How does the Samsung Pay app work? How to use Samsung Pay to pay for purchases. When I try to add a card to Samsung Pay, a message appears that says "card is not supported." What should I do

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Today we will answer a very frequently asked question about what devices in Russia payment from using Samsung Pay is a popular contactless payment service that relatively recently became available to clients of domestic banks.

The material was updated on February 20: information on new models was added, technical corrections were made to the data.

By Samsung support level Pay devices(primarily smartphones) can be divided into three categories: fully supporting, partially supporting (not all features are available) and potentially compatible (some of which can still run it).

Let's start with the fact that officially only gadgets that were officially imported and purchased in local stores work with Samsung Pay in Russia. For example, if you try to connect a Galaxy S7 purchased in the UK using a Russian bank card, you will not succeed (but you can bypass this protection if you wish).

An important point: bypassing the protection is possible only within one regional modification by flashing a ROM file for your country onto the smartphone using the special Odin service software. For example, a Galaxy S7 SM-G930F purchased in Europe can be subjected to such modification, but the “Chinese” SM-G9300 cannot.

Also keep in mind that Samsung Pay does not work on devices where:

  • The root superuser mode is activated;
  • The KNOX counter has been reset;
  • Modified or third-party firmware is installed.

Devices fully compatible with Samsung Pay in Russia

The smartphones presented below fully support working with the contactless payment service of the Korean company, including modern PayPass/PayWire terminals via NFC and outdated ones using magnetic tape emulation using MST technology.

Galaxy S

  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+
  • Samsung Galaxy S7
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
  • Samsung Galaxy S8
  • Samsung Galaxy S8+ (S8 Plus)
  • Samsung Galaxy S9
  • Samsung Galaxy S9+
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 - from March 8, 2019
  • Samsung Galaxy S10E - from March 8, 2019
  • Samsung Galaxy S10+ (S10 Plus) - from March 8, 2019

Galaxy Note

  • Samsung Galaxy Note 5
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Galaxy A

  • Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016)
  • Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)
  • Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017)
  • Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017)
  • Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017)
  • Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018)
  • Samsung Galaxy A8 (2018)
  • Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018)
  • Samsung Galaxy A9 (2018)
  • Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro (2018)

Galaxy J

  • Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017)
  • Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017)

Devices partially compatible with Samsung Pay in Russia

November 8, 2016 Samsung of the Year announced that its payment service supports some smartphones that do not have an MST adapter and can only work with modern payment terminals via NFC:

  • Samsung Galaxy S6
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Note. American and some other regional variants of the Galaxy S6/S6 Edge include an MST adapter, but Samsung does not connect them to its service in Russia.

Potentially Compatible Devices

The gadgets presented below do not yet have official support from Samsung Pay in Russia, but they work in other countries. This also includes the smartphones listed above purchased in other countries.

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Unfortunately, their use with cards from banks in Russia and other CIS countries is not possible due to the need to modify the firmware and disguise them as other models. This leads to the activation of the KNOX counter, which automatically makes it impossible using Samsung Pay (although there are successful precedents).


  • Samsung Galaxy A8 (2016) - South Korea only
  • Samsung Galaxy A9 (2016) - China and Brazil only
  • Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro (2016) - only for China, Brazil and some Southeast Asian countries
  • - only for China
  • - only for China
  • Samsung Galaxy C7 Pro - China only
  • - only for China
  • (Fan Edition - restored Galaxy Note 7) - only South Korea for now
  • Samsung Galaxy J5 (2016) - select countries
  • Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) - select countries
  • Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro - only for Southeast Asia
  • Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro - only for Southeast Asia
  • - some countries
  • Samsung Galaxy J7 Max - select countries
  • Samsung Galaxy On5 (2016) - select countries
  • Samsung Galaxy On7 (2017) - select countries
  • Samsung W2017 - Mainland China and Hong Kong
  • Samsung W2018 - Mainland China and Hong Kong

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 - officially supported, the model has been withdrawn from sale, Samsung Pay cannot be connected since October 2016, however, payments can work on previously activated devices.

