Remote connection. Remote access to a computer via the Internet. Opening a port to a target - a remote computer

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Some of you, having read the title of the article, probably wondered: “Why is it necessary at all? control another computer via the Internet? It turns out that it is necessary, first of all, for potential readers of my blog - pensioners and dummies.

Don’t think that I want you to learn this in order to seize control of your neighbor’s computer, whose dog is driving you crazy with its constant barking, and start doing something incredible with him, terrifying him and his dog. Of course not. And without his knowledge, you are unlikely to succeed in such control. I won’t intrigue you, I’ll move on to the topic.

Why do you need to control another computer via the Internet?

Of course, first of all, so that someone more experienced and knowledgeable
computer technology, for example, your friend or relative who lives far from you could, if necessary, help you solve problems with your PC remotely.

Yes, it’s not even necessarily a problem, but just setting up some program or helping fill out the same application for a foreign passport via the Internet. Or another case: you are already a fairly experienced user and you need to sometimes look at your home PC from your “travel” laptop while away.

At least to print out some kind of document that is only there. Or for some other reason, you never know? This is where you need to control another, that is, your home computer via the Internet.

Or take an enterprise that has its own local network. Can you imagine how much the system administrator will have to run around if he needs to launch a program somewhere or get another PC out of a freeze? What if there are a hundred computers and more than one, but in different buildings? Here you have to be a sprinter. And then, after a while, your legs will wear down to one place. I hope I have dispelled your doubts about the uselessness of this matter?

How remote administration works

Of course, these are not hacker things and various Trojans. Although the methods of programs used to remotely control a computer via the Internet are very similar. And they differ from viruses only in that they act openly and naturally, with the mutual consent of the owners of the PCs involved in this process.

They consist of two parts. The first is the server, the second is the client part. The server is installed on the computer that needs to be controlled, and the client part is installed on the one used by the administrator. In this respect, remote administrators are very similar to Trojan horses. But, as you understand, their goals are completely different.

You can connect to the PC where this server is installed only by knowing its IP address, as well as a password, which must be set on it in order to prevent just anyone from looking into it via the Internet. Otherwise, this same “just anyone” will be able to work on your “brainchild” no worse than any Trojan.

Impact of the type of IP address and problem solving

If you have a static IP address for accessing the Internet, then there will be no problems. But if it is static, but is part of the network of a house or area, and they, in turn, have a dynamic (that is, changing from time to time) address for accessing the Internet, then difficulties may arise. Well, just if you are not a member of any network, but access the Internet using a dynamic address - the same problem.

But these problems are solvable. There are, for example, such special sites as or, where you can register, install an “updater” program and get a permanent address through them: True, these sites are in English, but if you need it, I’m sure you can find others in Russian too.

This is for information, but in general I wouldn’t bother with this. Currently, there are many ready-made programs that each time take on all this technical work with registering the current address on their server and indicate at which address to look for your PC on the Internet.

But if there is a need for a static IP address (for example, I need it for a number of other reasons), then this can be done through your provider. For those who don’t know, an ISP is an Internet service provider. In our city in Bashinformsvyaz today connection costs 150 rubles, the monthly fee is 50 rubles. Agree, it’s not such a big amount even for pensioners.

Possibilities after remote connection

I won’t talk about the conveniences that appear after this. This was said at the very beginning when we were figuring out why it was needed. What specific opportunities are directly related to management? Here are the main ones:

  • see the desktop, or rather a copy, of the remote PC on your screen;
  • intercept control of the keyboard or mouse at any time;
  • run any programs that are installed on the managed computer and install new ones if necessary;
  • open and, if necessary, modify files;
  • download any files via the Internet in forward and reverse directions;

So, thanks to remote administration, we get full control of another computer via the Internet. Virtually unlimited control. Of course, this is with the full consent of his owner. Only for this you need a communication channel speed of at least 256 Kbit/s and a special program.

