What is the latest version of registry cleaner. Detailed instructions for cleaning the registry. What is a registry

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Fresh test of registry cleaners operating system Windows

- What is the best program for cleaning the registry from garbage?

- format c:

(from a computer forum)


Every time we install a program and then uninstall it after some time, traces of this program still remain. This results in a steady increase in the operating room registry. Windows systems, i.e. the registry becomes clogged with garbage (invalid keys, invalid links, broken shortcuts). Such garbage can lead to various program conflicts and errors when installing new programs and drivers. It is possible to manually clean the registry thanks to the regular RegEdit editor, but not every user can handle such cleaning. Therefore, no one is surprised that registry cleaning programs have become widespread, and free registry cleaning programs have occupied a special place among them.

There are a great many such programs, which only makes us happy. But which one should you choose? Unfortunately for us, a search on the Russian-language Internet yielded almost nothing; we came across registry cleaner tests with very old data. It turned out to be relatively recent only in the magazine "Hard" n "Soft" in which 6 free registry cleaners were tested. Let us then hasten to make up for what we missed and don’t be too angry, because... The test involves both paid and free programs, both individual solutions and as part of customizer programs (tweakers). These ten programs were selected by a preliminary test of the 30 most popular applicants.

The best registry cleaner

Let’s first draw for ourselves which program we would like to see the best. What should such a program be able to do? Well, of course, find work quickly and effectively find various garbage, but an important criterion will still be the efficiency of finding garbage, speed is secondary. By efficiency we need to understand the number of errors found per session or, in other words, the depth of the search. Next, the ability to create a backup copy of the registry before each cleaning is an important mechanism! If problems arise during the operation of the operating system after running the cleaner, you can perform a rollback. Almost all cleaning programs have this function. But we’ll still wrap it up so we don’t end up in a puddle. Also welcome is the option of optimizing the cleaned registry, or in other words, compression and defragmentation without using third party utilities. Let us remind you that entries are not deleted from the registry, but simply updated, and this leads to fragmentation. And in order to organize the registry, you need to defragment it. And yet, any good registry cleaner needs to have several levels of cleaning, from the easiest - guaranteeing the safety of cleaning to a thorough one, depending on the goals that the user sets for himself. All other options, such as, for example: advanced “manual” editors, come as a nice addition, and this is the boundary that separates tweeters from free solutions, and this is what the creators ask for money for.

Participants and tests

Let's take a look at the 10 participants. All programs were downloaded from official websites (you can download some programs on our website in the free cleaners section) and have the latest versions at the time of preparing the article for publication.

ACleaner 3.5

Developer - Cleanersoft Software; www.cleanersoft.com; distribution size - 1.15 MB; supports Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7; there is no Russification; freeware.

Developer - Piriform Ltd. (Great Britain); www.piriform.com; distribution size - 2.9 MB; supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; There is Russification; freeware.

Developer - Eusing Software; www.eusing.com; distribution size - 0.94 MB; supports Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7; There is Russification; freeware.

Reg Organizer 5.12

Developer - ChemTable Software (RF); www.chemtable.com/ru; distribution size - 2.66 MB; supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; There is Russification; shareware (30-day demo version), price - $39.95 (for Russian users - 400 rubles).

Registry Cleaner

Developer - Auslogics Software Pty Ltd.; www.auslogics.com/ru; distribution size - 4.52 MB; supports Windows 2003/XP/2008/Vista/7; There is Russification; freeware.

Registry Life 1.26

Developer - ChemTable Software (RF); www.chemtable.com/ru; distribution size - 7.33 MB; supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; There is Russification; freeware.

TweakNow RegCleaner 2011 v. 6.0.3

Developer - TweakNow; www.tweaknow.com; distribution size - 5.15 MB; supports Windows XP/Vista/7; there is no Russification; freeware.

Developer - VitSoft, Vitaliy Mikhalko (Ukraine); www.vitsoft.org.ua; distribution size - 2.28 MB; supports Windows XP/Vista/7; There is Russification; freeware.

Developer - ZhiQing Soft, Inc. (China); www.wisecleaner.com; distribution size - 4.35 MB; supports Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/2003/XP/2008/Vista/7; There is Russification; freeware.

jv16 PowerTools 2011 v.

