Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation Stat report form 4 ter

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The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate units that do not have legal address, indicate the postal address with postal code.

3. The legal entity enters the code in the code part of the form All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

For territorially separate divisions of a legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location of the territorially separate division.

4. Consumer enterprises, wholesale, intermediary, wholesale-intermediary organizations, organizations engaged in retail trade in fuel must provide in the report data on all fuel actually received and spent in the reporting year for the needs of the organization, as well as sold to the population or their employees, other organizations, as well as fuel included in the balances.

5. Enterprises - consumers of fuel, which are also its producers, in a report in the form regarding their own production (extraction) provide data on the movement of only that amount of fuel that is intended for their own technological needs (including fuel consumption as raw materials for processing into other types fuel and non-fuel products), energy needs, for the operation of own vehicles, as well as for sale to the population or their employees. Fuel of own production, sold legal entities, these enterprises are not reflected in the form. Fuel purchased from other enterprises is reflected in the form in full.

6. In section 1, column 3, all actual fuel consumption at the enterprise is given, including losses in technological processes, when converting it into other types of fuel or energy, as well as losses and shortages during storage and transportation documented by appropriate acts.

7. From the total consumption (column 3), fuel consumption data is highlighted as:

a) motor (column 4) - petroleum products, liquefied and compressed gas used in internal combustion engines - automobile, tractor, agricultural, aircraft engines, engines of sea, river vessels, etc.;

b) as raw materials (column 5) - fuel resources used as raw materials for the production of chemical, petrochemical or other non-fuel products. This column does not reflect the amount of fuel used to produce other types of fuel, with the exception of coking coal used to produce coke; fuel peat - for the production of peat briquettes and semi-briquettes;

c) for non-fuel needs (column 6) - fuel resources used as material for non-fuel needs. For example, coal, used as an additive to clay solutions when drilling oil wells, and also as a filtering agent; gas injected into the formation to maintain reservoir pressure; fuel peat, used as a heat-insulating material and for fertilizer; firewood used for the production of container boards; oil used for cleaning wells; fuel oil used as a lubricant; kerosene used for washing parts, etc.

Data on the consumption of fuel resources used directly as boiler and furnace fuel (in the production of electricity and heat at power plants and boiler houses, to create the necessary temperature conditions in technological processes) are reflected only in column 3.

8. In columns A and D of section 1 of the form, the names of coals from individual basins and deposits are given in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form N 4-TER (indicating line N corresponding to the type of coal).

9. Lines 1165 and 1631 provide data on coal consumption in terms of equivalent fuel. Coal is converted into standard fuel, as a rule, by multiplying the volume of coal in physical terms by its actual thermal equivalent (K), defined as the ratio of the lower calorific value of the working state of the fuel to the calorific value of 1 kg of standard fuel, i.e. 7000 kcal/kg. If it is impossible to determine the actual thermal equivalents directly in the organization consuming this coal, you can use data on this indicator from suppliers’ documents or use standard coefficients for converting coal from a given basin (field) into a conditional one, which can be obtained from the territorial body of Rosstat.

10. Lines 1632, 1633, 1640 contain data on the consumption of peat, briquettes and peat semi-briquettes in conditional humidity.

11. Line 1750 contains data on heat energy consumption by organizations of all types of economic activities (column 3).

The volume of heat energy consumption does not include heat energy losses in heating networks (main networks, cities and urban-type settlements).

12. In cases where, under the terms of the agreement, the tenant makes a payment to the landlord of the premises, which includes the cost of consumed heat energy, information about this heat energy consumption is reflected in the form by the lessor.

13. Section 3 shows the cost of what was purchased externally, received from other legal and individuals under an agreement of exchange, commodity credit or free of charge, in the reporting year and capitalized upon receipt of fuel spent for technological purposes, generation of all types of energy (electric, thermal, compressed air, cold and other types), heating of buildings, structures, operation of agricultural machinery and vehicles, transport work for production maintenance performed vehicles organization, regardless of what part of the fuel was used (consumed) in the reporting year for production and economic needs or remained in the warehouse in the form of residues.

Expenses for the purchase of fuel in this line are reflected at purchase prices (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments), including transportation and procurement costs associated with its purchase; insurance costs; costs of bringing the fuel to a state suitable for use for the planned purposes (the organization’s costs of reworking, sorting, packaging and improving technical characteristics received fuel not related to the production of products, performance of work and provision of services); other costs directly related to the purchase of fuel, as well as non-refundable taxes paid in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Line 1880 shows the cost of petroleum products (gasoline, white spirit, kerosene, diesel fuel, heating oil, petroleum bitumen, lubricating oils), line 1881 - the cost of natural and associated gas, line 1882 - the cost of coal, line 1883 - the cost of other types of fuel (coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, open hearth gas, hydrocarbon liquefied gas, coke, shale, peat, firewood and others), that is, this line reflects the purchased fuel of all types intended for the production process and the implementation of statutory activities, at cost, recorded on the Debit of the inventory accounts.

