operating system interface. Types of user interfaces of operating systems What was the name of the first oc with a graphical interface

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According to the type of user interface, text (linear), graphic and speech operating systems are distinguished.

user interface is a set of methods of user interaction with the application. The user interface includes the user's communication with the application and the language of communication.

Text OS

Linear operating systems implement the interface command line. The main control device in them is the keyboard. The command is typed on the keyboard and displayed on the display screen. The command is terminated by pressing the Enter key. To work with operating systems that have a text interface, you need to master the command language of this environment, i.e. a set of commands whose structure is determined by the syntax of this language.

The first true operating systems had a text interface. It is currently also used on servers and users' computers.

Graphic OS

Such operating systems implement an interface based on the interaction of active and passive graphical on-screen controls. The control devices in this case are the keyboard and mouse. The active control element is the mouse pointer - a graphical object, the movement of which on the screen is synchronized with the movement of the mouse. Passive controls are graphical application controls (on-screen buttons, icons, radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, menu bars, etc.).

An example of a purely graphical operating system is the operating system of the Windows family. The start screen of such operating systems is a system object called the desktop. Desktop is a graphical environment that displays objects (files and directories) and controls.

In graphic operating systems ah most operations can be performed by many different ways, for example, through the menu bar, through the toolbar, through the window system, etc. Since operations are performed on an object, it must first be selected (highlighted).

The basis of the graphical user interface is an organized system of windows and other graphic objects, during the creation of which developers strive for the maximum standardization of all elements and methods of work.

Window- this is a framed rectangular area on the monitor screen in which applications, a document, a message are displayed. A window is active if it is this moment the user is working. All operations performed in graphical operating systems occur either on the desktop or in a window.

Speech OS

In the case of the SILK-interface (from the English speech - speech, image - image, language - language, knowledge - knowledge) - on the screen, according to a speech command, there is a movement from one search image to another.

It is assumed that when using the public interface, you will not need to understand the menu. Screen images will unambiguously indicate the further path of moving from one search image to another along semantic semantic links.

There are several fundamental concepts in the field of information technology. One of them is "interface". Note that it can be interpreted from different points of view. The previous chapter described the concept of "System Call Interface". If you search for such a term in the Yandex Dictionaries, you will receive more than a dozen definitions of the term, most of which are given in combination with other terms, for example: "Data transfer interface", "Programming interface", "Application interface". The dictionary "Natural Sciences" on GLOSSARY.RU gives the following definition of a fundamental concept.

An interface in a broad sense is a standards-defined boundary between interacting independent objects. The interface defines the parameters, procedures and characteristics of the interaction of objects.

In the "Publishing Dictionary-Reference" [ 61 ] there is such a definition of the basic term "interface". This:

    The system of communications and interaction of computer devices.

    Means of user interaction with the operating system of the computer, or user program. A distinction is made between a graphical user interface (interaction with a computer is organized using icons, menus, dialog boxes, etc.) and an intelligent interface (means of user interaction with a computer in the user's natural language).

As you can see, this term has two meanings here. But we will briefly focus on the second - "user interface". On the GLOSSARY.RU source we have already mentioned, it is defined as follows: "The user interface is the elements and components of the program that can influence the user's interaction with the software, including:

    means of displaying information, displayed information, formats and codes;

    command modes, user-interface language;

    data entry devices and technologies;

    dialogues, interactions and transactions between the user and the computer;

    user feedback;

    decision support in a specific subject area;

    how to use the program and its documentation.

With the development of computing technology, the methods and means of user interaction with the operating system have changed. The widespread use of digital computers has led to a mode of communication between a person and a computer in a special language. At first, during the period of batch processing of tasks, this was realized using special information carriers (for example, punched cards on which tasks for a computer were applied). But later, with the widespread use of terminals and keyboards, the main command mode user experience, in which interaction was based on a system of built-in commands. In the free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" it is defined as follows.

The command line interface (CLI) is a kind of text interface (CUI) between a person and a computer, in which instructions to the computer are given mainly by entering text lines (commands) from the keyboard, in UNIX systems it is possible to use a mouse. Also known as "console".

