What programming languages ​​exist. Classification of programming languages. Low level programming languages

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2) What is a programming language page 2

3) What are programming languages ​​for? page 3

4) What programming languages ​​exist pp. 4 – 7

5) What is a compiler and interpreter page 8

6) References page 9


Until the mid-60s, computers were too expensive cars, used only for special tasks, and performing only one task at a time (the so-called. batch processing).

What is a programming environment?

They were invented by people, with pencil and paper. It's like you're about to invent new language. Think of a few words, then spelling rules, sentence and phrase syntax, and the meanings of such grammatical structures. This does not mean that anyone will know how to speak a language invented to preserve! They were invented by people who Niklaus Wirth, Denis Ritchie, Bjarne Stroopgruppen, but then had to implement their implementations. But today's programming environment has much more functionality than the basic interpretation and execution of our written program.

The programming languages ​​of this era, like the computers they were used on, were designed for specific tasks, such as scientific computing. Since machines were expensive and only one task was performed at a time, machine time was expensive - so speed of program execution came first.

However, during the 60s, the price of computers began to fall so that even small companies could afford them; The speed of computers kept increasing and the time came when they often began to stand idle without tasks. To prevent this from happening, they began to introduce systems with time sharing(time-sharing).

A modern programming environment allows you to debug a program, modify its execution, visualize various aspects of input data, results, or perform a number of workflows necessary for the program to run smoothly. In addition, the programming environment is associated with changes and improvements to the underlying standard programming language. It processes information to obtain others. To solve the problem, we need an algorithm. To ensure that the algorithm uniquely describes and understands the computer, it is best to use the correct programming language.

In such systems, processor time was “sliced”, and all users in turn received short sections of this time. The machines were fast enough to make each user at the terminal feel as if they were operating the system alone. The machine, in turn, was idle less, since it performed not one, but many tasks at once. Time sharing radically reduced the cost of machine time because one machine could be shared by hundreds of users.

Since everything is fast, nice and good, and for the program to work, we will use the proper programming environment. Programming languages ​​- hundreds and thousands of software environments. Every software medium is sold along with a thick book called its documentation in which it is described, and no one can really know what's in there, not even those who created the programming environment and wrote the book. You don't even have to worry too much about it. You need to know how to solve problems in order to design algorithms that fit the problem.

Under these conditions - when power became cheap and available - the creators of programming languages ​​increasingly began to think about ease of writing programs, and not just the speed of their execution. “Small” (atomic) operations performed directly by machine devices have been combined into “larger”, high-level operations and entire structures that are much easier and more convenient for humans to work with.

Then you can easily choose a programming language and an appropriate programming environment and adapt at the right time. In recent years, you will never be able to keep up with the impressive evolution of technology, so you don't even need to worry about new programming environments in the market. These are simple commercial products that are more or less effective. You teach the basics, that is, what it means primarily for problem solving and algorithm design.

Below are other articles on similar topics written by me. Business programming is one of the fastest growing businesses around the world. Well-known programmers are currently in demand in Lithuania, which is constantly in short supply. Unlike most other professions, the demand for programmers is still higher than the supply. It must be said that finding good programmers for employers is extremely difficult, because the so-called pearls are quickly crushed, and it remains to choose less inclined programmers or amateur programmers.

What is a programming language

Programming language- a formal sign system designed to describe algorithms in a form that is convenient for the performer (for example, a computer). A programming language defines a set of lexical, syntactic, and semantic rules used to compose a computer program. It allows the programmer to determine exactly what events the computer will react to, how data will be stored and transmitted, and what actions should be performed on it under various circumstances.

Business programming, programmers

The latter are usually completed after just a few months of programming, so obviously they are not yet ready to work professionally. Of course, there are exceptions. As for programmers from professions, they are often interested in this area from childhood, they begin to learn how to program on their own, from friends, visit development teams, etc. Of course, all stories are different, but we can say that programmers are united by one characteristic - a constant hunger for knowledge. Whatever the strange thing about a representative of the exact sciences, a good programmer must be creative, not only have excellent logical thinking.

