Course work: History of development and current situation of the information society. Presentation "main stages of the information society" presentation for a lesson on the topic History of the development of the information society poster

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As society develops, participation in information processes began to require not only individual, but also collective knowledge and experience that facilitates the correct processing of information and making the necessary decisions. To do this, a person needed various devices.

Information revolutions are the stages of the emergence of means and methods of information processing that caused fundamental changes in society, defined as. At the same time, society moves to a higher level of development and acquires a new quality. Information revolutions determine turning points in world history, after which new stages in the development of civilization begin, fundamentally new technologies appear and develop.

The first information revolution It is associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant qualitative leap in the development of civilization. It became possible to accumulate knowledge in written form to pass it on to next generations. From the standpoint of computer science, this can be assessed as the emergence of qualitatively new (compared to the oral form) means and methods of storing information.

Second information revolution (mid-16th century) Printing is one of the first information technologies. It began during the Renaissance and is associated with the invention of printing, which changed human society, culture and organization of activities in the most radical way. Typography is one of the first information technologies.

Man not only received new means of accumulating, systematizing and reproducing information. The mass distribution of printed materials made cultural values ​​accessible to the public and opened up the possibility of independent and purposeful personal development. From the point of view of computer science, the significance of this revolution is that it brought forward a more advanced way of storing information.

The third information revolution (late 19th century) is associated with the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone and radio appeared, making it possible to quickly transmit information in any volume. There is an opportunity to ensure more rapid exchange of information between people. This stage is important for computer science primarily because it marked the emergence of means of information communication.

Computers, computer networks, data transmission systems (information and communication systems), etc. began to be created on microprocessors and integrated circuits. Thanks to this revolution, for the first time in the history of its development, humanity received a means to enhance its own intellectual activity. This tool is a computer. List of used literature: htm %FB%E9_%EA%EE%EC%EF%FC%FE%F2%E5%F0 %E0%EB%FC%ED %FB%E9_%EA%EE%EC%EF%FC%FE%F2%E5%F0 html c478a9953c)&Page=51 =(d314618f-340f-486d-a64a- 48c478a9953c)&Page=51 html 256

In 1999, the Concept for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation was developed. Its goal is to determine the way to build a communication system, the main priorities, provisions and conditions of state policy in the field of communications. The document substantiated the socio-economic, cultural and other prerequisites for the formation of individual elements and the establishment of their relationship in a single structure.

History of the development of the information society

It is divided into four stages. At each of them, society moves to a qualitatively new level of its development. These stages determine turning points in the existence of the whole world. The history of the development of the information society began with the advent of writing. It caused a qualitative leap in the development of civilization. People now have the opportunity to accumulate knowledge in written form in order to pass it on to future generations. At this stage, qualitatively new methods and means of collecting and summarizing data emerged. The history of the development of the information society is closely connected with book printing. In the middle of the 16th century. A new stage began, within which profound changes took place in the culture of civilization and the organization of human activity. Typography is considered one of the first communication technologies. People not only received new means of collecting, accumulating, and systematizing information. Thanks to the mass distribution of printed publications, they became publicly available. This, in turn, contributed to more active, purposeful and independent personal development. The significance of this stage is the emergence of a more advanced way of storing knowledge.

Turning points

At the end of the 19th century, electricity was invented. Thanks to this, radio, telegraph and telephone appeared. These tools made it possible to quickly transmit information in any volume. The fourth stage is associated with the advent of microprocessor technology and the creation personal computers. Electrical and mechanical means of data conversion have been replaced by electronic ones. This contributed to the miniaturization of devices, components, machines, instruments, and the emergence of software-controlled processes. The history of the development of the information society, therefore, is a fairly long process that began in ancient times. At the last stage, humanity received a means of strengthening itself, which is a computer.

The situation in the Russian Federation

Development of the information society Russian Federation started relatively recently. Over the past few decades, the real ways and prerequisites for the formation and improvement of the communication system in the country have been clearly understood. The development of the information society in Russia is global in nature. It presupposes the inevitable accession of the state to the world communication system. The use of spiritual and material information benefits can provide citizens of the country with a decent life, the necessary conditions for personal improvement, and economic prosperity. The state must join the developed powers as an equal participant while maintaining its political independence, cultural traditions, and national identity. The main signs and features, as well as directions for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation, will be finally formed before the end of the first quarter of the 21st century.


