Program for saving passwords. Where is the best and safest place to store passwords. Overview of the main methods Automatic password saver

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Given the current specifics of the Internet, even the most unpretentious users are forced to use certain programs to store passwords.

Even with a very limited number of visited sites, for almost every person actively using the capabilities of the World Wide Web, there are several dozen accounts on various resources.

It is almost impossible to remember such a large number of passwords.

For many people, such a loss can cause serious damage in the form of leakage of personal correspondence or loss of access to an electronic wallet.

Therefore, a reliable program that stores all passwords in one place and at the same time protects them using an encryption algorithm is an essential tool on a computer.

However, there are dozens of products in this area that have different reputations and technical features, and choosing the right one among them is quite difficult.

This task is especially complicated for inexperienced users who have little idea of ​​what encryption methods, trusted connection, dictionary search, etc. are.

This review is focused on them, but they will also be able to find a lot of useful information and those who consider themselves savvy in matters of Internet technology.

No. 1. KeePass - OpenSource with a human face

Its main advantage is a free license, which allows you to use all the functions of the software for free.

Interesting! Initially, KeePass was developed for Windows, but thanks to open source, ports have been created for all popular operating systems, including Android.

Despite its spartan interface, this software has a wide range of features that are quite conveniently organized, which is not typical for OpenSource software.

Getting started with KeePass is easy, just follow a few simple steps:

  • After installing the distribution kit, for further convenience, you can organize work with software in Russian.
    To do this, you need to download the localization file in the appropriate section of the official website and place it in the directory with the program files. Then select the View-Change Language function and select the desired item.

Advice! On this moment two branches of the program, versions 1.XX and 2.XX, are supported, and the second one is backward compatible with the first one. We recommend choosing version 2, as it has an improved encryption system and advanced data export capabilities.

  • Next, you need to create a new password database. To do this, use the File-New command on the toolbar. Here we enter the invented master password and remember it, as it will be required every time you start KeePass.
    Also in this window, you can select such additional protection measures as Key File or Windows Account.
  • The working interface of KeePass is quite intuitive. You can create a new entry using the key icon with a green arrow on the toolbar or using Edit-Create Entry. The new entry menu looks like this:

Advice! KeePass supports the autodial feature, which can be activated using the Ctrl+Alt+A hotkey. When you press this combination, the account login fields will be filled in automatically. You can correctly configure this function in the menu of each entry by going to the Autodial tab.

  • By selecting the Service-Settings function, you can customize the software for yourself. All options are described quite carefully and clearly, so if you do not take into account the complex technical issues associated with the encryption procedure, then everyone can figure it out.

Many experts in network security think that the best program is an open source program source code, and the author of this review fully shares this opinion.

But for the sake of objectivity, other options for such specific software should be considered, since some options can also be a good solution.

No. 2. LastPass - modern design and usability

The LastPass developers approached the issue of porting to various systems in a rather original way: the main product is distributed as a browser add-on that can be downloaded from the application store or from the official website.

There is a free version, but it has significant limitations, in particular, it does not support synchronization on multiple devices.

To get started, you need to create a LastPass account, which will be the basis for protecting your password database.

The main advantage of this product is its visual appeal and a well-thought-out interface that captivates many users.

After installing the add-on and registering an account, you must enter your login and password in the appropriate field.

You can manage your passwords both through the web interface and through the add-on menu. This article will consider the second option, as the most popular.

Working with passwords through this manager is very convenient: when entering data in the corresponding authorization fields, the user will be prompted to make an entry in the database.

Also, special buttons will be attached to the login and password fields, giving access to some functions.

Advice! Despite the fact that the version in Russian is, as it were, present, the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired. Some menu items are translated inaccurately, and some are signed only in English. Therefore, if you want to fully understand the functionality of the program, at least superficial knowledge in English will be very helpful.

Other features of the LastPass plugin include the ability to create secure notes, templates for new entries, and generate passwords with given parameters.

These functions may seem quite useful to someone, but, according to the author of the article, they are added only to create the effect of a wide variety of tools.

