The role of information activity in modern society. Coursework on the role of information activities in modern society. Presentation on the topic: The role of information activities in modern society

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Information activities play a huge role in modern world and is very closely related to the concept and. With the advent information technologies, or rather their improvement, because books or even cuneiform together with speech are ID, and the development of the Internet as an effective communication channel has changed a lot in our lives, thanks to the easier exchange of knowledge between people.

Definition and characteristics

Let's now look at what is meant by information activity (hereinafter referred to as ID). ID is the collection, storage, distribution and also creation of a resource and provision of unlimited access to it. A simple example is this site. Filling a website with information and posting it on the Internet is ID. Let's look (Fig. 1) at each point and briefly describe each of them:

  • First collection, implies a set of measures for extraction, selection, and in some cases even analysis .
  • Second , — organizing a reliable method of conservation for future access.
  • And last , spreading— this is the possibility of implementing publicly disclosed or documented information.

Rice. 1, Collection, storage and distribution of information in modern society

Purpose of information activities

Information activities have the following target, satisfy the needs of physical or legal entities with the information they need.

Thus we can form a definition:

The purpose of information activities is to satisfy the information needs of groups of people

The above activities have several areas in the following areas:

  • Education
  • Economy
  • Science and technology
  • Policy
  • Social issues

Each of these areas makes its contribution to the development of modern society.

With the advent of a more advanced type of ID (more technological) to replace textbooks and voice in education, the workload of the teacher and teacher has decreased. For example, a schoolchild or student can use a personal computer and the Internet to obtain any necessary knowledge according to the curriculum.

Examples of IDs in different industries

  1. In economics, information activities make it possible to ensure demand for goods through advertising.
  2. In science, scientific articles are available to almost any interested person and, as a result, the popularity of science is growing and the number of interested people who can become scientists in the future is increasing, which in the future makes it possible to move scientific progress forward.
  3. In politics, a type of media is the media, which allows you to cover current issues in the state, allows you to form, albeit one-sided, but still a connection with the masses.

Information activities on social issues. character help to draw attention to social groups who need help. Allows you to attract volunteers or funds to improve the conditions of such people. which allows us to change society for the better.

Information activities– activities that ensure the collection, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information, as well as the formation of an information resource and the organization of access to it.

Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. Whoever has the most information on any issue is always in a better position than others. It is a well-known saying that whoever owns the information owns the world.

Since ancient times, collecting and systematizing information about the world around us has helped people survive in difficult conditions - experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothing and medicines have been passed on from generation to generation. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex.

Over time, large volumes of data about the surrounding world contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, the entire society as a whole - people were able to learn to control various types of matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more significant. Now, in the first half of the 21st century, the role of information in a person’s life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the higher he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more respect he has in society.

In recent decades, there has been persistent talk about the transition from an “industrial society” to an “information society.”

There is a change in production methods, people's worldviews, and their way of life. At the same time, changes are taking place in the nature of work, which is an indicator of the degree of freedom of working individuals, an indicator of their attitude towards work. This is expressed, first of all, in the “learning” of labor - in the increasing scale of application of scientific knowledge in the production process, which leads to an increase in creativity in the labor process. Labor becomes more creative, the share of mental labor increases, the importance of its individual characteristics increases, and accordingly the share of physical labor, which exhausts a person’s muscular strength, decreases. New technology requires not standard performers, not robots, but individuals, creative personalities.

Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. The use of microprocessor technology, electronic computers and personal computers has led to a radical transformation of relations and technological foundations of activity in various spheres of public life: production and consumption, financial activity and trade, social structure society and political life, service sector and spiritual culture.

Information activities- activities that ensure the collection, processing, storage, search and dissemination of information, as well as the formation of an information resource and the organization of access to it.

Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. Whoever has the most information on any issue is always in a better position than others. It is a well-known saying that whoever owns the information owns the world.

Since ancient times, collecting and systematizing information about the world around us has helped people survive in difficult conditions - experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothing and medicines have been passed on from generation to generation. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex.

Over time, large volumes of data about the surrounding world contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, of society as a whole - people were able to learn to manage various types of matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more significant. Now, in the first half of the 21st century, the role of information in a person’s life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the higher he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more respect he has in society.

In recent decades, there has been persistent talk about the transition from an “industrial society” to an “information society.”

Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. The use of microprocessor technology, electronic computers and personal computers has led to a radical transformation of relationships and technological foundations of activity in various spheres of public life: production and consumption, financial activity and trade, the social structure of society and political life, the service sector and spiritual culture.

If we consider information activities in economic sphere, then the main goal of information technology is, as a result of targeted actions to process primary data, to obtain the information necessary for the user. For example, there is data about any production: the cost of raw materials, energy costs, workers' wages, etc. It is necessary to calculate the cost of the goods received, profit. You can count manually using known formulas, or you can use ready-made programs that will calculate everything and provide the information necessary for the user.

That is, an economic information system is a system whose functioning over time consists of collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of any real economic entity.

Humanity, from the day it emerged from the animal world, has devoted a significant part of its time and attention to information processes.

Nowadays, millions of people have become users of information. Cheap computers appeared that were available to millions of users. Computers have become multimedia, i.e. they process various types of information: sound, graphic, video, etc. This, in turn, gave impetus to the widespread use of computers in various fields of science, technology, production, and everyday life.

Communication means have become ubiquitous, and computers are connected to participate jointly in the information process. computer networks. The worldwide computer network Internet has appeared, the services of which are used by a significant part of the world's population, quickly receiving and exchanging data, i.e. a single global information space is being formed.

Currently, the circle of people involved in information processing has grown to unprecedented proportions, and the speed of exchange has become simply fantastic; computers are used in almost all areas of people's lives. Before our eyes, an information society is emerging, where the emphasis of attention and importance is shifting from traditional types of resources (material, financial, energy, etc.) to an information resource, which, although it has always existed, was not considered either as an economic or as another category. Information resources are individual documents and arrays of documents in libraries, archives, funds, data banks, information systems and other storage facilities. In other words, information resources are knowledge prepared by people for social use in society and recorded on material media. The information resources of a country, region, or organization are increasingly considered as strategic resources, similar in importance to reserves of raw materials, energy, minerals and other resources.

The development of global information resources has made it possible to transform the activity of providing information services into a global human activity, to form a global and domestic market for information services, to increase the validity and efficiency of decisions made in firms, banks, exchanges, industry, and trade through the timely use of the necessary information.

In the modern world, the role of information, the means of its processing, transmission and accumulation has increased immeasurably. Information science and computer technology now largely determine the scientific and technical potential of the country, the level of development of its national economy, the way of life and human activity.

Receiving and transforming information is a necessary condition for the functioning of society.

Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. Its production and consumption constitute the necessary basis for the effective functioning and development of various spheres of social life, and, above all, the economy. This means that not only sources of information in any part of our planet become available to every person, but also the new information generated by him becomes the property of all humanity. In modern conditions, the right to information and access to it are of vital value for all members of society. The growing role of information in society has been the subject of scientific understanding. Theories have been put forward to explain its place and significance. The most popular theories are post-industrial and information society.

The world is entering a new era - the information era, the age of electronic economic activity, online communities and borderless organizations. The advent of new times will radically change the economic and social aspects of society. Such changes most directly affect the place of man in the information world. A person changes in accordance with the vector of information and technical characteristics of society. However, this is not at all a passive acceptance of new conditions of production and consumption. A person acts as a subject of information reality, far beyond information specifications. The informatization of everyday life and the emergence of a new information field of human existence does not pass without leaving a mark on the human life world. In the electronic space, behavioral standards and value orientations of individuals change.

New conditions for world humanity are manifested in a special form in Russia. Modern Russia is not yet an information society. First of all, because some of the information is not available to a wide range of users or has been replaced by misinformation. However, the informatization of certain segments of social life, certain spheres of politics and economics will sooner or later create conditions for the emergence of a genuine social fabric of a new type, from which an information society can grow. Post-industrial trends can be quite organically combined with the characteristics of Russian civilization.

The information society is often called a mass society and a consumer society. This is due to such informatization processes as the development of the sphere of mass communications. Global and local computer networks, tools cellular communications, the television and radio broadcasting system, being components of the information structure of society, at the same time provide communication between people. Mass communication is one of the important phenomena of modern society, which significantly affects the development of all technologies, information technologies in particular, both within each country and between countries. Often, informatization processes are given a negative connotation, which is inherent in a consumer society. Many representatives of social and scientific thought see in informatization processes that are destructive for the spiritual sphere of society and associate information civilization with the antipode of culture and spirituality.