Here is an approximate fragment of the screen that appears in command line mode ( rice. 4.1).

Rice. 4.1.

A prompt () appears on the left in the line, after which you can type a command, the results of which are displayed below. Here is an example of running the date command on a Linux system ( rice. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2.

Microsoft's first operating systems for personal computers The IBM PCs (called MS DOS) also supported a command mode similar to other systems. The line in which the commands were typed was similar to the ones above. Today, the command mode of operating systems is provided by the emulators cmd.exe (for 32-bit mode) or command.com (for 16-bit mode). In graphical mode of the UNIX/Linux family, the command line is emulated by the Terminal (xterm) program.

Note that for computers running the MS DOS operating system, the legendary Norton Commander program has become a successful addition to the implementation of such a user interface. It minimized the actions of typing on the command line, allowing you to operate, first of all, by choosing the appropriate command from the menu. This program also actively uses the function keys of the computer. Wikipedia describes this system as follows:

"Norton Commander (NC) - popular file manager for DOS, originally developed by the American programmer John Socha (some additional components were written in whole or in part by other people: Linda Dudinyak - Commander Mail, viewers; Peter Bradeen - Commander Mail; Keith Ermel, Brian Yoder - viewers). The program was released by Peter Norton Computing (headed by Peter Norton), which was later acquired by Symantec Corporation."

Here is an example screenshot of this file manager ( rice. 4.3).

Rice. 4.3. The legendary file manager Norton Commander

The popularity of the program was so great that numerous clones appeared that more or less accurately copied the Norton interface. For example, DOS Navigator, visually similar to Norton Commander, provided even more features. Volkov Commander, FAR Manager, Total Commander and other similar programs. Subsequently, clones appeared on other operating systems: BSD, GNU / Linux - Midnight Commander, Krusader.

Norton Commander not only provoked a whole series of its own clones and replicas, but also introduced a couple of new words into the Russian language - "norton" and "commander" became synonymous with the phrase "file manager" in the jargon of PC users.

The paradigm of working with files introduced by the program (2 identical panels between which operations take place; most commands are executed by "hot keys") is still used in the vast majority of file managers.

Norton Commander also became the subject of a series of parables and anecdotes. The first series was written by Alexander Golubev, several subsequent ones were published and supplemented by various authors, whose names were gradually lost, after which these stories passed into the state of folklore.

There is also a musical group Nord "n" Commander.

IN different versions Linux uses an analogue of such a program called Midnight Commander. We present its form ( rice. 4.4) when called in command line emulation mode.

enlarge image Rice. 4.4. Midnight Commander program executed in Terminal

But the idea of ​​dividing a window into two parts, in which the contents of directories are presented, remained attractive even when an operating system appeared with only GUI– Windows 95. Norton Commander analogues for this and subsequent versions are numerous. In the UNIX integrated graphical environment, the analogue of NC is GNOME Commander. We give the form ( rice. 4.5) file manager Total Commander (formerly known as Windows Commander) operating system Windows XP [ 62 ].

enlarge image Rice. 4.5. File Manager Total Commander

But today the command mode is becoming a thing of the past, giving way to others. In addition to the command interface, two more modern types of interface are defined: WIMP and SILK.

WIMP interface (Window - window, Image - image, Menu - menu, Pointer - pointer). A characteristic feature of this type of interface is that the dialogue with the user is conducted not with the help of commands, but with the help of graphic images - menus, windows, and other elements. Although commands are given to the machine in this interface, but this is done "indirectly", through graphic images. This kind of interface is implemented on two levels of technology: a simple graphical interface and a "pure" WIMP interface.

SILK-interface (Speech - speech, Image - image, Language - language, Knowledge - knowledge). This type of interface is closest to the usual, human form of communication. Within the framework of this interface, there is a normal "conversation" between a person and a computer. At the same time, the computer finds commands for itself by analyzing human speech and finding key phrases in it. It also converts the result of command execution into a human-readable form. This type of interface is the most demanding on the hardware resources of a computer, and therefore it is used mainly for military purposes.

