Request accounting documents from business lines. How to write a complaint to Business Lines? Division into city and suburb

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The Business Lines company provides cargo transportation services in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. An important aspect in the work of a transport company is the availability of correctly completed documentation. The cargo carrier cares about its reputation and tries to create comfortable conditions for its customers. In this regard, on the company’s official website there is a section “Documents for downloading”, which includes the entire set of documentation that may be needed when sending cargo. Let's look at some options in more detail.

Types of powers of attorney for sending and receiving

A power of attorney is a document through which a person has the right to carry out certain transactions on behalf of a third party.

The Business Lines company offers several types of powers of attorney, which in turn are divided into two large groups:

General power of attorney, which includes:

  • general power of attorney to receive cargo;
  • general power of attorney for sending cargo;
  • general power of attorney for receiving and sending cargo;

One-time power of attorney, consisting of:

  • one-time power of attorney to receive cargo;
  • one-time power of attorney for sending cargo;
  • one-time power of attorney for receiving and sending cargo;

The difference between the two groups is that the first type of documentation gives more powers and rights to interact with the cargo than the second.

Types of forms and documents in Business Lines

On the official website, in the corresponding section, a large number of forms and documentation related to the transportation of goods are presented. To make it easier to navigate the presented diversity, all documents are divided into sections by topic:

  • forms of transport expedition agreements;
  • transportation agreement forms;
  • forms of cargo storage agreements;
  • price lists for services;
  • information on air transportation and express transportation;
  • legislation;
  • application forms;
  • forms for changing order data;
  • sample documents;
  • document forms; Company details;
  • lists of goods; representatives of the press;
  • users of the website and mobile application.

Each section includes a package of documents relating to a specific topic. For example, the last section contains rules and guidelines for using the mobile application. Also, under all sections there is a link, clicking on which will open documents that do not support pdf format. These can be photographs, drawings, documents in Word and Excel format. In order to use any of the forms presented, there is no need to register in the LC. All you have to do is go to the website, go to the desired section and find the appropriate document. After clicking on the link, the download will occur automatically.

How to request accounting documents?

There are several types of such documentation:

  • documents (invoice and certificate of completion of work, delivery note, invoice, PKO, forwarding receipt);
  • Act of reconciliation;
  • check;

In order to make a request to receive accounting documents, you must fill out an application on the official website of the cargo carrier. In it you need to indicate the type of document, for what period of time the documents are needed, indicate the applicant’s data (TIN, legal form, checkpoint, name, legal address, contact person responsible for reception, and his telephone number). Next, determine the delivery method and clarify whether copies of documents need to be sent; if yes, indicate the sending method (fax or e-mail). After clicking the “Place an order” button, the application will be sent automatically.

Delivery of documents- sending documents by road with their subsequent transfer to the recipient. Sending is carried out in a separate cargo space.

Return of documents- delivery of documents certified by the recipient to the sender or customer by motor transport.

How it works?

Calculation of transportation costs and placing an order

Document tracking

Documents receiving

When the documents arrive at the terminal, the recipient will receive a notification.
Cargo arriving at the terminal will be stored at the terminal for 2 working days free of charge. The cost of further storage is 300 rubles per 1 m³ per day; The minimum cost is 300 rubles for the entire storage period. To obtain documents yourself, check out the directions on the terminal addresses page. When ordering delivery, documents will be sent to the recipient's address. Loading and unloading operations when delivering documents to the address are carried out free of charge.

Additional services

  • Delivery of documents from/to address

Transportation of cargo by road from 1 kg to 10 tons between our terminals. Currently, cargo transportation is carried out between all divisions of Business Lines LLC, the network of which is constantly expanding due to the opening of new ones.

Express delivery

Express delivery can be provided between Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as Podolsk and St. Petersburg. When ordering this service, the cargo will be available for pickup starting tomorrow morning in the recipient city.

The time for acceptance of cargo for express delivery and release of cargo received by express delivery at warehouses may vary.

Express delivery can deliver cargo whose parameters do not exceed the following:

Delivery to Kaliningrad

Please note that inter-terminal shipments by road are only possible to Kaliningrad. Sending goods from Kaliningrad is carried out only by air.

Shipments to Kaliningrad are subject to special document requirements and special restrictions on the nature of the cargo.

Documents when sending cargo

When handing over the cargo, you must attach a waybill, invoice, certificates (if the cargo is subject to certification), and a power of attorney. The specified documents are necessary for transporting cargo across the territory of Russia and are not transferred to the recipient. If documents need to be transferred to the recipient, the originals must be included in the cargo, and copies of the documents must be provided for transportation. You can also use additional paid service upon sending original CDs.

The receiving invoice (invoice of LLC “Business Lines”, confirming the fact of acceptance of cargo for shipment) is a one-time agreement for the provision of forwarding services.

When issuing a receipt invoice, it is necessary to indicate the full details of the sender, recipient and payer, and if the sender or recipient is a private person, indicate the passport details of individuals, full last name, first name, patronymic.

The fact of transfer/receipt of cargo is confirmed by the entry (signature) of the sender and the forwarder in the forwarding document - the receipt note of Business Lines LLC. The consignment note (BW) and the consignment note (BW) of the sender, containing the internal nomenclature (name, quantity, assortment, etc.) of each piece of cargo, are issued by Business Lines LLC without prior approval on the sender’s side and only subject to the mandatory compliance of the following requirements for the sender’s documents:

  • The documents must indicate the name of the sender and recipient of the cargo.

These document requirements are also relevant when ordering cargo insurance services, and copies of documents are transferred to the employee of Business Lines LLC responsible for receiving the cargo. The main document when processing a shipment is the receipt note with original stamps and signatures!

Shipments from/to Kaliningrad are subject to special requirements for accompanying documents.

Documents required to receive the cargo

The recipient, a legal entity, must present:

  • original power of attorney and identification document specified in the power of attorney, or
  • seal and identity document. If the seal does not contain the company's TIN, the recipient's representative will need to provide the organization's TIN.

To the recipient - an individual:

  • identification document specified by the sender when sending the goods, or
  • if the cargo is received by a third party, a notarized power of attorney and an identity document.

The recipient, an individual entrepreneur, must present:

  • the same documents as for a legal entity, if the sender designated the recipient as a legal entity (indicating the TIN);
  • the same documents as for an individual, if the sender designated the recipient as individual(indicating an identification document).

If the sender has completed the shipment, indicating both the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and an identification document, then the recipient individual entrepreneur can present documents using any of the above options.

You can clarify the documents required for the issuance of a specific shipment using the “Cargo Delivery Status” tool.

Additional services

Cargo packaging

When handing over the cargo for shipment, you may be offered a cargo packaging service if this is necessary to ensure the safety of the cargo. Please note that when ordering rigid packaging or pallet board packaging, the cost of freight transportation increases by 25% due to changes in dimensions.


