Is it possible to change the processor? How to change the processor on your computer to a more powerful one

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The most important part of a computer is the processor. Sometimes it happens that there is a need to replace the processor - this could be a breakdown or an upgrade (change of parts) of the computer. Many computer users are pondering the problem of how to change the processor? You can take your computer to service center, where they will replace it without any problems, but you will have to spend a lot of money. Therefore, we will try to talk about how to change the processor on a computer and laptop.

Select best processor for your computer. So if you have a computer with a processor from one of these companies, during expansion you also have limited options for processors from the same company. In practice, control and power circuits motherboard limited. On relatively new CDs you can install e.g. For weaker, older computers, one of the faster models in this series will be good choice For example, of course, before you buy one of these processors, make sure it works on your motherboard.

How to change the processor on a computer

Before replacing the processor, you should carefully examine your computer, especially the motherboard, since not every processor will fit on your computer. When purchasing, it is enough to show the characteristics of the motherboard and the consultant will tell you whether it is possible to change the processor, and which one.

Even the most fast processors available to them will not produce satisfactory results. Every desktop or laptop can be upgraded by replacing individual components - at least in theory. In practice, however, it is more difficult because technological progress is not so rapid in all areas. The development of processors, memory, interfaces and connectivity standards varies from one part to another.

Our guide shows you what to replace and what performance improvements we can expect by installing new processor. Smart upgrades to older computers are nearly impossible. But please note: these values ​​are only indicative - you should prepare a full update script for your computer before you begin. Let's start by looking at what elements to replace to get results. Components you may want to consider include CPU, RAM, graphics card, and HDD.

Now let's move on to preparing the processor replacement. To do this you will need the following parts and tools:

  • crosshead screwdriver,
  • new processor
  • thermal paste.

First of all, disconnect all the wires connected to the system unit. Then place it horizontally and remove the lid. You will see a view of the insides of the system unit. Pay attention to the cooler and radiator, under which the processor is located. First, disconnect the cooler's power from the motherboard. After this, you need to unscrew the screws that hold the cooler to the radiator, we do this using a screwdriver. Next comes the removal of the radiator.

More powerful processor will speed up complex calculations and improve system performance. Unfortunately, replacing a processor is difficult, and frequent changes in the slots and chipsets used further limit the choice of models compatible with motherboard. Both problems affect laptop users more than desktop users. If we rarely process video files or play demanding games and we want to work more smoothly with the Internet or office applications, we only need any dual core processor.

We carefully examine the radiator fasteners, remove it, and remove any remaining thermal paste from it. This article may be useful for users who do not know how to change the thermal paste on the processor. Now we have the processor itself. It is necessary to carefully remove it by moving the latch that holds the processor and pull it out without damaging its legs. We install a new processor and apply a thin layer of thermal paste to it and the radiator. The radiator is installed on top and secured to the motherboard. Then we screw on the cooler and connect power to it. All that remains is to put the lid on system unit and connect the wires. The computer is ready to use.

In their case, the task is beyond their strength - this is even supporting an anti-virus scanner running in background, - at the same time the system is significantly reduced. Replacing a single-core device with a dual- or quad-core system will provide a noticeable increase in performance.

Before we buy a new processor and start installing it, let's take a minute to collect the exact computer information. With this information, we can read from the table what other processors fit this socket type - it lists both the most powerful compatible chips and the most cost-effective chips.

How to change the processor on a laptop

The situation is somewhat more complicated for laptop users. But we will try to explain how to change the processor on a laptop. When replacing the processor on a laptop, you need to choose the most suitable one before purchasing and replacing it. Not every processor will be a perfect match for your laptop. The most common situation is that the cooling system of a laptop of the same sample is the same.

This result is that investing several thousand gold in a high-performance processor of the previous generation, which is already outdated, is not profitable. If the designation and timing of our current processor indicates that it is one of the highest models of its generation, replacing it will not be profitable. More options are available for users of mid-range and low level. For them, the next step is to check the motherboard manufacturer's website for the most powerful model processor supported by the disk.

Before replacing the processor, update the BIOS. For replacement you will need: Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, thermal paste and dry wipes. Initially, turn off the laptop and remove the battery. Then you should unscrew the bolts and get to the cooling system. On some laptops it is not necessary to remove it to get to the processor. The cover from the laptop must be removed as carefully as possible, as the latches on the cover may break and the bolts may become lost.

