Tweakers for Windows: an overview of the five programs for system customization. Best Cydia SafeHouse Pro iOS Tweaks - Disable Password Entry While in Home Wi-Fi Range

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Allows you to add contact images to your message list, quickly reply to SMS without going to main screen and opening the Messages app, create new messages from the Notification Center, and more. This The best way write text messages on iPhone, according to many.

As with the text messaging app, "Telephone", developed by Apple to make calls, there are not enough stars from the sky. And what it did for the SMS exchange service does for calls from your iPhone. The first thing I want to notice is that it is available anywhere, from any application. This means there is no longer a need to go to the home screen and then to the first desktop to make a call.

Another one interesting thing In this, incoming calls will no longer interrupt your work with the phone. Reject a call without losing work on the current task, about this possibility iPhone owners with official firmware can only dream of.

Password for iPhone- not the most convenient solution, but considering how much personal data we store on our devices, it is sometimes really necessary. is a tweak that makes password settings more tolerant and really smart. For example, while you are within the reach of your home wifi connection, the iPhone will be unlocked and will not ask for a passcode. As soon as you disconnect from the network, that is, leave the house, the passcode check will turn on again.

makes the security settings on your iPhone smarter, and therefore the use of your smartphone will be one level higher.


iFile is present in every list of popular tweaks from Cydia ever compiled, and, absolutely not in vain. iFile makes the iPhone much more like a normal one desktop computer. For example, after installation, you will have access to the functions of installing files, unpacking archives, sharing files via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, copying and pasting files, creating files, viewing file properties and much more.

iFile must be present on any “hacked” Apple phone, otherwise it can be stated with full confidence that the owner does not use the smartphone to its full potential.

Price: $4.00

I have been thinking about being included in this list for a very long time. Yes, this is one of the most impressive tweaks available for iPhone, but does it improve the device experience? In addition, recently it no longer supports and the choice was really difficult.

In the end, won through the built-in Twitter, Email and RSS. They're not perfect, but they're the best data access option. online services from the Notification Center or lock screen. Easy and pleasant to use, quick access to favorites and trends modern life, necessary services a very good opportunity.

Price: $9.99
The tweak is available on Cydia

Many may now wonder: why did I choose instead of . It all comes down to this: beauty and ease of use. does not try to cover everything at once, but only gives the user the ability to turn off and on the most important functions of your iPhone.

Although the settings have a lot of settings. Even rare-to-use things like enabling and disabling the hotspot and Protected View in Safari are provided. Your iPhone is not perfect until you have .

Price: free

I wanted to include in this list, but due to inoperability on iOS 6, we will bypass the professional version of this tweak. well, it works great.

encrypts and stores your password App Store, so that you no longer have to enter it again and again when making any purchases from the store Apple apps. Obviously, this is not for those of you who let your kids play with their iPhone. The tweak is well suited for those who save time and do not want to waste it on constantly entering a password.

Price: Free
The tweak is available in Cydia: link

Is a direct partner and colleague iFile. As the name says, it will allow you to download absolutely any files from Safari browser and then manage them from iFile.

Needless to say anything else about this program. Those who have long wanted to have such an opportunity have most likely already run the link below to download and get started as soon as possible with .

This is Philippe Bigarell's third project on our list, and it is he who is the most popular. allows you to customize the look of your iPhone.

You can change and reconfigure really every element of the screen iPhone, but, personally, I use only a few visual features. It doesn’t matter how much you change your desktop, the main thing is that it be customized to your taste and the tweak that will help you the best in setting it up is exactly that.

If there is a tweak in this list that brings iPhone as close to perfection as possible, then this is it. Go, hurry, no, run (!) to Cydia and download right now. improves the ability to edit text entries when using the keyboard in iPhone. It's unbelievable why Apple hasn't applied this idea to its official firmware. Let me remind you that there is more than one tweak from Cydia migrated to fresh versions iOS and has become a familiar feature for many.

Editing text on iPhone goes to a new level with the installation of Select text using the capabilities of this program is now incredibly simple and after a few trial finger movements, you will not even remember how you used to do without this miracle.

Price: Free
The tweak is available in Cydia: link

Many are now perplexed, because I included in the list, why show a similar program? But, I believe that it is impossible to get around for two reasons. First: work iPhone after change appearance desktop using does not slow down for a second.

And the second: allows the user to change every little thing, almost every pixel in the appearance iphone, while changing the design extremely quickly and without problems.

