Classmates don't work! What to do? What to do if I can’t log into Odnoklassniki Why can’t I log into Odnoklassniki from my computer

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Hello dear friends! I receive letters again saying that I can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what could be causing the problem with logging into Odnoklassniki? In this article we will look at the main reasons why you cannot log into Odnoklassniki. Be sure to read the article to the end, because if one solution did not help you, then maybe another method will help you find a way out of this situation.

The question has already been raised on my blog when users could not get in touch, read the article, in it you will find other solutions to this problem: “”.

Before we move on to solutions, I want to remind you that there are a lot of people on the Internet who want to scam you out of money in one way or another.

Do not include your phone number. Don't send money andSMS. Do you think scammers are so nice and kind?

Before we begin, I want to tell you right away that there may be viruses on your computer. While you are reading these lines, download the Dr.web CureIt! and check your computer for viruses. Even if an antivirus is installed, it does not mean that there are no viruses on your computer! You can believe me, but this often happens, since there is no ideal protection, no matter what anyone tells me. Guys who agree with me can support me in the comments after this article.

Let's tell you a little about how to use this program, for those who have never checked their computer for viruses with this program. The program is distributed free of charge and does not require installation; you do not need to remove your antivirus! If you already have experience, then just do a virus scan.

On the day of the beginning, you need to download it, to do this, go to the website. Click “Download” at the top right.

If you do not want to receive news from Doctor Web, then uncheck the box “I would like to receive newsletters from Doctor Web” and click “Next”.

On the next page below, click “Download Dr.Web with the function of sending statistics.” If you click “I refuse to send statistics”, in this case you will not be able to download this utility for free, since only the paid version does not send statistics.

We go down to the bottom of the page, agree to the license, check the box “I accept the terms of the License Agreement. *" and click "Continue".

This will open your browser window, asking you where to save the utility. If this does not happen, then look for the program in the default folder of the browser.

So, after downloading, launch it. A message will appear where you can choose in which mode you will scan the computer, work in enhanced protection or not. In our case, you can disable enhanced protection so that when you scan your computer for viruses, you can continue reading the article. To do this, click “Cancel”.

In the window that appears, put a checkmark that we do not mind taking part in order to improve the quality of the program, and click “Continue.”

Viruses are located on the “C:\” drive and therefore now we will not scan the entire computer, as this can take a lot of time (depending on how full your computer is of data). If you don't have a lot of data on your computer, you can check your computer completely.

In order to select only the C:/ drive, click “Select objects for verification.”

Next, click “Click to select files and folders.”

Check the box next to “C: (C:)” and click “OK”.

If you did everything correctly, then below you will see that the “C:\” drive has been added for verification. Also click on the box at the top (check the box) “Scan objects”. After this, all objects in your program will be marked with check marks.

Now you can start the scan, click “Start scan”.

If any files are found, they must be disinfected; if these files cannot be treated, then they will have to be deleted. Now, while your computer is being scanned for viruses, you can continue reading the article.

Let's go over the main solutions to this problem.

If you can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what next?

— The first and not the main problem is that the Odnoklassniki website may have unexpected technical problems, and it is also possible that they are carrying out maintenance work. Therefore, the site may be unavailable for some time. You shouldn’t immediately think that if the site doesn’t open, then scammers or viruses are to blame. As they say: “Any technology tends to break,” and the site is no exception.

— Check other sites. If all sites do not open, then the problem is not in the sites, but in your computer.
Necessarily! Check your Internet, because if you do not have Internet, then you will never see any social networks and other sites. Only if you don’t imagine them mentally 😉 . You can call your ISP and find out if they have any problems with the Internet.

— If you had system recovery enabled, then try to roll back the system to the state when you had access to the classmates website. When you roll back the system, remember what programs you installed, or rather on what day. Because by rolling back the system a day earlier, before installing programs, those programs that were installed will no longer be in the system.

— Let me remind you, maybe it will be a discovery for someone that the Odnoklassniki website has a “Questions and Answers” ​​section. If you cannot enter your profile or you have been blocked, then be sure to check out this section.

