Philosophy of Windows and Linux operating systems. Linux specialists. Availability and choice.

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An operating system is a complex of interconnected system programs, the purpose of which is to organize the user’s interaction with the computer and the execution of all other programs. The operating system acts as a link between the computer hardware and the programs it runs, as well as the user.

The most popular operating systems in the world are Microsoft operating systems. Their share is 95% among all operating systems. The most stable systems of this company are based on NT technology (Windows NT/2k/XP). Over the past six years, the popularity of an operating system called Linux has been increasing.

Social engineering may lie to you in order to click a link or program that comes to your emails. However, the program cannot control your computer unless it exploits flaws in the OS code or architecture. The program, managed by an administrator, easily controls the entire computer; A limited license does not yet require serious use to operate the machine. This makes it somewhat easier for users, but has a lot more software glitches. This makes it unified and therefore user-friendly.

Both of these operating systems are multi-user, multi-tasking. They have extensive network support, data protection, and many other similar functions. As a result of this, they have the same areas of interest regarding the consumer, which served as the basis for the conflict that flared up both between fans of the OS and between their creators.

However, like large monoculture crops in agronomy, it is also very vulnerable to pests. Let's start with the fact that Linus Torvalds is a good, but not super-exclusive programmer. The same applies to most other leading software developers. On the other hand, many software companies have a large number of programmers in the same class and probably a large number of truly top phenomenal programmers. Considering the colossal financial, lobbying and other dangerous resources they have, in addition, writing malicious information about them should be much more dangerous.

I will not focus on the Windows OS, since almost anyone who uses a computer probably uses Windows as their desktop operating system. But not everyone is familiar with the Linux OS, so I will take a closer look at this OS.

Database Management Systems

The MySQL DBMS, the most popular among web application developers, is available for both operating systems, but given the popularity of the “classic” PHP + MySQL combination, it can be considered a little closer to Linux. Moreover, a combination of MySQL, PHP language and the Apache web server is today the “standard” set of LAMP server software for the Linux OS.

It is also true that when a virus appears that attacks free software, the community response is likely to be easy, especially if the virus is more dangerous or more widespread, or even if only a higher-risk exploit is discovered - In such cases, adjustments usually go away within a few hours. This improves the overall stability of the software from malicious code, but it's hardly dangerous for writing malware.

In general: the argument is reasonable, but unreliable. They cut them less often because no one needs them. And the code that is most open to study is a bug only if it contains flaws - exploits. It contains almost every code, but finding them in thousands of lines is not easy - it takes a lot of time and effort. That is, it depends on how many people look closely at the code.

MS SQL DBMS, often used by developers of complex corporate portals with increased requirements for reliability and stability, works only in Windows environment. The same applies to Microsoft Access databases.

Classic comparison point by point



  • Most Linux distributions are free and free to use. You can create your own products based on the program code of both Linux itself and the programs included in it. Supplied with a standard set of application software.
  • In Linux, the user can choose the distribution that is most suitable for solving his problems, and then also optimize the system for himself.
  • The existence of a graphical interface frees you from the need to edit configuration files in an awkward way.
  • The security landscape in Linux is generally very similar to Mac OS X. They are at a very high level on both systems and are significantly ahead of Windows.


  • The result of the GPL policy is that there are now over a thousand different Linux distributions. Not all of them are worthy of attention; it is difficult for the user to sort through so many versions and choose what he needs.
  • In addition, being free means almost complete absence of technical support for users.
  • Despite the very large volume With software written for Linux, users migrating from Windows will find that some of the software will be unfamiliar to them. Not all programs are cross-platform and have versions for both Windows and UNIX systems. Biggest problems arise with specialized professional software, much of which is written only for Windows systems.
  • There is no equivalent replacement for some applications in Linux. This, for example, is the well-known Photoshop, AutoCAD, video editing programs, as well as locally oriented software created taking into account Russian legislation (accounting software, legal reference databases).
  • For the youth audience, a serious disadvantage is the inability to run some modern games in a Linux environment, and here Windows has a huge advantage over both Linux and Mac OS X, since the PC gaming industry is focused primarily on Windows.


