Which Linux system is better? Which distribution should a novice Linux user choose? The best distributions for new users

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This question is asked by every Windows user who wants to switch to operating system Linux. And today I will try to help you answer this question, in other words I will list Linux distributions , which are suitable for a novice Linux user, naturally with justification for why these particular distributions are suitable for a beginner.

We have already reviewed quite a lot of Linux distributions on this site, there were beautiful ones like Linux Deepin, popular and powerful ones like Ubuntu and Debian, not very popular, but at the same time simple, compact and fast like Manjaro Linux, as well as many other good ones distributions. And now it’s time to highlight from all this those distributions that are best suited for a novice Linux user.

On a note! If you are a regular home computer user and want to get acquainted with Linux take a closer look, I recommend reading my book - “ ", in it I talk in detail about the basics of the Linux operating system

And first, let's define the criteria that a Linux distribution for beginners should meet, in other words, what I was based on when compiling the list of distributions.

Criteria for choosing a Linux distribution for a beginner

  • Installing the distribution should be simple;
  • Intuitive, simple and at the same time powerful desktop environment;
  • The distribution must be multilingual with support for the Russian language out of the box, i.e. for localization, no additional actions need to be taken, except for selecting a language at the system installation stage;
  • A sufficiently large and developed community so that if any problem arises there is always someone to turn to;
  • A good set of programs, both installed by default and those that can be installed additionally;
  • Stable, reliable and safe operation;
  • The distribution must be actively developed so that a situation does not happen when, for example, we installed an operating system, and its support and development in general stopped after six months;
  • The distribution must be free;
  • It should be popular both in the world and here in Russia.

If we talk specifically about the desktop environment, and you should already know that Linux has many graphical shells, then KDE is suitable for a beginner, since it is in principle similar to the Windows shell and thus mastering new system will be much easier, besides this it is powerful and popular.

And now let me bring list of Linux distributions for beginners, there will be only three distributions in it, since I believe that in this case there is no need to provide an extended list; it will complicate the choice rather than simplify it. And I’ll start, of course, with the most suitable distribution, which is just perfect for novice users.

Linux Mint

This is a Linux Mint distribution that is a great option for beginners as it meets all the criteria listed above. Its installation is very simple, this process we looked at this, the set of programs is huge, and their installation is very simple, since the distribution implements one of best managers programs, for example, in the article about installing the Skype program, you can look at its operation and interface. This distribution is based on Ubuntu, which indicates its stability and reliability. The distribution officially supports desktop environments: Cinnamon, MATE, KDE and Xfce. The Russian language is present, the community is large, the distribution is actively developing, and Linux Mint is the most popular Linux distribution according to the website.

Screenshots of Linux Mint 17.1 in the Mate graphical shell

Mint desktop and menu

File manager

Program Manager

Control center

Linux openSUSE

openSUSE is also a great distribution for a beginner. I put it in second place, because it seems to me that Mint is a little simpler or something, but this is my personal opinion. openSUSE itself is a very powerful, popular and at the same time simple distribution, which, like Mint, is aimed at ordinary home computer users. The default desktop environment here is KDE, and the openSUSE developers are actively involved in the development of KDE, so I believe openSUSE should only be installed with this desktop environment. We discussed the installation of this distribution in the material Installing Linux openSUSE, it is also very simple and even a beginner can handle it.

Screenshots of Linux openSUSE 13.2 in the KDE graphical shell

Desktop and main menu

File manager

YaST Control Center

Linux Mageia

Linux Mageia is another distribution that is suitable for a beginner Linux user. This distribution is also actively developing, has a good community, and is very easy to install and manage ( We looked at the installation process here), it is also aimed at beginners. The default desktop environment is KDE.

Screenshots of Linux Mageia 4.1 with KDE desktop environment

Desktop and menu

Control center

Program management

The Linux distributions listed above are excellent options for first-time users. This is where I propose to end your good luck in mastering the Linux operating system.


Unlike the Windows operating system, which has very few variations, Linux offers a large range of distributions. They differ in much the same way as passenger cars of the same class differ from each other. In Linux, a user can try several distributions and choose the one he likes.

The list of distributions is very large, the most popular include: Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, OpenSUSE, Gentoo, ALTLinux, ASPLinux, Mandriva. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, but for a novice Linux user, the friendliness of the system comes to the fore. The operating system should be easily and quickly installed on the computer, “see” all the equipment and start working without additional settings.