Programs for controlling another computer via the Internet

For these purposes, there are enough programs, both paid and free. I will list the most common and of course free:

  • LogMeIn Hamachi

    Allows you to combine into your own virtual network via the Internet up to 16 PCs from different parts of the planet. In addition to management, there are many other possibilities, including organizing online games;
  • Ultra VNC

    It can organize remote control even when all other programs are powerless, but for beginners the settings are very complicated, and there is no support for the Russian language;/li>
  • Ammyy

    Externally, the program is very similar to Team Viewer. But the principle of its operation is radically different. It is tied to the PC hardware, and therefore it is enough to allow a program with a given ID to the computer once and in the future it will be able to connect to it without any requests.
  • Team Viever

    First of all, this program is good because it doesn’t care whether your address is static or dynamic. Working with it, without exaggeration, is a hundred times easier than with the native “Remote Assistance” Windows. We only need to install the program on the PC that we are going to use in this process and create our account in the Team Viewer service.

Installing the Team Viewer program

There is nothing complicated here, but since my blog is intended primarily for pensioners and dummies, we will analyze it in detail and focus on some nuances. In the first window, select “Install”:

I think we can end here.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the PenserMan blog.

Remote computer access via the Internet will allow you to control your PC, even if it is located thousands of kilometers from your location.

The technology works on the principle of assigning a unique identifier to the user on the global network. Using this data, a connection to remote control is made.

The function can be configured using both operating system functions Windows systems, and with the help additional programs(their use is usually free).

Notice! In order to access a remote computer through another PC, the remote PC must be turned on and have an Internet connection. Also, the function or program that allows for remote connection must be enabled on both devices.

Using the Internet ID feature in Windows

Assigning a unique identification number on the network can significantly simplify the connection process.

Using this feature, computers no longer need to configure the reverse connection process each time.

Also, the Internet ID function is quite easy to use and even an ordinary user can configure its operation.

How does Internet ID work? The connection of two computers occurs through a connection to a single Host.

The interface is displayed using the NAT protocol or a standard firewall.

Follow the instructions below to set up remote access to your PC yourself using the Internet ID option:

  • First, you need to obtain an identifier with which two computers can establish a connection. The procedure for issuing an identifier is carried out by the host free of charge;
  • Some builds of Windows may not have a previously installed utility. You can download it from the link
  • Install the tool on both computers and get started;
  • After installation, a host icon will appear on the desktop toolbar. Right-click on it and select connection settings;

  • Then in the new window, click on the appropriate button to obtain an Internet ID. This procedure must be done on the computer from which another PC will be controlled;

  • After a few seconds, a window will appear with a text field in which an identifier will be indicated that allows remote connection of two PCs. Remember it, because without specifying the identifier on another PC, you will not be able to set up a connection;

  • Now you need to perform several actions on the client personal computer (to which you will connect). Run the installed utility, select the operating mode as “Client”;
  • Click on the button to create a new connection and in the window that opens, specify the name of the connection and the identifier itself. You can choose any name, and the Internet ID must match the one issued on the first PC. Click on the OK key;

  • Next, the connection properties will open. Select the connection mode via ID as shown in the figure below and enter it again in the corresponding text field;

Now wait a few seconds and wait for the connection to complete.

In subsequent attempts to gain remote access to another PC, you will need to enter only the identifier on the administrator’s side, and on the client’s side, select the previously created connection template.

In addition to the proposed method for setting up remote access, you can use special programs, which are even easier to configure.

TeamViewer program

The main feature of the utility: the user does not need to deal with the client and server parts of the program separately.

You just need to install the program on both computers and set up the connection in a few mouse clicks.

After the first startup, the application window displays your personal computer ID and access password.

To connect to another computer, just enter its ID in the Partner ID field and click the Connect button.

TeamViewer benefits:

  1. Availability of several modes of operation of two computers at once: remote access, file and folder transfer mode, VPN;
  2. During the connection, you can open a chat window, this will allow two users to communicate in real time, without being distracted by other instant messengers;
  3. To ensure full-scale system administration of another PC, you can enable the option of 24/7 remote access. In inactive mode, the function consumes few resources and does not load personal computers;
  4. Speed ​​and stable connection. Thanks to the availability of quality hosts, users do not face the problem of access failure (this only happens in case of poor connection to global network Internet);
  5. Please note that TeamViewer cannot be used for commercial purposes. The developer has built into the program a utility for determining a commercial connection. If it is detected, access to the PC will be immediately blocked.