You can insure the cargo. Our insurance company is Renaissance Insurance Group LLC. If you declare the value of the cargo, insurance is required.

You can transfer the cargo for inter-terminal transportation by handing it over to the warehouse yourself or by ordering the collection of the cargo from the address to the dispatch terminal. Please note that there is a fee to enter the territory of some warehouses.

Delivery of documents and small-sized cargo

You can order at special rates the delivery of small-sized cargo and correspondence, the sending and return of accompanying documents, as well as the delivery of original Business Line documents (invoices and acts).

Delivery of small-sized cargo and correspondence

The Business Lines company is pleased to offer you a service for the delivery of small-sized cargo from the sender's address to the recipient's address.

By using this service, you receive a full range of cargo delivery services at a more affordable cost. By ordering the service for the delivery of small-sized cargo, you will not have to worry about delivering the cargo to our warehouse, however, just as your recipient will not have to pick it up yourself, we will pick up the cargo from your office/warehouse and hand it personally to the recipient you specified. Delivery of small-sized cargo cargo is carried out only within the city limits of the Division. Because The service for collection and delivery of cargo is carried out automatically, this allows us to carry out transportation in a shorter time.

Delivery by this service accepts cargo weighing no more than 3 kg. and a maximum size of 0.36 m in one of three dimensions, the sum of the three dimensions should not exceed 0.65 m.

Letter - maximum dimensions 0.3 x 0.21 m. weight up to 0.5 kg. inclusive (this item must be placed in a branded envelope).

Small cargo - maximum size 0.36 m in one of three dimensions, the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 0.65 m.

In case of refusal to deliver cargo from/to the client, the cost of the service does not change.

Delivery of original Business Line documents

The invoice and document can be delivered to you by courier, as well as by post or received by you yourself at the terminal.

The service is provided within the cities of Business Lines terminals. Delivery of documents is carried out within 1-2 business days after receipt of the application.

Request accounting documents.

Delivery of accompanying documents

Delivery of accompanying documents is a service for sending documentation either as a separate piece of cargo, or together with the cargo and transfer to the recipient when the cargo is released at our terminal. If delivery services are provided from/to the client, the documentation is packaged with the client. The client, in turn, is obliged to mark the envelope, making marks in the columns: sender, recipient and put a signature/seal under the line “Documentation sealed with the client.”

Return of accompanying documents is a service for the return of documents certified by him from the recipient. Returns are made to the sending terminal; delivery of documents certified by the recipient to the client's address is paid separately.

It is possible to order the sending and return of documents without sending cargo.

The company is not responsible for the correct execution of sent accompanying documents by the sender or recipient, as well as for the timely signature and return of documents by the recipient.

Air transportation

Air cargo transportation is in the best possible way transporting goods over long distances in a short time. Air delivery is a high-quality service, efficiency and reliability of delivery of your goods.

  • Delivery of goods by regular flights;
  • Possibility to order a charter for unique cargo;
  • Reliable air carrier partners.

For any questions, please contact the customer service department of any Business Lines division.

Conditions for sending cargo (parcels) by air

Cargo transportation by air is carried out from Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Perm, Samara, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Khabarovsk and Ulan-Ude, as well as in transit through these cities from any division of Business Lines.

For air shipments, cargo insurance may be provided.

Please note that if one of the dimensions of the package (length, width, height) reaches 0.8 m or the weight of the package is equal to or more than 80 kg, the possibility of shipment must be agreed upon.

Federal Aviation Regulations

Receiving cargo

Receipt of cargo delivered by air in the destination city is possible in the following ways.

  • self-collection from the Business Lines terminal;
  • independent pickup of cargo from the airport in the recipient city;
  • delivery of cargo to the address with the possibility of additionally ordering loading and unloading operations.

Please check with our online consultants and Contact Center specialists for the possibility of urgent receipt at our terminal of cargo arriving on holidays and weekends.

Accompanying documents

During transportation, it is necessary to have accompanying documents with a list of enclosed cargo (waybills, invoices, inventories, certificates, passports, etc.) At the request of airport employees, additional documents for the cargo may be requested. If there are no documents, the possibility of sending must be agreed upon.

Air shipments to and from Kaliningrad

Shipments from Kaliningrad are possible only from legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs.

When delivering cargo at the Business Lines terminal in Kaliningrad or transferring the cargo to the driver when picking up cargo from an address in the Kaliningrad region, it is absolutely necessary to have the sender’s stamp for affixing it in the Business Lines forwarding documentation.

When sending cargo to Kaliningrad through the airports of St. Petersburg and Ulan-Ude, as well as when sending from Kaliningrad airport, special requirements for accompanying documents apply.

Delivery terms

Delivery time is from 2 days from the moment of acceptance of the cargo, depending on the direction and parameters of the cargo.

When planning to send cargo, we ask you to take into account possible adverse weather conditions, as well as a reduction in the number of flights during winter navigation.

Cargo handling

When picking up cargo from the sender's address or delivering it to the recipient's address, loading and unloading operations may be ordered.

Requirements for cargo packaging

The cargo must be packed in materials that provide:

  • protection of cargo from damage, spoilage and loss,
  • safety of cargo during transportation, transshipment, reloading, transportation and storage,
  • lack of access to content.

Cost of packing cargo in our warehouse:

  • additional cargo processing (stretch, cardboard) - 250 rub./m 3, minimum 80 rub.
  • packing cargo in a bag - 70 rubles. for a unit,
  • rigid packaging of cargo - 700 rubles per 1 m 3, minimum 300 rubles.

The cost of cargo transportation is calculated together with packaging (gross).

Cargoes not accepted for transportation

You can familiarize yourself with the main list of goods not accepted for transportation by air.

If inaccurate information about the cargo and an incomplete package of documents are provided, responsibility for resolving problem situations and the resulting additional costs falls entirely on the sender/customer.

Cost and payment

The cost of transportation is calculated based on the actual and estimated (volumetric) weight based on 200 kg per 1 m 3, then a higher cost is selected.

When sending cargo to cities where there is no Business Lines terminal, payment by the recipient is possible only by bank transfer and only after 100% payment.

If the shipment has taken place, changes in the forwarding documentation (change of recipient, delivery warehouse, etc.) are paid:

  • from Vladivostok - 200 rubles,
  • Ekaterinburg - 200 rubles,
  • Kaliningrad - 350 rubles,
  • Krasnoyarsk -150 rub.,
  • Moscow - 500 rub.,
  • Novosibirsk - 600 rub.,
  • Perm - 200 rub.,
  • Samara - 250 rub.,
  • St. Petersburg - 350 rub.,
  • Tyumen - 300 rub.,
  • Ulan-Ude - 150 rubles,
  • Khabarovsk - 150 rub.

