Automation systems for travel agencies: which one to choose. Office software for a tourism enterprise Automation program for a travel agency self-tour

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The current level of development of the tourism business and fierce competition in this area attach particular importance to the information systems of travel companies. The functionality of these systems should provide input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, the status of applications, provide for the output of information in the form of various documents: questionnaires, vouchers, lists of tourists, descriptions of tours, hotels, calculate the cost of tours taking into account exchange rates , discounts, control payment for tours, generation of financial statements, export-import of data into other software products (Word, Excel, accounting programs) and other opportunities. These systems not only speed up the process of payments and document generation, but can also reduce the cost of services (tour package).

As you know, software is computer programs and data designed to solve a certain range of problems and stored on computer media. System software is the basis for the operation of a computer, an operating system (Windows, etc.), then application software is added to it - a set of various computer programs, the choice of which depends on the specifics of the activity (text and graphic editors, programs for working with sound and image, etc.). d.). Application software is usually divided into standard software, which can be used in most enterprises regardless of the field of activity, and special/specialized software.

Special software in the tourism industry includes complex systems for automating the activities of a travel company. Software packages “Master-Tour”, “SAMO-Tour” and “SAMO-TourAgent”, TurwinMultiPro, “Jack”, “Self-Tour”, “Tour Operator”, “Tour1”, “1C-Rarus: Travel Agency”.

The main functionality of the listed programs comes down to the formation and implementation of the tour, namely:

* implementation of various operations for working with data;

* optimization and automation of tourism enterprise management, taking into account control of the sales process, changes in market conditions, etc.;

* formation of various tourist programs: group or individual, in one or several countries;

* determination of the procedure for calculating the tour;

* prompt processing of orders;

* automatic completion of tour packages and formation of price lists;

* creation of reference books on any segment of the tourism product;

* control of flight and hotel loads taking into account seat quotas;

Standard software includes office software packages, as well as computer systems that allow you to automate the internal activities of any enterprise. For a travel company, these systems allow you to maintain reference databases for clients, partners, hotels, transport, embassies, as well as keep records of tours and payments, accept orders and work with clients, generate output documents, ensure the generation of accounting reports and import-export data into specialized accounting programs, such as 1C, etc.

Over time, the requirements for automating business processes are growing. And if once the task was set to automate individual areas of work of departments, which led to the presence of a large number of disparate software products, now the main issue is the organization of an integrated operational management system. It is this approach that allows us to most effectively solve the automation problem.

Documents are the main information resources of any organization, not only in the field of tourism; working with them requires proper organization. Documents provide information support for making management decisions at all levels and accompany all business processes. Document flow is a continuous process of movement of documents, objectively reflecting the activities of the organization and allowing it to be managed quickly. Mountains of waste paper, a lengthy search for the required document, losses, duplicates, delays in sending and receiving, and personnel errors are not a complete list of problems that arise when document flow is ineffective. All this can greatly slow down, and in exceptional cases, completely paralyze the work of the organization.

Effective document flow is an essential component of effective management in the tourism industry. Document flow is extremely important for the proper organization of financial and management accounting.

Electronic document management systems (electronic document management systems) form a new generation of enterprise automation systems. The main objects of automation in such systems are documents (in their broadest sense, from conventional paper to electronic ones of any format and structure) and business processes, representing both the movement of documents and their processing. This approach to enterprise automation is both constructive and universal, providing automation of document flow and all business processes of an enterprise within the framework of a single concept and a single software toolkit. EDS can be classified according to several criteria (Fig. 1).

There are a huge number of end-use document automation applications. Here are some examples:

registration of correspondence (incoming, outgoing);

electronic archive of documents;

coordination and approval of operational regulations;

control over the execution of documents and instructions;

automation of the contractual process;

book library management (bookmanagement);

library of regulations of management procedures;

travel arrangements;

organization of an internal information portal of the enterprise and its divisions;

system for monitoring the implementation of job descriptions.