Developer - Macecraft Software (Finland); www.macecraft.com; distribution size - 9.3 MB; supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; There is Russification; shareware (60-day demo), price: $29.95.

The tests were carried out in 3 stages.

Stage 1: check for errors in the registry of test computer No. 1 (Computer parameters: AMD Athlon 4400+ / RAM 2 GB / WinXP Professional SP2). We installed all registry cleaners on one logical drive. Scanning was done for the largest number of sections provided for by the settings of the test participants, the number of problems found and the time spent on scanning were recorded. After preloading the operating system, the procedure was repeated, the average data was taken and entered into table No. 1.

At the 2nd stage, we check the functionality of each utility, i.e. the presence of basic useful ones (restoring and copying the registry, manual editing, optimization) and additional ones of at least useful functions(autostart manager, system cleaning, program uninstaller, etc.), 11 points in total. The data is included in table No. 2.

Summing up the results of the first two tests, the best 5 were selected, which were retested, with a reboot, checking the registry keys of computer No. 2: Intel P4 1.6 GHz / RAM 384 MB / WinXP Professional SP3. The data obtained were averaged and entered into table No. 3.

Based on the results of all tests in Table No. 4, final scores were assigned to each of the 10 registry cleaners in the following categories: “Ease of use,” “Functionality,” and, finally, “Overall rating.”

Let's take a closer look at the results of the first stage of testing (Table 1).

Table 1 (test computer No. 1)
Scan time, sec Number of problems detected
ACleaner 3.5 32 348
CCleaner 3.04.1389 3 64
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 2.6.6 125 349
Reg Organizer 5.12 45 448
Registry Cleaner 20 428
Registry Life 1.26 9 126
TweakNow RegCleaner 2011 50 301
Vit Registry Fix Free 9.5.31 121 670
27 311
jv16 PowerTools 2011 22 920

By a large margin, jv16 PowerTools 2011 took the palm; it turned out to be the most effective in detecting garbage in the registry, and the fastest among the participants' programs. But the Registry Life program, like CCleaner, the most popular computer cleaner among users (on this moment- more than 700 million downloads from the official page), showed the worst search results, we can say this test was failed by them. "Mr. Slowness" was Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 2.6.6, showing average scan results.

Let's look at Table 2.

Table 2 (functionality)
ner 3.5
CCleaner 3.04.1389
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 2.6.6
Reg Orga-
nizer 5.12
Registry Cleaner
try Life 1.26
Now Reg-
Cleaner 2011
Vit Regis-
try Fix Free 9.5.31
Wise Registry Cleaner Free 5.91
jv16 Power-
Tools 2011
registry backup and restore + + + + + + + + + +
number of levels of automatic registry cleaning 1 1 1 1 1 1 multi-level 2 multi-level multi-level
manually editing the registry - - - + - - - - - +
registry optimization (compression, defragmentation) - - - + - + + + + +
search and replace in the registry - - - + - - - - - +
system cleaning + + - + - - + + - +
overwriting (overwriting) - + - - - - - - - +
startup manager + + + + - - + + - +
application uninstaller - + - + - - + + - +
working with files (search, move, delete) - - - - - - - - - +
system optimization (performance, interface) - - - + - - + - - +

There are only three programs that can be called full-fledged tweakers (see the last column “System optimization”), and only one of them is free, TweakNow RegCleaner 2011. With a slight stretch, Vit Registry Fix Free can also be considered a tweaker, which, as an additional bonus, does not one, but two levels of registry auto-cleaning. Here jv16 PowerTools again showed itself as the most functional participant. And the selection of candidates for the last test round was made according to the column “Registry optimization” in accordance with our model and the belief that a good registry cleaner should not only clean out garbage, but also leave behind the registry in perfect order. In other words, be able to compress and defragment.