Since the creation of the first programmable machines, humanity has already come up with more than two and a half thousand programming languages. Every year their number is replenished with new ones. Some languages ​​are used only by a small number of their own developers, while others become known to millions of people. Professional programmers sometimes they use more than a dozen different programming languages ​​in their work.

After all, creating new codes requires a lot of creativity. The goal of every developer is to create code that allows you to quickly and easily achieve the desired result, i.e. doing as little effort as possible to achieve the best result. It is important to understand that even the best programmers do not avoid making mistakes; they are faced with seemingly insurmountable problems. Therefore, people working in this field must be stubborn and able to learn from their mistakes. After all, they say we can only learn from failure!

It is very important for a good programmer to have a lot of patience, because programming is a process consisting of many small but very important details. For example, due to minor errors, you may need to re-create a program you have already created. When working with clients, sometimes you need a lot of patience: to find out their needs, to improve your tasks that are not working.

Language creators interpret the concept differently programming language. Among the communities of places recognized by most developers are the following:

  • Function: A programming language is intended for writing computer programs that are used to transmit instructions to a computer to perform a particular computing process and organize the control of individual devices.
  • Task: A programming language differs from natural languages ​​in that it is designed to transmit commands and data from a person to a computer, while natural languages ​​are used only for people to communicate with each other. In principle, we can generalize the definition of “programming languages” - this is a way of transmitting commands, orders, clear guidance for action; whereas human languages ​​also serve to exchange information.
  • Execution: A programming language can use special constructs to define and manipulate data structures and control the computation process.

What are programming languages ​​for?

Business programming is stable when the company employs good programmers, when the quality of service is guaranteed and the work is completed on time. There are several benefits to having a satisfied customer. It is especially important to succeed because they speak for themselves and guarantee a continuous flow of customers in the future.

Having seen what qualities a good programmer should have, let's talk a little about programming languages. In fact, there are many different programming languages ​​designed to perform specific tasks. The question may arise, which programming languages ​​are the most popular and most valued by professionals? We will satisfy your curiosity and answer this important question.

The process of computer operation consists of executing a program, that is, a set of very specific commands in a very specific order. The machine form of the instruction, consisting of zeros and ones, indicates exactly what action the central processor should perform. This means that in order to give the computer a sequence of actions that it must perform, you need to specify a sequence of binary codes for the corresponding commands. Machine code programs consist of thousands of instructions. Writing such programs is a difficult and tedious task. The programmer must remember the combination of zeros and ones of the binary code of each program, as well as binary codes data addresses used during its execution. It is much easier to write a program in some language that is closer to natural human language, and entrust the work of translating this program into machine codes to a computer. This is how languages ​​designed specifically for writing programs arose - programming languages.

One of the most popular languages ​​for creating websites. The author of this language is Rasmus Lerdorf. Now this programming language is one of the most popular languages ​​used by businesses. It is an object-oriented programming language. According to experts, this programming language is judged by its integrity and reliability.

So, as you can see, our range of services is extremely wide. Therefore, if you need professional programming services, we are waiting for your call or Email. We are always ready to help! Computers, without which we cannot imagine our daily activities, are in fact only managers of technogenic programs. If we want to use the computer as efficiently as possible, to use all its capabilities, basic knowledge and the ability to work with the simplest programs is not enough.

There are many different programming languages ​​available. In fact, you can use any of them to solve most problems. Experienced programmers know which language is best to use to solve each specific problem, since each language has its own capabilities, orientation towards certain types of problems, and its own way of describing concepts and objects used in solving problems.

Some problems require you to write some kind of program. The capabilities of modern applications can be expanded and adapted to solve a specific problem using certain programming tools. Each computer user should be able to independently create simple programs. Learning to program is a long and very difficult process. This is not every person.

Before talking about programming in the first place, you must first clearly define what programming is, what is behind this obscure term for this common man? Programming is a process performed by computer programs when the algorithm is written in one of the programming languages. Programming is a combination of mathematical, technical, scientific and artistic elements.

All the many programming languages ​​can be divided into two groups: low level languages And high level languages.