One of the most beginner-friendly distributions is Ubuntu. Supported by a large community of users, this variant of Linux is easy to install and does not pose any difficulties for beginners. In particular, the OS correctly detects disks, including those with the NTFS file system. This means that you will have access to all the files you worked with in Windows XP and Windows 7. Ubuntu can be recommended for your first acquaintance with Linux.

When choosing a Linux distribution, carefully read its description and look at the screenshots. Pay attention to what desktops are present in the distribution. The desktop is a graphical shell that defines appearance OS, its menu and some of the programs used. For Linux, the main graphical shells are Gnome and KDE. Windows users will be more familiar with the KDE desktop. Compared to Gnome, it also has more customization options.

Since version 11.10, the Ubuntu distribution already mentioned above has a new Unity graphical shell instead of Gnome. Despite many interesting solutions, it is very peculiar and not everyone will like it. The variant of Ubuntu with the KDE desktop is called Kubuntu. One of the best things about Ubuntu and Kubuntu is that you can try these OSes by running them directly from installation disk. The distributions themselves are available for free download: http://ubuntu.ru/get.

The undoubted advantage of Linux is that this system has open source and can be configured as needed by the user. The Gentoo distribution has maximum customization options. Its main feature is that the user collects his own distribution, optimized for specific equipment. This provides a performance boost, so Gentoo can rightfully be called the fastest Linux distribution. But for a beginner it is difficult to learn, so to get acquainted with Linux it is better to look for other options.

A very good Linux distribution is OpenSUSE. This OS was developed in Germany, therefore it is distinguished by truly German quality and high reliability. Has a large number of fans all over the world. The Debian distribution is no less popular. His releases come out quite rarely, but are highly stable.

There are also Russian Linux distributions - for example, ASPLinux and ALTLinux. After proper configuration, they work quite normally, the installation process is in many ways reminiscent of a lottery - for some, everything is installed and works perfectly, for others, they have to “conjure” after installation, achieving normal operation of the system. Therefore, it is still better to opt for distributions used all over the world.

The discussion about the best Linux desktops is very hot among regular users, because in Linux there are not 2 or 3 of them, but only 6 popular ones, and I don’t even consider a few others less popular. Seasoned Linux users are picking up their swords and starting to defend their choice.

If you're wondering about my opinion, know that I've been using Ubuntu for years, until now. I recently tried Linux Deepin, maybe it will lure me to its shores in the future. I really appreciate Linux Mint, I once used its new Cinnamon desktop environment, and on a weak laptop I now use Linux Mint XFCE. With that said, Linux Mint is the clear winner when it comes to choosing a Linux distribution for beginners.

The real truth of this question is that you can't go wrong when trying Linux with any of these desktops. Each of them illuminates its own path. If you are looking for true beauty, then go the Linux Deepin route. If you want a combination of beauty and simplicity, use Ubuntu Linux. If you want simplicity, then Linux Mint is the way to go. No matter which route you take, it will be a win-win.

After the not entirely adequate actions of Microsoft related to the tenth version of Windows, many users are thinking about switching to alternative operating systems. Free software in this regard can only be offered by OSes based on the Linux kernel. Their advantages are obvious compared to the proprietary "ten" that always spies on the user. Nevertheless, there are a huge number of Linux distributions. Which Linux to choose? This is a question from a novice user who is just starting to get acquainted with this wonderful OS. And it needs to be answered. But first, some general information.

What is Linux?

Strictly speaking, "Linux" is not the name of an operating system. This is the name of the kernel on which the OS is based. It was created quite a long time ago by a man named Now Linus is the messiah for all free software lovers. The Linux ideology assumes that the user must decide for himself what the OS should look like, what software to use, and what to do on the computer in general. That is why there are a huge number of desktop shells for the Linux OS. And you can customize them as you please. quite complicated for an untrained user. But there is no need to be afraid of this, since there is a huge free software community on the Internet. Linux experts will be happy to help a beginner.

Initially, Linux was created as a product of Microsoft. However, for a long time, things were not going well for the newly created operating system. And this was due to the fact that equipment manufacturers did not recognize the alternative OS and refused to supply it with drivers. But in the last five years the situation has changed dramatically. Now all Linux devices work perfectly. Therefore, it became possible to use this OS in the mass segment. The Linux operating system has many advantages compared to Windows. And we will talk about them now.

