How to use Camtasia Studio. We create a professional video. How to use Camtasia Studio to record cool videos Preparing to record a video lesson

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Camtasia Studio is very popular program for recording video, as well as its subsequent editing. Inexperienced users may have various questions while working with it. In this lesson we will try to convey to you in as much detail as possible information on how to use the mentioned software.

We would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that Camtasia Studio is distributed on a paid basis. Therefore, all the described actions will be performed in its free test version. Besides, official version programs for the operating room Windows systems Available in 64-bit only.

Now let's move directly to the description of the software's functions. For convenience, we will divide the article into two parts. In the first we will look at the process of recording and capturing video, and in the second we will look at the editing process. In addition, we will separately mention the process of saving the obtained result. Let's look at all the stages in more detail.

Video recording

This function is one of the advantages of Camtasia Studio. It will allow you to record video from the desktop of your computer/laptop or from any running program. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Launch the pre-installed Camtasia Studio.
  2. In the upper left corner of the window there is a button "Record". Click on it. In addition, the key combination performs a similar function "Ctrl+R".
  3. As a result, you will have a kind of frame around the perimeter of your desktop and a panel with recording settings. Let's look at this panel in more detail. It looks like this.
  4. On the left side of the menu there are options that control the captured area of ​​the desktop. When you press the button "Full screen" All your actions within the desktop will be recorded.
  5. If you press the button "Custom", then you can specify a specific area to record video. Moreover, you can select either an arbitrary area on the desktop or set the recording option for a specific application. In addition, by clicking on the line "Lock to application", you can lock the recording area to the desired application window. This means that when you move the application window, the recording area will move along with it.
  6. After selecting the area to record, you need to configure the input devices. These include a camera, microphone and audio system. You need to specify whether information from the listed devices will be recorded along with the video. To turn on or off parallel recording from a video camera, you need to click on the corresponding button.
  7. By clicking on the downward arrow next to the button "Audio on", you can mark those audio devices that also need to record information. This can be either a microphone or an audio system (this includes all sounds produced by the system and applications during recording). To turn these parameters on or off, you just need to check or uncheck the boxes next to the corresponding lines.
  8. Moving the slider next to the button "Audio on", you can set the volume of recorded sounds.
  9. At the top of the settings panel you will see a line "Effects". There are a few parameters here that are responsible for small visual and sound effects. These include mouse click sounds, on-screen annotations, and date and time displays. Moreover, the date and time are configured in a separate submenu "Options".
  10. In chapter "Tools" there is another subsection "Options". You can find additional software settings. But the default settings are quite enough to start recording. Therefore, you can not change anything in these settings unless necessary.
  11. When all preparations are completed, you can proceed directly to recording. To do this, click on the big red button "Rec", or press the key on the keyboard "F9".
  12. A prompt will appear on the screen telling you to hotkey "F10". By clicking on this button, set by default, you will stop the recording process. After this, a countdown to the start of recording will appear.
  13. When the recording process starts, you will see a red Camtasia Studio icon in the toolbar. By clicking on it you can call additional panel video recording control. Using this panel, you can stop recording, delete it, reduce or increase the volume of the recorded sound, and also view the total recording duration.
  14. If you have written down all the necessary information, you need to click the button "F10" or button "Stop" in the panel mentioned above. This will stop filming.
  15. After this, the video will immediately open in the Camtasia Studio program itself. Then you can simply edit it, export it to various social networks, or simply save it to your computer/laptop. But we will talk about this in the next parts of the article.

Processing and editing material

Once you've finished filming the required footage, the video will automatically be uploaded to the Camtasia Studio library for editing. Plus, you can always skip the video recording process and simply load another media file into the program for editing. To do this, you need to click on the line at the top of the window "File", then in the drop-down menu, move the mouse pointer over the line "Import". An additional list will appear to the right, in which you need to click on the line "Media". And in the window that opens, select required file from the system root directory.

Now let's move on to the editing process.