For a long time, the capabilities of computers, their technical characteristics, required users to work in command mode as in the main. The first personal computers also used it. But in recent years, this mode has been supplanted by another - graphic. He demanded large resources from the computer, but brought something new - convenience, diverse design, multitasking (although the latter can also be implemented in command mode). To designate a graphical mode, the abbreviation GUI (Graphics User Interface) is used, which is literally translated as "graphical user interface", but is often replaced with "multi-window graphical interface" in translation.

First appearance of the GUI ( rice. 4.6) should be contacted by XEROX. In her laboratory PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) in 1973, the Alto computer was created. The latter was equipped with a mouse and a good monitor. It is believed that this computer had a GUI, but was not widely used. Xerox still decides to breathe life into the experimental Alto by launching its full-fledged commercial successor to the market - the Star computer.

Rice. 4.6. The first graphical user interface from Xerox

Here is a statement from an article by Oleg Svirgstin [ 63 ]: "The Alto was the world's first computer to practically implement the "desktop" metaphor and graphical user interface that had previously existed only in theoretical designs."

For operating systems of the UNIX family, as well as many others, for a long time the command mode of operation was the main one. Perhaps today it is used mainly for administration, it has been supplanted by the GUI mode. For more than 10 years (since 1981), Microsoft has been providing IBM PC personal computers with only a command mode, while its rivals already implemented a GUI in 1984. True, this company sought to implement the latter mode of operation, which was achieved in the mid-90s.

Here is a figure illustrating the stages of operation of operating Microsoft systems and UNIX in command and graphics modes. It shows that for UNIX/Linux operating systems, until now, the graphical mode is an add-on over the command mode, and for Windows, the command mode as the main one ceased to exist in 1995 ( rice. 4.7).

Rice. 4.7. Command and graphical interface of the UNIX/Linux family and Windows

Note that the MS DOS operating system in recent years was supplied with an add-on that provides users with a GUI. The names of these graphical shells were Windows1, Windows2, Windows3.

Of the other graphical interfaces, let's name OPENSTEP, implemented on NeXT computers. Created by Stephen Jobs, founder Apple, during the period when he left her and tried to conquer the world with a new development. This interface was subsequently ported to other computer platforms ( rice. 4.8).

Notice how it differed from what Microsoft was offering at the time with its Windows95 (an example of a desktop is given in Chapter 2, in the part on that company's operating systems).

By the address http://www.guidebookgallery.org/guis you can get acquainted with the "gallery" of graphical user interfaces on different computer platforms. Here are two screenshots showing a list of all gallery items (Figure 4.9).

Rice. 4.8. GUI OPENSTEP Jan 1997 platform

Separately, let's dwell on the list of 5 Desktop metaphor GUI (non monolitic) elements. They contain links to descriptions of systems that provide a UNIX graphical user interface. Here we briefly mention only two, the rest are discussed in detail below.

Rice. 4.9a. Gallery of graphical interfaces on different hardware (part 1)

In these pictures, notice more than a dozen types of desktops (from Amiga OS to Xerox Star/View Point/Global View). Although the worker Windows table occupies one of the places, but today many manufacturers have adopted its standards. In the same row, systems are mentioned that actively influenced the development of operating systems, but no longer exist today. Among them:

    OS / 2 from IBM, a long time competitor to Windows;

    BeOS, created by Be Inc. and having many pioneering innovations at the time of its release. This is work on 64-bit hardware, a convenient user interface and much more.

Rice. 4.9b. Gallery of graphical interfaces on different hardware (part 2)

OPEN LOOK is a specification for the graphical user interface for UNIX workstations. It was created in the late 1980s by Sun Microsystems and AT&T with the participation of Xerox. This specification was the basis for the operating system in the early stages of GUI implementation. Subsequently, it lost its importance due to the advent of the Motif graphical interface from OSF. The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) is a desktop environment based on the Motif system. It was created by The Open Group along with a number of companies: Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Novell. For some time it was the industry standard for UNIX systems.

GUI mode is used in different operating systems. Many of its developers tried to find their own, the most attractive "style" for users. Over time, they were forced to look back at what other firms were doing, or even team up to standardize the components of the graphical interface. The modern idea of ​​a graphical interface, in our opinion, combines all the best from different manufacturers. It seems that searches in this direction will continue further, although it is often said that nothing has fundamentally changed since the first steps in the formation of the graphical interface - all its main elements remain the same (desktop, menus, icons).