Free warehousing (for air delivery to the DL terminal) for two or three days (depending on the standards established for the arrival department). Further storage in our warehouses is paid, at a cost of 200 rubles. for 1 m 3 per day; minimum cost 200 rub. for the entire storage period.

Cargo storage at the airport of arrival is free for 1 day from the moment the cargo arrives. Payment for storage and airport taxes upon receipt of cargo from the airport are paid by the recipient independently according to the tariffs of the airport cargo terminal.

Please note that there is a fee to enter some Business Lines warehouses.

Special offer for air transportation of small-sized cargo from Moscow

Delivery from address to address

We deliver cargo within the city to the recipient's address or pick up cargo from the sender in the cities of our terminals for further intercity or international shipment, as well as delivery to remote cities and pick up of cargo from them.

Delivery of goods within the city is carried out only to the place where the vehicle is unloaded. Order loading and unloading operations when picking up or dropping off cargo, so that our movers will take care of loading or unloading the cargo and delivering it to the floor. To do this, it is enough to note the need for loading and unloading operations in the transportation application.

In order to order a service, fill out an application form on our website for cargo collection from the sender's address or an application for cargo transportation from our terminal to the recipient's address.

Applications are processed on the day preceding the day of submission vehicle, according to the work schedule of the application department in your region

Additional service based on car delivery time

General condition for the provision of evening and night delivery services; "fixed delivery time", "day-to-day":

  • The address for sending/receiving the cargo is located within the city limits of the Business Lines division.

Evening and overnight delivery

A number of departments have established surcharges for evening, night and morning pick-up or delivery times. Markup periods vary for different departments. These extra charges are taken into account in the payment order form.

Terms of delivery services from or to an address in the evening, night and morning:

  • the application must be submitted 12 hours before the vehicle is delivered;
  • when submitting an application on the day of execution after 15:00 (local time of the execution department), coordination of the possibility of fulfilling the application with the logistician is required;
  • Inter-terminal shipment of cargo on the day of collection from the client is possible if pickup is before 17:00 and if there is an appropriate inter-terminal shipment on schedule;
  • the possibility of providing this service together with additional services (transport requirements) "side loading", "top loading", " open car" and "tail lift" must be previously agreed upon with our specialists.

Fixed delivery time

Conditions for the provision of the additional service “fixed delivery time”.

Car delivery when ordering this additional service is organized between half an hour before and half an hour after the ordered delivery time. You can clarify the cost and possibility of providing this service in a specific department using the order calculation.

  • the service is not provided together with an additional “day-to-day” service;
  • Category 1 or 2 cargo (see restrictions below) must be loaded/unloaded no later than 30 minutes after the vehicle arrives at the address, after 30 minutes of waiting Business Lines reserve the opportunity to remove the vehicle from the loading/unloading location. In this case, the car leaves with an idle run.

Same-day pickup of cargo

Conditions for providing additional services "day-to-day".

When ordering this additional service, the cargo is picked up on the day the application is submitted. Currently the service is provided free of charge.

For all departments:

  • This service is not provided in conjunction with additional services (transport requirements) “side loading”, “top loading”, “open car” and “tail lift”.

For Moscow and St. Petersburg divisions:

  • an application for cargo collection must be submitted before 16:00 on the day of cargo collection;
  • cargo parameters must not exceed the maximum dimensions of category 3 cargo (cargo weight up to 4999 kg, volume up to 21.99 m³, length 6 meters, width 2 meters, height 2.2 meters);
  • time frame for delivery of the vehicle (working hours of the sender's warehouse at the cargo pickup address) - 3 hours from the moment the application is received by the logistics manager in the region picking up the cargo.

For divisions other than Moscow and St. Petersburg:

  • an application for cargo collection must be submitted before 14:00 on the day of cargo collection;
  • cargo parameters must not exceed the maximum dimensions of category 1 cargo (cargo weight up to 1499 kg, volume up to 8.32 m³, length 4.01 meters, width 1.7 meters, height 1.7 meters);
  • time frame for delivery of the vehicle (working hours of the sender's warehouse at the cargo pickup address) - at least 3 hours from the moment the application is received by the logistics manager in the region picking up the cargo.

Cargo handling

With auto delivery around the city from/to the client, you can order loading and unloading work directly from/to the office, with the cargo being lifted to the floor.

The cost of loading and unloading is not included in delivery rates.

In the following cases, the cost of loading and unloading work is negotiable, and the possibility of providing the service should be agreed upon with the delivery department of your region:

  • the weight of one piece exceeds 30 kg,
  • the volume of one place exceeds 0.25 m³,
  • the total weight of the cargo exceeds 500 kg;
  • the total volume of cargo exceeds 5 m³,
  • requires moving the load more than 30 meters from/to the machine.

Please familiarize yourself with the tariffs for loading and unloading operations.

Simply car

Downtime is considered to be the presence of a DL vehicle at the client’s address in excess of the established standards. If the car is at the address for more than an hour from the moment of arrival, DL reserves the opportunity to remove the vehicle from the loading/unloading location. In this case, the sender/recipient/customer is given a simple and idle run of the machine.

Please familiarize yourself with the tariffs for idle cars.

Idling the car

If you refuse an application for the collection of large cargo within the city, the cost of driving the car according to the price list, otherwise you can find out the cost of this service from an employee of the delivery department of your region. Upon delivery, the cost of the run is equal to the cost of shipping the goods.

Cancellation of instructions to the forwarder (applications)

Conditions for free cancellation of an order to a forwarder:

  • refusal is accepted until 17:30 on the day preceding the execution of the order to the forwarder.
  • refusal is accepted until 11:00 on the day of execution of the order to the forwarder, if:
    • Cargo is collected from the client’s address;
    • the loading address is located within the city;
    • cargo parameters strictly up to 500 kg., 5 cubic meters. (if the client cancels several applications for collection on one day - the sum of the parameters for the canceled applications);
    • cargo dimensions strictly up to 3.0 m length, up to 1.8 m width, up to 1.5 m height;
    • the car has not yet been delivered to the client’s address;
    • no special requirements for transport are requested (side or top loading, hydraulic manipulator, etc.);
    • non-standard loading and unloading operations have not been ordered (when at least one piece exceeds 30 kg in weight or 0.25 m³ in volume).

In all other cases, the car is driven in accordance with the tariffs.


When ordering pickup of cargo from the sender's address, packaging will be done only after delivery of the cargo to the Business Lines terminal. The cargo is transported to the terminal in the sender's packaging. At the stage of cargo collection, proper primary packaging is of great importance.

