Free hotline number to contact the MGTS operator. Mobile radiotelephone services using coverage areas of other telecom operators

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Mobile radiotelephone services using coverage areas of other telecom operators

1. Basic requirements for services:

Mobile radiotelephone communication services (cellular) should include - voice traffic transmission services, mobile telematics services, including access to the Internet, in Russia and in other countries of the world to support production processes and operational management processes of Rosneft.

Place of provision of services: in the places of production activities of the Client, in accordance with the Order Forms/Appendices to the Agreement.

1.1 The Operator’s communication network must provide:

· Ensuring the Customer's access to the Operator's mobile radiotelephone services using user equipment Client.

§ Provision of services in accordance with the Rules for the provision of Mobile communications services (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 000 of 01/01/01).

· Communication quality in accordance with international standards and norms.

24-hour provision of cellular radiotelephone communication services according to the following standards:

ü GSM 900/1800 with support for GPRS/EDGE (2G) technology;

ü UMTS with support for HSDPA (3G) technology;

· Availability of all necessary licenses for the provision of mobile communication services of GSM 900/1800, UMTS standards.

· Seamless transition (without session interruption) between 3G and 2G networks.

· Maximum area of ​​high-quality radio coverage (or the ability to provide radio coverage for 3 months) in the areas of the Client’s production activities (single region).

· Provision of FMC service (combination of mobile and fixed line) in a single region for Corporate group.

· The period for organizing communication (connection) of the Client's subscribers - a separate office or local territory - is no more than 90 calendar days from the moment of signing the Order Form.

· National roaming (use of communication networks of other operators on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the absence of radio coverage of the Operator’s own cellular network);

· Ensuring the connection to each subscriber of an additional number of numbers (up to 5 units) not included in the main contract.

· Protection against unauthorized connection.

· Intranet roaming zone in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (at least 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

· Developed international coverage (at least 200 countries/destinations) with the ability to use the services of other networks cellular communication in Russia and abroad.

2. Additional service requirements:

2.1 International access;

2.2 International roaming

2.3 Possibility of data transmission and fax messages, mobile access to the Internet;

2.5 Call forwarding;

2.6 Call waiting/hold mode;

2.8 Call qualifier (anti-qualifier);

2.10 Ability to select subscriber numbers;

2.11 Conference calling;

2.12 “You have been called” service;

2.13 “Your new number” service;

2.14 Itemized invoice;

2.15 Free replacement and free delivery of a lost or SIM card within 24 hours to the Customer’s address from the date of application;

2.16 Blocking and unlocking of the SIM card at the request of the Customer within 1 hour from the moment of request;

2.17 Possibility of changing numbers within 1 hour;

2.18 Temporary room reservation;

2.19 A connection less than 3 seconds is not charged. Further connections are charged per minute.

3. Special requirements for services.

The Operator's mobile radiotelephone communications network must provide:

a. Free calls between Corporate Group numbers.

b. Possibility of creating several tariff plans within one contract.

c. Possibility of creating special tariff plans for data transfer.

d. Establishing a personal budget for each employee for expenses for business cellular communications (voice and data).

e. Providing services with the highest priority for VIP users.

f. The ability to set dialing restrictions on one or more numbers for long-distance or international calls.

g. Independent management of services by the Customer’s administrator: provision remote access and real-time management of all personal accounts, connection and disconnection processes (blocking and unblocking) of any number included in the corporate number plan.

h. Providing reports on billing of all numbers or a single number, both upon telephone request from the Client’s administrator, and in real time using web access to the corporate web-office system - from the Customer’s administrator, and personal web-office - from the side each subscriber.

i. Personal notification of each subscriber number when reaching (exceeding) the limit threshold allocated for this employee.

j. Free call to emergency services: fire department, police, ambulance and emergency gas service.

k. Monthly delivery to the Customer of detailed invoices for services by postal and email address delivery.

l. Possibility of concluding an agreement on the terms of the Corporate Group and paying for communication services at the location of the Customer’s enterprises (in the regions).

m. Ensuring that communications remain confidential in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

n. 24-hour free reference and information service on cellular communication issues: general (for subscribers) and personal (for the Customer’s administrator).

o. Providing confidential cellular communication services that ensure the protection of confidential information. Between two phones capable of supporting encryption mode, a communication channel must be created that is protected from eavesdropping on the radio, at the switchboard and other parts of the channel.

p. The ability to determine the location of the Customer’s employees on electronic map via the Internet, the ability to print reports on the movements of employees, register objects on an electronic map.

4. Service availability

4.1 Service availability is determined for each Service separately.

The service is available if the required requirements are met. specifications(item 1-3).

The service is not available if the required technical specifications (clauses 1-3) are violated.

Cases of unavailability of the Service are taken into account when calculating the value of the Service unavailability parameter, with the exception of cases of interruptions in the provision of the Service that arose during scheduled maintenance, previously agreed upon with the Customer, or associated with the modernization of the Service ordered by the Customer, or that arose during the elimination of conditions that arose through the fault of the Customer and threaten the performance of other Customers and/or the network as a whole, or due to reasons beyond the control of the Operator, such as:

· Force Majeure;

· failures caused by the Client’s failure to comply with the agreed working conditions;

· failures of equipment located outside the Operator’s area of ​​responsibility;

· interference by the Customer or a third party in the operation of equipment and software providing the Service, not agreed with the Operator;

· violations of the functioning of the Services detected by the Customer, but not reported to the Operator's control center.

