Virtual bookmarks for mozilla from Yandex. How to install Yandex visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox. Adding visual bookmarks to the Google Chrome browser

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If you prefer to use online services from Yandex in Firefox, and in general, are partial to ways to improve the comfort of web surfing, you will probably be interested in this article. She will tell you how to install visual bookmarks Yandex for Mozilla Firefox and Yandex.Bar, how to configure them and, if necessary, remove or delete them in the browser.

Yandex Bookmarks

How to install?

1. Open the official Firefox web resource for downloading extensions -

2. Enter the query “visual bookmarks from Yandex” into the site’s search bar.

3. In the pop-up toolbar, click on the addon with the same name.

4. On the add-on page, click “Add to Firefox”.

Note. If you want to download previous (old) versions of the addon for Firefox, go to the page -

5. Wait until the distribution completes downloading.

6. Click the “Install” button in the download panel.

Attention! The Visual Bookmarks addon is provided to users free of charge.

7. If installation is successful, the extension panel with site preview blocks will open in new browser tabs.

Attention! If “Bookmarks” does not work or does not launch, check your Internet connection, as well as the settings of addons that block elements on the page (NoScript, Adguard, Adblock, etc.). Perhaps they are preventing correct operation service.

How to use and configure?

By default, immediately after installation, the panel already contains a set of bookmarks: links to popular services (Yandex search engine, Mail, Maps,, Kinopoisk, Youtube, etc.). If necessary, they can be replaced or completely removed.

If you want to install a preview of your favorite site on the addon panel:
1. Click the “Add Bookmark” option (located below the thumbnail blocks).

2. In the settings panel, you can enter the site addresses yourself or select it from the catalog:

Click the required section:
“Popular” - well-known trusted websites;
"Recently Visited"- sites from your browser history (that you opened).

3. If you select a site from the preset lists (“Popular” or “Recently Visited”), click on its block in the tiled menu.

And it will immediately appear in the panel.

Each tab has a mini-settings panel. To display it, move the cursor to the upper right corner of the bookmark.

Button meaning:
“lock” - can take two positions: closed - access to the bookmark settings is blocked; open - unlocked.

“cross” - remove the bookmark (completely remove the block from the panel).

Note. Before removal, the addon makes an additional request to activate the command.

“gear” - changing the site address in the bookmark block. Just like when adding a new site, you can manually register Domain name or select a bookmark from the catalog.

If you need to change the general settings of the addon, accordingly, click the “Settings” link located next to the “Add ...” option.

A column of settings will open on the right side of the tab, which can be disabled or changed if necessary.

  • “Quantity”: if you want to see more bookmarks in the panel (increase their number), move this slider to the right so that the required number of bookmarks is displayed in the window at the top (for example, 20).
  • “Bookmark view”: options for displaying bookmarks (change of design).
  • “Background”: load a different panel background; You can install one of the preset images or upload an image from your computer.
  • « Extra options": disable/connect additional functional elements.
  • "Do home page": If you click this button, the bookmarks tab will be displayed on home page when starting the browser.

Also in this list of settings there are tools for importing/exporting bookmarks:

At the very bottom of the list, under the inscription “ Backup... ", click the down arrow icon.

  • “Save…” - create backup copy bookmarks;
  • “Load…” - restore bookmarks from a saved copy.

Additional addon options include support for the Zen news service. It is built into Yandex Browser, but Firefox is available only after installing “Visual Bookmarks”.

To activate the news feed, in the “Yandex.Zen” block (under the bookmarks block), click the “Enable” button.

On the new page, select the sites from which you want to view posts in your feed.

Sources are cataloged by topic (Technology and Science, News, Entertainment, etc.).

Once setup is complete, post previews will be displayed under your bookmarks. Scroll down the tab a little.

For those who want to synchronize data with a Yandex account or quickly go to the personal profile of this system, there is a “Login” button. Click it and enter your login credentials.

This application is also available on the Firefox extensions website. You can easily find it using the “search for add-ons” line. Installation is performed in the standard way - using the “Add...” button.