If you want to use modules for corporate connections, you will need to purchase a paid version of the application.

Helpful information:

Pay attention to the program. Using this utility, you can connect to any computer from a distance, gaining access to videos, photos, documents and other files. And, although the program has many analogues, it has a simple and intuitive interface,

Ammyy admin

Available operating modes include viewing and remote control others personal computer or the user's laptop.

The program can be used without installing it on two devices. All you need to do is open the portable version on your computer.

The utility is not intended for use in commercial organizations or enterprises.

To get started, launch Ammy admin on both computers. Then enter the server computer ID on the client computer. Click on the “Connect” button.

The connection diagram is also shown in Figure 8.

This application is more suitable for organizing a one-time connection than for long-term and regular work.

Among the advantages over other similar software are a simplified connection process, an intuitive interface and high speed work.

Among the disadvantages of the application, it can be noted that it is not available on mobile devices and tablet PCs. There is also no mode for transferring folders and files.

Use of the program is limited to fifteen hours per month. This feature is designed to eliminate the possibility of commercial use.

Server and client parts of the program

Also, unlike TeamViewer and Ammy admin, a unique identifier for the server PC is assigned only once (at first launch).

It will not change in the future.

This will allow you to quickly remember it and not have problems entering it on the client side in the future.

Users also have the opportunity to independently set their online ID.

The program itself is paid, however, if you do not need to use it for commercial purposes, you can download the LiteManager Free version.

It is free and its operation is limited only by a filter that determines a possible commercial connection.

The application provides a large number of modes for connecting two PCs, namely:

  1. Remote access;
  2. Data transfer;
  3. Chat mode;
  4. Ability to access the registers of two PCs;
  5. Task Manager.
  6. Appearance of the program

    The application also has very good speed. The first connection occurs in a matter of seconds.

    You also have the opportunity to access the BIOS of a remote computer.

    The utility cannot configure a connection without specifying the IP address of the server PC, that is, connecting by ID is impossible.

    All modern applications for working with remote access are different fast work and convenient user interface.

    Choose the appropriate connection method based on whether it will be regular or one-time.

    Thematic videos:

RMS is a product that provides fast and secure remote access to the desktop of a remote computer. The remote computer can be located either in the living room of your home or on another continent. The most commonly used connection mode is Remote Control or View. This mode allows you to see the remote desktop and control the remote PC's keyboard and mouse. Thanks to its unique capture technology, RMS is one of the fastest products that can work with remote desktop in real time.

Centered at the top of the window with the remote screen is a pop-up toolbar that contains a number of frequently used actions: setting up a connection, calling another mode, selecting the current monitor, etc. This mode supports Drag & Drop technology - dragging files and folders directly to the remote desktop and vice versa. You don't need to launch a file manager to perform a simple file operation. Use traditional drag and drop.

Transferring files

RMS provides a very advanced file manager that allows you to access file system remote computer. Mode " File manager"is designed as a window divided into two panels vertically; the interface will be familiar to users of other well-known file managers.

Below are some features of RMS File Transfer Module:

  • Supports all basic file operations - copying, moving, deleting, etc.
  • Built-in “intelligent resuming” of files. This feature is always enabled when replacing (overwriting) files. During a file replacement operation, only non-matching parts will be directly “physically” replaced.
  • Tabbed mode allows you to open several connections to different PCs in one file manager window. File operations between remote computers are possible, not just between local and remote. Tabs can be easily organized by dragging and dropping.
  • All data is compressed and encrypted during transmission to save network traffic.
  • The file manager fully supports Drag & Drop integration with other applications and the system.