Smart watch

Recently, Samsung Pay can work in Russia with some wearable gadgets of the South Korean company:

  • Samsung Gear S2 (Classic and Sport) - NFC only
  • (Classic and Frontier) - NFC and MST
  • Samsung Gear Sport- NFC only
  • Samsung Galaxy Watch - NFC only

This week will mark the official launch of Samsung Pay, a service that was originally planned to be launched in Russia a year ago, but for various technical reasons this did not happen. Unfortunately, there are many myths surrounding such services, as well as misunderstandings about how they work, what they are needed for, what new they bring to the market, and whether they bring it. Let's together try to understand what Samsung Pay and similar systems are, what prospects this project has, and what you as a consumer can get. But first, it is necessary to outline the Russian banking market so that you understand with whom and how these systems will work.

Russian banking market – plastic cards and their owners

Look in your wallet or pocket, take out bank cards and count how many of them are always with you, and how many are still put aside at home. I did this simple operation and found out that I had the following cards with me: the main card on which money is stored, a credit card with profitable cashback in some categories (both MasterCard cards), another ruble Visa card, which also provides cashback up to 5 % for any purchases. This is what I always have in my pocket. When I travel, I use additional cards to my main account; they are denominated in dollars and euros to avoid conversions or reduce them to one transaction. In total, it turns out that I have six cards, which I use more or less constantly.

Residents of large cities have the number plastic cards ranges from 2 to 3, and if you take the entire country, then, according to the Central Bank of Russia as of July 1, 2017, there are almost 249 million (data can be viewed). There are only 30 million credit cards from this number, which can be considered a drop in the bucket.

Let's take a look at the report of the national payment card system for 2015, it contains a division of all cards by payment systems, MasterCard became the market leader - 49.4%, Visa takes second place - 44.7%, almost 6% of the market is accounted for by all the others combined.

Every year, the number of card transactions increases; if ten years ago, salary cards served only for people to withdraw money from them once a month, today this is no longer the case, and many consciously use plastic, as they understand its benefits. Often these are not the same cards on which employees receive their salaries, but the fact remains that people are no longer afraid of electronic money.

Contactless cards PayPass from MasterCard or PayWave from Visa have become something commonplace. For example, according to the latest data from Visa in Russia, 41% of those who use the system’s services own such cards. I am sure that MasterCard has a similar picture. This is a convenient and completely secure way to pay at terminals, when you do not need to insert a card, but simply touch the window and then enter a PIN code (if the amount exceeds the safe limit or the security settings are set this way).

According to various estimates, at the end of 2015, about 65-70 thousand POS terminals with NFC were installed in Russia, which can service contactless transactions.

It is impossible to say that contactless payments are something special. In the Moscow metro, terminals at the entrance already accept such cards; you just need to touch them or go through the turnstile, no need to buy anything additional. And it's very convenient.

Let's take a break from payment systems for a moment and count how many commercial banks there are in Russia. As of September 2016, there were 610, but row cleanings continue and their number may decrease in the near future. In fact, the top ten banks account for the main piece of the pie, and those who work with the population occupy the bulk of the cards; the undisputed leader here is Sberbank, followed by VTB (also VTB24), Alfa Bank, and then all the rest. For example, Raiffeisenbank is not among the top ten in terms of assets, but is the strongest player in the retail market based on its user base.

And literally finishing touch. If MasterCard is not trying to somehow independently climb into the clearing of mobile payments, acting as a partner in the endeavors of other companies, then Visa is creating a system that should become an analogue Apple Pay or Samsung Pay, is following its own development path. This is important for understanding what is happening and how in this area. Having briefly outlined the situation with banks and cards in Russia in broad strokes, it’s time to move on to explaining what Samsung Pay is.

