Program for management companies of housing and communal services. Estimates of TSN (HOA, ZhSK, ZhK). Various service functions

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Housing standard (Ural Federal District)

GK "Housing Standard" develops and implements software in the housing sector. Thanks to many years of experience in managing MKD, the company understands the problems of the housing and communal services sector and promptly responds to changes in legislation.

LLC "Kvartplata Online" (St. Petersburg)

LLC "Kvartplata Online" is the author online project for automation of housing and communal services - KVADO.RU. Using all our experience in the field of software development, cloud technologies and in the field of housing and communal services, we strive to create simple and highly effective tools for automating the business processes of homeowners associations, housing cooperatives, management companies, resource supply and repair and maintenance organizations.

Smart Resident (Moscow)

Smart Resident is a single cloud-based IT service for easy communication between residents or tenants, management organization and service engineers.

VAVIOT (Moscow)

Russian telecommunications company. Leading Russian developer of M2M solutions, the first solution provider on LPWAN. The company develops wireless automated solutions.

LLC "Ventor" (Siberian Federal District)

Wentor Software is a team of developers from snowy Siberia who create an innovative software package for automating Call Office telephone contacts.

JSC "Moscow Plant of Thermal Automatics" (Moscow)
The largest domestic manufacturer and developer of modern automation equipment in the field of energy-saving technologies.

Strizh Telematics (Moscow)
The company develops systems for remote collection of meter readings and dispatching systems for housing and communal services.

NetComService LLC (Moscow)
LLC "NetComService" is one of the leading companies in the market of IT-services in the field of housing and communal services.
Our specialists are professionals with high qualifications, knowledge and experience in creating measuring and billing systems of any scale.

OOO "Stars Media" (Moscow)
The Stars Media company specializes in automating various business processes, including the development of utility software products.

Stack (Central Federal District)
The company "Stack" has been specializing in the automation of settlements with subscribers for enterprises in the housing and communal services and energy sectors for 21 years.
Stack solutions are time-tested - more than 850 large and medium-sized projects have been implemented in 62 regions of Russia.

OOO Malachite Intellectual Systems (Moscow)

Software for housing and communal services: management companies, cash settlement centers, resource-supplying organizations.

JoomlaPlus (Central FD)
Billing for housing and communal services is an indispensable unified settlement information and computing center for the site of your management company, convenient and accessible to every user.

Terminal Systems (Siberian Federal District)
Terminal Systems PayPRO, a company developing software for accepting payments, selling payment terminals.

Private enterprise "BAS" (Other)
Development, supply, implementation, support of programs for housing and communal services: RCC, heating network, water utility, housing office, management company, HOA, banks. Sites for housing and communal services.

OOO "StroyTelecomProekt" (St. Petersburg)
StroyTelecomProject LLC is the developer of an innovative online program for the automation of housing and communal services - the R200 Platform.

Consult-Inform (North-Western Federal District)
Develops, implements and maintains software products for the housing and communal services sector.
Provides a full range of services for the automation of regulated and managerial accounting.
The largest regional company among 1C franchisees in the Komi Republic.

Laboratory software solutions(Moscow)
CJSC Laboratory of Software Solutions is the developer of the LARES software product line, created specifically for management companies, homeowners associations and housing cooperatives due to the rich experience of employees in the field of housing and communal services automation.

Federal System "City" (Novosibirsk)
A set of programs that provide a unified system for accruing, collecting and processing payments from the population.

Control Systems, Research Center (Moscow)
Since 2006, we have been specializing in the automation of housing and communal services based on 1C - a set of programs "Management of housing and communal services".

LLC (St. Petersburg)
Software complex for dispatching, monitoring and accounting of energy resources "Cleaver monitoring of energy", technical, service and information maintenance of energy metering units

LLC (Moscow)
Orgpay offers the organization of accepting payments through self-service terminals. Your organization concludes an agency agreement or a payment hosting agreement with Orgpay, buys a payment terminal.

Billing Online (Yekaterinburg)
Automation of the housing and communal services sector in the SaaS model, an Internet billing system for calculating utilities and deep splitting of payments. Personal Area Subscriber, Supplier's Cabinet. We work anywhere in the Russian Federation via the Internet, free trial accrual

Firma Server (Privolzhsky Federal District)
Firm "Server" has the status of the Center for the development of circulation solutions. Engaged in the development and implementation of its own software products designed to automate the calculation of accruals for rent and utilities at housing and communal services enterprises.

OOO Progmatik (Novosibirsk)
A company specializing in the development, creation, implementation and maintenance of software products in the field of housing and communal services and collection Money.

VDGB Soft (Privolzhsky Federal District)
VDGB LLC develops and supports the following solutions: programs for housing and communal services, pawnshops, non-profit organizations, a family of programs for enterprises public sphere and others.