Low-level languages ​​include assembly languages ​​(from the English toassemble - assemble, assemble). Assembly language uses symbolic commands that are easy to understand and quick to remember. Instead of a sequence of binary codes of commands, their symbolic designations are written, and instead of binary addresses of data used when executing a command, symbolic names of this data chosen by the programmer are written. Assembly language is sometimes called mnemonic code or autocode.

Find out what is an algorithm? An algorithm is a sequence of actions performed to achieve a certain result. Examples of algorithms used in programming are: Euclidean algorithm, square root algorithm, etc. There are many different programming languages ​​that are suitable for specific tasks. According to the principles of program development, programming is divided into several styles: imperative and declarative programming. Empirical programming is further divided into sequential, structured and object-oriented programming.

Most programmers use high-level languages ​​to write programs. Like ordinary human language, such a language has its own alphabet - a set of symbols used in the language. These symbols are used to make up the so-called keywords of the language. Each of the key words performs its own function, just as in our familiar language, words made up of letters of the alphabet of a given language can perform the functions of different parts of speech. Keywords are linked together into sentences according to certain syntactic rules of the language. Each sentence defines a certain sequence of actions that the computer must perform.

Declarative programming is divided into functional and logic programming. The programming language is chosen by each programmer in accordance with the goals that he wants to achieve and in which area he works. Once you know what programming is and how it is broken, think about what a good programmer is and what he must do to make it happen. Programming experts say that programming is a kind of art. What to call a piano, not everyone can play the violin or draw pictures, but the ability of the program is an exceptional gift.

A high-level language acts as an intermediary between a person and a computer, allowing a person to communicate with a computer in a way more familiar to humans. Often such language helps to choose the right method for solving a problem.

Before writing a program in a high-level language, the programmer must write algorithm solving a problem, that is, a step-by-step plan of action that needs to be completed to solve this problem. Therefore, languages ​​that require a preliminary compilation of an algorithm are often called algorithmic languages.

Typically, good programmers become interested in this field during childhood or adolescence, and improve their knowledge and skills over the years. A true professional in this field simply burns programming. For him this is both work and The best way spend your free time, even lifestyle.

A developer was born. Programmers are passionate the latest technologies and are constantly being improved, since the world does not stand still, and professionals in their field must keep up with the latest technologies. Every programmer needs excellent logical thinking, mathematical knowledge, and the ability to apply it when writing programs and developing algorithms. He must also be curious, courageous, patient, and willing to be a lifelong learner.

What programming languages ​​are there?


Programming languages ​​began to appear in the mid-50s. One of the first languages ​​of this type was the Fortran language (English FORTRAN from FORmulaTRANslator - formula translator), developed in 1957. Fortran is used to describe an algorithm for solving scientific and technical problems using a digital computer. Just like the first computers, this language was intended mainly for conducting natural science and mathematical calculations. In an improved form, this language has survived to this day. Among modern languages at a high level, it is one of the most used in scientific research. The most common variants are Fortran-II, Fortran-IV, EASICFortran and their generalizations.

A young man who chose to become a fashion developer good participation or because he has not been presented anywhere, will never become a professional in his field, because it will always be just a job for him. Such people can be called non-programmers, professionals and craftsmen. The formal attitude towards their work does not allow them to receive high incomes, since clients are eventually disappointed with the quality of their work and leave the labor market.

When it comes to programming languages, a good programmer must have at least one programming language. It must be said that there are few good programmers in Lithuania. Our quality assurance work is an excellent testament to our company's clients. We have many regular clients who have been using our services for several years and have never despaired.


After Fortran in 1958-1960, the Algol language (Algol-58, Algol-60) (English ALGOL from ALGOrithmicLanguage - algorithmic language) appeared. Algol was improved in 1964-1968 - Algol-68. Algol was developed by a committee in which included European and American scientists. It is a high-level language and allows you to easily translate algebraic formulas into program commands. Algol was popular in Europe, including the USSR, while the comparable Fortran was common in the USA and Canada. Algol had a significant influence on all later developed programming languages, and in particular on Pascal language. This language, like Fortran, was intended for solving scientific and technical problems. In addition, this language was used as a means of teaching the basics of programming - the art of writing programs.

