The client bank data format is incorrect. Possible mistakes. The document cannot be opened for viewing. How to disable pop-up blockers

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To set up an exchange with a client-bank in 1C Accounting 8.3, you can contact our specialists, or make the settings yourself, starting by opening “Bank and cash desk-Bank statements”.


Here, in the list of documents, click “MORE-Set up an exchange with the bank.”


Setting up an exchange in 1C with a client-bank for each settlement account of a company involves filling out the following fields:

  • Organization;
  • Serviced bank account;
  • Program name. Here you need to select an identification program. If you are not named in the specified list, then you must select any one from the list provided;
  • We enter the name of the file from which transactions on the account will be downloaded, and the file into which they will be downloaded;
  • Encoding. 1C 8.3 can exchange DOS and Windows formats, so we indicate the encoding corresponding to the client-bank.

Group of details that can be specified by default:

  • Group for new contractors
  • DDS articles.

Bottom of the window:

  • In the uploads, we indicate which documents will be included in the file and will be monitored during upload (correctness of the document number and security of exchange with the bank).
  • In Downloads on the right, we activate the automatic creation of unfound elements (i.e., when downloading a statement, the program will automatically create counterparties, agreements, accounts that it did not find in the directories), as well as demonstration of the “Exchange with the bank” form before downloading.
  • We immediately note that after downloading the documents must be processed automatically.


To load or unload documents from the client bank, in the “Bank Statements” journal, click “MORE-Exchange with the bank”.


The second option is to click on “Download” there.


Go to the “Exchange with bank” window.

We select the “Sending to Bank” tab, find the organization for which we need to upload documents, the bank account and the period for which we are uploading documents.


After this, the tabular part is filled in with documents, and the red font means that either it is filled out incorrectly or the payment is invalid. Black color indicates that the filling is correct, you can upload it to the bank-client file.


When selecting the documents that need to be uploaded to the Client Bank, we put a check mark next to them. In the “Upload file to bank” field, indicate the upload path and click “Upload”.


The file has been uploaded.


The tabular part will be filled with data from the file, while the lines with red font indicate that the program did not find in the directories the data (registered account, counterparty by matching TIN and KPP) to which the receipt or write-off documents need to be distributed. Correctly distributed documents are highlighted in black.


If in setting up the exchange with a bank client you noted “ Automatic creation not found documents", the program will automatically create not found objects, if "Automatic creation of not found documents" - the "Create not found" button will be active, by which the "Creation of not found objects" log is available.


Here, by clicking on the “Create” button, you can create all objects or select certain objects that need to be created.


Having created the unfound objects, we select by ticking the documents from the extract that we want to download. Click "Download".


After downloading, we can view the “Download Report”.


It contains information on documents loaded and not loaded into the program.



You can view the downloaded documents in the “Bank and cash desk-Bank statements” block.


Uploaded documents will be displayed in the “Bank Statements” journal; completed documents will be marked with a green checkmark.


The point is that to set up a direct exchange with a bank, you need to use the DirectBank* service. Since the working conditions are set by the bank, you need to find out the settings from your bank.

*DirectBank is an alternative technology for organizing interaction between an enterprise and a bank. Only 40 banks supported this technology and a number of basic 1C configurations.

And press the button "Further".

And press the button "Install".

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

If you use eToken:

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

Errors when generating new keys

Error (Code: 128) Error on initialization cryptoengine for MessagePro

    After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

Errors when working in the Client-Bank system

Files are not loaded into the Client-Bank system or files are not uploaded from the system (when importing documents, exporting statements, attaching files to an arbitrary document in the Bank, etc.)

    After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Further".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

  1. An error file is created automatically with each import operation
  2. The file is created in the same directory as the imported file. The file name is the same as the imported file. The extension is "err".
  3. Each line of the file is a separate error message
  4. If critical errors are detected during the import process, then execution is terminated and a corresponding entry is written to the err file. As a result, the error file may not contain all possible errors in the import file if execution did not reach them.
  5. Each line of the file is output in this format:

    <Номер ошибки>, Line<Номер строки>, <Описание ошибки>


    9, Line 2, Invalid version "2.00" of the interchange file format.

