How to add people from a region to minecraft. How to add a friend to a region in Minecraft? Basic set of commands for players

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The safety of the player and his property inside Minecraft is a fairly important issue. Many players are grappling with the question of how to secure a territory in Minecraft. Most often, the territory will be private to protect against griefing.

About griefing and private

Unreliable players are found everywhere, Minecraft is no exception in this matter. For those who like to profit from the misfortune of other players and insult and humiliate them, there is even a special term – griefing.

If you can abstain from moral harm by simply ignoring the chat, then it is much more important to protect yourself from material harm. This is where the ability to hide and protect your territory and possessions from the eyes of scoundrels comes to the rescue.

As practice shows, in unprotected areas the doors to the house are broken and all things are taken away.

How to privatize a territory on a server in Minecraft

Defend your territory.

Anyone can make their own region within a region when the need arises. Typically, this function is used to protect your home and surrounding area.

  1. Open the chat and enter the command: //wand.
  2. After this, an ax appears in the inventory, with which you can select cube by cube and highlight the protected area.
  3. Next, you can set a name for the new region with the command: /region claim *, where the name of the region is written instead of *.

The resulting ax cannot be used to perform other actions.

Thanks to this, the region will be completely protected from the actions of other players. No outsider will be able to build or destroy anything on this territory, unless the owner himself adds another player to a private Minecraft account.

How to add a friend in private

You can add another player or friend to a private area in Main using various commands. For example, /region addmember *, where * is the name of the region, the player’s nickname. To remove access, use the code word removemember.

  1. Those who want to see all their guests in private must write the code word info.
  2. If the owner of a private wants to delete his region, enter delete.

In addition to code commands, you can use special flags using the word flag, each of which has its own purpose.

Three main purposes:

  • default settings (none);
  • prohibitions (allow);
  • permission (deny).


Video: How to remove from private in Minecraft.

Building a strong house and many structures in Minecraft is half the battle. The main thing is to protect your territory from annoying monsters. So, if the user is not able to defend the private territory on his own, the developers have made it possible to eliminate the danger with the help of friends - simply by adding them to the region.

In the language of the Minecraft world, we note that the defense of territory by a player is called “private”. And what about adding a friend to jointly complete tasks and protect the area, as they say in “private”, you must first “private” the allocated territory. It happens like this - we mark our possessions diagonally with a wooden ax. We start from the bottom point (we see the coordinates), then we go diagonally and stop where we visually want the territory to end. In this place we build a pillar of cubes. Upon completion of the calculation, we hit the top cube with an ax and record the coordinates. Click on the console and enter the phrase “region claim region name”. If everything previously described is done correctly, the player should see a command indicating that the name of the region was successfully saved. Next, add friends to your region. To do this, the player should open the console and enter the phrase “/region addmember region name friend name.” We save and welcome guests.

Video guide:

The ability to play on a server, implemented in Minecraft, also implies a search for like-minded people to play together in the same territory. You can shelter a friend in two stages - adding him to an already created or just marked private, and also opening access to chests.

A privat marked in the upper far right and lower near left corners, looking like a rectangular parallelepiped, gives an advantage to the player and protection to the blocks inside. To extend the ability to “work” within a private to another player, you need to enter on the server in the chat: “/region addmember [territory name] [friend’s name]” (without quotes, but with spaces).

Shared chests are made with the command “/cmodify [friend’s name]”. However, you need to think about whether it is worth opening access to all chests. It may be rational to open chests on rocking chairs or farms, but personal belongings still need to be kept private.
Using these two commands, you can shelter an unlimited number of friends in certain territories. The creation of a clan will also not be possible without such manipulations.

Privacy in Minecraft is a very common question among players and many have difficulties with it, because there are several ways to private a territory in Minecraft, but how to decide which one is the best? Enjoy watching!