"Our Home Online" (Other)
"Our Home Online" is a software product for effective management apartment building.
Includes a settlement center, accounting, passport office, information block

SPbTSh (St. Petersburg)
Our Internet portal offers you services for creating websites for homeowners associations (HOAs)

PAFES, OOO (IT Department) (Moscow)
Development of software based on cloud technologies - SaaS services. Renting access to the service for settlements, accruals and receipt of payments for utilities for management companies - Virtual IRC Housing and Public Utilities.

IIS Russa (Other)
Certified system for remote data collection from metering stations.
Supports any counters and calculators with an open exchange protocol.
Free for 60 days.

"Infin" (Moscow)
The company "Infin" is the developer of the first online service for calculating the rent of the HOA.

VDGB SOFT (Privolzhsky Federal District)
Production of programs for housing and communal services and HOA.
Training of employees of housing and communal services companies.

Orion Metal LLC (Moscow)
LLC "Orion metal" is the production of products for housing and communal services, warehouse and construction enterprises. Willingness to work under your order, constant expansion of the range, high quality services, favorable payment terms.

OOO "Kvartplata 24" (Samara)
Ecosystem cloud services for the calculation of housing and communal services and the receipt of payments for the MA and HOA throughout the Russian Federation.

Center distance learning(Saint Petersburg)
Organization and holding of specialized seminars for accountants and chairmen of homeowners associations, housing cooperatives, housing cooperatives and management companies; software for accountants.

Group of companies (Siberian Federal District)
Consulting and software development in the field of enterprise automation.

Industry solutions for commodity companies, housing and communal services, financial institutions, sports clubs, medical and municipal institutions, etc.

OSG Records Management Center (Moscow)
OSG Records Management will perform any archival work: document scanning and data entry, development of document management systems, archival processing of documents, compiling descriptions and indexing documents, and much more.

Industry center housing and communal services "Business Logic" (St. Petersburg)
Programs for calculating rent and accounting
Specialized courses for HOA and housing cooperatives
Seminars for HOA and housing cooperatives
Seminars for management companies
Sites for housing and communal services
Information and news channel of housing and communal services

Ailant (Volgograd)
"Ailant: Management of housing and communal services 8" - complex automation of municipal accounting

Implozia Soft (Samara)

RKTs Soft, OOO (Central Federal District)
The company "RCC Soft" specializes in the development and subsequent maintenance of complex software solutions for organizations in the housing and communal services sector.

Company "Stack" (Central Federal District)
Development, implementation and technical support of software for housing and communal services and energy, incl. for Management Companies, Homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives, Settlement centers, Customer Services.

Assistant for HOA (Moscow)
It will help to make a full-fledged calculation of rent in small organizations: Homeowners' associations and Management companies with a small coverage of houses.

LLC "FORTUNA PLUS" (Southern Federal District)
Management of apartment buildings. Calculation of rent via the Internet.
Consultations, support, legal services in the field of housing and communal services.
Energy saving.

1C: VDGB (Moscow)
The company offers a wide range of services: supply, implementation and maintenance of 1C software products for housing and communal services, distribution of programs from leading manufacturers; complex automation and support of enterprises on the 1C platform

IT programs (Moscow)
Our company offers its services for it-maintenance, supply and repair computer technology at a high professional level.

MontazhTechService (Moscow)
Our company MontazhTechService, which is part of the Elix group of companies, has been working in the field of security systems since 1991.

Engineer-manager GK "ELIKS"
Matyushenko Pavel

BetHouse 2009 - Moscow (Moscow)
Are you looking for a simple and convenient program for calculating rent? Whether you are an experienced accountant or just a beginner in housing and communal services: "BetHouse 2009" will help you.

Technical support is free.

Try the program and you will definitely like it!

BetHouse 2011 (Other)
Technical support for the first year is free.
Try the program and you will definitely like it!

Akadsoft LLC (Moscow) promotes, implements and maintains software for builders: - preparation of estimate documentation, Altius - construction management, PIR - calculation of the cost of PIR, as well as other software.

LLC BestChange Group (Moscow)
Software for monitoring gas and heat exchangers.

LLC (St. Petersburg)

We are a team of professionals working in the field of housing and communal services automation. We help our clients create effective enterprise management systems based on 1C solutions.

Settlement center "Online" LLC (Moscow)
Calculation of utilities via the Internet in the HOA, UK Housing and Public Utilities. Billing of housing and communal services, recalculations and adjustments of general house consumption by 354, 344, accounting of funds for each house, distribution of payment for housing and communal services. Service Account of the Subscriber, online payment of utilities Corp (Moscow) is a place where you can find information about who owns the domain you are interested in in any zone, and you can also get information about IP addresses belonging to networks.

Economstatus IT LLC (Moscow)
Economstatus IT LLC specializing in the sale and implementation of information technologies in the field of construction, announces the conclusion of an agreement with IC Stroyconsultant.

