Efficient solutions for heat dissipation in LED lighting technology. Five basic methods for dissipating heat in an IT environment Glycol cooled system

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Precision air conditioning system

Top Five Methods for Dissipating Heat in an IT Environment

There are five main ways to collect and transfer unwanted heat from the IT room to the outdoor environment. One or more of these methods are used to cool virtually all critical computer rooms and data centers. Each of the methods relies on the refrigeration cycle to transfer or pump heat from the data center or computer room to the outside environment. Some methods move the components of the refrigeration cycle away from the IT room, and some methods add additional loops (closed piping) with water or other liquids to help the cooling process.

ARS supplies systems of all types, depending on the options for building server rooms and data centers, data center rooms, environmental conditions, etc.

Below is a description of the air conditioning system used in this project.

Glycol cooled system

In this type of system, all components of the refrigeration cycle are housed in one housing (as in a closed system), but the bulky condensing coil is replaced by a much more compact heat exchanger, as shown in Fig. 3. The heat exchanger uses a glycol flow (a mixture of water and ethylene glycol, similar to automotive antifreeze) to collect heat from the refrigerant and transfer it out of the IT environment. Heat exchangers and piping for glycol are always smaller than condenser coils (in 2-way air-cooled systems) and condenser ducts (in closed air-cooled systems) because the glycol mixture collects and transfers heat much better than gas. The glycol stream is piped to an externally mounted unit called a fluid cooler. Heat is removed to the outside atmosphere by blowing outside air with fans through a warm glycol-filled fluid cooler coil. The pump assembly (pump, motor and protective housing) circulates the glycol in the circuit from the computer room air conditioner to the fluid cooler and back.

Glycol cooled system


  • All components of the refrigeration cycle are housed within the computer room air conditioning unit, which is sealed and tested at the factory to achieve the highest reliability with the same space requirements as a two-component air-cooled system.

  • Glycol piping can be run much longer than refrigerant lines (in air-cooled systems), and a single fluid cooler and pump unit can serve air conditioner units from multiple computer rooms.

  • In cold weather, the glycol in the fluid cooler can cool down so much (below 10°C) that it can be directed bypassing the CRAC unit heat exchanger directly into the specially installed economizer coil. In this case, the refrigeration cycle is turned off and the IT environment is cooled by air passing through the economizer coil, which now flows cold glycol. This process, called "free cooling", provides an excellent reduction in operating costs.

  • The need for additional components (pump block, valves) increases capital and installation costs compared to DX air-cooled systems.

  • It is required to maintain the volume and quality of glycol in the system.

Common use

  • Small to medium sized computer rooms and data centers.

Chilled water systems

In a chilled water system, the components of the refrigeration cycle are moved from the air conditioning systems of the computer room to a device called a water chiller, as shown in Fig. 5. This unit produces chilled water (approximately 8°C) which is pumped through pipes from the chiller to computer room air handlers (CRAH) installed in the IT environment. CRAH blocks are similar in appearance on computer room air conditioners, but they work differently. They cool the air (reject heat) by blowing warm air from the computer room through chilled water coils filled with circulating chilled water. Heat is removed from the IT environment with a flow of (already warmer) chilled water that exits the CRAH unit and returns to the chiller. There, the heat removed from the return water is typically vented to a condenser water circuit (similar to water-cooled computer room air conditioners) for transfer to the outside atmosphere. Chilled water systems are commonly shared among many computer room air handling units and are often used to cool the entire building.

Chilled water system

Note: Water cooler can use Various types cooling. In this case, a water-cooled system is shown. In cold regions, glycol-cooled machines are commonly used.


  • Computer room air handling units are typically cheaper, contain fewer parts, and have greater heat dissipation capacity than air conditioners for the same footprint.

  • Chilled water piping can easily run over very long distances, and a single chilled water plant can serve many IT rooms (or the entire building).

  • The design of chilled water systems can provide very high reliability.

  • For large installations, chilled water systems provide the lowest cost per unit of capacity.

  • Chilled water systems typically require the highest capital cost for units with electrical load IT below 100 kW.

  • As a rule, CRAH units remove more moisture from the air than CRAC units, which in many climatic zones increases the cost of humidifying the premises.