While replacing a processor on a desktop computer is easy, installing a new processor on a laptop can be a hassle—it requires you to disassemble the entire device. It's impossible to permanently replace chips soldered to the motherboard - this is true for ultrabooks, subnotebooks and netbooks, but also for some laptops.

Another difficulty is related to the fact that even if we manage to replace the laptop's processor, we are not able to interfere with the cooling system specifically designed for the model. For this reason we can replace old processor only a model with the same or lower thermal power.

Cooling systems are divided into 3 types:

  • coolers cooling only the processor,
  • cooling the processor and video card,
  • cooling the processor, video card and chipset.

We begin to remove the cooler, unscrew the fasteners and remove the impeller. After this, you need to clean the fan from dust; to do this, use a dry cloth and carefully wipe each blade. Then you need to clean the radiator from dust; this can be done either with a brush or with a vacuum cleaner. We apply lubricant to the impeller shaft, which is located on the cooler.

Too little memory capacity slows down the computer when we open too many programs or websites. To update, use the same type and size of bones. The timing of new modules must be at least equal to the frequency of old bones. Additionally, some laptops and motherboards do not support certain memory modules. To avoid problems, we recommend that you go for larger capacity dice from the same brand or those recommended by the motherboard or laptop manufacturer.

Compact motherboards and laptops often only have two slots - if they are already occupied, we need to replace both modules with larger ones. Positive influence solid state drive on computer performance is very clear. Compared to conventional magnetic disks, semiconductor memory has 135 times the access speed, which means much less waiting time for data transfer to begin. The whole procedure is very simple from a technical point of view.

The next step is to remove the processor. We press the lever that holds the processor contacts. This way we will free the processor legs and then carefully remove the processor. Now you can install a new processor, but you need to be careful that the legs fit into the holes, and apply thermal paste to the surface of the processor. This is followed by assembling the laptop.

Install the system and applications on it and save the remaining files on a magnetic disk. To reinstall operating system and applications take a long time. The video card can be easily exchanged only for desktop computers- in laptops, graphics are almost always permanently soldered. In such an upgrade it pays to invest only for players and those who use a video processor for video encoding.

The updated computer will give us the ability to work smoothly for the next two to three years. After replacing the desktop processor, let's be sure to cool it down. If the system rarely runs under heavy load, the heatsink that comes with the processor is sufficient. It's worth buying an extra fan housing - we can reduce the harmful effects of temperature on PC components by several tens of dollars. It is best to connect this fan to the three-pin header on the motherboard.

Some time after purchasing a computer, many users are faced with the fact that their computer is not powerful enough. This usually occurs when installing new computer games or demanding professional programs.

If you find yourself in this situation, then you have two options. The first option is to buy a new computer. This option is optimal if the computer is already very old. But, if the computer is about 6 years old or less, then there is another option - replacing the processor.

For computers that frequently perform demanding tasks, such as running the latest games and video encoding, it is recommended to install a custom CPU fan that is more efficient than the supplied model. Improved fans cool the load more efficiently and run more smoothly. The "towers" visible on some motherboards near the processor socket are voltage converters that require air cooling - in this case, a good fan is one that directs air vertically towards the processor.

In this article we will look at the second option. Here you will learn how to change the processor on your computer to a more powerful one.

Step No. 1. Determine the current computer configuration.

In order to change the computer processor to a more powerful one, you must first understand what is used on the computer in this moment. The best way to do this is to use free program CPU-Z. Download CPU-Z from the manufacturer's website, install it on your computer and run it.

If, however, the heat from the inverters is being drained by the heat pipes, we can use a fan blowing horizontally towards the motherboard. These fans should always be accompanied by a separate chassis fan. If you find yourself more and more like you've been waiting a long time for a job, it's time to change.

This is one of the simplest and most noticeable changes and modifications. However, before you make a decision, consider whether it's worth it. Duplication clock frequency processor will not double the performance. A new mainframe on an old computer usually results in a performance increase of no more than 25 percent. There may be differences depending on the performance of the processors themselves and the components used.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is. It will appear in the "CPU" tab at the very top of the CPU-Z window. When choosing a new processor, you will need to compare it with the current one in order to evaluate what performance gain can be obtained as a result of replacing the processor.

Besides this you need. You can get this information on the “Mainboard” tab in the same CPU-Z.