What is Samsung/Apple Pay and what are the differences between the systems

The greatest asset of any company in the 21st century is its consumers, the loyal base that purchases products and services. Technology has changed the world so much that sellers today can not only sell their main product, but also provide part of the audience with additional products or services that are not directly related to what the company does. For example, telecom operators create their own banks to service subscriber accounts, open cards together with payment systems, but store money in subscribers' current accounts, not bank deposits. An example of such a service is a card project from MegaFon. A not entirely obvious product that has gained more than one hundred thousand users in a short time. This is an example of how a company uses the effect of a user base and “sells” a service that is not at all obvious at first glance.

The ideology of Samsung Pay, as well as Apple Pay, is very similar. In fact, this is exactly the same story of using your own user base and extracting additional profit from it. A distinctive feature of such projects is that they can never become larger than the company's core business. For example, in the case of mobile payment systems, this is impossible, since Apple or Samsung will not be able to install applications on all devices on the market, but only on their own. This means that the maximum penetration level in theory can be one hundred percent, but in practice it is also unattainable due to other restrictions.

People are ready to pay from their mobile devices, and many banking applications provide such opportunities, for example, the same Tinkoff on phones with NFC support allows you to do this for a long time, they were the first in Russia along with the same MasterCard. All larger number banking applications allows you to do exactly the same thing.

In fact, banking applications do exactly the same thing as systems from Apple/Samsung. They store your card data electronically and encrypted, and can use mobile internet contact the payment system and confirm the payment. In this case, the terminal does not receive all your card data, but a temporary token, which, even if intercepted or lost, will not compromise your bank card. What started out as a story for online payments on the web at a time when data interception was a reality has suddenly become key feature modern systems. Both Samsung Pay and Apple Pay have a central, secure data storage that stores all your data about the cards or cards entered into the system. At the same time, this data is not on the device, but there is simply a copy from the card, which, by and large, cannot be stolen, since it is useless without reference to unique code your device. This is an additional line of defense for the future. One can imagine that someone will learn to intercept data, but it will also be much more difficult to emulate the device number that is stored in the system.

The next step is entering data into the system. It's not enough to have the app on your iPhone or Samsung; your bank and payment processor also need to support the service. Firstly, all data about mobile devices is stored in a payment system, for example, MasterCard (and this is in addition to the fact that Apple has them). Companies agree on the format in which they exchange data; in fact, this is a separate protocol that is needed to ensure security as well as system functionality. Secondly, the payment is authorized in a bank that is connected to the payment system, and this already gives the go-ahead that the payment can be made. Everything happens exactly the same as when paying with a regular bank card. It doesn’t matter in what way, but you provide the card details, for example, by attaching it to the terminal, confirm the PIN code, and then the payment system contacts your bank and checks the account balance. If the terminal cannot connect to the bank, then the operation is indicated on the card, the available balance is reduced, and the operation takes place at the moment when the Internet becomes available in the terminal.

You don’t need any Internet to make payments via Samsung/Apple Pay, you can pay for purchases without a connection, the only drawback is that you won’t see a message about the transaction, it will come with the advent of the Internet. As you can see, this is an almost complete replica of how bank cards work. The only difference is that a conditional copy of your card is in your smartphone or smart watch, in the future it could be any device.

Hardware manufacturers charge banks a fee for payment, usually 0.15% in the case of Apple Pay (0.1-0.2% depending on the country for Samsung Pay). For an operation with mobile device The bank always pays, not the user. This partly explains why cashback or other loyalty programs often do not work for mobile payments, since these payments generate a commission to the smartphone manufacturer.

Now let's look at another point, you lose the card. What happens to her impression on the phone? Absolutely nothing until you notify the bank that the card is lost and it will be blocked. From this moment on, the system will not be able to pay for anything; the card will also become blocked. You will have to enter new information when your card is reissued. If you decide not to report the loss, the card in your smartphone will continue to work as usual. But the security flaws outweigh the benefits, with one exception - if you leave the card at home and travel with its virtual version on your phone.

