Why does the charger heat up when charging a phone or tablet? The phone gets very hot when locked or while charging, is this normal? Why does the charger get hot?

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Often, novice drivers have a question about why the battery heats up when charging and how normal this is. When the inside of the car battery case begins to seethe or boil, and the battery itself begins to heat up, this may lead beginners to believe that something is wrong with the battery. Also, mobile phone owners are worried that the mobile phone “gets very hot” when connected to the network. In fact, heating up a battery during charging does not always mean it is malfunctioning.

In order to dispel fears about the heating of car and phone batteries, let's look at some of the reasons why this may occur (by the way, it would be, on the contrary, strange if the batteries did not heat up at all during charging).

Reinsurance: we charge the car battery efficiently and correctly

You need to know that if the battery heats up during charging, this is a completely natural phenomenon, especially when the process comes to an end. To prevent overheating, it is important to monitor the battery at all stages of its charging - in much the same way as we monitor a pot or any electrical appliance placed on the fire.

Towards the end of charging, do not leave the battery unattended for a long time. If it starts to heat up too much, it is better to reduce the current. Of course, charging time may increase, but this is what will allow you to minimize possible risks.

Also, if your battery is already old, it is important to keep in mind that older car batteries heat up faster and will have to be used more frequently to avoid short circuits. Handle the old battery with the utmost care and caution.

Possible factory defect of the new battery

For novice drivers, it will also be useful to know that the process of boiling the battery itself can tell you why it gets very hot and for what reasons its total voltage does not meet the required standard.

For example, when one of the cans shorts due to a factory defect, boiling occurs as a normal and natural process in all serviceable battery compartments . There is no boiling process in a closed jar. When measuring the density of the electrolyte, its value in the “dead” compartment does not exceed 1.10 g/cm 3 . A battery with such a defect will produce a voltage of about 10.5 Volts, and not the required 12-13 at rest. It’s better not to try, but to return it back to the store, or exchange it for a working one.

Possible problems if the battery gets very hot when charging

If you removed the battery from the car and installed it, and later discovered that it heats up more than necessary, the reasons may be quite understandable and sometimes removable:

  • The charger used is faulty, or the currents are too high. Just try to reduce them.
  • Something happened inside the battery itself. This may be damage to the plates, their shedding or a short circuit. The ability to correct the problem depends on the level of damage to the plates.

Why does my phone battery heat up when charging?

Most often, phone owners’ concerns about this have no serious basis:

  • If the phone is charging and there are no obvious signs of overheating, then you can safely continue charging: All mobile phones “heat up” when connected to the network .
  • Whether you are making calls, playing games or texting when charging your phone , its temperature will naturally be an order of magnitude higher than usual. In this case, you can wait for the device to finish charging so as not to worry again.
  • If the body of your gadget is made of metal , it will heat up more, but there is no danger in this.
  • When connected to a smartphone Wi-Fi or any type of mobile Internet downloading data will affect the temperature level while charging.
  • The phone may get hot because of errors in the firmware system (program code). In this case, try to find an updated firmware version on the Internet.
  • Checking the heating level of the smartphone during charging can be done using a utility like CPU-Z.

Thus, any battery heats up when charging. When it comes to a car battery, it is important to carry out timely monitoring of the process in order to avoid possible irreversible damage. If the phone heats up, most often the users’ worries are in vain. But if in doubt, the heating level of the battery during charging can always be checked using special programs.

Knowing why the phone is heating up, the user can try to reduce its temperature.

This will help solve one of the most common problems - although device owners also encounter it on other platforms.

If you leave the issue unresolved, a smartphone may not only lose some of its functionality, but also fail prematurely.

Danger of overheating

Smartphone manufacturers provide the possibility of heating their products in some situations - when running resource-intensive applications, while charging or surfing the Internet.

Sometimes this is even considered normal and does not require any action on the part of users to fix the problem.

But, if the smartphone body constantly heats up (even when it is not in use), you should try to reduce the heating first on your own, and, if the problem becomes critical, contact service.

The danger of an overheating smartphone(and first of all, the processor and battery heat up) lies in the possibility of a noticeable reduction in battery life. After six months, the period of operation of the gadget without recharging decreases by 1.5–2 times. Sometimes its battery may even explode or spontaneously combust.

Causes of overheating

The main reasons for overheating of a modern smartphone include:

  • Problems with the platform on which the device operates (including the operation of background applications and virus infection);
  • The brightness set by the user is too high;
  • Operation of wireless network modules;
  • Wrong approach to charging a smartphone;
  • Wrong case.

Almost every user can encounter any of these reasons. Moreover, usually several of them simultaneously affect the heating of the phone body.

