The simplest and most ingenious landing pages. Best Landing Page - a selection of the best interactive Landing Pages. Logo, company name and contact information

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A large number of sites that are on the RuNet are very monotonous, and it is always necessary to create something new, unusual, and attracting attention. This time I decided to write an article not just about another effect on the site, but to show how these effects can be combined within one large project. This is very important so that your site does not look like a collection of animations meaninglessly appearing from different sides. I would like to present to your attention a selection of the 10 best interactive Landing Page, which are worth paying attention to.

I talked about where to start when learning how to create websites, and landing pages in particular, in a small mini-course: .

So, here is a selection of 9 landing pages where you can get inspiration:

Selection - the best interactive Landing Pages

1 Fixed Group

An excellent option for a site where you can’t even move the mouse, and you will immediately see the block with content distorted in response. Space slowly “floats” behind. Transitions also cannot leave you indifferent, because they all occur with an interesting effect, and it seems that each of the blocks is “cut” into two halves.

2 Fubiz

On this site, nothing appears when you scroll, but there are a lot of elements here: drop-down lists, color changes, the appearance of additional elements and descriptions. There are no sharp effects, everything is done in the same style. I recommend paying attention to the effects; some of them can be applied to your projects.

3 Vimeo

This project should already be familiar to you - it is a professional video hosting service. But this page talks about the ability to edit video directly from your mobile device. But I want to focus on the effects that occur when scrolling the page. First there is a decrease background image in the header, and then appears in the phone. Very attention-grabbing, isn't it?

4 Black Negative

A distinctive feature of this site over all others is its non-standard scrolling. As you may have noticed, it is horizontal. Also, movement occurs by dragging content to the left. But what’s even more impressive is the number of effects in each block: , , as well as the vertical scrolling of the blocks. The video in the background is a little confusing, but still everything is done quite original and unusual.

5 Super Top Secret

Here I want to draw your attention not to the hover effects, but to the background. After the site has fully loaded, when you move the mouse cursor, streaks appear in the background, like water. Also, with a click, stains are created, and this effect makes an excellent impression. You won't see this on every site.


As you scroll, various icons and headings appear (draw) on the page. Without realizing it, you begin to look at the drawing process and wait for what will appear there at the end, thereby reading the text that was drawn. If you are interested in how this effect is created and you want to create the same effect on your website or landing page, then study these articles: and.



What attracted me to this site were the hover effects. Although the site was created in a modern minimalist style, 3D objects are very beautifully combined here: opening postcards, the movement of objects on the postcard. Also note

The Landing Page is the first experience your customer (or potential customer) will have with your brand. The landing page should convey information, call to action, and reflect your personality. It's difficult!

If you simply paste your logo and product image onto the template, it will be obvious. The page will not provide the experience or information your customer expects. Designing a cool landing page that works requires planning and precision.

Let's look at ten tips on how to make a really good landing page with high conversions.

Set one, clear goal for the page

The very first thing to consider when creating a landing page design or making adjustments is the purpose of the page. What do you want users to do?

It could be:

Then everything on your landing page should be designed and aimed at getting users closer to that goal.

BarkBox sells dog toys. The landing page above is for promoting a special product on Valentine's Day. It is thematic, but encourages users to make a purchase. Notice that each button says "Start".

Design for your audience

The landing page must be adapted to the users who will use it. This sounds obvious, but few people actually do it.

People and images in design should be relevant to users. The text is written in the voice and tone in which these users speak.

Design development landing page the “I want it like his” principle remained in 2014, when the effectiveness of the selling page was revealed to the maximum, and companies realized that with the help of a landing page they can not only quickly sell a product/service, but also reveal themselves from a creative point of view. Modern landing pages are not only a selling structure, but also an excellent opportunity to create a WOW effect in a visitor, to admire the idea of ​​the page and its implementation.

If you don't want to bother, you can download the prototype " perfect landing page page" and create a page based on the rules, write a title, offer, advantages and benefits, insert a trust block and a button with a call to action and go to sleep with the thought that the work has been done to perfection. But if you want to exceed expectations target audience, and let’s be honest, and your expectations too, then use the landing page examples that we considered the best.

