A program running on this computer is attempting to display a message. Interactive Services Detection: What is it and how to disable it How to disable Interactive Services in Windows 7

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Many users on all kinds of computer Internet forums complain that in a certain situation, for no apparent reason, for no apparent reason, some kind of notification appears on the screen, in the header of which there is the inscription “Detection of interactive services”, and What follows is an even more incomprehensible description. Let's try to look at what it is all about, how to get rid of a constantly appearing message by disabling the corresponding component.

This can be done quite simply. But the most important question is how advisable it is to carry out such actions. Let's consider all possible situations, and only after that each user will be able to make a conclusion about whether to disable this service or not. But first things first.

What does "Interactive Service Discovery" mean?

Let's start by understanding the essence of how the Windows component itself works. In a sense, it is responsible for legacy compatibility software with new operating systems. However, this is not exactly running applications in compatibility mode, although it is very similar. Here the situation is somewhat different.

Let's assume you have some kind of program that was originally designed to modify the server operating system Windows Server 2008 R2. A system administrator is migrating a server to Windows Server 2012 and is trying to run an application that worked in the previous version of the OS, but does not work in the new one. This is where the detection of interactive services comes into play, since the interface of the application itself can be displayed in the new OS only in the so-called zero session mode (during autostart). Show program interface new system can not. And that's why the interactive service discovery process is performed for compatibility.

In general, as the official description of the service states, this component warns the user about the need to manually grant permissions to display dialog boxes of launched applications, and only as they appear.

But such situations occur not only on server operating systems. There are many options for the appearance of such notifications. Sometimes the message window may indicate that some program requires permission to terminate the process, and the reason, again, is the problem of partial incompatibility of the application being launched with the version of the operating system. But there are worse situations.

Options for the Interactive Services Discovery window to appear

Not to mention manual or automatic launch of programs outdated versions, quite often you can see a window appear even when starting desktop versions, which incredibly irritates users.

For example, in Windows 7, detection of interactive services is triggered just after the system and its components are fully loaded. Why is that? There is no exact answer to this question, although it can be assumed that the user somehow activated this service, or installed clearly outdated programs on the system. It is very possible that the uninstallation was not completed in full, and the residual components of the deleted application remained in startup (although they may not be displayed in the standard section).

Disabling a service through the appropriate section

Now let's see how to disable this component. There are two main methods you can use to do this. The first option is to perform the necessary actions in the services section. Get into it as much as possible in a fast way You can use the “Run” console, where you enter the services.msc command.

Here you need to find the corresponding component, enter the parameter editing window through a double click or the RMB menu, and then press the stop button to start.

What launch type should I install?

The second point when solving the problem of how to disable a service is related to the choice of start type. There are two options here: either disable the component by setting the appropriate value, or use manual launch. What should you prefer?

In this situation, the user needs to decide whether in the future he is going to use old software products that are incompatible with the system installed on his computer. If yes, the startup type is set to manual. Otherwise, the service is disabled completely.

Disabling a service through the registry

Also, detection of interactive services can be disabled in the system registry. The editor itself is called through the program execution menu with the regedit command.

In it you need to use the HKLM branch, go through the SYSTEM and CurrentControlSet sections to the Control directory, and open the Windows subfolder in it. On the right is the NoInterectiveServices key. By entering the editing menu via the RMB menu or double click, the parameter value should be changed from zero to one. If you still need to run old programs, you should not change the parameter.

Note: in order not to spend a long time navigating through registry sections, you can immediately search for a key by name, using either the “File” menu or the combination Ctrl + F. There is only one such parameter in the registry, so there should be no problems.

Instead of a total

Finally, it is worth noting that the system component described above, present in all relatively new operating systems Windows systems, is a unique tool because it allows you to run any, even the oldest, software product in their environment. If you use the start of such applications in compatibility mode when activating the corresponding item in the shortcut properties menu, nothing may work, because the outdated systems for which the desired program was designed are simply not in the list. And this component makes it possible to use them almost completely. Another thing is that current users never actually use such applications, so, of course, they will not need this service under any circumstances.

