Fast mailbox. How to create an email for free - instructions for registering a mailbox (email). Spam Protection

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Why and when might you need temporary mail?

Well, for example, on the web, most online services and sites that require registration (forums, blogs, social networks, various communities, etc.) as an identity identifier still require an email address (usually on they send him an email with a link or a code to confirm that he belongs to you).

Is the situation familiar? Many people indicate their main mailbox when registering, and then they are forced (as, for example, I do it) to rake tons in search of something important among it. Someone winds up for registration, which is a good solution.

But you can also use the services of temporary e-mail, to receive a box in which no need to waste time. This is especially true in case of forced registration anywhere on the network, when you do not plan to use the created account in the future.

This case can look like a mirror to the main email address or as independent mailboxes, but working for a limited time (for example, temporary mail exists ten minutes, several hours or several days).

10 Services to Create Temporary Email Addresses

Actually, disposable mail can be used in dozens of other cases, for example, when you want to send someone a message anonymously. Or during some kind of Internet voting, when, in order to avoid cheating, there is a binding to a mailbox, and here one-time mail will come in handy (for those who want to bypass this restriction).

Let's immediately move from theory to practice and see how it all works in reality. We will feel and draw conclusions about whether it is worth it and what exactly it makes sense to adopt.

  1. anonymous disposable mail. A temporary email address is generated automatically when you switch to home page this service. You can see it and copy it at the top left of the page.

    The interface is Russian-language and intuitive (more like an e-mail service than others). If you do not like the option of the mailbox received by default, then you can choose the name and domain zone for it by clicking on the "Change" button from the left menu.

    Received Email live for about an hour. If you no longer need the box, you can delete it.

    They also have browser plugins for Chrome / Opera and an Android app.

  2. Discard Email- a disposable Email service that allows you to choose not only any name for the mailbox, but also choose a domain (what comes after it) from a dozen options.

    Although the service is bourgeois, it has the ability to switch to the Russian interface. As far as I understand, mail is stored in it for up to 30 days and at the same time files up to ten megabytes in size can be attached to incoming letters.

  3. offers to create a mailbox by automatically generating an address, or choosing the name of your future mailbox.

    The service allows you to select a domain from the list, domains are regularly added and updated. The service supports the Russian-language interface. Letters are stored for 60 minutes, and the box itself lives until the session changes or you delete it.

  4. one of the most serious and functional temporary mail services. There are essentially no time limits, but if you reload the page, a new one-time email will open. However, the "Restore Access" button appeared to enter previously created boxes.

    It will also be possible to set up forwarding of correspondence to your main Email in order to always have access to the correspondence coming to this one-time mailbox. If you wish, you can create a new box with the name you need and the ability to choose one of three domain zones. All in all, awesome service.

  5. GetAirMail- after clicking on the "Get Temporary Email" button, your temporary (for the next 24 hours) Email address will be automatically generated, which you can copy at the top of the page that opens. A little lower, the check of the contents of this box will begin with a ten-second interval. Actually, everything.
  6. Guerrillamail- not a very user-friendly interface, but you can get used to it. The name for the mailbox is generated automatically, but you can change it to your own and select the appropriate domain, i.e. the email ending that comes after @.

  7. Incognito Mail- by going under this Url, you will need to come up with a login (or get a generated version) and become a “caliph for an hour” with a temporary mailbox like [email protected] and a lifespan of just one hour (it will be possible, if necessary, to extend it to a full hour ). At the same time, it is possible to respond to incoming letters, which may be relevant for someone.
  8. MailForSpam- from the name it is obvious that this mail is intended for receiving spam. She, so to speak, is ready to take the fire upon herself, especially since it is not very expensive for the owners, because letters are stored there for a very limited time and are deleted as they need free space on the server (this can happen several times a day or just once per month).

    The interface, by the way, can be switched to Russian, but even without it, in my opinion, it is the height of conciseness. Just enter the desired login and click on "Login" to view incoming emails. What could be easier?

  9. MailInator- this temporary mailbox can store no more than ten messages at a time (each weighing no more than 120 KB), while all existing attachments to letters are deleted. To start working with it, it will be enough to enter the desired name of the box and click on the "Check it" button:

    As a result, a page with the contents of your new Email will open, where incoming letters will be stored for several hours. They can be viewed and, if desired, write a response.

  10. MinteMail- a fairly simple service, where you don’t even need to enter anything. Immediately after clicking on the link in the right upper corner you will see an automatically generated temporary email. Copy it, and without closing the page, register (or for what else did you need a temporarily anonymous mailing address with a lifespan of three hours) in order to wait a little to see the message that arrived there.

