Installing a Linux server. The best Linux distributions for the server. Distributions using other package systems.

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First acquaintance with any new system starts with its installation. Despite the fact that this topic is quite hackneyed and only lazy people did not write about it, without a description of the installation process our cycle for beginners will be incomplete. We will try to not only tell you how to install the system, but also why we choose certain settings and what they affect. We will also consider installing a server Ubuntu versions, since our cycle is intended specifically for novice administrators, so that they can eliminate gaps in knowledge and consciously approach the perception of the rest of our materials.

At the end of this course, you will be able to publish your personal or professional web page on the Internet without having to hire hosting. All you need to complete this course by setting up your own web server is a computer on which you can mount a virtual machine.

A virtual machine allows you to install another operating system without touching your current installation. It's just like any program you install, the virtual machine runs at startup virtual machine and, as if it were a different computer, a different operating system ran.

Since the main system for our solutions is Ubuntu Server, we will install it. The latest release can always be obtained from the page: We strongly recommend using only LTS versions, as they are the most stable and have a long support period. Regular versions, as a rule, are a testing ground for new technologies and can be unstable, not to mention the fact that a support period of 9 months is absolutely unacceptable for working server systems.

There are many free systems virtualization. The course is extremely practical and video based. All lessons have additional material, which will serve as support for video lessons and notes with concepts, commands and settings. All texts are supported by references to various sources where any concept or technology considered interesting or necessary can be expanded upon.

You can see the differences between one option and the other in the article. If we decide to set the default installation, we will run the following commands. At the time of writing this tutorial, version 20 is available, which is the most recent. We run the following commands.

The first thing you will see when booting from the installation media is the language selection menu:

Its choice determines not only what language the installer and the system will communicate with you in, but also what locales will be generated. The set of locales affects not only how characters from national alphabets will be displayed, but also the operation of some programs and services that are critical to regional settings, for example, 1C Server.

First of all we need to edit the configuration file for the security settings, for this we run the command. These footers include the server version and operating system, so it is recommended to keep this data hidden. We can also use the following commands, which are more informative.

The number of alternatives is such that many users do not know what to choose. As you can imagine, we find the same problem as with a desktop computer when choosing an operating system for a server. There are too many alternatives with many differences between them. For this reason, we have to narrow down what we need a little.

After which the system, already in the language you have chosen, will offer to proceed with the installation and indicate the country it offers, based on the selected language.

Automatic layout detection should be abandoned:

And select the required layout from the list; in most cases, it is enough to agree with the choice of system:

What if we need a GUI?

However, two distributions are very important to take into account, again emphasizing the first one. But if we want to equip a team of this, we must know that the previous two are not recommended. It's not about whether it reaches height, but about what it is looking for, you can say something is "good, nice and cheap" or what is the same, easy to install, easy to use and with minimal appearance Problems in installation time and after. As stated, this is part of the opinion among some of the allocations that have been approved. Obviously, if we focused on testing which server versions of each distribution do better or worse, it might not be over in a month. From large data centers to the perfect desk.

Then you should specify the key combination to switch it. We strongly discourage, unless it is your personal system, specifying anything other than the default Alt+Shift. Because it is extremely unpleasant, finding yourself in an unfamiliar system, to guess which particular combination was chosen by the administrator who installed it.

What you need to know before you start

Local access? . The following installation guide will help you, whether you choose the famous 5 minutes installation or if you need detailed guide on installation. Before you begin the installation, you will need to do a few things.

What you need to do to install

You need to gain access to your server and its folders in addition to the software to proceed with the installation.

The famous “5 Minute Installation”

  • Unzip the file to a folder on your hard drive.
  • Print this page for reference during installation.
This brief instructions for the lazier ones.

The next step the system will try to get network settings, since most networks have a DHCP server, at this stage the system will configure the network and gain access to the Internet.

If for some reason you cannot automatically obtain network settings, you can specify them manually or skip this step. For educational purposes only, we will select the item Skip network setup for now.