The program settings, as in the previous case, are quite clear. But most of them in LastPass are related to usability and interface improvements.

It is these features that are the main reason for the popularity of this application.

Not to mention, LastPass servers were hacked in 2015, leaving hundreds of thousands of accounts in the wrong hands.

However, this incident caused only reputational losses to the developers, since the user agreement states that the company does not bear any responsibility for the data provided to them.

Therefore, if you decide to give preference to this password manager, be sure to analyze other similar products, which may turn out to be at least as good.

No. 3. Dashlane is a multifunctional commercial solution

A feature of this password manager is its focus on organizing secure Internet payments.

The basic version can be downloaded for free on the official website, but like LastPass, it has significant limitations.

A commercial subscription will cost $40 per year, which may be too high a price for many users.

Cross-platform is also quite successfully implemented, allowing you to import given repository for Android, Windows, iOS and Mac.

The approach to working with Dashlane can be called unique: the software is a comprehensive solution consisting of a desktop client and an add-on for any of the popular browsers.

But often both of these components copy the functionality of each other, and only the version on the computer has some advanced features.

The workspace of the main program is organized quite standardly: top panel tools, a sidebar with the most necessary functions and a workspace that occupies most of the window.

Advice! There is no Russian localization, so if you are not comfortable with the most popular languages ​​such as English, German or Spanish, then Dashlane is not for you.

The best place to start is by exporting passwords from previously used managers.

The program has extensive features that allow you to losslessly move records from many different clients, including KeePass and LastPass, for which you need to use the File-Import Passwords function.

To create new entries, you must use the Password functions in the sidebar, after which they will be displayed in the Security Dashboard.

The settings (accessed via Tools-Preferences) allow you to organize the synchronization procedure, change the master password and tweak the usability and security features a bit - nothing out of the ordinary.

And all this is complemented by a paid subscription, which must be renewed annually.

There are other solutions in this area, such as StickyPassword, Roboform, Password, but they are noticeably inferior to the products described in this article.

At the same time, KeePass remains the only cross-platform OpenSource solution, the reliability of which can be verified by everyone.

Video footage:

KeePass Password Safe password manager (program overview)

Overview and use of the free and convenient password manager KeePass Password Safe in a portable version.

Where to store passwords. Overview

Where to store passwords? This question is no longer relevant for me, since I store my passwords in the LatPass vault.

Greetings friends. Once again, we will analyze a topic that concerns any user actively working on the Internet!
Let's get acquainted with the program called Keepass.

Keepass is a program for saving passwords on a computer from services where you have previously registered and with this program you will always have registration data at hand.

People who are actively involved in Internet activities, this utility is simply necessary, because due to the specifics of working on the network, it is often necessary to register in certain services, ranging from Email and ending with various sites, social networks, forums, etc.

And in order not to write down passwords on leaflets or in notebooks and, accordingly, not to lose this data, there are similar programs.

So I decided to do detailed overview Keepass program, tell you how to install it and configure it accordingly for further use!

Download and install Keepass

The first step is to open the official website of the developer by clicking on this link

You will see a web page for downloading the program. It has 2 versions of the program, I use the portable one, since it does not require installation, you can transfer it to a USB flash drive and use it anywhere.

So download the version Portable»

In order for the program to work in Russian, we load the crack, for this, in the left menu, go to the tab " Translations»

Then we look for the Russian flag and download the version 2.35+

After completing the above steps, you will have 2 archives on your computer, copy them to a USB flash drive, then proceed to the next step.

Copy the contents of the folder KeePass-2.35-English» to the folder « KeePass-2.35"Then the folder with the crack can be deleted.

After completing these steps, run the program by clicking on the shortcut " KeePass»

At startup, the start window will appear in front of you, click " Disable"- in order to automatic mode no updates installed

In order for the program to switch to the Russian version, in the top menu, click " view" then " Change language»

In the window that opens, select " Russian»

The program will ask you to confirm the action, click " Yes»

After that, the program will restart and the interface will be in Russian.

