Modern children and the computer. Video on how to distract the child from the computer. Impact on child's mental health

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The world has changed a lot in recent decades. The development of science or business is unthinkable without reliable tools, one of which is a computer. When and how to introduce children to him? Why is it so attractive to children? How to use it?

Why do children need a computer?

Many parents still tend to consider the computer as an innovation, too valuable for children, or even almost evil for children's psyche and health. Such parents should understand that the life of their children will be completely surrounded by computers. This can no longer be changed. Advice to parents is to help children learn to see him as a tool that will help a lot for a good purpose and constructive.

It is impossible to understand parents who fence off children from the computer. It's like that they themselves, in their childhood, did not know what plasticine or the cartoon "Well, you wait!" is.

About the need for a computer, I can assure parents: the child himself will find what to do with it. It is adults who are often afraid to press something “wrong”. Children do not have this fear. That is why we are now seeing that children often have much better gadgets than their 35-40-year-old parents. That children learn the possibilities of electronic means much faster, while their parents do not understand the need for them at all.

At the age of two, children still cannot distinguish the features of a computer. It is much more interesting for them to watch ads on television, because there is nothing to do there, and exciting color pictures change each other themselves. Therefore, a computer for a child at this age can only serve as a means for watching cartoons. But the child himself does not cooperate with him yet. At this age, the child will perceive it as a toy object. I know cases when two-year-old children took apart the keyboard and even laptops in half an hour!

At 3 years old, a child can already interact with a computer: extract sounds from it, move an image. If parents do not mind going in this direction, then the computer can be a kind of "developing rug" for the child.

At 4 years old, children can use the Paint program quite well.

At the age of five, children are interested in getting acquainted with the alphabet and numbers, but not in cubes, but on a monitor.

Personally, I am definitely in favor of the child sitting at the computer even before his First call. Computer science is a science that does not require basic knowledge. For example, in order to study history, one must first be able to read; in order to study physics, one must first learn to count.

With computer literacy, it's like with writing: you give tools and tools, show what you want, and the child learns. And since children at the computer are always very interested, this also significantly contributes to the overall development, in particular, logical thinking, which parents so desire for their children!

Who needs a computer the most?

Our school program designed in such a way that already in grades 1-2 children are encouraged to seek Additional information. For example, about the animals of the native area, about the holidays of national minorities. When children come to the library, they can be given a finished book. Or they may not give it away, because it does not exist.

But on the Internet, the child will find everything. Already at the age of 7-8, parents should teach their child to choose exactly the page where the desired topic is best described. And if you also need images, then the child is better recognized in this than the parents themselves. Because he knows best what his classmates will like.

But elementary grades are not yet the age when a child needs a computer. The older the class, the more important it becomes. But more - students of gymnasiums and lyceums. It is possible that they will generally have to go to their educational institution with a tablet from time to time.

When should you buy a personal computer for your child?

When a child can clearly articulate what he needs him for. Even if parents do not feel sorry for the money for the child for this "cool toy", until the child knows what he will do with it, it is not worth giving.

Between the ages of 5 and 15, a child may say they want a computer because others have it. But that's not the reason yet. If the child formulates the answer: “Play games,” then he should note which ones.

Now parents buy their children a separate computer from about the age of ten. Even 2-3 years ago, this age indicator was significantly higher: 13-17 years.

When there is a need for some kind of electronic device, then neither the parents nor the child doubt it. It's like with mobile phone: the moment comes - and everyone understands that it is necessary to purchase a mobile phone for a child. So it will be calmer for both parents and more comfortable for the child.

There is one already completely accurate indicator when a child needs to buy a personal computer. This is when he spends more time at the computer than the parents themselves.

Buying a computer for a child?

Depends solely on needs. If, for example, the school focuses on graphic programs(games, videos, or maybe the child is interested in Photoshop), then it must be borne in mind that the computer will pull a lot of resources.

The laptop gives the advantage of mobility. If, for example, the child does not have a stable suitable place to work at the computer. If the greatest need is in the Internet, then you can purchase the same laptop, netbook, tablet.