Price: free
The program is available in Cydia: link

Many users resort to jailbreak after seeing use or on iPhone. But there is also a huge army of fans, a tweak that allows you to control your iPhone with gestures.

It may not sound very pompous, but once you start using it, you will understand what to control iPhone using more conveniently than using physical home buttons.

In custody

Many of the tweaks in this list are paid, but you, as a user, should understand what you are paying for. If the program worth the money, really in your opinion will help you to use iPhone with improved performance, then why not pay.

It's no secret that many audio enthusiasts are tweaking industrial audio equipment. Let's talk about what it is and whether it makes sense.

In general, the so-called “redesign” or “tweaking”, as well as its older brother “upgrade”, in most cases are:

  1. method of self-education in the field of radio electronics
  2. entertainment
  3. means of extra income
  4. a way to spend some excess free money
  5. a stimulant of a sense of one's own exclusivity and a means of gaining so-called "authority"
  6. a means of communication, searching for kindred spirits, like-minded people, etc.

Unfortunately, all this does not have absolutely no relation to a real improvement in the quality of sound reproduction, because in order to “tweak” the device with positive effect, the tweaker needs to be by an order of magnitude“more professional” than the developer of this device.

Ask any tweaker what exactly he wants to do how exactly And why exactly he wants to do it, and, most importantly, For what does he want to do it?

In response, they will release a brilliant cloud of audiophile smoke, sing a song about a blue wagon, dance a jig, talk about the ways of Audio in today's decaying consumer society, question your hearing and thinking abilities, list everything that you have never heard in your life, not seen, not sniffed, not felt, and much, much more. A thoughtful, whole and honest explanation of your actions in the vast majority of cases don't hear.

What guides a person when all of a sudden thinking about a tweak?

Usually a person is just looking for new sensations. But will he eventually buy Don Condom's "wisdom" collected from the world and already dozens of times successfully resold, or a bunch of UPS's, or Alexei Nikitin's amplifier, or a "harmonizer" in a can of green peas, or a special wire geometries in the "socks" of Yuri Pronin, or a new belt / chain / horse-drawn transport - it does not matter. If you really want to, but you don’t know what exactly, then you can.

What can be lost Not tweaking industrial manufacturing techniques?

Mostly, the opportunity to spoil it is lost. Where amateur sees only unjustified savings, degradation and mistakes, sophisticated, carefully thought-out technical solutions aimed, among other things, even at saving, but in such a way that the value of the result obtained in this case, which is necessary in this particular context, does not decrease at all. Making audible yet useful changes to an industrial design is harder than it looks..

And again the same question arises: For what Do you need to tweak something? Do you clearly understand What exactly Are you not happy now? Are you sure that This can be improved in principle, and do you “see” the improvement mechanism in all the details? How much are you willing to take on faith? It is worthwhile to calmly ask yourself all these questions and calmly answer them. If you want to make some “tweak” just out of curiosity, or for fun, or out of a great desire to feel like the owner of a unique or “modified” device, then personally I don’t consider this a manifestation of “madness” and I don’t see any problems here at all . Just as I do not see anything reprehensible in the entire list of motives set out at the beginning of this note.

Until they are passed off as something more than they really are.

© Originally written by The Cactus

It is not a person who should depend on the inferiority of machines and the limited capabilities of operating systems, but the latter should unconditionally fulfill the tasks set by the user and serve him in the process of his evolution. Alas, in practice this is not always the case. The Windows operating system is a vivid example of how new versions of it can not only not take part in the evolution of the human mind, but even provoke the appearance of new swear words in the vocabulary of people.

What are tweeters

Tweakersthird party programs for fine tuning operating system and her individual programs or components - this is not a new phenomenon in the software market. Despite the fact that tweakers appeared even before the release of Windows XP, their popularity fell right at the heyday of this version of the system from Microsoft. WITH advent of Windows Vista and 7 tweakers did not become less popular, on the contrary, PCs became more and more accessible to the masses, and there were more and more fans of experimenting with interfering with the system. Tweakers provide an advantageous opportunity to interfere with the operating system settings for any user who is more or less familiar with the arrangement of Windows. With their help, hidden and hard-to-reach ordinary user Windows settings, which are often solved only by manually editing the system registry, which only professionals can do, are presented at a glance - in a simple and understandable program interface, with a description of each individual option, why it is needed and what it will lead to. Using the convenient functionality of tweaker programs, any user can customize Windows to suit their needs and preferences - from the appearance of the system to the operation of hardware components.

Below we will consider several tweaker programs for Windows.