Setting up Keepass to store passwords

The next step is to create a new database for this, click on the appropriate tab " Create»

Then a window will appear where you will need to specify a location to save the database, you must save the database to the same USB flash drive where the installation was performed and click " Save»

Then the program will require you to come up with a password for authorization in the program. I recommend that you come up with a complex password that will consist of letters and numbers, but at the same time I highly recommend not specifying a password in the form of a date of birth, since these passwords are most often cracked.

So, enter the password in the required fields and click " OK»

In the left menu, standard folders will appear in front of you, you can both delete them and create new ones.

Let's say we want to create a folder in which passwords from Yandex mail, to perform an action in the top menu, click on the tab " Edit" then " Add a group»

A window will appear in front of you in which we set the name of the future group and select the icon to display, then click " OK»

So you have successfully created a group, the next step is to create an account, for this, right-click the field on the right and select " Add a note»

Fill in the required fields and then click " OK»

Now your account is saved in the password manager.

The program has one very interesting function, in order to open a website or enter mail using a login and password, it is not necessary to enter the values ​​​​manually, it is enough to use the functions of the Keepass program that will allow you to copy the login and password to the clipboard for pasting into the authorization window, which is and how is it done?

Let's say on a newly created account we want to enter Yandex mail, right-click on the login and select the item " Copy login»

Given the current specifics of the Internet, even the most unpretentious users are forced to use certain programs to store passwords.

Even with a very limited number of visited sites, for almost every person actively using the capabilities of the World Wide Web, there are several dozen accounts on various resources.

It is almost impossible to remember such a large number of passwords.

For many people, such a loss can cause serious damage in the form of leakage of personal correspondence or loss of access to an electronic wallet.

Therefore, a reliable program that stores all passwords in one place and at the same time protects them using an encryption algorithm is an essential tool on a computer.

However, there are dozens of products in this area that have different reputations and technical features, and choosing the right one among them is quite difficult.

This task is especially complicated for inexperienced users who have little idea of ​​what encryption methods, trusted connection, dictionary search, etc. are.

This review is focused on them, but it will also be able to find a lot of useful information for those who consider themselves savvy in matters of Internet technologies.

No. 1. KeePass - OpenSource with a human face

Its main advantage is a free license, which allows you to use all the functions of the software for free.

Despite its spartan interface, this software has a wide range of features that are quite conveniently organized, which is not typical for OpenSource software.

Getting started with KeePass is easy, just follow a few simple steps:

  • After installing the distribution kit, for further convenience, you can organize work with software in Russian.
    To do this, you need to download the localization file in the appropriate section of the official website and place it in the directory with the program files. Then select the View-Change Language function and select the desired item.

Advice! At the moment, two branches of the program are supported, versions 1.XX and 2.XX, and the second one is backward compatible with the first one. We recommend choosing version 2, as it has an improved encryption system and advanced data export capabilities.

  • Next, you need to create a new password database. To do this, use the File-New command on the toolbar. Here we enter the invented master password and remember it, as it will be required every time you start KeePass.
    Also in this window, you can select such additional protection measures as Key File or Windows Account.

  • The working interface of KeePass is quite intuitive. You can create a new entry using the key icon with a green arrow on the toolbar or using Edit-Create Entry. The new entry menu looks like this:

Advice! KeePass supports an autodial feature that can be activated using the hotkey Ctrl +Alt +A . When you press this combination, the account login fields will be filled in automatically. You can correctly configure this function in the menu of each entry by going to the Autodial tab.

  • By selecting the Service-Settings function, you can customize the software for yourself. All options are described quite carefully and clearly, so if you do not take into account the complex technical issues associated with the encryption procedure, then everyone can figure it out.

Many network security experts believe that the best software is open source, and the author of this review fully shares this opinion.

But for the sake of objectivity, other options for such specific software should be considered, since some options can also be a good solution.

No. 2. LastPass - modern design and usability

The LastPass developers approached the issue of porting to various systems in a rather original way: the main product is distributed as a browser add-on, which can be downloaded from the application store or from the official website.

There is a free version, but it has significant limitations, in particular, it does not support synchronization on multiple devices.

To get started, you need to create a LastPass account, which will be the basis for protecting your password database.