LLC "Progmatik" (Novosibirsk)
a company specializing in the development, creation, implementation and maintenance of software products in the field of housing and communal services and fundraising

OOO MNPP "Saturn" (Moscow)
MNPP SATURN has extensive practical experience in implementing life support management systems. Design, production, equipment, and operation information systems integrated security and automation of urban facilities

CJSC "MAYAK" (Novosibirsk)
CJSC "MAYAK" provides comprehensive services in the automation of housing and communal services with the help of information technology.

LM Homeowners Association - the first program for holding general meetings of HOA members (Moscow)
This program was created specifically in order to free the chairmen of the HOA, accountants of the HOA from the laborious process - determining the size of the vote, counting the votes and preparing protocols and other documents.


Info-Enterprise: housing and communal services- one of the products of the Info-Enterprise family of programs.
Her purpose is automation of housing and communal services. This is a program for HOA, a program for EIRTs, a program for housing cooperatives, DEZ, KIZ, etc ...

IN Info-Enterprise: housing and communal services all last changes, Related housing reform in our country. Our program for housing and communal services has an intuitive interface, is easy to use, does not require long training and implementation costs. At the same time, our utility accounting automation program has all the features that are typical for more expensive, cumbersome and difficult-to-learn systems.

Benefits of the program:

Speed ​​of development and ease of operation

The speed of development and ease of work in IP: housing and communal services are surprising. As a rule, the program does not require special, especially long-term training. Installed and working.

Impressive functionality

The set of features is quite comparable with the capabilities of systems that are several times more expensive. The program fully automates the calculation of rent and maintenance of the passport office. Calculations of all types are implemented: according to standards, according to individual and common house meters, according to fixed tariffs. IP: Housing and Public Utilities already has a set of standard services, but the user can always add his own. Easily and quickly prescribing your calculation schemes. Moreover, he can do it himself without any preparation and payment for the services of a consultant. In the passport office block, in addition to standard forms, such as: a financial personal account, an extract from the house book, there are also such forms as: a sheet of departure, arrival, an application for registration, and so on. Based on the results of the work, a number of reports are generated that allow you to view mutual settlements with residents, with resource-providing organizations, information on charges, payments, benefits, etc.

Integration with the accounting system

The program can be supplied in the form of a single complex with the well-known, well-reputed accounting program Accounting, the first versions of which appeared on the market back in the late 90s. The complex version already offers a completely different level of automation. Instead of disparate software products loosely interconnected, users of our integrated version work with a tool that fully automates all areas of accounting.

low cost

Even in combination with the accounting system IP: housing and communal services is cheaper than similar software products, at least somewhat correlated with it in terms of functionality. Those. in fact, you get two programs (Housing and Public Utilities + Accounting) at a price less than one program that automates only the housing and communal services sector of any of our competitors, whose programs fully automate the calculation of rent and maintenance of the passport office. At the same time, the user is relieved of all the problems associated with the exchange of data between different programs, because, in fact, he works within a single system.

Timeliness of accounting for legislative changes.

It is known that the housing and communal services sector in our country has been in a state of constant reform for many years, new legislative acts are being issued, the rules for calculating rents are being adjusted, new forms of primary documentation are being issued, such as ENP forms. We constantly monitor all these changes and reflect them in the program in a timely manner.

Feedback from developers.

We are interested in the development and improvement of our programs, so we carefully monitor and, if possible, implement the wishes of our customers, because we work for you. Users can always contact us by phone or email. mail not only to get advice on working with the program, but also to leave your wishes for improving its work, each of which will be considered and, if possible, implemented.

Keep up with the times.

The program is constantly being improved not only in terms of its subject area, we also regularly add features and services to it that are not directly related to housing and communal services, for example, the ability to remote connection to the user's computer in order to identify and solve problems, not everything can be understood from telephone conversation. Or inclusion in the program of the service for sending receipts to residents by e-mail. Working with a barcode scanner for quick payment input, etc. We strive to make working with our program easy, convenient and pleasant.

Info-Enterprise: housing and communal services has an innovative ergonomic and intuitive interface, to which the developers paid special attention. With apparent simplicity, our program for housing and communal services has an impressive number of functions. widely used mechanism context menu: challenge additional features performed by pressing the right mouse button
Technical support
Every year we improve the quality of technical support for users. Instantly respond to the problem, quickly understand the situation - this is our primary task. In addition to traditional services such as " hotline», Email, user suggestions tracking system, technical support forum, etc. We offer a "Remote Support" service.

Main features and blocks IP:ZhKH

Below are the functions included in the basic distribution of the program:

  • calculation of rent;
  • program for the passport office;
  • formation of postings in accounting systems;
  • estimates;
  • reports;
  • calculation of the rent is possible by all four known methods.