All 9 examples, collected from the Internet, we thought were cool. Simplicity, consistent with the landing page principle, convenience and consideration of the basic requirements inherent in the landing page, make examples of selling Landing pages highly converting.

Example of a selling site No. 1

The first landing that we will consider has an incredibly attractive and stylish design, but poorly thought out marketing component and copywriting. On the first screen we see bright banner without any unique selling proposition, the emphasis is on a striking photo. When visiting a one-page website, it is initially unclear whether it is dedicated to one unique product or a whole series, which is already initial stage confuses the client.

Each person has a specific goal, why he needs a product or service. In this block we will observe dry selection criteria, but not the final need. At the same time, “from and to” indicators can confuse the client. In this case, it is better to focus on maximum characteristics. Describing a product in the style of “brevity is the sister of talent” raises a certain question about competence.

The essence of the block should be to obtain advice from a professional who knows everything about the product and is ready to give proper advice about the product depending on the client’s operating conditions.

It’s hard to imagine how the simplest landing block can be made so complex and incomprehensible. In addition, texts must be written in the style of addressing the client. Not “leave a request”, but “leave a request”.

Landing page example No. 2

Cool landing page structure, corporate design and amazing work by the marketer made this landing page our favorite. It is clear that the client took a responsible approach to the selection of videos and photos for the development studio. On the first screen we see a unique selling proposition, several needs and criteria have been completed. The most powerful and beautiful element is a video instead of a background, which reveals the essence of the training and the equipment of the gym.

Interest is sparked by the criteria.

Professional and bright photos and video materials further stir up interest in the service.

We “pressure” the visitor with a number of advantages and cover the needs, arouse “desire”.

The logical final part of the AIDA structure is the “action” block.

Example landing page no. 3

Unique image, stylish insert with USP, navigation menu, bright design The first block and the call-style heading in general make you want to sign up for a trial training session. A button with a call to action also contributes to this. The navigation arrow is missing, which should indicate that there is also new information below. The next block is advantages in the form of criteria. Made in the form of icons with a brief description.

An excellent solution was to place a block with a call to action with a discount offer and a time limit. Photos inspire confidence in the visitor, motivate, and are also an unusual and stylish addition to the design.

An excellent block with motivation for the first lesson. The big minus is the character of a different nationality.

An example of a landing page demonstrates the style and conciseness of the design, but, at the same time, motivates the reader to the main action due to the absence of distracting details and minimal colors.

Landing Page Example #4

A good landing page developed by our web studio, which can become a role model and inspiration for other developers and clients. The one-page website reveals the problem of the target audience (in our case, women with large breasts), and immediately solves it through a high-quality offer.

Each block is an exact hit to the pain of the target consumer. Immediately behind it is the correct and competent solution to clients’ experiences based on their discomfort.

A bonus for both the visitor and the landing page in terms of lead generation is a block of benefits and advantages, supplemented with real photographs that clearly demonstrate the result.

A great way to communicate benefits not only verbally, but also visually. Thus, all information is perceived better.

Social proof uses two powerful marketing elements. A video that once again puts pressure on the problem and talks about the benefits of properly selected underwear.

And a photo of the company director with his address to the client.

A large amount of negative white space, due to which attention is concentrated on the content, as well as a fairly simple design of the content, create the impression of a stylish and modern design. The landing page is captivating with its concept and converts visitors into clients thanks to competent marketing.

Landing page example #5

A stylish example of a landing page focused on selling a service - the design and construction of luxury private houses and cottages. The landing page was developed according to the AIDA marketing strategy - a classic that tirelessly demonstrates its effectiveness.

Each block demonstrates an integrated approach of a marketer, copywriter and designer. Powerful and motivating calls to action, original and stylistic graphic images and the selling text do not leave the visitor a single chance except to cause him to take the action that is expected of him.

The main goal of a one-page website is to form a positive impression of the company and its reputation, which becomes the main motivator for the target audience, which is wealthy consumers. This group of target audience is less interested in the issue of price, more interested in the image and capabilities of the performing company. Therefore, the landing page aims to highlight the benefits of a construction company.