Line 1885 shows the cost of electrical energy spent on technological, energy, motor and other production and economic needs of the organization (lighting, heating of buildings and other needs), line 1887 shows the cost of thermal energy. Thus, these lines reflect the purchased energy used in production (according to actually accrued payments), attributed to production costs in the reporting period, at the cost recorded in the Debit of cost accounting accounts 20, 23, (25, 26), 29, 44 in correspondence with the Credit of accounts 60 (76) (according to the totality of all possible correspondence of accounts of this group).

Line 1888 takes into account the cost of purchased water spent for technological purposes and for other production and economic needs of the organization, production (including by the organization itself for production needs) of all types of energy, heating of buildings, as well as for the transformation and transmission of energy. Thus, this line reflects the cost of consumed water attributed to production costs in the reporting period (according to actually accrued payments), taken into account in the Debit of accounts 20, 23, (25, 26), 29, 44 (according to the totality of all possible correspondence accounts from this group) in correspondence with Credit accounts 60 (76).

The cost of water, which is included as a necessary component in the composition of the manufactured products, is not reflected in this line.

14. Section 4 on lines 1890 and 1891 provides data on the number of electrical energy meters and (if available) power meters, respectively.

Line 1892 provides data on the number of thermal energy meters.

Lines 1893 and 1894 provide data on the number of metering devices for hot and cold water, respectively.

Line 1895 provides data on the number of gas meters.

Column 1 “To be equipped with energy metering devices” provides data on the number of required energy metering devices corresponding to the number of energy inputs.

Column 2 “Equipped with energy metering devices” provides data on the number of actually installed energy metering devices.

Column 3 “Energy resource metering devices put into operation” provides data on the number of actually operating energy resource metering devices, the readings of which are used when accounting for energy resource consumption (settlements with the energy and resource supplying organization).

1. The lines of section 1 of the form provide data on the balances, receipts, consumption of certain types of fuel and thermal energy and, in addition, the supply (sale) of these types of fuel to other enterprises and organizations and the population. The volume of fuel (thermal energy) consumption includes the volume of losses in technological processes, during conversion into other types of fuel or energy, as well as losses and shortages documented in the relevant acts during storage and transportation.

The lines “Aviation gasoline for aircraft piston engines”, “Automotive gasoline”, “Diesel fuel” provide data on all brands, grades and environmental safety classes of the specified petroleum products in tons. Data on the volumes of straight-run gasoline, solvent gasoline and special gasoline are not reflected in these lines.

From the total volumes of motor gasoline and diesel fuel, data on their consumption for the operation of vehicles is separated, respectively, in lines 1012 and 1032. Fuel consumption by specialized vehicles mounted on vehicle chassis (motorized cranes, fire engines, ambulances, for urban utilities, etc.) etc.), is not reflected in these lines.

The line “Domestic heating fuel” provides data on the volume of petroleum products obtained from diesel fractions of direct distillation and secondary origin, used mainly in domestic heating installations.

The line “Flammable natural gas (natural gas)” provides data on the volume of natural gas from gas and gas condensate fields.

The line “Associated petroleum gas (combustible natural gas from oil fields)” provides data on the volume of natural gas from oil fields, dry stripped gas from gas processing plants and desulfurization gas.

Gas obtained at the enterprise as a result of oil processing, gas condensate (gas from oil refineries), and liquefied gases are not included in the data on the volumes of combustible natural gas (natural gas) and associated petroleum gas (fuel gas from natural oil fields).

From the total volumes of combustible natural gas (natural gas) and associated petroleum gas (combustible natural gas from oil fields), data on their consumption in compressed form for the operation of vehicles is allocated, respectively, on lines 1082 and 1092. Fuel consumption by specialized machines mounted on automobile chassis (cranes on motor vehicles, fire engines, ambulances, for municipal utilities, etc.), is not reflected in these lines.

If the reporting organization used coal, firewood or peat to produce generator gas, then the consumption of the generator gas they received is not reflected in the report form, but the direct consumption of fuel spent on its production (coal, firewood, peat) is given.

The line “Combustible artificial coke-oven gas” provides data on the volumes of gas obtained during the coking process, rich gas obtained at nitrogen-fertilizer plants and chemical plants after selecting the hydrogen fraction from coke-oven gas and returned by them to coke-chemical enterprises.

The volume of coke oven gas, as well as the returned rich gas, must be reflected in thousands of cubic meters, reduced to 4000 kcal/cu. m.

This line also provides data on the volumes of other waste gases (with the exception of waste gases from metallurgical production).

The line “Flammable artificial gas from blast furnace” provides data on the volume of gas produced in the blast furnace process. The volume of blast furnace gas must be reflected in thousands of cubic meters, reduced to 1000 kcal/cubic meter. m.

This line also provides data on the volumes of other waste gases from metallurgical production.