And in conclusion, we removed from the list of candidates the already mentioned Registry Life, which failed the first test, and the paid tweaker Reg Organizer, which lost the palm to the also paid jv16 PowerTools in all respects, and the free Vit Registry Fix in terms of scanning depth. Abandoned place in 5 was given to ACleaner 3.5 - the fastest and most functional of the "cleaners" that do not know how to optimize the system registry. The selected programs were tested on the office grandfather P4 1.6 GHz / 384 MB RAM, and the average results can be seen in table No. 3.

And finally, table No. 4, where on a three-point scale ("3" - satisfactory, "4" - good, "5" - excellent) all our candidates were rated in the categories "Ease of use" and "Functionality".

Table 4 (final)
Ease of use Functionality Overall rating
ACleaner 3.5 4 3 3,5
CCleaner 3.04.1389 5 4 3,5
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 2.6.6 4 3 3
Reg Organizer 5.12 4 5 4,5
Registry Cleaner 4 3 3,5
Registry Life 1.26 4 4 3
TweakNow RegCleaner 2011 4 5 4
Vit Registry Fix Free 9.5.31 4 5 4,5
Wise Registry Cleaner Free 5.91 5 4 4
jv16 PowerTools- 2011 5 5 5

Let us note that the assessments in the first nomination carry a touch of subjectivity; when filling out the final results (the “General assessments” column), we relied mainly on the data from tables No. 1 and No. 3. In other words, the priorities were set as follows: “Number of problems detected” - then “Scanning time” - “Functionality” - “Ease of use”.

What about the "seven"?

Before summing up and brief description finalists, we will make a note regarding the new operating system Windows 7. Of course, although Windows XP is still the most popular operating system today Windows family, and our tested programs worked under its control, we would not like to leave this issue unattended. We direct everyone who is interested to last year’s big testing of the Finnish company Macecraft Software (these are the creators of the jv16 PowerTools tweaker): www.macecraft.com/registry_cleaner_comparison2010/. Tests were done on a personal computer configuration Intel Core i7-940 2.93 GHz / RAM 12 GB / Windows 7 x64; by a large margin, as in our test, the brainchild of the developers won. In the final testing table you can see 3 of our other participants with predictable results (after jv16 PowerTools comes Reg Organizer, then, equally, Registry Cleaner and ACleaner). There is a pattern, which means that our attempts were not a waste of time and energy.


So, to summarize, the victory went to the jv16 PowerTools 2011 program, which, in addition, has a large set of options for optimizing the operating system (it’s easier to say what this tweaker can’t do) and, from practice, the highest reliability. Without reservation, we recommend it to users, incl. system administrators. The only negative is that the program is paid, but no one will forbid you to find out its qualities after 60 days of working with the free and uncut demo version. The money spent jv16 PowerTools works 100%.

Further, among the free registry cleaners with the best algorithm for detecting registry garbage, Vit Registry Fix Free and TweakNow RegCleaner should be considered, the latter is memorable for its design (one of the downsides is that there is no official Russification, but will that stop us?). The paid tweaker Reg Organizer 5.12 has its own editor, which is more convenient than the standard one, and will be of interest to more professionals who prefer to work with the computer registry manually.

Having the title "Editor's Choice" of the magazine "Hard" n "Soft", the registry cleaner Wise Registry Cleaner liked its simple and intuitive interface, good speed of detecting "broken" registry keys, and most importantly it is free, Russified and designed for a wider audience than, for example , Reg Organizer. We also recommend it for use.

Regarding the outsiders - Eusing Free Registry Cleaner and Registry Life - the results speak for themselves, and this is the case when freeness bears the stamp of inferiority. But that's life.

And in conclusion, I would like to note: no matter what utility you prefer, “do no harm!” - this is the basic principle when working with the Windows system registry. Don't be lazy to do backups registry and system restore points (in Win2000 - through the ntbackup.exe utility) before starting to clean the registry (so that, in case of surprises, you can always return the operating system to a working state), and your efforts will pay off handsomely.

The registry is the heart of the Windows operating system, and the state in which it is in determines how quickly and stably the operating system will work. Accordingly, in order for the register to always be “clean and tidy”, it must be monitored. To do this, you can use both tools built into the operating system and programs from third-party developers that provide much broader capabilities. Let's consider them.

