Cloud service is my business. My business is online accounting. Competitive advantages of the system

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My business is an online service that allows you to do accounting remotely via the Internet. This company was founded in 2009 and is still very popular due to its convenience and low cost of maintenance.

To manage all options and services, the “My Business” service has Personal Area. Over the past 9 years, it has been repeatedly refined and improved to improve the convenience of users using it.

To enter your personal account, go to: and click on the “Login” button in the right top corner. Next, you need to enter the username and password you received when registering with the service and click the “Login” button.

To register an organization in the My Business service, you must click on the “Get access” button on home page service.

After this step, all you have to do is enter your name, work email, phone number and create a password. Registration is now complete.

Your personal account provides an excellent service that provides services to both large companies and individual entrepreneurs.

Tabs in the personal account My business, using the example of an individual entrepreneur, looks like this:

Money, documents, inventories, contracts, counterparties, forms, analytics, webinars, reports, bureaus.

If you are using the service for the first time, a series of webinars on working with your personal account will help you understand the functionality of the site. It is always available in the "Webinars" tab.

Recovering the password from your personal account My Business

If you are unable to log into your personal account of the My Business service, then first of all check that the data you are entering is correct: you need to enter the login and password that you specified during registration. Also, pay attention to the keyboard layout and the Cap Lock key being pressed. If these methods do not work and you were unable to log into your personal account, then you should use the password recovery method for your personal account.

In order to recover your password, go to the login page for your personal account and click on the “Forgot your password?” link below. The system will automatically redirect you to the page for restoring access to the service, where you will need to indicate your email, to which your account is linked and click the "Submit" button. After that, to the indicated the mail will come instructions for password recovery.

Tariffs for using the My Business service

Immediately after registering your personal account in the service, you will need to choose one of the 5 tariffs offered to you, depending on your needs and the specifics of your commercial activity.

Let's look at the range of service tariffs in the My Business online service. All of the following tariffs are valid for taxation types: simplified tax system, UTII, patent.

  • No employees. The most budgetary service option for a month is only 833 rubles. It is available to individual entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system without employees. This package includes the calculation of taxes and contributions, generation and sending of reports, preparation of primary documents and generation of invoices, expert consultation and warehouse accounting. As you can see, for a fairly modest amount, a young individual entrepreneur receives all the necessary functionality. Next come more expensive tariffs for individual entrepreneurs with employees and larger companies.
  • Up to 5 employees. The same functionality, including everything necessary for individual entrepreneurs with 5 employees or less. The cost of this service package is 1624 rubles per month.
  • Maximum. This is a more serious tariff intended for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs with up to 100 employees. The cost of this package is 2083 rubles per month.
  • Personal accountant. This is the maximum tariff for the service, within which you are provided with a personal accountant. The cost of this service package is from 3500 rubles per month.

Hotline number My business

“My Business” is a free online accounting service for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs with a full range of services for running a business. The purpose of the service is to prepare and submit reports, calculate taxes and issue invoices, prepare documentation for counterparties and receive qualified legal assistance.

The “My Business” service is a multifunctional platform designed to automate the accounting field with a large selection tariff plans and services.

Internet accounting “My Business”: login to your personal account

The Internet service “My Business” offers a huge range of services for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs for accounting online and free of charge.

To get started, you need to access your personal account and select a tariff.

More useful material:


Registration takes place in several steps:

  • follow the link;
  • Click on the “Get access” link;
  • choose the form of ownership (IP, LLC);
  • we decide on the tax payment system;
  • indicate whether there are employees or not;
  • click the “Next” button;
  • enter name and worker Mailbox;
  • Fill out the phone number and come up with a password.


To enter your “My Business” personal account, take the following steps:

  • follow the link;
  • Click on the “Login” link;
  • go to the “Authorization” section;
  • Enter the email address and password specified during registration.

If you lose your password, it is easy to recover it by clicking on the appropriate link.

If you click on the phrase “Forgot your password”, the system prompts you to enter your mailbox (the one you set during registration procedures).

An email is sent to you with instructions for changing your password.

The best online accountant for your small business!

Personal account functions

After clicking on the “Complete registration” button and confirming the data, access to the following options opens:

  • maintaining accounting, reporting to the Federal Tax Service and personnel control;
  • primary document flow; v
  • special software;
  • online cash register;
  • filling out registration forms for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • checking business partners;
  • calculation and payment of taxes;
  • checking reports;
  • integration with the financial organization where the current account is opened;
  • other functions.

In your personal account “My Accounting Online” you can contact service specialists.

Article for entrepreneurs:

For consultation we take the following steps:

  • Click on the “Chat” link at the top right;
  • write the question in the field that appears;
  • We get an answer from an experienced specialist.

Consultations are available by phone (8-499-009-77-27 for Moscow and 8-800-200-77-27 for the regions). You can ask a question via e-mail [email protected]. or via form feedback on

Safety requirements

To maintain security and confidentiality in your My Business personal account, you must comply with a number of requirements:

  • checking the correctness of the site address;
  • usage latest version antivirus software;
  • refusal to send letters to suspicious addresses;
  • restriction of access to your personal account by 3rd parties.