Creating a Database and User

  • In the root folder.
  • In a subfolder.
Location of your root folder in file system your web server may vary depending on your hosting provider and operating system. Check with your hosting provider or system administrator if you don't know what this is.

Step 5: Start installation

The following screenshots show how the installation occurs and the installation script will walk you through what's left of the process.

Installs troubleshooting scripts

General installation problems

Make sure the database engine is running. . Below are some of the most common installation problems. Supported operating systems. Network and firewall requirements. Preparing the main machine for installation.
  • If main computer has several network adapters.
  • When you're done, you'll see the following.
During the authentication process, when the user provides a name and password, asymmetric encryption is used, but for the rest of the session, symmetric encryption is used due to its lower processing requirement.

After this, you will need to specify the system name and user name. Please remember that in Ubuntu Account root is disabled and the user created at this stage receives the authority to elevate his rights to superuser using the command sudo. See our article for more details:. Also, do not forget that Linux is a case-sensitive system, so it is good practice to use only lowercase, including in usernames.

Remote execution of graphical applications

Configuration files.

Identification by certificate

Let's assume that the client is called "client" and the server is called "server". As the first option we will set local printer to our educational intranet server and we will share it so that network users can use it regardless of the computer they are using. This printer will be in the same location as the server and therefore, since we have seen the convenience of isolating the server, its use should be analyzed in detail.

You should also refuse the offer to encrypt your home directory.

Then enter your current time zone. This setting should be approached responsibly, since an incorrectly set time zone can lead to incorrect operation a number of services or lead to the appearance of unreliable information in applications, for example, in the calendar or task scheduler, especially if the data is used by users located in other time zones. In this case, it is important to choose your own time zone, and not the corresponding offset from GMT. This is necessary so that if the time zones in your country change, the system will correctly apply the updates.

We insist that the teacher does not use the server to print the document, but will use a printer connected to the server from a remote station. This software will be able to fully meet the needs of a print server that can be provided in a computer system environment.

Manually starting and stopping the cup server

Starting the print server automatically at system startup

From the server we have to open the browser and go to the following address. Internet Print Server Administrator Home Page. To access any of the options you must be an authorized user. You will be required to enter a username and password with permissions.

In Russian realities, it may happen that the distribution was released before the time zone changes were made, and the current zone is not in the list, which is what we see in the figure above. In this case, you should select the zone that was before the clock change and, after installing and updating the system, use the recommendations from our article:

At the top home page we have six menus that will allow us to access different cup configuration options. Displays home page cups, from which you can directly access the most common options. Create groups of printers to centralize and manage large print jobs. It is not used in small systems.

Access the cups. Documents are located at English language. Allows you to manage print jobs. We can access the queue, view the print status and pending print jobs. It is also possible to remove jobs from the print queue.

After setting the time, we move on to the most important stage - setting up the disk. The system offers several options, including automatic marking. In most cases, we choose this item. If we talk about a single disk, then we see no point in splitting it into partitions, with the exception of desktop systems, where it is worth putting it on a separate partition /home.

From here we can add, configure, delete, change and manage printers. We have to configure it in the cups so that the printer can be used both from the server and from different network stations. Normally our system does not have a printer, so if we go to the Printers menu, we will see the following.

To add new printer, go to the "Administration" menu and click the "Add Printer" button. Cups will attempt to automatically detect the printer, whether locally connected or network printer. Select it and click Next. In the next step, it will determine the type of connection to the printer.

In loaded systems, it makes sense to remove sections with data, for example, /var/www or /opt/zimbra, to separate disk arrays. If you want to install the system on software RAID, then refer to the article:. In other cases, feel free to choose automatic partitioning without LVM, in this case a swap partition will be created on the disk ( swap) in GB units and the root partition on the remaining space.

Then we have to select the printer driver. If our printer model is not shown, we will need to find out if it is compatible with other models in the list. The printer is installed. The Printer Settings page then appears. If we go back to the Printers menu, we can now see that we have a printer configured.

