Doesn't see the navigator on the computer. The PC does not see the navigator - World of Car Navigators. How long will it take to fix the problem when the computer does not see the Prestigio navigator

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You can often come across the question “why?” The computer does not see Explay GPS navigator ? It is impossible to answer this question right away, but we know how we can help your problem. Of course, it all depends on the reason. Our service center offers you testing, diagnostics, repair and maintenance of your device. We work with any models of Explay navigators pn 990, pn 980, pn 970, pn 935, pn 930, pn 925, pn 920, pn 445, pn 430, pn 375, GN-510, etc. Qualified specialists will work with your device. Our service center cooperates only with suppliers of original spare parts and works only with licensed software. We will diagnose and cure your X-play as soon as possible. And rest assured in the quality of our services. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality-price ratio.

let's consider possible problems, which can answer the above question. If the computer does not see the Explay navigator, then first of all we advise you to pay attention to the USB cable with which the Explay is connected to the personal computer. If there are obvious signs of damage on it, then most likely the cause of the problem is in it and it should be replaced. To be sure that the problem is in the cord, we suggest you try connecting to the PC with other cords.

If the malfunction continues, then it is possible that Windows does not see the Explay navigator on the PC due to a problem in one of the USB ports. They may be broken, as in system unit personal computer, and on the navigator itself. It is worth trying to connect the device to another port using a working cord. If the ports in both are working, then device incompatibility can be considered as a possible problem. We advise you to download software and drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

If the Explay navigator still does not connect to the computer, then perhaps the problem is a malfunction of the operating system of your personal computer. Try reinstalling it, installing a different version or a different OS altogether. The software may be conflicting with the OS.

If the cause of the breakdown is the inoperability of the port, then our technicians will easily and quickly replace it, and you will continue to enjoy the functions of your device. We strongly recommend that you contact us if Explay navigator is not detected by the computer. After carrying out the diagnostic and testing procedure (the service is free), our specialists will determine the cause and essence of your breakdown and, if you wish, will help with its solution in a short time and at an affordable price.

Also, the computer does not detect the Xplay navigator when it is connected with a low battery. It is likely that your Personal Computer does not see the GPS receiver due to mechanical damage or water or any other moisture getting inside the device. Problems with the firmware should be considered as one of the options leading to the computer not finding the Explay navigator. Then the receiver needs to be reflashed. We strongly recommend that you contact a service center for this service rather than performing it yourself. Self-medication can greatly damage the device.

We also often come across the question “Why doesn’t the Explay navigator see the flash drive?” Make sure that the flash card is correctly installed in the flash reader and there are no obvious mechanical damage. A common reason that Xplay does not see the memory card is a malfunction of the memory card itself. Try inserting another flash drive and see if it works. If the Explay navigator still does not see the memory card, then most likely the reason is a broken flash reader.

The Navitel Navigator Updater program is one of the best options for maintaining up-to-date maps and the ability to use the appropriate software version. Automatic update is available when installed program Navitel and the presence of an activation file. The application can be used from a memory card or device that is connected to a personal computer as a removable drive. Subsequently, the possibility of installing additional cards and updating is noted.

Navitel Navigator Updater update steps

In most cases, the Navitel update center provides the ability to maintain the relevance of the software used according to a certain scheme. To complete the task you will need to put in a minimum of time and effort:

  1. Initially, you need to go to the official website, namely
  2. Then the “Download” section is of interest. There are two options for installing the update, and in any case you need to connect the navigator to a personal computer using a USB cable. The process can be carried out automatically or manually. The easiest option is considered automatic update Navitel, but it is only available for PCs with the Windows operating system.
  3. Any updates are allowed only if installed application Navitel Navigator Updater.
  4. From the Navitel Navigator Updater Setup archive, you need to extract and run the setup.exe file. It is advisable to select the installation language and follow the installer's prompts to complete the existing task. In reality, nothing complicated is provided.
  5. The navigator is pre-connected to a personal computer. If you are installing software and maps on a removable device, it is recommended to connect the memory card to the PC using an adapter. In the settings in the main menu, select USB mode and indicate “ Removable drive”, which can also be called differently, but the meaning is always preserved. To carry out the further process, the navigator must be turned on, but the Navitel application must be turned off.
  6. At the very beginning, launch the Navitel Navigator Update Center application. Then they go through the following scheme: “Device found” - “Next”. After you can find the current version of the files, click “Next” and “Update”. In the next window, maps that are available for updating appear. Each time you need to click on “Update”. After installing the cards and new version navigation program should exit the application.