The main advantage of this product is its visual appeal and a well-thought-out interface that captivates many users.

After installing the add-on and registering an account, you must enter your login and password in the appropriate field.

You can manage your passwords both through the web interface and through the add-on menu. This article will consider the second option, as the most popular.

Working with passwords through this manager is very convenient: when entering data in the corresponding authorization fields, the user will be prompted to make an entry in the database.

Also, special buttons will be attached to the login and password fields, giving access to some functions.

Advice! Despite the fact that the version in Russian is, as it were, present, the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired. Some menu items are translated inaccurately, and some are signed only in English. Therefore, if you want to fully understand the functionality of the program, at least a superficial knowledge of the English language will be very helpful.

Other features of the LastPass plugin include the ability to create secure notes, templates for new entries, and generate passwords with given parameters.

These functions may seem quite useful to someone, but, according to the author of the article, they are added only to create the effect of a wide variety of tools.

The program settings, as in the previous case, are quite clear. But most of them in LastPass are related to usability and interface improvements.

It is these features that are the main reason for the popularity of this application.

Not to mention, LastPass servers were hacked in 2015, leaving hundreds of thousands of accounts in the wrong hands.

However, this incident caused only reputational losses to the developers, since the user agreement states that the company does not bear any responsibility for the data provided to them.

Therefore, if you decide to give preference to this password manager, be sure to analyze other similar products, which may turn out to be at least as good.

No. 3. Dashlane is a multifunctional commercial solution

A feature of this password manager is its focus on organizing secure Internet payments.

The basic version can be downloaded for free on the official website, but like LastPass, it has significant limitations.

A commercial subscription will cost $40 per year, which may be too high a price for many users.

Cross-platform is also quite successfully implemented, allowing you to import this storage for Android, Windows, iOS and Mac.

The approach to working with Dashlane can be called unique: the software is a comprehensive solution consisting of a desktop client and an add-on for any of the popular browsers.

But often both of these components copy the functionality of each other, and only the version on the computer has some advanced features.

The working area of ​​the main program is organized quite standardly: the top toolbar, the sidebar with the most necessary functions and the workspace that occupies most of the window.

Advice! There is no Russian localization, so if you are not comfortable with the most popular languages ​​such as English, German or Spanish, then Dashlane is not for you.

The best place to start is by exporting passwords from previously used managers.

The program has extensive features that allow you to losslessly move records from many different clients, including KeePass and LastPass, for which you need to use the File-Import Passwords function.

To create new entries, you must use the Password functions in the sidebar, after which they will be displayed in the Security Dashboard.

The settings (accessed via Tools-Preferences) allow you to organize the synchronization procedure, change the master password and tweak the usability and security features a bit - nothing out of the ordinary.

The browser add-on serves only as a kind of remote control. remote control and gives access to basic functions such as generating passwords, viewing and using entries, as well as the most necessary settings.

In general, this product is very similar to LastPass: a lot of tinsel and a lack of necessary functions are hidden behind a beautiful cover.

And all this is complemented by a paid subscription, which must be renewed annually.

There are other solutions in this area, such as StickyPassword, Roboform, Password, but they are noticeably inferior to the products described in this article.

At the same time, KeePass remains the only cross-platform OpenSource solution, the reliability of which can be verified by everyone.

Video footage:

KeePass Password Safe password manager (program overview)

Overview and use of the free and convenient password manager KeePass Password Safe in a portable version.

Where to store passwords. Overview

Where to store passwords? This question is no longer relevant for me, since I store my passwords in the LatPass vault.

Password managers are becoming more and more popular. The ability to store all your passwords in one place is very attractive. With mobile devices, you can have all your passwords at hand at all times without compromising the security of your data. There are tons of password managers for PC, Mac and mobile devices. Here best apps password managers for android.

aWallet Password Manager
(downloads: 1139)
aWallet is one of those password manager apps that have been around for a long time. The application stores passwords, bank transactions, information, credit card information, and user data if you need it. There is also built-in search, custom icons, and an auto-lock feature. There is even a built-in password generator so you don't have to worry about it. The password manager covers everything you need, including AES and Blowfish encryption. You can download the app for free or buy the PRO version.