In the field of theoretical understanding of ongoing processes, there is also still no consensus regarding the ways of development of the information society, the priority of one or another of its directions, the clarity and precision of formulations and concepts expressing what is happening in information sphere. Therefore, theoretical research into both conceptual and practical (real) prerequisites for understanding current information processes remains relevant.

information society resource world

Information concept

The word information comes from the Latin word informatio, which means information, explanation, familiarization.

The concept of information is basic in a computer science course; it is impossible to define it in terms of other, more simple concepts. We can only say that this concept presupposes the presence of a material carrier of information, a source of information, an information transmitter, a receiver and a communication channel between the source and the receiver.

The concept of information is a general scientific concept, used in all areas without exception - philosophy, computer science, cybernetics, biology, medicine, psychology, physics, etc., while in each science the concept of information is associated with different systems of concepts.

In computer science, information is considered as a collection useful information about the surrounding world that circulate in nature and society.

Information is a general scientific concept, a body of knowledge about factual data and the dependencies between them. IN computer technology information is data to be entered into a computer and issued to users.

Informatization. Computerization. The role of information activity in modern society

The main object of attention of the discipline "Informatics" is the process informatization And computerization modern society, which covers all spheres of our lives and is developing at a pace unprecedented in history.

Informatization is not so much a technological as a social process associated with significant changes in the lifestyle of the population.

Informatization(English informatization) - policies and processes aimed at building and developing a telecommunications infrastructure that unites geographically distributed information resources.

Informatization is based on cybernetic methods and management tools, as well as information and communication technology tools.

Informatization has become one of the most important characteristics of our time. There is not a single area of ​​human activity that, in one way or another, would not be associated with the processes of obtaining and processing information for its practical use.

Computerization- technical equipment is the process of introducing electronic computer technology into all spheres of human life (for example, for managing technological processes, transport, energy production and transmission and other production processes).

The role of information activities in modern society

Information activities– activities that ensure the collection, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information, as well as the formation of an information resource and the organization of access to it.

Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. Whoever has the most information on any issue is always in a better position than others. It is a well-known saying that whoever owns the information owns the world.

Since ancient times, collecting and systematizing information about the world around us has helped people survive in difficult conditions - experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothing and medicines have been passed on from generation to generation. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex.

Over time, large volumes of data about the surrounding world contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, the entire society as a whole - people were able to learn to control various types of matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more significant. Now, in the first half of the 21st century, the role of information in a person’s life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the higher he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more respect he has in society.

In recent decades, there has been persistent talk about the transition from an “industrial society” to an “information society.”

There is a change in production methods, people's worldviews, and their way of life. At the same time, changes are taking place in the nature of work, which is an indicator of the degree of freedom of working individuals, an indicator of their attitude towards work. This is expressed, first of all, in the “learning” of labor - in the increasing scale of application of scientific knowledge in the production process, which leads to an increase in creativity in the labor process. Labor becomes more creative, the share of mental labor increases, the importance of its individual characteristics increases, and accordingly the share of physical labor, which exhausts a person’s muscular strength, decreases. The new technology requires not standard performers, not robots, but individuals, creative individuals.

Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. The use of microprocessor technology, electronic computers and personal computers has led to a radical transformation of relationships and technological foundations of activity in various spheres of public life: production and consumption, financial activity and trade, the social structure of society and political life, the service sector and spiritual culture.

Information revolutions. Industrial society

Information revolutions

Human society, as it developed, went through the stages of mastering matter, then energy and, finally, information. From the very beginning of human history, the need to transmit and store information arose.

Sign language was first used to convey information, and then human speech. Rock paintings began to be used to store information, and in the 4th millennium BC, writing and the first storage media (Sumerian clay tablets and Egyptian papyri) appeared.

The history of the creation of devices for processing numerical information also begins in antiquity - with the abacus (a counting board, which is a prototype of an abacus).

In the history of mankind, several times there have been such radical changes in the information field that they can be called information revolutions.

As society developed and scientific and technological progress progressed, humanity created more and more new means and methods of collecting, storing, and transmitting information. But the most important thing in information processes- processing and purposeful transformation of information - was carried out until recently exclusively by humans.