8 free one-time anonymous mail services

3 services of temporary mail with the substitution of the addressee

Well, in conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of services that allow you to replace the contents of the fields of the addressee or Email address from which the message is sent. It’s hard for me to immediately imagine situations when this may be needed, but at least you will know where to look if such a situation suddenly arises (you can add this publication to your browser bookmarks for every fireman - I added).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Quite often it happens that you need to register on some site that you plan to use only once. Forums, blogs, file hosting and even some general wifi hotspots asking for your email address. Then you find that your mailbox is full of spam, promotional messages and other nonsense that is sent to you from everywhere you registered.

Temporary email services are designed to solve this problem. With the help of disposable mailboxes, you can register where you need to, without worrying that you will be annoyed by unwanted correspondence.

Please note that some sites and forums do not allow the use of temporary email when registering. You can get around this limitation by trying a different email domain.

Popular disposable email service. To use it, you need to specify your real mailing address where messages will be sent. The number of messages to be sent can be configured. In addition, you can choose how long the temporary mailbox will last.

Registration with TrashMail is optional, but registered users can create multiple temporary addresses. You can choose one of 16 mail domains.

If you need a lot of disposable mailing addresses, you can register account TrashMail Plus for $21.99 per year. A paid account allows you to create up to 5,000 temporary email addresses with an unlimited number of forwarded messages.

TrashMail has extensions for Chrome and Firefox that make it easy to register quickly.

Guerrilla Mail is one of the oldest disposable email providers in operation since 2006. Unlike TrashMail, Guerrilla Mail does not allow you to create multiple email addresses and does not ask for your real email address.

The received address will only be valid for one hour. But Guerrilla Mail is much easier to use and completely free.

In addition to the web interface, there is an application for Android.


nada - service disposable mail from the creators - popular mail client for Mac and iPhone. nada does not require registration or a real address. In addition, the service is absolutely free.

nada allows you to create up to 10 addresses at a time. You can use a randomly generated address or create your own by choosing from ten email domains.

The service stores received messages for a week. The number of attachments in incoming emails is not limited.

The mobile version of the nada web interface allows you to work with the service on any smartphones running Android and iOS.

Easy to use disposable mail service. The time of work of the created mailbox is not limited, the address is available until you refresh the page. In addition, you can create an infinite number of mailboxes.

DropMail comes with a built-in forwarding feature so you can make your temporary address permanent if needed. DropMail is very fast and does not require registration.

Mailinator has one feature. When creating a disposable mailbox, you can enter any address. If it's already taken, you can still use it. You can read all mails in mailboxes created by other users. They will also be able to read your emails. So Mailinator should not be used when registering on really important sites and forums.

If necessary, you can register on Mailinator, making your temporary mailboxes private and inaccessible to other users. In addition, the service provides special tariff plans for developers and businesses, but for personal use, the free version is enough.

It is a popular and free disposable email provider. Fake Mail Generator allows you to create your own email address and choose from ten domains. The mailbox is valid for 24 hours.

Like Mailinator, Fake Mail Generator allows all users to read emails in any disposable mailbox if their address is known.

Temp Mail is a fairly well-known disposable mail service. It is very simple and virtually devoid of settings. Just open it and copy your temporary email address. Your mailbox is valid until you delete it, but all received messages disappear within an hour.

In addition to the web interface, you can interact with the service using extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Opera, as well as through applications for Android and iOS.

10MinuteMail differs from most similar services in that it has the ability to reply to received emails. In addition, they can be sent to your real postal address.

You don't need to register to use 10MinuteMail. Just open the service in a browser and copy the generated address. It is unique for each user, so no one else can read your emails.

As the name of the service suggests, mailboxes live here for ten minutes. But if necessary, you can extend this period. The service is absolutely free.

The presence of e-mail has become a necessary condition for an active lifestyle of a successful person. Working with electronic "soap", the user receives a lot of advantages.

Benefits of using email

  • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
  • High degree of information storage reliability (many mail resources contribute to increasing the level of user data security, for example, accepting a password of only increased complexity, having a security question, etc.).
  • The ability to receive mailings and notifications from interested Internet resources.
  • Availability (checking emails can be done both from a PC and from a mobile device).

Creating e-mail is possible on various hostings - Yandex,,, etc. These mail services provide free services, which is another indisputable advantage of electronic mailboxes.

How to create an email, and what you need for this

In order to start a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. The algorithm of how to create an email on each of the hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step-by-step instruction creation of electronic "soap" on some services.

"Yandex Mail

Register on

In order to create an e-mail Mail, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. To get started, go to the domain and select the "Registration in the mail" column.
  2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
  3. Then the user comes up with a login (nickname), options for which can also be offered by the service (similar to the Yandex example).
  4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains -,, - and then completes the registration.