It would seem that everything should go quickly and with amazing ease. However, in some cases, people are interested in why the Navitel Navigator update center does not work.

Problems while working with the program

Attention! It is important to understand that sometimes the Navitel Navigator update center does not update existing maps and the navigation application in use.

In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to potential problems. Most often, if Navitel Navigator Update Center malfunctions, you need to contact the manufacturer’s technical service. Specialists will provide consultation regarding existing problems and suggest which settings are most suitable for the application being used. Despite the potential problems when working with a navigation program, it is almost always possible to correct the situation.

Problems may include:

  • prolonged display of the message “Checking the latest version...” with a further notification that the time for the operation with the socket has expired;
  • the device was not detected due to incorrect connection or the need for additional software installation;
  • the executable file was not detected on the connected device;
  • license key was not found;
  • there is no update for the device or it was not possible to detect information about the connected device, as a result of which installation of new files is only possible in manual mode;
  • lack of free space after selecting map updates;
  • inactivity of the “Update” button after selecting files for installation.

If such problems appear, you need to contact Navitel technical support and make sure correct connection device and using a licensed copy of the program, with sufficient space to install updated files.

The Navitel navigation system has been successfully operating since 2006. Today, the number of users exceeds nine and a half million, as a result of which Navitel Navigator is recognized as a leader in the Russian market. Navitel Navigator is intended only for installation on one device, and the number of re-registrations for other products is limited to three times.

You are faced with a rather serious problem - The computer does not see the navigator? This becomes really serious for every user, as it becomes impossible to download new maps or update software. But this is not a reason to buy a new device. Our gsmmoscow service center will help you solve any problems. Real professionals work here who help solve all the most complex problems every day.

If the computer does not see the Prestigio GPS navigator, First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause. It is impossible to give a definite answer. As a rule, for this we carry out diagnostics. First of all, you need to check the cable itself for functionality. To do this, just use another one. If the device works, then the problem can be solved quite simply (by purchasing a new cord), but if not, then bring the device to our service center. We will determine the breakdown. There are several options to consider here.

Reasons why the computer does not see the Prestigio navigator.

1. One of the most common reasons why The PC does not see the navigator, is that the connector itself becomes unusable. This situation is very common. As a rule, it cannot be repaired. In this case, you will need to completely replace the component.

2. People also often come to us with the problem that the connector is loose. Naturally, this may serve to The computer does not recognize the navigator. This indicates that there is no contact. In this case, we suggest replacing the part completely. Only this will help restore normal performance.

3. Perstigio does not connect to the computer for other reasons as well. Although this happens quite rarely. As a rule, it is impossible to determine such a breakdown without professional equipment. That is why our specialists primarily carry out comprehensive diagnostics. The most important thing is that this service is completely free.

As a rule, these damages occur due to the fault of the user himself, who is careless about his equipment. It must be remembered that any mechanical damage can lead to serious consequences. Also a navigator not defined computer and after you have wet it. You are unlikely to be able to cope with all this on your own. That's why it matters a lot who does the repairs. Entrust this work to our masters.

How long will it take to fix the problem when the computer does not see the Prestigio navigator?

Before making repairs, it is important to determine the real cause of the breakdown. That's why we carry out a full diagnosis first. This is not a complicated procedure, which usually takes about 30 minutes. It will take three hours to fix the problem and restore normal GPS functionality. The duration will depend on how badly Prestigio is damaged.

In any case, we do not recommend repairing such complex equipment yourself, as this will lead to serious and complex consequences. In this case, repairing the equipment will be much more difficult and, of course, more expensive. If the computer does not find Prestigio, bring it to us. We will quickly figure it out and do everything so that you can continue its normal operation. For this purpose, our workshop in housing and communal services has everything necessary - experienced craftsmen, professional equipment, etc. We have been providing high-quality repairs for several years, so you can trust us!

We often hear from our users the phrase “For some reason, my The computer does not see the Prestigio navigator" Let's figure it out together. There can be many reasons for this and at first glance it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis. We will help you with diagnostics, testing, prevention and repair of almost any model of Prestigio GEOVISION 5500, 5300,5200, 5120, 4300, 4200, 4120,5300, 3200, etc. We employ only qualified personnel who will bring your device back to life.

