What does windows electronic license mean. What is an electronic key? Types of Windows licenses

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Purchase software in the boxed version, as a rule, requires the user to visit the store or, at a minimum, meet with the courier. The convenience of acquiring electronic licenses lies primarily in the fact that you do not need to go anywhere. You can buy a license in the distributor's online store, and after a while on email all the necessary instructions and the key itself will come. The advantages of this method of distributing software products are obvious: a purchase can be made at any time of the day or night, and the order is placed in exactly the same way as when buying any other product in an online store.

The difference between boxed versions and electronic

When buying a program in a box, the user receives a physical medium with the product distribution kit (usually a CD or ) and activation keys - printed either on paper or on a special sticker. In the case of purchasing an electronic key, the user receives by mail a key generated by the manufacturer; it can be either a file with special permission or simple code. In this case, the product distribution package can simply be downloaded from the Internet: either from the vendor's website or from the digital distributor's server. Usually the seller sends a download link in the same email as the key itself. It goes without saying that programs installed from a boxed distribution or downloaded from the Internet are no different at all.

License and renewal

Purchasing an anti-virus electronic key or purchasing a boxed version of the program means the possibility of updating anti-virus databases product for the duration of the license. It is very easy to make sure that the purchased one is genuine: if the antivirus, the distribution kit of which was downloaded from the manufacturer's website, accepts the key, everything is in order.

As a rule, antivirus licenses are for one year, after which the user will be prompted to purchase a license renewal. The purchase process is practically the same as the initial purchase. Some vendors, however, may ask you to specify the previous license key from the product. It is also often possible to purchase an electronic license renewal key even if the software was originally purchased "in a box".


This is perhaps the most significant difference between the electronic key and the boxed version. Due to the fact that the boxed version contains a physical media with a distribution kit and, often, Additional materials(instructions, etc.), its price can be noticeably higher than when buying an electronic key. This is not surprising: the manufacturer does not have to spend money on printing boxes, disks and printed materials, does not need to rent a warehouse, and does not need to deliver goods to retail stores. It is quite logical that for getting rid of all these worries, he is ready to provide a significant discount.

In recent years, more and more real stores have switched to trading in the virial space, and this is of course a huge plus, since many of the points that until recently limited the buyer from making the purchase that he needs have now become easily overcome. But against the backdrop of all these positive aspects, there remains a huge army of buyers who still have not made more than one purchase on the Internet because they are afraid to do so. Of course, some of the readers this article it may seem rather strange that someone does not buy goods on the Internet, but in fact, this is the way it is and something needs to be done about it... It is for this reason that we would like to tell you today what really represents itself, because the purchase of this software should certainly please you because of its innovative and progressive appearance, which does not exist and will not be one in the near future operating system.

What are the benefits of buying a Windows 10 e-license?

  • The indisputable advantage of this purchase is that you can purchase it where it is convenient for you and at the time you want to do it, because there is no time frame for work for the online store where you are going to do it. Thus, making a purchase, for example, on the site, allows you to save a lot of time at times, since you don’t have to think about how to get to the store before it closes.
  • In addition, another big plus of buying an electronic key on the Internet is that in such stores there are practically no situations when the goods are over. Thus, in 99% you will find what you need on the counter of the virtual marketplace. Of course, it is impossible to exclude the situation that the goods may run out, but here the virtual site also wins over the real one, since the arrival of a new product is many times faster.
  • Of course, it is not possible to ignore the fact that in a store on the Internet it will cost much cheaper than in a real one. Moreover, the price will vary between stores several times, and everything from the fact that in a real store you have to overpay for: a box, DVD, instructions, consultation, transportation, storage, work of consultants, etc., and in a virtual store, the price of the key is made up of direct deliveries from Microsoft to the distributor site. Thus, not overpaying several thousand rubles for software is many times more profitable than paying for something that you will not need at all in the future.
  • The warranty period also plays an important role, because with it, you can always be sure that your purchase in the face of software that has stopped working through no fault of yours can be instantly replaced with something equivalent. But in a real store, no one will meet you, because there, first of all, they will claim that the box with the key you bought was used only by you, and therefore, there cannot be any failures, although in fact, they are not rare situations when Microsoft servers freeze or virus attacks are made on them, which just lead to problems with Windows 10 ordinary users.

What should I do if I cannot choose the Win 10 edition myself?

In this case, when buying in a virtual store, it is best for you to contact a consultant and tell him in as much detail as possible what exactly you intend to do at the computer. As soon as the consultant receives from you the information necessary for reflection and comparison of facts, he will immediately offer you the most optimal version of the version of the operating system that suits you just perfect. In addition, in such cases, the consultant can inform you about ongoing promotions and price reductions for specific products, which will allow you to buy at the lowest price not only the operating system, but also various kinds of auxiliary software, if you really need it.

How can I avoid sending money to scammers when buying software from Microsoft?