The system itself provides for periodic copying of information (every 15 minutes).

Thanks to this precaution, in the event of server failures, client information remains intact.

Online accounting for individual entrepreneurs: tariffs and opportunities

The best way to organize and promote your business is online accounting with the help of experts.

After registering and logging into your “My Business” personal account, a number of options open up:

1. Generating invoices directly from your personal account or a program on your mobile phone. This simplifies monotonous work, allows you to set up sending once and forget about the existence of the problem. Invoices are sent to business partners without the participation of the individual entrepreneur. The seal and signature are attached to documents automatically.

2. Creation of electronic reporting. “My Business” automatically creates reports to the Federal Tax Service and information about employees. To use the functionality, you need to upload a bank statement and enter information about employees. The personal calendar reminds you of the need to submit a report using an SMS reminder or an e-mail.

3. Tax calculation. When comparing online accounting services for individual entrepreneurs (which is better), experts recommend the “My Business” online service. Its functions include calculation of VAT, patent payments, imputation payments, personal income tax, VAT and other payments. Individual entrepreneur contributions (fixed, additional and to the Social Insurance Fund) are also calculated. The calculation is performed quickly and with a guarantee of accuracy. Errors are excluded.


The picture is clickable.

4. Calculation of payments for employees. The online accounting service helps control all employees (on- and off-staff). The task of the system is to create labor agreements, orders for the employment of people and their dismissal, control of personal cards, etc. Internet accounting calculates wages, money for vacations and sick leave, bonuses and travel payments. If required, tax deductions are taken into account (automatically).

5. Integration with any service (website, goods accounting system, etc.) for data exchange and banking organizations. Thanks to the connection to the bank, it simplifies the generation of statements, analysis of receipts and expenses from the current account, control of income and profit.

Users of the “My Business” online service are insured for up to 1 million rubles in case of an error when generating a report and claims from the Federal Tax Service or other authorized bodies.

In addition, individual entrepreneurs control the movement of reporting online (via PC or mobile phone) and can see at any time whether the report has been sent or not.

Read this article useful for small businesses:

Online accounting services using the “My Business” service imply a number of other opportunities for individual entrepreneurs:

  • Reminder that tax due date is approaching;
  • checking reports for errors before sending;
  • monitoring the status of reports, the ability to obtain operational information about the acceptance or rejection of documentation;
  • reducing taxes by legal means;
  • receiving advice in case of force majeure situations;
  • accounting of goods and materials;
  • reconciliation with Federal Tax Service employees.

The service operates automatically, which simplifies doing business for individual entrepreneurs, eliminates accidental errors when preparing reports and fines for late submission of declarations or other documents to authorized bodies.

Tariff plans

The choice of tariff, cost of services and set of functions depends on the type of client, availability of employees and taxation scheme.

Let's summarize the main data in a table:

Purpose Peculiarities Price RUR/month
"No employees"For individual entrepreneurs without employees working on an imputed, simplified or patent basisPreparation of primary documentation.
Calculation of tax payments and contributions.
Issuing invoices to counterparties.
Creating and sending reports.
Inventory control.
"Up to 5 employees"For individual entrepreneurs and LLCs with up to 5 employees operating on a simplified basis, imputation or patentAdditionally - expert assistance, employee registration.1624
"Maximum"For companies and individual entrepreneurs with up to 100 employees using a general form of tax payment, simplified form, patent or imputation.Additionally - accounting for up to one hundred employees, expert assistance.2830
"Personal accountant"For individual entrepreneurs and LLCs of all types of tax paymentsAdditionally - verification of counterparties, assistance from a lawyer and business specialist, opening a current account (assistance in its maintenance), tax optimization, personnel records.From 5500

Help from an accountant - free online consultation

Users of the “My Business” service have access to expert assistance immediately after registering and logging into their personal account.

Consultation is provided on the following issues:

  • preparation of reports;
  • accounting for business activities (for small companies);
  • principles for calculating taxes for simplification, imputation and patent;
  • accounting for the Federal Tax Service;
  • rules for document circulation;
  • personnel accounting;
  • rules for calculating salary.

The number of questions is unlimited. The user makes requests until he understands the situation.

Communication is completely confidential, and the essence of the dialogue is not passed on to regulatory authorities.

This is useful to know:

Advantages of the service:

  • assistance is provided by experts in their field;
  • the answer is given in a short time;
  • a person receives complete information on the issue of interest.

The system user is confident that he will receive an accurate answer within 1-2 hours after creating a request.

Now there is no need to rush around forums and various sites in search of an answer, because consultations are provided within the service.

If required, the support service helps with questions about using the service.

Webinars and training are regularly held to improve the skills of users of the online service.