Tweakers for Windows: an overview of the five programs for system customization

Ultimate Windows Tweaker

Let's start with the popular and functional Ultimate Windows Tweaker tweaker program.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker - can rightly be called the standard of simplicity and orderliness of the interface. On the right, tabs with categories of settings are placed vertically, the left most part of the program window is completely reserved for options, additionally divided into horizontal tabs.

The program interferes not only with the work of the desktop part of the system, Windows 8.1 users with its help will be able to apply some options for the Metro (Modern UI) system interface.

In addition to the standard features of tweaker programs for customizing the taskbar and Windows Explorer, Ultimate Windows Tweaker is able to interfere with the system settings and hardware capabilities of the computer in order to improve performance.

Do kids go to the Windows store without asking and buy various flickering game applications or just litter the computer with free and far from perfect Metro junk? We turn off the Windows store and turn it on as needed in the "Security" section of the program. Here, at the same time, we can turn off access to the Internet if there are suspicions that the kids are secretly visiting adult sites.

Subtleties of use accounts can be configured, respectively, in the "Accounts" section of the program.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker is a good option for beginners taking their first steps in customizing the operating system. Windows systems. The program is free, in addition to a clear interface and a clear description of each customizable option, it is possible to reset the settings. Plus, Ultimate Windows Tweaker is available in a portable version with a Russified interface.

7+ Taskbar Tweaker

7+ Taskbar Tweaker is a free minimalist program with narrow functionality for tweaking only the panel Windows tasks. However, this did not stop the program from becoming very popular during the heyday of Windows 7. Don't let the name fool you. Windows users 8/8.1, the 7+ Taskbar Tweaker program can be safely used for the desktop part of the system and with its help customize the taskbar for maximum efficiency when working with a computer.

SSD Mini Tweaker

SSD Mini Tweaker is another minimalistic, portable program distributed free of charge for owners of computers with SSD drives. SSD Mini Tweaker allows you to configure Windows to use an SSD to improve performance.

AnVir Task Manager

AnVir Task Manager - in a friendly Russified interface of this portable program rather serious functions are presented with the help of which the user can control the operation of processes and applications on the computer. AnVir Task Manager is a vinaigrette of various functions, which are rarely seen in programs with similar functionality.

AnVir Task Manager has an advanced task manager (a fairly good alternative to the regular one), and in addition to it, several more improved replacements for the regular system features - autoload management, services, drivers, Windows Task Scheduler.

Moreover, AnVir Task Manager can even detect malicious codes in computer files.

After launch, the program "settles" in the system tray, where you can hover your mouse and see the load on the processor, and on each core separately.

In the settings of the program icon in the system tray, you can change the display of processor operation data, for example, to disk performance indicators, random access memory or battery charge for laptops.

Tweaks for customizing the system interface are available in the program settings.

Windows Tuning 8

WinTuning 8 is a paid comprehensive solution for system administrators, where some regular Windows features and "gentleman's set", which can be found in cleaners and system optimizers.

The program adjusts the computer boot, cleans HDD, displays system diagnostic data.

And if it weren’t for the tweaks in the program, it would hardly make sense to pay for the duplication of the functions of Windows itself and the standard functionality that is available completely free of charge in many system cleaners and optimizers. WinTuning 8 allows you to apply tweaks to the computer shutdown process, hardware, Internet connection acceleration, taskbar functions, desktop, context menu, Explorer, Windows 8/8.1 Metro start screen, window display options, and other aspects of the system.

You can download a trial version of WinTuning 8 with a limited period of use on the developer's website

Instead of summarizing

Exploring the possibilities of various tweaker programs is an exciting idea to entertain yourself in your free time, improve your level in using a PC, and perhaps even find a solution to a long-standing problem that prevents you from comfortable using Windows. Nevertheless, do not forget that tweakers are programs that are introduced into the system configuration, and the consequences of experiments can be different - both successful and, alas, not. Therefore, it is better to experiment with tweakers in a safe environment - for example, on Windows. Another way to avoid trouble is before applying system tweaks, so that you can fall back to it if tweaking experiments fail.

Hackers doing untethered jailbreaks and money from hacked devices have practically “buried” this topic.

Many would-be hackers have chosen not to use the Pangu utility. Very in vain, because even today there are several worthwhile tweaks, for the sake of which it is worth doing a jailbreak.

Here are eight of my arguments for ios hack 9.3.3:

1. Activator - perform any action with a convenient gesture

The most famous tweak that has been installed on millions of hacked iPhones and iPads for years. In most cases, an extension is loaded as a dependency for other add-ons. Only a small part of users get the most out of the tweak.

