How to make a multi-channel mobile number. What is a multi-channel phone and what is it used for? How to make a multi-channel mobile number

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In conditions of fierce competition in the market for goods and services, it is important for any company to constantly keep in touch with its employees, clients, intermediaries, and potential partners. Considering that even the smallest organization has a huge number of external connections, it is not at all surprising that work time The phone just won't stop ringing. And at the same time, you will be able to answer everyone only if you buy a multi-channel number.

Why is it worth connecting a multi-channel number?

Today, having a multi-line phone number for companies is not a luxury, it is an urgent business need. Many people are familiar with the situation when a client cannot get through to the company he needs for a long time, he simply chooses their competitors. Multicom Group offers the ability to receive several calls simultaneously via multi-channel metropolitan (Moscow) numbers. Thus, you will not miss a call that is important to you, and you will not miss a single potential client or partner. You can organize a single number for all phones of your company. You will be able to send and receive faxes, redirect incoming calls both to a specific subscriber and to a group of subscribers, that is, distribute calls among office employees in a certain order, without missing a single call. All this can be done thanks to the IVR script. You will have the opportunity to leave your number when traveling on a business trip to another country or when moving your office to a new location.

If a company develops, it grows. At the same time, the company must worry in advance about the fact that the number of incoming calls will also increase. It is to solve this problem that Multicom Group offers its clients a multi-channel Moscow telephone number.

Multichannel telephone number: a business tool

Customer-oriented business requires reliable, high-quality and stable telephone communications. Multichannel phone number is an excellent business tool, indispensable when organizing modern call centers. Customers do not need to remember many numbers, one is enough, and multi-channel means that the operator will answer even if there are several parallel calls. Not only customer services, but also back office departments can be connected to a single number. When a call arrives at a single number, the operator or automation can forward incoming call for a specific employee.

In addition, multi-channel communication allows you to have one phone number to which all incoming and outgoing calls will be received, even if your company has a head office in Moscow and branches throughout the region. Thus, Multicom allows you to optimize your organization’s business processes.

The number of channels depends on the intensity of telephone traffic and capabilities installed system. Modern Internet technologies make it possible to implement a multi-channel telephone number quickly and at minimal cost.

Installation and operating costs for a multi-line system are significantly lower than using multiple phone numbers.

So, by connecting a multi-channel phone number, our clients receive the following benefits:

  • receive an unlimited number of calls to a single number;
  • receive and send faxes;
  • if you change your actual office address, you will not have to change your phone number;
  • you can choose a comfortable and memorable number.

However, the benefits of multichannel communication do not end there, because with its help you can control communication costs using detailed reports. This service also allows you to monitor the work of employees and organize remote workplaces.

The Multicom company guarantees fast connection of a multi-channel phone number and high quality services provided. Our specialists use only modern technologies that will allow your organization to effectively solve all operational issues and develop successfully.

By contacting the Multicom company, you can forget what a busy phone is. Your clients will always be able to reach your specialists and receive the necessary advice.

As already mentioned, it is especially important to promptly connect a multichannel number to growing companies, the number of potential buyers and intermediaries for which will increase along with the expansion of their activities.

Take advantage of modern technologies and innovative solutions!

Any company, as it expands, increases the number of clients and is faced with the need to organize communications. The number of both incoming and outgoing calls continues to grow. At the same time, the risk of losing a potential buyer increases because instead of an answer, he will hear short beeps, signaling that the number is busy. Multi-channel phone numbers are exactly for such situations. They make it possible to answer a large number of calls simultaneously.


Surely every person has called customer support at least once in their life and has an idea of ​​how this service works. First, the company number is dialed, after which the voice menu is launched. When you select the desired command, the operator himself joins the conversation. Such a system is created using multi-channel communication with the participation of an automatic telephone exchange. The principle of operation is very simple: all calls to one number are redirected to the phones of operators who are free at the current time. If all lines are busy, then the subscriber is put in a queue, and the first available operator answers him.

Companies very quickly realize that there is a need for such a solution. After all, at first the telephone line supports only one communication channel. What if there are more clients and they call at the same time? Often faced with a busy number, the buyer may irrevocably go to the company whose telephone service is organized better. To prevent this from happening, you just need to create more channels for receiving calls.

Analog connection

A multi-channel phone number can be connected using either a regular PBX or a virtual one. The first case entails significant costs for equipment, setup and its further maintenance. Big problem There may also be a limit on the number of lines, since PBXs have their own set limit of devices. Connecting an additional telephone within the capabilities of the station costs a lot. Another disadvantage of analog communication is the limited territory.