Advantages of Linux over Windows

The first and main advantage is that you don’t have to pay a penny to use Linux. This is a free operating system. Also important is the fact that Linux uses a completely different algorithm for working with programs. Therefore, the risk of virus infection is minimal. Strictly speaking, not so much. In any case, to run malware on this system, a certain user action with a password is required. Who would consciously run this on their PC? Also the OS uses a completely different file system for the section with the files necessary for work. This increases safety and speed of work.

It is also worth considering the fact that in the Linux structure there is no such thing as a “registry”. Windows has it and is constantly cluttered. There is nothing to be cluttered in Linux. Therefore, a properly configured OS can work for years without user intervention. Stability is the calling card of Linux. And, of course, about spy functions. "Ten" sends almost all user data to Microsoft. Including text entered from the keyboard. Only Gates knows how the company uses this information. Linux is quite capable of providing anonymity and does not collect any data. Now let's talk about which Linux to choose and look at some of the most popular distributions.

Linux Mint

On this moment Mint is the most popular distribution, according to the Disrtowatch rating. It is this one with the standard Cinnamon working environment that is most suitable for novice users, since its design is most similar to Windows. However, there are other OS options with different designs. Including the lightweight XFCE or LXDE environment for weak machines. Mint is based on Ubuntu. And he, in turn, uses classic Debian. The distribution repositories contain many programs necessary for full operation in the OS. The capabilities of Linux Mint OS are extremely wide. It can be used by both professionals in any field and ordinary users. Game lovers will also not be left out, since the Wine-Staging package allows you to run almost all games written for Windows.

Since Mint is the most popular and user-friendly Linux distribution, a review of all its features and capabilities would require a separate article. But the main thing that the user needs to know is that Mint supports almost all equipment out of the box. That is, after installing the operating system, you can immediately start working. The exception is some “exotic” devices. You will also have to configure the operation of laptops with hybrid graphics (Intel + nVidia), since Linux does not support switching graphics like Windows. But there are a lot of instructions on how to configure this component on the Internet. This won't be a problem. Now it's time to move on to the next distribution.


This distribution is based on the Debian package base. But unlike the latter, it cannot boast of the same stability. Until recently, DE Unity was used as a working environment. But from version 17 of Ubuntu I switched to the classic Gnome. For an untrained user, this design is a dark forest. However, "Gnome" is quite convenient once you get the hang of it. The beauty of Ubuntu (like Minta) is that after installation the user receives a fully functional operating system. All equipment works out of the box. in the case of Ubuntu they are not a deficiency. It is for this OS that there is a huge amount of both specialized and ordinary software. There is no shortage of programs.


This is a fork of Archa with a friendlier installer interface. The fact is that in the original Arch there is no GUI during installation. Everything needs to be done using the keyboard and terminal. In Antergos, the installer resembles that of Ubuntu, which makes it suitable for beginners. However, you need to be careful with "arche-like" distributions. Updates involve the most latest versions kernels and applications. And this may come into conflict with installed drivers. You'll have to correct everything manually. Therefore, to use this distribution, you need at least minimal knowledge of the OS structure and skills in working with a terminal. The Linux Antergos operating system is clearly not for everyone. It's better to get by with simpler distributions.

Elementary OS

This is a Linux distribution based on the Debian package base. It seems like nothing special, but this system is trying its best to pretend to be MacOs. And she succeeds. The interface may be a little unusual for those switching from Windows, but it is not difficult to understand. As for programs, there are no problems here. Linux programs based on Debian are not in short supply. In principle, this distribution can be used quite comfortably. However, it is still in the “finishing” stage, so some inappropriate reactions of the system are possible. However, they are not critical and will not force the poor user to reinstall the entire operating system (as often happens in Windows). But for those who are looking for an OS that is as similar as possible to “window windows”, this option is absolutely not suitable. Alas.