After connecting on the right side top panel FF toolbar icons will be displayed. By default, two buttons are installed - Yandex. Mail and Weather. The addon determines the geographical region automatically by IP address.

If desired, the panel can be expanded:

1. Move the cursor over the toolbar and click the right mouse button.

2. In the settings menu, click “Elements...”.

3. In the window that opens, click on the buttons of the services that you want to see in the Yandex.Bar panel. And then click the right arrow icon. It is located on the border of two tuning blocks.

4. Click “Close” to close the settings window.

A group of buttons can be hidden and revealed using the “arrow” icon, which is located at right side from the "menu" icon.

How to remove Yandex services from the browser and Windows?

If you don't know how to remove Yandex visual bookmarks and Yandex.Bar, follow this guide:

1. B Firefox menu open: Tools → Add-ons.

2. In the “Extensions” section, in the Yandex add-on blocks, click the “Delete” or “Disable” button (for temporary deactivation).

If you installed Yandex extensions as additional software through the installer of any application, in addition to uninstalling addons in the browser, you also need to remove the service applications from operating system.

This is done like this:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Go to "Control Panel".
  3. Click the “Uninstall a program” section.
  4. Right-click on the Yandex application (but not the browser, don’t get confused!).
  5. Click the "Delete" option.
  6. Follow the uninstaller prompts.

Have a comfortable use Firefox browser and “Visual bookmarks” from Yandex.

The additional panel that was installed in the most popular browsers called “Yandex bar” has ceased to exist. Its main goal was to make programs for viewing websites more functional and comfortable to use. Now its developers are proposing to switch to a more modern and advanced version, called . The new version of the panel contains many extensions, among which “Visual Bookmarks” stands out. I will talk about this browser extension in this article. About visual bookmarks for Chrome browser can be read.

Installing the extension

All available elements can be downloaded and installed individually or all at once by going to the website

After a quick download and installation, Firefox needs to be restarted, which is what I did. When I opened my browser, I saw a set of cute tiles with a large search bar at the top.

Advice! You can see the bookmarks page at any time by pressing Ctrl + T.

Setting up the extension

To change the parameters of visual bookmarks, there is a “Settings” button in the lower right corner of the browser window. Clicking on it, I saw a single setting that allows you to change the background of the page. Yandex has prepared several nice background pictures for its users and provided the opportunity to download new ones from hard drive. If desired, the background image can be made permanent or changed after a certain time.

Extra options

Yandex bookmarks for Firefox also have additional settings available by clicking the “Other parameters” button. They allow:

  • select the type of bookmarks;
  • disable search bar;

    Advice! You can use the search engine in the address bar of your browser.

  • enable or disable display of the panel;
  • consent to the automatic sending of statistics;
  • use contextual sentences or make open page home.

Arrangement of bookmarks on the page

On the new page, visual Yandex bookmarks for Mozilla look like small tiles. They are easy to move with the mouse:

  1. Place the cursor over the desired bookmark.
  2. Clamp left key mouse, and it will begin to move along with the cursor.
  3. At the desired location, simply release the button.

The tile will remain where you placed it. In the upper right corner of each visual bookmark there are three buttons that allow you to change its settings. They are hidden from the user, and to see them the cursor must be moved to the right edge of the bookmark and held in place for a short time.

Pin, delete or edit

A button in the form of a lock allows you to unpin or pin Yandex bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox. This is very useful when there are a lot of popular resources and they are mixed automatically. Pinned bookmarks will always remain in their places.

By pressing the button in the form of a gear, a additional panel, where you can change the site address, add or edit a description. Popular and recently visited pages are also available for viewing.

To quickly delete a bookmark, there is a third button in the form of a cross. Clicking on it, I saw a pop-up window confirming my actions. The developers took care of users and provided protection against accidental deletion of bookmarks. If you see a pop-up window with the question “Delete bookmark?”, but you did not intend to delete anything, then click on the “No” button and everything will remain as before.

Add a new bookmark

In order for a new site to appear on the page with visual bookmarks, you need to click on the “Add bookmark” button, which is located in the lower right corner. A panel will appear with a form for entering the site address. You can also enter a description by clicking on the “Edit Description” button.