When ordering a cargo pickup service at the sender's address, the cost of the service for cargo with parameters of Category 2 and higher (from 1500 kg from 8.33 m3, Length x Width x Height up to 4.02 m x 1.71 m x 1.71 m) is calculated based on the parameters of the cargo in the application, if the actual parameters of the cargo being picked up are less. Please take this condition into account when applying for a fence.

When ordering the service (special transport requirement) “tail lift” and the maximum weight of the cargo space is more than 350 kg, cargo pickup may not be possible in some departments. In such cases, we ask you to check the possibility of providing the service with our consultants.

Entry into the part of the city closed to trucks, entry to 2 or more addresses is carried out at a negotiated price, the cost must be clarified in advance with the office staff of the relevant department.

Rigid packaging is a non-returnable container, and when ordering this service, the cargo is given to the client along with the packaging.

The consignee or another person authorized to receive the cargo, when accepting the cargo at the address of the Recipient according to the number of pieces without signs of packaging damage or with packaging violations present and recorded when accepting the cargo from the Shipper, has the right to demand its inspection and verification of its internal condition. The resulting expenses of the Forwarder are paid by the person on whose initiative the cargo inspection was carried out and amount to: 800 (eight hundred) rubles, including VAT, for each (full or partial) hour of cargo inspection plus the cost of downtime according to the price list.

Responsibilities of the customer of services: to pay for additional services (downtime, run, PRR) ordered by the recipient/sender upon delivery/pickup of cargo to/from the address of the recipient/sender.


The fact of transfer/receipt of cargo is confirmed by the entry (signature) of the sender and the forwarder in the forwarding document - the receipt note of Business Lines LLC. The consignment note and consignment note of the sender, containing the internal nomenclature (name, quantity, assortment, etc.) of each piece of cargo, are issued by Business Lines LLC without prior approval on the sender’s side and only subject to the mandatory compliance of the following requirements to the sender's documents:

  • The sender and recipient of the document must match the data on the receipt invoice.
  • The invoice must contain the following information: name of commodity items, quantity, cost, total cost including VAT (except for the TORG-13 form).
  • There must be signatures of authorized persons, in the lines the leave was authorized/performed by the chief accountant (one signature is possible for individual entrepreneurs) and the seal of the organization.

Also, these document requirements are relevant when ordering cargo insurance services, and copies of documents are transferred to the employee of Business Lines LLC responsible for receiving the cargo.

The main document when processing a shipment is the receipt note with original stamps and signatures!

Division into city and suburb

Since different tariffs are applied to delivery from/to an address depending on whether the client’s address is located within the city, it is necessary to note that in some cases the administrative division of the city and suburbs do not correspond to this division of Business Lines LLC. The following streets, avenues, boulevards, driveways, highways, and alleys are considered to be located within the city:

  • St. Petersburg: located before traffic police posts when leaving the city or before the Ring Road, at a shorter distance from the city center;
  • Ulyanovsk: in Zheleznodorozhny, Leninsky, Zasviyazhsky districts;

Delivery to hypermarkets

You can find out information about the cost and conditions of delivery of goods to hypermarkets and chain stores by calling your OSP, at multi-line telephone and ICQ.

When delivering cargo to a hypermarket (chain store) at DL terminals, the client-sender must:

  • sends a set of documents, issuing a separate invoice for accompanying documents (a complete set of documents required by the hypermarket is required);
  • orders delivery and loading/unloading services when sending cargo;
  • checks the correct delivery address, contact phone number and face of the recipient;
  • transfers to the DL employee upon delivery of the cargo the order number, date and time of delivery of the cargo to the recipient client (except for exceptions under the contract);
  • delivers the cargo in proper packaging without any damage, traces of opening, access to the cargo, on a Euro pallet.

International cargo transportation

Your cargo can be delivered by road to the Republic of Belarus or the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also sent from an address from these countries to the Russian Federation.

We also carry out international shipments to Belarus and Kazakhstan by air. The conditions of this service completely coincide with the conditions of air shipments within Russia.

Conditions for sending cargo

Used cargo is accepted for transportation if all documents are present.

Due to the fact that Business Line terminals are located only on the territory of the Russian Federation, on the side of Belarus and Kazakhstan, transportation is carried out with the provision of a delivery service from the address to the address. Please read the terms and conditions of this service.

In case of transportation of cargo to a terminal providing international shipment, please also familiarize yourself with the conditions of inter-terminal transportation.

Accompanying documents

If a complete set of documents is not available, the possibility of sending must be agreed upon.

At the request of customs control officers, additional documents for the cargo may be requested.

Accompanying documents are intended for cargo transportation and are not transferred to the recipient.

When sending from a legal entity

If the goods were produced outside of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, then columns 10 and 11 must be filled in in the invoice.

All documents must be certified with the blue seal of the sender.

An original veterinary certificate is required for livestock products.

When sent from an individual


Payment is possible only in Russian rubles.

Payment by the sender in cash is possible only after measuring the cargo at the Business Lines terminal.

Delivery of cargo in Belarus and Kazakhstan upon payment by the recipient is carried out only upon payment.

Cargo insurance

The cargo transported by our company is insured regardless of the type of transport. Insurance provides an additional guarantee of the safety of your cargo. All insurance cases are considered by the insurance company with which we work - Renaissance Insurance Group LLC.

Insured risks: “against all risks”, i.e. Losses resulting from damage, shortage, or loss of cargo are subject to compensation, with the exception of insurance of used cargo.

Used cargo is insured against the “risk of private accident” and the risk of illegal actions of third parties. “Private accident risks” are the risks of damage, shortage and loss of cargo that occurred as a result of events that can be confirmed by documents from the competent authorities. These risks include the following events: damage due to fire or explosion, vehicle crash, missing vehicle, natural disasters, falling cargo during loading and unloading.


Cargoes without a declared value are insured for free for an amount of up to 80,000 rubles.

Cargo can also be insured at the declared value, confirmed by accompanying documents (waybills or other legally required documents) at a rate of 0.17%, but not less than 50 rubles.

Insurance services are not subject to VAT (Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Limitations on the value of cargo accepted for insurance:

  • the maximum declared value for goods transported through the territory of “dangerous” regions (territories of the Republic of Dagestan, the Ingush Republic, the North Ossetian Republic, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Chechen Republic) is 4,000,000.00 rubles. For cargo over RUB 4,000,000. the cost is not announced and the insurance service is not provided.

If the value of only part of the cargo is declared, then the shipment is issued in two separate invoices: for part of the cargo with the declared value and for part of the cargo without the declared value.