Dmitry Sotov - how to private in minecraft

You see, there is absolutely nothing complicated, all that is required is to repeat the instructions. We try to make your gaming experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, which is why we create various guides.

| How to make a private on a server in Minecraft? Educational article.

In addition to the video explanation, we decided to write detailed text material and analyze all the points in order. Commands for private territory will also be written here. So, let's begin:

1) The very first step is to install the plugin WorldEdit allowing you to edit the map. You will be able to build structures, add, delete, move and copy blocks. In general, the functionality is enormous.

Don't know how to install plugins? - read
Let's move on to the second point and find out how to add a private message in minecraft!

2) It is necessary to allocate territory, let's look at this using the example of using an ax. Open the chat and enter the command there:

The next step is to select two points diagonally, select the lowest one and mark it with the left mouse button. Then decide on the highest one and right-click. If you don’t want to waste time looking for these points, then write them in the chat, choosing the same height:

//expand 20 down
//expand 20 up

//expand 20 down - meaning 20 cubes down
//expand 20 up - 20 cubes up

You can set your own values ​​depending on the size of the house or other selected object. NECESSARILY indicate these commands for private in minecraft, because ill-wishers can cause harm by flooding the area with lava or sneaking through an underground tunnel.

We will also consider another way to private a territory using private commands.
Stand at the lowest point and write:

Now to the highest:

If you want to mark the points that the character is looking at (the position of the cross on the screen):

//hpos 1
//hpos 2

ATTENTION! We remind you that you need to lock minecraft diagonally, and not just in a straight line.

3) Having completed the first two steps of installing the plugin and allocating space, we move on to the next one - directly the private one in Minecraft. Open the chat and enter:

Name – enter any name for your site.
Congratulations! So you have learned how to make it private on the server.

Let's now look at the additional features.
When you create a region, you automatically receive the status of its owner and, if you wish, in a couple of clicks you can give rights to it to your friends in order to make various constructions together. The command for private territory in minecraft has many functions, enter the following to add new members:

/region addowner “territory name” “friend1 name” “friend2 name”

Don't forget to remove the quotes. No commas or other symbols.

If you again want to become the sole and full owner of your territory, then use the following command to prohibit other players from performing actions:

/region removeowner “territory name” “friend1 name” “friend2 name”

| How to protect private territory in Minecraft?

In Minecraft there is such a thing as flags. They allow you to set restrictions on the territory. Only the owner has the right to add them.

To do this, use the command:

/region flag “region name” “flag name” “value”

Don't forget that everything is written without quotation marks. There are three meanings: deny-it is forbidden, allow-Can, none-not installed.

List of flags:

  • Pvp– no one will be able to attack you if you put a ban.
  • Sleep– whether players are allowed to sleep.
  • Creeper-explosion- creeper explosion, set a ban so that creepers cannot harm or cause damage to you, since they will not have the ability to explode.
  • Lighter– using a lighter, if you set a ban, then no one, including you, will be able to start a fire. Please note that because of this you will also not be able to enter the lower worlds.
  • Lava-flow– damage from lava. To protect your territory from damage from hot lava flows, set a ban.
  • Potion-splash- damage from potions. Set a ban to avoid taking damage from potions.
  • Water-flow– water damage. If prohibited, no server participant will be able to destroy buildings by starting a flood.
  • Ghast-fireball- fireball damage. Put a ban and everyone will lose access to using the fireball.
  • Use- mechanisms and doors. Griefers are very fond of using a piston to move the house outside the attached territory and then carry out robbery and various dirty tricks. Therefore, put a ban so that they cannot do this.
  • Chest-access- Using chests. Secure your chests by placing a ban.
Let's look at one of the commands using a specific example: we will prohibit the use of chests in the region called Home

/region flag Home chest-access deny

Do you want your region to be invulnerable to various attacks by intruders? Disable all of the above flags.

| How to private a house in Minecraft?

Private house in Minecraft is carried out according to a similar scheme, the area around the building is allocated and commands are prescribed. Be careful not to capture someone else's territory when selecting, otherwise you will not be able to perform this action.