What are the safety rules?

I should note that generally accepted norms were written at the time of monitors with a cathode ray tube, which have a flicker imperceptible to the eye. Therefore, it was said that until the age of ten, children should sit at the computer for no more than 30 minutes a day.

With modern TFT monitors, this time can easily be increased to one and a half to two hours at this age. I believe that a preschooler can already sit for an hour and a half, but preferably at intervals.

Since children are very fond of games, you need to choose those that do not belong to the bloody “shooting rpg” games. And in the future, set restrictions on unwanted sites on the Internet.

So that the child does not sit at the computer for too long, he must have an alternative in life: something that he will also be drawn to. Decisive is also the example of parents who themselves know the border.

Regarding eye health. It really is at risk if the child has a tendency to visual impairment, in particular genetic.

But there are also security rules for the computer itself. As mentioned, children are not afraid to test features and click everywhere. Therefore, they can click so that parents will have to look for specialists to restore the parameters and settings.

Very. Just by playing, the child learns a lot. Despite the games, the student will also use the computer for school subjects. Programs to study foreign languages can also be of great benefit. And to type texts in a “blind” way, I would advise teaching children even before the moment when it becomes necessary to type at all. After all, now this skill is extremely useful.

By the way, when a person types on the keyboard, not only one hemisphere of the brain works (as in manual writing), but both. And twice as many muscles are involved. Accordingly, the motor skills of the hands and the brain develop in children clearly no worse than when writing.

It was also studied that due to concentration, sitting at the monitor, a person blinks 4 times less often than just looking somewhere.

I wish all the children an interesting study and ingenuity!

Modern children from childhood know how to use a computer. Yes, this is not surprising - almost all families have phones, tablets and, of course, computers. Young children are easy to handle, especially if they are sensory. What do our children learn by playing on these information media? And do they study or do they just not interfere with their parents while they are busy?

Our children live in information society where one of the most important aspects of human activity is the ability to quickly and efficiently work with information, using modern tools and methods for this, which allows him to feel more confident in life.

But is this what our children are doing playing on tablets? Are they aware of other features of the computer besides games? And what can we do to teach them to live in a new information society using a computer to receive and process information, and not to waste time playing games on the computer.

Children tend to play. In the game, they get acquainted with life, learn how to behave in various situations, develop their attention, reaction. So let's help them do it. And giving them a tablet or putting them at a laptop, we will select games and tasks for them that could teach them something, and not just entertain them. Teaching kids how to work graphic editors, starting with the simplest: Paint, and then in other equally interesting computer programs.



Child and computer in the modern world.

Shishkina Nina Brunovna

Modern children from childhood know how to use a computer. Yes, this is not surprising - phones, tablets and, of course, computers are in all families. Young children are easy to handle, especially if they are sensory.

What do our children learn by playing on these information media? And do they study or do they just not interfere with their parents while they are busy?

Informatization of society is an objective and natural process. In the information society, one of the most important aspects of human activity is the ability to quickly and efficiently work with information, using modern tools and methods for this. Use of new information technologies and resources allows a person to feel more confident in life.

But is this what our children are doing playing on tablets? Are they aware of other features of the computer besides games? And what can we do to teach them to live in a new information society using a computer to receive and process information, and not to waste time playing games on the computer.

Small children tend to play. In the game, they get acquainted with life, learn how to behave in various situations, develop their attention, reaction. So let's help them do it. And giving them a tablet or putting them at a laptop, we will select games and tasks for them that could teach them something, and not just entertain them.

There are many websites with games for children on the Internet. At the end of the article I will give links to some of them. When choosing games, make sure that they develop logic, attention, receive information according to their age. Do not let children play games that bring cruelty, inhumanity. Teach them to draw on the computer. There are many good programs for this.