Figure 1. Classification of EDMS

The Bitrix24 CRM system is a comprehensive set of tools to ensure that the money and effort spent on attracting a client are not wasted.
  • Automatic creation of a “lead” (or potential client) from any point of contact - telephone, e-mail, personal meeting. You won’t miss a potential client - CRM in Bitrix24 automatically assigns a task to the manager even for missed calls.
  • Calls clients to mobile or landline phones from CRM without interrupting daily tasks. IP telephony in Bitrix24 is already configured and is cheaper than most similar services. All incoming and outgoing telephone conversations are recorded and stored in the client card.
  • Information on each client is always at hand: correspondence, ordered tours, notes and client preferences. With such capabilities, you can select tours for the client, anticipating the desires. It's just a pleasure to do business with you!
  • Working with CRM is very convenient for the tourism industry: it reminds managers to call the client, warn about discounts and promotions, send documents or an invoice, book a hotel or excursion.
  • If the manager quits, you can easily transfer the client to another employee - after all, he has all the information for the job, and you can connect at any stage of sales.

PC "Master-Tour" - a program for tour operators

The Master-Tour software package (PC), designed to automate the activities of tour operators, has been developed and supported since 1995. Today, “Master-Tour” is installed in 70% of travel companies in Russia and the CIS countries. The continuous development of Master Tour meets the changing needs of the tourism market.

PC "Master-Tour" covers all the main aspects of a tour operator's activities - from creating a price list and catalogs to selling a tour product, from calculating actual costs to conducting mutual settlements with suppliers, from operational accounting to management. When working with Master-Tour, you have all the necessary information about clients, partners and mutual settlements with them.

The peculiarity and uniqueness of the Master-Tour PC is the presence of flexible settings that allow you to work effectively with the PC:

  • ? multidisciplinary tour operators in different directions;
  • ? operators working with individual tourists;
  • ? cruise and bus tour companies;
  • ? small hotels and boarding houses.

Advantages"Master Tour" for tour operators:

  • ? allows you to minimize labor costs when issuing a voucher and further managing the client;
  • ? has a simple interface, close to the line of standard Microsoft products;
  • ? the ability to work with the program remotely in real time (via TCP/IP);
  • ? all modes of the program are interconnected (for example, when registering a tour, the manager can access the partner database);
  • ? the program implements the possibility of remote access between agency and operator, which allows the manager of a travel agency, by joining the tour operator’s server, to assess the availability of available seats and make a reservation;
  • ? the program includes about 40 necessary documents and reports - these are all kinds of lists, reservation sheets, tourist vouchers, accommodation sheets (rumming sheets), statistical reports, questionnaires for embassies and other reports, the appearance of which is easily customizable;
  • ? there are ready-made solutions for communication with the office of the host company “Master-Interlook”;
  • ? ready-made online store based on “Master-Tour” - “Master-Web”;
  • ? relationship with the program for travel agencies “Master Agent”;
  • ? Great opportunities to expand the program and add-ons (creation of new reports, connection with 1C).

Key Features and Features"Master Tour". The PC allows you to implement all the functions necessary to automate a travel company. PC "Master-Tour" allows you to:

  • ? create a tourism product (Fig. 23);
  • ? prepare special offers with fixed or floating markups and discounts;
  • ? calculate the expected profit on the tour and the amount of commission to the agent;
  • ? calculate bonuses for agencies;
  • ? cancel orders with deduction of penalties;
  • ? control information about contracts and deadlines for their completion;
  • ? use the message and alert service when working with agencies;
  • ? use a flexible system for creating rules for calculating agency commissions;
  • ? register any number of tourists for any tour in one or more tour packages;

Rice. 23.

  • ? control the processing of documents for visas and the deadlines for clients to submit documents to the consulate;
  • ? print a package of necessary documents (vouchers, tourist lists, vouchers, lists to embassies, financial reporting forms, etc. All reports are generated in any of the selected formats: RTF, XLS, PDF, HTML);
  • ? control the conduct of the tour;
  • ? quickly issue documents using barcodes and a scanner;
  • ? automatically enter tourist data when using passport scanners;
  • ? control the loading of services with the ability to sort by departure city;
  • ? set quotas and track the load of any service that makes up the tour, which eliminates the possibility of resale (Fig. 24);

Rice. 24.

  • ? track the progress of payment for the tour and assess the current financial condition of the company;
  • ? make deposit payments;
  • ? make payments at the rate on the date of creation of the application, date of payment or date of confirmation of the application;
  • ? define numbering rules for each document type;
  • ? determine the cost of services in various currencies;
  • ? send messages via E-Mail;
  • ? display a diagram of the vehicle in places with a location assigned to the tourist;
  • ? display the number of rooms on floors for hotels or decks for ships and ferries;
  • ? configure access to various functional blocks of the program;
  • ? use an English-language interface for foreign partners;
  • ? take into account the company's data on financial guarantees.