In total, with the help of this selling one-page website, the consumer is provided with a solution to his problem in finding a reliable and professional contractor. The landing page fully reveals everything strengths companies that become a motivator for cooperation.

Example of a successful landing page No. 6

Here is an excellent example of a beautiful and functional landing page. Modern design with thematic pictures, developed in a combination of dark and light tones with bright accent inserts creates a pleasant impression of nobility.

This landing page has a distinctive feature that other developers rarely use. It reveals the issue of price as much as possible, inviting the user to choose independently price range, having considered the options that he can afford.

This is a very convenient and practical function that visually shows the user online all the offers that are suitable for the price. Another advantage of a one-page website is its focus on all the requests of the target buyer. Using this landing page, a visitor can get advice, place an order, get an idea of ​​the cost of a kitchen set, and also receive an estimate for their order. Each opportunity comes with a call to action.

Overall, the project inspires confidence in the company. And this is the main thing that a one-page website offering services should form for a potential buyer. After all, it is based on trust in the performer that the client turns from potential to real.

Landing page example #7

We chose this landing page example because it is fundamentally different from the usual traditional one-pagers.

The site is dedicated to the milk delivery service. But it is made in a comic form and is aimed only at a small group of the target audience.

After reading the storytelling, which is where the one-page page begins, it becomes clear that it is aimed at young people who are interested in slang.

There is no selling structure or elaboration of problems here, as can be seen in the previous beautiful examples of landing pages. However, the message of the site is clear and interesting, so the landing page itself has a place.

A large amount of information content, which is presented “for fun” to make you smile, is complemented by an audio playback function, which also adds humor to the page. But, scrolling a little lower, we see a block with a call to action, typical of “classic” selling landing pages.

There is no social proof, no block of trust, no blocks of advantages and benefits. But there is a recipe for cutlets :-)

It’s difficult to say about the effectiveness of this landing page. What is obvious is that the page is interesting, with excellent design and “school” humor. And despite the fact that such projects are a rare occurrence in the field of Internet marketing, they are worthy of existence, as they will definitely find their audience.

Example of a selling site landing page No. 8

An example of another of our work that deserves attention. The landing page sells a service for selling or renting mobile stands/photo zones. With the help of this one-page page, a potential client finds all the answers to his questions.

An excellent solution for those who want to understand the service in detail. There are unique photographs for each category of service, the cost of each with the ability to immediately select the one you are interested in. For those who could not make a choice, the landing page offers a service individual order indicating personal requests, formatted as a call to action.

The benefits block focuses on the convenience of cooperation.

The block of benefits is supplemented by a block of company advantages, which together create a powerful motivation for the client to act.

An interesting design solution that combines white and dark gray with red elements to create a stylish aftertaste when viewing the landing page. Unlike other landing pages that work on the problems of the target audience, offering their solution, this project reveals all the advantages of the company’s services, and also helps the client find answers to all his questions.

Example landing page No. 9

This landing page, which was developed by our web studio, holds the visitor’s attention from the first turn of the screen and motivates him to action. A landing page dedicated to selling design and construction services opens up a ton of opportunities for the client. This is confirmed by the form feedback, allowing you to immediately order an individual project or download a free example of a project.

When choosing a contractor, a potential client needs the reputation and experience of the company. It is on this information that the consumer forms benefits for himself.

A special bonus for the visitor is real photographs of projects created by the company. Bright, beautiful and attractive photos become a plus for the visitor’s trust.

Next is the block of “goodies”. That bonus that competitors rarely offer is the opportunity for the client to look at the houses built by the company with his own eyes. This service does not oblige the visitor to order the service. But with the help of the feedback form, the visitor already becomes a lead.

As a result, the client is presented with a website with an original design, thoughtful structure and concept, and competent content, which has a comprehensive effect on page conversion, leading to high efficiency.

Parting words

The modern user, sophisticated with the countless number of sales pages that catch his eye, is already tired of the same type. Today, uniqueness has come into fashion; the more interesting and unusual the landing page, the higher the likelihood that it will attract the user’s attention. In addition, good and exclusive design is always a plus: both to surprise the visitor and to please yourself. And a pleasantly surprised visitor is at least +10% to conversion. We wish you original and delicious ideas! And if you have any difficulties with this, you can always order a landing page from our web studio.