The line “Gas from oil refineries” provides data on the volume of oil refinery gas or gas condensate (including the amount flared at oil refineries). Gas from oil refineries obtained in liquefied form is reflected in the line “Propane and butane, liquefied, hydrocarbon gases and other liquefied mixtures thereof, not included in other groups.”

The line “Dry gas” provides data on the volume of dry gas from oil refining or gas condensate only.

The line “Ethane (ethane fraction)” provides data on the volume of the ethane fraction of gas processing. This volume does not include the volume of dry stripped gas.

The line “Propane and butane, liquefied, hydrocarbon gases and other liquefied mixtures thereof, not included in other groups” provides data on the volumes of the following fractions of liquefied hydrocarbon gases: liquefied propane with a purity of at least 99% for use as fuel and for other purposes, propane-propylene fraction, propane (propane fraction, including spent propane-propylene fraction), normal butane (including spent butane-butylene fraction), isobutane (isobutane fraction), butane-butylene fraction, propane-butane fraction (household grade), propane or butane liquefied with a purity of less than 95%, used as raw materials for oil refineries and the petrochemical industry, pentane (pentane fraction), isopentane (isopentane fraction), pentane-hexane fraction. Other types of liquefied gases, if they are used as fuel, are reflected in the line “Other types of petroleum products”.

From the total volume of data on this line, data on the consumption of propane and butane, liquefied, hydrocarbon gases and their mixtures of other liquefied gases that are not included in other groups for the operation of vehicles on line 1151 are separated. Fuel consumption by specialized machines mounted on vehicle chassis (cranes on a vehicle on the move, fire trucks, ambulances, for city utilities, etc.), is not reflected in this line.

The line “Coal” provides data on the volumes of coal, coal concentrate, industrial products, sludge, screenings, coal briquettes used at the enterprise as fuel, raw materials for the production of products, for non-fuel needs.

To avoid double counting, the volume of coal sent for enrichment to obtain coal concentrate, middling product, sludge, screenings, and coal briquettes is not reflected in the report.

Coal concentrate, middlings, sludge, screenings, coal briquettes must be included in the total volume of coal (line 1160) and also in the volume of coal in the corresponding basin or deposit.

Coal and products of its processing (processing) are converted into standard fuel, as a rule, by multiplying the volume of coal in physical terms by its actual thermal equivalent (K), defined as the ratio of the lower calorific value of the working state of the fuel to the calorific value of 1 kg of standard fuel, t i.e. 7000 kcal/kg. If it is impossible for the organizations consuming this coal to be converted into conventional fuel, state statistics bodies should provide them with standard coefficients for converting coal from a given basin (field) into conventional fuel.

The line “Fuel wood” reflects data on the volume of fuel firewood purchased through wholesale trade, received from self-procurement of the reporting organization or purchased from other suppliers. This line also takes into account deciduous industrial wood of low-value industrial assortments, as well as low-quality industrial wood converted to firewood according to the act.

The volume of firewood purchased for fuel purposes, but used for non-fuel needs - for the manufacture of various products (container boards, shavings, etc.) for one’s own needs, technological chips or containers - is reflected in the line “Fuel wood”.

Data on thermal energy consumption on line 1750 must be equal to the sum of data on its consumption on lines 1751-1753.

If metering devices for thermal energy of hot water supply record its consumption in m3, then the conversion into gigacalories (line 1753) should be carried out using the following formula:


The average annual temperature of hot water in centralized hot water supply systems should be at least 40°C. In the reference book of water densities, its value at this temperature is 0.99225, at 50°C - 0.9881, at 60°C - 0.9832, at 70°C - 0.9778, at 80°C - 0.9718, at 90°C – 0.9653 and at 100°C – 0.9584

2. Section 2 of the form provides data on the collection and use of waste petroleum products by organizations with the exception of oil depots.

Line 1810 “Used motor oil (WMO)” reflects the movement of used motor oils (for aviation, piston, carburetor and diesel engines), compressor, vacuum, oils, oils for rolling mills, as well as industrial oils.

Line 1820 “Wasted industrial oil (IWO)” reflects the movement of used industrial oils and working fluids for hydraulic systems, gas turbine, insulating, instrument and turbine oils, oils for refrigeration machine compressors.

Line 1830 “Mixture of waste petroleum products (SNO)” reflects the movement of oil flushing liquids; oils used in the heat treatment of metals, cylinders, transmissions; oil and liquid petroleum fuels extracted from treatment facilities and oil-containing waters.

If the enterprise sold waste petroleum products to other enterprises, then when filling out Section II it is necessary to reduce the data in column 2 by the number of waste petroleum products transferred. In this case, the sum of the data in columns 1 and 2 must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

If an enterprise has destroyed part of the waste petroleum products, then in order to maintain balance it is necessary to show this volume in the balances at the end of the reporting year, indicating in a note to the report the volume of destroyed waste petroleum products.