We can use the Print button test page» to check the printer. We already have our printer ready to use from the server itself. To use the printer from clients over the network, you must go to “Administration” and check the “Share printers connected to this system” checkbox.

Another important issue is installing updates. On the one hand, updates allow you to timely close vulnerabilities and keep the system in good working order. current state, on the other hand, an uncontrolled update is quite capable of leading to serious failures. What to do is up to you. We prefer to install updates manually on critical systems, after testing them on a specially dedicated system, but if you are setting up a router, then updates can be enabled.

Software - Update your software cups

Setting up a printer on clients. There are many settings you can configure. This simplifies network management and makes it easier for new computers to join the network. Need to create backup copy configuration file.

Configure using the address range method

Change the configuration by typing.

Installation from source

And in this file we change the following sections. We save and exit the file.

To find out the addresses assigned to client machines. First of all, you must install it. You can get it in several ways; Two of them are to install it from source or install an existing package for your platform. The second option is home-grown.

After installing the system base, the installer will prompt you to select software sets for installation. You can select the necessary roles at this stage and get a system ready for configuration. Is this bad, especially for a novice administrator? Badly! And here's why: with this approach, the system remains a “black box” for the administrator; there is no idea about the purpose of individual packages, their role and impact on the system as a whole. Therefore, we recommend that you reject the suggested options and install the required packages manually. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the system and the interactions between its components. And when you begin to feel like a fish in water in the Linux environment, you will decide for yourself whether you need to install the software automatically.

After installation you will have both version command line, and standard GUI. You can download other versions in the link that says "alternative downloads" if you see fit, and the process is essentially the same.

These signatures allow you to fully verify the integrity of the file you downloaded and thus confidently generate installation media or use this file. And if you don't know, it's no problem, go ahead! 😉. Of course not. Why? Once these parameters are clear, we can proceed.

Therefore, we do not select anything and (by clicking Tab) go to point Continue.

While the system is being installed, you can quickly run and pour yourself a cup of coffee, even if it’s not very powerful systems this operation does not take much time.

At the end of this process, the installer will prompt you to install the bootloader; you should agree with this proposal, unless you are planning a system with some kind of “tricky” boot system:

Imagine the network we want to configure is we'll go to the end of the file and start writing a new line where we'll insert this text. Now we will explain what each thing means so that you can change it to your whim. Unlike traditional hosting services, your server will not be shared with other people because only you will have unique and exclusive access to the system and you will be able to customize it the way you want.

Start creating your server

To do this, enter the command below and enter the current password and the new password. Now you need to update the system repositories. After updating the repository you should install text editor to be able to make settings on the server. The following steps can be used for almost any distribution, so you can use the one you are most familiar with.

After which you will be asked to reboot the system, the installation will be completed and you will have a full-fledged server operating system at your disposal.

So, the first login to the system, we would not have written about it if not for the reader response, which showed that many had difficulties at this point. So, on Linux systems, the process of entering a password is not visually displayed in any way; you just need to type the desired combination of characters and press Enter, although outwardly the system behaves as if nothing is happening. This behavior is inherited from UNIX systems and serves security purposes so that an attacker cannot find out the length of your password.

Once you've logged in, the first thing to do is set up your network. As you remember, we did not make any settings at the installation stage, so we do not have the opportunity to install additional packages and should get out of the situation with what is available. By default, the system has a text editor nano, it is not as convenient as the built-in editor mc, but you need to know how to use it, just in case of such situations.

First of all, let’s elevate our rights to superuser:

And open the configuration file with network settings in the editor:

Nano /etc/network/interfaces

And let's bring its contents to the following form:

Auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

First section auto lo specifies settings for the loopback interface and is already present in the file. The second section specifies the settings of the external network interface eth0 to work with static address. The options are clear and do not require separate explanations; the addresses, of course, are taken solely as an example. If your server has several network adapters, then you should register a section for each of them.

