Search for parcels from abroad. Search for Russian Post parcels by ID, application for search of postal items. Policy for use and interaction with the service

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Delivery of letters and small parcels is organized through Russian Post. People are increasingly ordering valuable items online, paying for purchases in advance. The greater the load on the post office, the more conflicts arise regarding violations of delivery deadlines. Many citizens do not know what to do if a valuable package is lost. The algorithm of actions is specified in detail in regulations.

A citizen who decides to study the procedure for providing postal services needs to familiarize himself with several legal documents:

  • The main document is Law No. 126-FZ of July 7, 2003 “On Communications”. The act regulates any relationship between telecom operators and persons who receive services.
  • In Law No. 176-FZ of July 17, 1999. “On Postal Communications” establishes the basic rights and obligations of senders, recipients and mail. For example, Article 34 establishes penalties for the loss of parcels and delay in delivery of items.

In their daily work, postal employees are guided by Order of the Ministry of Communications No. 234 dated July 31, 2014. This document details the procedure for providing services for the delivery of correspondence and parcels.

The provisions of the Universal Postal Convention indicate what to do if Russian Post has lost international parcel. The regulatory document was adopted in Doha in 2012. Russian RPO sent from another state occurs on the basis of the specified documents.

First actions

The recipient should find out where the parcel is located. Receiving information is possible using the track number. The code is entered on the Russian Post website -, the citizen receives information about the location of the item. The identifier is provided by the addressee.

If a parcel is lost at the post office, the track information is not updated for several days. The departure is in one place without movement for no specific reason. For example, the parcel is located in sorting center few weeks.

On hotline Russian Post 8-800-2005-888 you can get information about how long a package can stay at a certain point of contact. For domestic and international shipments, the travel times within the Russian Federation are the same.

Next, you should contact the sender of the item. He can recall the parcel by contacting the Russian Post office at the place of dispatch. In other cases, the recipient may independently contact the telecom operator with a request to search for the shipment.

Application to search for a parcel

On the official website of the Russian Post there is an electronic form for submitting an application to search for a parcel - The citizen must provide the following information:

  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • residential address and contact telephone number of the author of the application;
  • passport details: series, number, which institution and when it was issued;
  • the reason for drawing up the request (the shipment did not reach the addressee);
  • document submission date;
  • type of postal item and tracking number;
  • date of dispatch and branch index;
  • list of parcel contents, type of packaging, special notes (for example, delivery with cash on delivery);
  • FULL NAME. and addresses of the recipient and sender.

A check or receipt (invoice) confirming the dispatch of the parcel is attached to the document. A copy can be obtained from the sender. Without an invoice, a citizen will not be able to confirm that a shipment agreement was concluded.

You cannot submit an application to search for a parcel online. Information is entered into special file in PDF format. The applicant prints it out on paper and signs it. The claim and attached documents are provided

A citizen has the right to apply for email Department of claims work of the organization. In this case, there will be no official confirmation that his application has been accepted for consideration.

Claims are accepted at any post office. You can write an application no later than six months from the date of departure.

Parcel search

A search is underway in Russia postal items by ID. This is a special number assigned to international shipments for tracking purposes. If it is not there, then the telecom operator will not answer anything on the merits of the citizen’s appeal. In court, it will be impossible to prove the post office’s guilt in the loss of the item.

If the package is lost, the operator has 60 days to search (Article 55 of Law No. 126-FZ).

If a person wants to quickly find a parcel lost at the Russian Post, a week after submitting the application, he must contact the employee of the organization to whom the application was submitted for consideration. The specialist should be asked what steps are being taken to search.

The search for shipments consists of a physical inspection of the last location.

Compensation for delayed shipment

When the shipment arrives at the post office, the citizen is notified. After receiving the parcel, the citizen has the right to file a claim for late delivery.

The Post Office considers such applications within 60 days. The applicant may be paid 3% of the cost of delivery services for each day of delay, but not more than the established tariff (Article 34 of Law No. 176-FZ).