3. Section 3 of the form shows the cost of energy resources acquired in the reporting year from other legal entities and individuals (including under an exchange agreement, trade credit or free of charge), capitalized upon receipt and spent on technological purposes, production of all types of energy (electric , thermal, compressed air, cold and other types), heating of buildings, structures, operation of agricultural machinery and vehicles, transport work for production maintenance performed by the organization’s vehicles, regardless of what part of the energy resources was used (consumed) in the reporting period year for production and economic needs or remained in the warehouse in the form of leftovers.

The costs of their acquisition do not include costs associated with the acquisition of energy resources intended for resale to other legal entities and individuals.

Expenses for the acquisition of energy resources are reflected at purchase prices (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments), including transportation and procurement costs associated with its acquisition; insurance costs; costs of bringing the fuel to a state suitable for use for the planned purposes (the organization’s costs of processing, sorting, packaging and improving the technical characteristics of the resulting fuel, not related to the production of products, performance of work and provision of services); other costs directly related to the purchase of fuel, as well as non-refundable taxes paid in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Section 4 of the form reflects data on the equipment with metering devices. Metering devices by which settlements between suppliers of energy resources and consumers of energy resources are not carried out (intra-shop meters) are not included in these data.

Column 1 “Total number of calculated metering points for energy resources” provides data on the total need for equipment (quantity) with energy metering devices at the calculated metering points at which settlements are made between suppliers of energy resources and consumers of energy resources.

Column 2 “Number of settlement metering points equipped with energy metering devices” provides data on the number of actually installed energy metering devices at the calculated metering points at which settlements are made between suppliers of energy resources and consumers of energy resources, regardless of the date of their installation.

Column 3 “Energy metering devices put into operation” provides data on the number of energy metering devices actually installed and put into operation during the reporting year, based on the readings of which payments are made to their suppliers.

Valid Editorial from 20.07.2009

Document typeorder, nomenclature, list, instructions
Receiving authorityRosstat
Document Number146
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date20.07.2009
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published
Navigator Notes


II. Filling out the indicators of form N 4-TER

Section 1. Remains, supply and consumption of fuel and heat energy

6. The lines “Aviation gasoline”, “Automotive gasoline”, “Diesel fuel” take into account all brands and grades of the specified petroleum products in tons. Special gasolines (gasoline for the chemical industry, solvent gasoline, straight-run gasoline) are not taken into account in these lines.

Of the total amount of motor gasoline and diesel fuel, separate lines 1012 and 1032 in column 3 “Consumed during the reporting year - total” show the volume of these petroleum products spent on the operation of vehicles. Gas consumption for the operation of motor vehicles is also shown in lines 1092 and 1151 of the total volumes of consumption of combustible natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Fuel consumption by specialized vehicles mounted on vehicle chassis (vehicle-mounted cranes, fire engines, ambulances, vehicles for municipal utilities, etc.) is not reflected in these lines.

The line “Kerosene” displays all types of kerosene - aviation (jet fuel), lighting, tractor.

If an enterprise records motor gasoline, diesel fuel, and liquefied gas in liters, then when converting from volume units to weight units, one should use their actual density (specific gravity), measured using oil densimeters during the accounting period.

To do this, the number of liters must be multiplied by the actual density, the resulting result divided by 1000. In the absence of oil densimeters, conversion from volume units to weight units should be done using the weighted average density calculated for the reporting period. For the calculation, the densities indicated in the delivery notes for each batch of the corresponding petroleum product received at the enterprise are taken.

The weighted average density is determined as follows.

For example, during the reporting period, the enterprise received three batches of motor gasoline: batch I - 2000 tons with a density indicated in the consignment note equal to 0.72; II batch - 5000 tons - 0.74; III batch - 8000 tons - 0.735. Thus, the enterprise received 15,000 tons of motor gasoline during the reporting period.

Based on the indicated density, we determine the amount of gasoline supplied to the enterprise in volumetric units:

Organizations that do not have the above information can convert fuel volumes from liters to tons using average density values.

Separate average densities for:

motor gasoline:

A-76 (AI-80) - 0.715 g/cc. cm, AI-92 - 0.735 g/cubic. cm, AI-95 - 0.750 g/cubic. cm, AI-98 - 0.765 g/cubic. cm;

diesel fuel: summer - from 0.83 to 0.85 g/cc. cm, winter - from 0.8 to 0.83 g/cubic. cm, Arctic - from 0.8 to 0.82 g/cubic. cm.

The line “Domestic heating fuel” provides data on petroleum products obtained from diesel fractions of direct distillation and secondary origin, used mainly in domestic heating installations.

The line “Fuel oil” provides data on heating oil of grades 40 and 100, fuel oil for open-hearth furnaces, and technological export fuel (TU 38.001361-87).

The line “Navy fuel oil” lists fuel oil grades F-5 and F-12.

The line “Flammable natural gas (natural)” lists all natural gas - natural gas from gas, gas condensate, oil fields, as well as processed gas - dry gas from gas processing plants (stripped and desulfurized gas).