— The main reason for the problem with logging into the classmates’ website is ordinary viruses. Therefore, at the very beginning of the article, I gave you instructions for checking your computer for viruses.

This is where I will go into more detail. The main principle is phishing pages. The virus changes the hosts file, in which you can write a ban on any site or make a redirect - go to one site, and you are redirected to another. Thus, the user is deceived so that you do not understand what is happening and how. The site you are redirected to is similar to the Odnoklassniki website. And therefore, when users see a familiar website design, they think that this is actually it.

Important! Pay attention to the address bar. Maybe you're not in class right now?!

Important! If you checked your computer for viruses with your standard antivirus program, this does not mean that there is any point in convincing yourself that there are no viruses on your computer. Be sure to scan your computer with the utility recommended above.

First, let's do the following, open the command line. Click “Start” - “Run”, type “cmd” and press “Enter”.

Enter “ping” and press “Enter”.

Pay attention to the 4 digits, in my case: This is the address of the Odnoklassniki website, only in numbers. Don't close the command line because this data will be useful to us.

Let's go to the site to check domain names and enter the IP that we found out.

Now we need to see what kind of domain this service will show us.

As we can see, this IP address is used for the Odnoklassniki website. If you have or have had a virus, then there will be a different domain and organization. Since some changes have most likely been made to your hosts file.

When the program downloads, run the file, check the “I Accept” box and click “Next”.

In a few minutes the program will make the corrections itself.

After this, you need to restart your computer for all the changes to take effect.

You can also use the Reset Hosts program, which will fix and protect your hosts file. You can read about this program on the blog.

If someone likes to “do everything by hand,” then I’ll tell you how to do it by hand. So, this file is located in the following path - “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts”. There is a small nuance: you can edit this file without unnecessary movements if you change the attributes. Right-click on hosts and select “Properties”.

In the “General” tab at the bottom, uncheck the “Read Only” and “Hidden” checkboxes. Click "OK".

After changing the attributes, you can now open the hosts file. This file does not have an extension, because of this we need to specify with which program we want to open this file. To do this, right-click on the hosts file and select “Open with...”. Or open the hosts file like a regular file (with two mouse clicks) and select notepad.

Please note that after the line “ local host” there was nothing else. If there are any entries below, feel free to delete them. As an example, I’m posting what should be in this file. If you are afraid of deleting something in this file, then you can copy the text below and paste it into your file. After that, close the notepad and savehosts.

# © Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to hostnames.

# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must

# should be in the first column and must be followed by the appropriate name.

# The IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.


# Additionally, some lines may contain comments

# (such as this line), they must follow the node name and be separated

# from it with the ‘#’ symbol.


# For example:


# # origin server

# # client node x localhost

Important! When opening a file, scroll to the bottom, because attackers can insert text a little lower.

If you find records on sites that you use for work, I mean office workers, then ask your admin about these records. Otherwise, the admin will be unpleasant if you call him, but you yourself have deleted these records. After that, he will definitely ask why you did this and then he will have to tell you that you are on social networks at work.

— If after changing the hosts file you cannot log into Odnoklassniki, then we do a bypass. Copy the entire folder "etc» from a computer that is free of viruses. I think that you have good neighbors or friends who are now on the Internet. Ask them to copy the entire etc folder and send it to you by mail or through any messenger, for example, skype. Then you insert all these files where they should be. When copying occurs, select copy and replace.

— The virus may have changed the settings in the local network connection. Your attention should be paid to checking the DNS server addresses. So, to go to the network connection properties, click “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “Network and Sharing Center” - on the left in the window that opens, click “Change adapter settings”. You can also access these settings through the tray. To do this, right-click on your connection in the tray and select “Network and Sharing Center.” Next, click “Change adapter settings.”

Right-click on “Local Area Connection”, if you have a wireless connection, then “Wireless Network Connection”, select “Properties”.

Now select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button. Or double-click, whichever is more convenient for you.

IP addresses can be distributed automatically (DHCP) or be static, that is, assigned manually.