Reg Organizer is great program to clean the registry in Windows 10, as well as in more earlier versions of this operating system Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it contains the necessary set of functions and tools, thanks to which you can not only put things in order in the registry entries, but also optimize it for more fast work. There are also additional functions that will help you get rid of excess garbage in the system and fine-tune it.

Registry Life

Registry Life is free utility from the developers of Reg Organizer. Unlike the one described above, it has only basic functions that will help put the registry files in order. However, due to the lack of a deep scanning function, Registry Life can only perform superficial analysis and error correction. And yet, despite its very limited functionality, the utility is quite enough to fix most registry errors.

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Auslogics Registry Cleaner is good program to clean the registry in Windows 7 and newer OS versions. It implements all the necessary functions both for a superficial scan of the registry and for its deeper analysis. The last function is perfect for fixing an already “running” registry. Auslogics Registry Cleaner can find almost all errors and fix them in just a few clicks. Convenient work with the program is ensured by a simple Wizard that will help you find and correct errors not only for novice users, but also for more experienced ones.

Glary Utilities

Glary Utilities is a package of utilities that is designed to maintain the health of the system as a whole. Among those available there is also the necessary tool for working with the system registry. Just like in other similar programs for correcting errors in the operation of this OS component, there are several modes for searching for them. For regular analysis, a quick search is suitable, which allows you to look for errors in the main sections. If you need to conduct a more thorough search for errors, you can and should use in-depth analysis.

Vit Registry Fix

Vit Registry Fix is ​​a good registry cleaning program. In addition to a convenient interface, it also has a special scanning algorithm. Thanks to it, Vit Registry Fix is ​​able to find almost all errors and fix them, which the programs discussed above do not always do. However, special care should be taken here, since inept actions can either fix the registry or damage it. That's why this program More suitable for experienced users. In addition to finding and eliminating errors, you can also make backup copies of registry files here, which will allow you to return the system to its previous state in case of unsuccessful cleaning.

TweakNow RegCleaner

TweakNow RegCleaner is another program for fixing registry errors. Using it, you can find all erroneous registry entries, as well as make a copy of the files. The program has a simple and user-friendly interface, so even novice users can work with it. TweakNow RegCleaner is also suitable for removing various garbage from the system - for this there are additional OS optimization tools.

Wise Registry Cleaner

Wise Registry Cleaner is a utility that is included in the Wise Care 365 package. Its purpose is to find and fix errors in the registry. It has a simpler interface and contains only those functions that are necessary to work with the system registry. Wise Registry Cleaner does its job as well as popular programs Vit Registry Fix and Reg Organizer.

The operating system registry is a huge database that is formed according to a certain hierarchy. It contains mainly OS settings. It also contains device driver settings, profile settings for any account and user on this computer, presets. After deleting or moving applications, games, or changing settings, unnecessary data remains in the registry, which slows down the entire operation of the computer. It needs to be cleaned periodically to improve Windows performance. Let's look at a few best utilities who are capable of doing this.

No. 1. Auslogics Registry Cleaner

The first place in this top is occupied by a free utility from Auslogics – Registry Cleaner. It is a simple but powerful tool for keeping your system registry clean for a long time. Allows you to clear unused and faulty entries in any OS version and architecture. Its main advantage is fast and safe work, as well as a simple and intuitive user interface. A quick search by error category is built-in, there is a filter to indicate the extension of problematic files, search in startup, the Internet, DLL and others.

Video review

After scanning, the program algorithm independently determines which files can be easily and without consequences deleted and which ones can be corrected. Before scanning, you can create a restore point using a special wizard that will do this in a few simple steps. If your computer suddenly starts to malfunction, you can restore its settings before applying the cleaning. There is also another, improved search that provides deeper results. Another advantage of this software is its modest requirements for the computer system on which it is installed.

No. 2. Wise Registry Cleaner

The Registry Cleaner utility is a safe software, which cleans the Windows system registry. Searches for unused, obsolete or damaged files, provides detailed information about them, and also gives the user tools to solve these problems. When working with this program, cases of deletion or erasing of important system data are excluded. The user has the right to cancel certain data found for deletion.