Restrictions on the nature of the cargo

The following categories of cargo are not accepted for insurance:

  • banknotes, coins, traveler's checks, securities, credit cards;
  • precious metals and precious stones, as well as products made from them;
  • weapons (firearms, gas, pneumatic and cold steel) and ammunition;
  • items that may pose a danger to the safety of other cargo (their packaging), transport and equipment, or to the life and health of others;
  • personal belongings of citizens, the value of which cannot be documented;
  • correspondence;
  • fur and jewelry;
  • items (things, substances, goods, materials, etc.) classified as dangerous goods in accordance with the “Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by road” dated 08.08.1995;
  • strong psychotropic and narcotic substances requiring special transportation conditions established by the Ministry of Health and social development and other government bodies;
  • works of art, various collections;
  • items (things, substances, goods, materials, etc.), the transportation of which by road is prohibited by current legislation.


For cargo over 15,000,000 rubles. It is mandatory to check documents confirming the value of the cargo upon shipment.

For cargo less than RUB 15,000,000. the client can declare the value of the cargo and insure the cargo even in the absence of documents, but in the event of a claim or insured event, the client must provide documents confirming the declared value of the cargo:

  • The documents must indicate the name of the sender and recipient of the cargo.
  • The sender and recipient of the document must match the data on the receipt invoice.
  • The invoice must contain the following information: name of commodity items, quantity, unit cost, total cost.
  • There must be signatures of authorized persons, in the lines the leave was authorized/performed by the chief accountant (one signature is possible for individual entrepreneurs) and the seal of the organization.

You can obtain more detailed information about this service and documents confirming the cost of the cargo from the customer service department in your region, as well as by contacting the single Contact Center

Responsible storage

Currently, the service of nomenclature responsible storage of cargo is provided in the following cities: Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Samara, St. Petersburg. To provide the service, you will need to enter into a storage agreement.

In other cities, a safekeeping service is provided without nomenclature operations. To familiarize yourself with the list of warehouse services provided at the terminal, please refer to the page of addresses of Business Lines in the desired city.

Nomenclature responsible cargo storage service

The Business Lines company provides a comprehensive safekeeping service. Our company’s specialists will provide the entire supply chain of inventory items from address to address. The basis of the service is loading and unloading operations, accounting and assembling of items, address storage and other warehouse operations.

  • Comprehensive warehouse services
  • Warehouse cargo handling service
  • Distribution of cargo flows
  • Individual approach to each client

Where will your cargo be stored?

  • Spacious warehouse area and surrounding area;
  • convenient access roads;
  • possibility of storing cargo of different types;
  • advantageous location from the point of view of distribution of cargo traffic;
  • modern warehouse equipment.

The service includes

  • Responsible storage,
  • cargo handling,
  • sorting of cargo upon receipt,
  • palletizing.


  • order picking (pallet, box, piece);
  • pre-sale preparation of goods (packaging in shrink film, weighing, additional labeling);
  • delivery and forwarding of goods to individual consignees and retail chains;
  • delivery to the client's address just-in-time (just in time);
  • cross-docking;
  • tracking of goods by arrival/dispatch, expiration and production dates (FIFO, LIFO, etc.);
  • preparation and delivery of accompanying documents;
  • dealing with defects, returns, recycling;
  • rental of offices or workplaces on the territory of a warehouse complex for representatives of your company;
  • provision of standard or individual reports at the client’s request;
  • cargo insurance;
  • inventory.

Why is this beneficial?

  1. Because this will reduce the consumer cost of your product due to the acquisition of transport, logistics and warehouse services in a complex. Transportation, storage, distribution, packaging and other warehouse operations will cost you less in the long run.
  2. Because it will help save time. You do not have to deal with the issues of sorting and packaging cargo, control the loading and unloading processes, create transportation plans and schedules and order transport - the safekeeping service implies this range of services.

How we are working

You We
Manufacturing company (factory, plant, processing or service and repair facility, etc.)

We provide a range of logistics functions for your choice:

  • inventory storage
  • supply of raw materials
  • delivery of materials/finished products
  • storage of temporarily unused equipment
Online store

Solution operator for working with store goods:

  • storage of goods in a warehouse
  • receiving and processing orders
  • order picking
  • product packaging
  • delivery organization
  • returns processing
Trading company supplying products to retail chains and stores

We provide you with the logistics functions of the distribution company:

  • acceptance of goods from manufacturers
  • customs clearance
  • storage
  • equipment
  • storage of advertising and handout materials
  • delivery to dealers and retail outlets
A trading company that sells products to end consumers and has an extensive geographical network

We provide a full range of logistics functions:

  • acceptance of goods from suppliers
  • storage
  • equipment
  • delivery and forwarding of products to stores

Our advantages

  • Availability of a universal vehicle fleet. You can quickly make shipments throughout Russia at any time.
  • Safety guarantees - video surveillance and control system, protected area, awareness of the stages of logistics operations.
  • You can order the service from any city.
  • Many years of experience working with various types of cargo and many clients.

Still have questions?

Our specialists will be happy to answer you

Packaging of goods

Proper packaging is one of the most significant components of successful cargo transportation. The Business Lines company has extensive experience in the field of cargo transportation, which allows us to use well-thought-out technologies.

We offer the following types of packaging: pallet board, rigid packaging, additional cargo handling, bag, air bubble film. Several combined packaging methods can be used for one shipment (for example, bubble film and rigid packaging, bubble film and additional packaging).


  1. The cargo packaging service is provided only at the Business Lines warehouse; the cargo is delivered to the terminal in the sender's packaging. For safe cargo transportation, high-quality primary packaging is important.
  2. When ordering rigid packaging and pallet board packaging, the cost of transporting cargo will increase by 25%, since the dimensions of the cargo will increase.

Types of cargo packaging

Pallet board

The pallet board is a durable wooden container of adjustable height. The most reliable type of packaging protects cargo from unauthorized access and damage.

Dimensions of cargo accepted for packaging: height from 0.1 to 2.0 m; length: up to 1.15 m; width: up to 0.75 m; weight: up to 1000 kg.

Packaging cost: 200 rub/m3(minimum cost - 120 rub.)

Examples of goods to be packed on a pallet board

Photo products

Office equipment

Electrical goods


Medical products

Packaging contents

Euro pallet, pallet sides, pallet cover, polypropylene tape is used for fixation. At the client's request, a universal seal can be added.

Additional Information

    • The goods indicated in the example are required to be packaged in a pallet board or in a crate (rigid packaging).
    • Not used for air travel.
    • It is a reusable container and is not transferred to the client.
  • For additional cushioning of the cargo inside the pallet side, you can order bubble wrap packaging.

Rigid packaging

Rigid packaging (wooden lathing) is a wooden frame, suitable for almost any cargo, especially for the transportation of fragile, breakable, large and non-standard cargo. Protects against unauthorized access and damage.