And here system administrators Enterprises that use outdated software (for example, Effect Office 2.8) will find this service useful. In a sense, it will even become the only panacea that will help avoid compatibility problems. There is certainly no reason for them to deactivate such a unique component (an “adapter”, if you will).

Some users have observed a certain error in the form of a system message on their computer. Find out what this error is and how to fix it in the article below.

To understand why it appears this error, first you need to establish what kind of program is calling it. You can find out the path to the program by clicking on the Program Information link located at the bottom of the error window.

As can be seen from the error itself, it occurs due to partial incompatibility of the program with operating system Windows.

What to do if the program is incompatible with Windows. In this case, you can use the program to run in compatibility mode for a particular operating system.

To run a program in compatibility mode, right-click on the program shortcut and select Properties.

In the properties window, go to the tab Compatibility and check the box opposite Run the program in compatibility mode .

You can also set the permission level to run this program as an administrator.

Another reason why the error may appear is that the so-called Interactive Service Detection service is running.

How to disable interactive services

In order to disable interactive services on your computer, press Control PanelAdministrationServices(even simpler - Start→ in the search bar enter Services).

In Windows Services, find . Double click on this service → in the line Startup type select Manually , and in the section State click Stop .

How alternative way, you can reinstall the program. It may have been installed incorrectly earlier, resulting in the error The program running on this computer is trying to display a message. Either because incorrect update programs.

Many users on all kinds of computer Internet forums complain that in a certain situation, for no apparent reason, for no apparent reason, some kind of notification appears on the screen, in the header of which there is the inscription “Detection of interactive services”, and What follows is an even more incomprehensible description. Let's try to look at what it is all about, how to get rid of a constantly appearing message by disabling the corresponding component.

This can be done quite simply. But the most important question is how advisable it is to carry out such actions. Let's consider all possible situations, and only after that each user will be able to make a conclusion about whether to disable this service or not. But first things first.

What does "Interactive Service Discovery" mean?

Let's start by understanding the essence of how the Windows component itself works. In a sense, it is responsible for the compatibility of legacy software with new operating systems. However, this is not exactly running applications in compatibility mode, although it is very similar. Here the situation is somewhat different.

Let's assume you have some kind of program that was originally designed to modify Windows Server 2008 R2. A system administrator is migrating a server to Windows Server 2012 and is trying to run an application that worked in the previous version of the OS, but does not work in the new one. This is where the detection of interactive services comes into play, since the interface of the application itself can be displayed in the new OS only in the so-called zero session mode (during autostart). The new system cannot display the program interface. And that's why the interactive service discovery process is performed for compatibility.

In general, as the official description of the service states, this component warns the user about the need to manually grant permissions to display dialog boxes of launched applications, and only as they appear.

But such situations occur not only on server operating systems. There are many options for the appearance of such notifications. Sometimes the message window may indicate that some program requires permission to terminate the process, and the reason, again, is the problem of partial incompatibility of the application being launched with the version of the operating system. But there are worse situations.

Options for the Interactive Services Discovery window to appear

Not to mention the manual or automatic launch of programs of outdated versions, quite often you can see a window appear even when starting desktop versions, which incredibly irritates users.

For example, in Windows 7, detection of interactive services is triggered just after the system and its components are fully loaded. Why is that? There is no exact answer to this question, although it can be assumed that the user somehow activated this service, or installed clearly outdated programs on the system. It is very possible that the uninstallation was not completed in full, and the residual components of the deleted application remained in startup (although they may not be displayed in the standard section).

Disabling a service through the appropriate section

Now let's see how to disable this component. There are two main methods you can use to do this. The first option is to perform the necessary actions in the services section. You can get into it in the fastest way possible through the “Run” console, in which you enter the services.msc command.

Here you need to find the corresponding component, enter the parameter editing window through a double click or the RMB menu, and then press the stop button to start.

What launch type should I install?

The second point when solving the problem of how to disable a service is related to the choice of start type. There are two options here: either disable the component by setting the appropriate value, or use manual launch. What should you prefer?

In this situation, the user needs to decide whether in the future he is going to use old software products that are incompatible with the system installed on his computer. If yes, the startup type is set to manual. Otherwise, the service is disabled completely.

Disabling a service through the registry

Also, detection of interactive services can be disabled in the system registry. The editor itself is called through the program execution menu with the regedit command.