Kali Linux

And this distribution is the dream of all hackers. It is not suitable for everyday use on a home PC or laptop, but it has many tools for testing networks for strength. It is this operating system that is used by some hackers to carry out illegal activities. Kali Linux is capable of providing complete confidentiality and has a rich toolkit for hacking the security of networks of any complexity. If you are going to test the strength of your neighbor's Wi-Fi, then the question of which Linux to choose does not exist for you. For all its specificity, Kali Linux also has an initial set of programs to ensure normal user operation in the operating system. However, let's look at a few more distributions.

Fedora Workstation

Until recently, Fedora OS was intended exclusively for server needs. But now ordinary users can also successfully use it. Distinctive feature"Fedora" is unrivaled stability. However, to use this operating system you need at least some knowledge in the field of Linux. It is not suitable for beginners. And if you still choose Fedora Linux? Which version should you choose for everyday use? Only the latest one. A huge number of bugs and inaccuracies have been fixed in the current versions of Fedora. These are the most stable releases of this distribution. It is very easy to understand which version is the latest. Each issue has a serial number. The larger it is, the newer the distribution.

Arch Linux

Probably the most user-unfriendly distribution. It is a constructor from which everyone fashions a system according to their own criteria. The main feature is the absence of a graphical installer. Commands in the terminal are used to install and download components. But Arch owners always receive the latest versions of applications even before they reach Debian-based distributions. The situation is exactly the same with updating the kernel. If you are wondering which Linux to choose as an evaluation operating system, then Arch is definitely not for you. It is designed for very advanced users who know what they are doing.

There are a huge number of Linux distributions, and they all have their own purpose, their own purpose. In this material, I conditionally divided distributions into several types and gave specific examples of distributions that belong to one type or another.

I simply cannot list all Linux distributions; I included only the most suitable, in my and generally accepted opinion.

If you know a Linux distribution that is perfect for a particular type, but I haven’t listed it here, write in the comments so that other users can also pay attention to it.

I will tell you a little about each distribution, note its features and provide links to official sites.

You can read about what a Linux distribution and Linux in general is in the material - What is Linux and what is a Linux distribution?

Linux distributions for home computers and novice users

If you are an ordinary home computer user and have never worked with Linux, but at the same time you have a desire to switch to this operating system, then the following Linux distributions are suitable for you; they are simple, functional and are aimed specifically at novice Linux users.

On a note! For beginner Linux users I recommend reading my book " "- in it I am as much as possible in simple language I'm talking about the basics Linux and how to use this operating system without the command line

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is one of the most popular free Linux distributions aimed at beginner users. It is based on another popular Linux distribution - Ubuntu.

In my opinion, Linux Mint is the best option for users who want to switch to Linux from Windows, as it is convenient, functional, stable, has a huge community, you can find a lot of information on this distribution, i.e. if you encounter a problem, you can easily solve it simply "googling".

The distribution has excellent localization; you will not have any problems with Russification after installing the system. Linux Mint, in my opinion, has one of the best software managers, i.e. a component with which programs are installed; in the Linux Mint distribution, the process of installing applications is reduced to one click, as, for example, on smartphones. In addition, by default it has everything you need for work software.

Linux Mint offers several default graphical shells to choose from: Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce.

The DEB format is used as a package management system.

Installation instructions using version 19 as an example – Installing Linux Mint.


openSUSE is also a very popular Linux distribution; many laptop manufacturers install openSUSE as the operating system on their products. The distribution is focused on ordinary users, and at the same time powerful and stable.

The default desktop environment here is KDE, but you can install other popular graphical shells.

The distribution, just like Linux Mint, has good localization and a huge community.

In openSUSE, a very powerful tool, YaST, is responsible for managing the software and the system as a whole. Unlike Linux Mint, the RPM format is used as a package management system.

Installation instructions using version 15 as an example – Installing openSUSE


Kubuntu is a Linux distribution derived from Ubuntu with the KDE graphical shell. Kubuntu – has all the benefits of Ubuntu and at the same time has a desktop environment that will probably be more familiar Windows users, so I recommend trying Kubuntu first.

Installing Kubuntu


Ubuntu is one of the most famous and popular Linux distributions. The development and support of this distribution is carried out by Canonical, which speaks of the quality of the distribution, its reliability and stability. As you already understood, a large number of other Linux distributions are based on Ubuntu.

The GNOME environment is used as the graphical shell. You will not find more documentation and, in general, information about any Linux distribution on the Internet than about Ubuntu; Ubuntu probably has the largest community.