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Landing is the face of your company on the World Wide Web; if the user doesn’t like it, he will simply close the page and forget about you. To prevent this from happening, we suggest studying the best landing pages. Examples will help you navigate creating your own one-page website.

From this article you will learn:

  1. What is a landing page
  2. Who better to entrust its creation
  3. 13 tips for creating a landing page + successful examples
  4. What should a landing page be like for an online store?
  5. Examples of high-converting landing pages

What is a landing page

You can find a lot of materials and descriptions of practical examples on the topic of creating landing pages. This topic is really vast, so it’s difficult to collect all the methods and tips in one article, but we did it briefly, describing everything in accessible language.

Landing is a one-page site. Its task is to attract the visitor’s attention and encourage him to take the action desired by the customer (purchase a product, subscribe to a newsletter, call, leave a request).

If we turn to the original meaning, landing page translated from English means “target” or “ landing page" Many such resources are widely available on the Internet.

Three reasons to create a landing page:

  • Good motivation. A high-quality landing page stimulates the visitor to take the necessary actions.
  • Creation speed. A landing page can be created quickly enough, and the cost of work in this case is significantly lower than when writing a full-fledged website.
  • Possibility of transformation. If necessary, making changes to the landing page will not be difficult.

Three tasks of a landing page:

  1. Selling a product. For this purpose, stimulating words are used (“buy”, “leave a request”, “call”, “place an order”).
  2. Collection of information. The terms “subscribe” and “learn more” are used for this purpose.
  3. Spreading software through sales.

Algorithm for making sales using a landing page consists of four stages:

  • visitors saw a link to the landing page (for example, 100 people);
  • became interested, clicked and made the transition (for example, 40 people);
  • left a request (for example, 10 people);
  • purchased the product (for example, two people).

A return of 2% is a good result. It cannot, of course, be called winning, but in this case there is room for further improvement.

A landing page is necessary for a company in the following cases:

1. Low conversion of the company’s main Internet resource.

If visitors quickly leave a company's website without making a purchase or other necessary actions, this indicates low conversion. At the same time, the enterprise may not have the resources to relaunch this site or create a new one, the selling capabilities of which will be significantly better.

PP/OP * 100%,

where PP is the number of users who performed the target action, OP is the total number of visitors to the resource per day.

For example, in 24 hours, 360 people visited your site, 18 visitors subscribed. In this case, the conversion will be 5%.

In RuNet, average website conversion rates fluctuate at 0.5%, while landing page conversions range from 5 to 10%. This difference demonstrates the clear advantage of landing pages over full-fledged websites.

2. Launch of a new product.

In this case, it is necessary to place contextual advertising on the landing page that is identical to the banners that will appear to visitors search engines when entering the necessary requests.

3. Solving a specific problem.

Many marketing tasks can arise simultaneously, so it is not advisable to change the company’s main website to accommodate them. To solve them, a landing page is created.

However, in order for it to truly “work”, the following actions must be taken:

However, it is a mistake to consider the landing page as the only communication channel. It is an auxiliary tool. The main actions are carried out using a blog, e-mail marketing, etc. Putting everything on a one-page website is extremely ineffective.

If a visitor wants to find your company using search engines, examples of a constantly updated corporate blog and communication on your pages on social networks will help him understand that the company does not exist on paper. Therefore, it will be easier for him to decide to make a call or request by returning to the one-page page.

Simply put, this is an example of a sales landing page that “works” in conjunction with other company marketing resources that enhance the sales effect.

Who to trust to create your landing page

Your landing page should have clear instructions

The image above shows an excellent example of a landing page that does not sell or ask for a download, but it is very effective because it presents the information that visitors are interested in (in particular, the search for original auto parts) in a concise and accessible way.

A laconic design, a clear offer that meets the requirements of a huge number of thematic queries, clear instructions - this is an example of a high-quality landing page.

Make your call to action clear

When a visitor visits the site for the first time, he automatically begins to look for an answer to the question he is interested in, thanks to which he switched to your landing page. The less time spent searching, the higher the chances of getting that client. The statistics are merciless: 80% of the target audience leaves the page in the first 15 seconds. Causes:

  • It is impossible to immediately find the information of interest.