The development of information technologies and the information society in the Russian Federation should be accompanied by:

  1. The formation of a unified communication space in the country as part of the world system.
  2. Full participation of the state in the economic and information integration of peoples, regions and developed powers.
  3. The emergence and dominance subsequently of new promising programs, VT and telecommunications based on the mass use.
  4. Creating and improving the market for knowledge and information as production factors that complement the markets for natural resources, capital and labor.
  5. Strengthening the role of communication infrastructure within mass production.
  6. Improving the quality of education, cultural and scientific-technical development based on expanding the capabilities of communication systems at the international, regional and national levels.
  7. Formation of an effective system to ensure the rights of social institutions and individual citizens to free access, distribution and use of public data as the most important condition for democratization.

All processes of development of the information society in the Russian Federation must take place with the continuous participation and support of the state.


The invention of the computer is not the last period of development. The information society goes through many stages, the duration and speed of which are different. The need for qualitatively new transformations in the field of communication is determined by a change in the nature of the influence of scientific and technical progress on human life. By the end of the 20th century, the rate of change in the technological structure in production, technologies for providing services and products, and managing these processes increased significantly. At the beginning or even in the middle of the century, such changes occurred during time periods that significantly exceeded the life expectancy of 1-2 generations of people, but today these periods have been significantly reduced. The transition to each subsequent level is accompanied by fundamental changes in the lifestyle of the vast majority of citizens and the socio-psychological model of behavior in general.

Globalization of the communications sphere

Over the past few decades, certain factors have emerged in Russia that can be considered as key prerequisites for the formation of an information society in the country. These primarily include the globalization of the communication system. Information in Lately acts as a social development resource. It is used on a scale that is quite comparable with the use of traditional resources (raw materials, energy, etc.). Thus, the country has reached a fairly high level of development of the information society in a relatively short period of time.

Telecommunications market

Experts note that in Russia it has formed and is developing quite effectively. Despite the economic downturn, there is an expansion of the computer fleet and accelerated improvement of telecommunications tools and systems. The number of subscribers to open world systems is growing quite rapidly. The number of Internet users in Russia is large. In addition, there has been a successful introduction of telephones to the population and an expansion of the cellular communications market.

Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation

The main goals in the field of communication and communication are:

  1. Integration of the country into This should ensure a significant increase in the quality of life of citizens and the socio-political stability of the entire state.
  2. Formation of a developed information environment in the country.

In the near future, the transition to a new communication system should be considered as a necessary condition for the state to emerge from the current economic crisis. The strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation involves the creation and implementation of tools for effectively overcoming the difficulties that occur in spiritual, social and political life. The formation of a communication environment acts as a factor in the integration of people's consciousness around humanistic values ​​and national traditions. Qualitatively new system should become an instrument for strengthening the state, social and economic equalization of the quality of life in the regions of the country.

Participation of authorities

The information stage of society's development cannot be effective in the absence of support from the state. The government of the country plays a key role in effectively ensuring the procedure for establishing a unified communication system. State:

  1. Coordinates the work of various participants in the informatization process.
  2. Ensures the improvement of democratic institutions in the country.
  3. Preserves political, legal, economic mechanisms regulating the activities of participants.
  4. Creates a regulatory framework, methods and forms of administrative regulation that are adequate to modern conditions and contribute to the influx of investment and the formation of fair competition.
  5. Provides freedom of choice of activity to business structures that are interested in developing production and expanding the domestic market.

In the absence of effective financial mechanisms at the state's disposal that can ensure the transition to a unified system, the strategy for the development of the information society is implemented through the formation of a legal framework regulating relations in the field of communication and communication.

