Why can't I connect to the Internet via startup? How to make an automatic Internet connection. Deactivating broadband connection

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Almost every user sooner or later wonders how to enable automatic connection to Internet Windows 7.

This instruction is intended to answer all possible questions related to this topic. We hope you find it useful.

All actions, examples and screenshots in this material are relevant for Windows 7, as it remains the most popular today. But most of the operations, taking into account minor amendments, are also applicable to Windows 8 and 10.

Why start the Internet automatically

This setting greatly simplifies the process of using your PC. Precious time is not wasted on unnecessary actions. Plus, there are often situations when a person can miss important messages or letters for a rather annoying reason - he forgot about the Internet when turning on the computer.

Of course, installing a router will solve all these problems. The advantage of this solution is that after this not only desktop devices, but also other mobile gadgets will be combined into single network. All logins, passwords and other information are recorded in the memory of the router itself. In this case, even when changing a PC, most often there is no need to change anything.

Creation methods

There are many installation options. Still, the seventh and subsequent versions of the OS have a lot of different settings that allow you to adapt them to the most popular requirements.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves which method to choose. The user proceeds from his requests and capabilities. Also, a lot depends on the version of the update and the installed software. These factors can also influence the choice of option. But in any case, any of the methods listed below will work for you.

Video: Setting up automatic connection

Using Network Connections

Before starting all actions, check that your names are written in Latin letters. In any case, it is undesirable to use the Cyrillic alphabet in everything related to network settings. It’s better to fix everything right away and rename it than to later wonder why something doesn’t function as it should.

To check, open Network and Sharing Center shared access" Next – “Changing adapter parameters”. To rename the desired connection, click on it twice, but with some interval.

Photo: the name is attributed to the Latin alphabet

All actions assume that you have already created a working connection.

If not yet, then the following steps will be useful to you:

File with extension .bat

It’s quite easy and quick to set up everything using a special bat file placed in “Startup”, which will perform all the actions for automatic connection.

For this:

Write the name of your file in any Latin letters without spaces and change its extension to “.bat”. You should end up with something like "internet_autostart.bat".

If you cannot change the extension, then follow these steps:

Please note that if you search for this folder manually, some of your names may be translated into Russian and, accordingly, look slightly different.

You need to move your bat file here. Be sure to reboot and check if this method works. If something doesn't work, then simply delete the file and try another option. The fact is that it does not work on all computers.

Network Sharing Center

Using only the “Network Sharing Center” you can achieve the desired result, but with one caveat. In this case, the computer will connect only at the moment when an application requests it. But, as practice shows, this suits the average user quite well.

So, go to “Change adapter settings” and open the properties of our connection. In the “Dialing Options” we put only one checkbox – “Request name, password, certificate, etc.”, and uncheck the rest.

Then it is advisable to make the following changes:

Some time after the reboot, a window will pop up asking you to select the desired action. Check the “Connect automatically” checkbox here. And the problem should be solved. If you want more advanced methods, then read on.

Setting up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 with Task Scheduler

Before creating a task in the scheduler:

Actually, after this you can move on to the next step - open the “Task Scheduler”.

You can do this in two ways:

That's basically it. Try restarting your computer. If you did everything correctly, the computer will connect automatically.

Autorun using Registry Editor

Alternatively, you can set up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 through the registry.

To start:

We hope that in this article you found the information you were looking for. In fact, there is nothing complicated here; even a novice user can easily figure it out.

Do not miss a single point, read carefully all the notes and comments, and then the result of your work will please you without errors or failures for a long time.

Aren't you tired of clicking on the connection icon every time, entering your username and password in order to connect to the Internet? One fine day I got tired of it. That's why I asked the question: How to automatically connect to the Internet when you turn on the computer? Fortunately, setting up automatic connection was quite simple.

I would like to make a reservation that I currently have Windows XP, and I set up everything on my home computer with this system. My Internet is also not connected via a modem, but a wire is simply connected to the apartment from a box in the entrance, to which, in turn, a fiber-optic cable from the provider leads. If your connection is via a modem, then there are some special features.

When I had a modem, I had to constantly type a difficult-to-remember login and password into the connection window when connecting. If you have the same problem, then you should simply check the box next to “Save username and password” the next time you connect, so that the program will enter them automatically later.