Calculation of rent

  • according to the standards;
  • individual counters;
  • common house counters;
  • calculation at a fixed rate;
  • a fixed amount for each personal account service;
  • IP supply package: housing and communal services includes a typical set of housing and communal services with formulas for their calculation (according to current legislation);
  • maintaining a history of changes in tariffs and standards;
  • the ability to enter any of your services and schemes for calculating their cost. It is important that the user can do this himself, without the help of a programmer;
  • accounting for benefits in the amount, percentage, according to social norms of housing, rationing of benefits. Possibility of their distribution to family members of the beneficiary, the ability to specify your manually calculated amount of benefits for each service of the personal account;
  • debt control and automatic calculation of penalties (if necessary);
  • automatic adjustment of the amount of debt to the service provider based on the results of work for the period;
  • semi-automatic filling of meter logs, keeping a log of "one-time services" from suppliers;
  • calculation of rent (formation of notices) with one button.

Printing notices of several types, including the latest form of the 2012 EPD. Possibility of group printing of notices, for a certain period, for the selected house, in a range of numbers.

Program for the passport office

Fast, automated filling of personal accounts. The time required to enter primary information on services, residents, etc. on personal accounts several times less than in similar software products

An impressive set of service functions and primary documentation forms:

  • automatic filling of the financial personal account form;
  • personal account history, extract from the house book;
  • the necessary set of primary documentation: personal account, extract from the house book, free-form certificate, arrival and departure sheets, registration applications, etc.;
  • accounting for benefits: in amount, percentage, according to social norms. Rationing of benefits, distribution of benefits to family members;
  • accounting of personal accounts for several houses in one database, house-to-house accounting;
  • storage and analysis of information on residents, premises, services, amenities, etc. this personal account;
  • formation of accounting entries for the journal of notices and payments;
  • integration (in the form of a built-in block) into the IP program is possible: Accounting;
  • calculation and planning of expenses for the next year;
  • calculation of the amount of maintenance;
  • automatic allocation of these amounts to personal accounts;
  • print estimates;
  • mutual settlements with tenants (you can see how it is deployed for all tenants and separately for debtors).

Personal account movement

  • a summary of services and resource-providing companies;
  • summary of accruals;
  • payment summary;
  • list of beneficiaries;
  • individual meter readings.

Various service functions

A large number of service functions make working with the program as comfortable as possible:

  • built-in free utility remote access. The ability to connect to the user's computer and see what the problem is;
  • selection of several positions at once for further processing;
  • work with the clipboard;
  • Possibility of working backwards.

Since the platform Info-Enterprise

IP: housing and communal services housing and communal services. Ours is currently one of the best programs for housing and communal services. Simplicity, low cost of the product itself and its implementation will pleasantly surprise you. IP: housing and communal services is a program that is a pleasure to work with.

  • sending receipts by e-mail;
  • sharp free remote access utility. The ability to connect to the user's computer and see what the problem is;
  • selection of several positions at once for further processing;
  • work with the clipboard;
  • export of documents, reports, magazines to Excel, Word, HTML (Internet Explorer);
  • search and replacement of text with different conditions, contextual search;
  • the ability to group positions of any directory (create a table of contents);
  • sorting and filtering with different conditions;
  • calculation of sums of any selected cells of journals, tables and reports;
  • the ability to add totals for any journals;
  • the ability to mark which operations to carry out in accounting and which not;
  • Possibility to work backwards

Since the platform Info-Enterprise is open, then any other functions at the request of the client can be implemented on the spot.

IP: housing and communal services is a powerful, convenient and reliable tool that helps in the daily work of enterprises operating in housing and communal services. Our program for HOA, housing cooperative, EIRTs, DEZ, KIZ currently one of the best programs for housing and communal services. Simplicity, low cost of the product itself and its implementation will pleasantly surprise you.

Info-Accountant ® for HOA / ZhSK / ZhK / GSK Effective Solution complex problems (HOA / ZhSK / ZhK / GSK)

Info-Accountant 10: for HOA, housing cooperative, housing cooperative, GSK Settlements with partnership members. Target income and expenses. Counters Estimate, balance, reports. Control

Advantages of the accounting program for TSN (HOA, ZHSK, ZhK, GSK)

  • Full compliance of the Info-Accountant program with the legislation
  • A wide range of functions, worked out on the experience of HOA, ZhSK, ZhK, GSK
  • Carefully thought-out program interface
  • Elaboration of the smallest details of the program for the convenience of the user
  • Easy to learn program even for beginners
  • Low cost that suits most HOA, housing cooperative, residential complex, GSK
  • Automatic free updates programs over the internet
  • the ability to operate the program without the involvement of a programmer
  • 26 years of experience of developers in creating programs for homeowners associations, housing cooperatives, housing cooperatives, GSKs

Info Accountant program
can be purchased

At the developer's office

From regional dealers

In the program Info-Accountant for TSN (HOA, ZHSK, ZhK, GSK)
all the requirements of the current legislation are taken into account,
in the first place - the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (as of 01/22/2019)

Features of the program Info-Accountant for TSN
Accounting, taxes and reporting

  • Targeted receipts, incomes and expenses within the framework of the statutory activities of the HOA, housing cooperative, housing cooperative;
  • Settlements with suppliers and contractors for accepted work and services received;
  • Receipts / disposals of materials, special equipment, inventory (MOL, inventory ...);
  • Fixed assets of the HOA (depreciation, modernization, reconstruction, repair ...);
  • Remuneration of the administration and employees of the HOA;
  • Taxes and declarations, calculations and reports to the Federal Tax Service, PFR, FSS (taking into account the specifics of NCOs and TSN);