The Operator guarantees that the Total Time of Service Unavailability is:

· no more than 43 minutes (service availability 99.9%) within 1 calendar month for telephone services, clauses 1-3

The total Service Unavailability Time (TSUT) for the billing period is measured using the following formula:

i - number of the case of service unavailability for a specific billing period

t (i) - duration of a specific case of service unavailability

The following measurement rules apply to determine the input parameters of the above formula:

· The first billing period begins at 00:00 on the day following the date of acceptance of the Service and lasts until the end of the calendar month;

· Subsequent billing periods have a duration of 1 (one) calendar month each or the remaining period until the termination of the service;

· The duration of the service unavailability event is determined based on the TT registration. A representative of the Client may apply for the opening of a TT, or the TT may be opened by the Operator's NCC on its own initiative. TT is opened by the Operator in case of any, including short-term, violations of the quality of service with mandatory notification of the Client. The mutually confirmed TT is the basis for the measurement of SVNU.

4.2 Measuring Service Unavailability Time

Measurements of service parameters and preparation of relevant reports are carried out by the Operator on a regular basis.

The following principles apply to measure service availability:

· Availability of the service is constantly monitored by the NCC.

· The TT must be opened by the central control center in each case of unavailability. The initiator of the TT can be either a representative of the Client or the Operator.

· The TT must contain information about the point in time when the service became unavailable and the point in time when the service was restored.

· The start time of unavailability is defined as the point in time at which the Client’s representative applied to the Operator’s NCC to open a TT or the Operator’s NCC opened a TT on his own initiative.

· The end time of service unavailability is defined as the point in time at which the functioning of the service, confirmed by the Client, is restored.

· CTs are stored in the NCC registration log for further calculations using the formula given.

4.3 Providing reports to the Client

Every month, the Operator calculates the value of SVNU in accordance with the formula defined in clause 4, and provides the Client with a corresponding report, including a list of technical requirements for the reporting period. The list of TT must contain the TT number, name of the service, time and date of registration, duration of unavailability, short description causes. The report is sent to the Client's contact persons. In addition, representatives of the Client and the Operator hold periodic, at least once a month, meetings on compliance with SLAs and improving the quality of service.

5. Regulation of refunds to the Client

5.1 Refunds.

The Client may submit a written request for recalculation of the monthly fee if the Telecom Operator does not provide services under the Agreement. Recalculation is carried out based on the duration of the interruption in the provision of services in the amount of 1/720 of the monthly fee for the interrupted service for each full and partial hour of interruption.

5.2 Violation of SLA

In the event that the total interruption in the provision of communication services during a calendar month exceeds 172 minutes. (Service availability is worse than 99.6%), The telecom operator recalculates the monthly payment taking into account the discount according to the table:

Measured Availability(s)
(%, monthly)

Discount amount from monthly payment
(% of accrued payment)

According to clause 6.1

99.6>a ≥99.2

99.2 > a ≥98.8

5% for every 8 hours of service interruption, but not more than the monthly payment

6 Requirements for the Operator Technical Support Service

6.1 General requirements for the Technical Support Service

To process Client requests for deterioration in the quality of Communication Services, the Operator must have a Technical Support Service.

The Client monitors the progress of work to eliminate the deterioration in quality of the Service, for which he contacts the Operator’s Technical Support Service.

The Operator's technical support service must be available to the Client's Technical Support Service specialists around the clock without interruption: 24 (Twenty-four) hours a day, 7 (Seven) days a week, 365 days a year for the entire duration of the Agreement for communication services between the Operator and the Customer.

Specialists of the Operator's Technical Support Service must at any time accept information from the Customer by phone, e-mail, by fax.

The telephone line organized by the Operator for contacting specialists from the User's Technical Support Service must always be ready and free for incoming calls.

The Operator must inform the Client about the current contact details (telephone number, fax number and email address) of its Technical Support Service.

In order to monitor the process of eliminating the Deterioration in the quality of the Services, the Client’s specialists can contact the Operator’s Technical Support Service by phone, fax or e-mail with various requests.

Specialists of the Operator's Technical Support Service must immediately after contacting specialists from the Client's Technical Support Service must give a detailed, detailed response to their request.

If the Client believes that the Service is provided with a deterioration in quality, he must act in accordance with the Procedure for interaction between the Client and the Operator when the Client detects a deterioration in the quality of the Service. This procedure describes the interaction of participants in the process of providing Services when the Client detects a deterioration in the quality of the Service.

6.2 The procedure for interaction between the technical support services of the Client and the Operator in the event of emergency situations (deterioration in the quality of the Service, lack of communication)

A. Deterioration in the quality of the Service - any deterioration in the quality of the Services provided in relation to the standards and parameters established in the Service Parameters (technical requirements), including partial or complete termination of the provision of the Service to the Client, lack of communication, etc.

B. If the Client detects a deterioration in the quality of the Service provided, he contacts the Operator’s Technical Support Service by phone, fax or e-mail and reports the deterioration in the quality of the Service. To confirm the fact of deterioration in the quality of the service, data from the Customer’s monitoring system can be used.

C. If the Operator detects a deterioration in the quality of the Service provided, he notifies the Customer about this within 10 minutes, and at the same time informs detailed information on the problem about the problem, TT number, TT priority.

D. When the Client contacts the Operator’s Technical Support Service, the Client provides the following information:

Last name, first name, patronymic of the Client reporting a deterioration in the quality of the Service, and his contact phone number;

The type of Service for which quality deterioration is observed and the data transfer rate;

Identifier of the Service (if there is an identifier) ​​for which quality deterioration is observed. The service identifier must be indicated in the Certificates of commencement of service provision or communicated by the Operator at the request of the Client;

Address(es) of the termination point(s) of the Service for which quality deterioration is observed;

Time to detect deterioration in the quality of the Service;

Description of the malfunction that the Client discovered, including signs of manifestation and nature of quality deterioration (lack of data transmission, presence of errors, etc.).

E. The Operator’s Technical Support Service checks with the Customer Additional information, if it is needed.

F. After submitting the problem, the Customer records the personal data of the Operator and the time of contact in his operational log.

G. The Operator’s Technical Support Service, having received information about the deterioration in the quality of the Service, records the time of the call and performs the following actions:

Opens a Fault Report and assigns a number to it;

Informs the Client of the number of the Fault Request and the time of its opening.

