Pick up a registered letter without notice. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification from the post office? Do we have the right to receive our items by mail without waiting for the notice to be delivered?

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Buyers of the Joom online store who pick up parcels from China at the post office are familiar firsthand with the queues and delays associated with completing the necessary documents. Taking into account the growing flow of customers, Russian Post proposes to use an innovation that allows you to receive orders without filling out notification papers. You also don’t need a passport, which will allow you to drop by to pick up a parcel after work or during your lunch break. For those who are interested in how to receive a package by mail without notification, experts give several useful recommendations.

How to pick up a parcel from Jum without a passport and presentation of a notice?

If you are tracking your order and are sure that the goods have arrived at the destination (post office), you can pick up the package without waiting for official notification. To do this you need to register electronic signature, which is done directly at the post office or independently - on the official website of the Russian Post. In the second case, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Follow the link https://www.pochta.ru/support/office-services/sms-registration.
  2. To connect to the service, select the right button on the “Connect via pochta.ru” screen.
  3. In the window that opens, enter your mobile phone number and captcha.
  4. Fill out the electronic form, carefully checking the data. When explaining how to receive a parcel by mail without notification, you should clarify that you need to enter your mobile number in the contacts column.
  5. Complete registration.

Next, you need to copy the track number of your parcel, take your passport with you and visit the post office at your place of residence. There is no need to present documents every time; passport data is verified once during registration.

At the post office, contact a specialist with a request to register. On the website, the employee will check the tracking number of the parcel, check the data in the electronic form with the passport and specify the mobile number. After registering in the system, a personal code is sent to the recipient’s phone. You need to dictate it to the employee, and you will be given the package without filling out any paperwork.

You should have your phone with you, but in the future you can give it to relatives who will be able to pick up orders from Joom without your presence. This is important for those who do not know how to receive a parcel from Russian Post without notification.

Where can I find out the track number for receiving a parcel without notification?

If you cannot track the location of your Joom order on the Russian Post website, then use the proven services https://track24.ru/, Postal.Ninja or SF-Express ePacket. Subject to delivery by international transport companies, the track code will allow you to find the parcel and receive it without notification. Another option that has become available to customers of the Chinese hypermarket is receiving parcels at parcel lockers. He's bigger suitable for residents capitals and large cities, where without notice or documents you can pick up your order at a pick-up point at any convenient time. If suddenly your parcel was sent via the SDEK postal service, then you should definitely check

In order to receive parcels, small packages or letters at Russian Post, you no longer have to carry a passport with you or fill out notifications. Progress does not stand still and now it is enough to take your phone with you. Find out how to activate this service (even without filling out paper forms!) and receive parcels via SMS in this article.

Registration on the mail website

First you need to register on the Russian Post website. To do this, follow this link - https://www.pochta.ru/support/office-services/sms-registration Here you need to fill out a form and take two important steps - confirm your mobile phone and email address (both must be yours!).

Step-by-step registration process

  1. When you click on the “Fill in” link on the welcome page, a window appears asking you to enter your email and password. There is no need to do either one or the other yet - all this is already for those who have gone through all the steps. At the bottom of the form there is a link “Register” - click on it.

2.First of all, you need to enter information about yourself. Do not substitute fictitious data - all of them will require subsequent certification at the Post Office, so that you can then use it without a passport. That is, you will have to bring your passport once. So, leave your personal information in the input fields and create a password. When entering an address, the system itself will find suitable components (city, street, house number) from its database, so the address should ultimately be formatted according to mail rules. As a rule, no difficulties arise in this.

3. During registration (at its different steps), the system will ask you to confirm the entered mobile phone number (it will send an SMS with a code that must be entered in the field) and email address (it will send a verification letter containing a link to go to it).

4. After all contacts have been confirmed, the system offers to supplement information about yourself with passport data. Additionally, she wants to know the TIN and SNILS data (they are not required, but their presence gives the Post the opportunity to offer you additional services. For example, sending registered letters, messages about fines, etc.).

5. When the form is completed, the system will inform you that it already has all the data about you. And in order to receive parcels, parcels, letters and other correspondence without a passport and without filling out notices, it is enough to show up at the post office once with the document so that the operator prints out the form, verifies the passport data and provides the service.

Personal account of Russian Post

The organization provides its clients with access to Personal Area, in which you can now, for example, without coming to the branch, subscribe to periodicals, order the sending of registered letters to in electronic format(at the time of writing, it works, however, only in Moscow and the Moscow region), receive information about money transfers, letters, parcels in your name, call a courier to your home and receive many other additional services.