  • There are a variety of custom Linux operating systems available for different user needs. For example, for working with multimedia (Ubuntu Studio, JackLab Audio Distribution, 64 Studio...), for educational institutions (Edubuntu, Skolelinux, NauLinux...). Special mention can be made of commercial distributions. They are not free. These are mainly enterprise or special variants of Linux. Money in such distributions is mainly taken for technical support.
  • Another important difference between Linux and Windows is that Linux distributions come with a large set of application software. That is, after installation on your computer, you have a completely ready-to-use system and you don’t have to look for application software or think about paying for a license.
  • Most Linux operating systems by default use one of two graphical interfaces - GNOME or KDE, so even if you change one Linux distribution on the other, no problems arise for the user; he finds himself in a familiar graphical environment. Both interfaces have approximately the same distribution. To describe them very briefly, KDE looks like a desktop Windows table, and GNOME is the Mac OS X desktop.
  • To solve problems of incompatibility between applications on different operating systems, the Wine project was created. This software is used to work with Windows applications and to run Windows games on Linux. Wine is an alternative implementation of the Windows API for UNIX-like systems.

Proprietary code is legally prohibited from being viewed by anyone other than its author. Well-meaning people observe this prohibition, evil ones do not. Open source allowed for everyone. As a result, closed source code is only viewed by its authors and malicious people, while open source code is viewed in addition to goodwill. And since good intentions outnumber both software authors and malicious people many times over, open source is often much clearer about exploits than proprietary ones, and the exploitation of exploits is much faster than finding them for offensive use than proprietary ones.


Main Windows feature- its widespread distribution. This is due to the fact that this is an operating system created for users, it does not force the user to adapt to the system, it adapts to his needs.

This is the most widespread operating system in the world, despite the fact that, according to public opinion, it is the most “buggy”, “unstable”, unreliable” and also….

In areas other than programming, this is even better. For example, a professional cipher will never use a cipher whose algorithm is someone else's secret. In theory, the code's secret algorithm makes it more secure. In practice, however, with encryption it has long been proven that only the open public review of many different professionals can make encryption very difficult to break.

You can follow responses to this post via the feed. You can either from your own website. The most common complaints fall into three areas. If you're not convinced yet, consider the following: low cost, easy installation and true multitasking, which can lead to doubling your productivity.


  • Guaranteed 100 percent support for any hardware, there is a driver for any device for this OS, and it itself contains many pre-installed drivers for quick hardware recognition.
  • There are a lot of professional application programs, full-featured analogues of which are not available in other operating systems, for example, Promt and Photoshop.
  • Simplicity and clarity of the interface, which makes it accessible for use by anyone, even without primary computer skills.
  • Applications Microsoft Office have already become standards for office work. The user can receive any support or advice regarding his licensed Windows OS.


  • This OS is very demanding on the computer's hardware resources, especially on the amount of RAM.
  • Her GUI, although beautiful and convenient, it is bulky and clumsy. As a result, many people disable its many graphical bells and whistles.
  • This system is considered more vulnerable than others. This is due to the security structure itself, for example, the ability to always work with administrator rights (which was partially solved in the latest Vista). At the same time, the system must run thousands of old applications that were written for XP and others Windows versions. The user is forced to give permission to launch each such “old” program. In addition, the dialog box itself asking whether to launch a particular program provides users with too little information to make a decision.
  • Another inconvenience: even to remove a shortcut from the desktop, you need to confirm your intentions three times. This is annoying and leads to the fact that the “Allow” and other buttons are simply pressed thoughtlessly - the effectiveness of the entire protection mechanism is practically reduced to nothing. As a result, you have to deal with a huge number of viruses that use the vulnerabilities of this OS to penetrate, including user errors that it provokes.
  • The system is paid, its price exceeds the cost of purchasing or downloading a freely distributed OS.


It is important to understand that organizations choose Linux because of the facts, not because of these comparison tables. Coming back to the topic of Linux facts, Linux is indeed a reliable, flexible and highly efficient OS. Here are some typical application examples:

A virtual environment is a place where you can install a wide variety of operating systems. You could install or test programs, in other words, you would be able to do whatever it takes to make your normal operating system work without having to worry about anything else you can do. Dual boot allows you to choose which of the installed operating systems you use only when you start your computer. We will also list the benefits of virtual installation.

The size of the installation space is not necessarily predetermined. The advantage is also that virtual machine will create your own video setup. The advantage is that this method is not very demanding. Despite its superlatives, the virtual environment has disadvantages.

  • The department needs a Web or e-mail server and Linux allows the use of unnecessary 386 machines for this purpose.
  • Team (for example, in production computer graphics for the film Titanic) cost-effective calculations are required, for which a highly efficient computing complex is being created.
  • Engineers who spend long hours at the keyboard are switching from NT to Linux, annoyed by the constant need to reboot.
  • Internet service providers (ISPs) are migrating from NT to Linux because of the latter's better manageability, 24x7, while serving tens of thousands of users.

NT, on the other hand, has traditionally held the crown when it comes to ease of use, ease of installation, predictable maintenance, and number of applications. But these differences seem to be blurring. Many organizations prefer the support provided by Red Hat or any other Linux vendor supported by Microsoft.