List of computers and network structure

If you use RMS to access hundreds (or even thousands) of workstations, grouping connections into a hierarchical structure is the most convenient way organizations. You can create a structure containing, for example, a list of cities in which your organization has branches. In turn, for each city you can create a directory containing a list of departments located in this city. The structure can be as complex or simple as desired. If the Viewer is inside a domain (or a domain is explicitly connected to it), the entire Active Directory tree is available, i.e. the structure and connections do not need to be created manually.

Another interesting feature is the so-called. “screen thumbnails” of remote computers. For all authorized connections (remote PCs), thumbnail images of their desktops are displayed, which are updated after a specified period of time. The size and refresh rate of these thumbnails can be changed. Also, if you hover your mouse over such a thumbnail and hold it for a few seconds, a pop-up window will appear with an enlarged copy of this thumbnail.

Accompanied and unaccompanied PCs

The tracked computer is the PC on which the operator works. For example, the computer of an accountant, designer, manager. An unattended computer is a PC that, accordingly, does not have an operator. Usually these are various types of servers - a web server, a file server, a domain controller, etc. RMS is well suited for administering both supported and unsupported PCs. By default, RMS Host provides full control over the remote computer. You can control the screen, keyboard, mouse, files, processes, services, power and more without any restrictions. You can even restart your computer in safe mode. Host settings can be password protected from changes. This is all convenient for administering unsupported PCs. However, if a live user is working at the computer, this approach is not always suitable. The user may not be happy with the fact that his PC can be connected at any time without warning. In this case, the Host can be configured in such a way that, when attempting to authorize a remote administrator, permission to access is requested from the user who is working at the computer. You can also limit the list of connection modes. For example, deny access to the file system. To administer users outside the organization or provide remote support, there is a special module - Agent. This is a special version of the Host that can be run without installation and administrator rights. The remote user can terminate the session at any time by simply closing the program. When this function is enabled, the program displays a message to the remote user requesting access to this remote PC. The remote user can accept or reject the connection request. In the settings, you can specify the period of time after which the request will be automatically rejected or accepted, and you can also prevent the request from being displayed if the interactive user is not working at the time of connection with the remote PC.

This function convenient for various support services. An unfamiliar client may feel uncomfortable knowing that someone can connect to his computer without asking.

Work with complex network topology

RMS is a very flexible utility for remote administration, which can operate in a wide variety of networks, with complex topologies and structures. Within a corporate or local network usually everything is simple. In the connection settings, specify the IP address or DNS name of the desired PC and you’re done - you can connect. But what if remote computer is it covered by a firewall or NAT? Our Internet-ID technology comes to the rescue. On a remote Host, you can literally get a unique ID with just two clicks, which will then be permanently linked to this Host. Then specify this ID in the connection settings on the administrator side. That's it - you can work. This is not much more complicated than connecting by IP address, but it allows you to easily solve many routine system administration problems and do without “port forwarding” and other tricks. Also available is the so-called "cascade" connection (connection through another Host) and reverse connection (an older and less convenient version of Internet-ID). These connection modes will be of interest to advanced networking specialists.

Flexible configuration of access rights

RMS provides the ability to differentiate remote access rights to a remote computer by mode and user.

In addition to the built-in RMS account system, it also supports a system for delineating rights for Windows users, with NTLM-based authorization. This is especially useful on domain networks.

The function of blocking input devices (keyboard, mouse) is mandatory for any modern software for remote access. This feature allows you to lock the keyboard and mouse of a remote computer so that the remote user does not interfere with the support specialist working with the remote computer.

The screen lock feature allows you to hide the screen of a remote computer from the user who is directly in front of his monitor. Additionally, you can select an image, caption or web page that will be displayed on the remote monitor for the duration of the blocking. You can configure blocking of input devices and screens, both before establishing a connection and while working with the remote desktop.

Working with multiple computers simultaneously

RMS supports an unlimited number of simultaneous connections to the desktops of remote computers.
  • The Client (Viewer) can work with several remote Hosts simultaneously (a convenient tab-based interface makes this task easier).
  • The Host can accept connections from several Clients at the same time. For example, several administrators can connect to the same Host.
  • Simultaneous connection support all connection modes.