Video review

The program can also work in automatic mode. To do this, it needs to be configured. With each automatic (can also be configured for manual mode) scanning, a copy of the data is created before the utility runs, so that in the future you can return the data to its original position. Any deleted information can be recovered from the REG file. After using the utility on their computer, users will be able to experience changes for the better.

No. 3. Reg Organizer

Reg Organizer cleans the Windows registry from a set of utilities intended for other purposes. For example, by installing it, you can not only clean, but also remove applications, as well as delete other files and configure autorun. Has a tool for identifying key snapshots. The startup manager has full set standard features: disable programs, delay the launch of programs with lower priority, and more. The utility also has an automatic search function, a reg data editor, and can replace registry data.

Video review

Among other features, there is also a simple registry defragmenter that optimizes registry files on your hard drive for faster operation and better access to files.

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The Windows operating system registry is a large database where all information about the PC configuration, OS settings, information about installed programs and their ways. Over time, this database becomes filled with outdated and incorrect records (keys), which arise due to the crooked hands of the program creators and the operating system itself. For example, you decide to delete a game that is already boring. We launched the uninstaller, waited for the process to finish, and that seemed to be it, but there could still be entries about this game in the registry, which are now lying there like dead weight. And the longer you use your computer, the more garbage accumulates in the registry. This slows down the overall performance of the computer. and slows down the launch of programs, so it is necessary to periodically clean the registry.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning the Windows registry

Theoretically, you can clean the registry manually, but firstly, it is very time-consuming, and secondly, it is unsafe, especially for non-computer professionals. Therefore, CCleaner will come to our aid - a free, powerful and absolutely safe system cleaning tool. CCleaner will help you find all the garbage from third party applications, and destroy it in just a couple of minutes.

After you have installed ccleaner, launch the application, go to the "section" in the left menu Registry", and select the function " Troubleshooting«:

CCleaner will begin checking your operating system's registry for errors. This process takes from one to three minutes (depending on the size of the database itself). When the process is complete, press "To correct…" in the lower right corner of the program.

Here ccleaner will prompt you to create a backup current state registry Be sure to agree - if something goes wrong, you can simply restore the saved copy.

After you save the backup, a window will appear describing the problems found. Here you can either fix each error individually (recommended for advanced users only) or click« Correct marked« , and ccleaner will automatically fix all the errors and problems found.

At the end of the process, you will see a window like this, informing you that the registry cleaning is complete. For your own interest, you can click on the links and see what specific problems were solved.

That's all, ccleaner has finished cleaning the registry and now your computer will run a little faster. Repeat this procedure once a month to continue to maintain windows registry clean and tidy.

The registry is a part of the operating system (OS) that significantly affects the speed of operation. personal computer(PC). The OS and the software loaded into it access the registry almost every second, which is why monitoring its frequency is so important.

While using the PC, it becomes clogged because applications that the user deletes leave behind garbage and a lot of unnecessary entries.

Cleaning software will help you cope with the abundance of junk files. Let's get acquainted with the most interesting of them.

  • component " Home page protection» – protects against changes home page in the browser;
  • « Program deactivator» — keeps track of application activity and disables resource-intensive applications with one click;
  • tool " Driver Update» - allows you to detect outdated drivers devices and update them automatically in a timely manner.

In fact, full list very extensive:

The main disadvantage is the unbearably large amount of advertising, both in the free and paid versions.

An interesting utility that is discussed with great enthusiasm on the forums. Among the useful features there is a task scheduler, system monitor, search for duplicate files, etc.

After installation on your computer demo version provided for a period of 5 days.

Like this interface looks like— the main window offers functions for completely clearing garbage, fixing errors, and managing application startup.

To start working with the Computer Accelerator, click on the “ button Scan computer" Once completed, the location that can be displayed will be displayed, as well as the quantity unnecessary files. Click on " To correct" for elimination.

The only disadvantage of this utility is that free version Only cleaning of unnecessary files is available.

At the moment licensed version The program costs about 1000 rubles.

– a collection of applications to speed up the registry, hard drive and other PC components. The utility is Russian-language, distributed free of charge, but there is also a paid version.