I have been leading the "World of Informatics" circle for several years now. My educational program is aimed at the scientific, technical and creative development of the child's personality. At the same time, the emphasis is on the development of thinking, which determines the ability of a person to quickly process information and make informed decisions. Using the capabilities of a computer, children get acquainted with a variety of ways of presenting and visualizing thoughts, with ideas and ways of thinking of people of different ages, different social affiliations. The emphasis is on the child's own activity in the search, awareness and processing of new knowledge. The teacher in it acts as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the creative aspirations of children, providing them with the necessary help and support. A feature of this program is the training of computer graphics.

Everyone has a computer Paint program. Many do not appreciate it. But this is a great virtual sketchbook. At my circle "World of Informatics" I begin to teach children to draw on a computer with this program. On the site of my circle, I post the algorithm for drawing the first drawings. I teach to combine them, make collages, postcards for the holidays. Having learned to draw according to the algorithm, children begin to invent their own drawings. This captivates them, develops creativity, attention, thinking, teaches them to see beauty in ordinary things, to be more attentive to the work of others. Then I introduce kids to kids design software such as Home Workshop, which allows kids to make photo collages, to spice up old photos to show off their imagination, or Photo in 5 Minutes, which allows kids to enhance and make them look different. .

Then I introduce them to the Moviemaker program (Windows Movie Maker) - for Year 2 kids, it's a quick and easy way (and kids need to get everything as quickly as possible) to create their own movie from their own photos. For example: “My family”, “Summer holidays”, etc. And only then do I introduce them to the PowerPoint program (in the 3rd year of study). Creating a presentation is a fascinating undertaking, but it requires attention, patience and focus. Therefore, I do not introduce this program in the first years of study. Having learned how to make presentations, the guys are happy to make them for the lessons, which helps to arouse interest in learning.

In the last year of study (the program is designed for 4 years), I introduce the guys to Photoshop and Flash programs. Children learn to draw in them, especially in Flash, create collages and animated drawings (in Photoshop) and simple flash-movies.

The program includes a theoretical part, which is implemented by the following principles and methods:

  • Principles: scientific, accessible, systematic, dynamic, interaction of theory with practice.
  • Methods: step-by-step discoveries, dialogic, comparisons, the method of reporting, organizational and exhibition classes, the method of activating activity and thinking, the method of attracting the emotional, visual and everyday experience of children.

The objectives of the program are:

  • Formation of initial ideas about the properties of information, how to work with it, in particular using a computer.
  • Obtaining knowledge on the use of the computer as a tool for practical activities.
  • Development of logical and imaginative thinking, fantasy, attention, memory, creative and cognitive potential of the student, broadening the horizons using the richest computer tools for this.
  • The development of artistic taste, accuracy, conscientiousness in work when performing tasks.
  • Development of the need for self-education.

Nowadays, when a computer is in almost every family and in many schools, all parents are very worried about the impact of a computer on a child. Is a computer safe for a growing organism? How long can a child sit at a computer so that it does not affect his health? What causes harm to the computer for children? You will learn about this and much more from women's online magazine Charla.

In fact computer damage consists in the same thing as dignity - in its boundless fascination. Computer harm for children can only be due to non-observance of simple rules that help maintain health. Therefore, when buying a computer for a child, parents should clearly understand: now they will have to monitor how much the child sits at the computer, how much the child plays on the computer. In other words, it is the parents who are responsible for whether the computer will bring benefits to children, or, conversely, harm.

Computer harm for children

People who work in the office and are forced to sit in front of a computer all day long know firsthand how the eyes suffer from this: a burning sensation appears, the eyelids hurt, as if sand had been poured into the eyes. Therefore, it is very important that children do not spend a lot of time at the computer. Since children who are addicted to the computer do not notice the fatigue and fatigue of the eyes, they can overload them very much. Especially if child playing computer, and not engaged in some kind of training program. Computer "toys" can captivate a child so much that he can sit at the computer all day without interruption. Therefore, in order to keep your child's eyesight good, always control how much time he spends in front of the screen.

If a child sits at a computer uncontrollably, then this is fraught with the development of hypodynamia. After all, the human body, and even more so a growing body, needs movement. Due to a long immobile state, the child's well-being worsens, malfunctions occur in the body. When child plays a lot computer games, this is accompanied by emotional stress, which also does not pass without a trace. As a result, after sitting in front of the computer all day, the child becomes excited and irritated in the evening, becomes aggressive and uncontrollable, and sleeps poorly at night. And the reason for this is that the parents went on about their child and allowed him to play all day long.