2. Don't ask for username and password

3. Create a shortcut to connect to the Internet in the Startup folder

The last thing that technically needs to be done in order to automatically connect the Internet when you turn on the computer (at least in the operating system Windows system XP) is to create a shortcut to connect to the Internet in the Startup folder located at:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Main Menu\Programs\Startup

In your case, the only difference will be that instead of the folder that I call “admin” you will have the user name under which you logged into the system.

After you create the shortcut, restart your computer. After starting, the machine should automatically connect to the Internet without your participation.

What needs to be done to automatically connect to the Internet when you turn on the computer (method for Windows owners). Will the method work on Linux, Mac OS, etc.? — there was no need to check.

A bit of poetry: connecting the Internet manually, the average user spends about 15 seconds. Let's say he does this every day. There are 365 days in a year, multiply it, it comes out: 5475 seconds, or 1,5 hours! Couldn't this time be spent more usefully?

So, there are several options automatically start the Internet on Windows 7.

Recipe No. 1. or “banal.” Everyone writes about it, and you’ve probably seen a version of it on other blogs on the Internet. Anyway, here it is:

1. Connect to the Internet (you must first check the “Save password” box in the settings)

2. then go to “ Network connections”, look for “virtual private” there VPN network” and right-click on the Internet icon. Go to “properties”, item “parameters”. (screen below). We set similar connection settings. Click “ok”

3. Click on the Internet icon again, but this time we don’t go to “properties”, but click “Create a shortcut”. Or stupidly drag the icon itself onto the desktop, holding down LMB to do this. Doesn't matter.

4. Go to Startup (located at “Start” - “All Programs” - “Startup”, both on Windows XP and on Windows 7 - the same)

5. reboot the computer.

Recipe No. 2. It involves creating a file with the .bat extension and then throwing it (again) into startup.

In this case, in the file itself you need to write next line(naturally replacing the current values ​​with your own):

@start rasdial con 000 111 > nul

Con - you need to change it to the name of your connection, the numbers “000” to the login, and “111” to the password.

I'll add: work through a regular notepad, then when saving the document, change the extension to .bat

Automatically launch the Internet in Windows 7. Method No. 3.

The previous methods may work, but they are not entirely correct. I present the “correct” solution using Windows itself! (tadadadam, drum roll)

We go to the control panel, the item “network control center and something else”,

after clicking LMB in the left menu (as in the picture below) click on “Change adapter parameters”

Step 1. In the list of icons, look for your Internet icon. RMB on it, properties, tab “parameters”, check the box for “request name password”, the rest can be left blank.

Step 2. go through the control panel (I apologize here, I’m finishing the article from the tablet, the items may be called a little differently). In short, go to the “Security Center”, then “Internet Options”, and look for the “Connection” tab. You need to check the box next to “Always use the default connection”. Then here in the settings check the box: “AUTOMATIC PARAMETERS DETERMINATION”.

If the login and password match, then everything is OK, save the changes. Mission accomplished.

Interesting things on the blog:

Many providers around the world offer their Internet services through the so-called high-speed PPPoE connection (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet). To connect to the Internet via PPPoE, ISPs usually give their customers a unique username and password, which are required to connect to their networks.

The disadvantage of PPPoE is that you have to manually start the connection every time you turn on the computer. This is an annoying inconvenience that many users would like to forget about once and for all. In this article, I will talk about the settings with which a computer with such a connection will connect to the Internet automatically during startup.

1. Launch the task scheduler

First of all, we need to launch the regular task scheduler. The simplest and quick way to do this is to use the system search window. Enter the first few letters of your keyword and then click on “Task Scheduler” in the search results.

In Windows 10, Task Scheduler can also be launched from the Start menu: All Applications\Administration ToolsWindows.

In the control panel it is located at the following path: Control Panel\System and Security\Administration.

Regardless of the chosen method, you will see the following window as a result:

2. Schedule automatic connection upon login

Now we need to schedule an automatic connection to the Internet every time we log in.

In the task scheduler window on the right, click “Create” simple task».

In the task creation wizard window, enter a name for the task, for example, “Auto dial”. You can also enter a description, but this is not necessary. Click “Next”.

Next, we need to choose when exactly our task should be performed. Since our goal is for the PPPoE connection to automatically connect to the Internet every time we log in, we select “When I log on to Windows.” Click “Next”.