If your provider or device (router) distributes IP addresses automatically, but is configured manually in the properties, then you must change the settings like this:

That is, set the settings in such a way that IP addresses are registered manually. Just in case, write down all the data (IP addresses) on a piece of paper or take a screenshot.

If the virus has registered its own DNS servers, then this matter needs to be corrected. Select "Obtain DNS server address automatically." Automatically”, if you are an inexperienced user and do not know what IP addresses should be in these settings, then you need to call your provider and ask what IP addresses should be registered. Of course, not all providers are “kind” people, but you can try.

Male nky advice - when you call your provider, the answer is usually from a girl who doesn’t know much about computers. If you understand that you won’t be able to hear any specific answers from her, then please feel free to switch to the technical department.

— One of the interesting ways out is to enter the IP address into the address bar of your browser: “” — classmates’ website. Sometimes this method can help you, but be sure to read the article to the end. If you still can’t access the Odnoklassniki page, then move on to the next point.

— The virus may have corrected the path of the hosts file. But you can't fool us! To check for fixes, go to the registry: “Start” - “Run” - enter “regedit” and press “Enter”.

After this, the “Registry Editor” will open. Now you need to go to and pay attention to DataBasePath.

If your value = %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etс then everything is ok . Otherwise, you need to change it.

When you fix it, restart your computer and try logging into Odnoklassniki.

— We must not exclude the possibility that you may be hacked, then you need to use the function in Odnoklassniki, “Password reminder.” By the way, very often users forget that they changed their password yesterday before going to bed, and in the morning they start a riot that they were hacked. Have you ever had such a situation?

To recover your password, click “Forgot your password or login?”. After this, you need to indicate your email that you used during registration or phone number.

If you enter your email, a letter from the Odnoklassniki website will be sent to your email, then follow this letter as a guide. When you specify your phone number, you will receive an SMS with an activation code, which you need to change your password on Odnoklassniki. If somewhere you are asked to send money, they say the weather is -40 and we want you to warm us up, then simply forget about this message.

— Repeatedly the way out of this situation was to delete the browser. But you need to remove it not as novice users are used to, but to clean your computer of debris after removing the browser. In order not to burden you with searching for various folders on your computer in order to clean it of garbage, I recommend reading the article “”, in which you will find in detail with pictures everything you need for this procedure.

If you have several browsers installed on your computer, then try logging into Odnoklassniki using a different browser. It is possible that it did not work out again, then install another browser - not the ones that were installed, but from a different developer. For example, the browsers installed are Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Then install Google Chrome and try to log in from it.

— There was a funny incident in my life. A friend from work calls and complains that he has some problems logging into Odnoklassniki. I clarified some points a little and suspicions fell on the admins or, most likely, on the management;). So if you are at work, you need to check with your colleagues or your boss whether access to Odnoklassniki is open. If your company does not allow access to Odnoklassniki, then anonymizers will help you in this case.

To find such sites, open Google or Yandex and enter “anonymizer”. And try to join classmates.

Important! Anonymizers are needed if access to a certain site is blocked, and if you have a virus or incorrect settings in the operating system, then you need to fix these jambs.

- It doesn’t matter what the outcome was: whether you went to your Odnoklassniki page or not, check your computer for viruses. You have only changed the settings of your computer, but the virus itself may be hiding in your system. Remove it now!

— Try not to enter passwords for sites from other computers. If you need to at least crack, then use the on-screen keyboard. To launch the utility, go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Accessibility” - “on-screen keyboard”. If you log in from a computer that has a keyboard logger, without using the on-screen keyboard, you can say goodbye to your passwords.

— Do not open suspicious links that your friends send you. To check that the link was sent by a friend and not a virus, simply write something in response: “Is this for me?” Although viruses can be cunning, they cannot think, since they are just programs. If the virus does not contain a code that you need to respond to this message, then you will only hear silence in response. This way you will find out whether your friend’s account was hacked or not. Advice - when you receive such a message from your friend, write him an SMS or call him on his mobile phone, telling him the whole situation. After all, many of his friends do not know that he is not him.