We remind you that in order to receive correspondence at the Post Office without a passport, after filling out the form, you need to go there once with a document so that you are identified and connected to the system.

How can you keep track of your parcel?

There are several ways to track a postal item using its registration number. The most common one is to go to the Russian Post website or mobile app and enter the so-called tracking number. By the way, this service is free. The system will provide up-to-date information about the status of the shipment. But immediately after paying for the order in the online store, you should not look for it or check whether it has gone to you. Sometimes it takes from several hours to several days (especially for placing orders from abroad) from the moment the parcel is sent for the information to be reflected in the system.

There have been cases of mail page clone sites appearing, the creators of which offered information about moving for a fee. If you are required to pay for a search service, then you need to close such a site. As Russian Post emphasized, no one has the right to charge an additional fee for searching for parcels.

The parcel can be received without notification

If, upon request, the tracking system displays the following information: “Arrived at the place of delivery,” it means that the parcel is already at the post office and you don’t have to wait for a paper notification. The operator at the post office is obliged to give you the parcel simply using the postal item number and passport. A passport is needed to confirm that you are the recipient of the parcel. A parcel will be given to a relative or friend only if he has a power of attorney from you in his name certified by a lawyer.

If the parcel is left in the mail, you will have to pay extra for its storage

If a branch employee requires a paper notification and refuses to hand over the parcel, you can contact " hotline", provide the department number and last name of the employee. It must be indicated on his badge.

If there is a suspicion that the parcel has been opened, if the packaging is underweight or damaged, be sure to ask the postal worker to open the parcel in your presence. If the fears are confirmed, a report is drawn up that will serve as the basis for filing an application for compensation. If an employee refuses to draw up a report, this is another reason to contact the hotline.

There may be an additional charge for storing parcels.

But do not delay receiving the parcel, this may entail additional costs. The addressee or sender may be charged a fee for storing a registered mail item for a period of more than one business day after the secondary notification of the parcel (not counting the day of delivery). The amount of storage fees is set by postal operators. Therefore, many stores prefer to return their goods rather than pay for their storage at the post office.

We will issue a refund

Before the New Year, postal workers traditionally expect a twofold increase in the number of parcels. Photo: Sergey Mikheev

How to get your money back if your package is sent back? You need to contact the store. Interestingly, you can issue a return if the item you ordered does not suit you. But it’s worth doing this “without leaving the cash register.” That is, even at the post office, you should open the parcel and make sure that inside is exactly the product you expected to receive, then it will be easier to prove that you did not replace the contents.

How to get compensation

If the information in the tracking system does not change for two weeks or more, we advise you to go to the post office and write a search application. To do this, you will need proof of shipment (receipt or check). They can be requested from the sender. Application form for search of internal and international parcels easy to find online and print yourself. The application is accepted within six months from the date of sending. Within 30 days from the date of application you will receive ordered letter with the test results.

If you have any questions, you can also ask them by calling 24/7 contact center 8-800-2005-888 or on the postal service website. There you can submit an official application online.

The notification did not arrive, I only received an SMS with the parcel number, but it was deleted. How to receive a parcel?

The parcel can be received without notification (without a tracking track). They usually ask me for my last name. You can give your passport right away so that they can write it correctly in the database search. This way they will find your track (or the information they need). Next, you will be given a new notice in which you will enter your passport details... And you will receive the parcel.

But keep in mind that employees may growl at you for such a situation. Be calm and polite.

I received this way more than once, we don’t have the key to the box and I can’t get the notice.

To receive a parcel without a notice brought by the postman, you can go in two ways:

  1. Checks the location using the tracking number on the official website. If the parcel is at your post office. Print the notice from the website, fill it out and pick it up at the post office.
  2. Second option. Take your passport, call the tracking number at the issuing point, fill out the details and pick up your long-awaited parcel.

Excuses are not the most important thing, the main thing is the passport and the fact that tracking shows delivery, but otherwise you can safely go to the post office.

In order to receive a parcel by mail, you need to present a notice at the post office, and if it is missing, the track code.

Additionally, you need to present your passport.

The notice can be filled out on the Russian Post website, printed out and given to a postal employee.

You can even receive a parcel for another person; in this case, you will additionally need a power of attorney.

In the absence of a notification and a tracking code, you only need to present your passport and ask the postal employee to find the package by address and name.

You can receive the parcel. If you see in a notice at the Russian post office that it has arrived at your post office, but there is no notification, everything is simple. Take your passport, write down the item number and go to the post office. You submit both to the operator and he takes out your parcel and gives you a receipt to fill out, and if it is cash on delivery, then you should pay for it.