  • An additional source of fluid appears in the IT environment.
Common use

  • Combined with other systems in medium to large data centers with moderate to high availability requirements, or as a dedicated high availability solution in large data centers.

Distribution of air flows inside the server room and possible options placement of air conditioning systems.

ARS offers several options for organizing air exchange inside the server room and, as a result, several options for the location of equipment.

Option 1. Set up a cold aisle/hot aisle as shown in the figure below.

In this case, air conditioners are installed at both ends of the cold aisle and emit cold air directly from the cold aisle.


  • The system is a fairly economical solution, as it does not require the use of a raised floor

  • The system allows you to further ensure the separation of hot and cold air flows by installing additional components, providing heat dissipation within 7 kW/rack

  • There is no complete separation of hot and cold air flows, therefore, without additional elements, it is able to remove heat within 2.5 kW / rack
Common use

  • Small server room or data center with low equipment power density, but density growth is possible.

Option 2: Set up a cold aisle/hot aisle with a raised floor as shown in the figure below.

The direction of movement of hot air over the raised floor

The direction of movement of cold air under the raised floor

Cold air outlets through the raised floor

In this case, air conditioners are installed in opposite corners of the room (preferably for uniform pressure under the raised floor) and emit cold air under the raised floor.

Hot air intake is carried out in the ceiling part of the air conditioning system.


  • The system provides separation of hot and cold air streams, therefore, it is able to remove heat within 3 kW/rack

  • Raised floor required

  • Due to the limitation of the area allotted for the intake of cold air further development server (increasing heat dissipation up to 5-7 kW/rack) is impossible.

  • Maintenance of the cable system in case of laying it under a raised floor or its extension is difficult. In the case of dismantling the raised floor, the pressure is also violated, for this reason, during the work, local overheating of the equipment and process shutdown may occur.
Common use

  • Small server room or data center with low equipment power density.

Option 3: Set up a cold aisle/hot aisle and install the air conditioner in line with equipment enclosures as shown in the figure below.

In this case, air conditioners are installed in one row with equipment that draws hot air directly from the hot aisle and discharges cold air directly into the cold aisle.


  • The system provides separation of hot and cold air streams, is able to remove heat within 7 kW/rack

  • No raised floor required

  • High cost compared to traditional solutions
Common use

  • Medium to large data centers with high equipment power density.

It's no secret that two identical PCs can have very different performance just because the heat dissipation system on one of them is better implemented. The modern user must begin the selection of components to build their desktop PC by selecting a spacious, low impedance case and selecting cooling components, or even building an entire heat dissipation system out of such a PC. Oddly enough, but with modern trends in the development of computer devices, heat removal comes out on top in terms of importance for the productive and reliable operation of computer systems.

Heat sources

In order to determine the cooling system for your PC, you need to know the sources of heat generation. It is clear that all the devices that make up the PC consume electricity and, accordingly, generate heat.
The CPU consumes the most power. The heat dissipation power of a modern (even single-core) processor Intel Pentium 4 clocked at 3.8GHz is 130W! A few years ago all Personal Computer(excluding the monitor) consumed this amount of power.

In 1965, three years before Gordon E. Moore became one of the founders of Intel Corporation, a group of scientists led by him completed the development of new microcircuits that combined a record number of elements on one microcircuit for those times - 60 transistors . At the request of Electronics magazine, Gordon Moore wrote an article in which he predicted how semiconductor devices will improve over the next ten years. Moore suggested that by 1975 there would be 65,000 transistors in a single integrated circuit. In the late 1980s, Moore's prediction became known as Moore's law, and now it has come to mean a doubling of computing performance, measured in millions of instructions per second (MIPS) every 18 months, due to an increase in the number of transistors on a single substrate.

Today, not only central processing units, but also graphic processors of video cards and even chipset microcircuits of motherboards have several million transistors, and despite the fact that the latter are very small, comparable to the size of individual viruses, the total heat dissipation is growing every year. In this regard, it is already possible to introduce a new Moore-heater law that with a doubling of the number of elements on one substrate, the amount of heat released triples.

So, the main sources of heat in the computer are the central processor, the graphics processor of the video card and the chipset of the motherboard.
Taking into account the fact that the frequency of PC memory is growing every year and today DDR II memory modules operating at high frequencies with a performance of up to DDR2 1000 are already used, the PC memory subsystem also generates a significant amount of heat.

