The simplest version control system. Version control system - which is better? Brief comparison of basic functions with the previous version

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Let's figure it out," what is version control system” (VCS), and why it is so important. And also, let's look at version control systems comparison.

Version control system (VCS) is a system that allows you to record changes to a file (or set of files) over time and makes it possible to return to a specific version later. Version control can be used for any type of file: either source code software, images, page layouts, etc.

Significant differences from other version control systems

To publish your changes, you also need to have a remote repository and push your work. If you are a developer, you should definitely know this. This can quickly become overwhelming for new developers looking for advice. The advice we receive is not always right. However, there are cases where the technology is a must and you will find that most developers use it and protect it. Version control systems are such a technology.

Everyone uses them. Besides looking bad, it also has a lot of usability issues: finding the version you need, keeping in mind the changes you made to each version, and sharing files with the team. As a solution, there have been many systems that intend to make this process easier and safer. These systems are called version control systems.

Using VCS (VCS), makes it possible to return files to the state before changes, see who last made any changes (and as a result caused the problem), and much more. Simply put, if you violated something (for example, lost required file, made changes that gave rise to errors), then you can calmly correct everything.

Let's talk about them for a moment. They eliminate the single point of failure by sharing file history with every team member and not only getting a snapshot but getting a full mirror of the repository. If any server dies, the history does not die with it, it can be restored from clients who have a full mirror of the repository. Being distributed, they offer a great opportunity to evolve in a non-linear manner and choose from multiple workflows.

Version control systems

This is an open source project source code, started by Linus Torvalds. But the changes are still within your grasp local repository. Branches, as the name suggests, allow developers to work independently across different functions. They help developers organize their workflow easily.

A simple example of using version control would be simply copying files to a separate directory (possibly even time-stamped). This approach is very common and at the same time highly prone to errors (you can copy the wrong files, get lost in directories and make changes in the wrong places). To solve this problem, use local SVCs (local SLE) with a simple database that records all changes to files.

This process can cause problems from time to time. Since many people may be working on the same files, conflicts may arise that you will have to resolve. You will then need to add and record resolved conflicts. Although this mirrors the central repository locally, the client file size is quite small.

If you've ever collaborated with other people on a project, you know the frustration of constantly sharing files. Some do it by e-mail, some through file download services and others through other means. Most web developers have probably worked with some kind of version control system, but designers may find this a foreign concept. The most obvious benefit of using version control is the ability to have an unlimited number of people working on the same code base without having to constantly send files back and forth.

Example of local version control system − R.C.S..

Centralized version control system SVN (Subversion), CVS and Perforce

When interacting with other developers, using a local version control system is no longer suitable. For these purposes, a new type was invented SLEcentralized version control system (CSKV). Such systems have a single server that contains all versions of files, and clients receive these files. Examples of CSCVs are SVN version control system (Subversion), CVS And Perforce.

You may be interested in the following related positions. But developers and developers can benefit from using version control systems to store copies of their files and projects. You can instantly view previous "commits" in your repository and go back to more earlier versions, if something happens.

What is version control and why do you need it?

This article discusses some of the best systems Open source version control and tools that make it easy to customize your version control system.

When using a distributed version control system, there is no single centralized code base for code retrieval. Different branches occupy different parts of the code.

This doesn't mean small development teams can't or shouldn't use it.

It calls itself "version control for the people."

All developers CSKV will be able (to some extent) to find out what other developers are doing. Administrators have full control over the project: they have the ability to control who can do what.

Despite the fact that a centralized version control system provides a number of advantages over local system version control, it has serious shortcomings. If the server goes down for a period of time, clients will not be able to use version control to save changes and share those changes with other clients. Or, if the data on the server is lost (for example, the HDD), then the entire project will be lost.

It supports many various types. Version control allows you to track your files over time. So when you mess up, you can easily revert to a previous working version. You've probably prepared your own version control system without realizing it has such an ugly name. Are there such files?

So why do we need a version control system?

That's why we use Save As. You want a new file without erasing the old one. This is a common problem and the solutions are usually like this. Hopefully they will relabel the file after he saves it. . That each programmer only works in a different subfolder?

Decentralized version control system Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, Darcs

To solve the problem of centralized SVNs, use another type SLE. Decentralized VCS (DSKV)- clients copy the entire repository, instead of simply downloading a snapshot of all files (the state of the files at a certain point in time). In this case, if the server fails, the client repository can be copied to another, working, server, because this repository is a complete backup of all data.

