How to clear your email of unnecessary letters. How to delete a mailbox and account. How to delete a mailbox

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In this lesson I will show you how to delete your mail on forever. It will be erased with all letters and settings. Also, the Cloud, My World and other services will close along with it.

Instructions for deleting Mail mail

You can completely remove your mail on Mail from the Internet. To do this, you need to delete your account on the website. Then the mailbox will be blocked and letters will no longer be sent to it. All settings will also be erased and all site services will be deleted: Cloud, My World and others.

Right now I will show you how to delete mail from your computer. From the phone this is done in approximately the same way, which I will talk about later.

Note: if given address email you used to register on other sites (for example, Skype), you may have problems accessing them.

1 . We go into the box that needs to be destroyed, and at the top of it click on the “More” item. Select “Help” from the list.

2. A new tab opens, where in the “Registration and Login” section (below) click on the item “How to delete Mailbox».

4 . Another tab opens with a warning that everything else will be erased along with the mail. Click “Delete”.

6. The box is locked and all contents are erased. Now you can close all tabs and forget about this address.

If someone sends a letter to it, it will not be delivered and the sender will receive a notification about it.

How to erase a mailbox from your phone

1 . In your smartphone's browser (Internet program), go to the website

2. Sign in to your mailbox. To do this, click on the “Mail” inscription, type your login/password and click “Login”.

If the “Mail Application” window pops up, click “No, thanks.”

4 . Type any reason for deletion, enter the password for the mailbox, the code from the picture and click “Delete”.

A message will appear that the email has been destroyed. That's all! Now you can close the tab - the mail is already blocked.

How to delete an application

Android: Settings - Applications (Programs) - Mail - Delete.

iPhone: Touch and hold the app icon until a cross appears. Then click on the cross and select "Delete".

How to delete email if you forgot your password

It happens that you need to destroy a mailbox from which you do not remember the login information - login and password. In this case, you first need to try to restore access to your profile.

The first thing you need to know is the exact mail address. After all, the address can either end with or with other endings:, or And these will be different boxes Maila.

In addition, if you mix up just one letter or number in the name before the @ sign, it will also be a different mailbox - not yours.

Example of an email address

And the second thing you need to know is the exact password. It consists exclusively of English letters; numbers may be used. The size of the letters (large or small) also matters.

Without a password, you cannot delete your page on Mail, so you will need to recover it first. To do this, in the login window on the site, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.

Read more about restoring access in the lesson “My mail".

What to do if you can’t restore the box? Then you just need to wait: when the address is not used for more than six months, the administration has the right to destroy it.

If you haven't used the mailbox in a while and can't log into it, it's most likely already deleted.

It's easy to check: send a letter to your old email. If you receive a notification about an undelivered message, it means the mailbox is closed. It simply no longer exists in the system.

Or you can try to register this address. If such a username is available, then the mailbox has been automatically deleted.

Is it possible to restore mail?

You can only return the box within three months after it was closed. But everything that was in it will be irretrievably destroyed. Deleted emails and files cannot be recovered.

To restore deleted mail, you just need to open the website and enter the correct address and password in the login window.

The box will open without any problems on the part of the system (you won’t even need confirmation), but it will be empty.

Alternative to deletion

Deleting mail is a very important step. After all, all letters and services are immediately erased along with it. This is not always suitable, and now I will tell you about more gentle ways to deal with your address.

Exit from the box

Sometimes a person just needs to close the box specific device. For example, you went to your personal mail on your work computer. And now every time you log into the website, the mailbox opens automatically.

To prevent this from happening, you just need to get out account. Then the mail will remain in the system, but this computer it will no longer load automatically.

To log out of your mail on your computer, open the website and in the login form, click on the door icon.

Forwarding letters

It often happens that a person has not used mail on Mile for a long time: he has a different address on another site. But he used to leave his old box with different people. And I don’t really want to delete it in case one of them writes.

Or it happens that you don’t want to delete mail on, because all sorts of necessary services are attached to it. For example, you have registered Skype, a page on a social network, or a profile on a dating site. And if you close your mailbox, you may lose access to these services.

In this case, instead of deleting, it is better to set up email forwarding. Then, when a message arrives at the old address, it will be redirected to the new one. And it doesn’t matter what site the new address is on: Yandex, Google ( or some other.

1 . We go to the mailbox on, from which we need to redirect letters. Click on its address in the upper right corner. From the list, select “Mail Settings”.

3. Click on the “Add forwarding” button.

4 . Specify the address to which letters should be forwarded and click “Save”.

6. After this, the transfer is added, but for it to start working, it needs to be confirmed. To do this, click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions.

If everything is done correctly, the “Confirmed” mark will appear in the “Filtering Rules”. But besides this, you will also need to set the switch to “ON” - just click on it.

That's all! Now all letters will be automatically redirected to another address. If desired, this setting can be turned off at any time.

If you do not receive a confirmation email, check your Spam folder. For me, for example, it ended up exactly there.