Used for cargo whose dimensions do not allow the use of “Pallet side” packaging. The height of the load must not exceed 2.0 m.

Packaging cost: 700 rub/m3(minimum cost - 300 rub.)

Examples of goods to be packed in rigid packaging

Auto parts

Ceramics and glass

Ventilation equipment

Welding equipment

Bicycle and motorcycle equipment

Packaging contents

Lumber, nails. At the client's request, the following can be added: pallet, stretch film, polypropylene tape, universal seal.

Additional Information

    • The goods indicated in the example are required to be packed in a Lathing (Rigid Packaging) or in a Pallet Board.
    • Rigid packaging is not produced for small-sized cargo, since it will increase the weight and volume of the cargo, and the cargo will no longer fit the parameters of a small-sized cargo.
  • For additional cushioning of cargo inside rigid packaging, you can order bubble wrap packaging.


A bag with a plastic seal is used to pack small items. Provides no access to the contents and protects the cargo from loss. Helps keep cargo clean, prevents piece cargo from spilling and is used to group cargo into places.

Dimensions of cargo accepted for packaging: height up to 1.3 m; length and width up to 0.4 m.

Packaging cost: 70 rubles per unit.

Examples of goods to be packed in a bag

Printed products

Pet food

Clothing and textiles

Fastening materials

Packaging contents

White propylene bag, bag seal.

Additional Information

You can order additional packaging for the “Bag” package

Air bubble film

Polyethylene air bubble film is an elastic material that provides additional shock-absorbing protection for cargo during transportation. Applies if the cargo:

  • especially fragile;
  • has a glossy surface that is susceptible to scratches;
  • contains voids;
  • needs depreciation;
  • requires additional fixation inside the package.

Packaging cost: 150 rub/m3(minimum cost - 80 rub.)

Examples of goods to be packed in bubble wrap


Childen's goods


Tobacco products

Packaging contents

Air bubble film, tape. At the client's request, the following can be used: pallet, polypropylene tape, universal seal.

Additional Information

Bubble wrap packaging can be combined with any other type of packaging.

Additional packaging

Additional cargo processing is an auxiliary type of processing that prevents the ingress of dust and protects jointly transported cargo from damage. Intended for goods presented in improper packaging (for example, in paper/fabric bags, wrapping paper), as well as goods in bags with open access to the internal contents.

Additional packaging can be used for goods with sharp corners, edges, and protrusions.

Packaging cost: 250 rub/m3(minimum order - 80 rub.)



Packaging contents

Stretch film, adhesive tape seal. At the client's request, the following can be used: pallets, polypropylene tape. cardboard, pallet cover.

Additional Information

Additional packaging can be used together

Sending cargo by trucks for individual orders

package rates

The “Transportation of cargo by trucks” service is an order of a vehicle with a carrying capacity of 20 tons for one client, which goes from the shipper’s address to the consignee’s address without overloading and visiting the terminal of the “Business Lines” company.

The car is provided individually for one client!

When ordering a truck, you can take advantage of the following additional services:

  • Cargo insurance

The main advantages of the service are optimal tariff plans for transportation of large consignments and minimum delivery times. Due to the fact that delivery is carried out without visiting our company’s terminals, you can save time and optimize transportation costs. Acceptance of cargo is carried out under the seal of the shipper with a mandatory mark on it in the CTN. If the sender does not have it, sealing can be done using a seal from Delovye Linii LLC - free of charge! Trailer sealing ensures the integrity of shipments throughout the entire delivery process.

“Cargo delivery by trucks” is:

  • Favorable rates
  • Minimum delivery times
  • Wide geographical coverage

Terms of service

The standard time for loading/unloading a vehicle is 6 hours. Machine downtime during loading/unloading for more than 6 hours is paid at the rate of 500 rubles/hour.

Cancellation of a confirmed request for transportation later than 13:00 on the day preceding the day the vehicle is presented for loading is subject to a fee of 20% of the cost of transportation.

Cargo is accepted for transportation under the consignor's seal (or without it) without recalculating cargo spaces and checking with accompanying documents.

The sender must hand over to the driver properly executed documents for the transportation of cargo TTN (in form 1-T) in the amount of 4 pieces.

How to order

You can order transportation by a dedicated truck through the calculator in the “separate truck” mode or by filling out an application for cargo collection with the type of transportation “separate eurotruck”

For getting additional information You can contact the managers supervising shipments by Eurotrucks from the following cities and regions by phone

Hourly car rental

Please also note the newpackage ratesrental of Eurotrucks for transportation around the city and the nearest suburbs.

This service allows you to provide a vehicle of the type and modification that you need to transport your cargo (goods). The car is provided without territorial and time restrictions, and you yourself determine the route of movement, operating hours, number of addresses, procedure for loading and unloading your cargo (goods).

The car is always provided empty and only for one client.

The service does not require entry to the Business Lines terminals.

Cost calculation

The total cost of the service is the sum (addition) of the following components:

  • cost of time spent by the machine;
  • the cost of travel outside the city;
  • tariffs for additional services.

Calculation of time spent:

  • calculation is carried out by multiplying the time spent during the execution of the order by the hourly rate;
  • the time of delivery of the vehicle to the place of initial loading, indicated in the tariff table, is considered spent during the execution of the order and, when calculated, is added to the time spent on work;
  • idle time of the vehicle during loading/unloading or waiting for loading/unloading is also considered machine operating time and is taken into account in calculating the cost;
  • the time spent is rounded up to the nearest half hour;
  • For each type of vehicle, a minimum order time is established - this is the rental time, which is paid even if the actual time of use of the vehicle is shorter. The minimum order time includes the time of delivery of the vehicle to the customer.
  • if the “center” tariff is determined for the department and the car drives into the city center, then the hourly rate at the “center” tariff is used for the entire order, otherwise - at the “city” tariff;
  • The city mileage limit is 100 km. From the moment the 100 km mark is reached, the calculation takes place at a double hourly rate.

Calculation of travel outside the city:

  • the calculation is carried out by multiplying the kilometers traveled by the car outside the city by the tariff rate per kilometer;
  • if the work is completed in the suburbs, travel to the city limits (return of the car) is included in the mileage of travel outside the city.

Tariffs for additional services:

  • If the client does not accompany his cargo, the “forwarding” service is provided, one hour of operation of this vehicle is added according to the rate of rubles/hour.
  • Additional services “tail lift”, “manipulator”, “canopy” are paid at a fixed rate, which is added to the order amount.

At the end of the vehicle operation, the total number of hours and kilometers worked (if necessary) is calculated. The data is noted in the invoice and certified by the client’s signatures and seal.

When using a vehicle for a distance of more than 300 km, payment is negotiable.

Any form of payment is possible.

Tariffs apply to the provision of hourly cars in work time. The possibility of providing services at other times must be checked with our consultants.