Perhaps one more trend should be noted: the latest implementations of the graphical interface are built with an eye on what is implemented in Windows operating systems. This is due to their large share (about 90%) in the personal computer market.

As mentioned above, for UNIX systems for a long time - from the early 70s and, perhaps, until the late 80s - the only mode was the command mode of operation. Today it has given way to graphics. In the family of UNIX operating systems (recall, running on different hardware platforms), the graphical user interface is supported by the X Window System. The main site with information about it has the address http://www.x.org. The latest version listed there is X11R7.5.

Operating system Windows XP.

Windows XP (eXPerience - experience) is the latest Microsoft operating system for users, which was released on October 25, 2001 (the Russified version appeared in November of the same year). Many companies refrained from quickly purchasing a new operating system and continued to work on Windows 2000. There is a reasonable explanation for this - first Windows XP had to undergo extensive research. However, already in 2002 there was a massive breakthrough in Windows XP.

The new operating system is based on the kernel used in Windows 2000 and Windows NT and has a number of advantages:

Efficient and flexible operating system technology that incorporates the benefits of multitasking, fault tolerance and security system memory, thanks to which malfunctions arising in the course of work are prevented and eliminated and the stability of the system is maintained;

the ability to restore the work done by the user in many cases when the program crashed before; how the relevant document was saved;

protection of system memory, which helps to prevent the impact of programs written with errors on the stability of the computer;

During the installation of new software in most cases it will not be necessary to restart Windows XP, as it was necessary in more early versions Windows.

The operating system has been developed in three versions to meet almost any needs of personal computer users used at work or at home.

Windows XP Note Edition is the best digital media platform and the best choice for home computer users and hobbyists. computer games.

Designed for corporate users, the Windows XP Professional operating system has almost all the benefits of Windows XP Home Edition. In addition, it includes additional features remote access, security, performance and management, and multilingual support, making it an excellent operating system for organizations with a heterogeneous language environment, as well as for users who want to get the most out of their computer.

In addition, Windows XP 64-bit Edition has been released for specialized technical workstations whose users require the highest levels of performance and scalability. These stations require more memory and faster performance to perform productively, for example, when performing calculations using floating point variables needed in areas such as creating special effects for movies and 3D animation, as well as the development of technical and scientific applications.

The procedure for installing the operating system is much more complicated. The point is that for the first time windows technology Product Activation, that is, activation at the time of installation by phone or the Internet. When activated, the parameters of the computer components are read, which, together with serial number constitute a unique registered identification number.

The Windows XP operating system simplifies the process of installing and using new devices by supporting the latest technological standards of modern equipment: IrDA, USB and Firewire.

Bringing to market the Windows XP operating system, Microsoft has changed plans for the release of the next operating system. Previously, it was planned to release in 2002 a system code-named Blackcomb, which B. Gates called the most fundamental change in the user interface based on the implementation of the NET strategy, which promised to include an information agent in the system that automatically recognizes the most frequently occurring phrases. Now the line of products will be continued by the operating system following Windows XP, codenamed Longhorn.

Unlike previous versions(Windows 2000 and Windows XP), based on different versions of the same kernel and having an almost identical driver model, Longhorn promises us significant changes not only in the interface part, but also in the very heart of the system (in the kernel, memory architecture and resource management). The new operating system will support two driver models (two types of drivers): one retained for compatibility with older drivers (Model 2000/XP) and one new driver specifically designed for Longhorn and later versions. All brand new graphics capabilities will be implemented using new drivers, while drivers built on the old model will only be able to provide a basic (already available in XP) level of hardware graphics support.

Windows operating system interface

The operating system should provide users with a convenient interface for communicating with computer devices. The interface is a wide set of various means of user interaction with a PC. Operating systems of the Windows family include six main interface elements: desktop, taskbar, windows, menus, toolbars, and icons.