If the package parcel does not arrive, the citizen has the right to demand reimbursement of its cost. To do this, you must submit an invoice indicating the cost of the item in the postal item. Citizens can submit a bank account statement, which will contain information about the amount actually transferred.

Compensation for losses, lost profits, and compensation for moral damage occurs only by court decision. The post office can independently compensate the applicant’s costs, but this happens in exceptional cases.

Search deadlines violated

In some cases, the applicant does not receive a response to applications for searching and tracking international shipments.

The recipient has only one option to protect his interests - going to court. A statement of claim is drawn up, a receipt or check is attached, which can be used to track the parcel, and a response from the Russian Post regarding the fact of the search activities (if any).

An alternative option is to write a statement to senior management -. However, most requests are submitted for consideration directly to the post office where the parcel should be located. The applicant receives an unsubscribe.

Citizens often turn to Roskomnadzor. This department does not settle property disputes between citizens and postal operators.

Until the delivery of the parcel, the item is the property of the sender. If the item was purchased, the recipient may request a refund from the seller. The money will be transferred, and the sender will deal with claims with the Russian Post.

Citizens often save on postal services. A parcel from Aliexpress can be delivered without a track number, but if lost, the recipient will not be able to find his item. Russian Post will not compensate for losses, since there will be no evidence that the loss occurred after the operator received the shipment.

About a month ago I placed an order for a client from the USA. Usually, after clearing American customs, the buyer receives the order within one, maximum two weeks. But this time, for two and a half weeks, there was not a single new status on the USPS website. As a result, the buyer wrote to me and asked where her package was. In order to somehow “speed up” the delivery process, I decided to send a request to search for a shipment from the USPS website. That's how it was.

Step 1 - Register on the USPS website

The first step is to register on the US Postal website. All fields must be filled out in English.

Specify the main language of the site (English) and your login (here you can specify the address Email). If the login is busy, the system will indicate this with a red warning.

Then enter your password. It must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number. And also there should not be two identical symbols one after the other.

Below you will be asked to write answers to 2 security questions. You will need them if you forget your account password. I chose "City where I was born" and "Mother's maiden name."

Below you need to enter contact information. Here I indicated fictitious data, with the exception of the email address.

And at the last stage they ask you to enter your home address. Here you can enter data from any country, but I decided to write an address in the USA. I chose some administrative building from Google Maps :)

After that, click the “Verify Address” button - apparently the system checks whether such an address exists.

A green checkmark appears, which means everything was entered correctly. You can click “Create Account”.

Registration is now complete. And the site will immediately authorize you. You can start searching.

Step 2 - submit a search application

Select the last menu item “Help”, and in the drop-down submenu click “Find Missing Mail”.

In the middle of the page there is a button “Start Your Missing Mail Search”. Let's press it.

On the page that opens, first enter the parcel’s track number in the “Track Number” field.

Below we enter the sending date (Malling Date), the type of shipment (Unknown/other) and indicate that the found shipment should be sent to the addressee (Addressee).

After this, additional fields will appear on the page where you need to enter your client’s address.

After that, in the block “Whom can we contact about this search?” Please include your name and email address. USPS will contact you if they have questions.

After this, a bunch of additional fields will appear in which you can describe your product in a little more detail (for example, indicate the material, color, etc.). Be sure to fill out only fields with asterisks. If you wish, you can also add a photo of the product.

After all this, put 2 checkboxes at the bottom of the page for the items “I have read, understand, and agree to the Missing Mail Search Disclaimer below” and “I have read, understand, and agree to the Terms and Conditions” and click the “Continue” button.

If you click “Save progress”, your application data will be saved as a draft and you can return to it later.

After this, the site will redirect you to new page, where he will clarify the recipient’s address and offer his own option (if he thinks that there could be an error in the address).

Select the desired option (I chose the one indicated by the customer in the order) and click the “Use Selected Address” button.