Hard drives have become another major source of heat. First of all, due to the fact that the rotation speed of the most common desktop hard drives is already 7200 rpm. At the same time, to create a fast and reliable memory subsystem, even in desktop PCs, users use the creation of RAID arrays of two or even four hard drives working at the same time.

The total consumption of all PC components is so high that the recommended power supply is 450 watts or more. Just imagine: almost half a kilowatt on the table of an ordinary home user. This heat must be removed in the most decisive way.

Why remove heat from
home gaming PC?

To this seemingly stupid question, many home users do not know the answer. Many people know that processor manufacturers and motherboards using various thermal protection technologies. Only Intel for its processors, it immediately applies three thermal protection modes: Thermal Monitor, Thermal Monitor 2 and emergency shutdown mode. Thanks to these technologies, the processor will not burn out and will not exceed acceptable operating temperatures. Similar temperature monitoring mechanisms are available on the motherboard. What is there to fear?

However, do not forget that these thermal protection mechanisms were invented in the event that the processor cooler failed or when the PC cooling system could not cope with the cooling of the processor to the optimum level. Therefore, the processor can constantly work for more low frequencies, or in idle mode. So not only the reliability of its operation, but also the performance depends on how the cooling system of your PC works.

Heat dissipation is key to improving PC performance and reliability

The struggle for efficient heat dissipation must begin with right choice cases of the future PC. Depending on the purpose of the future PC case can be divided into several types:

Home Gaming PC Cases
cases for home universal PCs
home mini PC cases
cases for multimedia centers (entertainment PC)
cases for workstations.

The main criteria for choosing a case in terms of effective heat removal include its following parameters:

The volume of the case and its impedance (simplified - internal resistance to heat dissipation)
thickness of the walls of the body and the supporting frame
number of installation bays various devices (optical drives, hard drives, etc.)
number of installation places for fans and their standard size
Ventilation holes on the front of the case
power supply specifications
the presence of specialized elements for the removal and control of the operation of heat removal devices.

The volume of the case largely determines its impedance and, accordingly, the efficiency of the heat removal system that can be implemented in the case.

The wall thickness of the enclosure, as well as the thickness of the supporting frame, determine the acoustic characteristics of the enclosure. With a sufficient thickness of the metal (at least 0.8 mm), the noise level is greatly reduced due to the absence of vibration. Cheap cases, which are mostly chosen by users of Uzbekistan due to their low price, are made of metal with a thickness of no more than 0.5-0.6 mm, therefore, during operation, the walls of these cases enter into resonant vibration. If you also install additional fans in the case, then the level of noise emitted by the PC becomes simply unbearable, and the user often disables additional fans instead of choosing the right case.

The number of compartments for installing various internal devices should correspond to the current and future needs of the user. Some cases for mounting, for example, hard drives, provide rubber dampers to prevent direct contact hard drive with chassis chassis, which is important when creating a low-noise PC. Taking into account the fact that modern HDD cooling means are additionally installed, this circumstance is of great importance.

The operation of cooling devices and monitoring of the heat removal process is best controlled visually using a special instrument panel, so the presence of elements in the case to control the operation of heat removal devices is welcome. However, special panels of this kind are widely represented on the market, which are easily installed in a standard 5.25″ connector, sometimes in a 3.5″ connector.

The presence of special grilles, plastic casings and other structural elements in the case is also welcomed to increase the efficiency of heat removal outside system block PC.

The cost of such a case, as a rule, is about $100, while the price of most cases sold on our market is the equivalent of 25 to 35 US dollars.

Cases for gaming PCs, with rare exceptions, are made in the form of a big tower (big tower), and the focus in these cases is on the ability to create an effective cooling system. Therefore, cases for gaming PCs have low impedance (enough space inside), have at least 4 additional fans with standard sizes of 92 or 120 millimeters. At the same time, it is important to understand that one of them (exhaust) is necessarily located on the rear panel of the case, the second (or even better two parallel ones) is installed on the front panel of the case and works for blowing. In addition, you need to provide a fan on the side panel.

Very effectively remove heat from the processor case, which has a special plastic casing for heat dissipation. Simple and reliable.