Gas obtained at the enterprise as a result of oil refining, gas condensate (dry gas from oil refineries), and liquefied gas are not reflected in this line.

If the reporting organization used coal, firewood or peat for the production of generator gas, then the consumption of the generator gas received by them in the report on form N 4-TER is not reflected, but the direct consumption of fuel spent on its production (coal, firewood, peat) is given.

An exception is made for organizations that use generator gas produced during the production of semi-coke. These enterprises must reflect the movement of the specified gas in the line “other types of fuel” in terms of fuel equivalent.

The line “Combustible artificial coke-oven gas” shows the amount of gas obtained during the coking process, rich gas obtained at nitrogen-fertilizer plants and chemical plants after selecting the hydrogen fraction from coke-oven gas and returning them to coke-chemical enterprises.

The amount of coke oven gas, as well as the returned rich gas, must be shown in thousands of cubic meters, reduced to 4000 kcal/cu. m.

This line also provides information on other waste gases (with the exception of waste gases from metallurgical production).

The line “Flammable artificial gas from blast furnace” shows the amount of gas produced in the blast furnace process. The amount of blast furnace gas must be shown in thousands of cubic meters, reduced to 1000 kcal/cubic meter. m.

This line also provides information on other waste gases from metallurgical production.

The line “Dry refinery gas” shows the consumption of dry refinery gas or gas condensate only (including the amount flared at oil refineries). Gas from oil refineries obtained in liquefied form is accounted for in the line “Liquefied gas”.

The line “Liquefied gas (liquefied hydrocarbon gases)” lists the following fractions of liquefied hydrocarbon gases: technical butane, butane-isobutane, isobutane, normal butane, propane, technical propane (PT), propane-butane-pentane fraction (other liquefied gases), a mixture of technical protan and butane (SPBT), protane-butane and protane-propylene fractions. Other types of liquefied gases, if they are used as fuel, are reflected in the line “Other types of fuel”.

The line “Coal and coal processing products” lists coal, coal concentrate, middlings, sludge, screenings, coal briquettes used at the enterprise as fuel, raw materials for the production of products, for non-fuel needs.

To avoid repeated counting, coal sent for enrichment to produce coal concentrate, middlings, sludge, screenings, and coal briquettes is not reflected in the report.

Coal concentrate, middlings, sludge, screenings, coal briquettes are included both in the total volume of coal and products of its processing (line 1160) and in the volume of coal from the corresponding basin or deposit.

Organizations consuming coal and its processed products, in the free lines (after line 1160) of the report, provide data on the volume of coal consumption by basin and deposit, in the sequence specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Directive, with an entry in column A - names of coal, B - the number of the corresponding line.

Organizations producing coke, semi-coke, etc. must, from the total amount of coal shown in the line “Coal and coal processing products,” as well as Kuznetsk, Vorkuta, Neryungri, Karaganda, Donetsk and other coals used to produce coke, a separate line for the volumes of coal used for coking - “including for coking”.

According to line 1630, brown coal is distinguished from the total amount of coal available at the enterprise.

Brown coals in full include Moscow Region (line 1230), Chelyabinsk (1270), Bashkir (1290), Kansk-Achinsk (1380), Raichikhinsk (1410), Chita (1350) coals.

Of the Sverdlovsk coals (line 1280), brown coals include coals from the Bogoslovskoye and Volchanskoye deposits, from the Yakut (1320) - Kangalaskoye deposits, from Primorye coals (1490) - all except the coals of the Lipovetskoye and Partizanskoye deposits.

Gusinoozersk coal (line 1360), Sakhalin coal (1430), Kamchatka coal (1480) can be partly stone, partly brown.

Coal from deposits not listed in Appendix No. 1 of this Procedure is accounted for in the line “Coal from other deposits” (1500).

Lines 1161 and 1631 provide data on coal and its processed products and brown coal, respectively, in tons of standard fuel.

Conversion of fuel from physical terms to conventional coal equivalent fuel should be done by multiplying the data of this fuel in physical terms (tons, cubic meters, etc.) by the corresponding caloric equivalent (conversion factor). The values ​​of caloric equivalents are determined based on periodic laboratory measurements of the calorific value of the fuel. If it is not possible to determine the calorific value in this way, then to convert the fuel into conventional fuel it is necessary to use the appropriate this species fuel caloric equivalent specified in Appendix No. 2 to this Directive.

For the lines “Fuel milled peat”, “Fuel lump peat” and “Peat (fuel) briquettes and semi-briquettes” the data is given in terms of conditional moisture content: milled peat is reduced to 40% moisture content, lump peat is reduced to 33% moisture content, peat briquettes - to 16%, peat semi-briquettes - to 28% humidity.

Conversion of all types of peat and peat briquettes and semi-briquettes from actual to conditional humidity is carried out using the following formula:

P_conv - weight of peat (briquettes and semi-briquettes) in terms of conditional moisture content in tons;

P_fact - weight of peat (briquettes and semi-briquettes) with actual moisture content in tons;

V_fact - actual moisture content of peat (briquettes and semi-briquettes) in percent;

V_usl - conditional moisture content of peat (briquettes and semi-briquettes) in percent.