However, dealing with most of these reasons is not so difficult - just pay more attention to your smartphone than usual.

Problems with the operating system

The reasons for the increase in smartphone temperature are often operating system and software failures.

While using the gadget, installing and uninstalling applications, internal memory fills up with residual files, which sometimes affect the processor temperature.

An even more serious impact on the heating of the phone is the operation of open background applications that reduce the performance of the device and you can close them using built-in or third-party “task managers”.

The problem could also be with the firmware.- especially if it is reinstalled by the user himself. Errors in the program code lead to overheating of the processor and battery. You can solve the problem with a reinstalled platform by returning the gadget to factory settings or rolling back the system to a previous version (if such an option is provided), during which such problems were not observed. If your phone is heating up in the default version, it may be worth upgrading.

If none of the tips help solve the problem, it is possible that the system is infected with a virus– most likely, a “worm” that transfers the user’s personal data to third parties.

Because of this, the smartphone can heat up, and the confidentiality of the information stored in its memory is at risk.

The problem can be solved by installing a good antivirus (for example, each of these programs has free versions) and scanning the system.

Screen Options

One of the answers to the question about overheating may be the screen parameters.

The maximum brightness, which is often set when using a smartphone in sunlight, reduces battery capacity 1.5 times faster than with standard settings.

At the same time, the passive cooling system of gadgets cannot cope with the increase in speed, and the device heats up more.

To solve the problem, you should use automatic brightness settings. If these indicators do not suit the user, you can change them yourself - increasing them when watching a video or while playing a game, decreasing them during normal use.

Heavy CPU usage

The smartphone's central processor is most often loaded if the user turns on modern ones.

Temperature no higher than 45 degrees is considered normal, critical - above 50 degrees.

If the gadget heats up more, and none of the methods to correct the situation helps, you should close all applications and wait about a quarter of an hour.

A smartphone that turns off due to overheating may turn off. After this, you should leave the gadget alone, trying to turn it on no earlier than after 20–30 minutes. In some cases, the problem disappears after turning it on.


Having followed all the tips for reducing the temperature of a smartphone, the user in most cases achieves the desired result.

The only exception may be a problem with the hardware, which you cannot solve on your own. However, the solution may be to contact the service.


    Yes, almost all chargers get hot. There's nothing wrong with that. But to be on the safe side, it’s better not to leave the charger on while you’re away. Here, some people advise turning off the phone while charging, then the charger will not get too hot. Yes, this method really helps. I checked it personally.

    If the charger gets slightly warm during operation, there is nothing to worry about. This is fine. Put your hand on the ventilation grille of your TV, or touch the bottom of your laptop; they all generate heat while functioning.

    Another thing is if the charger heats up and becomes almost hot. In this case, it is advisable to disassemble it and check whether everything is in order, nothing is leaking, and there are no foreign odors.

    In addition, when charging the phone, under no circumstances should it be placed under a pillow or covered with anything. The heat generated by the device must escape freely.

    This can happen due to a faulty charger (contacts burn out) or the socket in which the charger is plugged in is not entirely suitable for it: the device dangles and, as a result, heats up.

    I'm talking about situations when the charger gets hot much.

    Chargers for modern smart assistants: laptop, tablet, smartphone, regular mobile phone, GPS navigator... are electrical circuits through which current flows.

    Without going into the nuances of converting alternating current (mains) into direct current (for charging) and without dwelling on the elemental base, it should be noted that the electric current itself passing in the conductor leads to an increase in internal energy and its heating.

    The law connecting the amount of heat generated with current and resistance was discovered by scientists J. Joule and E. Lenz.

    It is written like this:

    Q is the amount of heat,

    I is the magnitude of the electric current,

    R - circuit resistance,

    t — time.

    8th grade physics does not describe all the reasons why the charger heats up. Of course, it is necessary to take into account electromagnetic processes in the transformer (its efficiency) and other points. But the Joule-Lenz law works.

    You can learn more about heating conductors from this video tutorial

    There is no need to worry, but you need to remember some physical properties of electric current. It is known that every conductor of electric current has resistance. Roughly speaking, electrons must be pushed between the atoms of the conductor, collide with them, and heat is released, which heats the conductors. Therefore, the power supply temperature of 50 - 60 degrees is quite normal. It should be noted that all the parts are in a plastic case, which transfers heat very poorly to the environment.

    It's okay. Now everything is small and everything gets hot, this is in the order of things, but of course you need to know when to stop. When I bought myself a phone and put it on charge for the first time (while clicking it), I couldn’t hold my finger on the charger for a long time.