If you decide to leave Mail because you are receiving unwanted emails (spam), then this can be resolved through filtering. Simply mark those messages that you would not like to receive, click on the “More” button and select “Create a filter” from the list.

Or you can even select the “Delete forever” option. The main thing is not to forget to save the settings and check that this filter is marked “ON”.


  • To close a mailbox, you need to know its exact address and password. This data can be recovered. Or you can just wait - in six months the post office will most likely close on its own.
  • In addition to deleting, there are other ways to get rid of the mailbox: forwarding letters, filtering. And if you just need to remove it from someone else’s computer, click on “exit” in the right top corner site.
  • You can return a deleted mailbox, but only within three months after it was closed. After 90 days it will be completely erased, beyond the possibility of recovery.

Hello again everyone! Today I will tell you how to clear the mail in your mailbox. Previously I wrote about that from certain authors. The same article also contained information on how to set filters for unwanted mailings. But, as they say, time does not stand still! Modern technologies are making themselves felt. And, unfortunately, they are used not only for good, but also for the purpose of “black” promotion.

Why clean your mail?

What exactly are we talking about? The fact is that currently parser programs have begun to gain particular popularity. The task of such programs is one - to obtain as much contact information of Internet users as possible.

Let's say you joined a certain group of some social network (it doesn’t really matter here whether it’s Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or some other social network). You naturally fill out information about yourself on your personal page, and of course indicate your email.

That's it, the trap is almost slammed shut! You are already a potential victim! The parser program, at the command of its owner, makes a selection of addresses and submits a report to the owner. And this is where the paths of legal and illegal promotion diverge.

Those who use this program for the good, they use it to organize retargeting, having in principle almost ready target audience. Such offers usually provide some benefit to the recipients. And for the most part there is nothing wrong with that.

Why do spammers attack your email?

Various types of attackers (so-called spammers) act completely differently. They simply flood your inbox with their annoying offers. You simply cannot remember whether you subscribed to this author’s mailing list, seeing that you were receiving crazy offers from him.

This is one of the reasons for a cluttered inbox. The second reason is the likelihood of hacking the account of one or another mailing list author and using his address database for one’s own selfish purposes. There are also those who trade both their own and stolen subscriber bases.

But let's be honest with ourselves! We often contribute to being inundated with junk mail. Almost everyone who wants to make money online goes through this. I’m now talking about a bunch of all kinds of mailing lists that newcomers subscribe to.

And if at first they still have enough time and desire to read all incoming correspondence, then gradually this process slows down, or even stops altogether. The pile of unread messages is growing. From time to time, when you log into your mail, you are surprised that first one thousand letters remain unread, then two, three...

The winners are those who stop in time in their pursuit of downloading all kinds of courses, gain courage and decisively unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings. Main .

I, too, at one time went through this stage of obtaining “useful” information, until I came to the conclusion that I needed to learn from professionals. Now the number of my subscriptions is a reasonable number, and I receive really useful and necessary correspondence, and also keep an eye on the information business in general.

But what to do if the fact, as they say, is obvious? There is a mailbox, there are the notorious thousands of unnecessary letters, diluted with desirable information in a ratio of 100:1. There are also several exits here. The first, as I already said, is to decisively unsubscribe from all mailings. But you still have to clean out your mail!

How to clear mail - video tutorial

The second way is to sift through mail receipts, separating the useful from the useless, while combining the removal process. This process can be lengthy! But let me introduce you to my algorithm quick cleaning mailbox, which will significantly save both time and nerves. IN general outline all actions can be represented like this.

To dot the i's, I suggest you watch a real video of actual cleaning of a mailbox. Having repeated what you saw in practice, you will only have to comply with minor formalities for maintaining mail in the future. Of course, it is better to make a commitment to no longer subscribe to right-wing and left-wing courses, free ones, without finally thinking through your decision.

This video, at my request, was recorded by my assistant Sergei. I am sure that you will not only like this video, but also benefit it. Well, I’m currently working on a new course on affiliate programs, which will be available to everyone in the near future, since its price will be very attractive.

So, watch the video on how to clear your mail.

This is how, in principle, by working on your mistakes, you can quite quickly bring your mailbox to a common denominator. The video was recorded using the service as an example. But the principle of operation applies to all mail services. They will differ only in the technique of creating the filter and, of course, in the location of the buttons.

As they say, every broom sweeps differently. I offer you my method, and I want to hear your opinion on this solution to this problem. If you have your own thoughts, share your information in the comments. Personally, I don’t have a bunch of unprocessed emails in my inbox, I try to avoid that.

Best regards, Evgeniy Vergus.

Answer from Yatyan *******[guru]
Of course, you cannot delete all letters at once.
You can delete all emails from one folder, for example, completely delete emails from your Inbox. To do this, click on the link
located below the list of all folders in your mailbox. You will see a list of your folders, as well as a list of possible functions for managing them. Click on the "clean" link located next to the name of the folder you want to clean. After which all letters from the folder will appear in the “Trash” folder.
You can also delete all emails from one page in a folder. To do this, select all letters and click "Delete".