(downloads: 341)
Dashlane is another app that has been available to users for a long time. Dashlane offers all the features you need, including support for passwords, credit cards, and other sensitive information. The app also supports password autofill on websites and apps. You can backup locally or using the cloud. Encryption in 256 bit AES works as expected. You can use most of the features for free, but if you want to use all the features, you'll need to subscribe to a paid subscription. This is one of the more solid password managers for Android.

Enpass Password Manager
(downloads: 210)
Enpass is quite a powerful password manager. It covers all the main features and there are also versions for Mac, PC and Linux. The application also does not require subscription fee, That is a good sign. The application allows you to backup and restore your data, includes 256-bit AES encryption, cross-platform synchronization, and you can also import data from other password managers, which will facilitate the transition. You can also use autocomplete in Google Chrome if you are using this browser. The app is free to download, with a one-time payment of $9.99 to unlock all features.

(downloads: 251)
Keepass2Android is one of the most basic password manager apps on this list. Keepass has basic functions, with which you can back up passwords and the like. However, the app doesn't offer more of the elephants features of most competitors. The main feature of the application is a completely free open source distribution. The application is based on the code of Keepassdroid (another free and open source password manager), both applications are compatible with each other.

(downloads: 228)
Keeper is a password manager with a lot of features. The main feature of the application is 256-bit AES encryption and PBKDF2, which certainly help to feel safe. However, the application covers the main features, includes auto-fill in various applications and websites. Along with passwords, Keeper also includes video and photo vaults where you can store sensitive images or videos. The app also supports fingerprint lock, which is always helpful. You can also sync the app between devices and store your data in the cloud if you want. It's a pretty decent option, though you'll need a subscription to get all the features.

(downloads: 189)
LastPass follows the same path when it comes to the password manager for Android. LastPass offers a metric ton of features, including password autofill in apps, websites, and individual forms. The application also helps to store photos and audio notes. There are several other more unique and unusual features, including support for a fingerprint reader, a password generator, a password audit that will let you know that the password is weak, the application also provides the ability to use the emergency help of a friend or family member. You can use the application core for free, but you will need paid subscription if you want to use all features. You can also download LastPass Authenticator at Google Play to add a 2nd authentication factor for added security.

mSecure Password Manager
(downloads: 95)
mSecure is one of those password managers that has been around, seemingly forever. However, the app has seen several updates since its inception and appearance password manager remains relatively modern. In addition, the manager supports basic features, 256-bit AES encryption, a password generator, and the ability to back up your data to your SD card. The app also has a self-destruct feature in case someone gets the password wrong too many times. It is a reliable universal password manager, although the lack free version may turn off some users. We recommend looking at some of the reviews and giving the app a try.

Password Safe and Manager
(downloads: 148)
Password Safe and Manager is the sweet spot when it comes to choosing a password manager. This application doesn't need to be connected, and 256-bit encryption will make you feel relatively safe. The password manager uses a Material design that looks really great. You can place passwords, categorize them for easy viewing, and generate new passwords on the fly. In addition, the password manager offers automatic Reserve copy. And the app offers significantly more features if you buy the PRO version for $3.99. It's not the most powerful, but a very good application.

RoboForm Password Manager
(downloads: 304)
RoboForm is a very old app, but it's still one of the the best managers passwords for android. It does what it's supposed to do and does it well, and it also offers bookmarks so you can find your most used passwords faster. The app also recognizes new passwords when you create them and log in, a neat solution. The password manager also supports multi-step logins, which is very convenient. The app works with Chrome and Firefox, even Dolphin Browser. It's perfect free app, which works great.

SafeInCloud Password Manager
(downloads: 194)
SafeInCloud is a cloud-based password manager, a very capable one. It stores all your data in the cloud, which you can sync with any of your devices. The app includes Material Design, 256-bit AES encryption, supports fingerprint scanner, Android Wear, password generator and password strength calculator. You will be able to automatically fill in the fields in some browsers. You'll be able to get most of the features with the free version, while the PRO version will set you back a very reasonable $1.99.