In short, it's all about the sense of proportion. Computer harm for children caused by excessive use of the computer. Therefore, the task of parents is to control the time that the child sits at the computer. So that the computer does not harm the health of preschool children, a child under six years old should not be allowed to spend more than twenty minutes at the computer. Children aged 8-9 years old can play educational games for thirty to forty minutes. And from the age of ten, you can be allowed to sit at the screen for no more than an hour and a half. Of course, parents sometimes want to take a break from a restless child, so they allow him to sit at the computer longer so that he does not interfere with household chores. But this is not the best option: try to keep your child busy with something else.

Since sitting in front of a computer for a long time causes a lot of eye strain, it is recommended to adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor so that visual fatigue does not occur. On the "desktop" you can install some picture of calm tones, for example, a landscape. It is also desirable to teach the child to do special exercises for the eyes.

The influence of the computer on a child of primary school age

If your child is already eight years old, it is quite possible for him to buy his own computer. With a reasonable attitude towards the computer and your control over how much the child sits at the computer, its influence will be beneficial. Thus, psychologists note that computers - good helpers schoolchildren, as they develop certain skills: attention, logic, abstract thinking. Playing educational computer games, the child educates himself, learns to accept independent solutions develop his creative abilities.

If the child sits at the computer for too long

If your child playing computer for hours on end and he cannot be torn away from games, then you are most likely to blame, because you allowed your child to spend as much time in front of the screen as he pleases. Try to somehow switch the attention of the child, divert him to some other activity, sign him up for a sports section, find him a hobby. Talk to your child, explaining to him in a simple and accessible way why it is harmful to sit in front of the computer for a long time. But you don’t need to tell scary stories, force, shout and put pressure on him - he will appreciate your sincerity and honesty much more.

Don't Be Overly Worried About the Negative the influence of the computer on the child, because with a competent and reasonable approach, the benefits of it are much greater. The sooner he gets acquainted with technology, begins to understand it and understand something, the more developed he will be. After all, in our age of technological progress, every person one way or another must come into contact with technology. This smart car will help your child improve their knowledge, they will become interested in the latest technical achievements, and this will undoubtedly be useful to them in the future.

Alisa Terentyeva

In a child's life, the importance you give to a computer affects how it is perceived. Treat technology calmly, carefully, almost indifferently, and use it to your advantage. Do not exaggerate the fears and importance of the computer. This will avoid deformation of the child's value system.

No computers and set-top boxes up to 3 years

Being at the computer at an early age can lead to the fact that he will unlearn to distinguish reality from the virtual world. The perception of the child should be formed in a natural way. At an older age, time at the computer should be dosed, no more than 30 minutes, and it is better if these half an hour are divided into intervals of 15 minutes. Or make a rule that the computer is only on weekends. Do not leave your child alone with the computer, using the opportunity to relax. Playing on a computer can cause unwanted addiction in a child and lead to low self-esteem. The lack of love, tenderness, attention, affection and communication creates the risk of computer addiction. Spend more time with him, communicate and play with him.

Create the ability to be in the real world

Being at the computer for a long time, the child may lose interest in the world around him. Your task is to adapt it to reality and teach how to communicate with peers. Explain to him that the body needs to run, jump and play. Let your child feel that there are things more interesting than a computer.

Spend time at the computer only together

This will form the right attitude towards games. Model the correct attitude towards the computer in your child, by your own example. Set a time limit and show your child how easy it is to stop.

Alternate computer and outdoor games

Children like different interesting activities, they easily switch from one to another. Try to correctly explain to the child that the time limit is not a punishment, but a natural phenomenon.

Discipline and computer

Stop spending too much time at the computer. Don't interrupt the game aggressively. It is better to calmly explain to the child that more interesting things await him, that all children of his age do not spend so much time at the computer.

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