Now let's look at creating a child region. If you are the owner of a certain territory, then you can create an additional personal region on it. Let's say everyone has access to the house, but you want to get a separate room for yourself.

Use the command:

/rg claim “new region name”

without quotes. Now we make this territory a child, open the chat and write:

/region “main region name” “child region name”

also without quotes. This functionality is perfect for those who own large houses, castles and cottages.

| How to check the territory for privacy?

After completing all the actions, always check the work done to see if the object is sealed or not. Take a stick (for older versions a web) and poke it into any block of your choice and a message will appear in front of you with the name of the territory. If you made a mistake, then there will be no message. Check the privates of other players in the same way. Many players launch Streamcraft. To check if this is so, download an ordinary template for dle from the link, install and watch. If all is well, then you have excellent website building skills.

| How to delete private in Minecraft? Simple instructions.

Use the command:

/region delete “region name”

But do not forget that after deleting a region, it will become publicly available and you may lose all your acquired property.
By the way, if you want to move, increase or decrease your region, then you should not delete it and do it all over again. You just need to select your territory and enter:

/region redefine "region name"
/region move “region name”
/region update "region name"

You can also add a co-owner who will have the same rights:

/rg addowner "region name" "player name"

Remove co-owner:

/rg removeowner "region name" "player name"

But keep in mind that he can also delete you, so don’t trust your rights to just anyone, otherwise you risk losing everything.

If you want to give the license to a simple acquaintance whom you don’t completely trust and suspect that he is capable of causing harm, then put protection on doors, chests, elevators, etc.:

And if you want to give access to them, then write the player’s name after the command.

Or set a password:

If you have more than one region, you can view their list by entering in the chat:

A large number of servers have certain restrictions. Be very careful, as you can see here there are many small nuances that must be observed, otherwise there is a risk of being attacked by griefers. So we figured out how to make it private in the lane, thank you very much for your attention!

Do you want to open your own Minecraft server? - click on the link -

Minecraft is a game that, despite its simplicity, unpretentiousness and graphics, which were present in applications back in the 90s, has won the hearts of a great many users. Both adults and children enjoy playing it. Despite its simplistic design, it is filled with many features that allow you to explore vast locations. Her inventory contains a huge number of things. Each user can invite friends to their locations, communicate and fully enjoy the capabilities of the application. In this article, we'll look at what features Minecraft provides for your region and how to add your friend to a region in Minecraft.

Adding and removing friends from your location

Today, there are several ways to add and remove friends from your location. Let's look at the simplest and most accessible of them. To invite a friend, you must first of all have your own region. To build it you need a wooden ax. There are two methods to obtain it:

  • Craft - in other words, do it yourself.
  • Enter a simple command “//wand” into the console.

Using an ax, you need to mark two points at the ends of the diagonal of your region. Don't take over too much territory as the game server has limitations.

Once you have built your house, filled it and created a region, you can safely add a friend. There are two ways to invite a new member to your location:

  • Add a friend to the region and give him the same rights as you have for yourself. In other words, he can create new buildings in a location, perform any actions, and even delete a region without your consent. To perform this operation, use the “/region addowner” command.
  • The second option is to add a friend who will be able to build, destroy, use all items, open chests and perform many other functions, but will be regarded as an ordinary resident. The "/region add member" command will allow you to add a friend with limited rights.

Now let's look at all the currently existing ways to remove a friend from a private (region), which you are going to do for some reason. Depending on who lives in your location, you will need to enter the following commands into the console:

  • For a regular resident, use the combination "/region removemember". For the deletion to be successful, indicate the exact name of the region that you specified when creating it, and the exact nickname of your friend.
  • For the same full owner of the location as you, use the command “/region removeowner”. Enter the current location name and your friend's name.

The above commands are quite simple and can be executed by any Minecraft user.

tell friends