Regulatory instruments

The strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation gives the state the role of a catalyst for the ongoing changes. To do this, the government:

Important point

The strategy for building an information society requires active propaganda and psychological support for the population. Citizens must understand its program activities and basic provisions. The population needs to be explained the social orientation of the transition. People must understand the need to build a qualitatively new information society. To do this, it needs to be justified and brought to the attention of the population through the media. When implementing the strategy, it is also necessary to take into account domestic and foreign experience, analyze program-targeted methods of organizing activities in the field of communication and communication. All activities must be integrative in nature, focused on combining various commercial and departmental projects.


The strategy has a national, supra-departmental character. This provides an opportunity to coordinate the efforts of all actors involved in this global transition. It is important to ensure a shift in processes from the center of the country to the periphery. It is necessary to widely involve municipal and regional authorities in the implementation of targeted communication programs.

Krasnoturinsky branch


OUD.07 Computer Science

Main stages of development of the information society

Boyarinova O.V., teacher


  • Main stages of development of the information society.
  • Stages of development of technical and information resources.

1. Main stages of development of the information society.

Beginning around the 17th century, significant changes occurred in the way information was stored and transmitted.

In the development of human society there are four stages, named information revolutions, which made changes in its development.

Information revolutions - transformation of social relations due to fundamental changes in the field of information processing. The consequence of such transformations was the acquisition of a new quality by human society.

Information revolutions

The first revolution (VI millennium BC) is associated with the invention of writing.

This led to a gigantic qualitative and quantitative leap.

There is an opportunity to transfer knowledge from generation to generation.

Information revolutions

The second revolution (mid-16th century) is associated with the invention of printing.

This radically changed industrial society, culture, and organization of activities.

It became possible not only to save information, but also to make it widely accessible.

Literacy is becoming a universal phenomenon. All this accelerated the growth of science and technology and helped the industrial revolution.

Information revolutions

The third revolution (late 19th century) was caused by the invention of electricity.

Thanks to this invention, the following appeared: telegraph, telephone, radio, which made it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume.

The degree of dissemination of information has increased, the role of the media has strengthened, and the possibility of rapid communication between people has emerged.

Information revolutions

The fourth revolution (70s of the XX century) is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of the personal computer.

Computers, computer networks, and data transmission systems (information communications) are created using microprocessors and integrated circuits.

This period is characterized by three fundamental innovations:

  • transition from mechanical and electrical means of information conversion to electronic ones;
  • ​ miniaturization of all components, devices, instruments, machines;
  • ​ creation of software-controlled devices and processes.

Main features of the information society.

Information society - a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

Distinctive features of the information society:

  • increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technologies in the life of society;
  • an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services, an increase in their share in the gross domestic product;
  • the growing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media;
  • creation of a global information space that ensures: effective information interaction between people, their access to global information resources and satisfaction of their needs for information products and services;
  • development of electronic democracy, information economy, electronic state, electronic government, digital markets, electronic social and economic networks.

2. Stages of development of technical and information resources.

Development computer technology can be divided into the following periods:

  • Manual (VI century BC - XVII century AD);
  • Mechanical (from the middle of the 17th century);
  • Electromechanical - since the 90s of the 19th century;
  • Electronic (mid-20th century - present).

It should be borne in mind that well-proven tools from all four stages of computer technology development are still used by humanity today to automate various types of calculations.

Chinese account

Bone with notches

Knots on ropes

Manual stage of computer technology development

The manual period of automated computing began at the dawn of human civilization and was based on the use of body parts, primarily fingers and toes.

The counting results were recorded different ways: making notches, counting sticks, knots, etc., grouping and rearranging objects.

Chinese account

Bone with notches

Knots on ropes

Manual stage of computer technology development

About 3000 years ago (5th century BC), the first calculating device began to be used for counting - the abacus, from which the development of computer technology began.

Abacus - the most developed calculating device of antiquity, preserved to this day in the form various types accounts.

(Japanese abacus)

(Chinese abacus)

The development of mechanics in the 17th century became a prerequisite for the creation of computing devices and instruments using the mechanical principle of calculation.

First mechanical car (Chiccard's car) for performing arithmetic operations on 6-bit numbers was described in 1623 by W. Schickard. It consisted of independent devices: adding, multiplying and recording numbers.