Because our programmers are people who live in programming, and this is reflected in their work. It is a fairly simple and flexible programming language that runs on most operating systems. Our programming services Websites include not only the creation of your preferred websites, but also the websites, e-stores, maintenance services that you already have. We take into account the individual needs of our clients, and we are ready to implement the most unexpected ones. We do custom programming work.

Usually the term ALGOL means the language ALGOL-60, while ALGOL-68 is considered as an independent language. Even when Algol almost ceased to be used for programming, it still remained the official language for publishing algorithms.


In 1959 – 1960, the COBOL language was developed (English COBOL from COmmom Business Oriented Language - a common business-oriented language). This is a third generation programming language, intended primarily for the development of business applications. Cobol was also intended for solving economic problems, processing data for banks, insurance companies and other institutions of this kind. The developer of the first unified Cobol standard was Grace Hopper ( grandmother Cobola).

COBOL is usually criticized for being verbose and cumbersome, since one of the goals of the language's creators was to make constructs as close as possible to English language. (Cobol is still considered the programming language in which the most lines of code were written). At the same time, COBOL had excellent facilities for working with data structures and files for its time, which ensured its long life in business applications, at least in the United States.


Almost simultaneously with Cobol (1959 - 1960), the Lisp language (LISP from LIStProcessing - list processing) was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lisp is based on representing a program as a system of linear lists of symbols, which are also the main data structure of the language. Lisp is considered the second oldest high-level programming language after Fortran. This language is widely used for processing symbolic information and is used to create software simulating the activity of the human brain.

Any Lisp program consists of a sequence expressions(forms). The result of the program is to evaluate these expressions. All expressions are written in the form lists- one of the basic structures of Lisp, so they can be easily created through the language itself. This allows you to create programs that modify other programs or macros, allowing you to significantly expand the capabilities of the language.

The main meaning of a Lisp program is “life” in symbolic space: movement, creativity, remembering, creating new worlds, etc. Lisp as a metaphor for the brain, a symbol, a metaphor for a signal: “How the biological analysis of signals by the brain occurs, how an external factor - a physical and chemical effect, which is an irritant for the body, turns into a biologically significant signal, often vital, determining all the behavior of a person or animal; and how there is a division of different signals into positive, negative and indifferent, indifferent. A signal is already an integrative concept. It represents an identifying sign of a group, complex stimuli, interconnected by a common history and cause-and-effect relationships. In this complex, a system of stimuli, the signal stimulus itself is also a constituent element and under other circumstances its role may belong to another stimulus from the complex. The signal concentrates the entire past experience of an animal or person."


In the mid-60s (1963), the BASIC language was created at Dartmouth College (USA). Over time, as other dialects began to appear, this "original" dialect became known as Dartmouth BASIC. The language was based partly on Fortran II and partly on ALGOL-60, with additions making it suitable for time-sharing and, later, text processing and matrix arithmetic. BASIC was originally implemented on the GE-265 mainframe with support for multiple terminals. Contrary to popular belief, at the time of its inception it was a compiled language.

BASIC was designed so that students could write programs using time-sharing terminals. It was created as a solution to problems associated with the complexity of older languages. It was intended for more “simple” users, not so much interested in the speed of programs, but simply in the ability to use the computer to solve their problems. Due to the simplicity of the BASIC language, many novice programmers begin their programming journey with it.


In the late 60s - early 70s, the Forth language appeared (English: FOURTH - fourth). This language began to be used in problems of controlling various systems after its author, Charles Moore, wrote a program in it designed to control the radio telescope of the Arizona Observatory.

A number of properties, namely interactivity, flexibility and ease of development, make Forth a very attractive and effective language in applied research and in the creation of tools. The obvious areas of application for this language are embedded control systems. It is also used in programming computers running various operating systems.