The Operator's Technical Support Service, by mutual agreement with the Client, ends the conversation and begins work aimed at resuming the provision of the Service of proper (corresponding to the terms of the Agreement) quality.

H. The Operator, in accordance with its internal regulations, carries out measures to localize the problem, including using remote monitoring systems (if the Operator has such systems), determines the location of the failure (malfunction) that led to a deterioration in the quality of the Service. In the process of searching for a fault location, the Operator's technical specialists may contact the Client with a request to carry out activities (work, operations) in the Client's area of ​​responsibility, such as: checking the cord (cable) from the Operator's terminal equipment to the Client's equipment, installing a loop, testing using the command " ping”, etc. The client can carry out such work and operations if he has such an opportunity and the appropriate skills, but is not obligated. If the Client cannot carry out the specified work, then the Operator’s specialists cannot insist on this, and must perform the necessary diagnostic work on the Client’s side on their own (on-site team).

I. 30 minutes after the Client’s initial request, a specialist from the Operator’s Technical Support Service must contact the Client and provide him with the following information:

The location of the failure that led to a deterioration in the quality of the Service, identified by diagnostic results (including using remote monitoring systems);

A list of measures, actions, and work that the Operator plans to carry out to eliminate the malfunction that led to a deterioration in the quality of the Service;

Estimated time frame for eliminating the malfunction and resuming the provision of the Service of proper quality.

J. If the Operator needs access to the Client’s premises where the Operator’s terminal equipment is installed to carry out troubleshooting work, then the Client must provide access.

K. A specialist from the Operator’s Technical Support Service periodically (at least twice an hour) contacts the Client and informs about the progress of work to eliminate the malfunction and the estimated time for completion of the work.

L. The Contractor must ensure that the quality of the Service is restored as soon as possible without violating the level of availability specified in clause 4.

M. After eliminating the malfunction, a specialist from the Operator’s Technical Support Service informs the Client about the completion of restoration work and the resumption of the provision of the Service of proper quality. The Client checks the functionality of the Service, and:

If the Service for which the Client applied is provided, and the Client has no complaints about its quality, then he informs the specialist of the Operator’s Technical Service about this. A specialist from the Operator's Technical Support Service records the time, last name, first name, and patronymic of the person who reported the closure of the Fault Ticket and closes the Fault Ticket. The client records in his operational log the time of closing the fault request,

If the Client is not satisfied with the quality of the provided Service for which he applied, he informs a specialist of the operator’s Technical Support Service about this. The malfunction request is not closed, and the Operator continues work aimed at resuming the provision of the service with quality parameters corresponding to the terms of the Agreement. Having made sure that the service is provided with proper quality, a specialist from the Operator’s Technical Support Service and/or an operator from the Client’s Technical Support Service act in accordance with these regulations.

6.3 TT reporting form, Operator contacts for transmitting messages and escalating problems.

If the Client detects an emergency situation, an interruption in the provision of the Service, or a deterioration in the quality of the Service, he must report this to the Operator's control center

by phone:

or by fax

or by email

in order for the operator to immediately begin work to restore the quality of the Service. When reporting a problem to the Operator's control center, the customer provides the service number and description of the problem. The operator reports the CT number, CT priority, cause of the malfunction, and estimated time of elimination.

Operator contacts for problem escalation:

Help Desk Manager

Technical Director


Client contacts for reporting problems:

Operator on duty: __________

Telecommunications Manager:

6.4 Planned maintenance and technological breaks.

The operator constantly monitors its network and carries out measures that may be pre-planned or caused by problems.

The Operator may replace cables and equipment to satisfy this SLA and the conditions set forth in the Service Statement. The Operator makes every effort to reduce the inconvenience experienced by the Client in connection with such work.

Planned maintenance or replacement of equipment is carried out at specially defined intervals:

· During routine work carried out by the Client on his corporate network, as agreed with the Customer.

· At the time agreed upon by the parties on weekends and on the night from Friday to Saturday from 20:00 Moscow time.

· Any work that causes a deterioration in the quality of services is prohibited from the 1st to the 21st of each month from January to December and from the 29th to the 31st of December.

The agreed periods of time during which Scheduled Maintenance is carried out are not cases of unavailability of the service if their total time does not exceed 4 hours within one calendar month. Downtime due to scheduled maintenance exceeding 4 hours per month is taken into account when calculating the total time of service unavailability and is compensated according to clause 5.

6.5. The procedure for interaction between the technical support services of the Client and the Operator during technological breaks

The procedure for conducting a technological break, which is initiated by the Operator, and the interaction of participants in this process are as follows:

A. If the Operator needs to take a technological break, the Operator sends an official letter to the User (possibly an e-mail message) no later than 10 days before the date of the planned break.

B. In the letter, the Operator must indicate the following information:

The reason for the technological break;

The timing of the technological break, indicating the exact time and date of the start of work and the exact time and date of completion of work within the framework of the technological break.

C. The Client, having received the letter, must review it and, no later than 1 day, send a written response to the Operator (possibly by e-mail message) with a notification of agreement on the time frame of the technological break planned by the Operator, or, otherwise, with a notification of the impossibility of carrying out the planned technological break.

D. Operator upon receipt written consent takes a technological break.

E. If the Contractor receives a written refusal from the Client, it should not carry it out.

F. The Contractor cannot conduct a technological break if he has not received a written refusal or consent from the User in response to his request for a technological break.

G. In the event that the duration of lack of communication during a technological break exceeds the planned one, i.e. goes beyond the time period limited by the exact time and date of the start of work and the exact time and date of completion of work within the technological break, which were indicated in the letter of the Operator , The Client must contact the Operator’s Technical Support Service and act in accordance with clause 6.2.