Every day, the head of a travel agency is forced to keep a lot of information in his head - instructions, current affairs, development tasks, numbers for the main business indicators , customer statuses in the sales funnel, plans, facts, ratios...

The tourism market is an ultra-competitive story and any mistake, any wrong decision usually hits our business very hard. And in some kind moment we all ask ourselves a logical question: “is all this possible? somehow automate?"

TurMarketing experts conducted a study especially for TRN to understand how and what modern technologies help travel agency owners get the most out of their business, automate everyday processes, and ultimately achieve a competitive advantage. We present to your attention the results of this work.

“We talked with the heads of 12 travel agencies from our test group and interviewed just over a hundred managers from among our clients (THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the study).

As a result, we were able to identify 7 ultimate tools that facilitate / automate everyday turnover and allow you to concentrate on sales and agency management.


Task: control of applications “in progress” + maintaining a client base.

Sales are the main activity of a travel agency. It is she who ultimately determines how much money will be earned. Therefore, the choice of a tool for its automation must be approached with the utmost seriousness.

There are two types of CRMs: “Cloud” and “Local”.

Cloud systems operate and store data on servers on the Internet, and are accessed using a login and password on the CRM website.

Typically, cloud CRMs are not purchased, but are rented. For a small monthly fee, the agency gets access to all the functions of the system. As a rule, the capabilities of a cloud CRM are limited by the functionality initially included in them by the developers (of course, updates are released periodically and the functionality is expanded, but this process is practically not controlled by the system users).

The main advantage of cloud CRM - relative cheapness and “works out of the box”.

Main disadvantage - inability to completely customize the system for yourself.

Local CRMs are installed on the agency's own server. They are accessed either through a local network or through gateways to which remote offices are connected via the Internet.

As a rule, local CRMs are purchased once and for all (and therefore are relatively expensive). Periodic “additional payments” are possible - when the next major versions and updates are released.

The main advantage of local CRM - the ability to expand the initially built-in functionality (you hire programmers who “finish” the system for you - add new functions, write custom reports and procedures).

Main disadvantage - price.

If the agency clearly knows what it wants from a CRM, what specific functionality is needed and how exactly it should be implemented + there is an opportunity to hire programmers to “finish it”, you should take a local CRM.

The undisputed leader in the local CRM market - "SAMO-travel agent" .

If the agency is small and does not have strict requirements for CRM (or is not ready to invest in the purchase / modification of a local solution), it is necessary to use cloud CRM.

We constantly monitor the cloud CRM market, regularly communicating with our travel agent clients, and together we choose “the lesser and most functional of evils.” Currently the best cloud solution is U-ON .travel.

What we like most about U-ON is that it provides all the functionality a regular agency needs + gives access to a couple of incredibly cool little things: it has integration with the Qui-Quo tour selection system and with the MailChimp email newsletter service (about see why this is great and why the agency needs it - below).

Task: automatic receipt of feedback from agency clients.

Has this ever happened to you?: The client bought a tour, everything seemed to go fine - when he returned, the manager called him and made sure that he liked everything, but you never saw this tourist again... And then we found out that he was now flying with another TA.

If a client doesn’t like something about a manager’s work, he rarely speaks about it directly (especially to the manager himself). As a result, the agency loses clients without understanding what it is doing wrong.

And during the season, a good agency works with so many applications that there is simply not enough time to collect reviews (especially text ones).

A questionnaire surveyor is a service that will automatically (automatically) collect reviews for you, evaluate the quality of services provided to the client, and analyze the reasons for dissatisfaction.

It all works extremely simply: you create a questionnaire in the service, and when the client returns from the tour, send him an email with a link to it (if you have email marketing set up, this also happens automatically). PROFIT!

This is what I wrote about the Questionnaire travel agency directorAlexey (Moscow):

“The questionnaire was a real discovery for me. Clients willingly write things on the website that they would never say to managers in person. The questionnaire is interactive, so the reviews are detailed and of high quality. Negative ones show us where we messed up.

Then there is no shame in posting positive ones on your website or social networks. The coolest thing is that it works by itself. We have set up answering letter with a link to the questionnaire. Now reviews come on their own. And there are more of them."