Cooling systems

Today it's hard to believe that ten years ago processors didn't have heatsinks or coolers. As you grow clock frequencies increased heat dissipation of processors. At first, radiators appeared on processors, and then fans began to be additionally installed on radiators, such sets are now called by everyone the familiar word cooler.

Given the rapid growth in heat generation, a large number of cooling systems have been developed today, which differ both in the principle of operation and in the medium used to remove heat. Modern systems heat sinks can be divided into the following categories:
passive cooling systems based on radiators
heat pipe cooling systems
air cooling systems
liquid cooling systems
cooling systems based on Peltier modules
cryogenic cooling systems.

If we talk about desktop PCs, so far cryogenic cooling methods are not used in them, but for cooling, for example, servers, installations are used that, according to the principle of operation, are not much different from a refrigerator, where the compressor compresses the refrigerant, and it, evaporating, cools the evaporator.

Passive cooling systems

The traditional and most common cooling system for a processor or any hot chip (such as a motherboard chipset) is referred to as a cooler and includes a heatsink and a fan. The radiator increases the intensity of heat exchange between the thermal cover (today, almost all processor chips are protected by a special thermal pad) of the processor and the outer space. Radiators are usually made of aluminum, copper, or a combination of both. Copper radiators have the best heat transfer performance (the coolest of them have copper purity up to four nines), but they are more expensive. The size (weight) and shape of the radiator are also important. A relatively compact radiator can effectively remove heat only to a small extent. Considering that the typical temperature inside a PC case is about 50 degrees Celsius, and the operating temperature of the processor is 80 degrees (with heat dissipation up to 130 watts), it is impossible to create a passive radiator that would cope with this task. To increase the efficiency of the radiator, a fan is used, which creates a forced heat exchange between the radiator and the surrounding space.

When choosing a cooler, you need to pay attention not only to the volume and quality of the metal (it's especially good if there is at least a copper pad in contact with the processor), but also to the quality of the cooler. The larger the fan size and rotational speed, the more efficient it is. Fans will be discussed below.

Heat pipe cooling systems

The term "heat pipe" (Heat Pipe) was proposed back in 1942 by the inventor Golger. The prototype for the creation of a heat pipe was a thermosyphon, the principle of which is based on such a physical phenomenon as convection. When heat is applied, the liquid begins to turn into vapor. The steam formed during heating as a result of convection moves upward, that is, to a zone with a lower temperature. As a result of cooling, the vapor condenses and flows down the walls of the thermosyphon, where it again heats up and evaporates. So, in general, heat transfer occurs.

However, the principle of the thermosyphon implies the return of the condensed liquid back under the influence of gravitational forces, and therefore the thermosyphon can only work when the evaporation zone is below the condensation zone. In the heat pipe, proposed by Grover back in 1963, capillary forces are used as forces that lift condensate against gravitational forces, which arise when a capillary-porous material is wetted by a liquid. Thus, the heat pipe can work in any position. Heat pipes used to cool processors are usually made of copper, and water or acetone is used as the working fluid.

Air cooling systems

Air cooling systems are the most common and affordable and are represented by fans. Fans are used both in conjunction with radiators and separately to create forced air convection inside the system unit (or PC power supply). The basis of all modern fans used in PCs is the engine direct current with a voltage of 12 V and a control circuit that induces a rotating magnetic field, as a result of which the motor rotor is driven.

The fan control circuit may include a tachometer control to monitor rotational speed. As a rule, there are also protection circuits for detecting a fan stop and even a thermal sensor for monitoring the temperature of the radiator.

A very important parameter of the fan is the type of bearing. Fans can be based on a rolling bearing (sleeve bearing) and a sliding bearing (ball bearing). Combined schemes of one plain bearing and one plain bearing can also be used. Sometimes two rolling bearings are used.

The simplest to manufacture, and therefore cheaper, are fans based on plain bearings. But they are less reliable and noisier. And over time, the noise level increases.

Fans based on rolling bearings are more expensive, but durable and quiet. It is best to choose fans of the so-called "silent series" (Silent Series).

Fans are also characterized by performance, rotation speed, size and noise level.

Typical fan speeds are between 1000 and 5000 rpm. In terms of size, the most common fans are 60x60 mm, 80x80 mm, 92x92 mm and 120x120 mm. The larger the fan, the higher its performance at the same rotational speeds. Larger fans can run efficiently at lower RPMs.
Given that one of the most important indicators of a fan is the level of generated noise, it is important to choose fans based on rolling bearings, larger and with lower rotational speeds.