“My business” - online postings in accounting

Drawing up accounting entries online is an opportunity to avoid painstaking work and errors associated with the human factor or incorrect accounting of receipts/expenses of funds.

It is no secret that many payments and trade transactions go through any enterprise (regardless of size):

  • settlements with creditors;
  • payment of taxes;
  • transfer of money for equipment;
  • transportation of products;
  • purchase of materials;
  • compensation for material damage, etc.

Accounting entries are used as a tool for recording costs and profits. They reflect the cost of operations and the results for the enterprise.

The work of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is reflected using debit (income) and credit (expenses).

Despite the existence of clear rules in the matter of accounting, many businessmen or their employees make mistakes, which leads to discrepancies in reports and problems with authorized bodies.

Inconsistency of data in postings is fraught with liability in the form of penalties.

The task of the “My Business” online service is to eliminate these risks and solve online accounting transactions.

The work is carried out automatically, without user intervention and with a guarantee of accuracy.

The calculations made are verified several times (including before submitting reports), which helps to avoid errors.

Information for starting businesses:

Internet accounting “My Business”: reviews

The practice of using online accounting for the budget of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs shows the effectiveness of the “My Business” online service, the ease of its use and the high qualifications of experts.

Wherein best criterion quality - reviews of businessmen who have used the platform and successfully developed their business with its help.

Let's highlight a few comments:

  • “After connecting the online service to the bank, many problems associated with controlling the current account and maintaining accounting went away. Now I’m doing what I love (company development) without being distracted by paperwork. I entrusted the work to professionals, so I don’t worry about taxes, fees and other payments.” Ilya Novikov, individual entrepreneur, 44 years old.
  • “I would like to note the coherence of the work and the professionalism of the workers. Thanks to 24/7 support, I get answers to all my questions. As a result, it is possible to save on the services of consulting firms. Since connecting to the service, my business has turned from routine into pleasure. I entrusted the bureaucratic problems to the experts and I am 100% sure that they will not let you down.” Ilya Yudin, individual entrepreneur, 39 years old.
  • “More than five years have passed since connecting to the My Business online accounting system. During this period, I managed to increase my income twenty times, expand the geography of the enterprise, and increase the range of goods sold. Such success became possible thanks to the help of the professionals of the “My Business” service. During our cooperation, there was not a single case of errors in the transfer of information or incomprehensible situations with regulatory authorities. All issues are resolved quickly and taking into account my interests.” Anatoly, individual entrepreneur, 49 years old.

Negative reviews about online accounting are a rare occurrence, because the organization’s goal is to provide quality services and build a positive reputation.

Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are confident that any issue is resolved in favor of the client and without time delays.

The “My Business” service allows you to submit electronic reports via the Internet and do online accounting, as well as quickly register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in literally 15 minutes

Hello, dear friends! Today we have an article that will help beginning and existing entrepreneurs solve the problem of accounting and filing tax reports once and for all.

Many of our readers regularly ask us to advise them on how best to conduct accounting for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, who to ask for advice if they urgently need advice on legal issues in the field of accounting or registering your company.

1. Description of the service

4. Legal reference system for accountants and personnel officers

When getting to know the service in detail, we separately highlighted the advantage

Internet accounting "My Business". This is its own reference and legal system.

If you have questions regarding the legal aspects of accounting, taxes and the reporting stage, then you should definitely select this option and use it regularly.

The reference and legal system for accountants and personnel officers from the company “My Business” is:

  • current database ready-made solutions on accounting, taxes and personnel issues with the answer in the first sentence and the ability to automatically control updates;
  • samples and forms of documents with an auto-fill function with details that are generated directly on the website and stored in your personal account;
  • personal recommendations from experts on a specific economic situation that arises in the process of working with your own business;
  • submission of reports via the Internet to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat, as well as receiving extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - Unified State Register legal entities(USRIP - Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs). One reinforced qualified electronic signature always free;
  • financial responsibility for all materials and services provided, which means that you do not take risks using the “My Business” Internet accounting.

Using this reference and legal system, you will save a lot of time and money, thus insuring yourself against wrong decisions, which in case of an error can cost you tens of thousands of rubles.

This option will become a reliable assistant not only for you as a manager, but also for your accountant or HR department.

Updated 08/23/2018 Views 781 139 comments

I have been a user for 3 years now, after becoming an individual entrepreneur. Here in this post I will write some points related to the service that were not obvious at the very beginning. You can consider this a kind of feedback on the work of the service. I will add information over time, and if you also have something to say, I will be glad to see your comments, especially if you have been using it for a long time.

After registering an individual entrepreneur

Tax office details

If anything, then everything was indicated correctly, I did not correct anything. I don’t know about others.

Registration number from the Pension Fund of Russia

The registration number from the Pension Fund can be found by calling your branch. This should not be done earlier than a couple of days after registration, otherwise it will not be in the database yet. All addresses of branches in Moscow are on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia. Or if you have time, you can wait for a letter from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; it will arrive somewhere in 2-3 weeks after registering an individual entrepreneur.