How to Create a Gmail Email

In addition to the Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also very popular. Its essential difference is that the level of its reliability is an order of magnitude higher than that of domestic analogues. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. In addition, to download some computer programs from Western official Internet resources, registration is required only through Google mail. "Yandex" or the same "Mail" does not perceive a foreign site as e-mail. If you need to get a Western online wallet, such as PayPal, payment system will confirm only their “native” Gmail mail.

Considering all the advantages of such a mailbox, you need to immediately proceed to its creation. The step-by-step algorithm for installing "foreign soap" is as follows:

  1. You need to find the Gmail service. To do this, the corresponding name is written in the search string and the first result that appears on the page is selected.
  2. In the window that opens, select the "Create an account" button.
  3. After that, a registration sheet will appear in which you need to enter the following data: first name, last name, login and password. The system also provides its own nickname options. The language of the control panel can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
  4. Next, you need to enter the captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. The word in the form of a secret password is written in such a way that not every user can enter it without errors the first time.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the "Login to mail" dialog box.
  6. At the same moment, 3 messages will come to the mailbox, the first of which is necessary to set up the Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of the account.
  7. In the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) the search history - a list of those Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

The algorithm of how to create an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various mail services open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities for the user.

Undoubtedly, each Internet user has to indicate his e-mail address quite often to register on various sites and services. And sometimes, e-mail is needed only to confirm registration and it is undesirable to indicate a real e-mail, in order to avoid receiving spam and commercial mailings. At this moment, temporary mail services come to our aid, which provide us with a one-time e-mail box free of charge, where you can get the required information and not worry about any problems that may arise as a result of compromising your email address. In this article, we will get acquainted with several sites that provide a temporary mailbox for free and briefly consider the capabilities of each service.

Crazy mail ing - Temporary Disposable E-mail without registration

Tempmail- Temporary service email addresses

The box can be deleted before the expiration of the specified time. The rest is a simple convenient service.

Discard.Email - Your disposable e-mail.

  • an email box in the domain of your choice
  • random email generator
  • addon for firefox and internet explorer and a widget for opera for quick access to the mailbox
  • setting up automatic forwarding from a temporary box to your main email address
  • alternative domains (all emails that come to your temporary mailbox in any of the alternative domains are automatically forwarded to a mailbox in the domain)
  • letters are stored for 8 days
  • email without a password - access to the mailbox by link or mailbox name
  • your own YOPmail chat

In general, an interesting service with its "chips" =)

10minutemail - Beat Spam - The best disposable email site.

In conclusion, one cannot fail to mention the disposable e-mail service Compared to some sites that provide the ability to create a temporary e-mail box (Discard.Email, YOPmail), this service has rather poor functionality. Go to the main page - and your temporary mailbox is instantly displayed. It is given for 10 minutes, but you can infinitely extend the life of the box by clicking on the link “Give another 10 minutes”. Despite this simplicity, is one of the most popular temporary mail services. Hope you like it)))

So, this concludes our review of temporary mail services. Of course, their number is much larger than those with whom we met, but I dare to assure you, these 5 will be enough for you. Keep in mind that some sites add mailboxes of these services to the black list and you will not be able to confirm the registration. Usually this is reported during the registration process on the site. But - no problem. Failed one site, try another. Or try choosing a different domain for the mailbox on Discard.Email . Thank you for your attention, clean mail and good mood!

Often on the Internet there are sites where the user is forced to register. For example, to get a link to a file. As a rule, such sites are visited once, to obtain some information, and after that, the user forgets about the existence of the resource once and for all.

But the E-Mail address of the user remains forever in the database. Since, most often, when registering, we indicate the main addresses. Then, after some time, tons of spam begins to arrive in our mailboxes.

To rid themselves of spam, some people have separate mailboxes. Especially for spam. And they are being smart! But, it will be easier and faster to just use temporary email.

Currently, there are more than enough services on the network that will provide you with a temporary mailing address for free. We offer you 3 sevists to get temporary email, which, in our opinion, are the most simple and convenient to use!

Temporary email services.

2) . The peculiarity of this service is that the E-Mail address is provided without any time limits. The temporary box can live indefinitely until the page is updated. If you need access to previously created mailboxes, then the "Restore access" button is provided for this case. The service also provides the ability to transfer from a temporary box to a real one. It will be useful if you do not want to shine a real box.

3) A temporary box is provided for 10 minutes. If this time is not enough, then you can at any time extend the time as much as required. But, the maximum life of the box is limited to 30 days. Log in via social network and access the settings page. You will be able to create up to ten temporary boxes. The main difference from the first two services is that here you can not only receive but also send mail to any address!

Choose the most suitable service for yourself and use temporary e-mail, this will help protect your real mailbox from a bunch of spam and unnecessary garbage.

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