How to make a quarry in Minecraft. How to craft a quarry

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Hello. Today I will talk about an interesting addition to the game. More precisely, I will tell you how to make a quarry in minecraft.

Craft and Application

In order to start the craft itself, we will need to download the Industrial Craft 2 mod. It is in it that we will find the quarry itself.

It looks like a regular block. Crafting it is quite expensive. I won’t talk in detail about crafting, because we have it on our forum. I'll only tell you what we need. The following items will be present in crafting: gears (we will need a lot of them), diamond pickaxe, redstone (red dust).

After creation, we can run to the place where the quarry itself will be installed. It works like this: We set up the territory that will be dug. After this, we turn on our device. He begins to drill a mine in the area you have chosen. Anything it drips will go into your chest.

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Download Minecraft

If you have set yourself the task of digging a huge pit in a short time without making much effort, then it’s time to build a so-called quarry - a mechanism for automatically selecting rock in a marked area. It is impossible to build this kind of mechanism in regular Minecraft; you will have to install the BuildCraft mod.

Step-by-step instructions for building a quarry

1. Download the mod for your version of Minecraft:

2. Install the BuildCraft mod:

  • Install (if you have not installed it before);
  • Copy the unpacked mod to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods;
  • Ready.

3. Craft a quarry and markers (for marking the drilling area)

4. We mark the territory of the quarry ( maximum size can be 64x64x64):

  • We set 1 mark and from it 2 more that determine the length and width of the quarry. The marks are placed at the same level. If there are relief convexities between the marks, then you need to set another height mark (as shown in the screenshot) near the first mark.
  • Activate the first label by clicking the Right mouse button. After this, a red frame should form, defining the territory of the pit.
  • We bring and install the crafted quarry to our markings. After which the marked area should turn yellow and black.
  • We attach the engine to the quarry and install a lever next to it. We turn on the lever and watch as the frame begins to be built and a drill appears, which will dig out our quarry.

Knowing how to extract oil and make fuel, use pipes and engines, and mark out territory, you can begin to use the most powerful machines in Buildcraft. Today we will engage in resource extraction, namely, we will talk about a drilling rig and a quarry.

Let's start with the drilling rig. This machine is not as expensive or useful compared to the quarry, but perhaps you will find a use for it. The recipe for the drilling rig was in previous articles, but I will still repeat it.

The machine must be placed on the ground and supplied with energy. It is also advisable to attach a pipe or chest, otherwise the dug up resources will fly to the ground. The drilling rig digs a vertical tunnel one block wide to the very bottom of the map. At the same time, some semblance of a pipe is lowered. See the picture below for what it looks like. If you need to make a vertical tunnel, use it.


The quarry in Buildcraft is the calling card of the mod, along with the pipes. It allows you to dig up resources in huge quantities in a relatively short time, freeing you from this tedious task. You can see the quarry recipe in the picture below.

Crafting is quite expensive, it uses 11 diamonds, but they will quickly pay for themselves. Before installing the quarry, you can mark the area with blue markers, as described in the previous article. If you do not do this, the machine will use its standard contour for excavation. I marked out a small rectangle for the quarry, and this is what came out of it.

For power you will need at least 2 internal combustion engines. The quarry will work with a small amount of energy, but it will be very slow. It is also worth connecting a pipe and attaching several chests to it. When you start supplying energy, a small flying square robot will appear, which will laser clear the area inside the circuit of foreign blocks and begin to build an orange fence.

Having built it, the robot will disappear and the quarry will begin to dig. It is worth remembering that if the quarry finds lava, it will stop, although it digs perfectly in water. You can fill the hole with water, then the lava will turn into obsidian, which will be dug out. Once the quarry reaches bedrock, it will stop. Be careful, the hole will be very deep, don't fall. Well, or you can push your friends there.


The quarry is, of course, much more powerful than the drilling rig, but it is used in other recipes. In addition, it costs much less and will help you make vertical tunnels. Well, the quarry will allow you to quickly extract resources. You can place it underground, for example right above the diamond level, so you don't have to wait for it to dig up all the stone. Then production will be even faster. Next time, we'll talk about terraforming. You will learn how to use the placeholder and what patterns it uses.