As soon as I have a jailbroken iPhone or iPad, I download Activator and make the following settings:

  • I add a quiet mode without the use of vibration, which I activate by simultaneously pressing both volume keys;
  • I configure the inclusion of Airplane Mode when connected to a power source, so the device always charges as quickly as possible. I immediately set up the mode to turn off when the gadget is fully charged;
  • I add a number of useful gestures, for example, with a swipe from the lower left corner of the screen, I launch the multitasking panel, and from the lower right corner, I close the application;
  • for the Home button, I add actions with single and double touch (not by pressing, but by touching Touch ID). I set it up in the same way as pressing a button, I get touch panel without the need to press a button, so the resource of the key increases many times and there are no clicks when working with the gadget;
  • when used with Apple Watch I add a kind of anti-theft. If pairing with the watch is interrupted, music starts playing loudly on the iPhone;
  • I set up my own power saving mode. When the battery drops below 20%, turn off wireless modules and geolocation, when below 10%, I turn off auto-brightness, turn down the backlight and turn off the sound. Of course, you can customize it in your own way;
  • I add a series of actions in case of receiving SMS from a specified subscriber with a specific code. In case of loss, a message with the specified text is sent to the phone, and it, in turn, turns on all the modules so that it can be detected via iCloud.

This is just a set of my standard actions, a dozen more settings are made according to the situation.

2. FlipControlCenter - add the desired switches to the Control Center

Since the introduction of the bottom curtain in iOS 7, many users have dreamed of being able to add their own switches there. It is possible with a jailbreak.

IN top row necessary buttons for quick turn on mobile internet and switching 3G \ LTE, a button for disabling geolocation takes its place next to it and another one for forced inclusion energy saving mode.

As a bonus, you can add a bright and dim glow for the flashlight (activated by a simple or long press on the button) and a transition to the desired section in the Clock application when launched from the Control Center. Initially, the stopwatch starts, and it’s more convenient for me to immediately go to the alarm clock.

3. NoSlowAnimation - remove annoying animation in the system

Thumbnail tweak that disables long animations in iOS. Users of non-jailbreak devices can torture themselves and try to do this in a similar way.

Shutdown smooth transitions visually speeds up the iPhone. If, after a couple of days of using the tweak, you turn off its actions, it will seem as if you started using the iPhone 4 after the usual six.

4. SafeHouse Pro - disable password entry in the range of home Wi-Fi

This extension will allow you to disable the unlock password on your device when it is connected to your home WiFi networks. It's definitely time to add such a feature to iOS.

Why use a fingerprint scanner or a password several dozen times a day when you are at home?

5. Power Saver Mode - Double your iPhone's battery life

The easiest way to extend the time battery life iPhone - enable native power saving mode. In this case, not only will the row background processes, but programmatically the processing power of the device.

Most unpretentious users can use the iPhone in this mode all day long, and if necessary, turn off the mode and “overclock” the iPhone by 100%.

Unfortunately, iOS will not allow you to do this and will forcibly turn off this mode after charging the gadget. With TVK Power Saver Mode, this will not happen, moreover, we will get several new options.

6. SwipeSelection - move the cursor with a swipe on the keyboard

Another long-lived tweak that invariably works for everyone iOS versions with jailbreak. It allows you to swipe on the keyboard to move the cursor. There is something similar on latest iPhones with 3D-Touch, but we want to work comfortably on other smartphone models as well.

7. FullForce - Use iPhone Apps on iPad Properly

Until now, not all developers in the App Store remember the presence in nature of such a thing as the iPad. Many programs and games do not support work on a large screen and run in a truncated mode. I don’t want to use such software until the FullForce tweak appears on the device.

The extension correctly adapts the size of the application to iPad screen. No stretched textures or left menu items. Everything works very well, as if the application originally had tablet support.

8. KuaiDial - add a dozen useful features to the Phone app

If the previous tweak is intended exclusively for iPad owners, then this one is only suitable for jailbroken iPhone owners. The multifunctional solution fully upgrades the standard dialer.

The main feature is smart dialing by the first digits or letters of the subscriber's name, which will allow you to find a contact in 3-4 clicks. There is a vibration when the other end picks up the phone, the display of the number when calling, and not just the name of the subscriber, and an advanced black list.

If you dig a little in the settings, you can add a database of Russian operators and always see on the screen from which region they are calling.

