What is bluescreen windows 7. BlueScreen problem event name - how to fix? Hard drive S.M.A.R.T check

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PC users have a strong fear that unites everyone - BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), a critical error that leads to a system crash without saving data. It is difficult for the average user to decipher information about a failure if, after displaying technical information, the computer immediately reboots. Therefore, let's look at how to use BlueScreenView, an application that saves and decrypts information about OS failures.

Creating a Dump File

In operating rooms Windows systems 7, 8, 10 dump random access memory saved automatically. But we will edit the file creation settings and optimize them for BlueScreenView.

Let's go through the following points:

  1. Open “This PC” – “System Properties”.

  2. Click " Extra options systems."

  3. In the “Advanced” tab, click on the “Options” button in the “Boot and Recovery” block.
  4. In the window that appears, uncheck the “Replace” box. existing file dump" and in the "Write debugging information" field select "Small memory dump (256 KB)".

Reference! A small memory dump contains the necessary information to analyze the error and does not take up much disk space. It is not recommended to replace an existing dump file, because... There are several errors, but only one is recorded.

Memory dump analysis

First of all, launch BlueScreenView. The application automatically scans the storage folder for all memory dumps.

To extract the necessary information you need:

  1. Select the required .dmp file from the list, look at the list of drivers and components that were loaded during the last OS startup.

  2. Double-click on the field highlighted in red.
  3. Acquainted with technical information about the error.

  4. By right-clicking on the memory dump field, you can import the data into a file for subsequent sending to a specialist or support service. It is also possible to search for a solution to a problem directly from the application.

As a result, we can say that using BlueScreenView is a complete pleasure. This is a small and functional utility that will free you from the need to watch for BSOD errors with a sheet of paper in your hands.

For those interested, a video is provided on how to use BlueScreenView.

The problem with the BlueScreen event name may appear in Windows OS (for example, Windows 7) after some time of operation. Or, say, jump out when it’s running computer game. A one-time appearance of BlueScreen can be ignored - perhaps nothing terrible has happened yet. If the BlueScreen problem event name begins to appear periodically, then you should think about possible problems with the computer and eliminating them.

What are the reasons for the BlueScreen error?

STOP error 0X116- “the driver did not respond to the system request in a timely manner” - appears quite often, and its reasons can be as follows:

  • Overheating on the motherboard south bridge, video cards;
  • Driver malfunction;
  • Overclocking a video card;
  • Problems with RAM;
  • Low power supply;
  • There is a malfunction in the equipment itself.

Options for fixing the BlueScreen problem

Depending on what caused the problem, the solutions vary. I'll tell you about all the possibilities.

  1. If you recently updated the video driver, try rolling it back and/or restoring the system to an earlier state;
  2. Other problems with the video card may require updating its BIOS. Also try to reduce the frequency - the RivaTuner utility helps;
  3. If you overclocked the processor, video card, or RAM, remove it;
  4. If the error “BlueScreen problem event name” appears after playing a game, try lowering the screen resolution and graphics settings to the minimum settings, and only then play. Find out if the problem is caused by the video card;
  5. Try also resetting your BIOS to default. The documentation for your computer or motherboard can help;
  6. If you don't have the last one DirectX version- update it.
  7. There may be overheating. Check the temperature of your video card, power supply, processor and southbridge on the motherboard. Additional cooling may be needed.
  8. If possible, try temporarily replacing your power supply with another, more powerful one, and see if a message appears with the event name - BlueScreen.

By using Windows tools Test your RAM for errors. If you have more than one module, then remove them all and insert, for example, one. Continue working for a couple of days. If the fatal BlueScreen problem stops appearing, replace the memory module with another one and find the damaged one, if any. Also try inserting memory modules into different slots - the problem may be in them.

You can return it to the factory state or reinstall Windows (if you find it difficult yourself, contact the technical support of your computer manufacturer). If it is important to save some data, first create an image of the system for its subsequent restoration.

However, before the previous point, it’s better to try a “clean” boot operating system and check if everything is working normally. To do this, proceed as follows: Start > Find programs and files > Configuration > System Configuration. There, in the “General” tab, check “Normal startup”, there is the “Services” tab, then check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox and disable everything else using the “Disable all” button. Go to the “Startup” tab and use the same button to disable everything “non-standard”. Click Apply and OK and restart the computer.

Note: the above is for Windows 7. In other OSes, similar settings can also be accessed by entering “msconfig” after clicking Start -> Run.

After loading the system, look: some programs will not load automatically when the system starts, but manual start will allow them to work fully.

If the BlueScreen problem is not resolved after all the above, then contact service center. Most likely, it will be the video card that is at fault - request testing of it.

Because of pirated copies of Windows, many users are facing Bluescreen crash on their PC. Most often, the bug causes a Blue Screen to appear, which appears after launching games or programs. After the reboot, the user receives a notification window with the problem signature: “Problem event name: BlueScreen. Language code: 1049". Also indicated additional information: OS version (for example - 6.1 7601.2 1.0 256.1) and BCCode (can be different 116, 124, 50, 19, d1, f4, a and others).