Everything is elementary here, since you just need to pay attention to the little things:

  • What does the online store look like where you are going to purchase a Win 10 activation key. If the store is filled with a large number of goods and each product is located in its own section, and there is also a description of each product, then this indicates that the site was not created for one day.
  • Every self-respecting online store has a lot of positive reviews, which in fact can be replaced on the pages http: // site, where day after day there are reviews of grateful customers who have been cooperating with us for more than a year. Immediately, we note that the comments must be such that they cannot be edited - in our case, all added comments are located on the service through which the client makes his purchase, and therefore, such comments cannot be faked.
  • You can not make a purchase on those resources that do not have a form feedback: support chat, mobile phone, icq, e-mail, etc. It is clear that there cannot be 10 feedback options in one online store, but at least 3-5 must be present.
  • Also, when making a purchase, pay attention to the "trading status" of the seller, since he must certainly be "certified" if the purchase is made using an electronic wallet.

How long does a Windows 10 e-license last?

In fact, it can work indefinitely, since there are absolutely no restrictions on its use. The only thing that can limit the use of the purchased product is license agreement Microsoft, which can forcibly force you to switch from the "dozens" to a more recent version of the operating system, or you, out of your ignorance, or perhaps on purpose, violate the license agreement between the user and the developer company. Only in these cases, the period of your purchase will become limited, in all other situations, everything will work for as long as possible!

We hope you have concluded that it is possible and even necessary to buy an electronic license for software in online stores, but you only need to do this on trusted sites that have existed for more than one year and can offer all their customers a lot of evidence that this is not a fraudulent site, but a full-fledged Internet resource that functions in order to provide everyone with the opportunity to buy licensed windows keys many times cheaper than anywhere else!

Hello friends! We recently introduced you to all existing . In today's article, we will continue this topic and talk about the typesoperating system licensing. This topic is very importantbecause Windows is not a free product and it is very useful to know all the features of the Windows 10 license installed on your computer. According to my observations, 99% of ordinary users do not know all the features of the operating system installed on their computer. For example, a license FPP can be sold and used in business activities, and OEM cannot be resold and itforever tied to a specific hardware configuration. license Upgrade can be upgraded to more new version, A Evaluation is issued free of charge for a certain period. There are many more similar nuances, which you will learn about from today's article.

Types of Windows licenses

Microsoft does not actively fight against piracy among ordinary people, because it believes that the problem can only be solved at the level of consciousness of the people themselves. The company's experience more than 10 years ago showed the ineffectiveness of reducing the cost of Windows in order to profit by making the operating system available to the masses. When licensed Windows for just $10 hit stores in China, the Chinese still didn't buy anything. Who both used the pirate, and continued to do so. By comparison, today Windows Home edition costs almost $150, while Professional edition costs just under $250. But no difference in numbers can convince someone who needs to pay, who initially believes that there is no need to pay at all.

Fundamentals and principles of licensing

Microsoft, as the owner of Windows as an intellectual property right, may impose any conditions on the use of copies of its product and any fees for such use. We always agree with the licensing terms at the stage of installing the system, because without this step it will not be installed.

But few of us read these conditions. Microsoft has done everything possible to prevent us from reading them - it has set out the text in complex legal language with its characteristic vagueness and lack of specifics. The licensing policy of the company as a whole is reduced to simple things: less of your responsibility, more restrictions for those who are too inquisitive and want to use the system to make money.

The essence of the license conditions for ordinary users (not merchants) is as follows:

  • Microsoft does not sell us Windows, but only gives us the right to use the system;
  • We have no right to circumvent the technical limitations of the operating system, study its technology, take actions to open the source code;
  • We have no right to engage in fraud and theft on the Internet;
  • We agree that Microsoft collects certain information about us;
  • We agree to implement updates in the system;
  • We must use Windows only when we have a license, and we are prohibited from pirating the system.

Right Licensing Form Windows usage- a license key, it is also an activation key. It is purchased either with the computer or separately. One of the key conditions for licensing user editions of Windows (Home and Pro) is one license for a copy of the operating system installed on one device. It can be a PC, laptop, tablet, some kind of hybrid, virtual machine and so on. For corporations, there may be one license key for several computers, but this is already the sphere of economic contractual relations, where the keys are tied to certain organizations. More specific licensing conditions are set by license types.

  • Note: The types of licenses determine the terms of use of Windows, but do not affect the functionality of the operating system. Functionality varies between editions of specific versions of Windows. Some types of licenses may be applicable only to certain editions due to the specifics of the user audience they are aimed at.

Types of licenses

For personal computer users and small businesses, there are three options.

FPP (Full Product Package), aka Retail, aka Box, aka boxed version - this is in early versions optical disc, and later a flash drive with the process Windows installation, a material product that can be bought on the shelves of specialized stores.

Packaging of the original installation media must contain a license sticker and a key of the corresponding edition. The boxed version has manufacturing costs, and therefore it costs more than any other types of licenses. The boxed version can be sold, donated, transferred to another computer. It is not tied to a specific device. If this type of license is used in business activities, the box with the license sticker and key must be kept. It may be required by regulatory authorities.