Adjusting picture quality and economy mode

When working within a local or fast network, these settings do not need to be changed - the program will work in real time. However, if the connection channel is narrow, then it makes sense to reduce the number of colors of the picture transmitted over the network, and also enable the so-called. "economy mode" On a slow network, it is recommended to select 256-bit color and enable economy mode. You can also limit FPS. This will make it very comfortable to carry out remote access even via GPRS. This feature allows you to print documents from a remote computer to local printer. If previously this required copying the document itself to your local computer, then opening it in an application that supports this type document, and only then print it, now everything is much simpler.

No need to install anymore the right application to your local computer and copy files (especially since this is not always possible). You can print a document remotely on a special virtual printer RMS. The data will be automatically transferred to your local computer (Viewer), and you can print it on any available printer.

Programs for remote computer access are gradually becoming common among many users. Thanks to such programs, you can easily connect to the computer of a friend, work colleague or relative via the Internet or local network. You don't have to hang on the phone and explain how to set up your computer.

You can do everything yourself without wasting time on explanations over the phone. Programs for remote computer access are often used for remote work. When you can connect to an office PC from home, from the office you can easily access a computer located at home or administer an entire fleet of computers, for example, a large company.

There are quite a lot of programs that allow you to connect remotely to a PC, there are both paid and free utilities, differing from each other in their capabilities and purpose. Therefore, we will consider the most popular programs, and you, in turn, choose the one that suits you.

AeroAdmin, get remote access to your computer

AeroAdmin is a program for remote access to a computer via the Internet and local network. No installation or configuration required to get started. The size of the .exe file is approximately 2MB. AeroAdmin is ready to connect immediately after downloading and launching. This is an ideal tool for spontaneous technical support, because... Minimum steps are required to establish the first connection.

To connect to a remote PC, you need to download and run AeroAdmin on the admin and remote client PCs. A unique ID number will be generated on each side. Next, the administrator connects to the remote client using its ID. The client accepts the connection (as phone call), and the administrator gains control of the computer.

It is possible to establish connections using a password, which is convenient for managing computers without the presence of a person on the remote computer.

Pros of the program:

  • The free version can be used for personal and commercial purposes
    • You can transfer files securely
    • Bypasses Firewall and NAT
    • Built-in SOS messaging system available for support team
    • There is uncontrolled access
    • Remote reboot of Windows is possible (including in safe mode)
  • AES + RSA encryption
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Unlimited parallel sessions
  • You can create your own branded file with preset rights

Disadvantages of the program:

  • No text chat
  • Supports Windows OS only (can run under MacOS and Linux under WINE)

Programs for remote computer access – TeamViewer

TeamViewer is probably one of the most popular programs for remote access to a computer via the Internet. This program is used by a huge number of people who have managed to appreciate its capabilities. In order to download and install it, you can simply download a special version and run it. No installation is required in this case. To connect to a remote computer you will need a special code called “Partner ID”, as well as a password. The owner of the remote computer should tell you all this data by looking at it in the main program window.

Note! TeamViewer must be installed on both computers.

Pros of the program:

The program provides the user with several modes of operation: remote control, downloading and uploading files, communication via chat, demonstration of the desktop of your computer, round-the-clock access to the computer. The program has support for all popular platforms, so you can control your computer even from your smartphone. The program has good speed, as well as a bunch of settings.

Disadvantages of the program:

Probably the biggest drawback for many users is that the program is free for non-commercial use only. Because of this, if you do not buy the full version, then if you use it for more than five minutes, the program will break the connection and block further connections for a while. Price full version program is quite high. Accordingly, if you are going to use the program not often, then it is ideal for you. If you want to administer a whole fleet of computers, you will have to pay a tidy sum.

Download the program from the official website -

Remote access with Ammyy admin

Ammyy admin is a simplified analogue of TeamViewer. The program has only the most basic functions: remote control, remote screen viewing, file transfer and chat. In order to work with this program you do not need to install it. It will be enough to launch. Connection also occurs using a unique ID code and password.

Pros of the program:

The program is quite lightweight and easy to use. Ammyy admin does not require installation, but at the same time performs all the necessary functions. Able to work both on a local network and on the Internet. Suitable for beginners.