First information revolution associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant qualitative leap in the development of civilization. There is an opportunity to accumulate knowledge and transfer it to subsequent generations. From the standpoint of computer science, this can be assessed as the emergence of means and methods for storing information.

Second information revolution(mid-15th century) is associated with the invention of printing, which changed human society, culture and organization of activities. The mass distribution of printed materials made cultural values ​​accessible and opened up the possibility of independent learning. From the point of view of computer science, the significance of this revolution is that it put forward a qualitatively new way of storing information.

Third information revolution(late 19th century) is associated with the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, and radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit information over any distance. This stage is important for computer science because the means of information communication have appeared.

The fourth information revolution(70s of the twentieth century) is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of personal computers. Soon after, computer telecommunications emerged, radically changing information storage and retrieval systems.

Since the middle of the 20th century, since the appearance electronic devices processing and storage of information (computers and then personal computers), a gradual transition began from industrial society to information society.

Industrial society

Beginning around the 17th century, in the process of establishing machine production, the problem of mastering energy(machines and machines had to be set in motion).

First, methods of mastering the energy of wind and water were improved, and then humanity mastered thermal energy (the steam engine was invented in the middle of the 18th century, and the internal combustion engine was invented at the end of the 19th century).

The transition to an industrial society is associated with the second information revolution - the invention of electricity and radio.

At the end of the 19th century, mastery began electrical energy, the electric generator and electric motor were invented. And finally, in the middle of the twentieth century, humanity mastered atomic energy.

Mastery of energy made it possible to move to mass machine production of consumer goods, it was created industrial society.

Industrial society is a society determined by the level of development of industry and its technical base.

In an industrial society, the process of innovation in production plays an important role - the introduction into production of the latest achievements of scientific and technical thought: inventions, ideas, proposals. This process is called innovative.

The criterion for assessing the level of development of an industrial society is not only the level of development of industrial production. The volume of consumer goods produced is also taken into account: cars, refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, etc.

To process text information on a computer, it is necessary to represent it in a binary sign system. Each character must be associated with a unique 8-bit binary code, whose values ​​are in the range from 00000000 to 11111111 (in decimal code from 0 to 255).

Since there are many languages ​​and alphabets in the world, the transition to the international 16-bit Unicode encoding system is gradually being made. In it, each character occupies 2 bytes, which provides 2 16 = 65 536 codes for various characters.

This number of characters was enough to encode not only the Russian and Latin alphabets, numbers, signs and mathematical symbols, but also Greek, Arabic, Hebrew and other alphabets.

You should not imagine text stored in computer memory or on external media as just a stream of bytes, each of which is only a text character code. The formats for storing textual information are determined by the formats text files, used by one or another word processing program. Files created using word processors (such as Microsoft Word), include not only alphabet character codes, but also format data: font type and size, line position, margins and indents, and other additional information.

Truth table for basic logical functions

A B AÙB conjunction AÚB disjunction ØA inversion

Computer logic elements

A computer logic element is a part of an electronic logic circuit that implements an elementary logical function.

Logic element– the simplest structural unit of a computer – performing a certain logical operation on binary variables according to the rules of logical algebra.

It is usually implemented on electronic devices (semiconductor diodes, transistors) and resistors, or in the form integrated circuit; has several inputs for receiving signals corresponding to the original variables, and an output for producing a signal corresponding to the result of operations. For logic elements, discrete values ​​of input and output signals (“0” and “1”) are accepted.

The basic logical elements of a computer implement three main logical operations:

conjunctor – logical element “AND” logical multiplication;

disjunctor – logical element “OR” logical addition;

inverter – logical element “NOT” inversion.

Since any logical operation can be represented as a combination of three basic ones, any computer devices that process or store information can be assembled from basic logical elements, like “bricks”.

The logic elements of a computer operate with signals that are electrical impulses. There is an impulse - the logical meaning of the signal 1 , no impulse – 0 . The inputs of the logic element receive signal-values arguments, a signal-value appears at the output functions.

The signal transformation of a logical gate is specified by a state table, which is actually a truth table corresponding to a logical function.


Conjunction – corresponds to the conjunction “AND”, indicated by the sign Ù, otherwise called logical multiplication. The conjunction of two logical variables is true if and only if both variables are true.