Let's say we want to receive the settings of the second network adapter eth1 via DHCP, for this we will add a section:

Auto eth1
allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

Let's talk a little about the options auto And auto-hotplug. The first specifies to initiate a connection at boot, and the second triggers the mechanism to monitor hot reconnection and initiate the acquisition of an address when this event occurs.

When you have finished editing the file, you should exit the editor by Ctrl+X, affirmative ( Y) by responding to the offer to write the file.

Then restart your computer:

If everything is done correctly, the system will have access to the network and the Internet. You can check this with the ping command:


The execution of the command should be interrupted with the combination Ctrl + C, remember this combination, it will come in handy more than once.

You can view the settings of network interfaces with the command


With the same command you can find out which network cards the system sees and under what names, to do this, use the parameter HWaddr, which represents the MAC address of the network card.

Before proceeding with further configuration, the system should be updated; to do this, we will again raise the rights to superuser and update the list of packages with the command:

Apt-get update

Then update the system with the command:

Apt-get upgrade

We carefully study the output of the command, as we see, for some reason three packages are not updated, in this case these are kernel packages. Therefore, we will try to update them manually. To do this, run the command:

Apt-get install linux-generic

Which will install a new kernel and dependency packages for it. After updating, it is also recommended to reboot the system.

After the reboot, install the administration tools: package ssh For remote access to the server and file manager mc, which greatly simplifies working with the system.

Apt-get install ssh mc

To start mc use a simple command:

if you want to run it with superuser rights.

Working with it is quite simple; those who have worked in DOS with Norton Commander or Volkov Commander managers should not experience any difficulties at all.

Navigation is carried out using arrows, switching between panels with a key Tab, and selecting with the key Insert. The main actions are indicated below, the numbers next to them indicate the number of the function key responsible for this action, for example, F4 - Edit, F8 - Delete, F10 - Exit. You can always collapse and then expand mc with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O and access the console.

In the window that opens, use the arrows to navigate to the option Built-in editor and select it using the key Space. To confirm the settings and exit, press Further.

This will allow you to immediately use it for editing configuration files more convenient than nano built-in editor.

Finally, let's check the possibility remote connection, for this we will use the popular utility PuTTY(download). IN latest version just need to specify the IP address or Domain name servers:

However, just in case, check Window - Translation connection encoding, it should be indicated there UTF-8.

At this point, the installation and preliminary configuration of the server can be considered complete and put it away in the server cabinet, after which you can begin setting up the necessary server roles according to one of our instructions, or continue experiments in order to further study the system.

Linux operating systems are extremely common and have a wide range of applications. While certain Linux distributions are aimed at power users, others are much simpler and are great for switching to from Windows. Linux distributions often benefit from the significant resources of their user communities.

Although Linux operating systems offer an excellent working environment for desktop computers Linux can also be an excellent system for server applications. Generally, Linux provides improved access control, giving greater flexibility and stability.

Therefore, Linux distributions are the ideal server landscape. Check out the 12 best Linux operating systems for servers and what kind of users they are aimed at.

What is Linux operating system for server?

What makes the Linux server operating system different from a regular Linux distribution? To answer, you need to take into account the server hardware. Servers are essentially computers with special characteristics. For example, server hardware guarantees long uptime, efficiency and reliability. In addition, servers balance processing power with electricity consumption. Therefore, Linux operating systems for servers place reliability and resource consumption first.

The Linux server operating system serves content for client devices. Accordingly, server operating systems have tools for creating simple servers. Since servers mostly operate in unattended mode, the graphical user interface (GUI) in the Linux operating system for the server has a less important role.

According to IDC, hardware sales data indicates that 28 percent of servers use Linux. However, this data most likely does not take into account home servers. Using specialized Linux operating systems, you can deploy your own server. It is important to use the Long Term Service (LTS) version and install the necessary software. LTS versions are more stable and have a longer support period.

When choosing a Linux operating system for a server, you should consider the purpose of the server. Application computer under Linux control as a media server different from its use as game server.