  6. Possible mistakes:
Error no. Error When does it occur Example description in a file
1 Unexpected end of fileThe end of the file was detected, but processing of the current section was not completed.Unexpected end of file. Section "CalculationAccount Section" is not completed
2 Invalid keyA section contains an attribute identifier that should not be in this section. (see “Structure of exchange files”)Invalid key "ReceiptDate" in the section "CalculationAccount Section".
3 No value specifiedThe key, which is mentioned as mandatory in the “Exchange File Structure”, does not have a value specified.The value for the required key "Payer OKPO" in the "SectionDocument" section is not specified.
4 Invalid date formatDate not in formatIncorrect date format for the "Date" key in the "SectionDocument" section - "2.12.01". The date must be in the format "".
5 Length too longThe number of characters in the processed key value is greater than possible for this data typeThe length of the value for the key "MFI Recipient" in the "SectionDocument" section exceeds 6 characters - "2143213".
6 Too much precisionThe number of decimal characters for numeric values ​​exceeds the allowed limitThe precision of the value for the "Sum" key in the "SectionDocument" section exceeds 2 characters - "123.456".
7 Can't open fileAn error occurred while opening the fileError when opening file D:\Users\Foxx\Source\Source 77UaP\1c_to_kl.txt
8 Invalid file formatInvalid exchange file format, i.e. the first line does not contain the identifier “1CclientBankExchange”Invalid exchange file format D:\Users\Foxx\Sources\Sources 77UaP\1c_to_kl.txt.
9 Invalid file versionIN this moment Only files with format version “1.00” are processedInvalid version "2.00" of the interchange file format.
10 Incorrect encodingThe file encoding is different from the one selected by the user during the import procedure. For example, in the file - “DOS”, in the import procedure - “Windows”Incorrect "DOS" encoding of the exchange file.
11 Invalid recipientThe recipient of the information must match the internal identifier of the 1C configuration in which the download is made. Those. The Client-Bank system must “know” this identifier when generating the file. During the development period, only one value can be specified in the “Recipient” attribute of the header - “Accounting for Ukraine”. This is the configuration on which all testing is currently performed. In the future, the set of possible values ​​will be expanded.Incorrect recipient of information "Program 1C". Only files addressed to "Accounting for Ukraine" are processed.
12 R/s is not mentioned in the titleThe line “CalculationAccount” is missing in the header: In accordance with the “Structure of Exchange Files”, each settlement account must be mentioned in the file header in the line “CalculationAccount” and for each account there must be a section “SectionCalculationAccount”.The current account "12353212452332" was not mentioned in the header in the "Calculation Account" line.
13 “beginning” does not match remainder"Opening balanceFor the current account "12353212452332" the initial balance (123456.78) does not match the one indicated in the file (876543.21).
14 Con. does not match. remainder"The final account balance specified in the “CalculationAccount Section” section of the exchange file does not match the accounting data in 1CThe current account "12353212452332" does not match the final balance (123456.78) with that indicated in the file (876543.21).
15 “Total received” does not matchThe total amount of funds received by account indicated in the “Calculation Account Section” section of the exchange file does not coincide with the accounting data in 1CFor the current account "12353212452332" the total amount of funds received (123456.78) does not match the amount indicated in the file (876543.21).
16 “Total written off” does not matchThe total amount of funds written off by account indicated in the “CalculationAccount Section” section of the exchange file does not coincide with the accounting data in 1CFor the current account "12353212452332" the total amount of funds written off (123456.78) does not match that indicated in the file (876543.21).
17 Invalid period according to accountThe period for which documents are transferred for this account does not coincide with the period specified in the file headerFor the current account "12353212452332", the period being processed (01/01/2002-01/31/2002) does not coincide with the one specified in the file header (01/01/2002-02/28/2002).
18 Duplicate documentThis document is mentioned twice in the fileThe expense document Payment order N234 dated 03/01/2002 was duplicated.
19 Invalid currencyAt the moment, only hryvnia payments are supported, i.e. currency code should be "980"Uploading documents with currency code 410 is not supported.
20 Unknown accountThe beneficiary's or payer's account is missing from information base 1C.Unknown current account 12455474356543.
21 Required keys missingOne or more required details were missing in the current section. (see “Structure of exchange files”)The SectionDocument section does not contain the required details: Payer MFO, Payer OKPO.
22 Invalid document typeProcessing of the document type specified in the file is not supported.The type of document indicated is "Application for Letter of Credit". It is only possible to download the documents “Payment order” and “Payment request-order”.
23 There is no section “SectionCalculation”The “CalculationAccount Section” section is missing: In accordance with the “Structure of Exchange Files”, each settlement account must be mentioned in the file header in the “CalculationAccount” line and for each account there must be a “CalculationAccount Section” section.For the current account "12455474356543" there is no section "Calculation Account Section".
24 Invalid number of documentsThe actual number of documents in the file and the number indicated in the header in the line “Number of Documents” do not matchThe number of documents indicated in the file header (34) differs from the actual number of documents (33).

They find us: missing line sectiondocument, Exchange file format error, format error missing line section document, exchange file format error in 1c, missing end of document section beginning of document in line #1, document not imported missing end of document section, exchange file format error in 1s 8 2, Incorrect 1C file format: missing document section , Incorrect payment document details, line 41: Code=, File 1c_to_kl txt has an invalid format

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