How to find out which Linux distribution is installed. How to find out the Linux version, basic commands. How to see the Linux version name.

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GNU/Linux has already found many fans and is becoming increasingly popular today. The number of distributions is growing rapidly, so you need to be able to understand which one is the most optimal. And this is fair, because Linux is a free graphical interface that rightfully enjoys the greatest success around the world. Often the user needs to know the version of Linux, for example, to install any programs compiled for certain versions. Their numbers are calculated in the form "Year.Month" (or "YY.MM"). Thus, these numbers indicate the release date of the distribution. Another important point is that each release must have its own codename, for example "Karmic" or "Lucid Lynx".

You can call the installation script. When you subsequently search for supported chips, you can answer all questions by default with “yes.” The installation script then displays a list of found sensors and automatically creates a configuration file. With the sensor input in the terminal you ask for temperature sensors and also get voltages and fan speed if the main board supports it. Graphical evaluation: It is more convenient to see the graphical result of the sensor output on the desktop.

Load does not equal CPU load, but indicates the number of processes waiting. The value is zero when the system is in standby mode. On a single-processor system, the load is one percent of 100 percent load, but on a dual-processor system, it will only be 50 percent load.

What actually is a kernel, what are the differences between these kernels, why do they need to be constantly developed and counted? The core is the central link of the system; it is very large in size, but it also contains an orderly and clear hierarchy of various levels. Its main components are: system calls (SCI), process management (PM), memory management (MM), and virtual system files (VFS), network stack and various device drivers. Finding out the version of Linux means also finding information about the kernel. For ordinary users who are not very knowledgeable in the field of working with software, it is extremely rare to deal with it, because not everyone will be able to cover all the important and subtle aspects of this software level. Versions differ in their interaction with hardware, drivers and operating speed. And everything that the user uses is only the surface shell and GNU applications (this prefix must be present before the Linux inscription in the system version).

The first value is the average of the last minute, the next value returns the last five minutes, and the last value refers to the last 15 minutes. To find out information about what is happening in our system. The command displays the current frequency, minimum frequency and maximum frequency, as well as various statistics.

The above command displays information for all colors. If we only need the data of one, for example 3, we do the following. If we have not installed it, we enter the following command. To run it, simply enter. Because this command has too long of an output, we may not be able to see the first thing you showed in the scroll you did. To see it a little bit, we do a performance with a lot of it.

Find out the version Linux user Maybe different ways. For example, there is a utility "lsb_release" that can be used in conjunction with the -a switch. You must first log in and then type the command. It may not be possible to install it, then the program will have to be downloaded from the repository. After entering, the screen will show the name of the distribution and its version.

After that we run it with superuser rights. If we find it difficult to read the information provided by previous programs, no problem. With these 8 tools, you can find out everything you want about your processor. It is always useful to know the components of the computer if we have to install any special software or change part.

Do you know any other way to get this data? Typically, a server will almost certainly have a 64-bit version of the operating system installed, whereas on a desktop it may change more frequently. To know this you have the following commands. These three data can give you information to know the server or desktop, and accept correct solution with the necessary data from your equipment. Hope you find it helpful and tell me. What other data or commands do you think you'll need to know more about your server?

You can view the Linux version by typing "cat/etc/issue". After this, the following data should be displayed on the monitor: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 \n \l or Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l.

The version of the kernel itself is found out using the specified function "uname -r", but if instead of the last prefix you write -a, then all the information on this command will be displayed.

Luis Armando Medina Follow me on Twitter. Stay tuned for more content in this series. Sometimes different versions The results of the same program are shown in different formats, so the results may not always match the results of the lists and figures presented in this article.

  • Interact with shells and commands using the command line.
  • Valid commands and scripts.
  • Defining, modifying, referencing and exporting environment variables.
  • Command history and editing capabilities.
  • Intuition commands inside and outside the route.
This goal carries weight.

Also, if you cannot log into the system, you can find out the Linux version by rebooting system unit and in the download menu find all the most necessary information. This method is used to identify which distribution is being used.

Information about Linux system is also stored in the /etc/lsb-release file. Therefore, to open it, enter the following command in the terminal: cat /etc/lsb-release. Also in the system GUI Linux version can be found in the user manual.

You should always consult the objectives to know the specific requirements. It also supports programming constructs that allow you to create complex commands from small parts. These complex commands or scripts can be saved to become new commands. Shells also use three standard input and output streams.

Some typical user warnings

Input streams provide input to programs, typically from terminal keystrokes. Output streams print text characters, typically to a terminal. From here we'll assume you know how to get a shell prompt. General user privileges are often indicated by a different symbol, usually a dollar sign.

So, various systems of the Linux family, being quite complex, provide fairly simple and accessible methods for determining the distribution version and kernel number. There are several viewing options, both using a terminal and without it.

If you are using Linux like operating system on your computer, then you are well aware of what kind of Linux is running there, but what if you need to connect to someone else's server and do the same job? It's really helpful to know exactly what you're dealing with, and luckily it's very simple.