After the computer boots up, the desktop appears on the screen. This is a kind of title page of the OS, on which any other interface elements can be located: the taskbar with the main menu of the system, various windows, toolbars and various icons.

The most important element of the interface is the task loop (task panel) which displays a list of currently running applications and facilitates switching between them. Loading almost any program (except for some system ones, such as the keyboard indicator) leads to its appearance on the taskbar in the form of a corresponding button, by clicking on which you can activate this program. When an application terminates, it disappears from the taskbar.

Usually the taskbar is gray and is located at the bottom of the desktop (with standard OS settings). However, you can easily change its location by pressing the left mouse button on a free area of ​​the panel and dragging it to the left, top or right side of the desktop. First, in the taskbar settings, disable the Lock the taskbar option.

It is almost always visible on the screen, which greatly simplifies the control of currently active programs and facilitates switching between them. However, if necessary, you can hide the taskbar by enabling the Automatically hide the taskbar option. Then, to display it on the screen, you need to bring the mouse to the side of the desktop, behind which it is hidden.

In addition to the taskbar, the desktop can have one or more windows that can be arranged in a certain order (tiled) or "scribbled" on top of each other (cascaded). Window (window) is the main element of the interface, which is a specially designed and framed rectangular area on the screen, which is designed to place objects and perform operations on them. Windows can be opened, closed, minimized, expanded, moved and scaled.

The Windows operating system supports three types of windows:

· windows of applications (programs), which contain four standard elements: the title, the program menu, one or more toolbars and the status bar. Windows allows you to run several applications at the same time and work with them alternately, switching from one program to another. The active window is always on top of other windows, it is it that receives the user's commands;

windows of documents (program processing objects) must contain a title;

· Dialog windows (processing tools) have names that usually coincide with the names of the commands that opened them.

Some windows contain additional interface elements such as rulers, scrollbars, status bars, command buttons, or lists.

Many Windows applications such as text editor Microsoft Word, are multi-window, that is, they can contain several nested windows.

Typically, application and document windows have three presentation options:

Full screen (the window takes up the whole screen);

normal (the window occupies part of the screen);

minimized (the window is minimized to a button on the taskbar).

The top of the window contains a title, which usually

contains the name of the program and the document opened in it. By pressing the left mouse button in the title area and dragging it, you can move the window around the desktop.

There are three control buttons in the right corner of the header. The left button (Minimize) minimizes the window to the taskbar. The middle button is used to maximize the window to full size screen (Maximize) and to restore the original size (Restore). Depending on the state of the window appearance is changing. The right button (Close) closes the active window.

Dialog boxes usually have only one control button (Close).

The window frame of a Windows application allows you to resize the window.

Below the window title is usually a menu. Menu (menu) is an important element of the interface, which usually has several levels and may contain objects that are not available for selection at the moment.

Windows has four types of menus:

the main menu of the system, accessible by pressing the left mouse button on the Start button on the taskbar or the special key WL (key with Windows logo located between the left Ctrl and Alt keys). Usually it contains seven items (with standard OS settings):

Programs, Documents, Settings, Search (Find), Help, Run, Shut down (Turn off the computer). The main menu allows you, respectively, to launch the program, open a document, change system settings, find the desired object, get help information and complete Windows work;

· Program menus are located in each running application. Typically, such a menu occupies the second line of the program window below its title. Often, some menu items of programs also have their own submenus, which are expanded when they are selected. Every document application has a File menu (usually on the far left). Many applications that work with data have an Edit (Edit) menu. The help system is accessed through the Help menu, which is always the last one. Many menu commands can be called with keys, for example, any program can be terminated with the key combination Alt+F4\

· context menus objects are available by pressing the right mouse button in almost all Windows applications. Such menus contain only those commands that can be applied to the active object;

Control menus for applications and documents (system menus) are available by pressing the left mouse button on the icon in the left upper corner window or Alt+Spacebar shortcuts. These menus allow you to manage windows and duplicate window control buttons (minimize, maximize/restore, close). Double-clicking the system menu icon closes the active window.