Disadvantages of the program:

The developers have provided the opportunity to use the program free of charge only for non-commercial use. If you work in the program for more than 15 hours, the session will be blocked. Accordingly, if you want to administer even small office you will have to pay, and there may also be some difficulties due to the small functionality of the program.

Programs for remote computer access Ammyy admin is ideal for home use, to connect relatives or friends to the computer.

Download the program from the official website -

Remote administration using Radmin

Radmin - enough old program for remote access to a computer. It is most suitable for system administration of a fleet of computers on the same network, since connections to computers occur using IP addresses. The program consists of two utilities: Radmin Viewer and Radmin Host. The host is installed on all computers you want to connect to. The user will only need to tell you the IP address of the PC. You will use Radmin Viewer to connect. The program is paid, but it provides a 30-day trial period to familiarize yourself with the capabilities.

Pros of the program:

The program has excellent operating speed and allows you to securely connect to a remote computer. Allows you to connect to the BIOS of a remote computer using Intel AMT technology. It has all the necessary operating modes: control, file transfer, chat, etc.

Disadvantages of the program:

The program can only work on IP addresses. Accordingly, you will not be able to connect by ID. The program is paid and is not suitable for home use. Since its focus is more on remote administration.

Radmin is good decision For system administrators. With its help you can manage remote computers and servers located on the same network. To work using the Internet, you need to set up a VPN network.

Download the program from the official website -

Remote Manipulator System full access to the remote PC.

RMS (Remote Manipulator System)- another one great program for remote administration of computers. In terms of functionality, it resembles Radmin, but has richer functionality. The program for remote access to a computer is implemented using two RMS-Viewer utilities; this module is installed on the administrator’s computer and RMS-Host, installed on all user computers and servers. Connecting to user computers is possible both by IP addresses and by “ID code”.

The program has wide functionality:

  • Possibility of remote control;
  • Possibility of remote monitoring;
  • Ability to transfer files;
  • Remote Task Manager;
  • Remote Device Manager;
  • Remote registry;
  • Possibility of connecting via RDP;
  • Remote PC power management and a bunch of other functions.

Pros of the program:

The most important advantage of the Remote Manipulator System is the ability to fully control a remote computer. In this case, the user will only need to inform so that the administrator can connect to him.

Disadvantages of the program:

The program is paid, you will be given a 30-day trial period to familiarize yourself with the possibilities.

An ideal solution for administering a large PC fleet. The program allows you to gain full control of a remote computer, while the speed of operation is excellent.

Download the program from the official website -

Supremo remote access to a computer via the Internet.

Another lightweight program for remote access to a computer is . The program uses a 256-bit encryption protocol for data exchange. The utility is somewhat similar to Ammyy Admin. It has a minimal set of functions, but does its job perfectly. In order to make a remote connection, the user needs to provide an “ID” and password.

Pros of the program:

A fairly lightweight program that is suitable for home use. It can be used both for non-commercial use - free of charge, and for office support purposes, but then you will have to pay. True, the price is quite affordable and equals about one hundred euros per year.

Disadvantages of the program:

There are no obvious shortcomings of this program for remote access to a computer. The main thing is the small functionality of the program. Well suited for use by beginners.

Download the program from the official website -

UltraVNC Viewer free computer management.

UltraVNC Viewer - another one free program for remote access, which allows you to connect to any arbitrary VNC port. This gives the program the opportunity to work not only with Windows devices. In order to set the port, after specifying the IP address, write the port number separated by a colon (for example, UltraVNC has all the standard features found in remote access programs. There is the ability to share files, there is support for domain authorization, chat, support for multiple screens, secure data exchange, and so on.

Pros of the program:

Any user can run the program; all you need is a small distribution kit. No installation required. The program is perfect for both home use and for managing a fleet of computers.

There are no disadvantages found in UltraVNC Viewer.

Download the program from the official website -

Let's summarize.

Today we looked at programs for remote computer control. I brought short review the most popular programs. This list can be supplemented with a dozen more utilities, but they are not so popular. Now you can easily select the program you like and use it to remotely connect to the computers of friends, relatives and work colleagues.