Virtual connection

The virtual station makes everything much easier. It also allows you to save money, since all the equipment is on the provider’s side. The customer company receives all its capabilities and uses it to suit its needs. You don't need to have any special knowledge. You just need to select the phones to which calls will be distributed. Operators can be located in the same room or in different places around the world, and calls will be received from the same number. The number of calls processed simultaneously can reach several hundred. The costs here are quite small: payment for the multi-channel number itself and a monthly subscription fee.

Which number to choose

There are three types of multi-channel telephone numbers that are convenient and popular: direct city and federal with codes 8-800 and 8-804. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  • Direct landline numbers are used by those companies that want to gain customer trust. Even when the company has just appeared, and it does not yet have an office, and there are only a couple of people on staff, such a number will help create the image of a good company. The main advantage is cost-effectiveness, since connecting a phone with this code is cheaper than with a federal one, and incoming calls are completely free for the company. This is also a disadvantage: clients from other regions, as well as those who call from mobile phones, may avoid companies with landline numbers due to their reluctance to pay for the call.
  • The number with the code 8-800 is the most popular option for all interregional companies and call centers, as well as for those organizing hotlines. Just a couple of years ago, such a number was considered something new for buyers. But today they are already perceived as well as city numbers. This has been proven by practice. The main advantage is convenience for the client, since he does not have to pay for calls to such numbers. And this does not depend on the region from which these calls are made. The disadvantage is the higher price for connection and maintenance. But if you use a virtual station, costs are significantly reduced.
  • The multi-channel number with code 8-804 is mostly similar to the previous version. There is only one difference: when incoming call The subscriber's number is displayed. This is a plus for a large number of organizations. But some still want to remain anonymous. Connecting this number is cheaper than 8-800.

Connecting a multi-channel virtual number

In order to organize a multichannel communication line, you must:

  • Select a provider. This is necessary, since the quality of communication and comfort when using the virtual station will depend on it.
  • Decide on equipment. As said, complicated technical means not needed here. A computer or mobile device with an Internet connection at an average speed (512 kilobits per second is enough), an ordinary telephone or a SIP device, as well as a VoIP adapter will do.
  • Select a tariff and a single multi-channel number. This is done taking into account the scale of the company and its needs. The provider can often provide a range of different options for both small and large companies.
  • Register with your communications service provider.
  • Configure the equipment, as well as the cloud telephone exchange. Here, too, you do not need to have specific skills. The application is installed on the computer, and an internal number or several numbers are created on the provider’s website. Then the rules for forwarding and other necessary parameters are configured.


After all this, the company has access to a virtual multi-channel phone number. Customers will no longer go anywhere because the phone line is busy.

In the case when a company already has a number that you don’t want to give up, but you still want to connect a virtual PBX due to its advantages, you just need to connect your VoIP and then sign an agreement with the provider company. After this, the already familiar number will turn into a multi-channel one. In Russia all major operators mobile communications provide such a service. Therefore, you can easily contact them and connect a multi-channel number. Megafon, MTS, Beeline allow you to serve many clients using one phone number.

Dear Clients! We offer you absolutely new service connection, configuration and maintenance of multi-channel numbers.

A multichannel number is a type of communication that allows you to receive several calls at once in real time.

All incoming calls that come to a multi-channel telephone number are forwarded to different telephone numbers. Moreover, calls are usually forwarded automatically to the next available phone number in the list. Simply open the control panel immediately after purchase and specify a list of your numbers for forwarding incoming calls.

Why do you need a multi-line phone?

A multi-line phone makes it possible to process calls in several streams. Thus, the telephone line of the number always remains free and customers can call the support service at any time. Thanks to a phone that is “never busy,” the company can receive additional competitive advantages, which will provide tangible profits over time. In addition, you can combine all your telephone lines, for example in Moscow and Novosibirsk, into a single number that can receive an almost unlimited number of simultaneous calls.

After connecting to the service, you will be able to receive up to 50 incoming calls simultaneously.

How to buy a multi-line phone?

You don’t have to go to the company’s office, stand in lines, or fill out a bunch of unnecessary paperwork. You can receive the service directly on the website by placing an order in 5 minutes. And within a few hours you will have your phone number fully configured and ready to use.

The service provided costs from 1 to 30 dollars per month. The price depends on the country you choose and the number of channels. The number of simultaneous incoming calls depends on the number of lines connected to this service.

What are the benefits of using multi-channel numbers?

  • Thanks to multi-channel telephony, your customers will never hear a busy signal, and your company's operators will not miss a single important customer.
  • Fine-tuning additional channels allows you to increase the number of simultaneous incoming calls.
  • You can easily combine all your contact numbers into one short and easy to remember number.
  • Simple and intuitive Personal Area makes it possible to flexibly configure call forwarding, for example, by time or day of the week.
  • This type of connection has no geographical reference. This means that when you move to a new place, the number will remain with you.
  • Recording conversations and detailed call details will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your call center.
  • Low cost of connection and further monthly payments.
  • High quality telephone communication

Experienced specialists of our company are always ready to efficiently connect, configure and maintain a multi-channel telephone number.