Conjunctor (logical element “AND”) - implements the conjunction operation.

Two signals (00, 01, 10, 11) are supplied to inputs A and B of the “AND” logic element. The output is a 0 or 1 signal according to the truth table logical multiplication operations.


Disjunction – corresponds to the conjunction “OR”, indicated by the sign Ú, otherwise called logical addition. A disjunction of two logical variables is true when at least one variable is true.

Disjunctor (logical element “OR”) – implements the disjunction operation.

Two signals (00, 01, 10 or 11) are supplied to inputs A and B of the OR gate. The output is a 0 or 1 signal according to the truth table logical addition operations.

Inverter – logical element "NOT"

Attaching the particle “NOT” to a statement is called the operation of logical negation or inversion.

Logical negation (inversion) makes a true expression false and, conversely, a false expression true.

The operation of logical negation (inversion) on a logical statement A in the algebra of logic it is customary to denote ØA.

Inverter– implements the operation of negation, or inversion.

A 0 or 1 signal is supplied to input A of the logic element. The output produces a 0 or 1 signal in accordance with the truth table inversions.

Other logical elements are built from these three simple ones and perform more complex logical transformations of information. A signal generated by one logical element can be fed to the input of another element, this makes it possible to form chains of individual logical elements.

Ways to describe algorithms

Typical algorithm designs:

· linear– description of actions that are performed once in a given order;

· cyclic– a description of actions or a group of actions that must be repeated a specified number of times or until a specified condition is met.

· branching– an algorithm in which, depending on the condition, either one or another sequence of actions is performed;

· auxiliary– an algorithm that can be used in other algorithms by specifying only its name.

The form and method of recording the algorithm depends on who the performer will be.

Presentation of Algorithms can be divided into two groups:

· natural:

Verbal method (the algorithm is written in natural language);

Graphic method(the algorithm is shown in the form of a block diagram);

· formal.

Natural representation of the algorithm

Verbal way: With the verbal method, the algorithm is written in the form of text with formulas point by point that determine the sequence of actions.

Graphic method (block diagrams): The flowchart allows you to make the algorithm more visual and highlights the main algorithmic structures in the algorithm (linear, branching, choice and loop). Elements of the algorithm are depicted on a flowchart using various geometric shapes. The elements of the algorithm are connected by arrows indicating the steps of the algorithm.

Flowchart elements

beginning and end of the algorithm process, execution of commands or group of commands that change the value, form of presentation, or location of data setting and checking conditions, choosing the direction of execution of the algorithm, serves to designate conditions in the algorithmic structures “branching” and “choice” used to declare variables or enter comments

Formal presentation of algorithms

A formal representation of algorithms is a way of writing algorithms using algorithmic languages ​​or programming languages.

Algorithmic language is a system of rules and notations for accurate and unambiguous recording of algorithms. Such a record is formalized. This means that the entry is subject to the strict syntax requirements of the language.

Programming language is a system of notation and rules for writing algorithms, intended for use on a computer.

Program– series recording executable commands in a given programming language.

At the dawn of the computer era, in the 40s and 50s, programs were developed directly on machine language (programming language low level ), that is, in the language that the processor “understands”. Programs in a low-level programming language were very long sequences of zeros and ones, which were very difficult for a person to understand.

Development began in the 60s high level programming languages(Algol, Fortran, BASIC, Pascal, etc.), which made it possible to significantly facilitate the work of programmers. High-level programming languages ​​- allow you to create programs in a form familiar to humans (in the form of sentences). Such programming languages ​​were built on the basis of the use of a specific alphabet and strict rules for constructing sentences (syntax).

Currently, the most popular object-oriented visual programming systems are Microsoft Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, C++ (SI++), JAVA.

There are several hundred programming languages ​​in the world with different structures and capabilities.

Computer devices

IN modern computers This:

Memory (storage device - memory), consisting of renumbered cells;

A processor that includes a control unit (CU) and an arithmetic-logical unit (ALU);

Input device;

Output device.

These devices are connected to each other by communication channels through which information is transmitted.

Program counter
Command register
Operator registers

The one part of the processor that executes instructions is called arithmetic logic device, and its other part, which performs device management functions, is control device. Usually these devices are distinguished purely conditionally; they are not structurally separated.