  1. In the left pane of the window, you will see a list of sections with different effects that can be applied to your video. You need to click on the desired section, and then select the appropriate effect from the general list.
  2. Effects can be applied in different ways. For example, you can drag the desired filter onto the video itself, which is displayed in the center of the Camtasia Studio window.
  3. In addition, the selected sound or visual effect You can drag it not onto the video itself, but onto its track in the timeline.
  4. If you press the button "Properties", which is located with right side editor window, then open the file properties. IN this menu you can change the transparency of the video, its size, volume, position, and so on.
  5. The settings of the effects that you applied to your file will also be displayed. In our case, these are playback speed settings. If you want to delete applied filters, you will need to click on the button in the form of a cross, which is located opposite the filter name.
  6. Some effect settings appear in a separate video properties tab. You can see an example of such a display in the image below.
  7. You can learn more about the various effects, as well as how to apply them, from our special article.
  8. You can also easily trim an audio track or video. To do this, you need to select the section of the recording on the timeline that you want to delete. Special green (start) and red (end) flags are responsible for this. By default, they are attached to a special slider on the timeline.
  9. You just need to pull them, thereby determining the required area. After that, right-click on the marked area and select the item from the drop-down menu "Cut" or just press the key combination "Ctrl+X".
  10. In addition, you can always copy or delete the selected section of the track. Please note that deleting the selected area will result in a broken track. In this case, you will have to connect it yourself. And when cutting out a section, the track will be automatically glued together.
  11. You can also simply split your video into several pieces. To do this, place a marker in the place where you want to make the division. After this you need to press the button "Split" on the timeline control panel or simply press the key "S" on keyboard.
  12. If you want to add music to your video, just open music file as indicated at the beginning of this section of the article. After that, simply drag the file onto the timeline onto another track.

That's all basic functions editing that we would like to tell you about today. Let's now move on to the final stage of working with Camtasia Studio.

Saving the result

As befits any editor, Camtasia Studio allows you to save the shot and/or edited video to your computer. But besides this, the result can be immediately published in popular in social networks. Here's what the process looks like in practice.

This concludes this article. We have discussed the main points that will help you use Camtasia Studio almost fully. We hope you will learn for yourself useful information from our lesson. If after reading you still have questions about using the editor, then write them in the comments to this article. We will pay attention to everyone, and also try to give the most detailed answer.

To create high-quality video tutorials or, if necessary, to show some action from your display to a remote user, there is a need to record screen video, which cannot be done without special software. Among the programs developed for this purpose, Camtasia Studio, in my opinion, is number one.

Today there are a huge number of various services and free programs to create a screencast (video tutorial, training video), but if we are talking about a professional approach to business, then I recommend using software such as Camtasia Studio.

Camtasia Studio is a powerful and feature-rich utility that can be used to record professional screencasts, distance learning, product demonstrations or sales presentations.

The application can not only capture actions and sounds in any part of Windows systems, but also has an impressive set of tools for subsequent editing. These are tools for trimming a video file, combining several files, adding and processing sound, effects and text comments, working with individual frames, and so on.

The program allows you to completely turn off the original sound of a video or add an alternative audio file, or record sound using a separate microphone. When recording video and its subsequent processing, the user can choose not only the AVI or Mp4 standard format, but also export it to any other format supported by the program (MOV, WMV SWF, RM, GIF, FLV), and independently set the desired quality.

The latest (current) version of the program is quite resource-intensive and requires at least 1 GB random access memory(recommended value - 2 GB), which must be taken into account when choosing this software, otherwise the video processing process is unlikely to become comfortable for you. However, you can find more on the Internet early versions Camtasia Studio with an economical approach to using PC resources. The main language of the program is English. If using the interface on English language causes you some inconvenience, use a crack (you'll have to search the Internet).

Let's go to the official website and download the program. On the tab Products select the Free Trial link (trial period - 30 days) or Camtasia Studio for Windows (if we want to purchase it).

To take advantage trial version, you need to create an account. To do this, it is enough to indicate email, which you will need to confirm (follow the link when the corresponding letter arrives), and also come up with a password.

It takes some time to learn a program like Camtasia Studio. Of course, you can sign up for expensive courses, but it is much more convenient when training takes place at home and in video format. However, if you have enough time, energy and desire to master the program yourself, then this instruction will also be useful. Let's get started.

Introducing Camtasia Studio

After closing the start welcome window, the interface of the program itself appears in front of us, which, by the way, is intuitive and quite simple. At the top there is a menu of 6 main items, and just below there is a control panel consisting of 3 elements: Record the screen(start recording) Import media(import files from a computer into the program) and Produce and share(output the finished project to a video file).

Behind the work area there is a panel of main tools: Library, Callouts, Zoom-n-Pan, working with audio, Voice Narration, Transitions and the More button, when with which you can access hidden tools that do not fit on the panel.