All cancellations are accepted on weekdays/working days (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).

Refusals are accepted verbally over the phone.

Free order cancellation is possible if the cancellation is accepted before 17:30 on the working day preceding the order execution.

If the refusal is received later, but the car has not yet left, then the run is paid at the minimum order cost in accordance with the tariffs.

If the car was sent, but due to the client’s fault the service was not provided, then the idle run of the car is paid in the same way as the cost of the work (based on the total number of hours and kilometers outside the city, taking into account additional services ordered).

Division into city and suburb

In some cases, the administrative division into city and suburb does not coincide with that adopted by Business Lines LLC. The territories located within the city limits are:

  • Moscow: located within the Moscow Ring Road;
  • St. Petersburg: located in the ring Krasnoselskoe highway - Ring Road - st. 3rd Horse Lakhta;
  • Penza: to traffic police posts when leaving the city;
  • Perm: in the city center and surrounding areas;
  • Samara: to traffic police posts when leaving the city;
  • Ulyanovsk: in Zheleznodorozhny, Leninsky, Zasviyazhsky districts.

City center

For the following cities, city center boundaries are established for the application of the "center" tariff.

Moscow: the center is considered to be the territory inside the third transport ring.

St. Petersburg: the center is considered to be the part of the city bounded by the Obvodny Canal, the Neva and Bolshaya Nevka.

Order a service

To order the service, please fill out the application for cargo collection

Straight machine

The “Direct Vehicle” service is an order of a vehicle of any tonnage from 1.5 to 10 tons for one client, which goes from the shipper’s address to the consignee’s address without overloading and entering the terminals of the “Business Lines” company. The car is provided individually for one client!

This service involves direct delivery of cargo throughout the territory Russian Federation at distances from 100 to 1000 km from the city of delivery of the vehicle.

When ordering a “Direct Car”, you can take advantage of the following additional services:

  • Cargo handling
  • Cargo insurance
  • Changing the destination while the car is on the road
  • Vehicle location notification
  • Forecast of the car's arrival at the recipient
  • Notification about car delay on the way

The main advantages of the service are optimal tariff plans for transporting large consignments and the fastest possible delivery times. Due to the fact that delivery is carried out without visiting our company’s terminals, you can save time and optimize transportation costs. At the same time, you have the opportunity to choose the required type of transport to transport only your cargo and designate the most convenient time for delivery of the vehicle. Acceptance of cargo is carried out under the seal of the shipper with a mandatory mark on it in the CTN. If the sender does not have a seal, sealing can be done with a seal from Business Lines LLC free of charge! Sealing your cargo ensures its integrity throughout the entire shipping process.

"Direct machine" is:

  • Favorable rates
  • Maximum transport speed
  • Guaranteed delivery of vehicle
  • Sealing a vehicle
  • Maximum safety of your cargo
  • Wide geographical coverage
  • Legal purity of the transaction

For any questions, you can contact our managers

Container Shipping

Container transportation is freight transportation in which cargo is transported using removable transport devices (containers). Container transportation refers to multimodal transportation.

Multimodal or combined transportation is the delivery of goods using several modes of transport. They are an example of an active combination of the capabilities of sea, rail, and road transport, while the cargo does not require additional repacking.

Our company’s specialists will develop the optimal route, taking into account the complex logistics chains of cargo delivery, and will also advise you on all emerging issues.

Terms of service

We offer cargo transportation services in 24-ton (20-foot) and 30-ton (40-foot) containers and wagons various types(cars, gondola cars, platforms).

Shipments are made directly from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Blagoveshchensk, Novosibirsk, Ulan-Ude, Yekaterinburg, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Irkutsk, Kazan, Khabarovsk, Samara, as well as from nearby settlements.

To clarify information about the full list of cities and the possibility of providing carriages, you can contact our specialists.

Please familiarize yourself with the list of goods that are not accepted for transportation by containers.

The provision of the service is also regulated by the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation.

Service cost

The price list displays the maximum cost of transportation and delivery from/to the address to the most popular destinations.

For a more detailed cost calculation or to obtain information on areas not listed in the price list, fill out an application for cost calculation, contact an online consultant or call our 24-hour contact center by phone.

Additional services

Additionally, by agreement, you can order the following services:

  • cargo insurance;
  • services for packaging and storage of your cargo;
  • repacking of cargo from one type of transport to another;
  • cargo recalculation;
  • surveyor's departure.

Placing an order

2. Send the completed form by email, signed and stamped, or by fax via the Call Center with the note “To the Container Transportation Department.”

3. After receiving your application, our specialist will contact you to agree on transportation conditions.

You can also place an order for container transportation at any of our warehouses.

Transportation technology

Based on the application, the manager of the container transportation department issues an invoice. After payment of the invoice, the container is delivered to the sender.

Loading of cargo and securing it in a container is carried out by the client in accordance with the rules for placing cargo in the container. By prior agreement, such a service can be ordered from us.

The container is sealed in the presence of the sender, with paperwork completed and the Russian Railways seal installed.

The sealed container is delivered to the station for loading onto railway transport. As a rule, the container leaves the station within two to three days.

Information support

After handing over the container to Russian Railways, you can receive information about the location of the cargo and the estimated arrival time from our managers. This is a free service.

Notification of the arrival of cargo at the destination station is carried out by Russian Railways.

You can obtain information about the cost of storing a container at the station and the periods of free storage for each direction from the container transportation manager.

Business Lines is one of the largest transport companies operating in Russia. Over the 17 years that have passed since the opening of the first office, TC has acquired its own infrastructure, allowing it to quickly and efficiently transport cargo throughout the Russian Federation or abroad: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. To simplify the process of interaction between clients and company managers, a special service is available on the official website - Personal Area Business Line.

Registration in your personal account

To create a personal account on the Business Lines website, you need to:

  1. Open main page.
  2. Click on the “Personal Account” link located in the upper right part of the page.
  3. In the form that appears, click on the “Registration” link located under the “Login” and “Password” fields.
  4. Indicate your mobile number or address in the appropriate fields Email, come up with a strong password.
  5. Retype 4 characters from the picture, click the “Register” button.
  6. Open an automatically sent email or SMS containing a confirmation code. Enter it into the registration form.

After this, the user will immediately be taken to his personal Business Lines account, where he will be asked to indicate his full name.

Delivery of accounting documents

But even after entering this data, access to the system will be limited. To get full access, an individual will need to upload a scan of their passport; a legal entity or individual entrepreneur will need to download an application for the provision of the service, fill it out and send it by mail, courier or bring it in person to the company terminal.

Login to your personal account Business Lines

The client can log into his account from any page of the site. To do this you need:

  1. Click on the “Personal Account” link located at the top right.
  2. In the form that appears, enter your email address or phone number and type your password.
  3. Click the “Login” button.