They also have a parcel delivery system on the computer, she can look at it right away.

Because now customers even receive SMS messages about the progress of shipments. Also such letters to email address when they arrive, you can see all the progress of the parcel.

As far as I know, in order to receive the parcel, you do not need to present a notice. This statement is the way postal workers notify the addressee of the need to pick up their goods. In order for the parcel to be delivered to you, you must present your passport. If this document is missing, problems may arise.

Sorry, but if parcels were issued according to notifications, any petty thief, having examined the mailboxes of several entrances, could make a pretty good deal. Just the delivery of a parcel upon notification may be considered a violation.

If the SMS has definitely arrived, then this means that the parcel has been received, then it is enough to take your passport with you and that’s it, of course, in order to find the parcel faster, they also ask for the number from the message, but in principle this is not necessary.

And if the parcel has a tracking code in Russia, then you don’t even have to wait for an SMS, as information about the receipt of the shipment appears, you can just go in with your passport and pick up the parcel

It’s quite simple, take your passport and track code for your parcel, go to the post office and ask to see its availability by name or code.

And if you have a good relationship with the postal workers and they are in a good mood, and there are few people, then this can be done quickly.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of dissatisfaction, grumbling and frayed nerves, but the result will be the same - they will give you your parcel.

Not long ago I was waiting for one parcel; on the parcel tracking website it was indicated that the parcel was already at the post office, but there was still no notification. Without hesitation, I took my passport and went to the post office. I asked to check if there was a parcel in my name. They checked everything, gave me a piece of paper to fill out and delivered the parcel. In general, I received the parcel without notification.

I have been receiving parcels in the mail for a long time now without waiting for notification. I track the parcel using the track code on the Russian Post website, then I come to the post office and ask to look at the parcel and find it using the track code. This code is reported by all online stores, and when sending a parcel by a private person, you can also find out this code.

In principle, receiving the parcel is not difficult. Come to the post office with your passport, tell them that there was an SMS notification that the package is at the post office. The operator must look by last name. It takes a little longer, some people don't like to search. I've had this happen several times and found it without any problems.

How to receive a parcel without notification - instructions

Currently, ordering a wide variety of goods on Internet sites, and especially on foreign sites, where goods can cost an order of magnitude cheaper, have become very popular. In addition, on foreign websites you can find and purchase absolutely exclusive items.

Considering all the positive aspects of goods from abroad, there is one significant drawback: they take a very long time to arrive by post to Russia - from two weeks to a month and a half. Therefore, customers have to be nervous all this time while waiting for their long-awaited purchase.

However, today there is a very convenient resource that allows online tracking of mail sent both from abroad and from Russia. This service has long gained great popularity among Internet shopaholics. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of sites specializing in tracking postal items, any user who has an exclusive identifier number, which is better known as a tracking number (track code), has the opportunity to control the passage of his parcel at every stage.

Differences between domestic and international parcel tracking numbers

A tracking number is assigned to all parcels. The only difference is that domestic track codes consist of fourteen numeric values ​​only, while track numbers assigned abroad have thirteen alphanumeric values.

While waiting for a parcel, the user knows by the track code that it has arrived before receiving a notification from the post office notifying about this. According to the rules at the post office, after the parcel arrives at the post office, a notice is issued and delivered to the recipient. But due to the fact that many recipients have neither the time nor the desire to wait for the notification to arrive, a logical question arises: can I receive the parcel without notification?

How to receive a parcel by mail without notification

When notifications from post offices to the recipient, due to some circumstances, were not delivered, or were simply lost, and the tracking service clearly shows the recipient information indicating that the parcels have arrived, then the recipient has the right to receive the parcel at Russian Post without notification .

This opportunity is provided in accordance with the special Procedure for issuing registered mail. It contains information that, having contacted the post office regarding the receipt of registered parcels without notification, but only if a barcode identifier (track code) is provided, the post office operator must check the information about the availability of parcels, and in case of a positive result is obliged distribute them to recipients.

That is, it is possible to pick up a postal item without notification; to do this, the recipient simply needs to contact the post office assigned to his address and, presenting an identification document, give the track code of the parcel. If the parcel is available, the recipient will be issued a new notice on the spot.

It so happened that I received all my more or less large purchases from online stores without waiting for receipt postal notices, but by tracking their path using the track number and simply coming to the post office with your passport.

I did exactly the same thing at the beginning of this January after the New Year holidays, tracking the arrival of the parcel at my post office. But the postal employee refused to look for the parcel using the track number, saying that she needed notification.