The fans inside the system unit can be installed in different ways, however, there are two basic options for fan arrangement: parallel arrangement and series.

With a parallel arrangement, two fans are located next to each other and work for blowing in or, conversely, for blowing out, creating twice as much flow in an open space. However, if your PC case has a high impedance, then it is better to use a series arrangement of fans when they are located one after another and simultaneously work to blow air in or out of the system unit. The arrangement of fans can also be considered sequential, when one fan is located on the front panel of the case and works for blowing in, and the second one is located on the rear panel of the case and works for blowing out.

It would be appropriate to recall that in order to reduce the impedance of the case, it is enough to carefully tighten all the cords and cables connecting the devices with flagella so that the air inside the case circulates freely.

Liquid cooling systems

IN Lately liquid cooling systems have become widespread, in which instead of air, a liquid is used to transfer heat, which has a higher heat capacity than air. The circulating liquid provides a much better heat dissipation than the air flow.
Liquid cooling systems of the internal type are actively used on mass-produced devices from laptop manufacturers.

The principle of the device of liquid cooling systems is quite simple and traditional, since it almost completely repeats the cooling system of cars. As part of an external system liquid cooling includes a radiator for the central processor or graphics processor of a video card, a pump (pump) and an external heat exchanger in which heat is removed to the external environment. All components of the external liquid cooling system are connected by flexible silicone hoses.

Fans are used in the heat exchangers for more efficient exchange with the outside. Heat exchangers are mounted either directly on the case at the back or front, or manufacturers make an external unit, which, like splits, can be located at some distance from the PC.

The efficiency of liquid radiators is determined by the area of ​​contact of its surface with the liquid, therefore, to increase contact inside liquid radiators, ribs or columnar needles are installed.

In external liquid cooling systems, only a liquid radiator is placed inside the computer case, and the coolant reservoir, pump and heat exchanger, placed in a single unit, are taken out of the case.
Some manufacturers have external liquid cooling systems with two radiators - for the CPU and GPU on the video card at the same time.

Liquid cooling systems seem to have a great future, so when building a PC, you should pay special attention to the use of these systems, as they work more efficiently, stably and emit less noise.

Cooling systems
using Peltier modules

Cooling systems based on these modules use the so-called Peltier effect, which refers to thermoelectric phenomena and consists in the fact that if you pass through the contact of two dissimilar conductors electricity, then heat is absorbed or released in the contact, depending on the direction of the current. It is known that the Peltier effect is most pronounced in semiconductors. Applying this effect, Peltier thermoelectric modules (TEM) are widely used, which are an array of p- and n-type semiconductors connected in series with each other by copper conductors (an array of semiconductor-metal junctions).

In a Peltier element, the number of junctions connected to each other can be very large, but all heating junctions are located in one plane, and all cooling junctions are in another.

Based on thermoelectric modules, some models of processor coolers and video card coolers have been built. In these coolers, the cold ceramic plate of the Peltier module is in contact with the hot surface of the cooled element (processor), and a heatsink with a fan is attached to the hot plate to remove heat.

Manufacturers and proprietary cooling devices

Despite the fact that a large number of cooling devices are offered on the Uzbek market today - from standard CPU coolers, fans of various sizes, beautiful cases with openwork grilles, and to exotic liquid cooling systems - you need to purchase them carefully.

The fact is that cooling devices must work continuously, stably and without creating unnecessary noise. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to branded devices specializing in cooling systems from global manufacturers. These manufacturers include Thermaltake, whose very name translates as “taking heat”. Thermaltake operates under the slogan "Cool all your life", which can be translated as "cool your whole life".

The company produces at the highest technical level coolers for processors based on AMD and Intel platforms using heat pipes and liquid cooling systems. In the product line there are special cooling devices for video cards, for memory modules and for hard drives. As an example, let's talk about some models.

Blue Orb II air cooler

A series of air-cooled coolers for Intel LGA 775 and AMD K8 processors are distinguished not only by the original design of the radiator with bright LED backlighting, but also by excellent specifications. The coolers of this series use a large 120x120 mm fan with a noise level of only 17 dBA.