Bonus from TurMarketing : ready-made template “Feedback questionnaire for travel agency clients” (follow the link you will find a ready-made questionnaire template, which includes all the questions that need to be asked to the client in order to receive detailed feedback).

Task: one-time (sales promotion + database reactivation) and automatic (work with refuseniks + post-sales service) email newsletters.

Advanced agencies have been using email marketing for a long time.

Newsletters solve a bunch of problems - they allow you to build relationships with tourists outside the context of “buying and selling a tour”, encourage subscribers to leave requests, return “refusers” to the agency, put the squeeze on doubting clients and generally make sales more predictable.

For some agencies (with a large client base), email marketing (emm) is generally the main tool for receiving applications. What’s important is that emm is practically a free story.

The best service for email newsletters is Mailchimp. We use it ourselves, our newsletter has been running on it for almost 5 years (7000+ subscribers, open rate 40%+). Travel agents love him too.

There are many advantages: stable deliverability (99–100%), high trust rating (no getting into spam), flexible configuration of automatic series of letters, convenient personal account with detailed statistics and analytics, low cost.

Task: creating selling selections of two clicks.

There are now several solutions on the market that help partially automate the creation of tour selections. The undisputed No. 1 among them is Qui-Quo. Both we and many travel agents are in love with this system.

Why exactly Qui-Quo ?

Firstly, Qui-Quo is the system that was the first to introduce the idea of ​​automation when creating collections to the Russian market (yes, if you don’t know, that was exactly them).

Secondly, unlike other similar projects, for the guys that Qui-Quo created, it is the main (not a side) project.

Thirdly, it is the only company that works closely with travel agents to design innovations and does everything to create the best, most convenient and uncompromising solution on the market.

Just a few clicks, and the client receives a beautifully designed selection of tours. The process is automated as much as possible. The time spent by the manager on creating a selection and sending it is minimal. And it all works right in the browser.

Email, sms, vibers, whatsapp, messages on social networks, printing in the office... You can use the communication channel that is convenient for you and your clients.

On the client side, it all looks great (regardless of what device the client will be using to view the collection).

Qui-Quo also allows you to track the activity of tourists based on sent collections: you see whether the client opened the selection at all, which hotels and how many times he clicked.

In Qui-Quo templates you will find special texts of squeeze letters that our travel agency clients use. Use them when sending selections to your clients - you can “put the squeeze” on doubting tourists.

KPI nickname in excel

Task: calculating and setting a correct agency sales plan, tracking its implementation + monitoring other key indicators.

Typically, in automated businesses, the CRM / ERP system is responsible for calculating the plan (for sales and not only) and tracking the fact of its implementation. But it so happened that there are no systems on the travel market that can do this “out of the box.”

In general, the first step to monitoring any process is measuring its key indicators. And the sales process is no exception.

Any manager wants to have full control over his business and understand what is working as it should and what is not.

Therefore, TurMarketing has developed a special Excel file that automatically calculates the sales plan, cuts it into managers, tracks applications received by the agency and the fact of sales, and even helps calculate the salary of each selling employee.

Use it to always keep your finger on the pulse of your business and take corrective actions in a timely manner.

Video instructions showing how to use it -

Task: forecasting changes in exchange rates.

It is foolish to deny that the travel business is an industry that is damn dependent on changes in exchange rates. On large sales volumes, even a small change in the exchange rate in real time redefines the agency’s margin.

Opinion (financial director of a large regional chain of travel agencies):

“The exchange rate difference is a thing in itself. You can win on it, but you can also lose. Sberometer- a service from Sberbank that surprisingly accurately predicts rates for the next day. I always say this to our managers: “Don’t know when is the best time to book a tour? See Sberometer."

Let us add: use the service data at your own peril and risk - fluctuations in exchange rates, like the weather, are simply impossible to predict with absolute certainty, but it is easy to understand whether it is worth insuring yourself by taking an umbrella with you.

Task: secure password storage.

How many passwords should a travel agency director remember? Let's count together: personal and corporate email, client bank, personal accounts on tour operator websites, access to a cloud CRM system, website admin, corporate accounts on social networks, access to an email newsletter service... This list can be continued for a long time.