— Each computer must have an antivirus installed, free (Avast, AVG, AVIRA, etc.) or paid. It doesn’t matter which one, the main thing is that it must be installed. " ".

— Installing an antivirus is good. But do not forget to update the antivirus databases for your antivirus; only with updated databases will your antivirus be an antivirus. Without updated databases, an antivirus is just a program that interferes with its work.

Dear friend, do not forget that when you follow all the recommendations, you need to pay attention that you must be on the official website of Odnoklassniki, and not on a phishing page. Because all your work can lead to zero.

That's all for today. See you soon!

I can’t log into the Odnoklassniki website. Solution to the problem.

Many of our readers write: “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki. What to do?". As a rule, such troubles occur as a result of the action of viruses that change the contents of the hosts file. The fact is that this file allows you to create a so-called “black list” of sites. For example, if you are an employer and you know that during the working day, instead of working hard for the benefit of the company, your employees communicate on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, then you can block the ability to visit these sites.

Please note that if you register the Odnoklassniki and VKontakte sites in the hosts file in a certain way, you will not be able to access them even if you use different browsers (Opera, Google Chrom, Firefox, etc.).

In order to unlock the ability to access the Odnoklassniki website, do the following:

  1. Go to the folder C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\.
  2. Open the hosts file located there using notepad.
  3. Bring the hosts file to its original (working) state depending on the installed operating system:
    • If your computer is running Windows XP, then the hosts file after the comments should contain only one line - localhost. Everything else needs to be removed.
    • If your computer is running Vista - localhost::1 localhost.
    • If your computer is running Windows 7 - # localhost # ::1 localhost.

As they say, everything seems clear, but there may be two or even three files with similar names, as in the case below.

When looking at the etc folder, you can see that there is a hosts file without an extension, as well as hosts.ics and hosts.txt files. Which file should I edit? If you use the Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox browser, then you need to edit the hosts file without the extension. If the browser is Google Chrome, then with the txt extension. In short, it’s better to rule both at once.

It may happen that after you open the hosts file (without extension) using notepad, everything in it seems to be in order, but this is only at first glance. For example, when I opened the hosts file, at the top of the document there was no list of any website addresses prohibited from viewing, but after scrolling down the document a couple of screens I saw a “black list” that looked like this:

Addresses related to the Odnoklassniki website are highlighted with a red frame, and VKontakte addresses are highlighted above with a green frame.

Let me remind you that each site has its own IP address, i.e. You can perfectly access Yandex by typing in the address bar not, but its IP address In the same file, the name of the same Yandex is associated with a completely different IP and instead of typing in the address bar, you will be taken to a completely different site. If this site does not work (there is no site with this IP), then the browser will throw an error when loading the page.

Please note that in addition to “in contact” and “oddnoklassniki”, the list contains all the main search engines, and as for “in contact”, the addresses are typed with different variations. So, as they say, everything is thought out, everything is done so that you cannot get to the most popular sites.

So look at what the contents of the file look like hosts(Windows XP OS) if no one tried to make changes to it.

In the first lines you see the # sign - the comment line begins with this sign and everything written in it is not perceived by the computer. In short, the comments say what information and how should be located in the hosts file.

So, what needs to be done to remove the bans on visiting your favorite sites? It is necessary to bring the contents of the hosts file to the example shown. Comments can be removed, or you can leave them - it makes no difference.

Everything seems clear, but after changing the file it cannot be saved, the following message appears:

If you are working in Total Commander under an administrator account, you can simply select the hosts file and press the F4 (edit) key on your keyboard. You can then edit the file and save it.

When opening a file with a txt extension, you can launch Notepad with administrator rights (right-click on the icon and select the “Run as administrator” command.

If for some reason you are unable to save the file in this way after changing it, as a last resort, you can load a second operating system (if it is on the computer) and make the necessary changes from under it. If the second operating system is not installed, then it can be started from a boot disk like .

If you have changed the contents of the specified files (hosts and hosts.txt), but still cannot access contact and other popular sites, then simply close your browser and launch it again.

