Backup with incremental data. Incremental backup. Incremental backup: incremental backup

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An incremental backup copies only those files that have changed since the last time a full or incremental backup was performed. Subsequent incremental backups only add files that have changed since the previous one. On average, incremental backups take less time because fewer files are copied. However, the data recovery process takes longer because the data from the last full backup must be restored, plus the data from all subsequent incremental backups. In this case, unlike differential copying, changed or new files do not replace old ones, but are added to the media independently.


Cloning allows you to copy an entire partition or media (device) with all files and directories to another partition or to another media. If the partition is bootable, then the cloned partition will also be bootable.

Image backup

An image is an exact copy of an entire partition or media (device) stored in one file.

Real-time backup

Real-time backup allows you to create copies of files, directories and volumes without interrupting your work, without restarting your computer.

Rotation schemes.

Changing the working set of media during the copying process is called media rotation. For backup, a very important issue is the choice of a suitable media rotation scheme (for example, magnetic tapes).

One-time copy simplest scheme, which does not provide for media rotation. All operations are carried out manually. Before copying, the administrator sets the backup start time and lists the file systems or directories that need to be copied. This information can be stored in a database so that it can be used again. For one-time copying, full copying is most often used.

Simple rotation Simple rotation implies that a certain set of tapes is used cyclically. For example, a rotation cycle may be a week, in which case a separate media is allocated for a specific working day of the week. The disadvantage of this scheme is that it is not very suitable for maintaining an archive, since the number of media in the archive is rapidly increasing. In addition, incremental/differential recording is carried out on the same media, which leads to significant wear and tear and, as a result, increases the likelihood of failure.

“Grandfather, father, son” This scheme has a hierarchical structure and involves the use of a set of three sets of media. Once a week a complete copy of the computer disks is made ( "father"), incremental (or differential) copying is carried out daily ( "son"). Additionally, once a month another full copying is carried out ( "grandfather"). The composition of the daily and weekly set is constant. Thus, compared to simple rotation, the archive contains only monthly copies plus the latest weekly and daily copies. The disadvantage of this scheme is that only the data available at the end of the month, as well as wear and tear of the media, are included in the archive.

Tower of Hanoi Scheme is designed to address some of the shortcomings of the Simple Rotation and Grandfather, Father, Son rotation schemes. The scheme is based on the use of several sets of media. Each set is designed for weekly copying, as in a simple rotation scheme, but without removing full copies. In other words, a separate set includes media with a full weekly copy and media with daily incremental (differential) copies. The specific problem of the Tower of Hanoi scheme is its higher complexity than other schemes.

“10 sets” This scheme is designed for ten sets of media. The period of forty weeks is divided into ten cycles. During the cycle, each set is assigned one day of the week. After a four-week cycle, the set number is shifted by one day. In other words, if in the first cycle dial number 1 was responsible for Monday, and number 2 for Tuesday, then in the second cycle dial number 2 was responsible for Monday, and number 3 for Tuesday. This scheme allows you to evenly distribute the load, and therefore wear between all media.

The Tower of Hanoi and 10 Set schemes are not used often because many backup systems do not support them.

Backup storage

1. Streamer tape - recording backup data on the tape drive;

2. "Cloud" backup - recording backup data using cloud technology through online services of special providers;

3. DVD or CD - recording backup data onto compact discs;

4. HDD - recording backup data to HDD computer;

5. LAN - recording backup data to any machine inside local network;

6. FTP - recording backup data to FTP servers;

7. USB - recording backup data to any USB-compatible device (such as a flash card or external hard drive);

8. ZIP, JAZ, MO - backup to ZIP, JAZ, MO floppy disks.

    A full backup contains all used data file blocks.

    An incremental backup of level 0 is equivalent to a full backup that was marked as level 0.

    The cumulative incremental backup of level 1 contains only blocks modified since the last incremental backup of level 0.

    A level 1 differential incremental backup contains only blocks changed since the last incremental backup.

Full Backups

A full backup is different from a full database backup. A full data file backup is a backup that includes every usable block of data in the file. RMAN copies all blocks to a backup set or image copy, skipping only those data file blocks that have never been used. For a complete image copy, all file contents are reproduced exactly. A full backup cannot be part of an incremental backup strategy; it cannot be a parent for subsequent incremental backups.

Incremental Backups

An incremental backup is either a level 0 backup, which includes every block in the data file except blocks that were never used, or a level 1 backup, which includes only those blocks that have changed since the previous backup was taken. A level 0 incremental backup is physically identical to a full backup. The only difference is that a level 0 backup (as well as an image copy) can be used as the basis for a level 1 backup, but a full backup can never be used as the basis for a level 1 backup.