Few people are able to remember several dozen “correct” complex passwords without getting confused, so usually the password is the same everywhere: something like “nastya1985”. Managers often know this password, because they periodically use the above services.

Is it necessary to talk about how vulnerable in this case the information (client base, list of client emails, data on the agency’s website, etc.) on which the agency depends becomes?

Choosing a CRM system is not an easy task. The modern market for software products of this class is quite diverse and wide. The success of choosing a suitable IT solution for automating a travel agency will be determined by a clear understanding of your needs, as well as knowledge of the systems that exist today. the site studied the range of cloud solutions and prepared a brief overview of CRM, thus trying to help answer the question of which CRM to choose for a travel agency.

Choosing a CRM for a travel agency

Long gone are the days (unfortunately, not for everyone) when the main tools for travel agency employees to work with clients were paper and pen. Office supplies were gradually replaced by computer spreadsheet editors. Progress did not stand still. Increasing client bases from year to year, coupled with increasingly tough competition in the market, required travel agencies to find new solutions that would allow them to work easier, faster and more efficiently. They became automation systems. It’s already quite strange to imagine a serious travel agency without a CRM system today (although you can still find similar ones).

Nowadays, there are many different CRM systems on the tourism business software market ( abbr. “customer relationship management”, from English. "customer relationship management system") for automated management of travel agencies. Such systems are computer programs installed on users' personal computers or rented out in the form of cloud-based web applications that perform all the basic operations that tourism managers deal with and use a single database.

Typically, the main functions that should be provided in CRM systems include the following functions:

  • client management
  • sales management
  • accounting management
  • document management
  • analytics and reporting management.

Cloud CRM for travel agencies

The increasing growth of interest in cloud technologies could not bypass the tourism sector, so today the number of cloud CRMs (read about the advantages of cloud CRM systems in the review published on the site) for managing a travel agency (and not only) may exceed the number of existing desktop CRMs -systems The ability to use the program from almost any computer device, including mobile devices, from anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet, as well as the ability to securely store data remotely on web servers, have made cloud technologies an extremely attractive model for developers of IT solutions in tourism sector.

This CRM review includes the most popular Russian-language cloud CRM systems on the software market today, designed specifically for the tourism industry:


Selena is a cloud-based operational CRM for tourism. Created in 2003 as an online booking system for a small travel agency. In 2005, Selena entered the SaaS market as a travel package sales management system for companies of any size - from a small travel agency to a large tour operator.

Selena was initially designed with an emphasis on online interaction with the customer. According to the developers, one of the main goals was to create a mechanism that would allow a significant part of the manager’s routine work to be transferred to the buyer of the vouchers – the tourist and the travel agent. An online application in Selena often does not require manual processing by a manager.

Selena’s functionality includes a set of tools familiar to systems of this class: creating and accepting applications for tours, an automatically generated set of documents, managing a database of tourists and travel agents, quotas for accommodations, seating arrangements on the bus, email and SMS mailings, system notifications and reminders, currency accounting, discount and bonus system, employee authority management, various analytical and applied reports, integration with external accounting systems and payment gateways. Supports work on mobile devices.

The minimum annual cost of using the Selena CRM system is 12,000 rubles. There is a free plan for one user and with a limit on the number of applications.


Columbis is a program for travel agencies, designed to automate large travel companies. Individual travel agents and small travel agencies can use the Columbis CRM system free of charge. The Columbis customer relationship management system appeared on the Russian software market in 2013.

The program has a fairly simple and user-friendly interface, allows you to maintain databases of applications and clients, work with potential clients, set reminders for employees on deadlines and payments, automatically fill out documents and update information about tourism operators, organize SMS and email distribution. The system includes tools for working with analytics and reporting, as well as a motivation system for employees.

The minimum cost of annual use of the Columbis CRM system with the ability to work in the application for one tourism office and five tourism managers is 9,600 rubles.

CRM Tour

CRM Tour – CRM for travel agencies of any level, from small to large chains. The program was developed by the Ukrainian web studio Studio-Z. The cloud version of the application appeared in 2016, although the official year of creation of the CRM Tour system can be considered 2009. Created 8 years ago, the desktop version of the product, known back then as Touristic CRM, according to the developers, was not so widely available to representatives of the travel industry, since not every company could afford to contain the Windows Server operating system, SQL server and web specifically for the application. - IIS server, as well as equipment corresponding to the tasks.