    I'll tell you from my own experience. I have an extension cord for 3 sockets, not a surge protector, I bought it on ozon ru, and two devices are connected to it - a table lamp and a computer, and when I connect the charger to the third free socket, it heats up quickly, but when I just connect it directly to the wall outlet - then charging is normal. Hence the conclusion - the quality of the socket is also affected by the load on the socket.

    Almost all phones still have this particular drawback. While the phone is charging, there is a load on the charger. According to the diagram, there is a transformer and a diode bridge, which create a closed circuit when the phone is connected, and this circuit heats up, that is, the transformer mainly heats up, but this does not change the matter. And how many times have I noticed that (sometimes you forget to unplug the charger from the network) nothing like this happens if the phone is turned off. The charger is practically cold.

In ours, we looked at the reasons why a smartphone can get warm. Now we will try to answer the main questions of puzzled users about why their phone gets hot while charging.

We asked some specialists working in mobile equipment repair service centers to comment on this problem. Below are the main thoughts on this matter:

Answers from experts

  • If overheating is not observed (the phone is slightly warm), then there is no particular reason to worry - any smartphone and battery heats up while charging.
  • If you use your phone while charging, this will accordingly be reflected in its temperature. Just accept it as given or put the phone aside until it is fully charged, then continue to use it as usual.
  • If the smartphone has metal body, the problem of “overheating” may be far-fetched - it is clear that the plastic case will have lower thermal conductivity, but in neither case will the problem be critical.
  • If Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is turned on and data is downloading(auto-updates for applications are enabled), this may affect the charging temperature more than the charging process itself.
  • Charge your phone with original charger or charging with parameters close to those set by the manufacturer for your mobile phone.
  • Firmware. Sometimes, due to an error in the software code of the smartphone operating system (Android, iOS) or the shell (manufacturer's add-ons based on Android), heating problems may occur during charging for some smartphone models. In this case, you need to look for the current firmware version (if you have an old one), or roll back to a version with no problems (if it’s new). Or you can just wait for the new version and see if the problem is resolved after the update.

You can check the temperature of your smartphone while charging using an application like CPU-Z.

To charge the phone, a small voltage is used, and the network, as you know, has an alternating current of 220 V. In the process of transforming electricity, some energy is inevitably lost in the form of heat, but it happens that charging the phone gets too hot. This is exactly the case that will be discussed in this article.


Should the charger get hot?

If you purchased a certified charger for a specific phone model, then the electricity converter should not heat up greatly. At normal ambient temperatures, the device may operate with a slight increase in temperature, but this condition of the device is not critical.

Strong heating of the charger case may indicate problems with the device itself or with the phone being charged. This electronic condition is abnormal and must be corrected.

What can overheating of the charger lead to?

At a minimum, operating the device in overheating mode can lead to failure of the main charging elements. Components such as electrolytic capacitors and transistors should not be operated at too high temperatures. If the charger constantly operates in this mode, then rapid failure of the device is possible.

If the board is damaged and a short circuit occurs, high currents can cause a fire. Even if a fire does not break out, the plastic casing may melt, which can cause an electric shock when trying to unplug the device or a severe thermal burn from the melted plastic.

Why does the charger get hot?

There can be quite a few reasons for the charger becoming very hot. A similar phenomenon can be observed both for natural reasons and as a result of a memory failure.

Natural causes

The charger may heat up due to natural reasons. Regardless of the power, any device of this type has an efficiency of less than 100%, so energy losses during the conversion of electric current will occur with the release of heat.

If the smartphone supports fast charging, then when this mode is activated, charging can also get quite hot. This effect occurs due to the supply of higher current to the battery contacts.

Due to malfunctions

Most often, charging gets hot due to incorrect selection of diodes at the stage of design and production of the product. If the adapter is assembled in China, then this is not surprising, because the quality of products supplied from this Asian country leaves much to be desired.

If the charger is heated from the moment of purchase and warms up to the temperature of a heating radiator operating in winter, then this may also indicate that it is working at the limit of its capabilities. This situation can occur when operating a working device to which too high a load was connected.

How to understand what the problem is

To find the cause of excessive heat, you should look at the charger label. If the specified value in mA is less than what is required to charge the battery of a particular phone model, then such a device will always work with the release of a large amount of thermal energy.

If the charger is covered with any object during charging, the product body may also become very hot. In this case, the charger may burn out due to overheating.

A short circuit in the charger, cable or phone connector will also cause the device to become very hot. It will not be difficult to determine such a breakdown by the lack of charge in the smartphone battery.

The device can short-circuit if the internal insulation or the cable connected to the phone melts, or if a thin copper wire gets onto the plug contacts while connecting the charger to the mobile device.

Still have questions or have something to add? Then write to us about it in the comments, this will make the material more complete and accurate.

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