After this, the USPS website will ask you to double-check all entered data. If you made no mistakes, then click the “Submit Search” button.

That's it, the application has been sent. After this, all we can do is wait and hope that the postal workers will find our parcel.

You can inform the client about your request to the US Postal Service and send a screenshot of the letter that will be sent to you by email from the USPS. It says that your request to search for the parcel has been accepted. And its number and date of application are indicated.

I can’t say for sure that it was my appeal that had an effect. But after 10 days, the parcel finally began to be tracked again on the USPS website (May 12). Almost a month after clearing US customs (April 14).

Founder and author of the ProEtsy blog. I love Etsy with all my heart for the incredible amount of talented artisans. And for the opportunity to communicate with customers from all over the world. I try to tell blog readers about all the new products on Etsy and about my experience interacting with this platform.

Applications to search for domestic and international postal items are accepted within 6 months from the date of dispatch. Applications to search for international EMS shipments are accepted within 4 months from the date of dispatch in accordance with the Regulations for the application of the EMS Model Agreement (Bern, 2017)

  • 30 days for all other domestic mail and postal orders;
  • Sample of filling out an application to search for a parcel

    The situation when you are required to urgently write a statement happens quite often. And it turns out that the need is so great that the circle of life and business depends on timeliness. In this situation, there are two options for getting out of the problem. Go to a specialist who will write the document correctly.

    Or find a good example from friends and fill in your own information in the required sections. Any of the above options has both disadvantages and advantages. In choosing a lawyer you will have to pay. The price depends on the meaning of the appeal.

    If you decide to produce the document yourself, you will not have to pay. But there is no guarantee that the appeals will be presented well. I would like the template provided to help resolve difficulties.

    What to do if the package is missing. write an application at the Russian post office

    Very often I receive requests asking for help in finding a missing package. In most cases, the parcel stops being tracked at one stage and “freezes” for several weeks.

    I present a small guide on how to correctly write a statement about the loss (non-receipt) of a parcel to the Russian Post.

    I want to say right away that the official website of the Russian Post is absolutely useless regarding complaints or statements, because there are no forms feedback or there are no forums there. The only thing that can be useful is to download a form to fill out an application to search for a parcel.

    I still don’t understand why I should do this, because in any case I have to go to the city’s Main Post Office and submit all the documents there in person. You can fill out the application there.

    In order to submit an application to search for a parcel, you must fill out 2 copies of the application, submit a passport and a copy of the receipt confirming the shipment of the parcel or an invoice from the seller if the purchase was made in an online store. Any conscientious seller is obliged to provide an invoice upon request, although in this case I literally “knocked out” mine within a week.

    Important Amendment

    On the Russian Post website I found the document “Procedure for the recipient to submit an application to search for an international postal item entering the territory of Russian Federation", which clearly states that ". The addressee must independently request a copy of the receipt from the sender. The invoice attached by the recipient instead of a receipt is not a postal contract between the sender and the post office, it is a contract between the sender and the addressee, therefore designated postal operators of other countries do not accept it as a document confirming the acceptance of the postal item for dispatch in their country.”

    It follows from this that, according to the rules, an application can only be submitted if there is a receipt, but I was able to resolve my issue based on the invoice. As I understand it, each department has its own rules.

    Based on the above, in case of problems with delivery, I advise you (if there is such an opportunity) to open a dispute and not wait until the time to open it expires. The seller, for his part, has every right to deal with the issue of searching for the postal item.

    Original document “Procedure for the recipient to submit an application to search for an international postal item entering the territory of the Russian Federation” (DOC, 34 KB)

    At the Main Post Office, you should contact the “Operation Department”, which is responsible for accepting documents for searching parcels. Next, you simply fill out the application exactly as shown in the video, copying the necessary information from the invoice and passport.

    Applications (2 copies) are accompanied by a copy of the invoice, after which all this is transferred to an employee of the Operations Department of the Russian Post. He checks the data specified in the application with the data of your passport, staples all the papers, fills out the “Tear-off coupon” and gives one copy of the tear-off coupon to you.