The Pascal language, which appeared in 1972, was named after the great French mathematician of the 17th century, the inventor of the world's first arithmetic machine, Blaise Pascal. This language was created by Swiss computer scientist Niklaus Wirth as a language for teaching programming methods. Pascal is a general purpose programming language.

Features of the language are strict typing and the presence of structural (procedural) programming tools. Pascal was one of the first such languages. According to N. Wirth, the language should contribute to the discipline of programming, therefore, along with strict typing, in Pascal possible syntactic ambiguities are minimized, and the syntax itself is intuitive even when you first become acquainted with the language.

The Pascal language teaches not only how to write a program correctly, but also how to correctly develop a method for solving a problem, and choose ways to represent and organize the data used in the problem. Since 1983, Pascal has been introduced into computer science courses in US high schools.


Based on the Pascal language, the Ada language was created in the late 70s, named after the gifted mathematician Ada Lovelace (Augusta Ada Byron, daughter of the poet Byron). It was she who, in 1843, was able to explain to the world the capabilities of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. The Ada language was developed by order of the US Department of Defense and was originally intended to solve space flight control problems. This language is used in problems of controlling on-board systems of spacecraft, life support systems for astronauts in flight, and complex technical processes.

Ada is a structured, modular, object-oriented programming language containing high-level facilities for programming parallel processes. Ada's syntax is inherited from languages ​​like Algol or Pascal, but expanded, and also made more strict and logical. Ada is a strongly typed language, it excludes work with objects that do not have types, and automatic type conversions are reduced to an absolute minimum.

According to Stephen Zeigler, software development in Ada is generally 60% cheaper, and the developed program has 9 times fewer defects than when using the C language.


Currently, the C language is popular among programmers (C is a letter of the English alphabet). The C language originates from two languages ​​- BCPL and B. In 1967, Martin Richards developed BCPL as a language for writing system software and compilers. In 1970, Ken Thompson used B to create earlier versions UNIX operating system on a DEC PDP-7 computer. In both BCPL and B, variables were not divided into types - each data value occupied one word in memory and the responsibility for distinguishing, for example, between integers and real numbers fell entirely on the shoulders of the programmer. The C language was developed (based on B) by Dennis Ritchie of Bell Laboratories and was first implemented in 1972 on a DEC PDP-11 computer. C gained fame as the language of the UNIX OS. Today, almost all major OS were written in C or C++. Two decades later, C is available on most computers. It is independent of hardware. In the late 70s, Xi evolved into what we call “traditional Xi.” In 1983, the American National Computer and Information Processing Standards Committee established a unified standard for this language. This language has rich tools, allows you to write flexible programs that use all the capabilities of modern personal computers. Prologue Another language, which is considered the language of the future, was created in the early 70s by a group of specialists from the University of Marseille. This is the Prolog language. It got its name from the words “Programming in the language of LOGIC”. This language is based on the laws of mathematical logic. Like the Lisp language, Prolog is used mainly in research in the field of software simulation of human brain activity. Unlike the languages ​​described above, this language is not algorithmic. It belongs to the so-called descriptive(from the English descriptive - descriptive) - descriptive languages. A descriptive language does not require the programmer to develop all stages of a task. Instead, according to the rules of such a language, the programmer must describe a database corresponding to the problem being solved and a set of questions that need to be answered using data from this database.

In recent decades, programming has emerged and received significant development. object-oriented an approach. This is a programming method that imitates the real world: the information used to solve a problem is represented as a set of interacting objects. Each of the objects has its own properties and modes of behavior. The interaction of objects is carried out using message passing: each object can receive messages from other objects, remember information and process it in a certain way, and, in turn, send messages. Just like in the real world, objects store their properties and behavior together, inheriting some of them from parent objects.

Object-oriented ideology is used in all modern software products, including operating systems.

First object-oriented language Simula -67 was created as a means of simulating the operation of various devices and mechanisms. Most modern programming languages ​​are object-oriented. Among them latest versions language Turbo - Pascal , C ++, Ada and others.

Systems are currently widely used visual programming Visual Basic , Visual C ++, Delphi and others. They allow you to create complex application packages with a simple and convenient user interface.