Installation instructions - Installing Ubuntu

Linux distributions for advanced users

If you have already mastered Linux, in particular the distributions for beginners, which we reviewed a little earlier, you know how to work with a terminal, know the basics of programming, and at the same time you want to learn and experience Linux even more, you can try Linux distributions for advanced users, I would say for enthusiasts, for people who are called true "Linuxoids".

With the help of these distributions you will learn the internal structure of the Linux operating system.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a flexible distribution designed to meet the needs of experienced Linux users. By default, a minimal, basic system is installed, the user does the rest.

This is a very powerful distribution.

Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Linux– another powerful and flexible distribution, here almost everything is done manually ( compiling packages and so on). It would seem simple steps You will spend much more time, but you can fine-tune the system.

Slackware Linux

This distribution is for those who want to get exotic in the world of Linux. Slackware Linux- This is one of the oldest distributions.

There is an expression that reflects the essence of this distribution - “If you know Slackware, you know Linux. If you know any other distribution, then all you know is any other distribution.".

Linux distributions for low-power or "old" computers

If you have a computer with low specifications, but you are tired of XP and want to try Linux, then you should take a closer look at the following distributions, which do not require large resources and at the same time work quickly, have excellent functionality, and are also easy to use management and use.


Lubuntu is a distribution of the Linux operating system based on Ubuntu. The graphical shell in Lubuntu is the lightweight LXDE environment, which is precisely why this distribution is not demanding on resources and works even on low-power computers without any brakes. At the same time, Lubuntu remains a very functional and stable distribution with a user-friendly graphical interface.

Installation instructions using version 18.04 as an example – Installing Lubuntu


Xubuntu is a distribution of the Linux operating system, which is also based on Ubuntu. The desktop environment here is Xfce. Xubuntu, like Lubuntu, is a very fast distribution that does not require computer resources.

Installation instructions using version 18.04 as an example – Installing Xubuntu

Linux Lite

Linux Lite– this distribution is based on LTS Ubuntu versions, i.e. on versions with long-term support. It is not demanding on resources, it includes all the most necessary software for work. Linux Lite is an excellent, compact and at the same time functional version of the Linux operating system.

Installation Instructions - Installing Linux Lite


Q4OS is a Linux distribution based on Debian, which uses the original Trinity graphical shell. The goal of the Q4OS distribution is to provide users with a classic, simple operating system interface, while still maintaining good functionality.

Q4OS has low system requirements and on "weak" equipment, the system works very quickly, without brakes.

Installation Instructions – Installing Q4OS

Linux distributions for server systems

The Linux operating system is also used on servers; more precisely, I will say even more, Linux is widely used as a system for servers, even more than for ordinary ones personal computers, due to its stability and security.

All Linux server systems are supplied without a graphical shell, since such an environment consumes a significant part of the server's resources, which, accordingly, makes the server less productive. Therefore, in order for the server resources to be used as much as possible for their intended purpose, the graphical shell is not installed on server systems by default, although, of course, it can be installed; this is a matter for server administrators.

If you need a server room Linux version, then the following distributions are the best options.


CentOS is an excellent and very popular server operating system. It is on it that most sites on the Internet work, i.e. it acts as a platform for web servers. It is also actively used as database servers and other types of servers. CentOS is a reliable and stable operating system, and it is free, although it is based on the commercial project Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Installation Instructions – Installing CentOS

Instructions for setting up a Web server on CentOS


Debian is one of the oldest Linux distributions; it is widely used in the corporate sector as a platform for web servers, database servers, and also as a client operating system. It is what countless Linux distributions are based on, including Ubuntu.

Installation instructions using version 9 as an example – Installing Debian

Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu Server– this is the server version of the distribution Linux Ubuntu. Ubuntu Server is a very popular distribution, it is actively used to implement such servers as: web server, database server, DNS server, file server and others.

Installation instructions using version 18.04 as an example - Installing Ubuntu Server

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The distribution is developed by Red Hat and is a paid distribution; it is aimed at use in a corporate environment, and therefore is commercial. In the case of RHEL, you will have technical support from the company, and you will also quickly receive critical updates.

By the way, the CentOS distribution discussed above is an excellent free replacement for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, since CentOS is based on RHEL and is compatible with it.

That's all for me, I hope the material was interesting to you, bye!

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