Additionally, for site users, the site video “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki. Solution to the problem"

Attention! Don't forget that you need to check your computer for viruses. I recommend using the healing utility from the Doctor Web website “CureIt”. Read about how to use the utility.

Evgeny Mukhutdinov

When the Internet is working normally, and the page of your classmates is not loading, then you need to look for a way out of this situation and determine what to do. Let's look at the most common situations and figure out how to solve them and get to your page.
Blocking social networks

You should not look for a solution to the problem “I can’t access my Odnoklassniki page” when you are using a company computer. Most likely, access to sites that distract from work is blocked by the system administrator. It is unlikely that you will be able to bypass such a ban and deceive him. Although, there is still a solution: ask the admin directly or install an anonymizer.

As a rule, when viewing pages on the Internet, the user transmits his IP address and the name of the provider to the resources. The anonymizer acts as a kind of intermediary between the user and the site he visits. But such software has a number of disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • Free programs in most cases carry viruses with them.
  • Inability to participate in various polls or write comments on some sites. This is because such actions require an IP address.
  • Low page loading speed.
  • High risk of account password theft.

Antivirus scan

One of the most common cases is the spread of viruses and malware on a personal computer. They are the ones who do not allow the user to get to their favorite website and force them to look for a solution to the problem “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki.” To clean the system, you need to perform a full scan by running the installed antivirus and allowing the removal of dangerous objects.

If antivirus software was not previously installed on your computer, this will have to be corrected immediately. It is permissible to use the following programs:

  • free version of Kaspersky;
  • AVAST;
  • Avira.

For licensed versions of the software, you can use Microsoft antivirus.

Network connection problems

In cases where the internet is connected and there is enough traffic for communication on the resource, it is recommended to set the DNS “by default”. You need to compare the DNS recommended by the site's technical support with those recommended by the provider.

Advice! Sometimes the problem is solved by replacing the usual website address in the address bar with

Browser replacement

Login problems may also arise due to the browser. In such cases, most often the message “web page is unavailable” is displayed. First of all, you should update your usual Internet browser. This is done in a matter of minutes; updates can actually be found on official websites.

Hosts file

If you cannot log into any social network, and the site writes the wrong login or password, then most likely the reason is hidden in a system file called “hosts”. It is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. To check whether it contains a prohibition, you will need to open the document through a text editor.

If a resource address is found in the context that you cannot log into, then the problem lies here. There are several ways to correct this situation:

  • All unnecessary information must be removed.
  • Overwrite the entire folder (copy absolutely all the files it contains) from a “healthy” computer.
  • Restore the system. To do this, you will need to enter “Personal Computer Settings”, select “Update and Recovery” and click on the “Recovery without deleting files” sub-item.
  • Use the Dr.Curelt utility. The software will allow you to quickly identify and fix the problem, at the same time checking the system for viruses and cleaning it.

Forgotten password

If the password and login are entered incorrectly, you will not be able to access the social network site. In this case, the system will issue a corresponding alert. The solution to the login problem can be found by clicking on the link on the authorization form “Forgot your password?”. The user is offered several ways to restore it; simply follow the instructions.

Attention! An alert informing the account owner that the password was entered incorrectly may be the result of a virus. Before starting recovery, it is recommended to try logging in with this username and password from another device.

Blocked account

If a page in Odnoklassniki does not load completely, it may be blocked by the site administrator. This is done to prevent scammers from taking over the page. To remove the blocking, you need to click on the “Unblock” button and follow the recommendations.

Advice! If you don’t have access to a social network, you should try logging into the Odnoklassniki website through someone else’s computer or phone and changing the access password. This is explained by the fact that scammers are able to remove the account owner’s personal device from the site, meanwhile sending spam of various contents.

Deleted profile

It is not uncommon for users to delete their social media accounts. In this case, it is impossible to log in. A new registration on the site will now be required.

Lost page

If the message “undefined” is displayed when entering the site, then the page has been lost from the database. In such a situation, the only way out is to write about the problem to the site’s technical support. This issue is decided only by the administration.