Just below is the Timeline panel. In the future, this is where editing of the audio and video tracks of your screencast will take place. And the last element is the preview window. After you've made changes to a clip, you can use the preview window to view and evaluate a preliminary result.

How Camtasia Studio works

Camtasia Studio includes 4 utilities: Camtasia Recorder, Camtasia Player, Camtasia Theater and Camtasia MenuMaker. To work with all these utilities, the main interface of the program is used. Using the Camtasia Recorder utility, we begin recording. Next, our recording goes to the Timeline panel, where it will be edited. Using the Produce and share button, we output the resulting project into a video file ready for viewing on any device.

Preparing to record a video lesson

To start recording a screencast, move the cursor to top corner programs and click on the button Record the screen. The Camtasia Recorder utility automatically launches, the interface of which consists of a special panel and the frame itself, which, as you may have guessed, defines the boundaries within which our screencast will be recorded.

The frame dimensions can be changed either manually using side markers or automatically. In the Selest area section, click on the Custom button arrow and select, for example, the most common automatic preset - 1280 by 720. Sometimes there is a need to automatically adjust the recording frame to a specific program. In this case, the Lock to application item will help us.

In addition to recording video from your monitor screen, Camtasia Studio can also record video from your webcam. In chapter Recorder inputs Click on the Webcam button. If the webcam is connected to the computer, then when you activate this button you will see the image from the camera.

Next button - Audio on/off. It not only turns your microphone on/off, but also displays a list of all audio recording devices. If you need to use a separate microphone to record a screencast, you need to activate it here and configure the volume mixer, the bar of which should not turn red (only green or yellow is allowed), otherwise the sound will be loud or distorted.

Creating a screencast (video tutorial)

Move the cursor over the big red button rec and click on it with the left mouse button. After the countdown, recording will begin automatically.

As you can see in the screenshot, the interface of the Camtasia Recorder panel has changed after starting recording. Now the panel displays only the most important parameters: time countdown, control over the level of recorded sound and 3 additional buttons - Delete(delete current entry), Pause(pause the current recording, its functional analogue F9) and the button Stop(final stop of recording).

After clicking the Stop button, a window will appear in front of us Preview(preview). In this window you can see the preliminary result. The Delete buttons (to delete the current video recording at this stage) and the Produce button (output to the finished video without pre-processing) are also available here.

As a rule, in most cases the footage needs to be pre-edited. It is for these purposes that we need the button Save and Edit(saving and editing). Click on it and specify the location to save the preliminary recording file.

After saving the recording file, the main program interface automatically launches. By the way, as you may have noticed, the recording file itself was loaded onto the Clip Bin tab and onto the time ruler. In the Editing Dimensions window that appears, the program asks in what resolution to edit the captured recording file. Here we select the resolution that you initially specified in the preliminary settings and click Ok.

The recording is ready for editing, and at this stage you need to save the entire project. Go to the top menu and select Save project(or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S). Pay attention to the extension that the program assigns to the footage: capture. camrec(or trec depending on the program version). To avoid confusion, the recording file (icon) is assigned a red color, and the project - green.

Editing a recording in Camtasia Studio

As I said earlier, editing the footage is done in the Timeline panel, the main element of which is the tracks (Track 1, Track 2, and so on.). During the editing process, tracks can be added (Insert track), deleted (Remove track), renamed (Rename track) or blocked (Lock track). Typically, the lock function is used when working with several tracks at the same time, for example, to avoid accidentally editing one of them.

Let's see what the panel contents are Timeline. In my case, “Track 2” is the screencast recorded a few minutes earlier. Sound vibrations on “Track 2” indicate the presence in the screencast of an audio stream (in this particular case, my voice), which was recorded from a microphone. “Track 1” are system sounds, which by default (if they are not disabled first) are written by the program to a separate track. For example, the sound of a system application (AIMP, MPC, etc.).

In my case, there is no audio stream on “Track 1”, so I will remove it. Select “Track 1” by clicking the left mouse button (it will be highlighted in blue) and using the right mouse button, call up the context menu, where we select the “Delete” item.

How does editing work? We launch the screencast and watch it carefully. As soon as we reach an area that we are not happy with for one reason or another, we stop the slider and start editing this area.

Deleting a video fragment

To delete or cut a specific portion of a video, you must first select it. This is done quite simply: using a slider on the time scale and two markers. The green marker is the initial one, the red one is the final one.