Another important point. When paying from a banking app, you log in either using a code or a fingerprint (the Galaxy Note 7 also has an iris). In my opinion, the fingerprint that you put on your phone is a very convenient, fast and easy way that is attractive. But it still doesn’t give you much of a speed boost; you pay for purchases with a contactless or regular card with a PIN code just as quickly, the difference is in seconds.

Now let's look at the features of Apple Pay. The system works only with contactless terminals (NFC), therefore, it can only be used in those points where there are corresponding POS terminals. Let me remind you that in Russia many chain coffee shops (Starbucks), fast food establishments (McDonalds) and simply modern stores and supermarkets are equipped with such terminals. In Moscow, in about half of the places I visit regularly, such POS terminals are present, in the regions everything is much sadder, they often simply do not exist.

List of supported devices from Apple is next: This is iPhone SE, iPhone 6, 6 Plus and later. Where did the information come from that Apple Pay is supported starting from iPhone versions 5 is not very clear, since the company’s website states the opposite. The system can be configured to range of iPads, which is not very interesting, and also on Apple Watch(a mandatory requirement is to enable a password, which is often inconvenient since there is no fingerprint scanner).

In Russia, the main partner of Apple Pay is Sberbank, the launch of the service is scheduled for October, perhaps the presentation will take place in the first days of this month. Apple Pay will only work with MasterCard cards, since it was not possible to reach an agreement with Visa. It is unclear when Visa will be added and whether it will participate in this project. The total volume of iPhones operating in Russia that support this technology, amounts to about two million devices (not sold, since more of them were sold; these are devices on networks that are used constantly). IN Apple presentations for banks, the figure is 4 million devices, but they take into account watches (this is a companion device, there is no point in counting it separately), tablets (I can hardly imagine a person in a store paying from a tablet every day), as well as all phone activations, but not all the time working devices. That is, even secondary activations of the same iPhone on the secondary market are considered as plus one device, which, in my opinion, is wrong. This is an artificial inflation of the base; live devices on networks need to be counted.

In addition to Sberbank, a number of major retail banks will be Apple Pay partners, all of which will happen with the support of MasterCard. No complications and technical problems You shouldn’t expect anything wrong with the system; there are few pitfalls here.

Now let's look at Samsung Pay. In addition to payments using NFC, payments are supported at any terminal that can accept a card with a magnetic stripe and/or chip. The technology that allows this to happen is called MST (Magnetic Secure Transmission), developed by LoopPay, which Samsung bought in 2015. No scanning of your bank card is required, you simply enter it into Samsung program Pay, and then you receive a “cast” of it. You only need one thing for your bank to work with the system. Just like in Apple Pay, banks must install special software, otherwise the system simply will not work. This is a general limitation that explains why it is not possible to add any card, support is required payment system and a bank.

The main partner of payment systems in Russia is MasterCard. Exactly the same situation as with Apple Pay, there is no Visa, it all comes down to their reluctance to support third party solutions. The list of banks that support Samsung Pay is almost identical to those that are going to work with Apple Pay. At the start of the service, cooperation with the following banks will be announced: ALFA-BANK JSC, VTB 24 (PJSC), MTS PJSC, Raiffeisenbank JSC, Russian Standard Bank JSC. In addition to banks, the Yandex.Money payment system is involved. By the end of the year, Sberbank and a number of other banks will announce cooperation with the service. The division of banks at the first stage is virtual; everyone was choosing between Apple Pay and Samsung Pay from a PR point of view, what to announce on the market and with whom to go in this direction. But by the end of the year, the main players will have support for both systems. By the end of the year, the number of banks supported by Samsung Pay will be 15, and the service will potentially be available to 65% of all private depositors in the country, as well as 80% of the urban population. This is largely the merit of Sberbank and the main partners of this service.