With the help of the program Info-Accountant successfully keeps records
many homeowners associations, housing cooperatives, GSKs, including:


HOA Alma-Atinskaya 11-1 HOA Brateevskaya 23-1 HOA Vostok HOA Sunrise 2004
HOA Gagarinskoe HOA Guerra HOA Dutch 25 HOA House on Parkovaya
HOA Erino 3A HOA Ermak HOA Picturesque HOA Kamenka 2
HOA Kirov 45 HOA Koshtoyants 6-1 HOA Kraskom 32 HOA Krasnoproletarskaya
HOA Kurgankaya 3 HOA Lesnoye HOA Lesnoye-1 HOA Lomonosov
HOA MZhK HOA Moscow 37 HOA on Grokholsky HOA on Filevskaya
HOA Nagornoye HOA Our house in Perlovka HOA New Age HOA Ostrov
HOA Petrovsky Park HOA Privolnoe HOA Ramenki 31 HOA Rodnik
HOA Agricultural HOA Silver Quartet HOA Silver Island HOA Sokol
HOA Cozy HOA Champion HOA Shchukino HOA Hellas
HOA No. 49 and many, many others...


ZHSK Arktika ZhSK Armavir ZhSK Circus Artists ZhSK Boldino
ZhSK Bor ZhSK Defect-free ZhSK Burevestnik-8 ZhSK Butovo-14
ZhSK Butovo-17 ZhSK Vertical ZhSK Vibrator ZhSK Helios
ZhSK Globus 3 ZhSK Grand HBC Devon ZhSK Dolphin
ZhSK Dubrava ZHSK Danube ZhSK Zhuravushka ZhSK Zaraysk
ZhSK Ikar ZhSK Crystal ZhSK Lensk ZhSK MATI
ZhSK Medical worker ZhSK Metallurg ZhSK MZhK ZhSK Mitino-25
ZhSK Moskvich-2 ZhSK Mosfilm-3 ZHSK Nara ZhSK Levelir
ZhSK Oberton ZhSK Optics ZhSK Pavlovsk ZhSK Advanced
ZhSK Perm ZhSK Pioneer ZHSK Pyrite ZhSK Pribor
ZhSK Designer ZhSK Workers of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ZhSK Rab-in USSR Academy of Sciences No. 2 ZhSK Slave-in the House of Scientists
ZhSK X-ray ZhSK SAO Moscow ZHSK Sapphire ZhSK Sever-2
ZHSK Northern Lights ZhSK Severyanin ZhSK Soviet Art ZhSK Sovremennik-68
ZhSK Solidarity ZhSK Solntsevo-3 ZhSK Stroydormash-2 ZhSK Tashkent
ZhSK Telephonist-3 ZhSK Turbobur ZhSK Tyumen ZhSK Federation
ZhSK Violet ZHSK Cyclone ZhSK Chertanovo-15 ZhSK Screen


and many others...

Join now!

Management accounting and reporting in TSN
Settlements with owners and internal reporting

All of the above components are developed and automated in a specialized version for HOA / ZHSK / ZhK program Info Accountant, taking into account the wishes and requirements of our many users.

Settlements with owners for housing, communal and other services

Automatic calculation of rent, taking into account norms, benefits, discounts and instrument indicators

Internal reports, registers, codes, cards...

Maintaining a register of debts with the formation of notifications to debtors
  • Maintenance of personal cards of apartments and documents of the passport office.
  • Turnover statements with details on addresses, objects, target funds, periods ...
  • Maintaining registers:
    • charges;
    • services and tariffs;
    • payments and arrears;
    • tenants and apartments, owners and beneficiaries;
    • counter replacements.
  • Overhaul reports.
  • Electricity consumption report.

Estimates of TSN (HOA, ZhSK, ZhK)

Automatic maintenance of TSN estimates with a reflection of indicators for their execution
  1. Income:
    • Target receipts:
      • membership fee;
      • budget receipts;
      • other targeted income.
    • Income from entrepreneurial activity.
  2. Expenses:
    • Maintenance and maintenance of the common property of the HOA;
    • Repair of housing stock;
    • Other expenses.

Program Info-Accountant ® 10 accountants of associations of property owners (TSN), including country houses and dachas, have been successfully using for a long time.

Calculation of rent, taking into account benefits, tariffs, and indicators of various meters, the formation of notices, invoices and receipts, as well as management, accounting and tax accounting is carried out automatically, in one program.