Mechanical stage of development of computing technology

In 1642, the outstanding French scientist Blaise Pascal built “Pascalina” - a machine that mechanically performs arithmetic operations on 10-bit numbers. Pascal's mechanical "computer" could add and subtract.

The Pascaline consisted of a set of vertically mounted wheels with numbers from 0 to 9 printed on them. Counting on the Pascaline was very simple.

Mechanical stage of development of computing technology

In 1673, the German mathematician and philosopher G.W. Leibniz designed the first adding machine, a calculating device that not only added and subtracted, but also multiplied and divided.

Arithmometers became widespread and were modified several times.

Leibniz machine

Thomas adding machine

Ordner adding machine

Mechanical stage of development of computing technology

In the 30s of the 19th century. The Englishman Charles Babage proposed an analytical engine using the principle program control, which was the predecessor of modern computers.

In 1843, Ada Lovelace (granddaughter of the poet Byron) wrote the world's first fairly complex program for calculating Bernoulli numbers for Babage's machine.

The Analytical Engine project was not implemented, but became very widely known and earned high praise from a number of scientists, primarily mathematicians.

Was the least long lasting and covers only about 60 years.

The prerequisites for the creation of projects at this stage were both the need to carry out mass calculations (economics, statistics, management, planning, etc.) and the development of applied electrical engineering (electric drive and electromechanical relays).

The first counting and analytical complex was created in the USA in 1887 by G. Hollerith (Hollerith tabulator). It was used for the census in Russia (1897), the USA (1890) and Canada (1897), for processing reporting on US railroads, and in large trading firms.

Electromechanical stage of development of computer technology

In 1941, Konrad Zuse built a machine similar to a tabulator, with program control and a storage device.

In 1944, Aiken, at an IBM plant, built the MARK-1 analytical machine based on an electromechanical relay.

Electromechanical stage of development of computer technology

In the USSR, a relay computer (RVM-1) was built in 1957.

This was the last, major project of relay VT. During this period, machine counting stations were created, which were mechanized counting enterprises.

Due to its physical and technical nature, relay VT did not allow a significant increase in the speed of calculations; This required a transition to high-speed electronic inertia-free elements.

All electronic computer technology is usually divided into generations.

The change of generations depends on the elemental base of the computer, i.e. technical basis.

Electronic stage of computer technology development

I generation (1945-1959)

  • System software was missing.
  • They were narrowly specialized in solving mathematical problems.
  • The element base of the first generation machines is electron vacuum tubes.
  • Computers required a large area of ​​the room. To maintain their functionality, a staff of experienced engineers was required who were able to quickly find faults and fix them.


  • one memory device;
  • one arithmetic device;
  • several primitive information input/output devices.

Examples of computers: EDSAC, ENIAC, BESM.

Electronic stage of computer technology development

II generation (1950-1963)

  • Second-generation computers were no longer used only for computational mathematics problems, but also for solving data processing problems
  • The size of machines and electricity consumption were reduced, which made it possible to open mass production of computers.
  • Printing devices and magnetic drives for storing information appeared as part of computers.
  • Programming languages ​​appeared: Fortran, Algol, Cobol, BASIC.

Cars of this generation: “RAZDAN-2”, “IVM-7090”, “Minsk-22”, “Ural-14”, “BESM-6”, “M-220”, etc.

Electronic stage of computer technology development

III generation (1964-1976)

  • The productivity of these machines reached from 500 thousand to 2 million operations per second, the volume random access memory reached from 8 MB to 192 MB.
  • The basis of the III generation machines were integrated circuits.
  • The dimensions of computers have decreased sharply. Performance has increased significantly.
  • The computer included convenient output devices - displays.

Cars of this generation: IBM-360, MINSK-32, etc.

Electronic stage of computer technology development

IV generation (1977 – present day)

  • This is the first type of computer that appeared in retail sales.
  • The elemental base of these machines was LSI (large-scale integrated circuits).
  • A significant difference between microcomputers and their predecessors is their small size and comparative low cost.
  • The PC hardware kit uses a color graphic display, manipulators such as “mouse”, “joystick”, a comfortable keyboard, and user-friendly compact disks (magnetic and optical).