1. Tariffs_mob communication_ch1

2. Tariffs_mob communication_ch2

Head of Department

centralized procurement of KTO and SS

Unified region - a region for the provision of cellular communication services, including the territory of the central office (Moscow and the region) and the territories of the Client’s regional Subsidiaries, with uniform service tariffs for the Corporate Group.

Corporate group - mobile numbers of the Central Office and regional Subsidiaries of the Client.

Mobile operators

MGTS is much better known to residents of the capital as a provider of landline telephone services and home internet. High-speed GPON networks, digital television, smart home, security alarm - all this is quite familiar and even ordinary. But in addition to the entire range of services listed above, the range also includes mobile communications, which the operator provides to residents of Moscow and the capital region.


Among all the companies present on the cellular communications market, MGTS can easily be considered the oldest. It dates back to 1882, when the first telephone network was created in Moscow. It’s clear that it’s nothing mobile communications it was not even in the dreams of science fiction writers at that time, but the pedigree of the modern operator goes back precisely to those times.

In 1898, the organization was the first in Russia to open a long-distance communication line with St. Petersburg, survived the revolution, the civil war, and then the Great Patriotic War, in 1980 it provided communications for the Olympic Games, and in 2002 it opened access to broadband Internet to its subscribers.

By that time, the company was already an open joint-stock company, into which it was transformed in 1994 from a state-owned enterprise.

In 2006, MGTS subscribers were able to use the Mobile Home service, which was provided jointly with MTS OJSC. Its essence boiled down to the fact that when calling landline number it was possible to set up forwarding to a cell phone if it was in mobile network.

Perhaps this was the first event in the history of the operator that was at least indirectly related to cellular communications. At the same time, a new logo was introduced, created as part of the unification of the symbols of the companies of the Sistema Telecom group. It represents two squares familiar to MTS subscribers with an egg inscribed in one of them and the name of the company, but not in red, but in blue. Its author was the British agency Wolf Olins.

At the beginning of 2008, the company began developing digital television broadcasting, and a little later introduced batch system triple-play, which included all three types of services provided by MGTS at that time: landline telephone communications, digital television and high-speed Internet.

An important milestone was 2011, when the controlling stake in OJSC MGTS, owned by OJSC COMSTAR-UTS after the latter's takeover of OJSC MTS, became the property of the largest Russian telecommunications company.

Finally, in 2014, a virtual operator (MVNO) was created on the basis of MGTS. Since own cellular network the company did not have, and no one was going to create it, resources were involved parent company MTS.

As a result, mobile voice, Internet and television services were added to the triple-play package, after which it turned into 6-play.

In 2016, additional offers were introduced for home Internet users who paid for a package with access speeds of 100 and 200 Mbit/s.

The former received the opportunity to use the operator’s mobile communications for free within the framework of the MGTS Smart mini tariff, the latter – NonStop. At the same time, a bonus program began to operate, the participants of which received bonus points when paying for the company’s services.

Today's day

To date, the range of MGTS services has expanded significantly.

In addition to landline and mobile communications, Internet and television, the company provides its subscribers with the opportunity to use smart home technologies, and, in addition, allows them to install video surveillance and security alarms in their homes. An important advantage is the provision of parental control if necessary.

A new direction “Home Operator” is rapidly developing, including a range of household services: repairs and cleaning of apartments, replacement of pipes and radiators, electrical work and assistance with computer equipment.

As for mobile communications, there are only two package tariffs available to users, for which roaming has already been canceled throughout the country. The more expensive one, called Smart NonStop Unlim, among other things, contains unlimited internet traffic, which is generally not typical for the modern mobile Internet market.

The General Director of MGTS at the time of writing this review is Pavel Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, who replaced Andrey Ershov in this post in mid-2018. Before that, he headed Sistema, a subsidiary of AFK system integrator JSC Sitronics, and even earlier held a number of important positions in the administration of the Penza region.

The company's annual turnover has reached almost 20 billion rubles, and the number of employees is 8.5 thousand people. Subscriber base of virtual mobile operator At the end of 2017, MGTS had 355 thousand subscribers.

Reviews about the company

Since the company is regional, and mobile communications is not its main specialization, the number of reviews is small.

Moreover, most of them relate specifically to the quality of the home Internet. However, there are also comments regarding cellular communications.

The author of the review not only used one of the operator’s tariffs for a long time, but subsequently connected to a more expensive one, which in itself says a lot.

It is also worth paying attention to the lack of contacts with technical support - during such a time there was simply no need for them.

Another review in which the author is satisfied with both the mobile tariff and the quality of the mobile Internet using LTE technology.

There are reviews that mention promotions carried out by the company. In this case, the user received a smartphone as a gift.

And here the advantages of MGTS’s package approach to payment for communication services are demonstrated. For the same money, the subscriber not only kept his home phone, but also received a bunch of other features he needed.

Now - about the bad. There are almost 5 times more negative reviews than positive ones. In reality, this does not mean that the company is doing very poorly.

If a person is satisfied with the quality of service, then very rarely he can write a review without any motivation, for example, in the form of bonuses.

Immediately there were massive complaints about tariff increases, and without prior notification of subscribers about this sad fact.

Blocking a SIM card for unknown reasons led to the user being left without communication during a trip abroad.

There is probably not a single operator who has not been complained about due to problematic number porting. Either the employee fills out the passport information incorrectly, or something else happens. But in general, MGTS has surprisingly few such complaints.

Two more subscribers had problems while traveling abroad. Apparently, the company is not doing well with this.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the advantages of this operator, then Among them we can confidently include:
  • Good quality of communication and mobile Internet, which is not surprising, since MGTS uses the network of the country's cellular market leader; - package payment for services, which allows for significant savings.
  • Extensive range of services: the package includes not only landline and mobile communications, but also many other necessary features.
  • Compared to, for example, the Big Four operators, the number of complaints about paid subscriptions being connected without the knowledge of subscribers is simply ridiculous.
As for the minuses, there are two of them:
  1. Raising tariffs without prior notification to the subscriber. Although, on the other hand, where should he go? MGTS is included in the Register of natural monopolies in the field of communications; there is a problem with alternative fixed networks in the capital region.
  2. All sorts of problems when using mobile communications while traveling abroad.
In the national rating according to the portal, MGTS was in a not very honorable eighth place. Above it in full were the Big Four, Rostelecom and two MVNO operators: and Tinkoff Mobile, which recently appeared on the market.

