenient usage environment Object, its properties and actions User level -Application -Document File system File Folder Shortcut Object

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Functions of O.S. Organization of the coordinated execution of all processes in the computer. Ensuring the storage of information in external memory and exchange with input-output devices, as well as for the correct distribution of information on external memory disks. Response to errors and emergencies. Implementation of dialogue and communication with the user.

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Workspace-6 Toolbars-2 Buttons: Minimize-3 Maximize-4 Close-5 Window Title-1 Status Bar-8 System Menu Button-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8

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Objects and their properties: The Windows operating system is object-oriented. This means that in this OS. exist certain objects and O.S. Able to work with them, namely create, run, copy, move, open, etc. An object is a concept, so it has no definition. An object should be understood as everything that O.S. For example, Windows objects are files, folders, drives, windows, and so on. Any object in Widows is presented visually, namely, it is provided with an icon. An icon is a visual representation of an object. When we work with icons, we work with the objects they represent. All objects have a number of properties. There are no objects without properties, just as there are no properties without objects. All objects are distinguished by their properties. The properties of each object are unique. Properties allow you to characterize an object, specify its parameters, for example, volume, size, unique name, etc.

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Windows operating system

Operating system. An operating system (OS) is a set of programs that ensures the holistic functioning of a computer and its devices when interacting with the user in the process of solving various information tasks on the computer. 04/16/17

The main functions of the OS: Organization of the coordinated execution of all processes in the computer. Ensuring the storage of information in external memory and exchange with input-output devices. Response to errors and emergencies. Implementation of dialogue and communication with the user. 04/16/17

Story creating Windows The history of Windows dates back to 1986, when the first version of the system appeared. It was a set of programs that extended the capabilities of existing operating systems for greater ease of use. The most widespread in our country was the Windows 95 system. Its feature was the ability to automatically configure additional computer equipment, as well as the ability to work with the Internet. Windows development does not stand still. Now the most common systems are Windows XP and Windows Vista. 04/16/17

General characteristics 04/16/17 Windows is an integrated program. Under the control of the Windows shell, not only special programs designed for operation in the Windows environment can run, but also "regular" programs. This shell provides an efficient and comfortable exchange of information between individual programs running under its control. Users are attracted to the Windows environment by the specifics of the applications implemented in this environment. There are several applications in the proprietary distribution of the Windows package. They perfectly illustrate the capabilities of the shell and provide some minimal service.

Windows 1.0 When Microsoft called a press conference at Comdex in November 1985 in Las Vegas, many considered it a last chance, especially since Windows didn't ship as promised in June of that year. The press conference smoothly turned into a presentation of a new product - Microsoft Windows 1.0. 04/16/17

Windows 9x/NT Windows is a ubiquitous, essentially standard multi-tasking operating system for modern IBM-compatible computers. There are two main families of it: relatively speaking, for home use (Windows versions 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98 and Millennium Edition) and for professional applications (Windows NT versions 3.5, 4.0, 2000 and XP). Systems of the first type are installed, of course, not only on home computers, but also in most institutions, firms, and institutions. NT is used when they want to create a local or global network of an enterprise or educational institution (however, here Windows NT has serious competitors) or when it is necessary to provide increased system stability, which, generally speaking, is desirable for everyone, but for professionals it is simply vital . From the point of view of working methods, the appearance of the screen and windows, buttons and menus, the systems of both families are very similar. So if you know how to work in Windows 95, then in NT 4.0 you will not have any special problems. And if you have mastered Windows 98 and Me, then in Win 2000 you may not notice any difference at all. 04/16/17

No, you will notice something: the 98th and Me often freeze, give obscure crashes, after which you have to reboot, and 2k and XP. they don't do anything. Microsoft is going to gradually transfer all home users to a new technology (NT in translation - New Technology), for which, Windows 2000 systems were created, and then XP. The development of the “old technology” has been stopped - there will be nothing beyond the Millennium mind. The first generation systems (Windows 3.1 and 3.11, as well as NT 3.5), which were very popular in the mid-90s, have practically died out. 04/16/17

Windows XP 04/16/17 It was released on October 25, 2001 and is development of Windows 2000 Professional. The name XP comes from the English. experience (experience). The name entered the practice of use as a professional version.