With the fact that the number of passwords that need to be remembered is definitely more than the space for them in the head, probably all active Internet users have encountered. And it's one thing - passwords for services and sites that you use every day - these are somehow postponed by themselves. And the other is from some forum that you get to once every couple of months, or even less often. It's impossible to keep in mind!

What to do? You can, of course, assign one password everywhere - but this threatens with big security problems: someone got their hands on the database of some service where you are registered - and you can say goodbye to your entire digital life: everything will be taken away, starting with mail and ending with a Steam account.

Okay, let's drop this option. Then carefully write down all passwords in text editor and store in one file, but here is the same problem: what if the file gets lost? Well, it must either be stored in cloud service so that all passwords are at hand, or manually synchronize. And this file can also accidentally fall into the hands of not very decent people - and then you know. In general, this is also unsafe.

So what, memorize everything and remember an insane amount of passwords by heart? It won't work either! Usually the user remembers only those passwords that he uses constantly. The rest quickly fall out of memory, especially if they are safe enough - with case changes, numbers and symbols. In general, in order to make life easier for the user, there is a special type of program - password managers. The main task of such an application is to collect, encrypt and securely store information about all your accounts, making it inaccessible to intruders and available to you. In this article, we will look at five of the most famous password managers that make life easier for millions of users around the world.


One of the most famous password managers is LastPass, the brainchild of the American company LastPass Corporate. Among the benefits of the program, they usually note its simple interface, multiplatform, strong password encryption that occurs on your device, and only then the data is encrypted and transferred to the company's servers.

The application works both on Windows and Linux, Mac, as well as on mobile devices and tablets under iOS and Android, on smartphones under Windows control Phone, BlackBerry and even FireFox Mobile. In addition to the "home" version, there is also a corporate version that has the function of integrating with a local domain controller and setting access policies. It also stores data about all employee accounts in corporate Internet services. For example, using LastPass it is possible to configure the access of employees of the organization to Office 365, Google Apps for Work and other business services on the Internet that the company uses.

To get started with LastPass, you need to download special program and register in the system. After downloading the installation file, run it, after which the installation window will open. Select the "Advanced Options" option to set the program's settings - in particular, you can set the application's location directory, specify which browsers LastPass extensions will be installed for, and set Extra options privacy.

After installation, the application prompts you to log into an existing account or create a new one. When registering for the service, you must provide your valid email address and set a master password. According to the developers, the master password is needed Very good remember and enter very carefully. If you forget it, then at best you will receive a reminder phrase. The administration password itself cannot be read by the administration of the service, which is what we are warned about. The requirements for a master password are as follows: at least eight characters, it is also recommended to use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.

After registration, the program will find passwords in browser storages and offer to import them. Scroll through the list and click the Import button if you want to import account information. Optionally, you can opt out by clicking the "No, thanks" button. It should be noted that the passwords are removed from the browser storage during import, and now the authorization in the services will go through the LastPass services.

Now launch the browser you usually use and install the add-on. Then we go through authorization - to do this, click on the program icon, and in the window that opens, enter the email address you registered with, and the same master password - the only password that you now need to remember.

The "Storage" section contains all the data about your accounts, sorted into folder categories for convenience. Clicking on a folder will open the list of passwords contained in it. Each password can be viewed by selecting the appropriate option next to it.

In the window for changing account information, you can change the password, the account placement folder, add notes, and also configure additional settings - for example, you can enable automatic login when authorizing on the site.

Another interesting feature of the application, which I would like to draw attention to, lies in the “Form filling profiles” section.

Profile: enter personal information

Here you can create and fill out a user profile by entering information about yourself - last name, first name, patronymic, home address, number mobile phone, credit card information and more. Now, when registering on sites, you will not need to enter all this many times: you just need to select the appropriate profile - and all the data will be filled in automatically.

Automatic completion when registering on

When creating a password, you can use a generator that will offer a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that is difficult to crack and select - something like sZoxpYi1DZY9, as shown in the figure below. Using the settings, you can set the length of the password and what characters you want to use in it.