To summarize, we can safely say that for those residents of Moscow and the Moscow region who need high-speed home Internet, the opportunity to also receive mobile communications as part of a general package of services may be quite attractive.

For everyone else, it hardly makes sense to consider this option, since large cellular providers offer more flexible tariffs, and often more profitable ones, if considered separately from the package.

In September, MGTS together with MTS launched the “Convergent Operator” project. The first month of “break-in” has passed, it’s interesting to look at the results. And deal with the questions that arose along the way.

The project itself is very interesting and looks attractive. Link up to five SIM cards to your MGTS personal account and be serviced by MGTS on one general contract, paying a single MGTS invoice issued for the past month. In addition to the “administrative” conveniences (credit payment form and one common account), users of such a bundle also receive a certain discount, up to 40% savings are stated. It also has its downsides, but you’d better read our tariffs and features of this new “convergent operator”; it’s a very interesting thing.

As we know, any new telecom project stumbles at first; it is impossible to foresee everything. Emerging bottlenecks and shortcomings are being eliminated, but you need to keep in mind a certain sluggishness of the participants; you can imagine the scale of MTS and MGTS. Some features were not obvious or incomprehensible, and technical details required additional clarification.

During my interaction with MGTS as a mobile operator, I asked several clarifying questions, and even more questions and comments came from you during the discussion of the project. MGTS carefully studied everything, took note and prepared answers to the most common questions. Thanks to Maxim Burtsev, MVNO project manager, for your comments.

Questions and answers

In discussions, it is suggested that MGTS SIM cards do not support 4G operation at all, and as an argument they point to the absence of the “4G” icon on the SIM card packaging. If 4G is really blocked in some clever way (although I doubt it), this should be directly indicated in the tariff descriptions. If it is not blocked, then it would be nice to add a “4G” icon to the SIM card packaging.

MGTS SIM cards support 4G operation; a temporary lack of confirmation could be caused by reconfiguring Internet access parameters on subscribers’ phones.

Contact center. I was unable to get through on the weekend (see screenshot). But mobile users are not ready for such a turn. It is impossible to solve it head-on without significant costs, this is understandable, but is it at least possible to set up an IVR? With a forecast of waiting time for a response or advice, call work time on weekdays, since the contact center works that way. The same melody “in a circle” for hours creates a feeling of hopelessness.

Increased demand from subscribers for the MVNO service from MGTS led to an increase in the load on the telephone line with short number 0636, which negatively affected the quality of service. We plan that from the end of October this situation is being normalized by recruiting additional staff to service subscriber calls to a short number.

Personal Area. Its mobile part, as far as I can see, completely duplicates the MTS Internet assistant. This is correct, and there is no need to reinvent the wheel, but the links should be checked. For example, I immediately noticed that the “tariff selection” link leads to the “tariffs” section of the MTS website.

Thank you, we will fix it soon.

Rossvyaz recognizes the numbering capacity allocated to MGTS correctly, but MTT - alas. They, of course, could have abandoned their reference book altogether, but this is unlikely.

Unfortunately, this issue falls within the competence of MTT. MGTS sent a notification to MTT about receiving the numbering resource in July 2014.

I have an MGTS number and an MTS number. What will I get next? Two numbers or one? MGTS, obviously, will not change, but MTS?

The subscriber can take a SIM card with a new phone number or switch to services mobile operator MGTS with its previous number. This will become possible at the end of October after the launch of the MNP service.

All this joy costs at least 650 rubles. And then each additional mobile +250 rubles? Those. a family of three will spend 1150 rubles. in a minimal configuration?

Yes. Now for all telecommunications services - home phone, Internet, TV and 3 SIM cards - she most likely pays more than the specified amount. It is worth noting that savings on service bills will range from 17 to 40%.

Can you turn the MTS numbers of other family members into these additional mobile numbers?

This will be possible from November 2014 after the launch of the MNP service.

Now I am transferring money to my mobile phone from a bank card, can I continue to do this in the future? Or will now everything just come down to paying the MGTS bill? If so, then this is very inconvenient...

All services for all SIM cards will be paid within the MGTS Unified Account, which can be paid on a “pay later” basis not only at bank cash desks, but also remotely using bank cards or online services banks. So, paying your bill will be just as convenient for you.

Everything is very nice, especially having GPON and TV at home, with the new three MGTS tariffs, but there is NO opportunity to combine up to 5 of these SIM cards! Everything is only on one tariff! I spent half an hour communicating with MGTS. But I need Smart, my son needs Smart mini, my wife needs Smart+. At the same time, neither Mini nor Smart Plus can be additionally connected to GOLD (Smart)! And on Platinum only Smart Plus is connected, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a second SIM card or a fifth!

We apologize to you for incorrect operation our employees. We clarify that a subscriber can connect up to 5 additional SIM cards with different tariff plans within one package. The main condition is that one of them meets the parameters of the selected package.

Unfortunately, your advice didn't work. They called back not to the contact phone number that I indicated in the contract, but to the MGTS SIM card that my father has. And they began to explain to him that since the situation had already been corrected by me, then what was there. And they gave me a smart mini because there are very few SIM cards with smart ones.

We will once again conduct additional training with the call center employees and once again regret that we could not resolve the issue the first time. A subscriber can change the tariff on a mobile SIM card independently at any time and completely free of charge. Currently, this can be done by sending a USSD command (a catalog with commands is attached to the SIM card), Personal Account or calling the Contact Center.