Now about supported models from Samsung. These are Galaxy S6/S6 EDGE/EDGE+, S7/S7 EDGE, Note 5/7, Galaxy A5 (2016)/A7 (2016). At the beginning of September, the number of devices operating on networks was slightly more than a million units. The watch also supports Samsung Pay, but you can safely ignore them. The peculiarity of all phones that support this technology is that they have the KNOX system, which is necessary for security.

The second key point is that Samsung Pay is available not only on flagships or devices costing from 35 thousand rubles (iPhone SE), but also on inexpensive ones (the same A5 costs 25 thousand rubles). With the launch of the service, the number of mid-segment models supporting Samsung Pay will increase monthly, ultimately reaching at least 3.5-4 million units in 2017. In terms of the base of devices that will be in the hands of consumers, parity between Samsung Pay and Apple Pay will occur by the end of next year.

Does this mean Apple Pay will be the preferred system for mobile payments? Not at all. The ability to pay only at 70 thousand points versus a million points with regular POS terminals without NFC turns the situation exactly the opposite. Potentially pay for services or goods with Samsung phone It will be possible in a larger number of places, which will expand the geography of the service throughout the country, to any point.

But all calculations are disingenuous, since we do not understand the most important thing, how exactly consumers will be encouraged to pay with mobile phone in one system or another. For example, Apple Pay is different in that in no country in the world do they carry out marketing campaigns to attract people; as a rule, partners do this. At the same Samsung time in the USA it has exactly the opposite policy; for activating the application together with Visa (in the USA Visa works with these systems!) they give you $10 for expenses. In other countries, you can get bonuses in the form of discounts on accessories and services. I am sure that in 2017, Samsung’s marketing activity regarding its Pay system will be at a very high level, which will mean better knowledge of the system, at least a greater number of those who will try to use it out of curiosity. If one of the partner banks can create a motivation system, for example, the same cashback for purchases from a phone, then this could become a driving force for using a smartphone as a means of payment. As far as I know, MTS is conducting such research, but has not yet reached something formalized and understandable. It is MTS that can benefit from the presence of such a motivation system; here you can come up with very interesting scenarios. It is difficult to expect any activity from Apple Pay in this area; they are unlikely to choose Russia as a field for such experiments.

And just one figure to understand that by taking even a small bite from banks, you can get a lot - Samsung Pay in its native South Korean market reached a turnover of $1.77 billion. This is the company's home market, but there is already a developed banking system there, and this is just a demonstration that loyalty systems work and give a real response.

Bottom line

In the coming weeks, we are doomed to read news about the launch of Samsung Pay/Apple Pay, as well as which system is better. In my opinion, technically they are the same, plus or minus, just as they are supported in Russia by the same MasterCard, as well as by a set of banks. The only question is which phone is in your hands. I sincerely doubt that anyone will choose their next smartphone based on the support of this or that system; this is obviously stupid. In any case, until there are no motivation programs and cashback, which still cannot be something very special and different from those banking products that are already on the market.

My phone has two banking apps that allow NFC payments. But I have two cards from these banks in my pocket, which also allow me to pay with a touch. And I often use cards and almost never use my phone (out of curiosity, I paid like that a couple of times, that’s all). Will I use Samsung Pay? In case they give me not just the opportunity to pay from my phone, but something additional and it will be attractive. Otherwise, I don't see much difference with the card I already have.

Technical point - Samsung Pay will be launched in stages, first you can get into the service by invitation from your bank or from Samsung, then it will become available to everyone (the second will approximately happen in November). There is no competition as to who is first, since Apple Pay and Samsung Pay are each aimed at their own audience, those who have already made a choice in favor of one company or another. And once again I will repeat a simple thought, these services are basically the same, they just allow you to pay. I foresee a wave of excitement among Apple fans who will discover contactless payments for the first time, but all this has been on the market for a long time and has not made much of a revolution. It won’t happen now, we’ve just been given another way to spend money.