The processor contains a number of specialized additional memory cells called registers. The register performs the function of short-term storage of a number or command. The main element of the register is an electronic circuit called trigger.

A register is a collection of triggers connected to each other in a certain way common system management.

There are several types of registers, differing in the type of operations performed. Some important registers have their own names, for example:

adder- ALU register involved in the execution of each operation;

program counter- register CU, the contents of which correspond to the address of the next executed command. It is used to automatically retrieve a program from successive memory cells;

command register- register CU for storing the command code for the period of time necessary for its execution. Some of its bits are used to store the operation code, the rest are used to store operand address codes.

The principle of memory homogeneity

Programs and data are stored in the same memory, so the computer does not distinguish between what is stored in a given memory cell - a number, text or command. You can perform the same actions on commands as on data.

Targeting principle

Structurally, main memory consists of numbered cells. Any cell is available to the processor at any time.

The computer's memory must consist of a certain number of numbered cells, each of which can contain either processed data or program instructions. All memory cells must be equally easily accessible to other computer devices.

This implies the ability to name memory areas so that the values ​​stored in them can later be accessed or changed during program execution using the assigned names.

Variety of computers

A personal computer (PC) is a computer designed for individual use. Currently, this is a powerful universal computer that works both at home and in office workplaces, and easily connects to various computing systems.

The technical basis of a PC is a microprocessor (MP). The development of MP technology determined the change in generations of personal computers:

· 8-bit MP (1975 – 1980) – I generation;

· 16-bit MP (1981 – 1985) – II generation;

· 32-bit MP (1986 – 1992) – III generation;

· 64-bit MP (1993 – present) – IV generation;

An important role in the development of the PC was played by the appearance of the IBM PC computer, produced by IBM Corporation (USA) based on the Intel-8086 MP in 1981. This personal computer took a leading position in the PC market. Its main advantage is its open architecture, thanks to which users can expand the capabilities of their PC by adding various peripheral devices and upgrading the computer. These days, 85% of all computers are based on the IBM PC architecture.

Classification of PCs by purpose

General purpose PC– intended for the mass consumer for entertainment, education and work.

Professional PCs– used in the scientific field, to solve complex information and production problems, where high speed, efficient transfer of large amounts of information, and sufficiently large capacity are required random access memory.

Classification of PCs by design

A modern personal computer can be implemented:

· in desktop (desktop),

· portable (notebook),

· pocket (handheld) version.

Computer architecture

Architecture– this is the most general principles computer constructions reflecting software control the work and interaction of its main functional units.

The architecture of modern personal computers is based on backbone-modular principle.

The modular principle allows the consumer to assemble the computer configuration he needs and, if necessary, upgrade it.

The modular organization of a computer is based on the backbone (bus) principle of information exchange between devices.

Connect to the main line CPU And RAM, as well as peripheral input, output, and storage devices that exchange information in machine language (sequences of zeros and ones in the form of electrical pulses).

Input Devices
External memory
Output devices
Network devices

Backbone-modular computer device

Microprocessor– performs arithmetic and logical operations specified by the program, controls the computing process and coordinates the operation of all computer devices.

RAM– (RAM - English Random Access Memory - random access memory) - part of the computer memory system in which programs are temporarily stored during their execution and data during their processing by the processor.

Input Devices– equipment with which you can enter data: keyboard, mouse, joystick, trackball, touchpad, light pen, touch screens, scanners, digital cameras, TV tuners, speech recognition systems, touch sensors,.

Output devices– equipment that can be used to output data: monitors, printers, plotters, speakers, human voice synthesis systems.

External memory used for permanent storage of information - programs and data: hard drive (HDD - Hard Disk Drive), or hard drive, CD drives (CD and DVD).

Network devices– necessary to connect your computer to the network: network adapters, communication channels, devices that support the functioning of the network (routers, hubs, switches).

Highway(system bus) includes three multi-bit buses:

data bus

address bus,

control bus,

which are multi-wire lines.

Data bus

This bus transfers data between different devices.

For example, data read from RAM can be transferred processor for processing, and then the received data can be sent back into RAM for storage.

Thus, data on the data bus can be transferred from device to device in any direction.

The data bus width is determined by the processor bit capacity, that is, the number of binary bits that can be processed or transmitted by the processor simultaneously.