    Don't forget to pick it up! It confirms the submission of an application to search for the parcel. It indicates the date of submission of the application, the tracking number of the parcel and the signature of the employee who accepted the documents.

    Excerpt from an article on the official website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (view original)

    According to clause 55 of the Rules for the provision of postal services, “The procedure for registration and consideration of claims is established by the postal operator.” Statements from individuals and legal entities to search for postal items and postal orders Money are accepted in any educational institution.

    Appeals from individuals and legal entities regarding the quality of service provision (slowdown, damage, shortages, etc.) are accepted in writing at the post office by the head, his deputy, employees of post offices and branches responsible for claim work, both at the place of filing postal item or postal money transfer, and at the place of issue. In each post office, a book of statements and proposals is placed in a visible and accessible place for customers.

    Statements on service quality issues left in this book are transferred to the post office, to which this post office is subordinate, for consideration and preparation of a response to the applicant. The response is provided to the address indicated by the applicant and is also pasted into the book.

    Applications for the search for postal items and claims for compensation for damage associated with the loss and shortage (damage) of the sent attachment or non-payment of money by postal money transfer are accepted from senders or addressees, as well as their representatives (by proxy), on the basis of a document identification document (according to the list in the information material posted at the post office). To the application individuals A receipt (or a clear photocopy of it) must be attached.

    Form Applications can be obtained from any OPS or downloaded from the link below.

    Invoice example

    I am often asked what an invoice looks like. Very simple. Here is a sample invoice from AliExpress, which I received upon request from one of the suppliers.

    I hid the name and address; in the original invoice they were indicated in Latin characters.

    Invoice.xls (XLS, 27 KB)

    Here's another example of what an invoice might look like. It was this invoice that helped me speed up the process of searching for a parcel.

    Download Word document(RTF, 265 KB)

    Application to search for a parcel

    Download the application form for searching for international mail.

    Where else can you turn if your international shipment is lost?

    Russian Post - certificates and requests

    Reception office of Russian customs

    Complaint to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia

    Comment on YouTube

    F.a.q. how to apply for search

    1. What should I do if my package is lost?

    Answer: Submit a search request. To do this, you need to come to any post office with a passport and a shipping receipt (or a copy thereof) and fill out an application form. Forms can be picked up at the branch or downloaded from the website

    Art. 15 Federal Law No. 176-FZ
    Art. 53 Rules for the provision of postal services

    Answer: Yes, a receipt is required. You can request a copy (scanned copy) of the receipt from the sender.

    Answer: This can be done within six months, starting from the day after the day the item was submitted.
    The recommended deadline for submitting an application is after target dates passage of the shipment through the territory of Russia. For international shipments - after the expiration of the control periods for the passage of the shipment through the territory of Russia after passing through the place of international postal exchange on the territory of Russia.

    Check the status of your letter or parcel using the track number. If there is no information on the status of the shipment, or the status has not been updated for a long time, your letter or parcel has not been delivered, and the delivery period has expired, you can initiate a search for the shipment.

    To start the search, you must submit an application on the page, or provide at any branch of the Russian Post:

    • application to search for a shipment within Russia or an international shipment;
    • a check issued along with the shipment, or a copy thereof (the check is issued at the time of dispatch);
    • identification.
    • The application can be submitted by both the recipient and the sender or an authorized representative of one of them (upon presentation of a power of attorney).

      Russian Post reports search results by registered mail to the postal address, or by letter to email address specified in the application.

      The period for considering a complaint or claim and providing a written response is:

    • 5 days for claims regarding postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within the same locality;
    • The period for reviewing claims for international postal items can range from 30 to 90 days in accordance with the Universal Postal Convention (Doha, 2012).
    • In the event that the shipment could not be found, compensation is paid. The sender has the primary right to receive compensation; he also has the right to refuse compensation in favor of the recipient or another authorized person.