Incremental backups are defined using keyword INCREMENTAL command BACKUP. You specify INCREMENTAL LEVEL .

RMAN can create multi-level incremental backups as follows: types of RMAN backups:

    Differential: The default incremental backup type that backs up all blocks modified since the most recent incremental backup at either level 1 or level 0

    Aggregate (Cumulative): Backs up all blocks modified since the most recent backup at level 0


    To perform an incremental backup at level 0, use the following command:

  • To perform a cumulative incremental backup, use the following command:


RMAN makes full backups by default if neither FULL nor INCREMENTAL is specified. Compressing unused blocks causes blocks that have never been written to to be skipped when backed up to backup sets - even for full ones. backup copies.

A full backup has no effect on subsequent incremental backups and is not considered part of any incremental backup strategy, although a full backup in the form of image copies can be incrementally updated using incremental backups with the RECOVER command. This will be described in a later article.”

Please note: You can perform any type of backup (full or incremental) of a database that is in NOARCHIVELOG mode - unless, of course, the database is open. Note also that recovery is limited to the time of the last backup. The database can only be restored to the last committed transaction when the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode.

Good day, dear readers of the blog site! Backups of data files using the RMAN manager can be of two types: either full backups of data files or incremental ones. I will try to describe the difference between these types and the features of each type of backup.

Full backups

A full data file backup is a backup that includes every usable block of data in the file. If a full backup of a data file is created as , the contents of the entire file are reproduced in their entirety. (If a file backup is made as a backup set, then unused blocks may be skipped).

Incremental backups

An incremental backup captures images of data file blocks that have changed since a specific point in the past, usually the point of the previous incremental backup. Incremental backups are always stored as backup sets. The resulting backup sets are usually smaller than full backups of data files, unless every data block has changed since the last backup. RMAN can only create incremental backups of data files, not archived log files or other files.

Advantages of incremental backup compared to full backup

During , RMAN uses block images from incremental backups to update changed blocks to the current contents from the time the SCN was created when the block was created, all in one step. Without incremental backups, all changes would have to be replayed one by one from the archived logs. Therefore, using incremental backups is much faster than sequentially applying changes recorded in archived transaction logs. In addition, incremental backups also capture changes to data blocks made during NOLOGGING operations that are not written to

Many people know various systems for creating disk images and backing up data, for example Acronis True Image, Pagaron Drive Backup, Ghost, Time Machine for Mac-compatible computers, etc. Microsoft has also implemented a data backup system in its operating systems, which is available for both ordinary users, and for system administrators. Before the release of the Windows Vista operating system Microsoft company offered users the NTBackup backup system and the System Restore utility, which had a lot of shortcomings. With the release of Windows Vista and the transition to a storage format VHD images it became possible to more easily back up data and create operating system images using a new set of utilities called Windows Backup and Restore. After the release of new operating systems, this component was improved and modified. In this article, we will look at what Microsoft offers to the end user for backing up data in the recently released Windows 8 operating system. But first, we will briefly talk about the main types of backup that are implemented in numerous products from various companies.

Types of backup

Backup is divided into different kinds depending on the tasks that are set for those implementing it software. In some cases, users only need to create copies of important files stored on the disk; in others, they need to create full-fledged images of the operating system with the ability to roll back all previous changes. At the same time, system administrators are provided with the ability to centrally store backup copies of data, making it easier to control backup versions and restore systems as needed. Naturally, depending on the selected type of backup, one or another algorithm for comparing and saving files is used - either byte-by-byte or sector-by-sector copying from the data source, when the information is exactly written to the backup media. To restore files and data, functions of file systems that support journaling and logging of changes can also be used - first a full snapshot is taken file system, and data is backed up as needed if individual files are marked as changed. File systems with advanced version control support are best suited for this case, since they significantly save space on backup media. In addition to the traditional creation of backup copies of files that are not used in this moment, there are real-time reservation algorithms. In this case, backup occurs even when the file is open in any program. This possibility is achieved through the use of snapshots of file systems and is actively used, for example, in virtualization systems for working with virtual disk drives. The data backup process can occur in several ways. Let's look at the most common of them.