Server problems

Problems with access to your account are often caused by work on the site server. Just wait a while and the page will load normally in full.

Advice! Make sure that the problem is on the server by trying to log into the site from another device. If you cannot log in, then you just need to wait.
Reinstalling the operating system

Reinstalling the operating system as a way out of this situation is considered in the following cases:

You can install it yourself, using the built-in version of the OS on your computer, a flash drive, or a disk. Or contact professionals in this field.

Attention! There is no need to rush into the drastic method. When reinstalling, most likely, information from the hard drive will be lost. All actions must be performed carefully, and it is better to contact specialists.


In order to avoid problems with accessing your page, you should keep the password for it in a safe place, regularly check your computer for malware, update your browsers and not visit suspicious Internet resources.

Dear readers, greetings to everyone! In this article we will talk about how to go to Odnoklassniki on your page. Today, all people use social networks for various purposes: communication, games, watching videos, etc. A popular social network is This social network is used by millions of people around the world.

The site interface is quite easy to use, the functionality is diverse. In general, the site was originally created to search for classmates and fellow students. Now on the site you can not only communicate, but also go to another page, like photos, comment on them, as well as listen to music, play games, watch videos and much more.

Why do you need a page on Odnoklassniki?

Each user of the site has his own page, which is called: my page in Odnoklassniki. Here you can send messages, visit, exchange comments, like, vote for photos of your friends, give gifts and receive Oks.

The social network allows you to communicate with people who are far away from you, and it also helps you find people. But, it is worth noting that you can search without registration - through the Yandex service. Advanced search, with which you can find your loved ones by first name, last name, city, age and many other criteria.

You can enter the site as follows: from your phone, and from a PC and laptop.

How to log into Odnoklassniki's page?

Odnoklassniki can be visited through any browser, for example, through Opera, Google, Yandex, etc. For example, I want to go to Odnoklassniki, for this I need to go to the website , after which the “Welcome” start page will appear.

In the upper right corner you need to select “Login” or “Registration”. If the user is already registered, then you must enter your data in the field.

In order not to log in each time using your username and password, you need to check the “Remember me” checkbox. Thus, the login will be performed automatically.

If you suddenly forget your password, you will not be able to access the page right away. Follow the “Forgot your password” link. A redirect will occur. You can recover your password using your phone number, login or e-mail. Enter the received code from the picture. After this, an SMS with a code will be sent to your email or phone device. This code will need to be entered in the window that appears. After this, recover your password.

If you want to go to without registering, then I will say right away that it is simply impossible to do this. You must be registered on this social network. This is required even to view other people's profiles.

Of course, on various portals you can often find advertisements for some program that supposedly helps you log into Odnoklassniki without registration. I do not recommend taking risks, since it is not always free, and you also risk downloading malware or even Trojans.

I often come across the following request: “how to log into your Odnoklassniki page” and I see that in addition to the official website, there are links to other resources where they ask you to enter data. Under no circumstances should you do this if you do not trust the resource 100%, as this could be a scammer’s trick.

Remember that “My Page” is only available to you, otherwise other users can use it.

How to log into Odnoklassniki if access is closed?

I want to join Odnoklassniki, but I’ve been blocked... That’s exactly what many people say. Let's figure out how to get around the ban.

Mobile applications

The android version has some advantages over the full version, which provides the full site. So, you will have to pay less for Internet traffic. In addition, the developers regularly update the application. There are special packages that allow you to stay on the Odnoklassniki social network for a low cost.

Through third-party sites and anonymizers

You can log into Odnoklassniki through an anonymizer. You will need this method if the site is blocked for you. Using such sites, you can log into the social network anonymously. Such services allow you to bypass blocking or change your IP address. Anonymizers operate on the same principle using a variety of methods. Resources act as an intermediary between the user and the social network.

You can use the services of the following sites:

Using such programs you can unblock access to Odnoklassniki. To do this, open the selected site and enter information from your account to log in.