      Application to search for a parcel Russian Post form

      Please wait, the data is being processed.

      List of Prohibited Items

      • Signal weapon
      • Firearms
      • Airguns
      • Gas weapon
      • Ammunition
      • Steel arms
      • Cold throwing weapons
      • Electroshock devices
      • Spark gaps
      • Basic parts of firearms
      • Narcotic drugs
      • Psychotropic drugs
      • Potent drugs
      • Radioactive agents
      • Explosives
      • Flammables
      • Poisonous animals
      • Poisonous plants
      • Banknotes of the Russian Federation
      • Foreign currency
      • Perishable food
      • Perishable drinks
      • Items that, by their nature or packaging, may pose a danger to postal workers, stain or damage other postal items and postal equipment
      • We invite you to register!

        Get access to a huge number of useful options completely free of charge.

        Print forms in one click through your online store, view convenient reports, work with auto-filling data using prepared templates.

        Our service speeds up delivery and reduces the number of lost shipments.

        Simplify your life and get more pleasure from working with Russian Post!

        2018 Postal Form

        Saving a huge amount of time
        Reducing lost shipments
        Acceleration of delivery times

        Advanced Statistics

        Number of all printed forms:
        — printed within 24 hours: 1372 ; — printed for the current month: 21309 ; — printed for the current year: 239942 ;

        1. Policy for use and interaction with the service.

        1.1. When using the “RF Postal Form” (hereinafter referred to as “PBRF”, “Service”), located on the Internet at, the conditions set out below come into force automatically.

        1.2. Terms are subject to change without any specific notice. The new edition comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet.

        1.3. By starting to use the Service, the User is deemed to have accepted the terms in full. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions, including taking into account any changes made without notification, the User does not have the right to use the Service.

        1.4. The User is independently responsible to third parties for his actions related to the use of the Service, including if such actions lead to a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, as well as for compliance with the law when using the Service.

        1.5. To use the expanded functionality of the Service, the User is required to go through the registration procedure. When providing incorrect information, when using an invalid email address, during mass automatic registration of accounts, when re-registering an account in order to use the free period of a paid tariff, the PBRF administration has the right, at its discretion, to block or delete the User’s account and refuse to use the Service.

        1.6. When registering in the Service, the User sets a password. The user is solely responsible for the security (resistance to guessing) of the password he has chosen, and also independently ensures the confidentiality of his password. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Service under account the User, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User’s account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements). In this case, all actions within or using the Service under the User’s account are considered to be carried out by the User himself.

        1.7. After registering in the Service, the User is connected to a free period of the paid tariff (trial), which expands the functionality of the service: advertising on the second page is removed, access to templates for saving data about shipments is available, and the ability to connect to the Service via API is added. The validity period of the free period and the connected tariff are indicated in personal account User and are installed privately by the Service administration. Current information on tariffs and their expanded functionality is available at:

        1.8. At the end of the free period, the User’s tariff automatically switches to the “Free” category, and the functionality of the paid tariff is disabled. At the same time, money is not debited from the user for using the free period.

        1.9. The user becomes a Client of the Service if, at the end of the free period, he decides to pay any tariff available at the link:

        2. Refund Policy.

        2.1. PBRF guarantees a full refund for non-use of the Service upon the Client’s first request. When paying thirty (30) days in advance and initiating a refund on the first (1) day, the Client receives the paid amount excluding commission payment system V full size. In other cases, the used tariff days are recalculated and deducted from the refund amount.

        2.2. To initiate a refund for using paid functions of the Service, you need to contact technical support by email, indicating “Refund” as the subject of the letter, and in the body the username used in the Service, the current tariff, the amount of payment and the date of payment .

        2.3. All received applications are reviewed within 24 hours. Refunds are guaranteed to be made within 30 calendar days after a positive decision is made.