Cloning partitions and creating images

Cloning involves copying a disk partition or partitions with all files and directories, as well as file systems, to backup media, that is, creating a complete copy of the data on another media. This requires a large amount of space on the backup media, but at the same time allows for the most complete backup of an individual PC or data drive. Also, special mention should be made of cloning the system in the form of a special image - a virtual drive, that is, a separate file that can contain several disk partitions. Such an image can be created using the operating system itself. It allows you to reduce the amount of data, and also provides the opportunity to subsequently work with it as with a regular disk, or connect it to virtual machines, which simplifies the transfer of operating systems from one server or computer to another. Today virtual images are gaining popularity due to the flexibility of connection, as well as cross-platform and easy transfer from one computer to another. As a rule, cloning or creating an image for backup occurs quite rarely, since the volume occupied by the backup is very large. Such procedures are used in most cases specifically to create a copy of the operating system with all the files, and not to back up individual data on disk. To back up user data that changes frequently or is used in work, another type of backup is widely used - full file backup.

Full file backup

This type of backup involves creating duplicates of all files on the media using a simple method - copying from one place to another. Due to the length of the process, a full file backup is usually carried out during non-working hours, due to the large volumes of data. This type of reservation allows you to save important information, but due to the long backup periods, it is not very suitable for restoring rapidly changing data. It is recommended to carry out a full file copy at least once a week, and even better, alternate it with other types of file copying: differential and incremental.

Differential redundancy

Differential backup involves copying only those files that have changed since the last full backup. This allows you to reduce the amount of data on backup media and, if necessary, speed up the data recovery process. Because differential backups are typically performed much more frequently than full backups, they are very effective because they allow you to restore data that has recently been modified and track the history of file changes since the full backup.

Incremental backup

Incremental backup is somewhat different from differential backup. This means that the first time you run it, it backs up only those files that have changed since the last time you ran a full or differential backup. Subsequent incremental backup processes only add files that have changed since the previous backup process. In this case, changed or new files do not replace old ones, but are added to the media independently. Of course, in this case, the file change history increases with each backup step, and the data recovery process for this type of backup takes much longer, since it is necessary to restore the entire file change history, step by step. However, with differential backup, the restore process is simpler: the primary copy is restored and the latest data from the differential backup is added to it.

Many backup software packages use different types of backups, and often combine them to be more efficient and save space. System Windows utilities, which we will talk about in this article, also use various types of backup, which allows you to more dynamically and quickly restore user data depending on the situation. For server operating systems Windows systems There are more recovery utilities available than for desktop Windows operating systems, but here we will consider only those that are available to ordinary users. Moreover, for different editions of Windows OS the set of components differs, which is due to the division of operating systems into corporate and home. For Windows operating systems, there are two main data backup utilities, which differ in the type of backup.

Windows Backup And Restore

Windows component Backup And Restore has become available to users since the release of the Windows Vista operating system and is responsible for creating a complete backup of the operating system with the possibility of incremental backup. With the release of the Windows 8 operating system, this component changed its name to Windows 7 File Recovery. Although it has not lost any of its functionality, Microsoft recommends using the new File History utility for backing up data, which is included in the Windows 8 and Server 2012 operating systems, but we will talk about it a little later. Windows Backup And Restore allows you to create an automatic full backup to removable media, optical discs or to a special location on a remote server.

The latter feature is available only for certain editions of Windows 7/8, as it is positioned as a solution for IT administrators of companies. A full system backup when using this component involves not only saving user files, but also the ability to create an image of the entire operating system and backup separate disks computer. It is also possible for the user to create an exclusively system image, which can subsequently not only be extracted to a new media of this computer, but also used as virtual disk in virtualization systems. When using this component, the user can specify the folders that need to be backed up, as well as indicate those system drives that need to be saved during a full backup. When backing up files only Windows user Backup And Restore uses incremental data backup, which allows you to get a larger number of snapshots of files at different points in time. Typically, a full backup is performed once a week and involves not only backing up user files, but also creating a system image, as well as copying data for component restore points Windows System Recovery. The process of restoring user files can occur directly from the operating system - it is quite simple and understandable for most users. System recovery in case of a serious failure can be carried out using built-in utilities Windows Recovery. To do this, you must either create a new special recovery disk, or use the installation image of the operating system from which it was previously installed on the PC. When loading in mode Windows recovery Recovery will offer the user a choice of the following recovery modes: restoring files, moving to a specific recovery point, extracting a backup system image to the main one system disk. Data for recovery in this case can be taken from optical media, external or internal storage, as well as from network storage. The operating system edition does not play a role in this case. Alas, despite the fact that Windows Backup And Restore is a fairly powerful and convenient component of the operating system, Microsoft stated that, according to research, this utility is used by, at best, 5% of users. In this regard, to make data backup simpler and more efficient, Microsoft has developed the next generation of system backup for users - Windows File History.