Along with the ability to manage a client base and a database of client requests, the CRM Tour CRM system includes integration with the MailChimp mailing service, the ability to display payments by manager, the ability to independently generate printed forms and set reminders. The program also has a reporting tool.

The cost of using the CRM Tour CRM system with the ability to work in the application for one tourism manager is 1800 UAH. or 4,000 rubles per year (hereinafter - according to the exchange rate as of September 13, 2017). is an automation system for travel agencies and travel agency networks on the 1C platform. One of the very first CRM systems on the Russian market. The official date of creation of the program is 2003. In 2014, at the exhibition and conference of modern technologies, the product was awarded for winning the Best CRM system category.

The travel agency automation system has wide functionality, such as accounting for travel agency clients, planning the work of travel agency employees, importing data from various external systems, carrying out SMS and mailings, printing documents on agency letterhead, integration with various external systems , registration of contracts and tour orders, quick selection of tours on the websites of tour operators, financial accounting, generation of various reports, etc.

The minimum cost of CRM for travel agencies with the ability to work in the application for one user is 5,500 rubles. Additional forms, processing and integrations can be developed for an additional fee.

ITERIOS Travel Agent (ITA)

ITERIOS Travel Agent (ITA) is a comprehensive online system for travel agencies, released in 2012 by the Ukrainian company ITERIOS, specializing in software development for the tourism industry. In addition to traditional functionality for CRM systems, the ITERIOS Travel Agent system provides additional special tools, such as, for example, searching for tours and managing bookings. For small travel agencies a free tariff is provided.

The cloud CRM for travel agencies ITERIOS Travel Agent implements tools for recording applications, transactions and bookings, as well as managing information about tourists with the ability to create more effective offers based on data about the interests and preferences of clients and the ability to automatically create reminders for tourists. The program has tools to improve sales efficiency and attract new clients, such as a sales funnel, SMS and email marketing, a module for selling on a travel agency website, etc.

The minimum cost of using the ITERIOS Travel Agent CRM system is 4200 UAH. or about 9200 rubles per year. For a separate payment, various additional services can be activated, such as increasing the base of tourists, packages of SMS messages and emails for distribution, increasing the frequency of synchronization of the program with tour operator systems, etc.


MAG.Travel is a comprehensive CRM system for travel agencies and online travel agencies with functions for searching and booking travel services (tours, air tickets, hotels, insurance), created by Master Agent LLC in 2012 on the basis of the existing Master Agent software package from the Megatek company. The basic version of the solution can be used free of charge.

The MAG.Travel system has a convenient modern user interface, allows you to manage your client base, maintain document flow, record and control sales, assign tasks and monitor the process of their execution. The program provides the ability to integrate with IP telephony, payment services and the 1C system. Built-in tools are available for working with analytical reporting, SMS and email distribution.

The cost of the paid version of the solution (with a tourist’s personal account, the possibility of training and receiving technical support, as well as the ability to individually customize the product for a specific travel agency and search modules available for use for the site) is 79,000 rubles per year. In the basic version of the MAG.Travel CRM system, the above features are available for an additional fee.


TourControl is a CRM for travel agencies, designed to automate both travel agencies, visa centers and ticket offices. The first version of the TourControl system appeared on the Russian software market in 2011.

Cloud CRM system for automation of travel agencies TourControl provides its users with a wide range of possibilities. The program implements tools for managing clients, applications, documents, payments, reminders and users with the ability to use CRM TourControl for several offices and configure access depending on the role of company employees. The system provides functions of IP telephony, sending SMS messages and emails to tourists, statistics (on applications, clients, employees, telephony, sources, finance, etc.).

The minimum cost of using the TourControl CRM system with the ability to work in the program of one manager and 1 GB of disk space allocated for storing files is 1,800 rubles per year. For a fee, file storage space can be increased. Separate tariffs are provided for users from Ukraine and Belarus.


U-ON.Travel is a cloud-based CRM for travel companies, both small travel agencies, network agencies and large tour operator companies. The U-ON.Travel system appeared on the Russian market of software products for customer relationship management (CRM) in 2011. The system can be used free of charge by individual travel agents with limited functionality.