For example, in the reporting year the enterprise received 1,500 tons of sod peat with a moisture content of 70%; the weight of the sod peat in terms of a conditional moisture content of 33% will be:

The line “Shales” reflects the volumes of oil shale - Leningrad, Kashpir (without processing, sorted and enriched).

The line “Metallurgical coke, coke and coke breeze” lists the entire volume of blast furnace and foundry coke with a piece size of 25 mm and above, dry coke nut - 10 - 24 mm and dry coke breeze - 0 - 9 mm.

This line also reflects the subgrill waste obtained from coke sifting.

Dry metallurgical coke, as well as coke nuts and fines are given in terms of dry weight.

For example, if the coke breeze has a moisture content of 10%, then its natural weight should be multiplied by 0.9, that is, its dry weight reflected in the report will be 90% of its natural weight.

The line “Firewood for heating” reflects data on the volume of fuel firewood purchased through wholesale trade, received from self-procurement of the reporting organization or purchased from other suppliers. This line also includes deciduous industrial wood of low-value industrial assortments, as well as low-quality industrial wood converted to firewood under the act.

The volume of firewood purchased for fuel purposes, but used for non-fuel needs - for the manufacture of various products (container boards, shavings, etc.) for one’s own needs, technological chips or containers - is reflected in line 1690 “Firewood for heating”.

Waste from logging and wood processing (boughs, needles, chips, wood trimmings, shavings, sawdust, bark, stumps), as well as dismantled unusable sleepers used as fuel, mine stand, communication poles, wooden containers, logs of dismantled old buildings, etc. ., used by the organization both for fuel purposes and sold to the population, workers and employees, are not reflected in the line “Firewood for heating”, but are shown in line 1730 “Other types of solid fuel” in terms of equivalent fuel.

Firewood volumes should be given only in dense cubic meters. If an organization records firewood in warehouse cubic meters, then it is necessary to convert it into dense cubic meters by multiplying its volume in warehouse cubic meters by a factor of 0.7.

The line “Other types of petroleum products” provides data on all petroleum products not listed in lines 1001 - 1060, which were used during the reporting year as fuel (motor or boiler and furnace fuel). Inclusion in the report of data on the use of other types of petroleum products as raw materials or for non-fuel needs is not permitted. Information on balances is provided only for those volumes of these petroleum products that are intended for use as fuel in a given organization.

If the enterprise used oil as fuel, then its movement should also be shown on line 1700 “Other types of petroleum products” (1700) in terms of fuel equivalent, as well as on line 1720. Oil used as a raw material in the report on form N 4-TER not taken into account.

The line “Other types of solid fuel” provides data on all types of fuel (in terms of equivalent fuel) not listed in lines 1001 - 1720 form N 4-TER, received and used by the organization for fuel purposes.

Other types of solid fuel include industrial waste, including solid and liquid secondary energy resources, household waste, other types of natural fuel (peat chips, straw, reeds, brushwood, firewood, corn stalks, husks, logging and woodworking waste, and also used as fuel are dismantled wooden sleepers, a mine stand, communication poles, wooden containers, logs from dismantled old buildings, etc.).

The line “Heat energy” contains data on the consumption of heat energy directly in a given organization, regardless of whether it is produced in this organization or received from outside.

The volume of heat energy consumption does not include heat energy losses in heating networks (main lines, cities and towns).

In cases where, under the terms of the agreement, the tenant makes a payment to the landlord of the premises, which includes the cost of consumed heat energy, information about this heat energy consumption is reflected in the form by the lessor.

In cases where an organization that does not have heat energy metering devices produces heat energy and all heat energy is consumed in this organization, the volume of heat energy consumption is determined by calculation.

The volume of heat energy produced is equal to the volume of its consumption and is determined:

for that produced in heating boilers - according to the volume of fuel used for this purpose and the specific consumption of this fuel per unit of supplied (produced) heat energy. Information on the value of this specific consumption can be obtained from the territorial body of Rosstat;

for those produced in electric boilers - by multiplying 1 mW of electric boiler power by 0.86 Gcal and the number of hours of operation of this electric boiler.

7. Columns 1 and 9 “Balance at the beginning of the reporting year” and “Balance at the end of the reporting year” provide information on the availability of fuel, respectively, at the beginning and end of the year at all general plant, intermediate, workshop and other warehouses of the organization, including departmental warehouses, warehouses auxiliary industries, municipal and cultural enterprises, housing and communal departments, in other places where fuel is stored (own and rented), as well as its residues in bunkers, containers, car tanks, measuring tanks, storerooms, on construction sites, at boilers, production units, in stacks, on ships located at berths, on piers, in ports and harbors, in locomotives in railway depots.