Application windows may contain one or more instrument panels, each of which has a set of buttons corresponding to some program function. For example, toolbar regular program"Explorer" contains buttons for performing standard operations for navigating through folders, copying and moving, searching for and deleting objects. In application programs, the Standard toolbar is designed to perform general commands: create, open, save, print a document, etc.

In a graphical operating system, all objects have their own icons (icons, pictograms), which are square pictures standard size(usually 32x32 pixels). An icon can often identify the type of object: folder, program, document, shortcut, etc.

A folder (analogous to a directory in MS DOS) is a logical container in which you can place any elements: other folders, files, and shortcuts. There are user folders and system folders, which are created and maintained by the operating system itself.

On the desktop must be present (with standard setting OS) four system folders:

· My computer contains all the devices of a personal computer and with the help of the appropriate universal program "Explorer" provides quick access to all its resources;

· My Documents contains all documents stored on the computer, provided that the user does not store them in any other (hidden) place;

· Network Neighborhood contains icons of all available network resources: servers, workstations, printers and other equipment on the network;

· The Recycle Bin is a limited area (minimum 1%) of memory on a hard drive that stores deleted objects and allows them to be restored. To do this, the system remembers the name, type, size, original location and date of deletion of files and folders. When the Recycle Bin is full, the oldest files are permanently deleted.

A shortcut (link) is a special file containing a pointer to some object: a folder, program, document, or device. The object itself may be far away from the user, so the shortcut provides easy access to it. The presence of a shortcut does not change the location of the object, but only makes it easier to access it.

Features of Windows operating systems

First of all, Windows is a graphical operating system based on a window interface (from the English windows-window). Each executable program is assigned a window, which can occupy the entire screen or part of it.

Unlike the outdated MS DOS operating system, in which all computer control was carried out using the keyboard, in Windows, the mouse is predominantly used to perform operations on objects. Despite the convenience of managing PC resources using a mouse, the keyboard remains the main mandatory device for entering information into a computer.

In the Windows operating system, the WYSIWYG principle (What You See Is What You Get - what you see is what you get) was first applied, which made it possible to establish a complete correspondence between the image on the screen and the subsequent image on paper.

Since the first releases of Windows operating systems, their interface has been standardized. This made it possible to create new software with the same type of menus and toolbars.

The Windows operating system allows several programs to work together when preparing one document and allows you to create complex documents containing Various types data by moving and copying objects between applications. To do this, the system has special integration tools.

The most commonly used is the clipboard (clipboard) - a special area of ​​​​memory that is needed to transfer data between applications and documents. You can select an object, place it on the clipboard for storage, and then paste it elsewhere in the same document, or into another document in the same or a completely different application.

OLE technology allows you to combine objects of completely different origins in one document, such as text, photos and music. Such objects can be embedded via the clipboard or by the menu command Paste Object.

Of no small importance in the work is the inherent ability of the operating system to carry out dynamic data exchange (Dynamic Data Exchange - DDE), which allows you to quickly exchange information between various programs operating in Windows environment according to the developed set of special agreements (protocols).

The operating system also allows you to convert files, that is, change the format of documents. For this, many

applications contain special import/export filters that transfer data from one document to another according to certain agreements. For example, text file converted to word document- and vice versa.

Unlike the outdated MS DOS operating system, in which the full file name did not exceed 11 characters (8 + 3), long file and directory names (up to 255 characters) can be used in Windows. In addition, Russian letters, spaces and special characters can be used in names. Despite this, compatibility with 16-bit applications (for MS DOS) is fully preserved, which perceive such names truncated to 8 characters with the appropriate extension (up to 3 characters).

All operating systems of the Windows family are multi-threaded with preemptive multitasking. And network operating systems, of course, are multi-user. Although latest developments conventional systems (Windows ME, Windows XP) are also multi-user.

At creating Windows Initially, it was conceived to divide the operating system into two parts: the main (kernel) and additional. At the same time, the Windows kernel itself consists of three modules:

· Kernel-low-level part that manages processes, memory allocation, file input-output, etc.;

User - user part, work manager with keyboard, mouse, timer and ports;

· GDI (Graphic Devices Interface) - a graphical device interface that controls the display and printer.

The remaining components (additional part) are loaded as needed from a special dynamically loaded library (Dynamic Link Library - DLL).