Examples: IBM PC, ELBRUS, etc.

Electronic stage of computer technology development

V generation (computer of the future)

  • Fifth generation machines are realized artificial intelligence. They will allow voice input, voice communication, machine “vision”, and machine “touch”.
  • Their main quality should be a high intellectual level.
  • To increase memory and speed, advances in optoelectronics and bioprocessors will be used.

Much has already been practically done in this direction.

Check myself!

  • The information revolution is:
  • transformation of social relations due to fundamental changes in the field of information processing; military action for information; invention and mass introduction of computers; the ability of a person to receive in full the information necessary for his life and professional activities.
  • transformation of social relations due to fundamental changes in the field of information processing;
  • military action for information;
  • invention and mass introduction of computers;
  • the ability of a person to receive in full the information necessary for his life and professional activities.
  • Information society is: a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in agriculture; a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in industrial development. a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information;
  • a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in agriculture;
  • a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in industrial development.
  • a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information;
  • One of the first devices that facilitated calculations was:
  • calculator; abacus; adding machine.
  • calculator;
  • abacus;
  • adding machine.

1 - a, 2 - c, 3 - b

Check myself!

  • The first computer was created in:
  • 1879; 1978; 1946
  • 1879;
  • 1978;
  • 1946
  • The elemental base of the first generation computers were: transistors; LSI and VLSI; electron-vacuum tubes; integrated circuits.
  • transistors;
  • LSI and VLSI;
  • electron-vacuum tubes;
  • integrated circuits.
  • The author of the first program is:
  • Blaise Pascal; Ada Lovelace; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; Charles Babbage.
  • Blaise Pascal;
  • Ada Lovelace;
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz;
  • Charles Babbage.

4 - c, 5 - c, 6 - b

Assignment for extracurricular work:

1. Fill in the tables about information revolutions and the stages of computer development with the missing information.

2. Think about the questions:

  • By what basic parameters will we judge the degree of development of the information society and why?
  • Can Russian society be called an information society?
  • Are there more information revolutions awaiting us?
  • What do you know about the world of IT professions?

Notes for students 1st year

Computer Science and ICT

The main stages of information development of society. Stages of development technical means and information resources.

The role of information activities in modern society: economic, social, cultural, educational spheres. Information resources of society.

Legal provisions related to information, offenses in information sphere, measures to prevent them.

Overview and objectives of studying the subject “Informatics and ICT”

You have entered our educational institution to receive secondary specialized education. The purpose of education is to obtain new knowledge, practical skills for their application in the field of professional activity, improvement, and development of culture. The main goal of our classes is to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technologies and to develop information culture.

The main stages of information development of society.

Stages of development of technical means and information resources.

Modern society is often called information society. In our time, information has become the basic resource of society along with the traditional ones - land, labor, capital.

Let us define the concept of “information” (later, in the next lessons we will dwell in more detail on this concept):

Information is knowledge, data, information, messages about the world around us, recorded on material media.

Not only in modern society, but also during the very emergence of intelligent life on earth, information has become a vital resource of society. Let us consider the main stages of information development of society in the form of the following table:

Time Stage Advantages Material media 2-3 million years ago* Speech Formation of the working Brain of a person collective, a way of preserving and transmitting accumulated experience 30 thousand years ago Writing Accumulation and dissemination Stone, bone, dissemination of knowledge wood, clay, papyrus, silk, paper Mid-16th century Book Mass accessibility to Book information industrial printing revolution Since the end of the 19th century - ... Communication means Fast transfer of information Electro-magnetic formations to any fluctuations in distance Since the mid-20th century - Computer science Computer networks Punched tapes, fundamentally changed focards, magnetic processing, storage and cards, magnetic transmission of information. tapes, magnetic FGOU SPO "UMTK"_ _Kondaratseva T.P.

Notes for 1st year students disks (flexible and hard), optical discs, flash drives * This time is still a controversial issue among scientists. In the middle of the twentieth century, a new science “Informatics” emerges:

Informatics is the science of information and technical means of its collection, storage, processing, transmission.