Move the slider to the fragment that needs to be cut, click on the green marker and move it to the left, and use the red marker to indicate the end point. Now we have a selected fragment, that is, a segment that can be cut or deleted.

If at some point you change your mind or delete more than expected, then simply return the deleted area back. To cancel deletion, click on the button Undo(step back). By the way, the cut section can be copied, for example, to the end or to the beginning of the recording (use the Copy button).

Importing files into Camtasia Studio

Importing files into the program can be done by simply dragging it onto the work area of ​​the Clip Bin tab or using the button Import media. You cannot import files directly, that is, directly into the Timeline panel. Files intended for import into the program must be dragged to the Clip Bin tab and only then used in the Timeline panel. These can be video/audio files or images.

If the program refuses to import the file, then most likely this type file is simply not supported by Camtasia Studio. Formats with which the program works this moment works great, looks like this.

Video: AVI, MP4, WMV, MOV, MPEG and Camrec.
Audio: MP3, WMA, Wave.
Images: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP.

An important point to know when importing files into the program: we do not copy these files into the Camtasia Studio program, but provide a link to them. This is fundamentally important! If the imported files are edited in the program, then this editing will not apply to the original. Also, the files that we work with in the program (we provide a link to them) are not recommended to be moved or deleted until your screencast is finally ready.

Using the left mouse button, grab the imported file from the Clip Bin tab and drag it to the Timeline panel. In this case, the main screencast can, for example, be shifted to the right, and the image placed at the beginning of the screencast. Clips in the Timeline panel can be moved either vertically or horizontally.

These simple actions we just made the intro for the upcoming video clip. Besides, this file(in our case, a picture) using the right mouse button, you can set parameters such as “Duration” and “Speed”. To make the transition from the image directly to the clip itself smoother, you should use the “Transitions” function.

Using Camtasia Studio and using only the “Import” tool, you can make, for example, a slide show or presentation from pre-prepared files (for example, family photos) with music overlay. Just drag and drop necessary files(photos and music track) to the Clip Bin tab, and from it to the Timeline panel.

By the way, in addition to importing files, the user can also use ready-made templates(pictures, video, sound) from Camtasia Studio, which are located on the Library tab.


The next tool we'll look at is Transitions. What are transitions and how to use them? Transitions are a kind of animation with which we can link two clips (two files) with each other. Select any transition and double-click on it with the left mouse button. Its action will be reflected in the preview panel. For example, the Fade transition is a smooth flow, dissolve (the “Disappear” effect) from one frame to another.

In the previous paragraph, I talked about importing files into the program and imported an image that I plan to use in the future as a video screensaver. However, the transition from picture to clip was quite abrupt. It doesn’t look very nice, which is unacceptable when creating high-quality video tutorials.

To fix this, we will use the transition described above called Fade. Select this transition with the left mouse button and begin dragging it onto the Timeline panel. As soon as we start this action, the places on the Timeline panel where the transition can be placed begin to be highlighted yellow. Let's release the transition. Now the transition from the picture to the screencast itself has become smoother and without sudden jumps.

Transitions, like imported files, can be set to duration. Just hover your cursor over the left or right edge of the transition and stretch it (increase the duration) or narrow it (decrease).

If you don’t like the effect of a particular transition, just choose another one. We also grab it with the left mouse button and drag it over the previous transition, and it is replaced with a new one. If the transition needs to be deleted, then click on it and in context menu select the appropriate item.

The transition can be applied anywhere in the clip. Move the time scale to the desired area and click on the button Split .
With this action we seem to divide the clip into two parts. The fact is that transitions can only be used at such junctions, and we will not be able to apply it on a flat section of video.

Adding collouts

Collouts are special graphic shapes (marks), which, as a rule, are used in training videos as tips. The program has a fairly rich set of callouts, which can be divided into several groups:

– Shapes with text (shapes for inserting and placing text on them);
– Shapes (just figures);
– Sketch Motion (strokes, crosses, checkmarks, pointers; their feature is the ability to animate and draw);
– Special (special or special tips).

We select the collout and it immediately appears in the Timeline panel and in the preview window. You can change it: set the color, size, a certain style and indicate some text in it.

The collout itself can be roughly divided into 3 parts: the appearance animation (Fade in), the collout itself and the gradual disappearance animation (Fade out). Naturally, you can change the duration of its appearance and the smoothness of its disappearance as needed.