I propose to consider a clear example of using an anonymizer website-

To do this, open it and enter the address of the site you want to access using the resource. The initial “Welcome!” page opens, where you need to enter data.

Must remember! The use of such anonymizer portals is limited in terms of traffic, and this, in turn, can lead to the fact that it will not be possible to fully use the social network. Also, such services sometimes redirect to fraudulent resources. Then they are used to send spam and viruses. In this regard, you need to choose an anonymizer extremely carefully.

Special "mirrors"

You can also enter the site through a mirror. There are some nuances here. As a result of use, you can end up on a resource that was created for the purpose of intercepting data.

Attention! There is a risk of losing your page. It is recommended to use the IP address of the Odnoklassniki website as a free mirror.

How to log into Odnoklassniki via Android?

If you want to access the Odnoklassniki social network through a telephone device, then first of all you will need to take care of the serviceability of the device itself. If, for example, the screen is cracked, it is necessary to replace it, otherwise what pleasure is there? Now you can proceed to download the application.

For mobile phones on Android OS you will need to visit Google Play Market, enter the name of the social network, then go in and download the program to your smartphone. After installing the application, enter your details. If everything is done correctly, you will be redirected to your page. Alternatively, you can enter the link in a search engine. Authorization will also be required here. You can save your password if you wish.

Remember that you will not be able to log in without a password!

Why can't I log in to Odnoklassniki?

“I can’t log into Odnoklassniki from my computer, what should I do?” or “Why can’t I access messages?” These are the questions many people ask. Let's figure out why we can't log into the Odnoklassniki social network. I guess there are reasons for this.

  1. One of the first reasons is unstable global network speed. Check whether the cable is connected to the modem and whether the necessary indicators are lit. I note that Odnoklassniki, from a loading point of view, is considered quite heavy. Therefore, if your speed is low, then you will have to wait a long time for the site to load.
  2. The next reason, which depends on the user, is memory problem. It is likely that you have a problem with temporary memory. When visiting a site, the cache receives information about the portal. Solving the cache failure problem is not difficult. To get started, it is recommended to go to your browser settings and select “History”, “Clear history”. After this, you will need to go to Odnoklassniki. If you view the page in incognito mode, the browser will not save the cache. In addition, it is possible to delete temporary files. To do this, use a special utility called “Disk Defragmenter”. It is located in "Start".
  3. One more Trojans may be a problem. If you can access all resources except Odnoklassniki, then most likely there is a virus on your PC. Use an antivirus to scan your computer and destroy the virus.

How to access a closed page at

If you want to go to a private profile, the only way to do this is to add this person as a friend. If you do not want the person to know who is being added to him, or if you are not sure that he will add you, then you can create an additional account with a fictitious name, usually called a fake account. When your new page is filled with the minimum necessary information, you can send a friend request.

In today’s article, I described how to log into Odnoklassniki’s page, and also why I can’t log into this social network. In principle, there is nothing complicated. Almost all people use this social network every day and log into it with ease. Good luck to everyone and I look forward to your questions in the comments!

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki - almost any user can encounter this problem. And, if this once happened to you, don’t panic, because a solution to the problem exists and we, together with you, will definitely find it! In this article we will answer the question “Why can’t I log into Odnoklassniki?”, and also tell you what needs to be done so that you can visit your favorite social network again.

Don't know on your device? Read our other article and you will easily cope with this matter!

Why can’t I log into my Odnoklassniki page?

There are three main reasons explaining why you can’t log into Odnoklassniki:

  • Your profile in Odnoklassniki has been blocked for unacceptable actions on the site: sending advertisements, publishing erotic photos or videos, as well as materials that could help incite interethnic or interreligious hatred;
  • Your computer or laptop is infected with malware that does not allow access to the site;
  • Your Odnoklassniki page has been hacked by attackers.

It is very important to first determine for which of these reasons you are unable to log into Odnoklassniki, and only then solve the problem accordingly. For example, you cannot be administrated or hacked by scammers. How to determine the cause? Very simple! We will give several accompanying “symptoms” for each of the options, and you yourself will be able to determine which of them more accurately describe your problem.