        2.4. Refunds are made by transferring the required amount to online wallet Yandex.Money, WebMoney, to a VISA/MASTERCARD card in rubles. If an agreement is reached, it is permissible to use other methods of returning funds that are convenient for the Client.

        2.5. The fee for refunding funds is borne by the Service. The duration of the transaction depends on the chosen return method and ranges from 1 to 5 business days.

        3. Privacy Policy

        3.1. When registering in the Service, the User provides the following information: last name, first name, email address, number mobile phone(optional), password to access the Service (optional), promotional code (optional).

        3.2. By providing his personal data during authorization/registration in the Service, the User agrees to their processing for an indefinite period by the Service administration.

        3.3. When processing the personal data of the User and the Client, PBRF is guided by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” and local regulatory documents.

        3.4. Only the Client has the right to obtain information regarding the processing of his personal data (including about the methods and purposes of processing, about persons who have access to his personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of federal law).

        3.5. Use of information provided by Clients and Users and received by PBRF.

        3.5.1. PBRF uses the data provided by the User during the entire period of the User’s registration in the Service for the following purposes:

        • for User registration/authorization;
        • to process requests related to the functioning of the PBRF and fulfill its obligations to the User;
        • to notify the User about changes in the Service;
        • to transfer the User to the status of a Client.
        • 3.5.2. PBRF uses the data provided by the Client during the entire period of the Client’s registration in the Service for the following purposes:

          • for registration/authorization of the Client;
          • to process requests related to the functioning of the PBRF and fulfill its obligations to the Client;
          • to notify the Client about changes in the Service;
          • to carry out activities to promote goods and services of the PBRF;
          • to analyze the Client’s purchasing characteristics and provide personal recommendations;
          • to improve the level of quality and ease of interaction with the Service;
          • 3.6. Providing and transmitting information.

            3.6.2. It is not considered a violation for PBRF to provide information to agents and third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with PBRF to fulfill obligations to the Client and User and only within the framework of agreements.

            3.6.3. The transfer of information in accordance with reasonable and applicable requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation is not considered a violation of obligations.

            3.6.4. PBRF has the right to use “cookies” technology. Cookies do not contain confidential information and are not transferred to third parties.

            3.6.5. PBRF collects information and information about the IP address of the User and PBRF Client only within the framework of the Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics” in order to improve the internal characteristics of the Service and overall ranking indicators in search engines.

            3.6.6. When processing personal data, the PBRF takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access to it, as well as from other unlawful actions in relation to personal data.


            F.A.Q. How to apply for a search

            13,057 messages

            Answer: Submit a search request. To do this, you need to come to any post office with a passport and a shipping receipt (or a copy thereof) and fill out an application form. Forms can be picked up at the branch or downloaded on the website:

            2. Why is it not possible to accept an application by email?

            Answer: These requirements are established by the Federal Law “On Postal Services”, as well as the Rules for the provision of postal services.
            Art. 15 Federal Law No. 176-FZ
            Art. 53 Rules for the provision of postal services
            Regulatory documents can be found at the link:

            3. Is a receipt required when filing for search?

            4. What should I do if my international parcel is lost?

            Answer: The search application must be accepted by the postal operator of the sender's country and the recipient's country. Thus, both the sender and the recipient can submit an application.

            5. How long can I submit a search warrant? Is it true that you can submit a search request only a month after sending the item?

            Translated into English, the payment receipt is called a “shipping receipt”. You can ask for a receipt like this: “It seems my package was lost and I want to start investigation. Could you please be so kind and send me the shipping receipt." She looks something like this.

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    Sends more than 50 orders (parcels) from Yekaterinburg by Russian Post. The number of shipments is growing every year. Since March 2013, not a single parcel has gone missing. And that's great.

    But in December and January there were 2 very large delays. One parcel did not change its status for more than a month (since November), the other - about 3 weeks, i.e. The deadline has already passed. The first went to Chukotka, the second to a village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. We decided to write a statement.

    Let me make a reservation right away that we send all parcels from individuals, standing in queues at branches, and paying in cash. I don't think it plays a role, but still.