The premium version, as mentioned above, has support for password synchronization with mobile devices. After installing the application, you need to log into LastPass under your account, after which information about all your accounts saved in the system will be downloaded to your mobile device.

It is also possible to view information about each account, edit it or go to the site for which this account was created and log in.

In general, LastPass makes a very good impression - it is a convenient and functional program that has many useful features. The only minor disadvantages include the lack of the ability to synchronize accounts with tablets and mobile devices in the free version - but the developer needs to somehow monetize his service.


The next program I would like to talk about is Sticky Password from the Czech company Lamantine Software. The app is available on multiple platforms and can also sync your accounts with different devices. According to the developers, Sticky Password can store all your passwords in an encrypted vault, as well as automatically fill out forms and credit card numbers for quick use. Your information is protected by a traditional master password, which you need to remember. As in the case of LastPass, the creators of the system report that they do not know our master password, so we need to memorize it well and not forget it. Of the more interesting features in the program, there is support for AES-256 encryption, biometric authentication and the ability to synchronize passwords of your devices via Wi-Fi. The authors also promise correct work applications in the four most popular operating systems and sixteen browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Sticky Password is distributed by subscription. When you first install the program, you will be prompted to create an account, after which you will receive a 30-day premium trial. After a month, the Sticky Password account automatically becomes free. Traditionally, premium users have a number of advantages over regular users. For example, only paid users can synchronize (both via Wi-Fi and through the company's cloud services), as well as save backups password storage in the cloud. This is useful if, for example, you have reinstalled operating system or purchased a new device - you can still quickly recover all passwords in the system. The price of a premium account per user is 1,190 rubles for one year, for a perpetual premium license you will have to fork out for 5,990 rubles

Installing Sticky Password is not particularly difficult - you just need to download the program from the official website and traditionally run the installation file. After installation, the application must be configured.

In the next step, you will be prompted to sign in to an account or create a new one, which will require an email address and a master password. In general, here, too, everything is standard.

In the next window, we confirm the master password and check the box that this same master password is not saved anywhere and only the user knows it. Next, the program will offer to synchronize data through Sticky Password cloud services. If you have multiple devices, select the sync option.

Then you need to select the browsers in which you want to use Sticky Password, after that the program is ready to go.

After receiving the passwords from the browser storage, the program will remind you of 30 days of free premium subscription, and then, by clicking the "Start" button, you can read a short instruction on working with the program and finally launch the application's working window.

The "Internet Accounts" section contains a list of user accounts found on the computer. Each entry can be edited or deleted, or a new one can be added. Recordings are suggested to be grouped into folders. Of course, you can create new folders and copy account data into them.

Section "Internet Accounts"

Another notable feature of the program is the ability to save passwords not only for sites, but also for applications. It is possible to select a program and set a username and password to enter it. If the program is not visible in Sticky Password, you must select it from the browse menu.

Like LastPass, the application has the ability to add personal data to fill out forms - this part should be looked for in the "Business Cards" section. Click the "Add business card" button - and in the window that opens, you will need to fill in information about yourself. In the future, it can be used to fill out profiles when registering on various resources.

Section "Business cards"

Adding information about yourself

In browsers with Sticky Password installed, an extension appears - using it, you can quickly go through the authorization process on sites whose accounts are located in your password storage. To do this, open the options menu "Internet Accounts", and then select the desired site. After that, the browser will open the selected resource and add the necessary login information.

Kaspersky Password Manager

Kaspersky Password Manager is a joint project of Kaspersky Lab and Lamantine Software. Password Manager is based on Sticky Password, so the programs are very similar... in general, in everything. The app is shareware. The free version can only store up to fifteen accounts, to store more accounts you need to purchase the paid version. It is worth noting here that the program is not sold separately, it is possible to buy it only in part of Kaspersky Total Security or Kaspersky Small Office Security.

However, although Password Manager is included with these applications, it can also be downloaded separately from the Kaspersky Lab website. The installation of the program, in general, is the same as the previous ones: run the executable file and follow the instructions of the installation wizard. Unlike Sticky Password, here accounts are synchronized with Kaspersky Lab servers, and to enable synchronization, you must specify either the My Kaspersky account in case home use as part of Kaspersky Total Security, or your company account on a special portal of Kaspersky Lab for organizations.