It is not for nothing that this material constantly mentions stimulating words “subscribe”, “order”, “buy”, etc. Such a call immediately attracts the visitor’s attention. This example may seem funny to some, but if your landing page has a big red button labeled “buy now”, this can give excellent results.

  • No specific offer.

Numerous animations, Caps Lock, unclear page navigation disorients the visitor, who cannot find the button responsible for purchasing or receiving a newsletter, and wants to quickly leave this chaos.

To add specificity to the call and make it clear, you need to follow the rules:

  • Two rectangular red buttons with a capacious verb in the center, placed at the beginning and end of the page.
  • The text must be made extremely clear. Any visitor should immediately understand what he will get as a result of certain actions.
  • “Garbage” that distracts from the main idea is unacceptable» (incomprehensible graphics, non-thematic images, third-party banners, etc.).
  • The exclusivity of the product is emphasized by the numbers. Leave synonymous praising adjectives to your competitors. The visitor should see mathematically expressed results of using your product, especially if it is compared with analogues. A red button must accompany these examples.
  • Show your client how profitable your offer is. It is also better to use numbers here.

But you should not consider the client a beginner in online sales, using obvious advertising tricks or using them in excess. The visitor will consider such an offer too intrusive and will probably leave your landing page.

Consider relevance

Contextual advertising and landing page must be relevant, that is, their content must correspond to each other and the expectations of a potential client. Otherwise, a visitor who clicks on a thematic banner and goes to your landing page will not be able to immediately find the information they are interested in and will most likely leave the resource.

It is necessary to effectively generate a landing page for each traffic channel ( social media, contextual advertising, etc.).

Above is an example of a high-quality landing page using a large number of keywords.

Prepare responses to customer objections

Only one in 10 customers purchases a product without thinking twice. Most landing page visitors carefully weigh their choice, fearing fraud or dissatisfaction with the product. Fears may also be based on the client’s desire to keep the fact of the purchase secret.

Such fears are natural and cannot be avoided. Therefore, the landing page text should predict them in advance and reassure the client. Add convincing arguments to your content that can completely dispel all doubts:

  • Money back guarantee. The client must be sure that he will be able to return the product he does not like within a certain time.
  • Free testing, which gives the customer the opportunity to try the product without paying in advance.

Such a selling example of a landing page is the landing page of a vocal studio offering online singing lessons.

What should a landing page be like for an online store (examples)

Any purchase on the Internet is necessarily accompanied by filling out a large number of registration forms and many iterations related to account confirmation, etc. Such actions take a lot of time and cannot be avoided. This approach forces some visitors to abandon the purchase.

Landing page does not require registration or account confirmation. After filling out several lines, the visitor’s data is automatically entered into the client database, and he has the opportunity to order a “call back”.

Don’t forget that the conversion rate of a landing page is often 10 times higher than that of a full-fledged website. The multi-page format of a web resource can confuse the visitor, who sometimes forgets about the original purpose of his “visit”.

A one-page website does not allow this, because the information on it is presented extremely clearly and concisely, and the offer itself is concise and encourages a person to take the necessary actions. When converting to mobile devices landing page leads to an increase in sales (growth rates reach up to 30%).

When a one-page website is equipped with a catalog and full-fledged online store capabilities, it is able to increase sales of one product category. The product is placed on the landing page and sold from there. Or from a one-page site the visitor is directed to the catalog to the product page.

If a shopping cart is placed on the landing page, it automatically becomes a store. The client will find out all the information of interest in the shortest possible time and make a purchase in one click.

Landing page for selling watches

Watches were, are and will be one of the most popular products. Depending on the functionality, they can be a sign of a certain status and perform specific tasks. Such a wide range of opportunities gives rise to enormous competition in this niche, and it is extremely difficult to gain a leading position here.

A selling landing page is perfect for this purpose. For example, to go to a one-page site, you can use teaser, targeted and contextual advertising, and social networks.