There are often cases when a crafter has a desire to dig a huge pit in Minecraft, a kind of quarry. Trying to do this manually can only be done by someone who doesn’t mind the time, because removing a huge layer of material is very labor-intensive. The BuildCraft mod and the mechanism it adds, which is also called a “quarry,” can come to the rescue.

How to make a quarry in Minecraft

To make the mechanism, you will need gold, iron and diamond gears, a diamond pickaxe and red dust. All this stuff should be located the same way as in the screenshot.

If you use the GregTech add-on for Minecraft, the recipe will be slightly different. The gears remain in place, and a diamond drill bit and an improved electrical circuit take the place of the remaining components.

The result will be a device capable of digging a default area of ​​9x9, or, if you use special tags, a zone defined by the crafter, up to 64x64. The mechanism will go deeper until it reaches bedrock or lava.

BuildCraft is a high-tech mod that imitates reality, so the quarry will not work in Minecraft without energy. The minimum consumed by it is 2 MJ/cycle, the maximum is 48 MJ. The minimum required for continuous digging is 9 MJ/cycle. Operating at maximum ensures that the device moves a distance of 5.2 blocks per clock cycle. Any engine can power the mechanism. The speed depends on the number and type of motors. You can use, for example, a steam engine from the RailCraft modification. It is capable of delivering 8 MJ. In general, which energy generator to connect is at your discretion.

How to dig a quarry in Minecraft

Having dealt with the “shovel”, you can start digging. It is best to use the already mentioned tags in Minecraft. You can make them using a red torch and ultramarine.

Having everything you need, repeat after us.

  • Place a pole that will serve as a mounting location for one of the tags. After that, attach one marker to the post and place one next to it.

  • Next, use the remaining marks to mark the outline of the Minecraft quarry to create a rectangle.

  • Right-click on the mark at the base of the pillar. The outline will immediately highlight in red.

  • We have reached the point where the quarry itself is required. Place it near the foundation mark. As a result, all markers will fall out, and the outline in Minecraft will turn yellow and black.

  • Connect the motor to the mechanism and install the lever.

  • By turning on the quarry, a device will appear above the outline that will build an orange frame.

  • As a result, after the construction of the frame is completed, a drill will appear, which will dig a pit in Minecraft.

We talked about a quick way to build this wonderful device. There are options that require so-called BuildCraft pipes, but this is a little more difficult to do. Perhaps more complicated options have advantages in speed, but construction takes more time. If you wish, you can later build such a quarry in Minecraft.

Career- a mechanism that digs up a 9x9 area or a player-defined area using markers (up to 64x64) until it reaches lava or bedrock. The quarry must be powered by any engine; the speed of the quarry depends on the type and number of engines.


For full operating speed, 9 MJ/cycle is required. For fast work, use two internal combustion engines (10 MJ/cycle, but one MJ/cycle goes to waste), and for economical operation, use one internal combustion engine or two quarries and one internal combustion engine for each. After launch, the construction of a quarry frame measuring 9x3x9 will begin and the removal of all blocks in this area (blocks are destroyed and do not fall out as drops) (in this mode it can consume up to 21 MJ/cycle) (using markers you can expand or reduce the deleted area (maximum to 62x62 (minimum up to 1x1). After completing the construction of the frame, a crane will appear that will begin to mine blocks in a given area (It takes approximately 35.4 MJ to extract one block. The mined blocks will fall out of the quarry only if any of the pipes are not connected to it (needs there is no wooden pipe in the installation). You can also connect the pipes to the chest, and all mined blocks will be added to it. If you install the quarry on a stone generator, then 7061 blocks of cobblestone will be produced per bucket of gasoline. The quarry has a kind of “scanner” - if that place where he has already removed the blocks, put a block again, then the drill pipe will return back and pick it up.

If, during operation, the quarry encounters a layer consisting entirely of bedrock and/or lava, it will stop. To continue working, you need to remove the lava or turn it into obsidian, after which the quarry itself will continue working.


When playing on a server with the WorldGuard plugin, the Quarry (and other world-changing mechanisms) does not dig in protected territory. Exit: add the mod to private with the command /rg addmember [region name]. Square brackets are required. For example /rg addmember house . Caution - griefing, any other player, when adding the mod to private, will be able to use his quarry to clear and collect everything from your private territory.


Ingredients Craft
Red Stone (Dust), Diamond Pickaxe
Iron gear
golden gear
Diamond gear

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