In it you need to use the HKLM branch, go through the SYSTEM and CurrentControlSet sections to the Control directory, and open the Windows subfolder in it. On the right is the NoInterectiveServices key. By entering the editing menu via the RMB menu or double click, the parameter value should be changed from zero to one. If you still need to run old programs, you should not change the parameter.

Note: in order not to spend a long time navigating through registry sections, you can immediately search for a key by name, using either the “File” menu or the combination Ctrl + F. There is only one such parameter in the registry, so there should be no problems.

Instead of a total

Finally, it is worth noting that the system component described above, present in all relatively new Windows operating systems, is a unique tool because it allows you to run any, even the oldest, software product in their environment. If you use the start of such applications in compatibility mode when activating the corresponding item in the shortcut properties menu, nothing may work, because the outdated systems for which the desired program was designed are simply not in the list. And this component makes it possible to use them almost completely. Another thing is that current users never actually use such applications, so, of course, they will not need this service under any circumstances.

But system administrators of enterprises that use outdated software (for example, Effect Office 2.8) will find this service useful. In a sense, it will even become the only panacea that will help avoid compatibility problems. There is certainly no reason for them to deactivate such a unique component (an “adapter”, if you will).

Warning: this process involves some degree of risk, and therefore it is advisable to have at least a general idea of ​​​​what we are going to do. If you need to return all services to their default state, you can download ready-made reg files. Select your system and download the archive. After downloading, unpack the archive and run the reg file.

A full description of the services, as well as the name and display name, can be viewed and the status can be changed at this path: Start - Control Panel - Administration - Services.

But not all services are necessary for the computer to function properly. Below is a list of services that are disabled or enabled in my configuration. User one(with administrator rights), to the network not connected. To access the Internet I use cellular telephone as a modem connection.

AST Service(Nalpeiron Licensing Service) - Disabled.

BranchCache(This service caches network content received from caching hosts on the local subnet) - Manually.

DHCP client(Registers and updates IP addresses and DNS records for this computer) - Auto

DNS client(The DNS Client service (dnscache) caches DNS (Domain Name System) names and registers the fully qualified name of this computer.) - Disabled. If there is a network - Auto

KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator(Coordinates transactions between MS DTC and Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM).) ​​- Manually.

Microsoft. NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86(Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN) - Manually.

Parental Controls(This service is a stub for functionality services parental controls Windows, which existed in Vista OS.) - Manually.

Plug-and-Play(Allows the computer to recognize changes in installed hardware and adjust to them, either without requiring user intervention or minimizing it) - Auto

Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (qWave)- network platform for streaming audio and video in home networks based on the IP protocol) - Manually.

Remote Desktop Configuration(Remote Desktop Configuration) - Manually.

Superfetch(Maintains and improves system performance.) - Auto

Windows Audio(Managing audio tools for Windows programs.) - Auto.

Windows CardSpace(This provides a secure ability to create, manage and disclose digital identities.) - Manually

Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework(Manage host processes of user mode drivers.) - Manually.

Windows Search(Indexing content, caching properties and search results for files, Email and other content.) - Auto. If you don’t use search on your computer, you can Disable.

WMI Performance Adapter(Provides performance library information from Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers to clients on the network.) - Manually.

WWAN auto-configuration(This service manages mobile broadband (GSM and CDMA) data cards and embedded modular adapters, as well as connections and automatic tuning networks.) - Manually.

Offline files(The Offline Files service does the job of maintaining the Offline Files cache.) - Manually.

Network Access Protection Agent(The Network Access Protection Service agent collects and manages health information client computers online) - Manually.

A IPsec policy gent(Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) supports authentication of caching hosts on network level) - Manually.

Adaptive brightness control(Designed to monitor the ambient light sensor and adjust the monitor brightness according to light changes.) - Manually.

Windows Backup(Supports backup and restore on Windows.) - Manually.

Windows Biometric Service(The Windows Biometric Service is designed to collect, compare, process and store biometric data in client applications without directly accessing the biometric samples or hardware) - Manually.

Windows Firewall (Windows Firewall helps prevent unauthorized access to your computer via the Internet or network.) - Disabled. A third party firewall is used.