For a landing page to make your watch stand out from your competitors, it must have an original structure, attractive design, and meaningful content. To do this, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. For placement on the landing page, it is better to use images taken in your watch store. As a rule, stock photos are too hackneyed and therefore will not inspire confidence among visitors. With the help of a picture, you can create a certain mood in the client, so you should think through the idea of ​​​​the photo in advance.
  2. If a visitor is not completely sure of his choice, he will add several options to the cart. Most likely, none of them will meet absolutely all the wishes, and the purchase will not be completed. Make a choice for the buyer, stylistically highlighting the best option.
  3. You can post photos of employees or managers. This “humanization” of the landing page will help increase customer loyalty.
  4. Any purchase is emotionally charged. Show visitors how buying a watch makes people feel and subsequent ownership.
  5. They “work” to increase the loyalty of new customers

In this article we will look at 5 examples of the best landing pages taken from, recognized by world designers as the most popular website for web design, foreign customers for finding developers and the best for inspiration and drawing new ideas.

Below are the best landing pages that were selected directly by our web studio. We took the TOP works on the site and chose a landing page with the most effective selling structures, because it is the selling structure that is the main advantage of a landing page.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet the coolest and best selling landing pages of 2017-2018 according to the version of the popular site

Examples of the best landing page

To organize examples of the best landing pages, we decided to break them down into blocks specific to the sales page. We will look at the USP, description of the product, benefits and benefits, trust block and CTA using examples of selected landing pages. You will be able to see design and structure options, gaining valuable information and new ideas.

Unique selling proposition

The first example of the USP of the best landing page of 2019 is a company selling chairs.

The first thing that catches your eye is the photograph of the product. A stylish chair really attracts attention, which is fueled by a unique selling proposition. Please note that the USP in this case is non-standard; there are no facts about the company or the benefits of the purchase. But at the same time, powerful selling text and high-quality images do their job - they increase the visitor’s interest, which is the principle of the selling structure. It’s worth saying right away that the very same advantage of the product is placed on the second and third slides of the first screen.

Each slide contains photographs of the product from different angles and a description of it. A very powerful move that motivates the reader to scroll down the page. See more examples of landing pages and get new ideas for your project.

The next example of the best, in our opinion, landing page is the landing page of a company selling honey

Juicy, bright, interesting. Very cool design first screen. At the same time, the unique selling proposition reveals the main advantage - the environmental friendliness of the product. The USP is written in a soft form, but at the same time inspires confidence.

The following example of the best landing page

The first screen combines a USP that provides value to a potential client, as well as a short list of short benefits. A very interesting photo was taken of a product that subconsciously makes you want to place an order. Which, in general, is what an effective landing page offers on the first screen.

The first screen with the USP contains text that arouses interest, 3 advantages of the manufacturer, a CTA with a button and a video that allows you to find out more information about the company. The screen is decorated with a beautiful photo of a furnished interior, emphasizing the exclusivity of the product.

Another example of a cool landing page

One immediately notices the absolute unreadability of the text. Why the developers designed the text in white on a white background remains a mystery. But, we repeat, the best landing is the one that has a clearly developed selling structure, and this example of work is one of those. A stylish screen with a not very effective, barely visible USP. Unfortunately, the photograph of the company's services does not give an idea of ​​its activities - a big mistake by the developers.

Want to know more about USP? Read the article with recommendations for creating a USP on the Impulse Design website.

Product Description

In the first example, the visitor is given the opportunity to view product variations and select its type. The block is very convenient to use. All photographs from the catalog are placed in the form of sliders, there are buttons for choosing the color of the box and examples of finished works are given. The visitor visually understands what is being offered to him. If he decides to order a product, the “Order” button will help him with this.

The following example of a product description of the best selling landing page contains large and bright photos and categories.

In addition, for the convenience of the visitor, a lead generation button is provided. She “kills” two birds with one stone. The visitor receives the information he is interested in, and the company receives the client.

The selling structure of the landing page should include user friendliness. Convenience in everything: making a decision and its implementation, viewing the product. In the case of the following example of product descriptions, ease of use is revealed by 100%.

Firstly, the types of products are presented, and secondly, under each type there is a lead-generating button. When you hover the mouse over the chair, the photo changes and the product is presented in a different position, which helps the user understand the principle of operation of the product and its appearance.