Computer science arises at the intersection of many sciences: mathematics, cybernetics, physics, chemistry, electronics, philosophy, history, linguistics.

The role of information activity in modern society The colossal information potential accumulated to date and the emergence of new information and communication technologies have changed the socio-economic character of modern society.

If until the middle of the twentieth century society had a pronounced industrial character, then scientists characterize its current state as post-industrial, considering it as transitional to an information society.

The transition from an industrial society to an information society is characterized by the redistribution of labor resources into the service sector and the information sphere:

Examples of the use of computers in various fields: automated control systems, robots, communications, CAD, construction, banks, science, history, trade, education (DB, distance learning), medicine, law enforcement, agriculture, army, art, social sphere, everyday life.

Thus, society has information resources.

Information resources of society Information resources include:

Libraries (more than 150 thousand in Russia, electronic catalogs are being created, books are being digitized);

Centers for scientific and technical information (registration of new inventions and discoveries), archives (translation into electronic form), industry resources ( computer centers enterprises, information processing and management organizations), social resources (health care, education, pension fund, insurance system, tourism, etc.).

Legal rules relating to information.

Crimes in the information sphere.

Due to the growing importance of information resources, a number of legal measures have been taken to protect and protect them.

FGOU SPO "UMTC"_ _Kondaratseva T.P.

Notes for 1st year students Many features of the information society are already present in modern life developed countries. The problem becomes vitally important for society information security existing systems for storing, transmitting and processing information.

Computers control the operation of nuclear reactors, distribute electricity, control airplanes and spacecraft, determine the reliability of the country's defense systems and banking systems, i.e. are used in areas of public life that ensure the well-being and even life of many people.

Numerous facts testify to the importance of the information security problem. More than 80% of computer crimes are carried out through global network The Internet, which provides ample opportunities for attackers to commit violations on a global scale.

Let's list some types of computer crimes, when the computer is a tool for committing a crime, and the object of the crime is information:

1. Unauthorized (illegal) access to information. A person gains access to secret information, for example, by selecting a cipher (password).

2. Malfunction computer system. As a result of deliberate actions, the resources of the computing system become unavailable or its performance decreases. An example of this type of crime is the creation and distribution computer viruses.

3. Forgery (distortion or alteration), i.e. integrity violation computer information. This activity is a type of unauthorized access to information. These types of actions include rigging voting results in elections, referendums, etc. by making changes to the final protocols.

Measures to ensure information security Improvement of personnel qualifications, controlled channels of information dissemination, division of access rights, destruction of unnecessary copies of documents, observance of trade secrets by personnel.

In Russia there is a Law “On the Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases”

The Criminal Code contains articles:

- St. 272 “On illegal access to computer information”

Art. 273 “Creation, use and distribution of malicious - Art. 274 “Violation of the rules for operating computers, computer systems or software and hardware networks.

Protection against computer viruses - Backup data - Restricting access to devices and the file system - Traffic control using firewalls (firewalls) of the Federal State Educational Institution SPO "UMTC"_ _Kondaratseva T.P.

Study notes (textbook “Informatics and ICT” by M.S. Tsvetkov, “Academy”, Examples of using computers in everyday life (written) Test questions:

1. Name and characterize the stages of information development of society.

2. What is information?

3. What is called computer science?

4. What was the main reason for the invention of the computer?

5. What is included in information resources.

6. Name the basic legal norms related to information Message “Signs of the information society” (brief summary abstract), Message “Legal norms related to information. Crimes in the information sphere, measures to prevent them" (short summary abstract) Message "Cost characteristics of information activities"

poster-scheme “History of information development of society” (in the electronic Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “UMTC”_ _Kondaratseva T.P.

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  • The first information revolution is associated with the advent of writing. Writing gave people the opportunity to accumulate and disseminate knowledge.
  • The second information revolution (mid-16th century) was associated with printing. The opportunity has arisen to make information widely accessible, and not just store it. Literacy has become a phenomenon that has embraced the broad masses of the people. There was an acceleration in the growth of science and technology, leading to the Industrial Revolution. Books crossed national boundaries, which led to the beginning of the creation of a universal civilization.
  • The third information revolution (late 19th century) was caused by great progress in communications. The telegraph, telephone, and radio made it possible to quickly transmit information over long distances.
  • The fourth information revolution (70s of the XX century) is associated with the emergence of microprocessors and personal computers. Computer telecommunications soon emerged, greatly changing information storage and retrieval systems. The fourth information revolution has made significant changes in the development of society; a new term “information society” has appeared.