More about the program Info-Accountant for TSN

Guide - a reliable assistant who is always there

Flexible settings reflect all the features of accruals accepted in TSN

Financial personal account: data on tenants and settlement parameters

The turnover sheet reflects the status of accruals and payments

Register of services and tariffs for calculating utility bills

Notice for payment in the prescribed form (EIRC)

Notice for payment in the form of EPD (for the Moscow region)

Information about the receipt of contributions for major repairs

You can purchase the Info-Accountant program:*

You remotely:

Installing the Info-Accountant program for accounting in TSN (HOA, ZhSK, ZhK)

Users can easily install the Info-Accountant program and all its components on their own, without resorting to specialists. In doing so, some features should be taken into account.

When installing the Info-Accountant program in the default mode, the block Communal payments not installed.

It must be installed after or simultaneously with the installation of the Info-Accountant program. It's pretty easy to do this. All you have to do is select an installation option. Installing program components of choice, and indicate that the following components will be installed:

  • Utility payments 2.0: documents
  • Utility payments 2.0: database
  • Utility payments 2.0: reference

In addition, the block is useful in the work. Estimates 2.0 it can also be selected for installation.

The procedure for installing the program and its components is described in detail in the methodological materials "Peculiarities of installing industry solutions and additional blocks of the Info-Accountant 10 program".

The program is ready to work immediately after installation on the user's computer. You can start using it.

The effective application of the Info-Accountant program for automating accounting, tax and management accounting in TSN (HOA, ZHSK, ZhK) is facilitated by its flexibility, simplicity, and visibility. In addition, it is very important not only to know the great features of the program, but also to be able to competently and fully implement them. This will help you, who is always with you and ready to support in any situation, as on initial stage application of the program, and in the course of daily work.

With the help of the Guide, you can easily understand how and in what sequence you should work and immediately call the required operation, report, etc. from the desired section, prepare it by selecting the necessary details and parameters, and immediately execute it.

This enables users, even those who are completely unfamiliar with the Info-Accountant program, to use it with confidence.

The guide is easy to find in the section Communal payments programs Info Accountant

Beginning of work

After installing the program Info-Accountant for TSN, you can immediately start working. However, some settings need to be made. Most of them are connected with the input of unique data and information on your TSN (HOA, ZHSK, ZhK), as well as with the clarification of the indicators and parameters adopted in it. First of all, you need to fill in some Reference books.

Block setup. Completing directories

All necessary and possible settings block Communal payments the developers have already done. You just have to establish or clarify individual indicators and parameters accepted in your HOA.

If you have a question, click on the icon and you will immediately get the help you need. An asterisk * marks mandatory settings and references. The rest can be filled in if necessary in the course of work.

Depending on the situation, the user of the accounting program in TSN will receive help in the form of a text explanation, if necessary, accompanied by screenshots (illustrations), or by opening a help file called from the program, as usual - by pressing F1.

Upon completion of the settings in the Info-Accountant program, you can calculate the amount of upcoming payments, reflect the receipt of funds from the owners, receive the necessary reports, create registers, etc. We recommend using. You can also get access to all data entry and editing operations in the main menu or in a special form. Menu .

daily work
The most frequent transactions, accruals and settlements

Formation of reports and summaries

  1. Front card of the apartment - forms the financial personal account of the apartment.
  2. Turnover sheet - generates a working balance for an arbitrary period.
  3. Register of accruals (rolled up for the year) - generates a report on accruals and payments broken down by apartments in the house for the year.
  4. Register of accruals (for services per month) - serves to reconcile the amounts of accruals for services for the home for a specified period.
  5. Register of payments - reflects the payment for services rendered at home for the period.
  6. Register of payment debts - reflects the debt of tenants.
  7. Indications of individual metering devices - generates a report on the indications of the IPU for the specified period with different details.
  8. Register of meter replacements - reflects the replacement of counters for the period.
  9. Register of tenants and apartments - serves to reconcile data on apartments and residents.
  10. Information about homeowners - Generates a report on homeowners.
  11. Register of beneficiaries - generates a list of residents with benefits.
  12. Penalty register - reflects the amount of accrued penalties and adjustments on them for the specified period.
  13. Register of services and tariffs - generates a report on services and tariffs for a house/apartment for a specified period with different details.
  14. Overhaul Report - reflects information on the receipt of contributions for major repairs from the owners of premises in the MKD, forming funds overhaul on a special account.

Update of the accounting automation program for homeowners associations / housing cooperatives and new developments

Info Accountant 10

Info-Accountant specialists are constantly developing and improving the accounting program for TSN, making it better, easier and more convenient for users. In addition, an important task is to achieve strict compliance of the accounting program with the current federal and regional legislation. And this is not easy, since the legislation in the field of housing and communal services, as well as accounting and taxation, changes very often.

Changes to the program are released regularly and installed automatically via the Internet. This only requires an internet connection.

You can always purchase the Info-Accountant program:*

*If your city is not yet covered by our dealer network, call the developer's office in Moscow.

Our experienced specialists will answer your questions:

  • they will demonstrate the capabilities of the program,
  • help with choosing the right configuration,
  • at your request, remotely install and configure the program.

Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia (draft dated February 09, 2018 No. 02/08/02-18 / 00078234) "On approval of the rules and regulations for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building" is still (as of March 27, 2019!) in the stage of public discussions regarding the draft text.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia has developed norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, which, in particular, establish:

  • the procedure for maintaining the common property of the owners of premises in apartment buildings, performed within the framework of the minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building;
  • standards for the proper technical condition of the common property of owners of premises in apartment buildings, recommended for compliance with the performance of services and works for the maintenance and current repair of common property in an apartment building;
  • the procedure for organizing, performing and financing work on the current repair of common property in an apartment building;
  • a list of works necessary for the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, performed as part of inspections of various elements of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building;
  • features of work on the maintenance of various objects of common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building;
  • rules for performing emergency repairs.

In addition, it is envisaged that the acceptance of the performed work on current repairs will be carried out by a commission with the participation of representatives of the person who manages the apartment building and the owners of the premises in the apartment building.

Starting September 1, 2014, new homeowners associations (HOA, ZHSK, ZhK) are being created in a new form associations of property owners (TSN). Re-registration of existing HOA, housing cooperative, LCD is not required.

The legal basis for the activities of the HOA is set out in Section VI. "Homeowners' Association".

The legal basis for the activities of housing cooperatives is set out in Section V. "Housing and housing construction cooperatives".


On November 30, 2019, the State Duma of the Russian Federation submitted for consideration Draft Law No. 757296-7 on the extension of the validity of Federal Law No. 177-FZ of December 23, 2003 "On Deposit Insurance individuals in banks Russian Federation» for non-profit organizations operating in one of the following organizational and legal forms:

  • HOA - associations of homeowners;
  • ZhSK - housing construction and housing cooperatives;
  • GSK - garage and garage-building cooperatives;
  • ONT - horticultural non-profit partnerships;
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Program Info-Enterprise: housing and communal services- simple and handy program accounting for housing and communal services for HOA, ZHSK, DEZ, KIZ, UK, EIRTs and similar enterprises. Also, the program IP: housing and communal services perfect for GSK - garage cooperatives, and for SNT - horticultural associations.

Tasks to be solved:

  • Calculation of utilities
  • Printout of utility bills (5 types)
  • Estimates, calculation and planning of costs
  • Reports on tenants and providers, services, payments
  • Communication with accounting programs

Benefits of our utility program

All that is needed

The program fully automates the calculation of rent and maintenance of the passport office. Implemented the calculation of utility bills of all types:

  • according to standards
  • for individual and common house meters
  • at fixed rates.
  • from the estimate

In a programme IP: housing and communal services there is already a standard calculation of utility services, but the user can easily add their own services and calculation schemes.

Based on the results of the work, a number of reports are generated that allow you to view mutual settlements with residents, with resource-providing organizations, information on charges, payments, benefits, etc.

Affordable price

Even in combination with the accounting system IP: housing and communal services costs less than similar software products, at least somewhat correlated with it in terms of functionality. You get two programs (housing and communal services + accounting) at a price less than one program that automates only the housing and communal services sector.

Modern Services

The program is constantly being improved, we regularly add features and services to it:

  • sending receipts to tenants by e-mail
  • printing a QR code on a receipt
  • import from client bank
  • integration with the GIS system of housing and communal services
  • barcode scanning for prompt payment entry
  • integration with payment terminals
  • remote technical support via the Internet
We strive to make working with our program easy, convenient and pleasant!

More about the program Info-Enterprise: housing and communal services

Calculation of rent

The calculation of the rent is possible by all known methods:

  • According to the standards
  • Individual counters
  • General house counters
  • Fixed rate calculation
  • Fixed amount for each personal account service

Program for the passport office

Fast, automated filling of personal accounts. The time required to enter primary information on services, residents, etc. on personal accounts several times less than in similar software products

  • Financial personal account
  • Extract from the house book
  • Departure, arrival sheet
  • Going to court
  • Application for registration and more

Additional functions and primary documentation forms

  • Automatic completion of the financial personal account form
  • History of the personal account, an extract from the house book.
  • Required set of primary documentation: personal account, extract from the house register, free-form certificate, arrival and departure sheets, registration applications, etc.
  • Accounting for benefits: in amount, percentage, according to social norms. Rationing of benefits, distribution of benefits to family members
  • Accounting for personal accounts for several houses in one database, house-to-house accounting
  • Storage and analysis of information on residents, premises, services, amenities, etc. this personal account

Integration with accounting software

The program can be supplied as a single package with our accounting program IP: accounting. For example, you can fully automate the accounting of homeowners' associations. The complex version already offers a completely different level of automation. Users of our integrated version work with a tool that fully automates all areas of accounting. This eliminates all the problems associated with data exchange.