Windows File History

Windows File History, a new component of the Windows 8 and Server 2012 operating systems, in some ways replaces its predecessor, Windows Backup And Restore. It is intended to replace only incremental file backup, while system imaging and full backup mode can be performed exclusively with using Windows 7 File Recovery. Windows File History was originally designed as a convenient and practical solution for users who want a transparent way to back up their important data. When developing this utility, special attention was paid to the ease of initializing the process combined with the ability to conveniently and quickly view all saved data. The backup process using the new utility occurs unnoticed by the user in automatic mode and does not require additional actions from him. It should be noted that the reservation modifications to network devices, which makes it easy and convenient to work with saved files if mobile connections or weak communication channels are used.

The Windows File History utility was based on part of the basic functionality of Windows Backup And Restore, in which the visual component responsible for presenting saved user data was redone. Viewing previously saved data is now available from file manager Windows Explorer using a separate History tab. This allows you to quickly find necessary files and restore them to any location in the system. Despite the fact that the backup process is based on an incremental backup, when working with it there is no thought that this is a backup, but rather a history of the creation, modification or deletion of user files, available at any time. This approach to data backup will certainly suit most inexperienced users, since the process is convenient and more intuitive to use than working with Windows Backup And Restore.

To back up data using Windows File History, you can use optical media, external drives, or network storage. Of course, storing data on optical media is more of a tribute to tradition than real method the use of incremental backups, because data can change very often. Optimal choice For ordinary users, backup to an external or internal drive is necessary.

For ease of use in Windows 8, each connected external storage can be used as a backup tool using Windows File History. So, if the drive is connected, the options in the autorun drop-down menu now have a separate tab that allows you to designate the connected drive as a backup drive in one click. Moreover, even if the disk was subsequently disconnected from the system, data backup will resume as soon as it is installed back. A similar approach is applied in the case of backing up data to network storage. Disconnecting from the local network will not affect the operation of the system in any way, and when a network environment appears operating system will automatically start a new reservation cycle according to the schedule. Transparent activation system Windows functions File History is truly a huge plus for the user.

By default, backups using the Windows File History utility occur every hour, but if necessary, the user can choose the time intervals between each data backup. The user has the opportunity to set intervals between reservations from 10 minutes to 1 day. Windows File History can only set one current backup location, but if you add multiple drives to backup locations, they can be used interchangeably depending on their availability. This is convenient when using network storage and a separate drive. This way, the data will be saved to multiple places depending on the current configuration. Also worth noting is the function of selecting the number of depths of saved copies. For example, after one or several months, the system can automatically overwrite old data, replacing it with new ones. This allows you to save space in the place where data is backed up. In addition, the user can use up to 25% of the storage space for data backup.

The Windows File History utility by default backs up the most actively used folders, namely Contacts, Favorites, and Desktop. In addition, the reservation is automatically applied to all Libraries folders in use. The user can create their own data libraries, which are essentially symbolic links to real folders on the computer. That is, if the user needs to reserve specific folder on PC, he has to Windows installation File History you need to add this folder to your libraries. In addition, if some folders need to be excluded from the backup, the user can selectively exclude all user libraries or a set of frequently used folders. Taking into account active integration with the cloud storage function Windows data Skydrive's use of this cloud service can be aimed at backing up important user data stored in the cloud. In order for such a combination to work, you only need to install Skydrive - after that it will automatically be added to the libraries and will be backed up as needed. Alas, the function of backing up data to the “cloud” is not yet available to users, but Microsoft is already planning to add a certain ability to back up data to “cloud” data storage in future versions of its OS.

Thus, new system Windows backups File History is great for most users. A simple and intuitive interface with the ability to quickly add and restore files is much closer to the modern user than previous version incremental backup in Windows Backup And Restore.

About backup to Lately they talk and write a lot. And we, SIM-Networks, including. :)

A fashionable topic inevitably becomes mythologized. We tend to fill in the gaps in our knowledge with made-up facts and subjective assessments. This happens, in particular, with regard to the backup service and the issue of its organization by hosting providers. Should a hoster provide backups to its clients automatically, by default? The answer to this question can be found in our material

The increased interest in the topic of backups is not surprising: given the active development of malware and the rapid development of antiviruses, it is most rational to build IT security around a system for backing up information - instead of spending resources on preventing attacks and fighting viruses, it is much simpler, cheaper and easier to upgrade the system and saved data from current backups.