Types of user interfaces of operating systems

According to the type of user interface, text (linear), graphic and speech operating systems are distinguished.

A user interface is a set of ways in which a user interacts with an application. The user interface includes the user's communication with the application and the language of communication.

Text OS

Linear operating systems implement a command line interface. The main control device in them is the keyboard. The command is typed on the keyboard and displayed on the display screen. The command is terminated by pressing the Enter key. To work with operating systems that have a text interface, you need to master the command language of this environment, i.e. a set of commands whose structure is determined by the syntax of this language.

The first true operating systems had a text interface. It is currently also used on servers and users' computers.

Graphic OS

Such operating systems implement an interface based on the interaction of active and passive graphical on-screen controls. The control devices in this case are the keyboard and mouse. The active control element is the mouse pointer - a graphical object, the movement of which on the screen is synchronized with the movement of the mouse. Passive controls are graphical application controls (on-screen buttons, icons, radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, menu bars, etc.).

An example of a purely graphical operating system is the operating system of the Windows family. The start screen of such operating systems is a system object called the desktop. The desktop is a graphical environment that displays objects (files and directories) and controls.

In graphical operating systems, most operations can be performed in many different ways, such as through the menu bar, through the toolbar, through the window system, etc. Since operations are performed on an object, it must first be selected (highlighted).

The basis of the graphical user interface is an organized system of windows and other graphical objects, during the creation of which developers strive for the maximum standardization of all elements and methods of work.

A window is a framed rectangular area on a monitor screen that displays applications, a document, a message. A window is active if the user is currently working with it. All operations performed in graphical operating systems occur either on the desktop or in a window.

Speech OS

In the case of the SILK-interface (from the English speech - speech, image - image, language - language, knowledge - knowledge) - on the screen, according to a speech command, there is a movement from one search image to another.

It is assumed that when using the public interface, you will not need to understand the menu. Screen images will unambiguously indicate the further path of moving from one search image to another along semantic semantic links.

PLAN-SUMMARY OF THE LESSON Place of the lesson: computer science room.

Subject: Informatics.

Lesson topic: The concept of the operating system. operating room interface

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the purpose of operating systems. Tasks:


consider the concepts of the operating system, interface

operating system; as well as the concepts of authentication and authorization of users;

® highlight the main functions of the operating system;

    consider the classification of operating systems according to


* consider the classification of operating systems according to the task processing mode;

® consider the classification of operating systems according to

how to interact with the system;

    consider generations of operating systems;

    Developing: develop logical thinking;

    Educational: develop an interest in the subject.

Lesson type: lecture. Logistics

lesson provision:


Lesson plan:

D) Organizational

moment (greeting

and check


    Learning new material.

    Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

The teacher welcomes the students, checks those who are absent, informs the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.

II. Learning new material

Lecture content

Operating system. (OS) is a complex of system control and processing programs that, on the one hand, act as an interface between the computer hardware and the user with his tasks, and on the other hand, are designed for the most efficient use of computing system resources and organization of reliable calculations. (SLIDE 2)

Let's listbasic functions of operating systems. (SLIDE 3-5)

    Reception from the user of tasks or commands formulated in the corresponding language, and their processing. Tasks can be transmitted in the form of text directives (commands) of the operator or in the form of instructions performed with the help of a manipulator (for example, with a mouse). These commands are primarily related to launching (suspending, stopping) programs, operations on files (get a list of files in the current directory, create, rename, copy, move a particular file, etc.), although there are other commands.

    Memory allocation, and in most modern systems, the organization of virtual memory.

    Starting a program (transferring control to it, as a result of which the processor executes the program).

    Identification of all programs: and data.

    Receiving and executing various requests from running applications.

    Servicing all I/O operations.

    Organization of mechanisms for exchanging messages and data between running programs.

    Protecting one program from the influence of another, ensuring the safety of data, protecting the operating system itself from applications running on the computer.

    User authentication. Under authentication means the procedure for checking the username and password against the values ​​stored in his account. Obviously, if the login name (login ^) of the user and his password are the same, then most likely this will be the same user.