What is Remote Desktop

Using Windows Remote Desktop (rdp) can be very useful and convenient solution question remote computer access. When can remote desktop be useful? If you want to control your computer remotely (either from a local network or from anywhere in the world). Of course, third-party ones, such as and others, can be used for these purposes. But often these programs require access confirmation on the side of the remote computer, they are not suitable for simultaneous parallel use of the computer by several users, and still work slower than the remote desktop. Therefore, such programs are more suitable for remote assistance or maintenance, but not for everyday work.

It can be very convenient to use remote desktop for users to work with certain programs. For example, if you need to demonstrate the operation of a program to a distant user (provide demo access for testing). Or, for example, you have only one in your office powerful computer, on which it is installed demanding program. On other weak computers it slows down, but everyone needs access. Then a good solution would be to use a remote desktop: everyone from their “dead” computers connects via rdp to a powerful one and uses the program on it, without interfering with each other.

Static IP address. What is needed for remote access via rdp

One of the important points regarding setting up and subsequently using the remote desktop is the need for a static IP address on the remote computer. If you are setting up a remote desktop that will only be used within the local network, then there is no problem. However, remote desktop is mainly used for external access. Most providers provide subscribers with dynamic IP addresses and for normal use this is quite enough. Static (“white”) IPs are usually provided for an additional fee.

Setting up Windows Remote Desktop

Well, we figured out why we need a remote desktop. Now let's start setting it up. The instructions discussed here are suitable for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10. In all of the above operating systems ah, the setup is similar, the differences are minor and only in how to open some windows.

First we need to configure the computer to which we will connect.

Attention! Your account must have administrator rights.

1. Open Start - Control Panel .

In Windows 8.1 and 10 it is convenient to open Control Panel by right-clicking on the icon Start and selecting from the list Control Panel .

Next, select system and safety - System. (This window can also be opened in another way: click Start, then right-click on Computer and choose Properties ).

Setting up remote access .

3. In the section Remote Desktop choose:

- Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with network level authentication . Suitable for clients running version 7.0 of Remote Desktop.

- . Suitable for connecting legacy versions of clients.

4. Click Apply .

5. By button Select users A window opens in which you can specify Accounts on the computer that will be allowed to connect remotely. (This procedure is also called adding a user to a group )

Users with administrative rights have remote worker access by default. However, in addition to actually connecting, any account must be password protected, even the administrator account.

6. Add to group Remote Desktop Users a new user with normal rights (not an administrator). To do this, press the button Add

In field Enter names of the selected objects, enter the name of our user. I have this Access1. Let's click Check names .

If everything is correct, the computer name will be added to the username. Click OK .

If we don’t remember the exact username or don’t want to enter it manually, click Additionally .

In the window that opens, click the button Search .

In field searching results All computer users and local groups will appear. Select the desired user and click OK .

When everyone was chosen the right users in the window Selection: Users press OK .

Now to the group Remote Desktop Users a user with a regular account will be added Access1. To apply the changes, click OK .

7. If you use a third-party one, you will need to configure it additionally, namely open TCP port 3389. If you only have the built-in Windows firewall running, then you don’t need to do anything, it will be configured automatically as soon as we have enabled the use of remote desktop on the computer.

This completes the basic setup of the remote computer.

Network settings, port forwarding

As mentioned above, for remote desktop access needed static ip address.

If you do not have any routers and the Internet cable goes directly to the computer, then skip this section and move on to the next one. If you use a router, you need to make additional settings on it.

If you plan to use the remote desktop only on the local network, then it will be enough to just assign the local IP to the right computer(perform the first part, without port forwarding). If you need access from outside, then you also need . To open access to the remote desktop you need to forward TCP port 3389.

Setting up a remote desktop connection

Let's go directly to connecting to a remote desktop, that is, settings on the client side.

1. Let's launch .

You can do this in Windows 7 through the menu Start - All programs - Standard - Remote Desktop Connection .