The noise level of the fans is expressed in decibels by filter "A" (dBA). Filter "A" takes into account the peculiarity of the perception of sound by the human ear at different frequencies. Recall that a person perceives sound starting from 30 dBA, and the typical value of the noise generated by modern fans lies in the range from 32 to 50 dBA.

The Blue Orb II air-cooled cooler is more efficient as it has a copper core and a heatsink shape with a very large heat dissipation area.

So in this case, excellent design coincides with high technical parameters. In addition, the manufacturer guarantees at least 40,000 hours of operation of this device.

A series of coolers based on
heat pipes

Based on heat pipes, the company produces a whole series of coolers for both AMD platforms, and for Intel platforms. At the same time, the manufacturer positions these coolers for use with processors with a heat dissipation of 130 watts!

Model SL-P0327 has four heat pipes, an aluminum heat sink, a fan rotating at a speed of 4200 rpm. The noise level of the cooler is 44 dBA, and the life is up to 40,000 hours.

Fan performance is usually expressed in cubic feet per minute (Cubic Feet per minute, CFM). Typical fan capacities range from 10 to 50 CFM, and this model has 71.79 CFM.

There are models with two pipes in the line of coolers based on heat pipes, but with a combined copper-aluminum radiator. This device is also very efficient.

Fluid systems
Thermaltake cooling

The company produces a huge number of liquid cooling devices, both internal and external. Liquid cooling systems are designed to cool CPUs, GPUs, and even memory modules.

Series internal systems liquid cooling Big Water 745 is designed for installation on ATX / BTX form factor motherboards (a special adapter is included in the package for compatibility with the new BTX standard) and can be installed with Intel processors LGA 775 and AMD K8.

The Big Water 745 cooling system includes a special plastic-coated copper radiator, a pump, a liquid reservoir (using polyethylene glycol that glows in ultraviolet light) and two heat exchangers - one for one 120mm fan, the second for two 120mm fans. The pump emits noise within 16 dBA, and the heat exchangers in total 42 dBA.

Thermaltake's Big Water liquid cooling system can be connected to a dedicated Aqua RX Series-R1 heatsink to cool the memory modules. The radiator is made of aluminum and is designed to cool DDR memory chips on DIMM modules.

A very diverse and interesting series of external liquid cooling devices, in which the heat exchanger is made in the form of a remote unit. At the same time, the heat exchanger looks like a home theater column.

External liquid cooling systems can be used for any type of case, since all system nodes are located in the external unit, and only the radiator with tubes is located on the processor directly in the system unit.

Considering the fact that today many users install not only several hard drives, but also two video cards operating in SLI modes (for video cards nvidia) or CrossBar (for video cards from ATI). Imagine how much heat two high-performance graphics cards generate, and after all, such a gaming PC should have powerful processor, fast memory, and at least two hard drives running in RAID 0 mode.

Especially for overlockers and computer enthusiasts, the Tide Water Plus liquid cooling device is produced, which is a special block with a thickness of only 9 mm, inside which the manufacturer was able to place a pump, a heat exchanger, and a fan. The Tide Water Plus cooling block mounts in a standard PCI slot and two copper liquid heatsinks mount to GPUs two video cards operating in SLI mode (for nVIDIA video cards) or CrossBar (for ATI video cards). There is the same solution for single video cards.

We forgot to talk about hard drive cooling systems. Users usually buy simple systems air cooling with almost no radiator, but with two fans. This is somewhat effective, but quite loud (especially if up to 4 HDDs are installed) and unreliable.

Thermaltake offers the Hardcano 14 hard drive air cooler, which is a massive aluminum heat sink with a built-in fan (3000 rpm, 16 dBA) and weighs 986 grams. The device is designed for hard drives 3.5″ with IDE interfaces, SCSI, SATA and even the new SAS. Hardcano 14 is installed in the 5.25″ slot of the system unit and, among other things, protects (anti-shock) the hard drive from damage.
If the user decides to deal with heat dissipation in the most serious way, since he decided to overclock the system to the fullest, then for such enthusiasts in the Thermaltake product line there are cases with built-in liquid cooling systems, as well as special, more powerful (up to 600-900 watts) blocks power supplies designed for systems with high power consumption.