Web client(Allows Windows programs to create, access and modify files stored on the Internet) - Manually.

Virtual disk(Providing management services for disks, volumes, file systems and storage arrays.) - Manually.

IP Ancillary Service(Provides tunnel connectivity using IPv6 transition technologies) - Manually.

Secondary login(Allows you to run processes as another user) - Manually.

Grouping of network participants(Enables multi-party interactions using peer-to-peer grouping.) - Manually.

Disk Defragmenter(Provides the ability to defragment disks.) - Manually. You can leave and Auto by setting a schedule to run.

Dispatcher automatic connections remote access(Creates a connection to a remote network when a program accesses a remote DNS or NetBIOS name or address.) - Manually.

Print Manager(Load files into memory to print later) - Auto. If you don't have a printer, then Disabled.

Remote Access Connection Manager(Manages dial-up and virtual private network (VPN) connections from this computer to the Internet or other remote networks.) - Manually.

Desktop Window Manager Session Manager(Ensures the launch and maintenance of the desktop window manager) - Auto.

Network Member Identity Manager(Provides identity services for Peer-to-Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) and Peer-to-Peer Network Grouping) - Manually.

Credential Manager(Provides secure storage and retrieval of user credentials,) - Manually.

Security Account Manager(Starting this service signals to other services that the Security Account Manager (SAM) is ready to accept requests.) - Auto.

Access to HID devices(Provides universal access to HID devices) - Manually.

Magazine Windows events (This service manages events and event logs) - Auto.

Performance Logs and Alerts(The Performance Logging and Alerts service collects data from local and remote computers according to the specified schedule parameters, and then logs the data or issues an alert.) - Manually.

Software Protection(Allows the download, installation and enforcement of digital licenses for Windows and Windows applications) - Auto.

Windows Defender(Protection against spyware and potentially dangerous programs) - Auto. However, it is still recommended to use third-party products to protect your computer from viruses.

CNG Key Isolation(The CNG Key Isolation Service is hosted in the LSA process) - Manually.

Tools Windows management (Provides a common interface and object model for accessing operating system, device, application, and service management information.) - Auto.

Application Compatibility Information(Process compatibility check requests for applications as they launch) - Manually.

Client group policy (This service is responsible for applying settings defined by administrators for computers and users through Group Policy.) - Auto.

Changed Link Tracking Client(Supports links of NTFS files moved within a computer or between computers on a network.) - Auto.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator(Coordination of transactions spanning multiple resource managers such as databases, message queues, and file systems.) - Manually.

Cache Windows fonts Presentation Foundation(Optimizes the performance of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications by caching commonly used font data.) - Manually.

SNMP trap(Accepts capture messages generated by local or remote SNMP agents and forwards them to SNMP management programs running on this computer.) - Manually.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator(On Windows 2003 and later earlier versions Windows service"Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator" managed the RPC name service database.) - Manually.

Routing and remote access (Offers routing services to organizations in the local and global networks) - Disabled.

IPsec key modules for Internet key exchange and IP authentication(The IKEEXT service contains modules for Internet Key Management (IKE) and Authenticated IP (AuthIP).) - Auto.

DCOM server process launcher module(The DCOMLAUNCH service starts COM and DCOM servers in response to object activation requests) - Auto.

NetBIOS support module over TCP/IP(Provides support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution for clients on the network) - Manually.

Immediate Windows connections- setup recorder(The WCNCSVC service contains the Windows Connect Now configuration (Microsoft's implementation of WPS) - Manually

SSDP detection(Detects network devices and services using the SSDP discovery protocol, such as UPnP devices) - Manually.

Interactive Service Discovery(Enables notification to the user that user input is required for interactive services, which provides access to dialog boxes generated by interactive services as they appear.) - Manually

Computer Browser(Serves a list of computers on the network and provides it to programs upon request) - Manually.

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)(Provides broadcast services network addresses, addressing, name resolution and intrusion prevention services for home network or networks small office.) - Disabled.

Shell Hardware Definition(Provides notifications for startup events on various devices.) - Auto.

Basic TPM services(Allows access to the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which provides hardware-based cryptography services to system components and applications.) - Manually

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