What is a compiler and interpreter

Creating a language that is convenient for writing programs is not enough. Each language needs its own translator. Such translators are special translator programs.

Translator is a program designed to translate a program written in one programming language into a program in another programming language. The translation process is called broadcast.

The texts of the source and resulting programs are located in the computer's memory.

An example of a translator is a compiler.

Compiler is a program designed to translate a program written in a language into a machine code program. The process of such translation is called compilation.

The compiler creates a finished result - a program in machine code. This program is then executed. The compiled version of the source program can be saved to disk. To re-execute the original program, the compiler is no longer needed. It is enough to load the previously compiled version from the disk into the computer memory and execute it.

There is another way to combine the processes of translation and program execution. It is called interpretation. The essence of the interpretation process is as follows. First it is translated into machine codes, and then the first line of the program is executed. When the execution of the first line is completed, the translation of the second line begins, which is then executed, and so on. This process is controlled by an interpreter program.

Interpreter is a program designed for line-by-line translation and execution of the original program. This process is called interpretation.

The translation process includes checking the source program for compliance with the rules of the language used in it. If errors are detected in the program, the translator enters a message about them on the output device (usually on the display screen).

The interpreter reports the errors it finds after translating each line of the program. This greatly simplifies the process of finding and correcting errors in the program, but significantly increases the broadcast time. The compiler translates the program much faster than the interpreter, but reports the errors it finds after the entire program has finished compiling. Finding and correcting errors in this case is more difficult. Therefore, interpreters are designed mainly for languages ​​intended for teaching programming and are used by novice programmers. Most modern languages ​​are designed for developing complex software packages and are designed to be compiled.

Sometimes the same language can be used by both the compiler and the interpreter. Such languages ​​include, for example, BASIC.

As a rule, compiler programs and interpreters are named the same as the languages ​​from which they are intended to be translated. The words Pascal, Ada, C can refer to both the names of languages ​​and the names of the corresponding programs.

SOUTH. Kratin. Analysis of signals by the brain. 1975.

Stephen Zeigler. Comparing Development Costs of C and Ada.

List of used literature:

1. I.T. Zaretskaya, B.G. Kolodyazhny, A.N. Gurzhiy, A.Yu. Sokolov. Computer science 10-11 grade. - K.: “Forum”, 2001

2. Berezin B.I., Berezin S.B. Beginner programming course. – M., 1996

3. H.M. Deitel. How to program in S. – M.: “Binom”, 2000.

4. Internet page: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/LISP

5. Vagramenko Y.A. and others. Fundamentals of computer science and computer technology with application to linguistics: Proc. allowance. – M.: MOPI, 1989.

Programming for Beginners

To begin with, I would like to say that anyone can operate a computer and create programs. You don't need incredible intelligence or a degree in math to create computer programs. All you need is a desire to figure something out and patience so as not to quit.

The ability to write programs is the same skill as the ability to swim, dance or juggle. Some people actually do it much better than others, but anyone can achieve certain results with proper practice. It is for this reason that children become programming aces at an early age. Children are not necessarily geniuses; they are simply inclined to learn new things and are not afraid to make mistakes.

Even though computers seem like very complex electronic monsters, relax. Very few people know exactly how search engines work, which allow you to quickly find the information you need on the Internet, and some people have not even figured out how to drive a car. Likewise, almost anyone can learn to create programs without having to go into detail about exactly how a computer works.

Generally speaking, a program tells the computer how to solve a particular problem. Because the world is full of problems, the number of programs that people can write is endless.

However, in order to tell the computer how to solve one huge problem, you usually have to tell the computer how to solve a whole series of small problems that make up the big problem.

In fact, programming is not at all difficult and is not something mysterious or supernatural. If you are able to write step by step instructions, which will allow a person to find your house, you can write a computer program.

The hardest part of programming is identifying the small problems that make up the problem you need to solve. Since computers are completely stupid, you have to tell them how to do everything.

If you think that creating a program is more fun than using it, you have everything you need to create computer programs. If you want to learn how to write computer programs, you need the following three qualities.