If you think that only a few companies like Thermaltake make coolers, you're wrong. Almost any manufacturer of motherboards and video cards is seriously involved in cooling their devices. If you see system board or a video card without any serious cooling systems, which means that either the manufacturer is not serious, or the devices are low-performance.

Finishing the story about desktop PC cooling systems, we can add that in the hot climate of Uzbekistan, each user should be attentive to the issues of cooling his PC. An additional fan and a properly sized case can solve not only a reliability problem, but also a performance one.

For those who love real overclocking of the processor and all PC components, cooling issues are of paramount importance. In general, "Cool all your life" and everything will be OK.

In Odnoklassniki

Helpful Hints

Before you start learning all the secrets of keeping warm in the house, you should pay attention to how heat escapes from our house (percentage of all losses in a conventional panel house):

* Walls and doors - 42%

* Ventilation - 30%

* Windows - 16%

* Cellars - 5%

* Roof - 7%

How to keep warm in the house

1. In the morning, open curtains and/or blinds to let sunlight into your home. The glass in the window allows light to pass in but not out. In the house, light accumulates, starting from walls and furniture, and eventually turns into heat.

2. Use thick (dense) curtains at night to keep heat from escaping through windows. Without sunlight, windows become your enemy. Create thick wallpaper to keep the heat from escaping.

* You can use just a thick blanket to which a rod or stick is attached to keep the shape.

Measure your window and find something solid, such as a stiff rod or a strong stick, to which you can then wrap the curtain. You can also use the old rod from the former curtain (if you have one).

* You can also use two pieces of heavy fabric. There is an instruction for this:

2.1 Prepare two pieces of thick fabric. Lay both pieces of fabric one on top of the other drawing to each other. Secure everything with pins and cut so that you end up with a size a few centimeters larger than the size of the window.

2.2 Sew all layers on three sides. On the last 4th side, sew a third of the entire length from each end (it turns out that one unsewn third will remain in the middle). Use the unsewn part to turn fabrics inside out.

2.3 Insert a pin into the hole and secure it with a stitch, and sew the fabric to the end.

* If the curtains are long and cover the batteries, then attach loops to the bottom edge of the curtains, and sew buttons in the middle of the curtains. So you can string loops on buttons, raising the curtains above the battery.

3. Seal old window frames to avoid heat leakage. You don't have to spend a lot - inexpensive sealant can be found at any hardware store. It will also take you very little time.

4. If you still have bubble wrap from the products that were wrapped in it, cut off the size you need. It is worth noting that such a film can be purchased separately. Sprinkle some water on the window and lean the film against the window with bubbles - the water will act as glue for the film, and there will be no stains later. So you can reduce heat loss by 50%.

How to make the floor warmer

5. Cover the floors with carpets. There is nothing more unpleasant than being barefoot on a cold floor in the morning. In addition to feeling good, carpets also create an extra layer of insulation that keeps cold air from the floor from rising, which means your feet will thank you.

6. Use a sealing pad (cotton wool or foam rubber, for example) to close any gaps in the windows. After that, paste over the cracks with strips of cotton fabric (the width of each strip is 4-5 cm). This way you won't let the heat escape from the house.

7. It is desirable to have thick, massive doors in the house that will keep you a lot of heat. You can also upholster the old front door with leatherette filled with foam padding.

It is desirable to plaster all cracks with mounting foam. If you decide to install a new door, then see if you can save the old one, because. two front doors create an air gap between them and it insulates the heat.

How to keep your home warm

8. Attach a sheet of foil behind a radiator and it will reflect heat back into the room with little heat escaping through the wall. It is worth noting that the gap between the foil and the battery must be at least 3 cm.

9. If for one reason or another it is not possible to attach a metal foil screen, try to insulate the house from the outside. Order the insulation of the end wall (as a rule, this is done with special plates).

10. Take a shower with the door open (if possible). The heat and moist air created while bathing will raise the air temperature throughout the house.

11. Dry things at home. As well as bathing with the door open, this method increases the humidity of the air, and you will feel nicer and more comfortable.

Do-it-yourself home insulation

12. Rearrange furniture

Can't afford to insulate the walls outside? Then try rearranging the furniture. For example, put a large closet near the coldest wall. But note that the sofa should not be placed near the battery, because. you will disturb the air exchange.