    Probably the best known of operating systems Linux is Ubuntu. With many options, Ubuntu is a stable distribution. This system and its variants provide excellent user experience. Ubuntu system Server comes in two versions - LTS and as a rolling release. The LTS version of Ubuntu Server is said to have a five-year support period. Although this period is not five years, non-LTS versions only have nine months of security and maintenance updates.

    While Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server are very similar to each other, the Server version offers different features. For example, Ubuntu Server provides add-ons such as OpenStack Mitaka, Nginx, and LXD. They make system administration easier. Using Ubuntu Server, you can deploy web servers, provision containers, and much more. Moreover, these tools are ready to use immediately after installation.

    Although not a server distribution, Ubuntu LTS provides a five-year support period. I'm currently using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS running Plex server as a Linux gaming server. LTS distributions can function perfectly as operating systems Linux systems for servers. You just need to install server software on them.

    If you're new to Linux, or to server operating systems, then Ubuntu is a great choice. This system remains one of the most popular distributions Linux is partly due to its user friendliness. Accordingly, Ubuntu Server is a Linux server operating system that is fantastic for first-time users. It is excellent as a media server, game server, and server Email. More complex servers can also be configured with Ubuntu Server, but it is definitely aimed at basic servers and beginners.

      SUSE Linux debuted in 1993. In 2015, the open source variant of openSUSE evolved into SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE). There are two branches of openSUSE: Leap and Tumbleweed. The Leap version has a longer release cycle, while Tumbleweed is a rolling release. Therefore, Tumbleweed is more suitable for advanced users, providing the latest packages such as Linux Kernel and SAMBA. The Leap option is more suitable for stable solutions. The operating system is supported through updates.

      The default tooling makes openSUSE a fantastic Linux server operating system. It includes openQA for automated testing, Kiwi for delivering Linux images on multiple platforms, YaST for configuring Linux, and a comprehensive manager packages Open Build Service. By eliminating the nine-month rolling release cycle and focusing on stability as SLE does, openSUSE becomes a viable Linux environment for servers. Specialists in information technology even called openSUSE"...CentOS and Debian from SUSE."

      For which users is it intended: openSUSE is more suitable for advanced users such as system administrators. It is suitable for installation webservers, basic home servers, or combinations of web servers and basic servers. System administrators can take advantage of tools such as Kiwi, YaST, OBS, and openQA. openSUSE's versatility makes it one of the best Linux operating systems for servers. In addition to server capabilities, openSUSE supports a pleasant desktop environment. For the most basic servers, openSUSE is also quite suitable, although somewhat redundant. Still not sure?

        If you're feeling ambivalent when you read the words "Oracle Linux," you're not alone. The Oracle Linux system is a Linux distribution supplied by the technology giant Oracle. This system is available with two different kernels. One variant has a kernel compatible with Red Hat(RHCK). This is the exact same kernel that is used in the Red system Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Oracle Linux System certified to work with a variety of equipment from manufacturers such as Lenovo, IBM and HP. To increase kernel security, Oracle Linux uses Ksplice technology. The system also includes support for Oracle containers, OpenStack, Linux and Docker. Oracle themes are used as brand symbols, including Oracle Penguin.

        The system is supported by the manufacturer, but it is paid. Although, if Oracle Linux does not work in an enterprise environment, then the price for support is not set. If there is a need to deploy a public or private cloud, the Oracle Linux operating system also supports these technologies. On the other hand, you can try Oracle Linux if you just want an Oracle-branded Linux system.

        For which users is it intended: Oracle System Linux is better Most suitable for data centers or for creating clouds with OpenStack. Oracle Linux is best suited for the most experienced users of home or enterprise servers.

        1. Container Linux (formerly CoreOS)

        The CoreOS operating system changed its name to Container Linux in 2016. As the new name suggests, Container Linux is a Linux operating system released to provide containers. The system is focused on simplifying the container provisioning process. Container Linux is an excellent operating system for reliable, scalable use. Clustering container deployment is easy, and the distribution includes service discovery tools. It includes documentation and support for Kubernetes, Docker and rkt technologies.