Information society- a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge. Information becomes a subject of general consumption. The information society provides any subject with access to any source of information. New criteria for assessing the level of development of society are emerging - the number of computers, the number of Internet connections, the number of mobile and landlines etc.

Distinctive features of the information society:

  • increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technologies in the life of society;
  • an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services, an increase in their share in the gross domestic product;
  • the growing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media;
  • creation of a global information space that provides:
    • effective information interaction between people;
    • their access to global information resources;
    • meeting their needs for information products and services;
  • development of electronic democracy, information economy, electronic state, electronic government, digital markets, electronic social and economic networks;

The term “information society” owes its name to the professor of the Tokyo Institute of Technology Yu. Hayashi, whose term was used in the works of F. Machlup (1962) and T. Umesao (1963) that appeared almost simultaneously in Japan and the USA.

In the 80-90s, philosophers and sociologists developed the theory of the information society. This work combined the efforts of such famous philosophers as Yoshita Masuda, Zbigniew Brzezinski, J. Nasbitt, M. Porat, T. Stoner, R. Karz and others.

The telecommunications revolution begins in the mid-70s and merges with the computer revolution. The computer revolution begins much earlier and proceeds in several stages.

  • The first stage takes place from 1930 to 1970, which is called the “zero cycle.” It begins with the creation of the first computers in which vacuum tubes replaced mechanical parts.
  • The second stage of the computer revolution begins with the creation of the first personal computers using integrated circuits and their mass production.

The telecommunications revolution is associated with the advent of fiber optic technologies and satellite technologies.

Merger of telecommunications and computer technology brought many new products and services to the market. The information and telecommunications industry has today become a key sector of the economy of developed countries. They consider it necessary to import consumer goods, but export products of the information industry, and earn national wealth from their sale.

Information technologies are much more expensive than consumer goods, which provides developed countries with a high standard of living. And leadership in information technology gives them the opportunity to continue to claim political leadership in the world.

Thanks to the merger of the computer and telecommunication revolutions, information networks of enormous scale, including global ones, began to be created. Through these networks it is possible to transmit, find and process the necessary information much faster.

Under information resources refers to information recorded on a tangible medium and stored in information systems(libraries, archives, funds, data banks, etc.). An information resource can belong to one person or a group of people, an organization, a city, a region, a country, or the world. An information resource is a product of the activities of the most qualified part of society.

There is one difference between information and other resources: every resource disappears after use, but an information resource does not, it can be used many times, it can be copied without restrictions. Moreover, the information resource tends to increase, since the use of information is rarely completely passive; more often, additional information appears.

Information resources are divided into state and non-state. According to access categories, information is divided into open and limited access. Information with limited access is divided, in turn, into information constituting a state secret and simply confidential.

Stages of development of technical means and information resources. We know from the history of mankind that some scientific inventions greatly influenced its course and the development of civilization. These include the invention of the wheel, the steam engine, the discovery of electricity, the mastery of atomic energy, etc. The processes of sharp changes in the nature of production, which lead to important scientific discoveries, are usually called the scientific and technological revolution (STR).

Appearance computer equipment in the second half of the 20th century it became the most important factor in the scientific and technological revolution.

  • The first stage begins with the creation of the first electronic computer ENIAC (computer) in 1945. For about 30 years, computers were used by a small number of people, mostly in scientific and industrial fields.
  • The second stage begins in the mid-70s and is associated with the emergence and general spread personal computers (PC). PCs have become widely used not only in science and production, but also in the general education system, the service sector, and everyday life. PCs entered the house as one of the species household appliances along with televisions and tape recorders.
  • The third stage is associated with the emergence of a global computer network Internet. With the advent of the Internet, a PC that fits on a desk has become a window into a vast world of information. Such concepts as “global information space” and “cyberspace” appeared. It is the advent of the Internet that makes it possible to say that the stage of “information-oriented society” is beginning in the history of civilization.