    User authorization. Term authorization means that according to account an authenticated user, he (and all requests that will go to the operating system on his behalf) are assigned certain rights (privileges) that determine what he can and cannot do on the computer.

    Ensuring the operation of programming systems with which users prepare their programs.


Operating system classifications

There can be a lot of classification options, everything will depend on the chosen attribute, by which we will distinguish one object from another. However, with regard to the OS, a relatively small number of classifications have long been formed here: by purpose, by task processing mode, by the method of interaction with the system, and by construction methods (architectural features of the system).

By appointment . (SLIDE 6) There are general and special-purpose operating systems.

P about the processing mode h (SLIDE 7) distinguish between operating systems that provide single-program and multi-program modes. One-program OS includes, for example, the well-known, although today it is practically not used MS DOS.

Under multiprogramming is understood as a way of organizing calculations, when a single-processor computing system creates

visibility of simultaneous execution of several programs. Any delay in the decision of the program (for example, to perform data input / output operations) is used to execute other (same or less important) programs.

How to interact with a computer (SLIDE 8) distinguish between dialogue systems and batch systems processing . When organizing work with a computer system in an interactive mode, we can talk about single-user (single-terminal) and multi-terminal operating systems. In multi-terminal operating systems with one computer system, several users can work simultaneously, each from their own terminal. Therefore, users have the illusion that each of them has their own computing system. To organize multi-terminal access to a computing system, it is necessary to provide a multi-program mode of operation. One example of a multi-terminal operating system for personal computers is Linux. A certain imitation of multi-terminal capabilities is also available in the Windows XP system. In this operating system, after registration (login), each user receives his own virtual machine. If it is necessary to temporarily provide a computer to another user, the computing processes of the first user can not be completed, but simply for this other user, the system creates a new virtual machine. As a result, the computer will perform the tasks of both the first and second users. The number of virtual machines running in parallel is determined by the available resources.

Generations of operating systems (SLIDE 9-11)

Operating systems on the way of their development have gone through a series of radical changes, the so-called generations.

Zero generation (40th year s)

The first computers did not have operating systems.

Users have full access to machine language, and all programs were written directly in machine instructions.

First generation (50s)

The operating systems of the 1950s were designed to speed up and simplify the transition from task to task. Prior to the creation of these operating systems, a lot of machine time was wasted between the completion of one task and the entry into the solution of the next. It was the start batch processing systems that involved combining individual tasks into groups, or packages. The task launched into the solution received all the resources of the machine at its full disposal. After the completion of each task (either normal or emergency), resource control returned to the operating system, which ensured that the next task was started.

Second generation (early 60s) (SLIDE 10)

A characteristic feature of the second generation operating systems was that they were created as systems for collective use with multi-program operation and as the first systems multiprocessor type.

T third generation (mid 60s - mid 70s)

The third generation of operating systems actually appeared with the introduction by IBM in 1964 of the System /360 family of computers. These computers were designed as general purpose machines. They were bulky, usually inefficient, but were designed to solve any problem from any application area.

H fourth generation (mid-70s to present) (SLIDE 11)

The following terms apply to systems of this generation. friendly. user-friendly, targeted at the untrained user, those. modern systems provide users with an average skill level with easy access to computing resources. The concept is spreading widely virtual machines. The user got the opportunity to no longer think about the physical details of building computers (or

networks) with which it works. Instead, the user is dealing with a functional equivalent of a computer, created for him by the operating system and called virtual machine.

Operating system interface: (SLIDE 12)

Operating systems interface - special interfaces

system and application programming, designed to perform the following tasks:

* process management (start, pause and remove tasks from


    memory management;

    input/output control;

* file operations.

The user interface of the OS is implemented using special software modules that accept its commands on

appropriate language and translate them into normal calls in accordance with the main system interface. Usually these modules are called the command interpreter.

The evolution of operating system interfaces (SLIDE 13-18)


III. Summing up the lesson.

The teacher summarizes:

Today in the lesson we looked at the concepts of the operating system,

operating system interface; as well as the concepts of authentication and authorization of users; identified the main functions of the operating system, considered various classifications, as well as generations of operating systems.

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