  • Fully automated accounting for HOA, housing cooperative, GSK, SNT
  • Formation of accounting entries for the journal of notices and payments

Convenient service functions that save time

A large number of service functions make working with the program as comfortable as possible:

  • Sending receipts by email
  • Built-in free remote access utility. The ability to connect to the user's computer and see what the problem is.
  • Selection of several positions at once for further processing
  • Working with the clipboard
  • Export documents, reports, logs to Excel, Word, HTML (Internet Explorer)
  • Find and replace text with different conditions, contextual search
  • Ability to group positions of any reference book (create a table of contents)
  • Sorting and filtering with different conditions
  • Calculation of the sums of any selected cells of logs, tables and reports.
  • Ability to add totals for any journals
  • Ability to work backwards

Since the platform Info-Enterprise is open, then any other functions at the request of the client can be implemented on the spot.

IP: housing and communal services is a powerful, convenient and reliable tool that helps in the daily work of enterprises operating in housing and communal services. Our program for HOA, housing cooperative, EIRTs, DEZ, KIZ currently one of the best programs for housing and communal services. Simplicity, low cost of the product itself and its implementation will pleasantly surprise you. IP: housing and communal services is a program that is a pleasure to work with.

You can download a free demo version of the IP: Housing and Public Utilities program
You can download the User Guide for the IP program: housing and communal services

With the help of applications on smartphones, we pay for tickets, book hotels, order a taxi, send and receive messages, follow the news. Mobile applications are useful for large organizations. Companies are switching to customer support via chats: this way you can simultaneously conduct a dialogue with several people, effectively resolve service issues and at the same time save on staff.

Today we will tell you whether mobile applications are useful in housing and communal services and how they can help management organizations.

The smartphone has become, in fact, a pocket computer, with the help of a variety of applications has learned to solve a wide range of tasks. Instead of calls and SMS, people prefer to chat on WhatsApp and Viber. Banks, investment and insurance companies, online stores, taxi services and public transport companies offer mobile applications to their customers. Mobile Internet technologies are becoming a way of communicating with customers that cannot be ignored.

Launch of a mobile application in housing and communal services

According to our experience, after launching a mobile application in a management company, 15% of residents switch to the application within the first month, and within a year, up to 45% of residents use the mobile application to communicate with the MA. This is the most active part of the clients.

With the help of modern mobile applications, managing organizations can raise the level of service and solve problems in communication with residents of MKD.

Imagine an ordinary resident of an apartment building. To pay receipts, he needs to go to mailbox, find the desired sheet among the advertisements, come with it to the bank terminal, stand in line, enter data on personal account and the amount to pay.

The same story happens with the transmission of meter readings, applications for equipment malfunctions. But if a client calls you, it means that something has already gone wrong. If everything is fine, you will not see residents in the office of the management company. We ourselves force clients to run between banks, terminals, SRC and the office of the management company. Naturally, residents are not very fond of housing and communal services.

What problems will the mobile application solve?

Imagine mobile app management company.

The process of taking readings from the meters installed in the apartment comes down to a minute inspection of all of them, entering the data into a special form on the smartphone screen and sending it to the management organization. No need to constantly fill out paperwork and rewrite data in the billing system. You do not have to enter a login and password on the site, bind bank card.

On the phone, everything is simpler, faster and without unnecessary actions. The data gets into your accounting system without manual processing of the calculator, you save on the teller.

Residents pay utility bills not at a bank branch, but directly through a mobile application. This saves them time and nerves, and managing organizations receive payment on time, and the number of debtors is reduced.

To pay receipts through a mobile application, it is enough to link a bank card to the mobile application once and then only change the amount to be paid. The lower the barriers to payment, the more people pay off utility bills. Many do not pay, simply because there is no time to go to the bank.

Troubleshooting requests are sent directly to the masters of the managing organization in the application chat, in writing with photographs. IN " live» on the smartphone screen, you can coordinate the arrival of an electrician or answer questions about charges. After closing, applications can be received from residents feedback, which helps to control the work of the technical department.

The history of correspondence in the mobile application is saved. If desired, you can refer to it in a conversation with the tenant. For example, through a search, it will not be difficult to find out which apartments complained about the roof, and then close the acts with the tenants through the application.

It is not necessary to stick up announcements about accidents, turning on heating, carrying out any work that requires certain actions from residents near the entrances. With the mobile app, notifications are sent free of charge directly to smartphones. This increases the efficiency of work with residents of MKD and leads to a decrease in the level of misunderstanding between the managing organization and its clients.

How much does it cost to develop a mobile app

Mobile app development is expensive. But there are ready-made options, for example, "My Home Online". The developer company is ready to provide a mobile application for managing organizations for rent with a monthly payment.

The cost will be low, on average - 3 rubles per personal account. And for this money you can:

  • get meter readings online,
  • timely receive payment of utility bills from the tenants of the house,
  • send news and announcements to tenants,
  • distribute all necessary addresses and telephones,
  • receive written requests directly in the mobile application,
  • receive calls for urgent matters.

Introduction of modern mobile technology increases the efficiency of the work of employees, leads to a reduction in costs, an increase in payments from owners.

The first one who implements services receives the loyalty of residents and profits.

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