With the spread of the PC, the concept of computer literacy arises. Computer literacy is the necessary level of knowledge and skills of a person that allows him to use computers for public and personal purposes.

At the first stage of the history of computers, computer literacy was reduced to the ability to create programs. Programming was studied mainly in higher educational institutions, and was taught by scientists, engineers, and professional programmers.

At the second stage, the general level of computer literacy began to be understood as the ability to work on a PC with application programs, to perform a minimum of actions in the environment operating system. Computer literacy at this level is becoming a mass phenomenon thanks to training at school, in numerous courses, and independently.

At the third, modern stage, the ability to use the Internet and its resources becomes an important element of computer literacy.

One of the stages of the transition to the information society is the computerization of society, where all attention is given to the development and universal introduction of computers that ensure prompt receipt of the results of information processing and its accumulation.

The main instrument of computerization is the computer (or computer). Humanity has come a long way before reaching the modern state of computer technology.

Stages of development of computer technology

  • Manual period automation of computing began at the dawn of human civilization. It was based on the use of fingers and toes. Counting with the help of grouping and rearranging objects was the predecessor of counting on the abacus, the most developed counting device of antiquity. An analogue of the abacus in Rus' is the abacus that has survived to this day. Using an abacus involves performing calculations by digits, i.e. presence of some positioning system Reckoning. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Scottish mathematician J. Napier introduced logarithms, which had a revolutionary impact on counting. The slide rule he invented served engineers for more than 360 years. It is undoubtedly the crowning achievement of the manual computing tools of the automation era.
  • The development of mechanics in the 17th century became a prerequisite for the creation computing devices and instruments using mechanical method calculations. Here are the most significant results achieved along this path. 1623 - German scientist W. Schickard describes and implements in a single copy a mechanical calculating machine designed to perform four arithmetic operations on six-digit numbers. 1642 - B. Pascal built an eight-bit working model of a adding machine. 1673 - German mathematician Leibniz creates the first adding machine that allows you to perform all four arithmetic operations. Arithmometers were used for practical calculations until the sixties of the 20th century. The English mathematician Charles Babbage (1792-1871) put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a program-controlled calculating machine with an arithmetic device, control device, input and printing. Babbage's second project was an analytical engine that used the principle of program control and was intended to calculate any algorithm. The analytical engine consisted of the following four main parts: warehouse - memory; mill - arithmetic device; control device; input/output devices. Lady Ada Lovelace worked simultaneously with the English scientist. She developed the first programs for the machine, laid down many ideas and introduced a number of concepts and terms that have survived to this day.
  • Electromechanical stage development of computer technology was the shortest and covers about 60 years - from the first tabulator by G. Hollerith to the first computer "ENIAC". 1887 - creation by G. Hollerith in the USA of the first counting and analytical complex, consisting of a manual puncher, sorting machine and tabulator . One of its most famous applications is the processing of population census results in several countries, including Russia. Subsequently, Hollerith's company became one of the four companies that laid the foundation for the famous IBM corporation. Beginning - 30s of the XX century - development of counting and analytical complexes on the basis of which computer centers are created. At the same time, analog machines are being developed. 1930 - V. Bush develops a differential analyzer, which was later used for military purposes. 1937 - J. Atanasov, K. Berry create the ABC electronic machine 1944 - G. Aiken develops and creates a controlled computer MARK-1. Subsequently, several more models were implemented. 1957 - the last largest project relay computer technology - RVM-I was created in the USSR, which was operated until 1965.
  • Electronic stage, the beginning of which is associated with the creation in the USA at the end of 1945 of the ENIAC electronic computer. In the history of computer development, it is customary to distinguish several generations, each of which has its own distinctive features and unique characteristics. The main difference between the cars different generations consists of the element base, logical architecture and software, in addition, they differ in speed, RAM, methods of input and output of information, etc.

Photo: Ekaterina Pashkova.

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