Pursuit. If you want something bad enough, you'll get it (but if you do something illegal, you risk spending a lot of time in jail). If you want to learn how to program, your desire will definitely help you, no matter how many obstacles stand in your way.

Curiosity. A healthy dose of curiosity can fuel your desire to experiment and continue to improve your programming skills even after reading this book. Curiosity will make learning programming less boring and more interesting. And if you are interested, you will definitely study and remember more information than any completely uninterested person (for example, your boss).

Imagination. Creating computer programs is a skill, but imagination can help make that skill more refined and focused. A novice programmer with a fair amount of imagination will always create much more interesting and useful programs than a wonderful programmer without imagination. If you don't know what to do with your programming skills, your talent will simply die without imagination.

Drive, curiosity, and imagination are the three most important qualities every programmer should have. If you have them, you only have to worry about the little things: what programming language to learn (for example, C++), what's up with math, etc.

Among many programming languages, you can always find exactly the language that is suitable for solving a given problem. When a new type of problem arises, people create new languages.

Of course, a computer actually understands only one language, made up of ones and zeros, called machine language. Typically a program written in machine language, looks something like this:

0010 1010 0001 1101

UN 1100 1010 1111

0101 IT 1101 0101

1101 1111 0010 1001

Further, it is very important for what purpose the language is chosen - for teaching programming or for solving a specific application problem. In the first case, the language should be easy to understand, strict and, if possible, free of pitfalls. In the second - albeit complex, but an effective and expressive tool for a professional who knows what he wants.

Now I would like to explain to you that a programming language (Basic, Pascal) should be distinguished from its implementation, which is usually presented as part of a programming environment (Quick Basic, Virtual Pascal) - a set of tools for editing source texts, generating executable code, debugging, managing projects, etc. The syntax and semantics of a programming language are fixed in the language standard. Each programming environment provides its own interpreter or compiler for this language, which often allows the use of constructs that are not fixed in the standard.

Let's look at the main and popular programming languages

Assembler This is the brightest representative of low-level languages, the set of concepts of which is based on hardware implementation. This is an automation tool for programming directly in processor codes. Machine commands are described in the form of mnemonic operations, which makes it possible to achieve fairly high code modifiability. Since the command set is different processors is different, then there is no need to talk about compatibility. The use of assembler is advisable in cases where it is necessary to interact directly with the hardware, or to obtain greater efficiency for some part of the program due to greater control over code generation.

COBOL- A high-level programming language developed in the late 1950s. association CADASIL to solve commercial and economic problems. It features advanced tools for working with files. Since commands in programs written in this language actively use regular English vocabulary and syntax, COBOL is considered one of the most simple languages programming. Currently used to solve economic, information and other problems.

Fortran- A high-level programming language developed by IBM in 1956 to describe algorithms for solving computational problems. Belongs to the category of procedurally oriented languages. The most common versions of this language are Fortran IV, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90. It is used on all classes of computers. Its latest version is also used on computers with parallel architecture.

Ada- A high-level programming language, oriented for use in real-time systems and designed to automate tasks of managing processes and/or devices, for example, in on-board (ship, aviation, etc.) computers. Developed at the initiative of the US Department of Defense in the 1980s. Named after the English mathematician Ada Augusta Byron (Lovelace), who lived from 1815 to 1851.

BASIC(Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) Born in the 60s in America. BASIC was conceived as a simple language for quick learning. BASIC became the de facto standard for Microcomputers precisely because of its simplicity in both learning and implementation. However, for To achieve this quality, a number of decisions were made (lack of typing, line numbering and non-structural GOTO, etc.), which negatively affected the style of students of programming. In addition, the lack of expressive means led to the emergence of a huge number of language dialects that are incompatible with each other. Modern, specialized versions of BASIC (such as Visual Basic), despite the acquired “structure”, still have the same shortcomings, primarily negligence in relation to types and descriptions. initial stage training, as a means of automation (in cases where it is built into the relevant systems) or as a means for quickly creating applications.