Amendments dated September 27. The Galaxy S6 model will not work in Russia with Samsung Pay. Also, on the Russian market, banks do not pay a commission for using the service; it is free for them, if you do not take into account the cost of implementation.

Date of official launch in Russia of the payment service from Google - Android Pay happened on May 23, 2017! Owners of smartphones running the operating system of the same name are happy and, of course, wondering what devices this service works on.
The list of devices that support Android Pay is quite extensive, and this is its advantage over analogues that focus only on one brand.

Android Pay compatibility with your gadget

Your gadget will be fully compatible with only two components. This:

  1. Operating system Android version KitKat4 and higher. This version works successfully on models of almost any brand released after 2013. You can view the version of your operating system in “Settings” by selecting the “Device Information” sub-item. Read more about this here.
  2. The developer version of Android won't work either.
  3. The next point will be the presence on your or another Android gadget of a module that is responsible for contactless data transfer (NFC module). If you don’t know for sure whether such a function exists on, say, a phone, you can find out more information in its technical specifications. In addition, on some smartphones and tablets, the contactless data transfer function must be enabled additionally in the settings. Read about that in our article.
  4. You don't have to have a rooted smartphone. Also, Android Pay cannot be installed on a smartphone with an unlocked bootloader. In this way, Google strives to protect customers from scammers: devices with an unlocked bootloader are less secure. For more information, see our information. Anything is possible 😉
  5. The Samsung MyKnox app must not be installed on your phone.
  6. The device must be certified by Google.

And there are still some phones that seem to be suitable, but nevertheless use them payment service will not work:

  • Samsung Galaxy: Note III, Light, S3
  • Elephone P9000
  • Evo 4G LTE
  • Nexus 7 (2012)

Well, that’s all, you’ll agree – a little. Today, there are about 40% of Android gadgets with the appropriate characteristics. That is, in addition to almost any smartphone or tablet of the latest generation, the service can be downloaded, for example, to a phone released in 2014. And they can do so at any retail outlet where contactless payments are accepted, and there are a great many of them today. If you want to know, go to the corresponding article.

Even when Android Pay is officially launched in Russia, and according to rumors this should happen in the spring of 2017, Samsung Pay will remain the most desirable for owners of smartphones running Android. The reason is simple - the Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) technology introduced by Samsung specialists allows you to pay even in those terminals that do not support contactless payments. Some Galaxy smartphones and the Gear S3 watch can create a magnetic field that mimics the stripe of a bank card and transmit information to legacy payment terminals. Other smartphones and smartwatches can't do this because Samsung bought the company behind MST and is unlikely to license the technology to other manufacturers.

After its launch in Russia, Android Pay users will have to make sure every time before paying that the terminal supports NFC, while Samsung Pay users can pay with watches and smartphones absolutely everywhere. Needless to say, this is serious competitive advantage? However, if you really want to use Samsung Pay, but for some reason you don’t want to change your smartphone, there is still a way out. Samsung itself has solved this problem - owners of any devices running Android 4.4 and later can get all the benefits of Samsung Pay if they buy a Gear S3 classic or Gear S3 frontier.

When launching the payment service, the company made a major concession and allowed Samsung Pay to be used on smartwatches, no matter which smartphone they were connected to. The only exception is the iPhone, for which App Store Gear S3 companion app is available, but the feature Samsung settings There is no Pay. One can only guess about the reasons for this, but it is possible that this situation arose not through Samsung’s fault, but because of Apple’s requirements for publishing applications. If the ability to connect the Gear S3 to the iPhone can still be understood (due to functional limitations, they are inferior to the Apple Watch), then supporting a competing payment system in the iOS application is clearly overkill.