The capacity of processors is constantly increasing as they develop computer equipment and is currently 64 bits.

Address bus

The choice of device or memory cell to which data is sent or read via the data bus is made by the processor.

Each device or RAM cell has its own address.

The address is transmitted along the address bus, and signals are transmitted along it in one direction - from the processor to RAM and devices (unidirectional bus).

The width of the address bus determines the amount of addressable memory (address space), that is, the number of one-byte RAM cells that can have unique addresses.

The number of addressable memory cells can be calculated using the formula:

where I is the address bus width.

The address bus width has constantly increased and in modern personal computers it is 64 bits.

Thus, the maximum possible number of addressable memory cells is:

N = 2 64 cells

Control bus

The control bus transmits signals that determine the nature of information exchange along the highway.

Control signals indicate what operation - reading or writing information from memory - needs to be performed, synchronize the exchange of information between devices, and so on.

Storing information objects various types on various digital media. Magnetic digital storage media. Magnetic principle of recording and reading information. Flexible and hard magnetic disks.

Information encoded using natural and formal languages, as well as information in the form of visual and audio images, is stored in human memory. However for long-term storage information, its accumulation and transmission from generation to generation are used carriers information.

Storage medium(information carrier) - any material object or medium used to store or transmit information.

The material nature of information carriers can be different: DNA molecules that store genetic information; paper on which texts and images are stored; magnetic tape that stores audio information; photographic and film films on which graphic information is stored; memory chips, magnetic and laser discs, which store programs and data on a computer, and so on.

All storage media are used for: recording, storing, reading, transmitting information. Until recently, the most common storage medium was paper. But time passes, and the quality of paper media is no longer suitable for modern society, preoccupied with an ever-increasing amount of information.

According to experts, the volume of information recorded on various media exceeds one exabyte per year (10 18 bytes/year). Approximately 80% of all this information is stored in digital form on magnetic and optical media and only 20% on analog media (paper, magnetic tapes, photo and film).

Any computer information stored on any medium binary (digital) form. Regardless of the type of information (text, graphics, sound), its volume can be measured in bits and bytes.

Digital media- devices designed for recording, storing and reading information presented in digital form.

On the first computers, paper media were used to digitally represent input data - punched cards (cardboard cards with holes) and punched tape.

Floppy magnetic disks

Until recently, personal computers were equipped with a floppy disk drive (FMD), which in price lists is called FDD– Floppy Disk Drive (floppy disk drive). Floppy disks themselves are called floppy disks. The most common type of floppy disk, 3.5 inches (89 mm) in diameter, holds 1.44 MB of information.

The 3.5-inch floppy disk itself, with a magnetic layer applied to it, is enclosed in a hard plastic sleeve that protects the floppy disk from mechanical damage and dust.

To provide access for the magnetic read-write heads to the floppy disk, there is a slot in its plastic case that is closed with a metal latch. The latch automatically retracts when a floppy disk is inserted into the drive.

In the center of the floppy disk there is a device for gripping and rotating the disk inside the plastic case. The floppy disk is inserted into the disk drive, which rotates it at a constant angular speed. In this case, the magnetic head of the drive is installed on a certain concentric track of the disk (track), on which information is written or from which information is read.

Both sides of the floppy disk are covered with a magnetic layer and each side has 80 concentric tracks (tracks) for recording data. Each track is divided into 18 sectors, and each sector can contain a data block of size 512 bytes.

When performing read or write operations, the floppy disk rotates in the drive, and the read-write heads are installed on the desired track and access the specified sector.

The speed of writing and reading information is about 50 KB/s. The floppy disk rotates in the drive at a speed of 360 rpm.

In order to preserve information, flexible magnetic disks must be protected from exposure to strong magnetic fields and heat, since such physical influences can lead to demagnetization of the media and loss of information.

Floppy disks are now becoming obsolete.

Hard magnetic disks

Hard magnetic disk drive (HDD) or, as it is more often called, hard drive or HDD (Hard Disk), is the main data storage location in personal computer. In price lists, hard drives are indicated as HDD - Hard Disk Drive(Hard disk drive).

The origin of the name “Winchester” has two versions. According to the first, IBM developed a hard drive with 30 MB of information on each side, codenamed 3030. Legend has it that a rifle like the Winchester 3030 conquered the West. The developers of the device had the same intentions.

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