Pascal Developed by the famous theorist N. Wirth based on the ideas of ALGOL-68, Pascal was intended primarily for teaching programming. Built on the “necessary and sufficient” principle, it has strict type control, constructs for describing arbitrary data structures, and a small but sufficient set of structured programming operators. Unfortunately, reverse side simplicity and rigor is the cumbersomeness of descriptions of language constructs. The most famous implementation - Turbo/Borland Pascal - despite the differences from the Pascal standard, is an environment and a set of libraries that have turned the educational language into an industrial system for developing programs in the MS-DOS environment.

C and C++ The C language is based on requirements system programmer: full and efficient access to all computer resources, high-level programming tools, program portability between different platforms and operating systems. C++, while maintaining compatibility with C, introduces object-oriented programming capabilities by expressing the idea of ​​a class (object) as a user-defined type. Thanks to these qualities, C/C++ has taken the position of a universal language for any task. But its use may become ineffective where it is necessary to obtain a ready-to-use result in the shortest possible time, or where the procedural approach itself becomes unprofitable.

Delphi- this is not a successor to Borland Pascal / Borland C, its niche is i.e. quick creation applications (Rapid Application Developing, RAD). Such tools allow you to create in the shortest possible time work program from ready-made components, without wasting a lot of effort on trifles. A special place in such systems is occupied by the ability to work with databases.

Lisp- An algorithmic language developed in 1960 by J. McCarthy and intended for manipulating lists of data elements. It is used primarily in US university laboratories to solve problems related to artificial intelligence. In Europe, they prefer to use Prolog for work on artificial intelligence.

Prologue- A high-level declarative programming language designed for the development of artificial intelligence systems and programs. Belongs to the category of fifth generation languages. It was developed in 1971 at the University of Marseille (France), and is one of the widely used and constantly developing languages. Its latest version is Prolog 6.0

LOGO- A high-level programming language developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology around 1970 for the purpose of teaching mathematical concepts. It is also used in schools and by PC users when writing programs for creating drawings on a monitor screen and controlling a pen plotter.

Java As a striking example of specialization, Java language appeared in response to the need for a perfectly portable language, programs in which can be efficiently executed on the WWW client side. Due to the specific environment, Java may be good choice for a system built on Internet/Intranet technology.

ALGOL- A high-level programming language focused on describing algorithms for solving computational problems. It was created in 1958 by specialists from Western European countries for scientific research. The ALGOL-60 version of this language was adopted by the International Conference in Paris (1960) and was widely used on 2nd generation computers. Version ALGOL-68, developed by a group of specialists from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in 1968, received the status of an international universal programming language focused on solving not only computational but also information problems. Although Algol is currently practically not used, it served as the basis or had a significant influence on the development of more modern languages, for example, Ada, Pascal, etc.
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himself best language does not exist. If you want to become a professional programmer, you will need to learn one of the high-level programming languages ​​(the most popular programming language is C++) as well as one of the database programming languages ​​(for example, SQL). Once you learn the C++ programming language, you can't go wrong. Knowing this language, you can always find a job in any programming company.

Despite the great popularity of the C++ programming language, other languages ​​are also often used. Many older computers still run programs written in the COBOL programming language. Therefore, we need programmers who can improve these programs and also write new ones. Very often, large companies pay such programmers high salaries.

If you're going to be working on your own, it's best to learn how to create your own database programs. To do this, you will need to learn programming languages ​​such as SQL or VBA, which are used in Microsoft Access. In order to create Web pages, you need to know HTML, as well as some knowledge of Java, JavaScript, VBScript and other Internet programming languages. The most necessary programming language will be one that will allow you to solve the tasks assigned to you easily and quickly. This could be a programming language such as C++, BASIC, Java, SQL, or assembly language.
In conclusion, we note that from a professional point of view, it is not so important in what language and in what environment the programmer works, but how he performs his work. Hardware and operating systems are changing. New problems arise from a variety of subject areas. They become a thing of the past and new languages ​​appear. But people remain - those who write and those for whom new programs are written and whose quality requirements remain the same regardless of these changes.
So we looked at the basics of programming and the main programming languages.

I wish you good luck in mastering programming!

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