Let's consider the cost of replacing the processor. If they account for 60 to 75 percent of the cost of a new computer, you shouldn't invest in old ones. If you're not in too much of a hurry, it's good to wait for new products. This will require additional costs of about 300 zlotys.

However, this processor costs several hundred dollars. After Reserve copy files and turn off the computer, remove the computer cover and locate the processor. This is usually not difficult, although in some cases you will have to remove the access cable and adapter cards.

If the processor has a heatsink, use a small screwdriver to remove the clamp clamps. Disconnect the power cable from the fan. Before you remove the processor, take a look at one of the corners of the processor that is "truncated" and the corner of the socket. Knowing the location of pin 1 will be necessary when installing a new processor. Pin #1 is best labeled with self-adhesive. Touch one of the handles on the computer case to remove static electricity, and the other is the processor release lever.

The name of the motherboard is needed to find out which processors it supports. If you try to change the processor without checking the list of chips that are supported by the motherboard, you risk buying a processor that will not work in your computer.

Carefully insert the processor into the slot. Make sure that pin 1 of the processor matches socket #1. If pin number 1 of the processor is not clearly marked, check the information provided in the manual. If you place the processor incorrectly, it will destroy it after power on.

Hold the processor and lower the cage, which secures it in the socket. Connect the CPU fan to an empty socket. In this article, we will discuss how to replace a damaged graphics card in a laptop. The need to replace a graphics card is most likely caused by damage where the graphics card cannot be repaired by other means.

Step No. 2. We study the list of processors that the motherboard supports.

Next, you need to find a page with information about your motherboard on the official website of the manufacturer of this board. This is done very simply. Open any search engine and enter the name of the motherboard manufacturer and model name.

It is clear that this is a separate module that is simply connected to the appropriate slot. To mount this card on a laptop, place it exactly on the pins on the laptop's motherboard and then bring the tin balls to the tip so they connect to the pins on the board.

This is what makes it a task that requires professional tools, high precision and knowledge. In this particular case, the layout problem was that when the laptop was turned on, its screen was split into 6 small parts. Damage to graphics cards can also occur in other ways, such as: colored streaks on the screen, colored spots, or even no image at all.

Then we look through the search results and go to the official website of the motherboard manufacturer.

On the motherboard page on the manufacturer's website you need to find a list of supported processors. This list is usually found in the “Support” or “Compatibility” sections.

The damaged graphics chip was replaced with a brand new one made this year. So, the old graphics layout must be removed from the laptop motherboard. The pieces of aluminum foil shown in the photo are intended to protect elements that are in the heat sink range - memory graphics card and any plastic nests.

After suitable heating to the temperature of the tin flux, i.e. about 220 °C, the system is ready for dismantling. Lift it with a special vacuum gripper. This is done using a soldering iron with a special blade tip. Starting at the soldering area, apply flux to make it easier to remove the tin.

After the list of processors has been found, we select for ourselves processors that can be found on sale and which theoretically should be more powerful than the current processor.

Step No. 3. Compare processor performance.

In order to change the processor on your computer and not make a mistake, you must first compare the performance of the current processor and the candidate processor. To do this, the easiest way is to use the site, which contains a huge database of processors and their performance.

Go to this site and search for the name of your current processor.

After that, we look for a candidate processor on the website in the same way and click on the “Compare” button again.

As a result, you will see a table comparing the processors you need.

The most interesting information in this table is on the last line, where CPU Mark is written. This is a general assessment of the power of processors, taking into account their multithreading.

By comparing these numbers, you can estimate how much performance gain you'll get and whether it's worth upgrading your processor at all. For example, the screenshot above compares processors Intel Core i5 2310 and i7 2600K. According to CPU Mark, the i7 2600K is significantly more powerful than the i5 2310. The difference is more than 50%, so it definitely makes sense to change the processor.

Step No. 4. Replacing the processor.

Once a suitable processor has been selected, you can buy it and begin replacing it. The process of replacing the processor itself is very different depending on what kind of cooling system you have. It will not be possible to describe all the options in one article, so we will consider one of the most typical options – a standard cooling system from Intel.

The standard cooling system from Intel is fixed using plastic legs. In order to remove it, you need to turn off the power supply to the cooler on the processor and use a screwdriver to turn each of the legs 90 degrees counterclockwise.

Installing a new processor in place of the old one is done in almost the same way, only in the reverse order. First, install the new processor, ensuring its correct orientation in the socket, then install the cooling system.

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