Thoughts and impressions

As you probably understood from the questions and answers, most of the complaints relate to organizational issues and a lot should change by November. The main thing is that MNP (number portability) must work; without this, the project loses at least 30% of its attractiveness. Changing the operator is not so bad, the quality of communication and additional services for the entire “Big Three” in Moscow is now comparable, the “failures” are local. But not everyone will agree to change their phone number for the sake of convenience and some savings. As for existing MTS subscribers, it is difficult to explain to them the impossibility of linking an existing phone number MTS to a pool of numbers allocated by MGTS and serviced by the same MTS. Technical and administrative barriers, if they exist, look unconvincing from the outside. One might suspect the corporation of wanting to increase its subscriber base, but the benefit to the end consumer is not enough to have any significant effect. It’s good that MGTS/MTS understands this, although it’s strange that they didn’t bother with this issue earlier. The project did not take a month or even a year to prepare; there was enough time.

Obtaining a pin code proved to be somewhat difficult (see question above about accessibility contact center), take care of this in advance, even at the registration stage. From personal experience, postal address [email protected] works and responds quickly enough. I was also advised to dial +7 495 636-0-636 from a landline phone instead of the short code 0636 from a mobile phone.

The MGTS Internet assistant looks “identical to the natural one,” i.e., the MTS Internet assistant. Except for the color and title. There are probably enough changes inside, for example, when you try to change the tariff, the two remaining Smart options are offered (there are three in total). As far as I understand, the versions included in the MGTS packages mobile tariffs while they remain in use, regardless of what changes occur with similar tariffs in MTS, these are different dioceses. I readily admit that they will come up with something in the future, but for now that’s it.

In principle, no one forbids you to climb into the MTS “Personal Account” and admire your number from there. This may be useful if you need to connect external programs balance monitoring type Mobile Balance. For the rest, there is no particular point, shouldn’t you connect the “Gudok” on your own initiative? By the way, one of the significant advantages of the MGTS SIM card is the absence of any starting content obscenities. Even the SIM menu with its numerous paid horoscope forecasts is missing, what a blessing and savings on inquisitive children.

What is still unclear is a way to control the remaining volume of the Internet package on the SIM card. There is no data in the Internet assistant; in the “Personal Account” they clearly do not correspond. The response to the standard USSD request (*217#) and the number in your Personal Account hint that consumption statistics are reset daily, not monthly. I hope that this will be corrected over time.

Another interesting question is the possibility of setting up call forwarding from an MGTS phone to a mobile phone. According to the description, the subscription fee for the service is 23 rubles/month, and charging occurs according to the direction of the call. Calls from an MGTS phone to one linked to a personal account mobile number free. If everything works “by the book,” then you can answer calls conveniently and inexpensively while traveling or from anywhere in the city. Yes, and it will be useful at home, incoming call will be transferred to your mobile phone if the landline phone is busy at the time of the call.


Let's hope that soon the flaws will be cleaned out, MNP transitions from everywhere and in any direction will work and “fastened” to landline phone additional SIM cards will become commonplace. The idea of ​​convergence itself looks promising, but much depends on implementation and pricing. And on how clearly and intelligibly the information will be conveyed to the potential client of the new service.

The offerings of cellular telecom operators increasingly go beyond providing only mobile communication services. Today, you can get both cellular and home services from one company. All federal companies that offer combined packages provide services under a common brand. MTS has a slightly different approach, or rather in a separate region. So, in Moscow, on the operator’s website, we can leave a request for a home Internet connection, and as a result, the service is provided by the MGTS operator.

Today we will tell you everything about home and mobile services operator MGTS, and let's try to figure out why such divisions occur, how the tariffs differ, and what the benefits are for the company and subscribers.

Which operator is more mobile?

The division into MTS and MGTS has developed historically. Moscow city telephone networks appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. Until 2009, it was a state company, and after the transformation into a joint stock company, private owners appeared in it. This is what started the process, as a result of which the new owners introduced it into the MTS group of companies. This also explains the fact that shareholders still retain the name of the company, which has a history of more than a century.

However, evolution does not stand still, and together with MTS, MGTS also received the status of a mobile operator. In fact, the operator is virtual, since mobile communication services are provided on the infrastructure of the MTS network, so there is one coverage map for two. You can become a subscriber only in Moscow and the region, but you can use your mobile phone throughout the entire MTS coverage area - make calls and use the Internet.

Positioning MGTS as a separate mobile operator allows you to increase your subscriber base through those subscribers who have a positive attitude towards a brand with a history. They have the opportunity to use tariffs that are slightly different from standard MTS offers. Among the advantages is a credit payment system. All services from the company in one bill - for mobile and home telephones, wired Internet and television.

There are also a number of advantages for MTS subscribers. Possibility to use the full range of communication services on special terms. Yes, and bonus points for home services can be awarded to MTS Bonus, and spent both on communications from MTS and MGTS.

What are the differences between tariffs and services?

At first glance, MGTS tariffs for mobile communications are not very different from those of MTS and even the names are the same. In general, these are tariffs from the “Smart” line up to last update in MTS, and if you carefully read the conditions, then in some ways they are even more profitable. Thus, intranet unlimited for all mobile and landline numbers of MGTS in Moscow, as well as for cellular MTS throughout the country, and the monthly fee is lower. The only noticeable difference is a smaller package of messages, which is spent on all MTS numbers across the country at separate tariffs.

There are four tariffs in the MGTS line - three for phones and one for tablets. The minimum tariff is not only cheaper than MTS’s one of the same name, but package minutes are not limited to the capital region - they can be used on all cellular and landline phones in Russia.

Other tariffs do not have this advantage of package minutes. The difference from similar ones in MTS after the spring update is the lack of transfer of unused packages, which is compensated by a lower monthly fee. MGTS also offers services that allow you to save on roaming around the country and the world. They completely coincide in cost and names with MTS.

You can check your balance, set up mobile Internet on your phone, and pay for MGTS services in the same way as on MTS - you won’t find any differences. Even short ones USSD commands completely coincide.