The service itself is My Business this number does not provide. More precisely, it can be taken from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, but more on that below.

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In fact, you can receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities only once a month, but this is not stated anywhere. The fact is that when requesting an extract, the service looks to see if it is in its database, and if so, it looks at when it was received from the registry. If it turns out that it was less than a month ago, then a new one is not requested from the registry, and you are given the one that is in the database on this moment.

This may not be very convenient for some, but the data in the statement rarely changes.

Submitting a declaration via the Internet

To be able to submit tax reports via the Internet, you will need to download a power of attorney form, sign it, and put your stamp on it (that is, you will have to make your own stamp for the individual entrepreneur). A notary is not needed. Next, it is recommended to go to your tax office, give them one copy of the power of attorney, and put the Federal Tax Service stamp on the second copy. This second instance needs to be uploaded to the service. My business accepts a power of attorney without a Federal Tax Service stamp, but simply with your seal, but then it does not guarantee that it will be possible to submit reports at the same time.

For other requests or sending notifications without leaving home, you need to obtain an EDS (electronic digital signature), the procedure is not too complicated, but you will need to leave your home. You need an IP seal and you need to transfer all documents to the partner of My business. Partners change, but now it is the Russian Post Office and PonyExpress. That is, you will have to go far.

The entire sequence will be written in the wizard in your personal account, so you won’t get confused. But just keep in mind that you will need to do all these procedures one time.

In the process of working with the My Business service

My review or why all this is needed

In principle, having figured out all the nuances at the very beginning, filling out all the necessary fields in the service, you don’t need to do anything special later. But I have a simplified tax system of 6%, when you only need to record income, although I keep records of expenses too. All the same, all statements are automatically downloaded from my bank, where it is open. Thus, KUDIR is automatically maintained in the service itself.

I store acts and bills, both in the service and in paper form (originals with signatures). I really like that I always have ready-made templates at hand (not all counterparties have their own forms), and issuing an invoice/act takes literally a minute. I don’t argue that all the forms can be found on the Internet, but for me personally it’s easier when there is a service and everything is there. Or, for example, if something has changed like the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund, then again I need to look for what and how. Or, I remember once the KVK codes were changed, I would have even thought to find out about it, but the service took everything into account.

I already have a lot of different things to do related to business, I don’t want to deal with searching for forms or calculating taxes. Such things must be delegated; it is impossible to do everything at all. On the contrary, it is more important to highlight the main thing that only you can and should do, and shift everything else to the maximum. This is one of the most important rules of time management. Yes, and the service costs quite adequate money.

Sometimes I have questions and I seek advice from My Business accountants (free consultations are included in my tariff). Again, this is easier than if I looked for answers on forums or ordered separate paid consultations. Just look at how much one consultation costs with a normal specialist, and if you need 5-10 of them a year, it immediately covers the cost of my tariff. You may ask, where does this need come from? I'm constantly changing and testing different partnership programs, including currency ones, and every time some questions come up.

But I’m not persuading you at all, you can do without this service and do everything yourself. If you have time, then why not. However, it is still convenient when everything is done for you, especially if you are in another country. You just need to occasionally look at the service calendar or in your mail (notifications arrive there) so as not to miss some action, like . In general, the coolest thing is the ability to file a tax return online without leaving home (I did this a few days ago while in Bangkok). Initially, this is exactly why I was looking for an accounting service.


As an alternative, consider , some people prefer this service. Although, by and large, there are no more options, there are only 2 normal services. In Elba the prices are slightly lower, but the devil will break their legs in their tariffs, personal accounts and a huge number of sites. I honestly tried to figure it out somehow (I promised to test and compare in the comments), tried to get a certificate for Diadoc, but after several weeks of pressing a bunch of buttons on various sites, calling technical support, where no one knows anything, I gave up. My Business is also not a direct role model, but somehow it turned out to be easier for me to understand and technical support always responded quickly and to the point. It may depend on your mindset or luck, I don’t know. Nobody bothers you to try both.

Please note that now both services have an inexpensive tariff only for filing tax reports. Personally, it wouldn’t be enough for me, and I still sometimes need accounting advice, so for me My Business is cheaper than a similar tariff from Kontur. Once upon a time, Konur was cheaper, but it also raised prices, so in terms of price now there is not much difference. In general, see for yourself.

P.S. Let me remind you that My Business has a great one, I highly recommend it. Everything is laid out there step by step, from start to finish. And registration does not oblige you to anything, you can then use another service, or even do everything yourself. He helped me a lot in preparing documents and filling out the application correctly.

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Reviews: 35

popular with users


Site evaluation

Algorithms for calculating service ratings take into account:
- user ratings;
- who wrote the review (from users with confirmed
"Expert" status, reviews have more "weight");
- how long ago the review was written (recent reviews have more
high priority);
- commenting activity by the service representative
posted reviews.