Infecting your computer with a virus

To get started, try accessing your Odnoklassniki page from any other device: mobile phone, tablet, your friend’s or neighbor’s computer. If in these cases there are no problems with logging in, then it’s all about your computer or laptop. Malware has been introduced into his system, blocking your access to Odnoklassniki. Below you can read how to deal with this problem.

Profile blocked by site administration

If you cannot log into your account from any available device, then there is a fairly high probability that your page was simply blocked by the administration of the Odnoklassniki website. Perhaps you accidentally violated the rules of use of a social network by posting something that the developers considered inappropriate. Further, in the appropriate section, you can find out how to resolve this issue.

Account hacked by scammers

If, when you try to open your page in Odnoklassniki, the message “Incorrect login or password” pops up in front of you, and you are sure that both are correct, it is quite possible that there were craftsmen who managed to guess the password for your account, and then they replaced him, so that you, in turn, could no longer enter.

This situation can be especially unpleasant if a bank card was linked to your Odnoklassniki profile - in this case, attackers will be able to easily withdraw your savings from it. What to do in such cases - read below in the appropriate section.

Can't understand? Then quickly read our other article - in it you will definitely find a solution to this problem.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki on my page: what to do if it’s a virus?

If you suspect that your laptop or computer has been infected with a virus, you can take the following actions:

Run an antivirus on your computer

Probably every user knows that any device, be it a laptop, tablet or a full-fledged PC, must have an antivirus installed. This could be Kaspercky, dr.Web or another high-quality antivirus. Run a full scan of your device.

If you are so careless that you have not yet bothered to purchase this most useful program, then right now find a good antivirus and download it to your computer.

Check the hosts file

  • Now just restart your PC.

Clear the list of static routes

  • Find among the programs the one called “Command Line”.

  • Click on it, and from the proposed action options, select “Run as administrator.”
  • In the line that appears, enter route –f, and then press the Enter button.

  • When the command is completed, hard reboot your device.

Check "Network Settings"

  • Open the control panel of your laptop or computer.
  • Find the item “Browser Options” or “Internet Options” in it.

  • Now go to Connections.
  • Find “Network Settings” among the suggested options and open it.

  • A pop-up window will appear in front of you. It should not contain paths to the automatic settings script, and it should not contain proxy server settings.

I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page: it looks like I’ve been blocked

If your Odnoklassniki profile is blocked by the site administration, then only by contacting its employees you can solve this problem. Write a letter to the support service in which you tell in detail about your problem. Quite often this method helps.

If the developers of Odnoklassniki do not agree to unblock your page (this happens when there is a gross violation of the site rules, for example, posting or sending materials of an erotic nature), then you will have to accept the loss of your account and create a new profile in Odnoklassniki.

I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page: it was hacked by scammers

If you think that your page has been hacked, there is no need to waste time. Please contact support and notify them that your account has been hacked. You can do this as follows:

  • Open the login and password entry form on the website and find the “Help” inscription at the bottom of the screen.

  • You will see several thematic blocks with questions on the screen. Select "Profile Access".

  • On the page that opens, on the left you can see a list with the most pressing user problems. You should open the “Other questions” item.

  • Now look for the “Contact Support” message on the screen. It is usually located at the bottom of the page.
  • You will see a form to contact support. The first column is the purpose for which you are writing the letter. Select “Restore/Delete Profile” as the goal.

  • The second column is the cause of your problem. Click on it and select one from all the options: “Profile hacked.”

  • The third column that will appear after specifying the subject of the appeal is what you can remember about your account. For example, you remember exactly the phone number to which it was registered, which means you choose this option.

  • Enter the data you know into the prepared line.
  • Also, be sure to leave your email address in your request. Enter it in the correct box.

  • And finally, write down your problem in detail in a large window, indicating everything that you think will be important for moderators to restore your account. When everything is ready, just click on the “Send message” button.

We hope that our article was able to help you solve the problem with logging into this popular social network Odnoklassniki. If you still have any questions, write to us in the comments, we will answer everyone!

I can't log into my page

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