Phablet owners will be pleased with the ability to display the end call key during incoming call. So you do not have to reach for the button on the right side of the device.

Tweek Tweek Floor: Hair color: Age: Profession:

4th grade student

Religion: First appearance: Voiced by:

Tweek Tweek(English) Tweek Tweak) is a character in the animated series South Park, a fourth grade student, classmate (at one time best friend) of the main characters. Tweek is a hyperactive boy, and he is one of two (along with Timmy) in the class who truly suffers from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), which in the Timmy 2000 series allegedly affects all students.

Character appearance

Tweek first appears in the episode , and the main characters do not particularly want to be friends with him, but Tweek's father unexpectedly offers his help, saving the children from imminent punishment. Already in this episode, the main characters understand what is the reason for this state of Tweek, but they can do nothing to help.

Appearance and character

Tweek stands out from the other students in the class with a characteristic hairstyle - blond hair sticking out in all directions. He is dressed in a gray-green shirt, always buttoned incorrectly, and dark blue jeans. He is also characterized by fast and intense speech and constant nervous tics. This is due to his very peculiar behavior: he is always in an excited state, nervous, suffering from paranoia, as he drinks a lot of coffee. For the same reason he claims: "I can't sleep...". Tweek is always tense and often screams, “Oh my God!!! What stress, what stress, I can’t stand it!!!” The origins of this state of Tweek are in the behavior of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tweek: they run a coffee shop and therefore drink coffee to their son, which is why his mental state worsens all the time.

One way or another, judging by the episode, Tweek's parents took him to the doctor, and he prescribed him a treatment - "you need to find your foothold": in order to calm down, Tweek tries to imagine himself on the lawn, not far from the river, among idyllic nature. However, in this episode, all of Tweek's attempts to calm down are rudely thwarted by Cartman's bullying. Starting from the seventh season, the doctor's treatment begins to bear fruit - now Tweek suffers less and less from tics, but the characteristic manner of speech remains.


Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tweek, have been in the family business for many years - they hold the Tweek Brothers coffee shop, which is why Tweek gets a lot of coffee. Mr. Tweek constantly reassures his son with the words “Calm down, son, have a coffee” and likes to tell him nothing about learning stories from his own life. In episode 613, when the children played Lord of the Rings, Tweek has a piece of a coffee barrel instead of a helmet. Mrs. Tweek, in turn, supports her husband, believing that only his ADHD is to blame for her son's behavior, and not thinking about where he came from. Also, the father sometimes plays a joke on Tweek, saying that he will sell his son into slavery. And, judging by the episode (where the parents play Tweek, setting up a false “kidnapping” for him to test his vigilance), they generally do not treat their son very well. But at the same time, they do not punish Tweak for the slightest offense and do not limit his freedom of action.


Despite his strange behavior, Tweek participates in all the mass undertakings of the class along with everyone (and also, in episode 811, along with the whole school, he “sits down” on cough medicines as a drug). And in the episode, Stan and Kyle claim that Tweek is the main bully of the class and force him to fight Craig. In the episode "Professor Chaos", Tweek was chosen as the main characters' fourth friend over Butters. The company accepted him as a full-fledged friend, despite his lack of any talent and extremely restless behavior - Tweek panicked at the slightest provocation and demanded to be left alone. Despite his nervousness, in a short period of friendship with the main characters, Tweek turns out to be capable of very bold deeds - especially in the episode "Gimme a hat", where he escaped from Steven Spielberg's guards and, not finding support from the townspeople, tried to save Stan and Kyle alone . Based on this episode, Tweek is much better off with Stan and Kyle than he is with Cartman. After that, in the episode, Kyle sticks up for Tweek when Cartman wants to replace him with Bibi. In the episode "Kidnapping is not funny", Tweek, impressed by the frequent reports of missing children, shied away from all the inhabitants of the city, including his friends, but later rejoins them, helping the Mongols destroy the wall around the city. In the future, Tweek returns to his previous minor role (this is due to the fact that Kenny returns to friends - first as a spirit in Cartman's body, and in the episode "completely"). In subsequent episodes ( , ), Tweek can be seen in Craig's company, and he, along with Timmy and Jimmy, asked for help at the Chinese embassy in the episode. Tweek's last notable appearance is an episode where he, along with other classmates, helped Cartman in World of Warcraft. Currently, Tweek (like Timmy) is nothing more than a background character.

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See what "Tweak Tweak" is in other dictionaries:

    South Park character Tweek Tweek Gender: male Hair color: blond Age: 9 Profession ... Wikipedia

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