If your password is lost, in the login form you must click on the “Forgot your password?” link and indicate contact information, left during registration (e-mail, phone number), enter the captcha, request a confirmation code. Check the messages, copy the sent code into the site form.


Having received full access to the Business Lines personal account, the company’s client can:

  1. View all your orders by setting a filter (sort by degree of readiness, specific time period, place of departure or destination, sender or recipient).
  2. Calculate the cost of the order.
  3. Check the status of the current cargo delivery.
  4. Order accounting documents (invoices, forwarding receipts, invoices, reconciliation statements, etc.) for any period.
  5. View reports.
  6. Apply for transportation online.
  7. File claims.
  8. Conduct correspondence with the manager.
  9. Set up notifications about changes in order status.

On the website you can download the Business Lines application, which allows you to work with orders, make payments online, track delivery, set up Push notifications about changes in the status of a current order, search for the nearest shopping mall terminals, track discounts and promotions. For authorization, use the login and password from your account on the site.

How is the Business Lines website useful for an unregistered user?

Users who do not have their own account, can:

  • check the status of cargo delivery by application, order or invoice number;
  • calculate the estimated cost of transportation;
  • place an order online;
  • find out the addresses of the nearest terminals;
  • get acquainted with the promotions held by branches in the selected city;
  • order a call back or write to chat to get advice.

Business Lines is a large Russian transport and logistics service that transports consolidated cargo throughout Russia, as well as to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus. Provides services for storage and warehousing of cargo. The company began its existence in 2001. The main values ​​of the organization are the safety of shipment and tracking of cargo Business Lines.

Today “Business Lines” has divisions in 140 cities throughout Russia, 4,000 cars, 20,000 employees.

Thanks to sophisticated transport logistics schemes and staff qualifications, Business Lines confidently occupy a leading position in their field. The organization has created a huge network of units for the fast and safe transfer and tracking of Business Lines. Shipping within Russia is possible, as well as international transportation to Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Track cargo Business Lines

To track cargo sent by Business Lines and quickly find out the status of cargo delivery, enter the invoice number in the cargo search field above and click the Track Cargo button.

Business Lines tracking cargo by invoice number is possible both on the company’s official website and on more convenient universal postal trackers, like ours. Where, regardless of the type of shipment or cargo, all tracking information is presented in the same convenient form.

TC Business Lines track cargo

If you have a waybill number, then tracking your Business Lines cargo is not a problem. It is enough to enter the track number on this website or in our mobile application to find out the status of your cargo in a couple of seconds.

Cargo delivery status Business Lines

Thanks to the Business Lines company, tracking and shipment are possible by road, containers, and airlines. If desired, it is possible to order multimodal transportation. It allows you to combine several types of transportation. In addition, the company has an extensive vehicle fleet. So, for sending goods, you can get vehicles of various types, modifications and carrying capacity. Thanks to the Business Lines company, cargo tracking and delivery have been carried out for 14 years. Shipping directly from the sender's address is possible. Express transportation allows you to deliver the cargo in the shortest possible time. You can track Business Lines cargo on the company’s official website. Reliable insurance of all shipments will help you be confident in the safety of your cargo.

It is very important for the company to make the collaboration process as comfortable as possible for users. For example, you have the opportunity to use an order calculation form to determine the price and timing of shipment of goods.

Personal account Business Lines

After completing the registration procedure, you will be able to use your personal profile. This way you keep transport records, exchange messages and documents with your manager via chat.

To track your Business Lines cargo, use the mail tracker. In our mobile applications you can receive push notifications about the location of cargo.

Business Lines cargo tracking by recipient's last name

Unfortunately, it is impossible to track the cargo by the last name of the recipient or sender, but you can track it using passport data for individuals or TIN for legal entities.

Business Lines cargo tracking by order number

The order number is the same as the bill of lading number, so feel free to enter it in the tracking field above on this page to find out where your shipment is located.

Business Lines cargo tracking by recipient's phone number

If you do not know the invoice number, then you can track the cargo by the series and passport number of the sender and recipient if you are an individual and by the TIN number for legal entities.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to track the recipient or sender by phone number.

For advanced cargo tracking, go to the Business Lines website

A duplicate is a reprinted document previously issued to the client. Duplicates provided: certificate of services rendered, invoice, UPD, instruction to the forwarder.

A certified copy is a copy of the original document. Copies provided: invoice for cargo delivery, invoice for cargo dispatch.

A duplicate of documents for services paid for at the Moscow branch must be requested by email. box
When paying for services to other PEC branches, a request for a duplicate of the UPD, act and c/f must be sent to the general mail of the branch where the payment was made.
Copies of documents and a duplicate of the order to the forwarder must be requested by email. box

We will prepare and provide duplicates and copies of documents upon your request. In order to use this service, you need to make a request for duplicates and copies of the necessary documents.

The request must be made on letterhead with the signature of the manager or chief accountant and the company seal and sent to email kopii@site. The request must include the following information:

  • name of the sender's organization;
  • TIN of the sender's organization;
  • mobile and landline phone numbers;
  • E-mail address;
  • list of documents you need.

Making duplicates and copies of documents is a paid service.

The cost of the service including VAT for one copy of the document is 50 rubles.

The cost of 1 set (act and invoice) is 100 rubles.

Service execution time

After receiving the application, you will be invoiced for making copies or duplicates of documents. Once the payment has been received into the account of the PEK Company, the request will be processed.

  • Duplicates are produced within up to 5 working days (from 1 to 20 documents). If there are more than 20 documents, the production time increases to 10 working days.
  • Certified copies of invoices for the issuance/dispatch of cargo are provided to the Client within 5 – 10 working days. For documents for a period of more than one month (which are retrieved from the archive), the deadline for submission is up to 20 working days (clause 4.2 of the Feasibility Study Agreement).

After payment, the payer or his official representative can receive duplicates of the UTD, act, invoice and instruction to the forwarder at the PEC Moscow Vostok branch.
We can also deliver documents to your Moscow office. To do this, you must indicate your address, the name of the nearest metro station and attach a directions.
For branches with several branches, the address for receiving duplicates must be clarified in this branch.

Upon provision of the documents specified in the Client’s request, a register of transferred documents is compiled, which is sealed with the signatures of an employee of the PEC Company and the client. The signed register is the basis for issuing the act and invoice, UPD for the “Duplicates of accounting documents” service.

The PEK Company has a procedure for providing primary accounting documents.

If you paid for the services of the PEK Company in Moscow, then we will send you a copy of the invoice on the next business day by email. Don't forget to include your email address when checking out. If you haven't left your email address, you need to send it to us by mail: .

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