My Business online accounting popular with users

Reviews: 35

“My Business” is an automated online service that allows you to conduct accounting without special education. The service is perfect for inexperienced entrepreneurs and small companies; it allows you to automate accounting and save yourself from more than 80% of manual operations. The user enters all the necessary data into the system, monitors the calendar and communicates with the inspection authorities. The service, in turn, can automatically download and recognize bank statements for income/expenses, remind about reports, calculate taxes and wages of employees, and generate all required documents.
System functionality:

  • tax calendar – demonstration of past and current tax events, notifications;
  • invoicing – services with a payment button can instantly issue an invoice, and users can pay for it in several ways;
  • online reports – the system prepares and submits all reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and the Tax Service via the Internet;
  • reconciliation with the tax office - information about debts and communication with inspectors;
  • data exchange with the bank - payment orders can be sent to the Internet bank, statements of funds flow are easily downloaded.
The service, depending on the monthly turnover, form of ownership, field of activity, chosen taxation and number of employees, offers a choice of several tariffs, the cost of which starts from 833 rubles/month.

This site is blocked by Roskomnadzor for Russian IP addresses.


With the help of the “My Business” service, we were finally able to set up accounting in the company. I myself do not have an accounting education, I had to lead by trial and error, as if blindfolded on a tightrope over an abyss. Although the service had a lot of tips and instructions, I had neither the time nor the desire to read them. But now outsourcing is held in high esteem, so we decided to keep up with the trends. It’s very convenient, there is no need to have a large staff - you give a task and they solve it. What's great is that they take responsibility for getting the job done and some possible mistakes, which, for example, cannot always be found among ordinary freelancers. But they meet all deadlines and there have never been any problems. The only thing is that during reporting periods it is sometimes difficult to reach hotline it happens, but here you need to understand that it’s a hot time and everyone is calling. But the advantages in the form of unloading your head and freeing your hands are difficult to beat. So it’s worth using, the service is high quality.

My business offers a normal work option. If you don’t want to worry about accounting, outsourcing is a topic. I transferred my company last year. I abolished the accounting department, if there are any questions, I solve them myself. And so everything is handled by specialists from My Business. During this time, there were no problems with their work.

I might also think about whether it’s worth switching to outsourcing or not. But liability insurance is the first argument for me. I have had to pay tax fines more than once due to the careless attitude towards the work of my employees. But now everything is different - I am sure that everything is fine with me. Well, if there is a jamb, then there is someone to answer for it in the My Business company. I haven’t encountered this yet, and I hope I won’t have to, but everything is clearly stated in the contract.

I started with a small furniture store, and now I have 3 of them and my own production. I don’t have enough time for accounting, and I can’t handle it - my knowledge from the 2000s is no longer enough. Previously, an acquaintance took care of all the issues, but she was already old and decided to retire, so she decided to transfer the company to outsourcing. I realized that I made the right choice when I chose My business. In reality, professional accountants work here, and they work as a team, not just one person. And the format of cooperation itself is convenient for me, only the sellers at the points send the documents, and I practically don’t waste time on this.

I’ve been familiar with My business for quite a long time, initially I actually dealt with online accounting, but then I realized that I’m not very good at managing it on my own, as the company is growing little by little. I decided to see what else they had and came across accounting outsourcing. It turned out that it was just what we needed. In principle, I give the same amount of money as to the previously arriving booze (even a little less), and in the end I have a trained staff of specialists. I think now that outsourcing accounting was one of the best decisions.

In fact, I don’t quite understand where so much negativity towards “My Business” came from. In addition to the fact that their conditions are some of the most favorable on the market for small businesses, they also have a cool service, where I see everything that an accountant does at a level that is understandable to me. Seriously, at first I was quite skeptical, but in the end, now I regret that I didn’t go into accounting outsourcing earlier. They work efficiently, the specialists are trained and in the right quantity without shortages, in addition they also bear responsibility, which also inspires confidence. Separately, I want to say something new mobile app- it’s incredibly convenient to set tasks and track the status of each one.

I see that the reviews are contradictory, I can’t help but intervene. I have been using accounting outsourcing for about six months now, and “My Business” has accepted it. Everything has already been described here - specialists essentially do the accounting for you, and they do it competently and well, just pay on time. If you are a little paranoid, you can check their work through your personal account. I did this periodically at first, then less often. Still, outsourcing ultimately turned out to be more convenient than doing things yourself.

As a person who first used online accounting and then switched to accounting outsourcing, I can only praise the My Business company. Initially, I thought that being a remote accountant was an uncontrollable topic. But everything turned out great - several specialists do everything for a full-time accountant, you can check the work through your personal account, at the same time you can see that everything is transparent with them, if there is a delay, I will see it. If something happens, the responsibility is on them, no throwing around joints (which, by the way, are practically non-existent and I don’t remember any delays in the last couple of months, they work really well).