What distinguishes MGTS subscribers from clients of other operators is that checking your balance on a mobile phone is largely pointless, since there is always a minus there. This can only be avoided by paying for the entire range of services upfront, but then all the benefits are lost credit system in MGTS and the possibility of obtaining a single account. The only limitation is that the minus should not exceed three thousand rubles.


The division of operator services into two brands has both positive and negative sides. In the case of MGTS, the division is justified for the company in the name of preserving the historical brand. Although it is possible that the integration of the two divisions will eventually lead to complete unification.

For subscribers, the separation also has undeniable advantages, which include the ability to use tariffs that are lower in cost, but are absolutely identical in quality.

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Mobile communications MGTS (Russia, Moscow)

mobile home: all the pros and cons

profitable option "4 in 1", unlimited calls to MTS and landline numbers, 1GB of traffic, “Pay later”, payment per receipt, incoming calls within Russia are free, no connection problems, technical support

calls from MTS to MGTS are paid, expensive calls to mobile. and mountains Russian numbers, there are failures in accruals

When connecting (at the nearest MGTS office), I was given a SIM card with a new number and I filled out an application to transfer my old MTS number to this SIM card.

Everything is decorated very culturally. Subscriber's corporate folder:

"The Real Future".
Inside is a booklet and a “Stay in touch” SIM card.
There is a sticker on the card indicating the tariff plan. It happened that the required tariff plan was not available, and they gave out another one with instructions on how to change to the required one tariff plan(activate the SIM card and send messages to a short number).
4G SIM card.
For all mobile devices- three types of cutting, choose any (suitable for both iPhones and old phones, without any adapters or the need for cutting). By the way, I recommend extruding and saving all the size options - they can be used as adapters.
I have a Smart mini tariff.

Subscription fee - 200 rubles per month. The bill comes in one receipt along with telephone, internet and television.
The system is not prepaid, but postpaid. That is, you spend, and at the end of the month you pay the entire amount at once.
I like this payment scheme, so I put it in the pros.
But. It is clear that for some, on the contrary, the prepaid method may be more preferable - for example, in order not to accidentally incur large sums (as in the case of children, it may be that so much is written off that it doesn’t seem like much)...

You need to top up your account home phone, not mobile. It is important.

And here’s the moment: if your home phone account is replenished with MTS bonuses, the answering machine will ring asking you to pay the debt. And it’s not immediately clear where it came from, if the balance of your home phone is positive, and the balance of your mobile phone is negative.
It turns out that bonuses are not included in payment for mobile communications. But now this is no longer relevant, because MTS has reduced the amount of MGTS replenishment using bonus points by several times, the freebie is over :/

So, my tariff gives me complete freedom to communicate with MTS and MGTS subscribers (unlimited), and all calls to Moscow landlines are also free. If on my home phone, with time-based billing, the cost of a minute is almost half a ruble, now I only receive incoming calls on my home phone. Outgoing calls are always from a mobile phone.
In addition, I now have Internet on my phone - 1 GB, I use it often, and so far I have never overused it. But if suddenly 1GB runs out, then you can buy another 500 MB (turbo button) for 75 rubles.

Incoming calls are now free throughout Russia (incoming SMS - worldwide).

But in order to make outgoing calls and use the Internet, you need to activate the paid option “Everywhere at home” (like MTS) - for 100 rubles per month.
Even if you only need it for a week.
Unfortunately, recalculation for actually used days, as MGTS does when connecting paid channels There will be no TV. You also need to disable the option in time, otherwise you will be charged for another 1 month.

One time I decided to do without “Everywhere is like home”. I didn’t intend to call anyone, I can receive incoming calls, the Internet is via Wi-Fi... But I’m used to using it that way mobile internet that even when WiFi was unavailable (on the road, for example, or near the house on the street) out of habit, she continued to view mail and thematic sites. And some applications themselves pumped up traffic.
I didn’t even think about turning off cellular data; I somehow forgot about it.
So, during the week of vacation I lost almost 300 rubles. 1 MB for 10 rubles. - not bad prices :(
It would be cheaper to connect the option for three months...
For those who are interested in what a detailed invoice looks like (detailed services):

♦ How to find out the remaining traffic on MGTS?
(how much internet included in the subscription fee is left)
The easiest way is to dial *111*217# on your phone.
You will receive an SMS with information about the remaining traffic, as well as the date and exact time of the new countdown.
Unfortunately, there are no other options, such as tracking this in personal account(like MTS) or through a mobile application, I didn’t find it.

♦ MGTS mobile application.
It is probably still at the very beginning of its journey. Information content - zero. The maximum that can be found in it is the current balance or the amount due.

bonus program.
Everything is very foggy. On the one hand, it seems that on the MTS website, after switching to MGTS, I still have access to my personal account, and there are even bonus points. On the other hand, last time I was unable to “dig deeper” - some kind of error “popped up”. That is, whether it will be possible to use them is not clear.

♦ Special offers.
I still receive SMS from MTS with promotions like “Double your payment!” etc. Before a certain date, you need to top up your account with a certain amount and receive some bonus rubles.
How, in their opinion, should I do this if MGTS insists that I should top up not to the number mobile phone, and what about your home phone?

♦ Solution for the whole family.
"Connect up to 5 numbers to one personal account."
The question is, why? Is this necessary?
- The discount does not apply to the second and subsequent numbers.
- MGTS does not have tariffs without a monthly fee (such as Super MTS).
It is clear that if you need two Smart minis from MGTS, you can connect them to one account and pay using one receipt.
In my case, everyone except me remained on MTS - my child has “Super MTS”, my husband has Smart TOP ( Smart TOP). If necessary, the child calls me at home if I am at home (free for him), or calls my husband (free), or I call him back myself.