        The system does not include package management. All applications must run within containers, so containerization is a must. And if you work with containers, then Container Linux is the best operating system for servers in a cluster infrastructure. It provides an etcd daemon that runs on each computer in the cluster. In addition, a certain flexibility in installation is provided. In addition to local installation, Container Linux can be run in virtualization environments such as Azure, VMware, and Amazon EC2.

        For which users is it intended: Container Linux is best suited for servers in a clustered infrastructure or container provisioning. This likely doesn't include the average home user. But with the official Docker logo for Plex lovers, Container Linux can run in any environment - from basic home server for complex clusters. Use Container Linux if you are confident working with containers. Together with openSUSE, Container Linux is one of the best new and updated Linux operating systems to try.

          The CentOS operating system provides a stable working environment. It is an open source variant of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system. In this regard, CentOS provides an enterprise-grade server. This operating system from Red Hat uses the same source, like RHEL. CentOS includes the RPM package manager. In 2010, a review of sales data showed that approximately 30 percent of all Linux servers runs on CentOS. And there's a reason for that: it's a very robust server environment with support from Red Hat.

          It should be noted that CentOS runs well on mainframes as well. For users who prefer GUI, KDE and GNOME are available on the system. CentOS system can be used as a direct operating system for desktop computers. Thanks to support from Red Hat and a growing user community, CentOS remains bug-free.

          For which users is it intended: CentOS provides the functionality and stability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Therefore, it is ideal as a modern server operating system. If you need a free alternative to RHEL, you can use CentOS. However, it is also quite beginner-friendly thanks to its package manager. Overall, CentOS is the best free alternative Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

            Many servers limit their power consumption. Reduced power consumption is a major benefit, especially for always-on machines. Therefore, Linux server operating systems must use small resources. Proper resource allocation is key to server uptime and efficiency. Many Linux distributions use fewer resources than their Windows or macOS counterparts. The Arch operating system is a simple, lightweight distribution that adheres to the KISS (Keep Things Simple) principle.

            For this system in Arch Linux Wiki dedicated. There you can find out everything related to configuring Arch Linux as a server operating system. While there is no dedicated, pre-built edition of the system for servers, this Wiki documentation describes all the steps to create your own server operating system. You can install popular programs for servers including MySQL, Apache, Samba and PHP for Arch.

            For which users is it intended: Arch Linux is a general-purpose Linux operating system for servers. It's ideal for turning an old PC into a server. But, despite its lightness, the Arch system is quite functional even on a more powerful hardware. Additionally, Arch Linux is best suited for users with a technical background as they will have to set up Arch as a server system.

              Mageia is a Linux operating system that focuses on reliability and stability. This is a branch of Mandriva Linux that appeared in 2010. In 2012, PC World magazine praised Mageia, which today has already reached its fifth version. While there are many Linux operating systems, there is also a large list of Linux desktop environments. The Mageia system includes a whole group of user interfaces such as KDE, GNOME, Xfce and LXDE.

              Instead of MySQL in Mageia includes MariaDB. Server-oriented elements such as 389 Directory Server and Kolab Groupware Server make Mageia the preeminent Linux operating system for servers.

              For which users is it intended: Mageia is a trusted Linux operating system for servers. It includes tools such as MariaDB and Kolab Groupware Server. In addition, Mageia provides a reliable, secure environment. Users who require a GUI may also consider using Mageia due to its variety of desktop interfaces.

                ClearOS is designed specifically for servers, gateways and network systems. Standard installation systems provide enhanced security. Includes network firewall, management tools throughput, mail server, and intrusion detection tools. ClearOS 7 Community Edition includes 75 apps and tools.

                Although there are paid versions of ClearOS, the Community Edition remains free. In addition, ClearOS updates from developers are also free, but such free updates are not tested.

                For which users is it intended: ClearOS is a specialized Linux operating system for servers. Its rich set of applications makes ClearOS a distro aimed at Linux specialists. For lovers and Linux specialists just ask required applications. But for beginners it is better to choose other system distributions for servers.