I have my own business and for a long time I did all the accounting myself. I had to spend a lot of time and effort filling out tedious tax reports and all sorts of paperwork. There was a time when it was necessary to hire a full-time accountant. As a result, I didn’t manage financially. Colleagues recommended using outsourcing services, but I was afraid to trust important information and transactions with accounts to a third party. I spent a long time choosing suitable outsourcing, studying information on websites various companies, read user reviews. As a result, I decided to try the accounting outsourcing service My Business. And I was right. Professional team of accountants. Reports are submitted on time and without errors. Great service for everyone, IMHO.

I recommend everyone to try "My Business", especially beginners and laymen in the field of accounting. The service opened up a lot of opportunities for me to do my own accounting. The program is very easy to use, everything is intuitive and accessible. For completely inexperienced users there is technical support, online seminars and various tips. Now, with the help of “My Business”, I generate all the reporting for the tax authorities myself without unnecessary hassles. For now I am using the minimum tariff, which is valid for a year. In the future I want to try outsourcing. This is full accounting support by remote specialists for little money.

My business is great for those who don't want to waste valuable time doing their own bookkeeping. This activity can now be safely entrusted to outsourcing, which is what I did some time ago. As a result I received professional help in the person of remote specialists who handle all reporting, payments, statements and other financial things instead of me. I was very pleased that you can follow all the actions. To do this, set up a personal account, which displays all account transactions. The system works without interruptions, and specialists always stay in touch. It is very convenient that all important issues can be discussed and resolved online through a special chat. The service helped me save on the salary of a full-time employee and free up funds.

I opened an individual entrepreneur, I immediately realized, even at the registration stage, that now they would simply not let me live in peace with the papers, how much time it would take to figure it all out... And if there was some kind of mistake, then the fines would be right there. There is so much information on accounting on the Internet that my head was spinning. At some point, I realized that I needed to leave it all in the hands of specialists, but there wasn’t enough money to hire an accountant. And the same Internet suggested a solution to me. Accounting outsourcing. What I liked about My Business is that you can ask any business answer you are interested in at any time and receive a reasoned, clear answer to it. And this is all in addition to the main thing - accounting. By the way, they also conduct the reporting very quickly, they have integration with my bank, so they themselves transfer all the documentation to each other without me. So, taking this entire process remotely turned out to be a very right decision.

My company is engaged in design and construction work; due to the specific nature of the activity, accounting reporting has a large number of nuances. Tax legislation is constantly changing, and it is not always possible to complete the documentation correctly. One day I turned to “My Business” for help. The accountants worked through all the paperwork thoroughly, so the tax office didn’t get to the bottom of it. Now I am their regular customer.

Most of the work in My Business is automated. I spend 4 hours a week checking payments, looking at the tax calendar to see what is to be filed by whom, all reporting is generated in a few clicks and submitted online. Salary is also considered automatically. Integrated with the bank, integrated with the online cash register, integrated with CRM.
Really functional and convenient.
From the very beginning of the opening, LLCs left an application for registration in My Business, they removed all questions regarding the preparation of documents, selection of a taxation system, after which we began to use their service at a discount and without hassles.

I would like to leave a review about the My Business program, which had great hopes, but alas! The program is crude and not suitable for accounting, much less a warehouse. We've suffered so much over the past year that we can't put it into words. If you have services or a small Company with goods of 100 items, it will suit you, in other cases you will suffer for a long time. We have 30 thousand stationery and items. And here are some difficulties that you will encounter:
1) the nomenclature is recognized not by the article, but by the name. We upload receipts or invoice data or retail shifts from Excel and the service multiplies and uploads each time creating new products! As a result, there are up to 5 duplicates of one product, because of this it doesn’t add up at all and the leftovers are distributed wherever necessary.
2) If you want to issue an invoice to a counterparty for 100 positions and want to make a 5% discount, for example, you will have to register this in each position for all 100. There is no way to simply make a discount on the entire invoice.
3) There are no acts of write-off or re-grading of goods. They offer a very strange method so that you go to the receipt of the goods that you want to write off and transfer it to materials, without thinking that before this 5 years everything was not in service and there is no way to do this.
4) The retail sales report does not reflect the balance of goods during the transaction; it is proposed to find out about this either at the end when closing the month or year, or look for it in the movement of goods. Well, so that you won’t be bored later on closing the year, because it won’t work out for you and the goods will be built up for double. But you will only learn from this when it closes.
5) Counterparties are also doubled and are not searched by tax ID only by name. You create an account, add a new counterparty, after payment, another one is created from the statement, and so many times, and as you understand, you have to manually delete and reschedule all this.
6) If you have Evotor, don’t forget to be happy with the integration, all sales are recorded, but there are no returns. You must enter them manually every day and you will find out about this right before closing and paying for the simplified tax system. And you also manually calculate the commission for Acquaring.
7) If you do not have an Evotor, but for example an Atol or other retail equipment, get ready for the fact that you will enter the revenue manually, but it has made your work easier by entering it through Excel)))
8) There are also constant problems with statements, rarely when they are correct. It would be better if it were loaded not automatically but by hand.
9) The support service often does not understand or know its service at all and offers strange solutions.
10) The salary and personnel function is underdeveloped
In fact, keeping records becomes very difficult and it becomes obvious that with such success you can keep records in a notebook on your knee and with abacus.
It’s a pity that so much time was wasted and the nerves will go away. Managed LLC simplified tax system 6% + Employees and individual entrepreneurs on simplified tax system 6% without employees.