The Zoom-n-Pan tool is used to zoom in and move around a frame to show more detail or focus the user's attention on a specific detail in the frame.

Using the time indicator in the Timeline panel, we find the frame that needs to be enlarged in a certain period of time, and select it using markers. The changes made will be displayed in the preview window and on the Timeline panel in the form of special blue arrows. They show the duration and direction of the zoom animation.

To return the scale to its original value, return the time scale to the point where scaling is no longer necessary in the frame and set the Scale value to 100% or click the “Scale Media to Canvas Size” button. The program also offers the user the SmartFocus (intelligent zoom) function.

Working with sound

The main task of the program when processing sound is to increase or decrease the volume at certain sections of the clip. As you may have guessed, to edit the sound you need to go to the “ Audio" If you look at the Timeline panel more closely, you will notice a special border (line) that is responsible for the overall volume level of the screencast. To raise the sound level, we grab this line with the left mouse button and drag it up, to lower it - down.

Such changes affect the entire audio track, that is, the audio stream is edited throughout the entire clip. Much more often a situation arises when you need to turn down or increase the sound on a specific section of a clip. I’ll tell you how to do this below, but for now let’s look at other features of Camtasia Studio when working with audio.

When the “Audio” tab is active at the top of the work area, two functions are available to us:

— Enable volume leveling (sound leveling);
— Enable noise removal.

While recording a video lesson, without noticing it ourselves, we speak either a little quieter or, conversely, louder. There are peculiar volume differences. To fix this and equate the entire audio stream to a certain general sound level, you should use the function Enable volume leveling(sound equalization).

After we have ticked this checkbox, in the drop-down menu on the right you need to set the value “Level of differences”:

very large - high volume variation;
minor - low volume variation;
we want to configure it manually - Custom settings.

After using this function, all sounds in the clip are averaged. High peaks are cut off and low peaks become louder. I would not recommend getting too carried away with this function, since it has one drawback. When leveling the sound in this way, background noise may appear.

Enable noise removal- a function responsible for noise suppression. If you check this checkbox, noise is automatically removed and sound vibrations turn orange.

Opening the tab Advanced and “Adjust sensitivity” parameter, you can adjust the sensitivity parameter. The higher this value, the more intense the noise will be removed, but again you should not get carried away with this, since increasing this parameter can lead to sound distortion. If you click on the “Auto noise training” button, automatic noise reduction will occur, and if you select the “Manual noise trainingbon selection” mode, then the noise reduction can be adjusted manually.

Let's move on to point Editing tools. This function allows you to change the volume not of the entire audio stream, but of individual sections. Using markers on the timeline, we select a specific area and click on the Volume down (volume down) or Volume up (volume up) button.

Fighting program crashes

To insure yourself against losing edited projects, I recommend setting up the “Auto-save” option. Let's go to the settings of the Camtasia Studio program. In the top menu, select the “Tools” item and go down to the “Options” item. Finding the checkbox AutoSave everyAutomatic saving every...) and select, for example, the value “3 minutes”, press Ok.

Outputting the project into a finished video tutorial

Now we have come to the moment when our project is finally ready and it needs to be output to a video file, that is, it needs to be produced.

Click on the button Produce and share and see the “Production Wizard” window. This window contains a menu that allows you to output the project into a finished video in several ways. The first three points suggest displaying and immediately posting the finished video on the Web (, Vimeo, Google Drive, YouTube).

– Mp4 only (up to 480p);
– Mp4 only (up to 720p);
– Mp4 with video player (up to 480p);
– Mp4 with video player (up to 720p).

In most cases, the first and second options, MP4 only (up to 470p) or MP4 only (up to 720p), are the optimal format and output your project to a regular video file.

We can create the same presets (templates) ourselves, and when the project is ready, we can simply use them. This is implemented using the Add/Edit preset item (add/edit profile). If the format proposed by the program for saving video does not suit you, then click on the menu item Custom production settings(custom project settings) and set the saving options yourself.

Make high-quality videos in modern world very simple. All you need to wow your audience is suitable program and knowledge of how to use it. There are several dozen video editors worthy of attention, and today we will introduce you to one of the best tools this category.


Collection of lessons

We present to your attention a full-fledged video course on working with the wonderful Camtasia Studio program. The lessons below will teach you not only how to shoot video from your monitor screen, but also how to make professional installation, resulting in high quality videos.