The next sales landing page contains full catalog products provided by the company. A special plus - beautiful design and matching the colors to the general theme of the site.

Conciseness is a landing page’s best friend. And the following example of the best landing page confirms this.

Stylish and modest, on a white background, the emphasis is on the photo and a small description of the service with a lead-generating button. The remaining services are made in the form of active links, when clicked on, other photographs with descriptions corresponding to the services are opened.

Benefits and advantages of a one-page website

The benefits and advantages of the company for the client are an effective motivation. Typically, benefits are placed at the beginning of the site to spark user interest, and benefits are placed towards the end, pushing the visitor to the target action. Both blocks should contain valuable information, answer questions, and suppress the fears of a potential client. Let's look at examples of cool landing pages.


Both blocks reveal the values ​​of the company and a specific product. The reader understands where the product can be used and its quality characteristics. As a supplement, shown competitive advantages the company itself.

The next landing page combines advantages and benefits. By reading and viewing the content, the user is convinced of the professionalism of the manufacturer, which suppresses his main fear - receiving a low-quality product. This trigger demonstrates the best example of a conversion landing page.

In the same block, a feature has been introduced that increases user confidence in the company - a video that will tell you more about the manufacturer.

The following landing page shows a similar combination of benefits and benefits.

In this case, fears are eliminated. The potential buyer knows that natural honey is a wild rarity. In the case of a one-page website, the naturalness of the product is confirmed with numbers. In addition, the user can obtain information about the product by clicking on a button and contacting company representatives.

Another block of advantages has a very stylish design and, in general, is quite interesting. The professionalism of the designer is visible, which definitely attracts attention.

It would seem that the advantages can be described in 4 words “Delivery throughout Russia”, but graphics card adds uniqueness to the landing page. In addition, the map itself has a thematic focus, which makes the landing very cool.

TOP best landing pages contain interesting and effective solutions. The next landing has a small block of advantages, which is located immediately below the block with the USP. The benefits block is designed separately and answers the client’s questions about cost, and also increases desire through discounts.

And another selling landing page that reveals the company’s advantages and benefits for the client. The company's operating principle, which suppresses existing fears, is described as advantages.

Increased desire thanks to a small block of benefits

At the same time, the company demonstrates the benefits for the client not only by using high-quality products during the procedure, but also by hinting that cosmetics are on sale. This is what the button with CTA testifies to.

Trust block on landing page

The trust block is not a mandatory requirement for a landing page, unlike, for example, a call-to-action block. However, it helps the user decide on the target action. After all, the landing page, based on its specifics, does not provide a large amount of informational text about the company. Therefore, it is better if the trust block is implemented in other ways. Let's see how the TOP landing pages dealt with this.

Option 1. Reviews

The review block on the website is very practical and convenient. A separate plus is the photos of real people: not models, not pictures of people, openly taken from the Internet.

Option 2. Video

Perhaps the video is one of the most effective ways influence a person. Video messages always increase trust due to direct contact with users who have already become clients and convey their emotions “live.”

Option 3. Photos

Very often, to increase trust, photographs of real specialists who work in the company are posted. In our case, we decided to post real photos of the interior. Looking at them, one gets the impression of elitism. And elite cannot be low-quality. Consequently, trust in the company increases.

For dessert. Call to Action (CTA)

The first landing page has a “juicy” CTA, designed in the same style as the website. The desire to place an order is enhanced by a discount.

The only negative is that the block is placed in the middle of the page. Ideally, there should have been another call at the very end; instead, small buttons were added that are not immediately obvious.

The following call to action contains not only a lead generation button, but also additional benefits for the client. A very thoughtful call.

Our review ends with another call to action, designed in rich colors that attract attention.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the selling structure of the selling page is the main and mega-important tool for increasing website conversion. It is impossible to say which of the structures given in the best landing pages will be the most effective. Let's just say one thing: each structure must best meet the needs of the target audience and maximize the advantage of the company/product/service. Add to this a stylish and vibrant design, and you are sure to get stunning landing page conversions. Well, if you are not yet able to create your own selling one-page website, you can always order a landing page from us.

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