I have been using My Business accounting and the My Business inventory system for more than a year. Everything we need for trading is either in the service or integrated into it: Evotor online cash register, online bank. Another important point I would like to note is that they provide advice via chat on any issues - legal, accounting and even tax issues, which has been very helpful a couple of times. The interface is intuitive and simple, I think everyone can understand all the capabilities of the system, a couple of days were enough for me, and a couple more to train employees.

At first we used the service at a rate for up to 5 employees, over the course of a year we grew and switched from online accounting My Business to their outsourcing accounting. There is more time for managing sales and new projects; all accounting, including personnel management, legal issues, and interaction with the tax office was taken over by outsourcing My Business. They periodically send recommendations and remind us if we have not sent them any closing documents from clients. We continue to use the service itself, we see everything that happens with the money, there is a chat with consultants and it is convenient to issue invoices.

I opened my own individual entrepreneur six months ago, I planned that I would do all the accounting myself, but I was constantly torn between all sorts of bureaucratic tasks and the desire to devote all my time to business development. At a certain point, I finally realized that time is not rubber, and I am not a super person, so I chose online accounting My Business. Cheap, cheerful and saves me a lot of time))) Good service, which I can confidently recommend to those who want to keep their finger on the pulse of their business, thanks to My Business.

I myself live in a small town, and we have a problem finding a good accountant - I would be happy to pay a specialist a salary, but I don’t want to just give money for something that I can do myself. And then you’ll have to tremble during tax audits and wait for fines. Therefore, the My Business service became a real godsend for me - I tested it first for three days, then they gave me another two weeks free use, and I realized that this is what I need. I outsourced my accounting to a company, and now I know that my company is handled by professionals. If any questions arise, I can always contact the consultants - an answer is guaranteed within 24 hours.

I have been using the “My Business” service for four months now - this time was enough to form an opinion about the company. By the way, the opinion formed was good. With them I save a lot of my time - most of the work in the field of accounting is now automated - accounts, primary documentation, taxes, reporting, etc. I contacted the company’s managers a couple of times for advice - they gave comprehensive answers to my questions with links to laws and articles of legislation of the Russian Federation. So there is a little time left for yourself.

The service helps well when running a small business. I've been using it for 5 years and it has never let me down. When I started, I calmly figured everything out, now I do everything automatically. The tariff is the cheapest, there is no one on staff, no one needs to take out sick leave/vacation leave. Cleanly process income/expenses, calculate taxes, write out various documents, remake contract templates for yourself, etc. Everything is in a user-friendly interface. During the entire period of use, there have never been any inspections, all taxes are paid on time, the authorities have no complaints. The price may not be the cheapest, especially now when dozens of analogues have appeared, but I don’t change it for 2 reasons:
1) I completely trust here, the quality is time-tested; 2) during the test periods it is clear that the functionality I need from analogues will be more expensive than here, and I don’t see the point in overpaying

Without accountant skills (or at least an idea of ​​how everything works), using the service is not as easy as it might seem. Plus, there are errors in it: in particular, according to the universal transfer document for sale, VAT on the buyer’s advance payment is not deducted. This leads to incorrect filing of the VAT return, and as a result – excessive payments of taxes to the budget. How does support react to such problems in the system: they suggest creating a receipt invoice (act), and not a universal transfer document. Despite the fact that I do not accept (i.e. it is not an admission that is being processed), but I implement it. In other words, the so-called experts do not really understand the topic. Otherwise, as far as the most common operations are concerned, everything is in order. At least it works stably and you don’t have to constantly update the data and wait until everything goes away. And yes, 1C is much simpler. Even if, in total, that program will be, as it seems to me, more functional, for ordinary entrepreneurs online accounting from “My Business” is better. At least if you don’t want to spend money on an accountant.