Some of the most notable improvements in Windows XP over Windows 2000 are: New GUI styling, including rounder shapes and smoother colors; as well as additional functional improvements (such as the ability to present a folder as a slideshow in Windows Explorer). The ability to quickly switch users, allowing you to temporarily interrupt the work of one user and log in as another user, while leaving the applications launched by the first user, included. 04/16/17

A "Remote Assistance" feature that allows advanced users and technicians to connect to a Windows XP computer over a network to resolve problems. At the same time, the assisting user can see the contents of the screen, conduct a conversation, and (with the permission of the remote user) take control. A system recovery program designed to return the system to a certain previous state (this function is an extension of a similar program included in Windows ME), as well as improving other methods of system recovery. So, when loading the last known good configuration, the previous set of drivers is also loaded, which in some cases makes it easy to restore the system in case of problems that arose as a result of installing drivers; ability to roll back drivers, etc. 04/16/17

Windows Vista Windows Vista came out 5 years after XP. The new system supports both 32-bit and 64-bit computers (we worked with the 32-bit version), has improved mechanisms for working with mobile devices, as well as the ability to manage and maintain large numbers of computers in huge companies. Vista will be 15% faster than Windows XP to launch applications. Vista will boot up half as fast; the number of reboots performed when installing updates will also be reduced. The operating system wakes up in just 2 seconds. In addition, Microsoft estimates that migrating to a new OS will take three-quarters less time, and a system administrator will spend only about 15 minutes to install it. 04/16/17

A big plus of this system is that 32-bit and 64-bit versions are being developed at the same time. So users who work with more demanding applications get a 64-bit system that meets all the requirements. However, it still has a big drawback: 64-bit operating systems still do not have proper support from hardware component manufacturers, since many of them have not yet released drivers for their equipment. 04/16/17

Windows 7 The operating system went on sale on October 22, 2009, less than three years after the release of the previous operating system, Windows Vista. Windows 7 included both some developments that were excluded from Windows Vista, as well as innovations in the interface and built-in programs. The games Inkball, Ultimate Extras were excluded from the composition of Windows 7; applications that have analogues in Windows Live (Windows Mail, Windows Calendar, etc.), Microsoft Agent technology, Windows Meeting Space; the ability to return to the classic menu and the automatic docking of the browser and email client have disappeared from the Start menu. 04/16/17

Windows 7 supports folder aliases internally. For example, the Program Files folder in some localized versions of Windows was translated and displayed with a translated name, but remained in English at the file system level. New 11 DirectX version, which was first released as part of this operating system, has the following improvements: support for new compute shaders has been added, the possibility of multi-threaded rendering, improved tessellation, new texture compression algorithms, etc. Windows Media Player 12 has received a new interface and has become truly "omnivorous", unlike its predecessor, which required a large number of codecs to play. 04/16/17

Benefits of Windows 1 . Convenience and device support. 2. Single user interface. 3. Support for scalable fonts. 4. Multimedia support. 5 . Multitasking 6. Communication tools 7. Developer options 04/16/17

Flaws Windows Main The downside of Windows to users is that the described benefits of Windows come at the expense of a significant increase in the load on the computer's hardware. Windows is not a one-size-fits-all solution for all users and for all occasions. Has its negative sides and programming under Windows. The fact is that Windows forcibly forces programmers to use software tools Windows interface(API) is more than 600 functions. 04/16/17

Conclusion Windows is the most common operating system, and for most users, it is the most suitable because of its simplicity, good interface, acceptable performance, and a huge number of applications for it. 04/16/17

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