In Windows 8 it is convenient to launch through search. Click Start, click on the magnifying glass icon in the right top corner and in the search field we begin to enter the word “remote”. From the proposed search options, select Remote Desktop Connection .

On Windows 10: Start - All applications - Standard Windows - Remote Desktop Connection .

2. First of all, let’s check which protocol version is installed. To do this, click on the icon in the upper left corner and select the item About the program .

Checking the desktop protocol version. If 7.0 or higher, then everything is in order, you can connect.

If the protocol version is lower (this is possible on outdated Windows versions), then you need to either update it, or lower the security level in the settings of the remote computer (i.e. select Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (more dangerous) ).

You can download Remote Desktop updates for legacy operating systems using the links below:

3. Specify connection parameters:

In field Computer We register the IP address of the remote computer to which we are going to connect. (Local - if we connect within the local network and real (the one given by the Internet provider) if the remote computer is located outside the local network). I have the first option.

Note. You can find out what external static IP address you have, for example, through the Yandex.Internetometer service.

4. Click To plug .

You will be prompted to enter your credentials. Enter the login and password of any user on the remote computer who has rights to use the remote desktop. In my example it's Admin or Access1. I remind you that accounts must be password protected.

Enter your username and password and check the box next to it Remember credentials , so as not to enter them the next time you connect. Of course, you can only remember your credentials if you are working from a personal computer that is not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Click OK .

A warning will pop up. Put a tick Don't ask for connections to this computer again and press Yes .

If everything is done correctly, you will see the remote desktop in front of you.

Note. I remind you that you cannot simultaneously connect via remote work from several computers under one user. That is, if it is planned that several people will work with the remote computer at the same time, then for each you will need to create a separate user and grant rights to use the remote desktop. This is done on a remote computer, as discussed at the beginning of the article.

Additional Remote Desktop Settings

Now a few words about additional settings connecting to a remote desktop.

To open the settings menu, click on Options .

General tab

Here you can change connection settings. By clicking on the edit link, you can edit the user name and connection password.

You can save the already configured connection settings. Click on the button Save as and choose a place, for example, Desktop . Now on Desktop A shortcut will appear that immediately launches a remote desktop connection without the need to specify parameters. This is very convenient, especially if you periodically work with several remote computers or if you don’t configure it for yourself and don’t want to confuse users.

Screen tab

On the tab Screen you can specify the size of the remote desktop (whether it will occupy the entire screen of your monitor or be displayed in a small separate window).

You can also choose the color depth. If your Internet connection speed is slow, it is recommended to select a lower depth.

Local Resources tab

Here you can configure the sound parameters (play it on a remote computer or on a client computer, etc.), the order of using hotkey combinations Windows keys(such as Ctrl+Alt+Del, Ctrl+C, etc.) when working with a remote desktop.

One of the most useful sections here is Local devices and resources . By checking the box Printer, you get the ability to print documents from a remote desktop to your local printer. Check mark Clipboard activates a single clipboard between the remote desktop and your computer. That is, you can use normal copy and paste operations to transfer files, folders, etc. from a remote computer to yours and vice versa.

Clicking the button More details, you will be taken to the settings menu where you can connect additional devices on your computer to the remote desktop.

For example, you want to have access to your disk when working on a remote computer D. Then click on the plus sign opposite Devices to expand the list and tick the disk D. Click OK .

Now when you connect to a remote desktop, you will see and access your disk D through Conductor as if it were physically connected to the remote computer.

Advanced tab

Here you can select the connection speed to achieve maximum performance, and also set the display of the desktop background, visual effects etc.

Removing a Remote Desktop Connection

Finally, let's consider how to delete a remote desktop connection. When is it needed? For example, you used to have remote access to your computer, but now there is no need for this, or you even need to prevent strangers from connecting to the remote desktop of your computer. It's very easy to do.

1. Open Control Panel - system and safety - System, as they did at the beginning of the article.

2. In the left column, click on Setting up remote access .

3. In the section Remote Desktop choose:

- Don't allow connections to this computer

Ready. Now no one will be able to connect to you via remote desktop.

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