The program has broad capabilities in tourism business management. Along with basic tools designed to work with clients, applications, payments and documents, the U-ON.Travel CRM system implements tools for working with initial requests and the sales funnel, integration with IP telephony, integration with a travel website for receiving requests from tourists, creating mailing lists and SMS mailings, working with a tourist’s personal account, online payment, managing loyalty programs, managing the motivation of travel company staff, integrating with online accounting services, managing statistics, etc.

The minimum cost of using all basic functions of the U-ON.Travel CRM system with the ability for up to three employees to work in the application is 5,988 rubles per year. Additional services can be activated for an additional fee, such as, for example, mass mailing packages of various sizes, the ability to personalize your personal account, etc.


MyDocuments-Tourism is a program for automating the work of travel agencies and travel agencies, developed in Russia in 2009. The CRM system is supplied by developers in two versions: as a cloud application and as a desktop application that requires installation on the user’s computer and stores all data on it.

The cloud version of the CRM MyDocuments-Tourism provides tools for managing a tourist database, preparing document forms, monitoring incoming and outgoing online payments, planning tasks, creating reminders, accepting applications from a travel agency website, integrating with IP telephony, organizing mailings and SMS mailings, communicating with clients, working with preliminary applications, working with reports and statistics, accounting for discounts, discount cards, savings and bonus systems, etc. The program also supports the ability to organize access for tourists to their personal account, the ability to record seats on buses and hotel rooms, and the function of online booking of tours from any Russian tour operator companies.

The minimum cost of using the MyDocuments-Tourism cloud CRM system with the ability to work in the application for one tourism office, three tourism managers and with a limit on the client base of 500 tourists is 6,000 rubles per year.


MyTourists is a CRM system for travel agencies, existing on the tourism software market since 2012. The basic version of the program is aimed at small travel agencies. For large companies with several offices and a large staff of managers, the developers have provided advanced application capabilities that can be activated separately upon request.

Using the MyTourists CRM system, travel agencies can keep records of clients and incoming applications, create various reminders, keep reports and statistics on various parameters, calculate bonuses for employees, work with a sales funnel, organize mailings and SMS mailings, use IP telephony , work with orders from the site, create micro-accounts for tourists, etc. For large and network travel agencies, there are possibilities for office automation, integration with call centers, automatic addition of orders to the CRM system from any sources, etc.

The minimum cost of using CRM MyTourists with the ability to work in the program for no more than three users is 5,160 rubles per year. For an additional fee, the ability to work in the application for an additional user can be connected.

SAMO travel agent

SAMO-travel agent is the first travel agency automation system on the domestic market, developed in 2002 by SAMO-Soft, one of the most authoritative Russian companies in the field of IT technologies for the tourism business. CRM for travel agencies SAMO-travel agent is available in two versions: a cloud version, as well as a desktop version, installed on workstations and requiring its own server for data storage. It is positioned by the developers as a universal CRM system that can be used by both small and large network travel agencies.

The key features of the cloud version of the program for travel agencies SAMO-Travel Agent include: customer relationship management, sales management, document management, workflow management, reporting management, creating mailing lists and SMS mailings, loading and unloading financial transactions from the 1C: Accounting program , integration with IP telephony, integration with payment systems, searching and booking tours using the Andromeda reservation system, downloading applications from the tour operator website, managing loyalty programs, etc. The SAMO-Travel Agent software package can also be integrated with another SAMO-Soft product - an application for creating selections of tours for travel agency clients.

The cost of an annual license to use the cloud CRM system for tourism SAMO-travel agent with the ability to work in the application for one user is 7,500 rubles.


TourOffice is a free CRM system from the group of companies to automate the activities of travel agencies working with the Reservation Center. The solution is suitable for both small travel agencies and large network travel companies. The TourOffice system was released by in 2015.

Unlike most other automated solutions for travel agencies, the TourOffice system provides only basic functionality, which is usually present in all CRM systems. These include the following features:

  • client base management
  • accounting of customer requests
  • work with preliminary applications
  • accounting of mutual settlements
  • generation of reports (on debts, on the work of managers, on the balance sheet)
  • automatic generation of documents, etc.

The main feature of the cloud CRM TourOffice is integration with one of the largest tour search systems for all travel operators, Thanks to this, service users have the opportunity to search, book and complete documents for tours in the Booking Center. Therefore, the TourOffice system is sometimes called an accounting and booking system.

Using TurOffice CRM is completely free.

What CRM system do you use in your travel agency?

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