In addition, an up-to-date backup will help mitigate the consequences of force majeure or human factors, as well as equipment failure due to various reasons. It’s not for nothing that one of the commandments of a system administrator says: when preparing new server To get to work, first set up a backup!

How to set up a backup

You can do backups yourself - there are enough tools today, Google will be happy to help. But if you are not a strong pro in the field of system administration, it is better to trust those who are competent and able to set up backups, being fully responsible for the result.

It is very important to pay attention to two points: copies of information critical to you should be made regularly and stored in a remote location, as far as possible from the originals.

The first point is important because the information at the time of recovery should be as relevant as possible for you. For example, if your system is infected with a virus and the only way to get your valuable data back is to restore it from a backup, then you will agree that it will be very disappointing if the most recent copy of your financial statements is dated last month.

The importance of the second point can be illustrated this way: if your backup storage for backup copies is located on the same server as the main system, then if the server burns, everything will really burn. Finally and irrevocably.

Therefore, we take care of the correct backup schedule and ensure remote storage for copies.

Basic criteria for choosing a backup program

In the event that you still want to take a risk and organize the backup of your data yourself, when searching for a backup program, experts recommend being guided by four universal criteria:

  • resource efficiency: the program should work in the most autonomous mode (without distracting you or wasting your time resource, that is, automated as much as possible), with the minimum possible load on system resources and be executed in the minimum possible time;
  • recovery speed: The software should restore your data from a backup as quickly as possible so that business processes do not suffer; An ideal function would be to work directly with copies of data;
  • data protection and security: The backup program must provide you with a sufficient level of security - both cryptographic and hardware (protection of data transmission channels in storage systems, data protection during a backup operation, the ability to restore an interrupted session);
  • flexibility: The software should be equally suitable for all types of data (since it is impossible to predict which of them you will consider critical and choose to copy to the backup storage system), and also give you the opportunity to choose backup methods and function equally fully with any of them.

Modern software used by professional administrators always meets these criteria. In addition, people who are specially trained and have rich and varied experience in setting up backups can choose the most optimal backup option for each specific case. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you seek help from specialists so that you do not end up with excruciating pain from worn-out correct copies over which erroneous information is written. It is clear that restoring such backup versions will not bring you the desired result, because the original correct data is lost. This happens if the wrong copying method is selected and the volume of the backup storage system is too small.

Let's now talk about the types of backup - full, incremental and differential. They differ in the way they copy and compress information.

Full backup

Everything here is clear from the name: each time, according to the backup task, a complete copy of the entire system is created, more precisely, all the data that you specified for backup when setting the task. To reduce the final backup volume, all data is compressed into an archive. Thus, in your storage, with a full backup at a given frequency, archives appear in which the data is mostly duplicated (since it has not changed for a long time). This is a serious drawback, because a huge amount of resources is consumed (see item 1 in the list of backup criteria): storage space, creation time and processor time, computing power, and finally, traffic resources when transporting archives to a remote storage system. And although the full copy method was previously very common due to its high reliability, in its pure form today it is recognized as ineffective. For example, for backups of low depth (less than two weeks) or high frequency (once a day, once every few hours), a full backup consumes resources excessively.

The mechanism will save the situation a little deduplication- identification and removal of duplicate data in full copies. It is also specified by special software both at the storage system or server level, and on the client directly. Statistics in some sources provide impressive results for the degree of deduplication - from 90% to 98%.

The only advantage of a full backup is the speed of recovery: when data is retrieved from one archive, it happens faster than with an incremental or differentiated backup.

Today, the full backup method is usually used exclusively as a base method in combination with other less resource-intensive methods. Sometimes this approach is also called mixed or synthetic backup.

Incremental backup

Compared to a full backup, it is much more economical and faster, since this process only copies files that have changed since the previous backup. The original data that was originally written is not overwritten. The mechanism for incremental copying is simple: the starting point for backup X0 is the time (for example, midnight from Sunday to Monday) at which a full backup is made; at point X 1 (midnight from Monday to Tuesday), files that have changed and/or appeared since X 0 are copied; at point X 2 (midnight from Tuesday to Wednesday) files that have changed/appeared since the execution of X 1 are copied; ... at point X n the cycle is completed and the next full backup is made.

This method uses resources and storage space, time, and data transfer traffic much more economically than others. However, when restoring data, if necessary, from a backup, a step-by-step recovery takes place from points X n-1... X 2, X 1, X 0 - up to and including the last full backup, and this process can take a lot of time.