ESD (Electronic Software Delivery), aka E-key, aka electronic key - this is a license, like a boxed version, not tied to a specific device, but having a lower cost due to the absence of packaging, media, transportation, etc. P. ESD is a completely virtual product, we buy a license key and electronic documentation confirming the transaction. Entrepreneurs need to print this electronic documentation and present it at the request of the competent authorities. An electronic key is bought on the Microsoft website, and the distribution kit of the system is downloaded there to install it on a computer.

Friends who are interested, in this publication you can see how the process takes place directly. By the way, on the Microsoft website, the key can only be purchased for the current "Tens". Electronic keys for both new and old versions of the system can be purchased at various online stores.

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is the cheapest, but at the same time the most limited type of license in terms of use. Comes preinstalled with Windows on new PCs, laptops, tablets and other devices. Microsoft does not issue an OEM license directly to end users, but to assemblers of computer devices - legal entities carrying out relevant activities. And at the same time imposes on them part of the responsibilities for the service.

An exception to this rule is made only for individuals, not entrepreneurs. If we, friends, assemble a PC ourselves at home, we can count on a discount in the form of the right to purchase an OEM license.

Device assemblers are required to install the operating system, activate it, and stick a license sticker on the device case. Previously (by Windows version 7 inclusive) this label provided a product key in case you need to reinstall your system. With the appearance of OEM devices with pre-installed Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, the specifics of sales have changed: the license sticker no longer contains a key, but it is sewn into the BIOS and, in theory, should be automatically substituted when the system is reinstalled.

You can buy an OEM license separately from the device for almost nothing at various trading floors Internet. But no sticker, no title document linking the OEM key and specific device, such a scheme to reduce the cost is illegal. The only question is how deeply aware of the licensing policy of Microsoft specific review bodies.

The OEM license key is permanently bound to the device, i.e. to a specific iron configuration. When replacing components, OEM activation may fail, but by calling Microsoft support and documenting the need to replace one or another component, activation can be restored. And so you can call several times, but until a certain time. Until then, Microsoft decides. The company has a documented algorithm (for internal use) of how much of what users can change inside the computer in order to be eligible for activation recovery. OEM license is not restored in case of replacement motherboard. The only exceptions are cases with replacement under warranty. If not under warranty, the license is lost.

Corporate licenses

For legal entities, Microsoft offers corporate licenses, limited to a garter to a specific organization, but cost-effective if you take more keys. Modern Windows volume licenses usually come in the form of an electronic key and documentation confirming the transaction. Microsoft has a flexible approach to the commercial sector, and there are a lot of volume licensing programs. Among them is the budget licensing program for the Windows 10 Education edition (Educational).

What's new in Windows 10?

Among key functions can be distinguished:

  • Expanded start menu. The familiar Start menu is back in place, giving you one-click quick access to your most used functions and files, as well as the ability to personalize your favorite apps, programs, people, and websites.
  • Applications that run on Windows. Apps from the Windows Store now open in the same format as desktop apps. They can be dragged and dropped, the window resized, and there is a title bar at the top that allows users to maximize, minimize, and close the application with a single click.
  • Improved pinning feature. Thanks to the new placement of quadrants on one screen, you can pin up to four applications. Windows will show you other running apps and programs you can pin, and even make recommendations for filling up the remaining screen space with other open apps.
  • New task view button. A new taskbar button provides one view of all open applications and files, allowing you to quickly switch between user-created desktops.
  • Multiple desktops. Instead of cluttering one desktop with files and applications, you can now simply create multiple desktops for different purposes and projects and easily switch between them.

What are the editions of Microsoft Windows 10?

The software is "attached" to the hardware upon activation. Purchasing a license separately from a computer is illegal 1 .

OEM editions of Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro are sold.


Possible variant if you buy licenses separately from computers. Easy licensing, no minimum quantity restrictions. If the seller has it in stock, then the delivery time is minimal. The price includes VAT. Licenses are not registered, they can be transferred to another organization, but not more than once.

This is the only type of Windows licensing that allows you to transfer your license to another computer.

High price. No right to use previous versions. Inconvenient logistics for large purchases. The need to store packaging (empty boxes) to confirm the legality of the software. A boxed license is not equivalent to a volume license.

Boxed editions of Windows 10 Home and .

Electronic key

In the online stores of Microsoft partners, you can purchase Windows 10 dongles and download the appropriate distributions. These licenses are for personal users and correspond to boxed versions.

In the form of electronic keys, editions of Windows 10 Home and are sold:

Corporate license

Under Volume Licensing programs, Windows is only available as an upgrade ("upgrade"). This means that volume licenses are purchased after OEM licenses, boxes or dongles are purchased.

Of the commercial editions of Windows 10, volume licenses exist for the Pro and Enterprise editions.

Volume keys (VLK). It is possible to legally use previous versions - downgrade. License production time - from 2 working days.

Licenses are nominal, they cannot be transferred to another organization. There are restrictions on the minimum order (at least 5 licenses).

How to legalize Windows?

The best and most economical way to purchase complete Windows licenses– purchase of a pre-installed OS on a new computer (OEM license). However, if counterfeit software is found or if a license is applied to windows updates under Volume Licensing, computers without the appropriate operating system can use solutions that will resolve the discrepancy. We are talking about the so-called "legalizers" of Windows.

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