Example of critical stop error BlueScreen 1049

What is this BlueScreen crash 1049?

There are many reasons why Bluescreen stop errors appear. The code itself (1049) indicates that the driver was unable to respond to the system request in a timely manner. Among the main reasons for the failure, the following can be identified:

  1. The corresponding driver has problems;
  2. Problems with overheating of computer hardware ( motherboard or video card);
  3. Unsuccessful attempts to overclock the video card;
  4. Problems with computer RAM and other malfunctions.

What to do about problem 1049?

  1. In most cases, the main cause of failures is “broken” video card drivers. You can check all video controllers in the Task Manager and look for a broken driver (with a yellow icon). Right-click on it and delete. After uninstallation, run the Registry Cleanup Wizard (I use third party utilities- CCleaner). After cleaning, click on the problematic controller and select “Update drivers”.

    An example of removing problematic drivers from Windows

  2. Windows Installer works very poorly, so it is better to download drivers from the official developer resource or use the disk with all the configurations that comes with it. I use it due diligence and updating all drivers using the utility DriverPack Solution . True, there are many additional and advertising installations in it. Lately. But DPS does its job well.

    Update Windows drivers via DriverPack Solution

  3. If you were unable to complete the installation, or the update did not help you, then you can roll back the system to a restore point where no failures were observed.
  4. You can also check the functionality by starting Windows in clean boot. After a clean launch, launch the required game or application and check. You should know that there will be no application or game icons. They must be called from the installation folder or the Start menu. Video instruction.
  5. If you overclocked any of the PC hardware, cancel everything.
  6. For cases with game failures, it is advisable to update the video card drivers to

Hello! Today we will talk about the problem of the blue screen of death - BlueScreen. Many users encounter it while working or playing on a computer. We will tell you what “Problem Event Name: BlueScreen” is and what you need to do to fix it. We will also describe a solution to the problem with BlueScreen error 1049.

Almost all of us have encountered the Blue Screen of Death. Let's try to give a simple definition of this problem, so:

BlueScreen is a “message” addressed to the user indicating a critical system error and that the computer will restart with the loss of all unsaved data. The message also indicates the general causes of the problem and the error code. Experts call this problem BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).

For Windows 7, if a blue screen occurs, an error message appears after a reboot.

The causes of BSOD can be different, from physical to systemic:

  1. Problems with computer hardware - incorrectly installed devices;
  2. Overheating of the video card, processor or other components of the laptop or PC;
  3. Voltage drop in the network;
  4. Incorrectly installed Windows updates;
  5. Important items removed system files or folders;
  6. Wrong installed drivers- the most common mistake.

As a rule, in case of a Blue Screen, a simple reboot helps many users. After it everything returns to normal. But if the problem is with the drivers, then in certain cases, the problem will recur. This is possible when the user launches a game or program. Let's figure out what needs to be done in this case and how to determine what exactly the system does not like.

Very often, when a BSOD error appears, the screen appears literally for a second and then a reboot follows. To get acquainted with the problem and identify the code, you first need to remove the reboot. Sign in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System. Press Additional system parameters. In the window that opens, uncheck the Perform an automatic reboot.

After this, you can write down the error code. There can be a huge number of sources of problems and codes. Therefore, next, you should enter this code in search query and find a solution on the Internet. There is no single solution to such situations; each problem must be solved separately.

Diagnosis of overheating and physical problems is carried out very well by the AIDA64 program. In case of system problems, BlueScreenView is suitable for searching and identifying. It will list all the dumps (.dmp - error report) and analyze all the data, even indicating the driver that led to the problem. You can learn more about the BlueScreenView utility in this video (closer to the end).

BlueScreen code 1049 what is this problem

One of the most common reasons may be problems with video card drivers. In this case, the message “Problem event name: BlueScreen” (code 1049) appears, which means a problem with the video card. In this case, it is necessary:

  1. Disable the built-in video card (if any) in the settings;
  2. Completely update video drivers;
  3. Check the physical parameters - for overheating and whether it fits tightly in the slot;
  4. Use the BlueScreenView utility to determine.

BlueScreenView is a program that provides detailed information about all "Blue Screen Of Death" events that occurred on the system. The program scans all minidump files created during a BSOD, and provides the user with detailed information about all system crashes in one table. For each BSOD, the program provides the following data: minidump file name, date and time of the crash, basic information displayed on the blue screen during the error (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and details regarding the driver or module that could cause a critical error in the system (driver file name, product name, file description and version).

The program is provided in two versions: portable and in the form complete installation. The Russian language is installed separately by downloading the archive with the Russification file. Immediately after launch, the program begins scanning the %SystemRoot%\Minidump folder and displays the results. The scanning process may take several seconds.

What's new in this version?

1.55 (30.01.2015)

  • added support for Drag & Drop, now you can simply drag MiniDump files to the main window;
  • Fixed a bug in which the application did not “remember” the time of the last “blue screen” if it “appeared” on something other than the main monitor.

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