So, owners of any smartphones running Android can use Samsung Pay on the Gear S3 classic and Gear S3 frontier if two conditions are met: operating system devices are not older than Android 4.4, and the number random access memory is more than 1.5 GB.

How to set up Samsung Pay on Gear S3 connected to any Android smartphone

1. Connect Gear S3 to your smartphone
2. Launch the Samsung Gear app
3. Go to the “Settings” tab and select “Samsung Pay”
4. If necessary, confirm the download of the Samsung Pay plugin
5. Create new profile or log in to Samsung Account
6. On Samsung screen Pay click on add card, enter card information
7. Confirm the entered data and enter verification code from the bank
8. Provide an example of your signature - this may be required at the checkout when paying using MST technology
9. Wait approximately 5-10 minutes until the card verification process is completed
10. If you need to add more bank cards, repeat the last two steps

How to use Samsung Pay on Gear S3 connected to any Android smartphone

1. Before paying, press and hold the "Back" button, which is located near the two-hour mark, to launch Samsung Pay
2. If you need to use a map other than the default one, swipe to the desired one
3. Click the payment button at the bottom of the screen
4. Within 30 seconds, bring the watch to the payment terminal
5. If the transaction amount is more than 1000 rubles, confirm the operation by entering the PIN code of your bank card at the terminal

Lawyer, economist. Experience in a bank. Date: December 29, 2016. Reading time 3 min.

Using the Samsung Pay application usually does not cause difficulties for owners of devices that support this technology. In short, all you need to do is bring your phone to the terminal and the payment will go through, however, as in any business, there are some nuances.

Make sure you have the Samsung Pay app installed on your phone and that your device supports the technology. Samsung smartphones Galaxy 5,6,7 series (not all models of these series) support the application, but most often it is not pre-installed on the gadget. To figure out how to use Samsung Pay and start working with it, you need to reflash (update your phone software) to the latest version.

How to reflash a phone

You can update your smartphone software in several ways:

  1. Without using a computer - this method is called FOTA;
  2. Through special program, which must first be installed on your computer - Smart Switch.

Important point: To previous version software after flashing it will be impossible to return, so before starting the procedure, it is advisable to save all necessary information contained in the phone to another device (computer, laptop, phone, flash drive or disk).

Without a computer

When updating without a computer, you need to do the following:

  • Charge the phone to at least 80%, connect it to the Internet or to a Wi-Fi network (if the mode for downloading updates only via Wi-Fi is selected), the speed must be at least 5 Mbit/s.
  • In the menu, go to “settings”, “about device” and select “software update”;
  • Click on “update” or “update manually”, after which it will check for a new software version; if there is one, it will be prompted to download it. If not, a corresponding message will appear.
  • Next, you need to accept the offer to download software updates and you will need to click on the “install” button.
  • The phone will turn on and off and the update will begin.

Important: You cannot turn off your smartphone during the software update process - it will be damaged. After the update, you need to reset the data for the phone to work normally. If this is not done, errors may occur during use.

Using a computer program

When updating the software using the Smart Switch program, all the steps are similar, only you first need to connect the phone to the computer and launch the program. Both devices also cannot be turned off during the boot process. You also need to reset the data at the end of the installation, in Smart program Switch has a function Reserve copy.

And the third, most reliable, but also requiring financial investment option is an update at a service center. Also, if in the process manual update If you have any problems, please contact service center.

How to use Samsung Pay

After flashing the device, the Samsung Pay application icon will be displayed on the working screen, which you will need to enter using account Samsung account, follow all system instructions.

The application has an intuitive interface, with the help of prompts you can add bank cards to the system.

To use Samsung Pay to pay for a purchase, bring your phone to the terminal

As of December 2016 samsung app pay supports Master Card debit and credit cards from thirteen Russian banks, including visa cards from three banks and cards from the Yandex-Money payment system.

All terminals that accept bank cards for payment using contactless payment or magnetic stripe reading work with the Samsung pay application.

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