Despite the fact that MTS and MGTS are birds of a feather - calls from MTS to mobile MGTS are PAID! To landline phones it’s free, but to mobile phones it costs money, and at the “other operators” tariff. So this is a setup for all callers from Megafon, Beeline and MTS. The number may be similar to one of them, but only MGTS subscribers can call MGTS for free! This is so sad :/

♦ Tariff plans.
I noticed that if MTS introduces some new conditions, such as no roaming (all incoming calls are free), then this will also come to MGTS, but with a delay.
However, you need to clearly look at which tariff is right for you.
For example, I don’t like any tariff plan other than Smart mini from MGTS. 2 rub. per minute over the package from MGTS versus 1.5 rubles. per minute for MTS there is a significant difference.

♦ Technical support.
On multi-channel number It has now become very easy to call MGTS technical support. It is enough to order a call back when dialing the operator (calling from a mobile phone), and before you have time to hang up, there is already an incoming call.
To resolve issues regarding mobile communications, you need to ask to be switched to the “mobile department”, they are the ones who resolve issues regarding possible problems or find out things of interest. They communicate competently, kindly, constructively and productively.

♦ Problems.
There are actually not many problems, and all of them can be solved. In my more than half a year of subscriber experience, this is what happened:
- Once they started charging for the “They called you” service (MTS at some point made it paid, but MGTS should have it free). I called, it turned out, it was decided.
- Once there was a difference between the total cost of the package and the amount charged for payment (not much, 30 rubles). We made a recalculation.
- Once the discount on the package was completely removed - that is, an invoice arrived for the full cost. We recalculated and returned the discount.
- She also clarified about the consumption of Internet traffic (where did so much money come from in the last receipt), why do I have a debt for the phone if the overall balance is positive (I added a lot of bonuses to the balance).
Otherwise, everything is normal.

♦ Writing off the subscription fee.
On my tariff, if you make a request for the last 5 paid actions, you can see that the monthly fee for the VO Smart mini tariff is charged daily in the amount of 6.45 or 6.67 rubles (depending on the number of days in the month). If you check the balance of the phone, it is usually negative (this is normal), mutual settlement between MGTS and MTS occurs once a month, just then the balance is reset to zero (if there is no debt).

♦ Covering.
In Moscow and the region everything is fine. There have never been any problems with communication, just like MTS. In other regions, where Megafon, for example, does best, in the wilderness, of course, anything can happen. But I haven’t found myself in such situations over the past six months.

That's probably all)

So, let me summarize.


Favorable package offer - more than 30% discount (650 rubles for everything: Internet, TV, home phone and mobile phone)
+ Unlimited (!) calls to MTS, mobile MGTS and landlines
+ 1.5 rub. per minute for calls to Beeline and Megafon in Moscow and Moscow Region
+ 1GB Internet (enough for me!)
+ Payment with one receipt for everything using the “Pay later” system
+ Incoming calls are free when traveling in Russia (incoming SMS - everywhere)
+ Quality of coverage (like MTS), never had any problems with communication
+ Technical support (fast and thorough)


Calls from MTS to MGTS are paid (as with other mobile operators)
- Expensive calls to Russian mobile and landline numbers (I do this via Viber and WhatsApp)
- Sometimes there are some technical glitches in the accruals - you need to call and communicate with technical support
- Few MGTS offices in Moscow
- The mobile application is not yet informative
- Your personal account does not reflect the remaining Internet traffic
- The bonus system is questionable

MGTS, Smart mini tariff ( smart mini): From MTS to MGTS

unlimited calls to MTS and MGTS in your region, payment with one receipt

bonuses from MTS do not transfer

Once again the question arose about paying for a landline phone, which no one uses, with rare exceptions. And the money, if you count it, is considerable - 500 rubles. x12months total for the year - 6000 rubles.
Having studied the market, we came to the conclusion that it is much more profitable to take the smart mini tariff from MGTS - it turns out that you always have a landline phone at hand for only 200 rubles per month, and for this amount you also get free unlimited calls to MTS and 1 GB Internet as a gift every month. The rest is the same as on the MTS Smart mini tariff.
It is especially profitable to switch to a tariff from MTS - you will keep your number and the quality of communication will remain the same, since MGTS is now a “daughter” of MTS and uses MTS towers and equipment for communications. Many tariffs and bonuses are similar. Since the majority of people with whom I communicate with MTS, I was worried about the question of their payment, if they call me - how is it charged. I couldn’t figure this out for a long time - MTS and MGTS gave different data. As a result, using this connection, I declare: calls from MTS to mobile MGTS are free (or within your network according to the tariff).
Payment is also convenient - if you have a house. phone or Internet gpon, then you can also connect your mobile phone account in your personal account and pay for everything with one receipt.
The transition from MTS to MGTS is carried out as follows:
You receive a SIM card with an MGTS number (even a courier can deliver it) and on that day (or another), but only at the company’s office, you write an application to transfer to MGTS with your number. The application is processed in approximately 7-8 days and during this time your MGTS SIM card is assigned old number. The balance is transferred, but the connected options are not saved. You can also switch from another mobile operator, but I don’t know the nuances there.
Points under the MTS bonus program are also lost, so you need to take care of using them in advance. For example, now there is a new reward - top up your MGTS balance. To use it, you need to go to the Promotions and bonuses section in your MGTS personal account (you receive the password by calling MGTS) and click the “Become a program participant” button. When the MTS Internet assistant is open and your MGTS personal account is open, it automatically identifies you and your points from MTS are transferred to MGTS. And there you can already use them.
I also didn’t like the fact that if MGTS specialists don’t want to answer something, they either change the topic of the conversation or deceive (there were some nuances when installing gpon), and when it comes down to it, it turns out that something is different. We were delayed in terms of activating the application (they said that everything needed 3 days, but it turned out to be a week with weekends) and we were without the Internet for 2 days, although we could have turned off the previous one later. And they explained it this way: well, we couldn’t lose a client because of deadlines.

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