Residues of liquid petroleum products (furnace oil, diesel fuel, etc.) include the entire volume of fuel located in containers, including that which cannot be drained ("dead" residues).

Remains of fuel written off for production, construction, agricultural or other needs, but not actually consumed, must be taken into account in the general balances at the given enterprise at the end of the reporting period. This should also include balances belonging to this enterprise that are stored for some reason at another enterprise; about the size of these balances, it is necessary to make a corresponding note at the end of the report indicating the name and address of the custodian organization.

An organization that, at the end of the reporting period, had in storage fuel that belonged to other organizations and was listed on off-balance sheet accounts, the volumes of such fuel are not included in the report of this organization. This fuel is reflected in the report of the organization on whose balance sheet it is listed.

Fuel that is in responsible storage (state reserves and mobile reserves), as well as fuel residues on transport vessels (except for fisheries) and diesel locomotives that are on voyages at the date of the report are not included in the residues.

Also not included in the balances is fuel that arrived at the final railway station on the date of drawing up the report and is located in cars or tanks owned by the railway, documents for which have been received and the invoice has been paid, but the fuel has not yet been recorded by the accounting department.

Organizations that are consumers of fuel, being at the same time its producers, in terms of fuel of their own production (extraction) provide only consumer fuel balances, that is, the balances of fuel intended for consumption in a given organization and for sale to the population, their workers and employees. Commercial remaining fuel intended for sale to other organizations is not taken into account. Remaining fuel purchased from other organizations is taken into account in full.

8. In column 2, organizations - fuel consumers and organizations involved in its sale - provide the entire actual volume of fuel received for the reporting year.

Consumer organizations that are also its producers, in column 2, regarding fuel of their own production (extraction), provide data only on the amount of fuel produced by them that was used for their own needs, sold to the population (their workers and employees) or used to increase consumer balances fuel at this enterprise. Fuel purchased from other organizations is accounted for in full.

Fuel received for storage in the state reserve, paid not from the funds of the reporting enterprise and accounted for by the accounting department in off-balance sheet accounts, is not reflected in column 2.

9. Column 3 shows all actual fuel consumption at the enterprise, including losses in technological processes when converting it into other types of fuel or energy, as well as losses and shortages documented in the relevant acts during storage and transportation.

When filling out column 3 of the form by nitrogen fertilizer plants and agrochemical enterprises in the line “Combustible artificial coke oven gas”, it is necessary to keep in mind that this column records the consumption of coke oven gas for production, technological and other needs, minus the volume of rich gas returned to the coke-chemical enterprise.

For example, an agrochemical enterprise received 10,000 thousand cubic meters in the reporting year. m of coke oven gas (reduced to 4000 kcal/cubic m). As a result of its use for production and technological needs, in addition to the main product, rich gas in the amount of 3000 thousand cubic meters was obtained. m with a calorific value of 6000 kcal/cu. m. Its quantity, reduced to 4000 kcal/cubic. m, will be:

6000 x 3000 = 4500 thousand cubic meters m,

Which was returned to the coke plant, which must be recorded in a note to the report.

An agrochemical enterprise in a report on Form N 4-TER on the line “Combustible artificial coke gas” (reduced to 4000 kcal/cubic m) in column 2 will show 10,000 thousand cubic meters. m, in column 3 - 5500 thousand cubic meters. m, in column 4 - 4500 thousand cubic meters. m.

The coke-chemical enterprise, in the line “Flammable artificial coke gas” in column 2, will show the volume of gas returned to it in the amount of 4,500 thousand cubic meters. m.

Road transport enterprises include in their report in columns 3 and 4 data on the amount of gasoline and diesel fuel spent both for their own needs and for servicing third-party organizations; vehicles rented from individuals or small businesses; in the case of on-farm rental of vehicles by employees of the enterprise (employment relations associated with it).

Agricultural enterprises that attract vehicles from other enterprises and organizations for harvesting, the amount of fuel consumed by these vehicles is shown in columns 2, 3 and 4.

10. From the total consumption (column 3), fuel consumption data is highlighted as:

a) motor (column 4) - petroleum products, liquefied and compressed gas used in internal combustion engines - automobile, tractor, agricultural, aircraft engines, engines of sea, river vessels, etc.; This column also takes into account fuel consumption in chainsaws, units for pumping oil, petroleum products and gas;

b) as raw materials (column 5) - fuel resources used as raw materials for the production of chemical, petrochemical or other non-fuel products, i.e. the above-mentioned products were produced from this type of fuel. This column does not reflect the amount of fuel used to produce other types of fuel, with the exception of coking coal used to produce coke; fuel peat - for the production of peat briquettes and semi-briquettes;

c) for non-fuel needs (column 6) - fuel resources used as material for non-fuel needs. For example, coal, used as an additive to clay solutions when drilling oil wells, and also as a filtering agent; gas injected into the formation to maintain reservoir pressure; fuel peat, used as a heat-insulating material and for fertilizer; firewood used for the production of container boards; oil used for cleaning wells; fuel oil used as a lubricant, kerosene used for washing parts, etc. This column also provides information on the consumption of coke used as a reducing agent in the blast furnace process.