The main advantage of online accounting is that you do not need to hire a real accountant for the company or outsource it. The service is much more economical. Less than 20 thousand is spent per year, this is the average salary of an accountant per month in the region. But you'll have to figure it out on your own. Of course, you don’t need to master accounting from cover to cover. But you need to know the basics. In principle, this way you understand your business even better.
The cost of the service can be adjusted to suit you. The difference in tariffs mainly depends on the size of the company where the service is being implemented. The cheapest option is for an individual entrepreneur without employees, I have a tariff for up to 5 employees (can be used by legal entities). You need to buy for a year at once, there is no monthly fee. The functionality is rich. Firstly, it calculates all taxes and contributions for employees. They are also counted as personnel and I calculate their salaries. Secondly, it helps with reports and their submission. I have an electronic signature, which means I send reports to in electronic format straight from LC.
Thirdly, all work with documents is in the interface. Indeed, everything I ever needed: invoices, closing documents, various contracts (there are a bunch of templates in the database) and much more. The service also synchronizes with the bank. There is practically nothing to criticize the service for. Subjectively, I can only criticize the interface. But here it depends, I personally find it inconvenient. If you could customize your office, remove unnecessary blocks, add widgets, etc., it would be much more convenient. And it’s just a bunch of tabs. But over time you get used to it, I don’t even notice it anymore.
Well, support. She works around the clock, she has contacted me more than once even with the most stupid questions, and they always answer. But as it happens, if it’s a busy period (end of the year, quarter), when everyone is submitting reports, then the girls from the support are tired and weak in making contact, and don’t try to understand the problem. As a person, I understand them, but as a specialist, they must also work. And some still have doubts about their competence.

I lead individual entrepreneurs through My Business. In principle, the business started with this service, and did not move to it with a ready-made business. To open an individual entrepreneur I was able to prepare all the necessary documents. Everything is written in detail about what is needed, what to fill out, etc. There is no need to search on the Internet or run to the tax office in person.
Because I am engaged in cargo transportation, then I work without officially registered employees, and most often alone. Here in the system you can conduct business this way without additional costs for unnecessary functionality.
The interface is clear, I figured it out on the first day. I hardly changed all the documents that I filled out (only my details). The calendar does not fail, I have set up all the reports, and receive timely notifications that I need to prepare papers. I also calmly set up a connection with the bank; I did almost nothing myself. As a result, what I have: I pay about 10 thousand a year for the service, I save a lot of time and nerves, without running through all sorts of authorities. This suits me 100%. I would pay a special person who worked with the papers - every month it would cost 5 thousand, no less.

For individual entrepreneurs this is best service. If we take business as a whole, it is not universal. For example, individual entrepreneur on common system taxation workers will not be able to work here (but you can almost count them on one hand), I haven’t found how to make reports on the number of employees, how to take into account the characteristics of Chernobyl victims (also special cases) when taking maternity leave and vacations, etc. In short, if you find fault, you can find many shortcomings. But for the simplest general business cases, especially for individual entrepreneurs, when you work alone, this is really the best option. It costs a penny (10 thousand rubles per year), allows you to report to the authorities, make all the reports, there are thousands of document forms in the system, competent consultants who will tell you not only how to work in the system, but also how to make this or that document. You can set up notifications, even via SMS, so you don’t forget about burning reports. I didn’t notice any disruptions in the work, the service is always available.

I use “My Business” in my own individual entrepreneur. The service is very convenient, I like that all work with documents is online without desktop applications. Those. I have access to reports and finances from any device, just log in to my account. This is a huge advantage over the “boxed” versions.
Separately, it is worth mentioning integration with banks. I work with Alpha, there are no problems. I received the current account information from the bank and sent the documents to the “My Business” partners. It is much more convenient to work with an integrated account; all bank statements are received automatically. The system crashes from time to time and has to be handled manually. HR records are also pleasing: all personnel documentation is seamlessly integrated into the enterprise’s accounting department. It was not particularly easy to master, it took 3 days, plus I actively communicated with support and on the forums.
Regarding the price: many criticize, but it seems to me that 1.6k per month for the functionality provided is worth it. I have an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system, 2 subordinate employees in the service sector. Without the service, I would have been faced with a bunch of hemorrhoids and outsourcing, most likely, but as it is, I do everything myself.
In terms of capabilities: I previously worked with FE, here it’s almost the same, but more functional, as it seemed to me. Although in Elba the interface is friendlier. There is a master in preparing reports and taxes. Everything is done automatically, all that remains is to enter the initial data. Manual routine is really reduced to a minimum. Plus, it’s easier to submit reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Tax Service. Everything arrives, there are no delays or penalties later.

“My Business” is very sensibly organized, all the functionality is at hand. It is based on a personal account, which is registered to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (as in my case), i.e. there is a link to OGRN/ORGNIP. All incoming or outgoing finances are processed through the “Money” section. You can download the cash book or KUDiR. Receipts and write-offs are processed manually; which category to enter into is clear from the description. “Documents” stores all invoices, invoices, acts, invoices. Agreements are presented in a separate section; on the one hand, there is no direct link to the corresponding accounts and acts, but on the other hand, the built-in templates are a brilliant thing. In total, there are more than 3 thousand of them in the system, according to various documents. The point is this: all the necessary information is entered into a separate section with counterparties, which is then inserted into the right places in the agreement (for example, parties, details). This makes working with documents much easier.
I don’t use the “Employees” section, because... there is no one under control. As the activity progresses, analytics are generated (functionality from Sineco is used). In principle, everything that is shown there can be done independently in Excel, but here it is collected automatically. Overall, it’s a good product that’s quick to learn, clearly structured, and conducive to running a small business.

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