Your current invitation may differ from the examples presented in this article. Your invitation may include your username, hostname, current directory, host stamp date or time, etc. This convention is consistent with many books that deal with the subject.

If something doesn't work, check the prompt that appears in the example. So now that we have a clue, let's see what you can do with it. When a line contains the # character, all other characters in the line are ignored. The # symbol can then indicate both a comment and a root hint. The context specifies which of the two will be involved.

Like everything else in Linux, there are many ways to do this, so we'll show you a few different techniques and let you decide which is best for you.

How to see the Linux version name

The simplest and easiest way to see the name of the Linux distribution and version number also works on almost any Linux. Just open a terminal and type the following there:

The third example in Listing 3 compressed all the extra whitespace into a single space in the input. To avoid this, you need to put quotation marks using double or single quotes. Placing strings in quotes saves extra white space and converts the string to a single token.

In the previous example, each token after the command name is a parameter, so we have 1, 2, 4 and 1 parameters respectively. Some of them can be seen in the table. This is necessary in special shell metacharacters, which we'll talk about a little later.

Cat /etc/issue

You will see something like the screenshot at the top of this article, which looks something like this:

Linux Mint 17 Qiana

If you need more information you can use various commands, while they may not work on every distribution, they definitely work on the most popular ones. Just as before, open a terminal and type the following:

This may be useful for destruction long lines, especially in shell scripts. Listing 4 shows some examples of using \\. Its input stream continues on the second line and includes a newline character. In addition to the space, this. Let's look at some of them in more detail in other sections of this article.

Newline and some metacharacters or pairs of metacharacters are also used as control operators. Some of these control statements allow you to create sequences or lists of commands. The simplest command sequence consists of two commands separated by a semicolon. Each command is executed in sequence. If you separate commands, the second command is executed only if the first command returns a non-zero exit code.

Cat /etc/*release

You'll get something like the following screenshot, and you can see that not only is there release information, but we've also been given a codename and even a URL. What actually happened here is that on Mint there is a file /etc/os-release, but on other versions there might be something like /etc/redhat-release or a completely different name. By using * in the command, we simply output the contents of any of them to the console.

This isn't very interesting because the echo return is zero, but we'll see more examples of this later when we can use more commands. You can specify the exit code as a parameter. If you launch your shell in a terminal window on a graphical desktop, your window will close. Let's look at another control statement. Along with two other different exit codes. Continue reading to find additional command sequences in this article.

Environment Variables and Shell Variables

Both environment variables and shell variables have a name. You can create or set a shell variable by typing the name followed by an equal sign. If the variable exists, you will change it to assign a new value. By convention, variables, especially exported ones, are written in capital letters, but this is not a requirement. They may only be referred to; You cannot assign a value to them.

The simplest method, of course, is the cat /etc/issue command, but the one we used is even better.

How to see the kernel version

The distribution version and the Linux kernel version are two completely different things. You can easily see the version number by opening a terminal and typing the following:

Uname -r

The output will be something like the following, where we can see that the kernel version is 3.13.0.

Additional environment variables and shell

When you create a shell variable, you often want to export it to the environment so that it is available to other processes that you launch from that shell. The variables you export are not available to the main shell. In the above explanation about quotes, we mentioned that you can use single or double quotes. There is an important difference between them. The shell expands shell variables enclosed in double quotes, but this expansion does not occur in the case of simple variables.

How to determine if a 64-bit kernel is being used or not

Sometimes the previous command can already tell whether a 64-bit kernel is used, this can be determined by the x86_64 text, but the easiest way to do this is a command from the terminal, which is exactly the same command as the previous one, but with -a(this is called a key), which means "everything", instead of a key -r, which means "kernel release".

In the previous examples, we started a new shell inside our shell and got a new process ID. If you pass a quoted string as a command, your outer shell will remove the quotes and pass the string. In the case of double quotes, the variables will expand before the string is passed through, so the results may not be as expected.

Placing Quotes and Shell Variables

Listing 9 provides examples of these concepts. All the variable references presented so far end in white space, so it was easy to tell where they ended. In fact, variable names can only consist of letters, numbers, or underscores. The shell knows that a variable name ends when it finds another character. Sometimes you need to use variables in expressions where the meaning is ambiguous. In such cases, you can use keys to determine the variable name, as shown in the listing.

Uname -a

From this screenshot you can tell that x86_64 is running Linux version, which means 64-bit. If you were running 32-bit Linux, which you shouldn't do on the server, it would display "i386" or "i686" instead.

Quibblers will probably notice that you can use the key -i to show whether 32-bit or 64-bit is being used (useful in scripts), but it's better to just use -a to display everything at once.

Using Keys in Variable Names

You can also use this command to run a command in a custom environment. Observe all this carefully before our analysis. Listing 11 shows the behavior of shells in relation to the behavior of variables and environments. Additionally, shells work differently depending on whether they are a login shell.

On this moment we can simply say that the startup shell is the one you get when you log in; other shells can be started to behave like boot shells if desired. If the variable was exported to the environment, it will remove it from the environment.

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