    In August 2017, on the new website of the Russian Post, it became possible to submit an electronic appeal “Claim for search of a postal item” ( This is an electronic analogue of a handwritten application that can be written at the department. I decided to write an application from my computer (latest Chromium browser).

    To fill out the form, you must log in through the State Services website. No problem, I've been registered there for a long time. There are no complaints about the form itself in terms of design and usability. There are many fields, but they are all separated by meaning (information about the parcel, about the applicant, about the sender, about the recipient). I especially liked that when entering the track code, some fields were automatically filled in from the database: weight of the parcel, date of departure and index of the place of departure. The applicant’s data (full name, address, email, passport details) was automatically pulled up from the government services website. It's also very convenient. Data about the sender and recipient are filled in manually or automatically by copying from the data about the applicant.

    There are no field comments or tooltips. But it seems like they are not needed. At least everything was clear to me until the last section of the form, where it is proposed to attach 2 files: a scan of the attachment inventory and a scan of the receipt. I don’t have the first one, because... We ship without an inventory. I photographed the receipt on my iPhone, framed it, sent it to my computer and attached it.

    I press the final “Submit” button. And it throws me out home page I immediately think that something is wrong. After all, I would like to see some kind of message indicating that the application has been accepted. And even better - the number of your application is such and such, the answer will be in so much time. I repeat the second and third time. I'm starting to get nervous. I'm changing my browser to Firefox. All the same.

    OK. I am writing on VKontakte to their official representative Dmitry Markin ( ). I explain the situation.

    I copy the message and send it to the email address he provided. Literally half an hour later the answer comes.

    I go back and check. I did not have an inventory and I did not attach anything in its place. Because, it seems, they didn’t ask, there were no stars. The scan taken on an iPhone weighed 1.4 MB, so it was also not suitable, but the form was validated.

    When entering the track number, the weight was added to 700g, but the kg field remained empty. It seems like it’s also logical. But it turns out that you had to enter 0 manually, otherwise the form was reset and the application was lost.

    After manually correcting all the errors, which did not seem to be errors, I finally received a message that the claim had been accepted. And a letter was sent to the post office (supplied from government services) with the application number, and that it would be considered within the time limits established by law.

    And half an hour later, the statuses of the parcels were updated. They have arrived at the department and are ready for issue. The magic worked. The next day, clients received their pillows and chocolates with photos.

    But I still have a suspicion that on such a cool site, where everything is beautifully pulled up from different sources into a single form, there is no validation of this form, but simply throws it on the first page. And 99% of people will calm down and think that the application has been sent. But this is not a jamb of the site, but a deliberate trick to avoid accepting and processing complaints.

    How to find a lost package? Complete Guide for those who have lost their package.

    1. So, what should I do if my package is lost? You must submit a search application. For this:
    - prepare a receipt for sending the parcel and a passport;
    - fill out and print the application to search for the parcel;
    - print out the application and take it along with the receipt and passport to the post office /.
    2. Why is it not possible to accept an application by email?
    These requirements are established by the Federal Law “On Postal Services”, as well as the Rules for the provision of postal services.
    Art. 15 Federal Law No. 176-FZ
    Art. 53 Rules for the provision of postal services
    3. Is a receipt required when filing for search?
    Yes, a receipt is required. You can request a copy (scanned copy) of the receipt from the sender.
    4. What should I do if my international parcel is lost?
    The search application must be accepted by the postal operator of the sender's country and the recipient's country. Thus, both the sender and the recipient can submit an application.
    5. How long can I submit a search warrant? Is it true that you can submit a search request only a month after sending the item?
    This can be done within six months, starting from the day after the day the item was submitted. The recommended deadline for submitting an application is after the deadline for the shipment to pass through the territory of Russia. For international shipments - after the expiration of the control periods for the passage of the shipment through the territory of Russia after passing through the place of international postal exchange on the territory of Russia.

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