                  The Slackware operating system has long been used as Linux for servers. The first release of this system appeared in 1993. According to the Slackware Linux website, the goal of this project is “a Linux distribution that resembles UNIX as closely as possible.” By default, Slackware provides a command line interface.

                  Full Slackware installation includes C and C++, X Windows system, mail server, web server, FTP server and news server. Moreover, Slackware is so lightweight system that it can run on the Pentium platform. Continuing releases increase the stability and simplicity of the system.

                  For which users is it intended: Slackware Linux is best suited for seasoned Linux professionals. It has two package managers, pkgtools and slackpkg. But since Slackware runs a command line interface by default, it is most suitable as a Linux operating system for servers. Moreover, in its simplicity there is also a certain amount of complexity. To use Slackware, you must understand your operations in the Linux environment.

                    Gentoo is different from many Linux distributions. Instead of the traditional release model Gentoo uses a modular structure. That is, the user himself chooses what will be installed. This puts Gentoo at the top of the list of Linux server operating systems.

                    Each installation of this system is unique. Users can build a kernel that provides maximum control capabilities. Therefore, the server can control aspects such as memory consumption. Thanks to its modular structure and flexibility, Gentoo is becoming very popular among Linux professionals. System administrators appreciate Gentoo's approach to customizing the system according to their needs.

                    For which users is it intended: Gentoo is best suited for technical users and system administrators. While Gentoo can be used by beginners, it is less user-friendly than the average Ubuntu. However, the system has excellent documentation and its community is constantly evolving.

                      If you're looking for a fresh Linux operating system for servers, try Fedora. Maintained by Red Hat, the Fedora project receives regular updates. Developers are often involved in these updates. Fedora comes with various options. The Workstation version is designed for ordinary users and come with a desktop environment. By default, Fedora Workstation comes with the GNOME interface, but other user interfaces are available. The Fedora Server version, as the name suggests, is designed for servers.

                      By default, the Fedora Server installation does not include a graphical user interface. However, if you do not plan to use the server in automatic mode, you can install one of the user interfaces. The Server edition has many tools. Among them is the Cockpit system control panel. In addition, Fedora Server includes databases such as PostgreSQL.

                      For which users is it intended: Experienced Linux developers and system administrators will choose Fedora Server. The lack of a desktop environment and enterprise-level system characteristics mean that Fedora is best suited to modern servers.

                        Well, there is no special edition for Debian servers. However, Debian is one of the best Linux server operating systems available. Since Debian was released in 1993 and its first stable release in 1996, it is an incredibly secure system. Many Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, are based on Debian. Why is Debian used as the basis of another operating system? Only thanks to its stability.

                        Moreover, Debian is often used on servers as it has stood the test of time. The system includes a project manager, APT tools, and various external presentation tools such as GDebi. Therefore, although Debian does not come in a server version, it is an excellent operating system for self-hosting your own server. Debian has impressive application compatibility, reliability and stability.

                        For which users is it intended: The Debian system provides a fantastic server environment in two ways. If you need a basic server, such as a web server, mail server, game server, or media server, Debian allows you to install them without much complexity. On the other hand, more experienced users with specific server needs should also consider using Debian. Moreover, this approach does not require do-it-yourself work.

                        Best Linux Operating Systems for Servers

                        Although you can find many Linux operating systems suitable for servers, each is best for specific user groups. Moreover, non-server LTS editions function perfectly as a Linux server operating system. Debian is a good example of this. Although this system does not have a dedicated server distribution, it does have the basic characteristics of such a distribution. Namely, stability and security.

                        For beginners, or those who need a simple server setup, I would recommend any Debian-based distribution or Ubuntu variant. I use Ubuntu variants for all my media or game servers. They have maximum compatibility with those software, which I use, and allow you to create combinations of PC-based home theater servers and media servers.




                        The 12 Best Linux Operating Systems for Servers, and Who They're For

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