Large, fast-changing projects with many authors need a version control system to track changes and prevent general chaos. Files are saved as you edit them, and you can go at any time. Short term cancellation. Discard your changes and revert to the "last known good" version in the database. Long-term withdrawal. Sometimes we feel bad. Let's say you made the change a year ago and it had a bug. Return to old version and see what changes were made that day. Track changes. As files are updated, you can leave messages explaining why the change occurred. Useful for fair lending. Sandbox or insurance from yourself. You can make temporary changes to an isolated area, test and work out kinks before "testing" your changes. Branching and merging. You can expand a copy of your code into a separate area and change it in isolation. Later, you can merge your work back into a common area.

  • Backup and recovery.
  • No problem.
  • Synchronization.
  • Allows people to share files and stay up to date with the latest versions.
Shared folders can be fast and simple, but can't beat those features.

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Most version control systems include the following concepts, although these labels may vary. Add: First put the file in the repo and then start tracking it with version control. This allows you to view the latest versions of all files. Fix changes that contradict each other and check for the correct version. Lock: Manage the file so no one can edit it until you unlock it. Some version control systems use this to avoid conflicts. Lock Violation: Force the file to be unlocked so you can edit it. This may be needed if someone locks the file and goes on vacation. Mark for editing: Checking the "editable" version of the file.

  • Think of the code as a family tree - main line - main line.
  • Version: What version the file is included in.
  • Manager: latest revision in repo.
  • Check: Download the file from the repo.
  • Check-in: Uploading a file to the repository.
  • It's useful to see what has changed between versions.
  • Merge: Apply changes from one file to another to update it.
  • For example, you can merge objects from one branch to another.
  • Conflict: When pending changes to a file conflict with each other.
  • Solution.
And a typical scenario looks like this.

Git is a distributed version control system (VCS). It is universal, free and handy tool For teamwork programmers on projects of any level. Git allows multiple developers to work on their subtasks simultaneously by creating equal branches. Moreover, each save (commit) in Git does not overwrite the previous one, and at any time you can return to the original version of the code.

Alice adds the file to the repository. She checks it, makes changes and verifies it with a verification message. This tutorial is purposefully high-level: most tutorials throw a bunch of text commands at you. Let's look at the high-level concepts without getting bogged down in syntax. Sometimes it's nice to see what's possible.

The simplest scenario is to check a file and change it over time. Every time we check new version, we are getting a new version. In fact, you can't keep checking the file. You may need to review, edit and register.

This is why millions of programmers use Git in their work every day. Git makes life easier for developers mobile applications, computer games, open source software, web programmers. Git has conquered the IT world with its reliability, high performance, ease of working with branches and independence from the server.

The course will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced developers who want to close gaps in their Git skills. It is of an applied nature and is aimed at solving specific problems and issues that developers face

If you don't like your changes and want to start over, you can go back to the previous version and start over. When checking you receive latest version default. If you want, you can specify a specific revision. The line has a history of changes as the file evolves.

This saves disk space: 4 revisions of a file does not mean that we have 4 copies; we have 1 copy and 4 small differences. Branches allow us to copy the code into a separate folder so we can monkey with it separately. For example, we can create a thread for new experimental ideas for our list: crazy things like Rice or Eggo waffles. Depending on the version control system, creating a branch may change the revision number.

You'll learn about version control systems and how Git tracks code changes. Learn to install and configure the system. You can create branches, merge them, and resolve conflicts in the code. You will practice distributed work and master the Git tools.

Take this unique course - and any of your team IT development projects will be effective!

Since we're on a separate branch, we can make changes and test in isolation, knowing that our changes won't hurt anyone. And the history of our branch is under version control. So branching isn't too hard conceptually: Pretend you copied your code to another directory. You've probably forked your code into school projects, making sure you have a "failsafe" version that you can fall back to if something blows up.

Branching sounds simple, right? Well, that's not true: figuring out how to merge changes from one branch to another can be tricky. Let's say we want to push the Rice feature from our experimental branch into the trunk. We want to apply the changes that happened in the branch! This is a subtle point - imagine "peeling" changes from an experimental branch and adding it to the main one. Inside the main trunk, run the command. On this moment it's a race: if Joe checks first, then it's a change that goes through.

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