13. If you have cracked windows, be sure to replace them.

14. If you decide to bake something, leave the kitchen door open so that the heat of the oven and / or stove spreads throughout the house.

15. The last thing you can buy a heater.

How to choose a heater

Before you buy a heater, you should know a few things.

First you need to decide what you need it for. Based on this, it is worth choosing how powerful the heater will be required. Find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (room). An ordinary apartment with ceilings of 2.75 - 2.8 m needs a heater with a power of at least 1 kW for every 10 square meters. m.

A big plus is the presence of a temperature and power regulator in the heater. There are several types of heaters:

15.1 Oil heater

How does he work:

Inside such a heater there are 2 or 3 heating elements that are used to heat mineral oil. This oil has a rather high boiling point and when it is heated, the heat is given off over the entire metal surface of the apparatus.

With the help of such a heater, the air is heated quite quickly, besides, the oil heater does not dry out the air. It can be equipped with a thermostat that turns off the heater when the temperature reaches the set level.

15.2 Convector

How does he work:

Cold air is passed through the heater and heated, and then exits through the grates located in the upper part of the device. Additional source The body of the convector protrudes from the heat, which also heats up. But it is worth putting the heater away from furniture, because. a warm body can ruin it.

Convectors can be fixed to the wall or put on special legs. The device is quite safe, because. its heating element is hidden inside the case. If the convector has a thermostat, then it can work continuously.

The only negative is that the heater heats the room slowly. It should be used to maintain the desired temperature.

15.3 Fan heater

How does he work:

Inside this heater is a thin spiral, which is very hot. The heat created by heating the coil is distributed throughout the room with the help of a fan.

The air in the room heats up quite quickly, besides, the device itself is easy to carry, because. it's pretty light. Typically, a fan heater is used in offices.

But it is worth noting that the device dries the air, which in turn is harmful to health. A heat fan is undesirable to use where there is an asthmatic. Another disadvantage of such a device is the constant noise during its operation.

15.4 Infrared heater (quartz emitter)

How does he work:

This device, unlike others, heats the objects around it, not the air. Further heating of the room occurs due to the heat emanating from the heated floors, walls and furniture. This allows you to save electricity, because. the device itself may not work, and the room continues to be warm.

If savings are in the first place, then it is worth choosing just such a heater. But you should know that infrared quartz emitters are the most expensive and you need a specialist to install them.


Equipment heat removal technology

Involved in production processes different kinds equipment: these are processing machines, and high-pressure apparatuses, and containers with chemical solutions, and heating tanks. All of them are able to heat up, which negatively affects both the workpieces, and the working bodies, and technological process generally. But how to remove heat from the tank, which itself provides heating for certain systems? Or how to remove heat from a container filled with a hot product? And also how to remove heat from the machine, in which the tool is in constant motion?

Both the cooling of machine tools and various tanks is carried out using special heat exchange equipment, which is actively used today in agriculture, industry, and everyday life. Such devices heat or cool water, which provides heating or cooling of other technical water and solutions, circulates in closed hot water supply circuits and heating systems, in ventilation and air conditioning systems, in evaporators and condensers, in swimming pools and other industrial and domestic systems.

The question of how to remove heat from water is resolved through the use of chillers - special refrigeration units of one or another power and cooling capacity. By means of a compressor unit and an evaporator, freon is cooled in this installation, which cools water through a heat exchanger in a separate tank. From here, the coolant rushes to the cooled object, whether it be a container, a bath with a solution, a heating tank or a processing machine. But to control the temperature of the coolant, the design of the chiller also includes a water heater, which eliminates supercooling of the liquid, which can introduce an imbalance in the production cycle. To cool the tanks, the heat exchanger is equipped both inside the tanks and around them, depending on whether it is an open bath or a closed tank. The cooling of the machine means both the cooling of the moving parts and the cooling of the lubrication system. In the first case, cold water can be supplied openly directly into the cutting or grinding area. In the second case, a coil with a cooled coolant of the required temperature is passed through the lubrication system.

The Peter Kholod company has been working in the field of heat exchange equipment for various purposes for a long time. We implement modern quality installations, which perfectly cope with the tasks of heating and cooling, we install them on site with a complete installation of associated pipelines, perform start-up, maintenance, instruct personnel on commissioning and control.

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