The total training duration is 4 hours 50 minutes. During this time, you will learn about all the capabilities of the Camtasia studio and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge when creating your own clips. So, let's begin!

Let's take the first steps. Short review program and interface.

In this lesson you will learn how to record video from the monitor screen and save the result to your computer. Basics, no deep dive.

A detailed overview of the tabs and buttons of the video recording panel.

Pens, pencils, markers and other tools for highlighting information while shooting.

Let's look at the functionality of the video editing area.

We continue to delve into the essence of multimedia processing in Camtasia Studio.

How to separate audio from video, and what changes can be applied to it. We watch and repeat.

A deeper dive into the audio tab.

What to do if Camtasia Studio does not read the downloaded video.

Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - Recording Screen Video
Lesson 3 - Recording Panel
Lesson 4 - Drawing while recording
Lesson 5 - Video Editor (Part 1)
Lesson 6 - Video Editor (Part 2)
Lesson 7 - Video Editor (Part 3)
Lesson 8 - Audio Processing (Part 1)
Lesson 9 - Audio Processing (Part 2)
Lesson 10 - Problems with video import
Lesson 11 - Transitions
Lesson 12 - Customizing the cursor appearance
Lesson 13 - Recording System Sounds
Lesson 14 - Title Clip
Lesson 15 - Voice over for the video
Lesson 16 - Adding subtitles
Lesson 17 - Callouts (Part 1)
Lesson 18 - Callouts (Part 2)
Lesson 19 - Callouts (Part 3)
Lesson 20 - Inserting video from a webcam
Lesson 21 - Editing webcam video
Lesson 22 - Video Scaling (Part 1)
Lesson 23 - Video Scaling (Part 2)
Lesson 24 - Filmmaking Master

Camtasia Studio - for recording screencast videos demonstrating certain actions in games, software on the monitor screen.

You can download Camtasia Studio to your computer in Russian from the official website and the full version via the downloader for Windows 64-bit by following the links at the end of the description.

This is one of the necessary utilities in the system, because most of the presentation, educational and other videos in this area: video courses on working with a computer and other video tutorials were created using Camtasia Studio.

How to download Camtasia Studio 8 in Russian for free

Due to the fact that it came out a new version Camtasia screenshot, build 8 is no longer relevant. The ninth edition of the program in Russian is available for download at the link below.

“Studio” - it consists of several applications that include the main editor for editing and the following utilities: Player, MenuMaker, Recorder.

However, usually only Recorder is actually used, in which the computer screen is captured, and Camtasia Studio itself, where the finished recording can be edited and published so that users, for example Youtube, can download it for free. Camtasia Studio 9 can be downloaded in Russian for free from the official website using the link below immediately after the description.

If you have problems downloading, we recommend install Yandex browser on your computer, where you can connect a VPN and scan downloaded files for viruses.

Saved projects in the program have the extension camproj, screen capture is in camrec format. Camtasia Studio 8 and 9 works with image files (jpg/jpeg, png, bmp, gif) with audio (avi, wmv, mov, swf, wav, mp3, wma) and video (mp4, mpg/mpeg,).

You can record additional tracks during screen capture - these are pictures from the webcam and two audio streams: a signal from the microphone and playback in operating system sounds. The webcam is used by the authors of video lessons to explain the demonstration of educational material on the PC screen (the video recording will be displayed on the screen in the corner - “picture in picture”).

The microphone serves the same purpose. In the audio settings, you can select a sound recording device and select whether or not you need to record system sounds (everything that is heard in the speakers: sound, music in videos, etc.). The signal during microphone recording is adjusted with a slider. Hot keys can be changed in the settings, as well as the format and location for saving the video.

What's new in the latest version of Camtasia Studio in Russian

Ready-made elements in the library are audio screensavers, effects and some other details, the interface has also been updated, it has become more stylish. And:

  • new plugins for animation of pictures, videos and text;
  • added workflow markers and subtitles;
  • 64-bit engine support for faster processing;
  • editing the canvas and dragging objects onto it;
  • color correction (brightness, contrast, saturation);
  • interface update and feedback.

You can download Camtasia Studio 9 for free for Windows 7, 8 and 10 (64-bit only) and in Russian in full version follow the link below.

You will get excellent software for recording videos, recording your monitor screen and screenshot all in one!

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