Differential backup

Wins over incremental in case of data recovery - it has less time for this operation, since they are compared full copies X 0 and X n and no step-by-step recovery is required. However, in terms of the amount of space to be placed in the storage system, differential backup is comparable to full backup, so saving space in storage and traffic is practically not achieved.

With a differential backup, copying occurs on an “accumulative basis”: each changed file at each subsequent backup point is copied anew. That is, it looks like: X 0, X 1, X 1 + X 2, X 1 + X 2 + X 3, ... + X n, X 0 + X (1+... n)

In a word, it is very cumbersome and difficult to calculate the space in the storage system.

Understanding the difference between incremental and differential backup is quite simple. In fact, it is in one word. Just compare:

  • incremental processes files changed or created since the previous backup;
  • differential processes files changed or created since the previous execution full backup.

Other types of backup

A type of differential backup is considered delta copy (delta block or delta style backup). With this method, only changes that occur in files are written to the copy, and completely changed data is not overwritten. That is, a part is copied, not the entire file. True, the delta block method can be applied specifically to files that are being changed, and not to those being created - therefore, new files are copied entirely.

What makes him different is high speed creation, extreme space savings and significantly less (compared to incremental and differential backups) amount of redundant data. It would seem that everyone should use delta, but this does not happen, since backups are created in this way and information is restored using special software. In addition, restoring from a delta backup takes a very long time: data has to be collected from a mosaic of changed pieces. However, this method is convenient to use to ensure continuous data protection (when a file is backed up immediately after it is created or changes are made to it - a mechanism that is vaguely reminiscent of autosaving in Word files))) or in cases of reduced bandwidth when saving backup copies in a remote storage system.

The delta block backup developed by programmers works similarly. binary patch method, in which parts of changed files are copied, but a different comparison base is used (in delta - blocks, in this method - bits of information).

However, it is necessary to keep in mind that both of these methods are used in conjunction with differential or incremental backup, but not on their own.

Sometimes backup is called a technology mirroring, used, for example, at the hardware level in RAID1 or when creating mirror sites. In essence, this is a simple copying of the original and modified files, without archiving and systematizing the accumulation of modified files in a given period.

Over the past 12-15 years, there have been many critical changes in backup technologies that have forced us to reconsider the effectiveness of approaches and discover new ways. For example, the introduction of technology snapshots (snapshots) - snapshots of the file system from which you can “glue together” a backup copy - allow you to make backups in cloud systems quickly and painlessly, without stopping virtual machine. In addition, when used in the cloud, snapshots can seriously save storage resources, since they do not take up space on the client’s disk.

SIM-Networks clients choose backup!

Of course, if you like to do everything yourself, you won't have a problem setting up backups manually - on your home computer. True, even in this case there is a partial risk, because something can go wrong, and valuable photographs, books, videos or calculations of a rocket stage may accidentally not be saved or saved with a defect that will make it impossible to restore them from a backup copy. What if we are talking about office machines? What if you need to provide a backup of the data stored by the corporate infrastructure? We recommend that you rely not on your own strength, but on the professionalism of the hosting provider. Ordering backup setup and space for remote backup storage in Germany is very simple.

Backing up business-critical data has become an urgent need these days. And also - part of comprehensive measures to ensure information security companies we wrote about in the material

If you rent capacity in our cloud infrastructure, ordering the SIM-Cloud BaaS backup service is as easy as shelling pears, in a couple of clicks. Everything is already configured and will be connected automatically as soon as you give the command. By the way, when our engineers developed SIM-Cloud BaaS, they analyzed the effectiveness different types backup and opted for the incremental copy method. Our cloud backup is optimized so that the RTO (time to restore data from a copy) averages between 15 and 30 minutes depending on the volume of data. Cloud BaaS from SIM-Networks meets all the criteria stated above for high-quality backup.

You can independently choose in which data center to organize storage for backups. The first option is local storage: your backups are stored in the same DC where your main infrastructure is deployed. This makes it possible to speed up RTO and RPO. The second option is that backups are sent for storage to a data center remote from the one in which the main infrastructure is deployed. Data recovery in this case will be a little slower, but the security factor is higher. If you are unsure which option to choose, contact our Customer Care service - they will help you find the optimal solution.

And for adherents of classic hardware, we offer rental backups: reliable, safe, high-tech. And, of course, our highly trained support experts will help you configure the required frequency, depth and other parameters of your system backup.

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