, Website development

Recently there was a post on Habré about “unusual” DEF numbers. Underneath the unusualness was hidden “multi-channel” - the ability to receive several parallel calls to a number (and call center operators will talk on them). As many as five simultaneous conversations and Exclamation point at the end of the sentence! Below the cut, I will talk about multichannel not from a marketing, but from a technical point of view. How do operators “receive” calls, how does an “unusual DEF number” differ from a “regular ABC number”, and is it a lot or a little - as many as five parallel calls? By the way, why exactly five, and not twenty or a hundred?

Telephony guts: E1, PRI, SS7, SIP

The telecom operator services incoming calls to the number. This is the central concept of telephony from which everything else grows. Conditional operator“Horns and Hooves” announces that it will service incoming calls to the number “+1234567890” and charge 10 kopecks per minute. Now, if you dial the specified line on your mobile, your telecom operator will somehow notify “Roga” that there is an incoming call and it would be nice to do something about it. For example, signal back “call accepted” and start receiving the voice stream. Or, without receiving a call, send your voice stream “the subscriber is temporarily not a subscriber.”

Physically telecom operators in different countries They use different things. Most often this is the “Primary Rate Interface”: a physical interface with guaranteed packet delivery and dedicated 64 kilobit channels. At the junction point, operators install boxes like this, which are connected to each other with funny SCSI-like cables. One box usually serves from 4 to 16 E1 connections, each of which has 32 channels for voice, slightly compressed g.711 and signaling. In total, more than 500 parallel calls per box.

In honorable second place is SIP with a connection via a regular ethernet network or even the Internet. There are no “channels” here, everything depends on the software, channel width and computer power. And the integrity of Internet providers, who sometimes configure QoS (but more often not).

The number is a text string

In fact, not always, SS7-ISUP has many different options for representing “who we are calling,” but in general, a text string can be expected. What will be written there: “84951234567”, “+79261234567” or what else - this is something that operators and regulators in a particular country and region will agree on. And yes, we do not have a single standard “for the whole world”.

Division into “landline number”, “ABC geographically” specific number», « mobile number", "DEF geographically indeterminate number" - it is conditional. Nothing more than agreements between operators on the format and who will pay whom how much for servicing this particular number, plus nuances like open and closed numbering or that within one city you can call without the prefix of that city. Provided that all operators were able to agree on this and configure their software correctly.

So what about multichannel?

So, we have 2 facts:
  1. The operator services the number and can accept requests for incoming calls. For money.
  2. The number is a text string. Different numbers differ only in the operators’ agreement on how to receive calls on them and how much money to charge for it.
As you can see, there is no sign of the “only one call per number” restriction. And there really is no such limitation! Any number has an “innate” multi-channel nature. Restrictions can only be on the equipment side (there are not enough physical E1 connections) or logical (this is a cell phone number. The subscriber is already talking on the phone. What to do with 10 more incoming calls to the same number?).

In practice one can expect correct operation up to 100 parallel calls to one number. If there is a very large number of calls, the operator initiating the call (for example, this mobile operator) it will not be possible to distribute it to the receiving operator, and back we will hear the rare earth error “sorry, all lines are busy.”

How we do it at Voximplant

For each incoming call, we create a separate JavaScript session where the code you uploaded is executed. And he already decides what to do with this call. For example, if this is a retailer’s number, then you can make an HTTP request to the backend, find out the status of the order by number, and if the calling client has an order, synthesize this by voice and offer to do something, for example, reschedule.

You can send a call to a call center, the cloud can call PSTN (public switched telephone network) and SIP. Or you can assemble a call center yourself - there are ready-made “batteries” for a message queue and an SDK for receiving calls in web browsers and mobile applications.

In general, JavaScript “near” the call, executed in real time, allows you to do a lot of interesting things even before the “multi-channel” comes to the attention of live call center, technical support or telemedicine people. For example, you can use an HTTP request to get the workload of a call center (or directly from JS, if our message queues are ours), and if “the operator will respond in more than ten minutes” - offer to call the client back yourself. The JavaScript session can safely continue its work after the caller hangs up. Having received the user’s consent to call back (for example, recognizing an affirmative answer or asking him to enter a number from the phone keypad), the session sends the request to the waiting queue or call center, waits as long as necessary, and after connecting with the operator, synthesizes for him what will happen now, calls back to the remembered one phone number, synthesizes what kind of call it is and, finally, connects the operator with the person. JavaScript is power.

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