In general, in terms of the set of functions, Password Manager almost completely repeats Sticky Password, so we will not consider it in detail. Once installed, the program also adds extensions for your browsers. With the help of these extensions, you can go through a quick authorization on the sites where you are registered and add your details for quick registration so that you do not have to enter them every time.


Another password manager that I would also like to pay attention to is Dashlane. On the one hand, it cannot be said that it has any unique features that were not discussed in the previous sections of the review. On the other hand, it is quite convenient and easy to learn. In addition to the "home" version, there is also a corporate one, designed to work in an organization. Traditionally, users are offered two account options - regular (free) and premium. The free version has a number of limitations - the user will not be able to synchronize account data between devices and backup data to a cloud service.

To start using the program, go to its official website and download the application. Installing Dashlane is quite simple - we run the executable file and after installation we will see a welcome window. Select the option to create an account and enter the required data.

When creating an account, we will, of course, be prompted to create a master password. The program will remind you that only you know it and you need to remember the password very well. After all the preparatory steps, the Dashline working window will open.

The password vault is located in the Passwords section. As in other programs, passwords can be organized - create folders-categories for subsequent sorting of accounts. Accounts can be added to the system in two ways: through the program and in the browser, if you enter the details of a record that is not yet known to the system.

Right-clicking on an account icon brings up context menu, with which it is possible to perform actions on it - change the password, delete, change the category and give access to another user. In the Security Dashboard section, the program sets the overall security rating of accounts and offers to change passwords for accounts that, according to the analysis, are too simple and can be hacked by intruders.

In the Secure Notes section, secure notes are added, which, like in similar programs, will be located in a special storage section.

The Payments section contains information about a credit card or bank account, in addition, it is possible to view the history of purchases here. The Team section contains options that allow you to share data with other users, such as family or colleagues. If you leave any personal data on the sites, you should pay attention to the IDs section, where you enter passport data, driving license and other personal documents to use when needed.

Like other applications, Dashlane installs extensions for browsers with which you can log in to sites and add new accounts to the system. The plugin recognizes when you enter credentials and offers to add account information to the program.

The advantages of Dashline include a user-friendly interface, ease of use and the ability of the system to analyze your passwords and recommend replacing them with the most reliable ones. But there are also disadvantages - there is no support for the Russian language, and the most important functions are available only in the premium version, in the free version there is not even the ability to synchronize passwords between devices.

1 Password

Well, 1Password completes our review. The application differs from all those listed by advanced encryption algorithms, the absence of its own cloud service and licensing. 1Password is distributed on a shareware model - there is no subscription option here. After installation, you can use the application for free for thirty days, after which you need to purchase a license once.

We will consider the Windows version of the program as part of this review. The program installer can be downloaded from the official website. After installation, the initial setup wizard will start. We select the option I am new to 1Password, the window for saving the password store will open. We select the save folder - by the way, it can be not only a folder on the local hard drive, but also a network directory, or, for example, a folder in a network file storage service (for example, DropBox, OneDrive and other similar services). The program also has the ability to synchronize data via Wi-Fi - convenient if you have several devices between which you need to synchronize account data. For synchronization, the system generates a special password that must be entered on other devices.

1Password makes a very good impression. The advantages of the application, of course, include a simple and intuitive interface, reliable data encryption, a relatively low price and the ability to store a password file not in a cloud service that is imposed by the developer company, but in any storage of your choice. If DropBox, OneDrive and other similar services are in doubt, then the data can be placed, for example, on a corporate or home server on the local network by opening a folder with a password file for a specific user (or users). The master password should be remembered very well - the data is stored only with you, which means that it will be impossible to recover it. In general, 1Password can be recommended to those users who do not inspire confidence in cloud services and who prefer not to pay for a subscription, but to purchase a one-time license.


The table shows comparative characteristics password managers discussed in the article. In general, they are similar, but it is the differences in functionality below that will allow everyone to make their own choice.

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