Virtual machines don't actually give up on real ones. Typical of this software is that it is too easy to install, manage various settings, and have a user-friendly graphical interface. It is also an open source license. Powerful hardware, design and a bright display on a computer are nothing without a high-quality operating system. Hardware is designed with one purpose - to serve the operating system and its applications. From this point of view, its performance is a relative value, depending on the requirements and optimization of the operating system.

Now Linux is better How NT handles installing plug-and-play devices. The Linux desktop can be customized to look not only like Windows, but it can also run application packages that are functionally equivalent to Microsoft Office. Implementation of new standards and protocols occurs earlier in Linux. This is because the source code is readily available; patches for hardware defects on Linux are sometimes released on the same day.

Start menu with its overly revolutionary look in front of us to load the desktop. However, with additional software, you can bring back the classic Start button and all its associated menus. Text recognition is seemingly faster and smarter, and the available handwriting fonts are very beautiful. Huge improvement over previous versions is located in the task manager. Very detailed load statistics are available, and the ability to terminate processes and prioritize their work makes installing additional software unnecessary for this.

NT remains preferred in many cases. For organizations that are satisfied with it, those who have compatible or sufficiently powerful Hardware, and especially for those who rely on ActiveX or other Microsoft proprietary protocols, Linux won't provide much benefit.

For example, the development team Wired HotBot has confirmed that they sacrificed reliability and efficiency in the recent transition to NT, but in doing so gained access to a number of new NT technologies. NT boasts directory service replication, an export-licensed cryptographic API, transaction processing, and a number of other new features.

The new visualization of file copying processes makes a good impression. This can be seen in all subtests, and the difference in some of them is quite large. The results were consistent when the tests were repeated. We expected the new system to be more economical, but as you can see, this is not the case.

Control new system Only useful on capacitive displays. Together we offer innovative technologies to friends, families and colleagues around the world. And now, the future opportunities for our customers are even more exciting. We're providing more and more people with more connectivity that changes and improves their lives. You can use a prepaid service or pay for a subscription as much as you can. And in the workplace, this means you can bring your entire team of employees, partners and customers together in the name of a job well done.

It just so happens that the vast majority of beginners usually choose Windows as their first operating system. Apple products, unfortunately, are not available to everyone, and free Linux systems seem so harsh to many that they don’t even look in their direction.

It will run on anything, including older hardware

Most of the users really love this operating system. However, some of its users are unhappy with the update and are looking for suitable alternatives. Of course, some of them charge, but they are named. When installing software, it is impossible to consciously set a password. They go through each package and check that it is not dangerous, and even confirm their safety with their signature. This prevents the possibility of installing malicious software itself. You are under no obligation to participate in any “cult” with which you disagree.

But now we have witnessed interesting processes, which can greatly change established ideas. Apple computers have become even more expensive in light of recent economic disasters. Microsoft launched a global update, resulting in Windows 10, which is a confusing labyrinth of the wreckage of old systems and new ideas. Meanwhile, Linux has gotten rid of past shortcomings, improved the user interface and acquired a solid software package.

Instead, you can choose your own. Who else can say this? They collect information about your device, calendar data, email and text, contact details, and the list can go even further. A number of articles have already been published on this issue. Someone who wants to find out, who doesn't want to do it anymore. This makes it easier to use the operating system for free, but it also means that changes to the operating system are legal. This means that if you want, you can arbitrarily change your operating system to your image without penalty.

Let's compare some aspects using Windows 10 and popular free distribution Linux Mint.


After the release of Windows 10, only the lazy did not write about the intricacies of the settings of this operating system. Most of the necessary options are concentrated in the new control panel, others remained in the old one, and some could not be found at all. Yes, in subsequent ones Microsoft updates I continued to finalize the settings system, but it still couldn’t be called easy and understandable.

All code used is open source and publicly available to everyone. What do you think about how this task can be accomplished? You might want to try a completely new work environment. You can "rip" your operating system forever, replace icons, desktop theme, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Share your comments with us. They certainly do not collect data or information about you for financial gain. Faster, safer, with very simple controls.

Previously, the choice was very simple. Today this division no longer applies. Choosing an operating system is more a matter of taste and priority. Based on our benchmark test results, you can decide which one will be better for you. When you buy new computer, you can also select the system. Nothing prevents her from testing it completely without risk. The operating system should be easy to manage and use computer resources as efficiently as possible. But what will be the actual performance you will have when a hacker gets into your system within minutes and takes control of your entire computer?