Below we will try to consider the main causes of this problem. To begin with, we suggest you pay attention to the USB cord with which the Prestigio is connected to a personal computer. Perhaps this is the reason. Check to see if there is any external damage, kinks. To control, try connecting the receiver with other cords.

Why doesn’t the computer see the Prestigio GPS navigator even when connected with a whole cord? Perhaps the problem is in the USB ports and therefore the Prestigio navigator is not detected by the computer. They may be faulty both on the PC and on the device itself. Try connecting the receiver to other USB ports on the computer. If this does not help, it is worth diagnosing the navigator.

If both the ports and the cord are intact, possible reason incorrect operation The devices may not be compatible. We advise you to download the latest software and the latest drivers from the manufacturer's official website to check. It is possible that the whole problem lies in the operating system and the computer does not find the Prestigio navigator. Try reinstalling it. We prefer Linux OS, as it is much more productive and reliable than others.

If the main problem is a non-working navigator port, then our specialists will quickly and efficiently replace it. After diagnostics and testing, we can accurately say why the Prestigio navigator does not connect to the computer, and, at your request, we will help eliminate the cause of the breakdown. We guarantee the quality of the services we provide and therefore we recommend our service center to you. Also, on a PC, Windows does not see the Prestigio navigator if you connect it with a completely discharged battery. It is likely that the personal computer rejects the Prestigio due to mechanical damage or water or any other moisture getting into it.

Maybe the computer does not detect the Prestigio navigator due to problems with the firmware or software of the receiver. Of course, there is a lot of information on the Internet on how to reflash the navigator yourself. But we strongly recommend contacting the service center for help, since inept handling can lead to irreparable consequences.

We are also often contacted with the same problem: “The Prestigio navigator does not see the flash drive.” Check to see if you inserted the USB flash drive into the device correctly. Pay attention to whether there is any external damage. Often the reason is that Prestigio navigator does not see the memory card, is precisely its malfunction. Try inserting another flash drive and see the result. If he still remains inconsolable, the reason may be a broken flash reader. In any case, diagnostics are needed. We produce it absolutely free of charge. And if the problem with the flash reader is confirmed, then our qualified specialists will replace it with an original one as soon as possible. We do not advise you to try to repair your navigator yourself, as this will most likely lead to irrevocable death, so it is better to seek help from a workshop.

Hello, dear car enthusiasts!

As a rule, after purchasing a car navigator, you need to connect it to a computer and update the maps installed at the factory and outdated at the time of purchase.

In my case, the situation was with the Prology iMap-552AG+ car navigator and the Navitel navigation system installed in it.

Following the instructions, I downloaded from the official Navitel website latest version maps of Russia. Next, I needed to connect the navigator to the computer via USB cable and replace the outdated card with a new one, but the following problem prevented me from doing this.

The computer does not detect the navigator

In the navigator, as required by the instructions, in " USB Settings“I chose that when connected to a computer via a USB cable, the device would be identified as a removable disk, i.e. I activated “Internal memory”.

The next step, the step in which I failed, was the operation of connecting the navigator to the computer via a USB cable, the latter being Acer laptop. At Windows connection gave the warning “The device is not recognized and will not work correctly,” therefore, the new removable storage device did not appear in “My Computer” and it was not possible to update the cards.

Having made more than one connection attempt, which involved using different USB ports, rebooting devices and re-reading instructions, I still did not achieve the desired result and turned to the Internet for help. But, unfortunately, failure awaited me here too. My navigator appeared on the market not so long ago and did not have time to be discussed on the forums.

Out of despair, I could only use the “scientific poking” method. As they say, patience and hard work will wear out everything, and after many connection attempts, I began to draw conclusions that the problem is not the lack of drivers for the navigator in the system, but the incompatibility of devices?!

At that moment, I had hope, which was pinned on a second, older desktop computer.

Looking ahead, I will say that my hope was justified. I managed to connect the navigator to the computer, like removable media information and carry out subsequent stages of updating maps. The problem with the connection was in a place completely uncharacteristic for such devices!

The problem, to my surprise, was that the modern car navigator did not support connecting to a computer via a USB 2.0 port, of which there are already four on the laptop. Therefore, to update the navigator, I needed another computer with a USB port version 1.0. It turned out to be an old faithful friend - a desktop computer, with the help of which I updated the navigator maps.

P.S. Another thing I found out during the process of connecting and updating maps is that you only need to connect the USB cable to a switched on and fully infected navigator, this will avoid “freezes” and “brakes” of the device.

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