Data on the consumption of fuel resources used directly as boiler and furnace fuel (through its combustion) in the production of electricity and heat at power plants and boiler houses to create the necessary temperature conditions in technological processes are reflected only in column 3. For coke, only data on its consumption as boiler and furnace fuel.

The volume of boiler and furnace fuel consumption is determined as follows: gr. 3 - (gr. 4 + gr. 5 + gr. 6).

11. If the reporting enterprise - a consumer of fuel, of the total volume of fuel released (sold) part of it to other enterprises, then this amount is reflected in column 7 “In addition, supplied (sold) for the reporting year to other enterprises and organizations.” This also includes fuel previously borrowed by the reporting enterprise from the state reserve and returned during the reporting period.

If an enterprise sells fuel for heating or cooking to municipal or other facilities that are on their own balance sheet or on the balance sheet of other enterprises, but located in rented premises of administrative or industrial buildings of the reporting enterprise whose needs they serve, then this fuel is considered sold to third parties and is shown in column 7.

Organizations involved in the sale of fuel indicate in column 7 the entire volume of fuel they sold to other enterprises and organizations.

Fuel producing organizations do not reflect the sale of fuel from their own production (production) to other legal entities in column 7. Fuel sold by these enterprises directly to the population or supplied to their employees and pensioners is shown in column 8.

12. Column 8 “In addition, supplied (sold) to the population during the reporting year, including that supplied to workers and employees” lists all the fuel sold to the population, as well as supplied to workers, employees, and pensioners of the reporting enterprise (organization). This column also reflects fuel sold to homeowners' associations for the needs of the population (if the cost of fuel consumed is not provided for directly by the population). The homeowners' associations themselves report on form N 4-TER don't imagine.

The amount of natural gas sold to the population is determined by the bills paid in the reporting period, based on the established tariffs (when the cost of consumed gas is paid directly by the population, regardless of the form and method of payment).

If the reporting organization releases fuel to a fuel supply organization for subsequent sale from its warehouses to the public, workers and employees (fuel is recorded by the enterprise’s accounting department), then this fuel is reflected in the report of this enterprise(in column 8), and not the fuel supply organization.

Internal movements, that is, the receipt and consumption of fuel in the order of transfer from warehouse to warehouse, from one workshop to another, from the storeroom of a workshop to a warehouse, and other movements within the enterprise (organization) are not shown in this form.

Section 2. Collection and use of waste petroleum products

13. This section is filled out by all enterprises (organizations) that have waste petroleum products, except for oil depots.

Line 1810 “Used motor oil (WMO)” shows the movement of used motor oils (for aviation, piston, carburetor and diesel engines), compressor, vacuum oils, oils for rolling mills, as well as industrial oils that meet the requirements of Table 2 of GOST 21046- 86.

Line 1820 “Industrial waste oil (IWO)” shows the movement of used industrial oils and working fluids for hydraulic systems, gas turbine, insulating, instrument and turbine oils, oils for compressors of refrigeration machines that meet the requirements of Table 2 of GOST 21046-86.

Line 1830 “Mixture of waste petroleum products (SNO)” reflects the movement of oil flushing liquids; oils used in the heat treatment of metals, cylinders, transmissions; oil and liquid petroleum fuels extracted from treatment facilities and oil-containing waters.

Line 1800 "Total" is equal to the sum of lines 1810, 1820 and 1830.

14. Columns 1 and 8 indicate the balances of waste petroleum products by group and their total quantity, respectively, at the beginning and at the end of the reporting year.

Column 2 shows the amount of waste petroleum products by group and total collected by the enterprise (organization) during the reporting year, both from its own use and purchased externally.

Columns 3 - 5 indicate the amount of waste petroleum products by group and in total, used by the enterprise (organization) for its own needs and as raw materials for cleaning (regeneration) on existing regulatory equipment, as a component of boiler fuel, and for technological needs (lubrication of open and closed units friction, preservation, process lubrication, lubricant and technological additive).

Columns 6 and 7 indicate the quantity of waste petroleum products by group and in general, sold (delivered) to oil depots, as well as for export.

If the enterprise sold waste petroleum products to other enterprises, then when filling out Section II it is necessary to reduce the data in column 2 by the number of waste petroleum products transferred. Under this condition, the sum of columns 1 and 2 will be equal to the sum of columns 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

If an enterprise has destroyed part of the waste petroleum products, then in order to maintain a balance it is necessary to show this quantity in the balances at the end of the reporting year, indicating in a note to the report the volume of destroyed waste petroleum products.

With the introduction of this Directive, the previously in force Order on filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 4-fuel “Information on residues, receipt and consumption of fuel, collection and use of waste petroleum products”, approved by Resolution of the Federal State Statistics Service dated August 19, 2004 N 36.

Enterprise Statistics Department

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