Answer from Zhenьka[guru]
Check the box to delete everything - and that's it...

Answer from Alexey Gurov[guru]
Above the list of letters there is a panel with buttons. Next to the “DELETE” button, to the left of it, there is a small window with a triangle. Place a tick in this box. All letters on the page are highlighted. Now press the "DELETE" button - and oops! All letters from the first page go to the trash bin.
If some of the letters are especially dear to you, then after selecting the entire page, uncheck the boxes next to your favorites.
In the same way, the second page, the third, etc. are cleared until only those that are dear to you remain in the mail.

Answer from Anthony[active]
Delete everything...

Answer from Putiatichna Putiatichna[expert]
yeah, delete everything

Answer from Dasha Rusakova[newbie]
1. Click on MORE (LOCATED WHERE THE MAIL.RU FEED GOES, LETTERS, TOPIC FILES...), then click on Settings. 2. Then you look for FOLDERS (creating and setting folders...) 3. Opposite the folder from which you want to delete EVERYTHING, click CLEAR! FUCK, EVERYTHING IS REMOTE.

In 2004, Gmail, with its gigabytes of free email storage, seemed like a fairy tale. No one would have thought that such a huge box would ever have to be cleaned. Today the storage has grown 15 times, but the desire to delete thousands of letters does not leave many of us.

The problem lies not in the available space, but in the countless number of unread and simply unnecessary messages. Checking your inbox becomes torture, and the search and tagging system become useless.

However, Gmail inbox You can still give a second life.

Delete all emails

The first step is to completely empty your inbox. First it is advisable to do backup copy entire box using Google's data export tool. It can then be opened through an email client such as Mozilla Thunderbird. It may take several hours or even days to preserve the box, depending on its volume. But the process is carried out on Google servers, so there is no need to keep the computer turned on.

You can also transfer the most useful and necessary messages to another account via desktop email clients via POP or IMAP protocols.

Be careful! Lifehacker is not responsible for important emails that you may inadvertently delete.

Deleting letters in itself is a simple process. Go to the Gmail page with all messages, check the appropriate box at the top left and to the right click “Select all threads in the “All mail” section.” After this, all you have to do is click on the cart icon and confirm the action.

The letters will appear in the trash can, available in the menu on the left. Go to it and click “Empty Trash”. Also check your spam folder to make sure your account is now completely clean.

Remove unnecessary contacts

Gmail automatically records the contacts of the people you correspond with. This is a big plus of the service, but there is also a minus here: if you handle the function carelessly, your contact list can turn into a messy pile. Quite unexpectedly, a person to whom you wrote only once, and even then 10 years ago, may appear in the phone book of your Android smartphone.

In this case, everything is a little more complicated than with letters, since contacts are synchronized between different Google services. Ideally, you want to remove all useless email addresses, keep important ones, and leave phone numbers untouched.

Gmail does a pretty good job of organizing emails if you set up an inbox. To do this, click on the gear on the right and click on the corresponding button. If the service sends a message to the wrong category, then drag it manually to the correct one: Gmail will remember your choice and will not make a mistake again.

Users often have several mailboxes on different services. Few people use them all, mostly only one or two are used. What to do with the rest? That's right - delete. This article will discuss, How to delete a mailbox on mail ru. is a fairly popular email service, it works well without failures, thousands of people have email addresses there. It is very easy to create an email on this site. By and large and to remove email it won't take a lot of time and effort.

How to delete a mail ru mailbox if the login and password are known

  • Let's go to the post office. To do this, you must correctly enter your personal access data (password, login) into the special fields. Please note that the data must be entered carefully, taking into account the case of letters and the input language.
  • There is one more nuance - in the login field, if you click on the button with a small triangle, a menu with different addresses will appear, you need to select yours.
  • After successfully entering the mailbox, scroll down the page and find the link “ Help"(it is located on the bottom panel next to the settings link). We click on it.
  • Next, you need to select from the list of problems presented the one that offers help in removing a box that is not needed. Click on the link.
  • After this, we get to a page where it is written in detail how to remove the box and what can be lost as a result.
  • On the page click on the link with the words "Special interface".
  • After this, you will automatically be taken to the deletion page. There you need to fill in several fields.
  • In the field with the reason, indicate any reason - this point is not important and is only of a formal nature.
  • In the next field, carefully enter your email password.
  • Click on the button “ Delete».
  • In the confirmation window, click " OK».

The procedure is completed.

How to delete mail if you don’t remember your password

First, you need to use the site’s help to recover your password. To do this you need:

  • After the password recovery procedure, the service offers to check the password recovery data, which may be useful in the future. You can confirm them with the “ Yes"or delete by clicking " No" This point is not important, since the goal was to recover the password for deleting the mailbox.
  • Next, we carry out the removal procedure, as described in the first part of the article.

This is how you can delete mail ru mail. When deleting a mailbox, you need to understand that everything associated with it will be deleted, namely the blog on Mail ru, if there is one, the account in “My World”, photos, videos and everything else that was uploaded, as well as all letters with information, which may be important.

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