The situation was defused by the head of the post office, who clarified the delivery address and volunteered to find the required item.

The parcel was quickly found, after which the manager asked to come for subsequent shipments only after waiting for a notification from the postman, somehow stupidly explaining this: they say that when they print notices for delivery by mail, they fit 3 pieces on one sheet, and when someone comes without a notice, the notice is printed on a separate sheet, and they have a shortage of paper and are generally terribly inconvenient.

The notice appeared in mailbox 4 (!) days after I had already picked up my parcel at the post office...

Do we have the right to receive our items by mail without waiting for the notice to be delivered?

First, we need to figure out - do we even have the right to demand the delivery of parcels to us without waiting for notification?

Or is each fact of such issuance a gesture of goodwill on the part of a specific employee?

Here is what the rules for receiving postal items, published on the official website of the Russian Post, say:

Simple letters, postcards and small parcels are delivered to the recipient's mailbox.

The postman brings registered letters to your home and hands them to the addressee against signature upon presentation of an identity card. If the addressee is not there, the postman leaves a notice in the mailbox and returns the letter to the post office.

Parcels and other registered items can be collected at the branch or ordered delivered to your home.

To receive the shipment at the branch, you need to present a notice (you can fill it out on the website) or a tracking number, as well as an identity card.

To receive a shipment addressed to another person or organization, you must present an identity document and a notarized power of attorney from the addressee.

If you do not have a notice or a tracking number, upon presentation of your ID, you can ask a Post Office employee to find the item by the name and address to which it was sent. Information from the official website of Russian Post

Based on official data, to receive the parcel the recipient must Carry only your ID with you.

The notification is not mandatory, but only a recommended document for receiving the parcel, and it is quite acceptable to replace the notification with a track number.

And even in the absence of both a notification and a tracking number (let’s say this number is forgotten, or an untracked shipment is expected), the recipient is still has the right to to receive your shipment, found by a postal employee using address information.

Accordingly, any statements in the spirit of “no notification - no shipment” are unlawful and run counter to the current job description of post office employees.

What to do

So, you tracked that your shipment arrived safely at the post office, but were faced with a refusal by postal employees to issue it to you based on your identification document due to the lack of a postal notification.

Since such a refusal contradicts the job description, having heard it, you can already begin to “build” careless post office employees and complain about their work to higher divisions of the Russian Post.

This option is simple and effective. Russian Post is a rigid totalitarian structure, the lower in the hierarchy of which a particular employee is, the fewer rights he has. Therefore, there is no doubt that an audit will be carried out at the client’s request, and almost certainly the post office employees involved will lose their bonuses for the current month.

But the realities of life are such that the smaller and more inconspicuous a person is in the social hierarchy, the more ambition he usually has. To have people nearby who, having suffered a well-deserved punishment for mistakes in their work, will harbor anger towards the person who pointed out these mistakes for the rest of their lives, and at the same time will have access to all of his postal items– do you need it? Don't think.

Therefore, there is a peaceful option to resolve the situation. And it's surprisingly simple.

You just need to have the notice with you. But don’t wait for the postman to bring it to your home, but... print it yourself.

And the same official website of the Russian Post will help with this.

It is advisable to indicate in the letter the full names and positions of specific employees, but if they are not available, it is enough to indicate the post office code.

And the second option is to contact the local Federal Postal Service. This can be done by e-mail, over the phone or through a personal visit to their office.

Contacts of the local UFPS can be found on the corresponding page of the Russian Post website.

For example, in my case, local branches are controlled by the Federal Border Guard Service of the Chelyabinsk region. And the Federal PS of the Chelyabinsk region, in turn, is subordinate to the Federal PS of the Sverdlovsk region and the Ural macroregion, located in Yekaterinburg. You can contact both here and there.

This really works. Complaints are considered, the facts stated in them are verified, and negligent postal employees are punished with rubles. The Internet is full of evidence of this.

I think there is no need to explain that when drawing up the text of any complaint, you need to clearly formulate the claim and accompany it with specific facts, avoiding value judgments and getting personal.

Summing up

To receive the parcel, you must only have an identification document with you.

It is not necessary to have the notice with you - postal employees are required, at the client’s request, to search for the shipment by track number or address.

You can fill out and print the notification form yourself.

You should avoid communicating with postal employees in the style of “you owe me everything here” (despite the fact that this is true) and adhere to a polite and friendly manner of communication.

If polite requests do not lead to the desired result and post office employees demonstrate clearly inappropriate behavior and unwillingness to fulfill their official duties, then one can and should complain about their actions to the dominant postal structures.

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