In Linux Mint, all settings are concentrated in one place - in a special utility called “System Settings”. Here you can change literally any system parameter without having to wade through a series of additional utilities, dialog boxes and drop-down menus.

Installing programs

The operating system itself is only an environment for running software. Therefore everyone New user First of all, he must install the programs he needs. In Windows, to do this you have to search for developer sites, then look for a download link, then deal with the intricacies of installing each utility. Yes, there is now a Windows Store that is designed to make this process easier. But its content is so meager that not all users use its services, preferring to install programs the old fashioned way.

That's why we looked very carefully at the security section of each operating system. For hackers, this is the most effective target. So what about security really? Even more important is the time when the manufacturer responds and the weakness of the system pays off. Exceptions are important fixes that are downloaded to the system as soon as they are released. Instead, you paid a lot of money for your system! This is, of course, antivirus and antispyware software. For example, if you don't have a firewall, the system notifies you and even suggests a solution.

Linux Mint, like most other free distributions, has a built-in catalog of available software. You only need to type the name necessary program in the search bar and click just one button - “Install”. It couldn't be simpler.

The praise of all three systems deserves protection from phishing. Operating system operators can warn you about phishing. Even if the user is still a victim, the hacker won't be much help. On all systems, the default user does not have administrator rights. Therefore, changes to the system must be confirmed. The system requires confirmation for every little thing. The user will see confirmation of exactly what program is running, etc. there is no real security winner.

Some systems have virtually no gaps but no security or system safety mechanisms. They already have basic security features that can be protected by the system. However, not everyone has a computer, so it is important to understand how efficiently the system can work with the hardware. Every manufacturer is trying to get the most out of their equipment. On the other hand, this space fills up faster because even the files are “bigger”. How long will it take before it starts?


The epic story of how Microsoft company first removed the “Start” button, then returned the “Start” button back, will excite the minds of the indignant for a long time Windows users. This is really of great importance for them, since such changes in the interface can only be made by system developers. It’s good that users were given at least the opportunity to change the color of the panels and set their own wallpaper on the desktop.

Things are completely different in Linux. Here you are your own boss and can customize your work environment exactly as it suits you. The location and appearance of panels, buttons, applets, menus, and tooltips are completely under your control. And if you feel that the established environment is not suitable for you, then you can do it in no time. Linux Mint users can optionally transform the operating system interface so that it resembles Windows or Mac OS. Or they may not change anything, since by default everything here is already beautiful and thought out to the smallest detail.

Security and privacy

About the situation with viruses several times already. In this section, I want to draw your attention to the problem of Windows tracking users. This problem really exists, and it worries you, judging by the popularity of those dedicated to it. Yes, Windows 10 constantly collects user information and sends it to Microsoft. It is quite difficult to wean her from this activity, and this will require computer knowledge, especially since with each update new loopholes appear for the leakage of collected information.

On operating systems Linux based This problem is completely absent. That is, you can install almost any popular distribution for yourself and forget forever that someone can spy on you and eavesdrop on you. If privacy issues are important to you, and it’s a pity to waste time and energy fighting spyware in Windows, then the choice is obvious.

No forced software

Almost all novice users love games. They love free or hacked games even more. If this passion is not combined with at least minimal computer literacy, then very quickly their operating system ends up filled to capacity with junk software that is installed along with toys and some free programs. All these additional panels in browsers, fake antiviruses, Internet boosters and other rubbish very quickly render Windows completely unusable.

Linux users are generally not familiar with this phenomenon. To install programs and games, there is, as I wrote above, a special software store in which all programs are tested. In addition, you can use Steam to install games, the security of which no one doubts.


Windows and installed software updates are another problem that users face. System updates often very cumbersome, take a long time to install and require a reboot. It's so annoying that many people just turn off the system automatic update, although this should not be done under any circumstances. Regarding the centralized update system installed programs, then it is simply absent in Windows. The developer took care to integrate the “update” into his program - well, if you are lazy, then you will continue to use the old version.

Linux Mint makes installing updates easy and enjoyable. Once a day special utility will automatically check for new packages for the operating system and all programs installed on you. If they are detected, you will see a small icon in the system tray. You just need to click on it, and then in the window that appears, click on the “Install updates” button to bring your software to its best current status. No reboots, no waiting, no problems.

As you can see for yourself, the modern appearance of free operating systems based on Linux, at least the most popular distributions, has nothing to do with the myths that often frighten novice users. They are simple, convenient, beautiful and so friendly that even those users who have a minimum level of computer literacy can handle them. In addition, Linux offers the highest level of reliability and security, which is especially important for beginners.

Personally, I have already experimented many times with Linux installation Mint on the computers of novice users and have consistently heard only positive reviews. What do you think about this?

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