  • memory clearing and improved performance in games and software;
  • function " One Click Tune-up» for high-speed optimization of computer operation;
  • fast scanning;
  • The set contains a utility for generating strong passwords.

One of the components of Wise Care, which is distributed separately. It has extensive functionality, which includes:

  • precise cleaning information in the register;
  • Creation backup copies for all entries;
  • instantaneous rollback operations when errors appear after optimization;
  • defragmentation and restructuring register in order to reduce its size;
  • skin support, replacing the standard interface.

The interface contains many tools.

Searches for errors, incorrect records and associations.

Benefits of a registry cleaner:

  • simple and concise interface;
  • task Manager for automatic cleaning;
  • rollback changes, thanks to the creation of a backup copy of the cleaned registry entries.

There are practically no shortcomings, only minor flaws.

Vit Registry Fix is ​​a powerful utility for quickly and efficiently working with the system registry.

The utility package, along with Vit Registry Fix, also includes:


  1. Technology Full Uninstall™, thanks to which you can completely remove the selected program.
  2. Full customization, thanks to the presence of fine settings.
  3. Function search and replace– makes it possible to find the key that relates to the requested application and delete it manually.
  4. Editor registry entries.
  5. Preliminary viewing reg files before importing its contents.
  6. Tracking registry keys to detect changes.

The interface, although overloaded with tools, is quite clear.

One of the simplest and easiest “cleaners” for your computer. A simple interface, no unnecessary decorations, everything is for the convenience of the user.

The interface is not complicated, but it will be necessary to get used to the abundance of tools. A registry cleaning application is available for Windows 7/8/10 and other systems; CCleaner is distributed free of charge.

Among the possibilities:

  • cleaning a variety of temporary files, browser cache and browsing history;
  • manager autostart;
  • cleaner with the ability to create backup copy.

The program deletes the remaining registry entries after uninstalling the antivirus. This is the only function. This is what working with this utility looks like:

The program is a set of tools that allows you to:

  • Delete rarely used, as well as temporary files and shortcuts;
  • Clear memory dumps, logs and error reports;
  • Clear cookies and browser history;
  • Upgrade and clean up registry, remove incorrect DLLs, incorrect extensions, ActiveX errors, etc.;
  • Create restore points system and perform restoration.

The appearance is nothing unusual.

For PC it has the following features:

Fully free program for non-commercial use. contains all the necessary tools:

One of the fastest of all existing “cleaners”. Whether this is true or not can only be understood after using the program for a long time.

The functionality is very extensive, it is a kind of “combine” that can be used in different ways. The program has the ability to:

The most lightweight registry cleaning tool. is a separate component from the Glary Utilities tool distribution. The graphical shell, as well as functionality, is reminiscent of CCleaner, but differs in the location of the buttons.

The program has a step-by-step interface, accompanied by tips. Progress can be tracked on the left side. From the beginning of use will be offered optimal settings for analysis, which will simplify working with the program for novice users. You can download the registry cleaning program for free from the official website.

  • best configuration"from the box";
  • accessible visual interpretation " step-by-step»;
  • program free.

The utility allows you to eliminate program malfunctions by optimizing application launch. allows you to safely clean and repair the registry, as well as perform defragmentation. Speeds up PC without the need for additional actions. Creates backup copies and allows you to restore any changes.

The utility solves any problems with the registry, which will improve system performance.

The interface is as simple as possible, which not everyone will like. After scanning is completed provides a report about every existing problem. The result can be saved in text file and create a restore point before cleaning.

The list of program features is small - only cleaning and optimization with the ability to roll back changes.

A utility from the Wise package, created to work with disk performance. Performs a thorough scan file system, checks for errors, garbage and cleans them. The main advantage is the accessible interface.


What to choose for work

Each of the presented utilities is good for work, but the user must decide for himself what functions he needs.

  1. CCleaner– simple, but with good functionality.
  2. AuslogicsRegistryCleaner– an ideal, minimalist option for working with the registry.
  3. WiseCare 365– it’s better to use the full software package from Wise, it can become an indispensable assistant in any situation.
  4. AdvancedSystemCareFree– a large number of useful tools, but, unfortunately, some of them are only available in the paid version.

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