The penultimate stage of creating a task is choosing an action. We need the PPPoE connection to start automatically with Windows. Accordingly, select “Run program”. Click “Next”.

Now the most important part of the process is setting up a script that will be executed automatically.

In order for the system to automatically connect to the Internet via PPPoE, you must enter the following information:

  • In the Program or Script field, enter the command rasdial.
  • The "Add arguments (optional)" field must contain the connection name (in quotes) and the username and password preceded by a hyphen. For example, let's say your PPPoE connection is called WWW, and to connect to it you use the username Ivan and password 123456 . In this case, you need to add the following arguments: " WWW"Ivan 123456.

Field " Work folder» leave blank.

On final stage you will see short description created task. Click “Finish”.

After closing the wizard, you will be returned to the main Task Scheduler window, where you will see that your task has been added to the list of other scheduled tasks.

3. Restart the computer and check

Finally, restart your computer to check the results of your actions. If all steps were completed correctly, the system should connect to the Internet automatically after rebooting. Please note that from now on, each time you log in, a console window will briefly appear on the screen, signaling that the connection process has started.

Have a great day!

The tunneled high-speed PPPoE protocol is used in a point-to-point access scheme to connect to Internet services. It is important to know how to programmatically configure PPPoE on Windows 10.

When using this PPPoE, in order to access the Internet, the subscriber must go through the authorization procedure by entering a login and password. In this case, the provider has the opportunity to monitor traffic activity on the user side and exercise control over payment for the services it provides.

Initially, the provider with whom the user enters into an agreement draws a “grid” line to the subscriber’s home. After connecting the wire to the network card, you need to make sure that everything is functioning and the indicator light periodically blinks, confirming activity.

In all these cases, we get to the “Parameters” window, there, on the left panel, you need to specify Ethernet.
By clicking on the “Network and Sharing Center” section,
go to the screen for visualizing fundamental information on the operation of the “grid” and custom connections. Here, in the “Change network settings” group, you will need to click “Create and configure a new connection or network” with a mouse click.
Then the Internet connection option is indicated.
In the future, on the screen where you need to specify the desired connection, mark “High-speed (with PPPoE).”
At the next step, in the provider's billing, enter information for the authorization process, or rather, the login and password received by the subscriber during the conclusion of the contract. Another Windows window will open with empty fields for entering information transmitted to the subscriber by the Internet service provider:

  • user login (name);
  • password from your Internet provider.

But the name of the inclusion is set arbitrarily. Checking the “Remember this password” checkbox will help you create a high-speed connection “automatically”. And to finish creating a PPPoE connection in Windows 10, you need to click “Connect”.

Automatic connection

If in Windows a router for Internet communication is used with already configured connections, taking into account PPPoE, then no additional settings There is no need to change on PC. The cable is connected to the device simply. The setup is similar to the procedure for setting up an Ethernet connection.

For creating PPPoE connections V automatic mode, that is, activated without user intervention, there is the simplest option: using the “Task Scheduler”. By typing “Task Scheduler” in the “Start” search bar or by going to the “Control Panel” section and selecting the appropriate item in “Administration”.
On the left in the “Simple Task Creation Wizard” screen that opens, specify the options:

Next, you need to write down the details of the script by entering the full path to the program: C:\Windows\System32\rasdial.exe, or SysWOW64 (instead of System32) for x64. In the same window, add arguments indicating the name of your connection. For example, the name of the connection is “Test”, the user name is “user”, and the password for accessing the Internet is “PassWord”. Then the syntax in the "Arguments" field is as follows: "Test user PassWord".
Then click “Next” and “Finish” to save the created task.

Deactivating broadband connection

The algorithm of actions is almost the same. It is enough in the same screen previously used for configuration, called “Network and Sharing Center,” to disable this selection.

Possible problems

It happens that the status of the Windows connection changes in the Notification Panel, which means that the Internet has started working. However, there are often errors:

  • The network cable is connected correctly, but the computer is ignoring it. Then the reasons lie in the drivers for the network card.
  • The adapter is probably not enabled correctly in Device Manager. "Windows".
  • You may have made an incorrect selection in the “Windows Network and Sharing Management” section.

You need to remember that the center’s specialists will always remotely tell you how to set up the network operating mode, or send their technician to help.

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