I liked the ability to use a keyboard shortcut to navigate to the desired site. You need to count tiles from left to right, and select and navigate by simultaneously pressing the Alt key and the number corresponding to the serial number of the bookmark.

Yandex Elements offers other useful browser add-ons that are also worth your attention.

This solution was developed by Yandex, but can be used in any browser, not just the one released by this company. Next we will talk about installing and using them in mozilla firefox.

You can always save a link to the desired page or resource by clicking on the asterisk in the address bar. In Firefox Quantum, links to the most visited sites are displayed in the tab new page, but it’s most convenient to use visual bookmarks for this. They have several advantages:

Where to download and how to install the add-on

There are two resources, where you can download visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox: Yandex and a catalog of browser extensions. Next we will talk about where exactly you can find the add-on on each of them.

Page with Yandex Elements

Directory of addons for Mozilla Firefox

  1. In the browser menu, select “Add-ons” (you can also call it by simultaneously pressing the Shift, Ctrl and A keys).
  2. In Firefox Quantum, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the blue button that says "See more add-ons" (at early version Mozilla won't have to do this). Enter the name of the extension in the search bar and install it following the system prompts.

Adjusting individual icons

After installing the addon, you should go to the page with bookmarks (to do this, just create a new tab) and understand its functionality and appearance. The panel already contains icons for several pages, but if you don’t need them, you can select the ones you like best.

To place a block on the panel, click “Add” at the very bottom. You will be asked:

Having made your choice, click “Add signature” . After that, your favorite resource will appear on the bookmarks page.

The settings of each individual block can be adjusted. Hover your cursor over its top right edge and you will see three small icons:

  • lock (if it is open, the settings of an individual bookmark can be changed, if it is closed - not);
  • gear (pressing this button opens access to settings);
  • cross (by clicking on it, you will remove this or that icon from the page).

General extension settings

To access the add-on's general settings, click "Add" at the bottom of the screen. After this, a list of options will open, changes in which will affect appearance pages with visual bookmarks:

Other options available on the bookmarks bar

If you want to view the latest news directly on the bookmarks bar, activate the news feed on it. To do this, click the “Enable” button in the Yandex line. Next, select and save the sources from which you want to receive news (they will be divided into several thematic categories). Yandex. Zen will be displayed at the very bottom of the panel, under the icons of individual pages.

To synchronize with your Yandex account, just click “Login” in the right top corner screen and enter your details. There you can also go to the personal profile created in the system.

How to remove an addon

Let's assume that you decide to remove this extension and return to the original interface . In this case, bookmarks are deleted like any other add-on in Mozilla:

  • in the main menu, select “Add-ons”, and then “Extensions”;
  • Find the line with Yandex bookmarks and click the “Delete” button in it. This will temporarily disable this extension.

What to do if you installed them as third party application, and not as an addon? In this case, deletion can be done using Windows tools:

  • Find the “Programs” section in the “Control Panel”, and in it - the “Uninstall a program” item;
  • find the required plugin in the list (but do not accidentally delete Yandex. Browser itself), right-click on it and delete it;
  • you need to follow the instructions that will appear on the screen.

How to restore visual bookmarks in Firefox

If you find that visual bookmarks have disappeared in Firefox, this is not yet a reason to claim that the browser or add-on has failed. Possible reasons the problems are:

Now you know how to use this Yandex extension. All that remains is to install it in the browser and evaluate the convenience of this solution.

The issue of comfort in using an Internet browser is very important for almost any user. Especially if a person has no experience working on a computer, visual bookmarks will help him quickly navigate the Mozilla interface and find the necessary information or site. Simply put, such bookmarks are a tool for quick access to your favorite sites.

When using any visual bookmarks, you are guaranteed to speed up the process of working with the Internet browser. Everything you need will be before your eyes, right after launching your favorite Mozilla. But we will focus on Yandex bookmarks, since they are the most practical and easy to use.

Installing visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox from Yandex

When installing bookmarks for Mozilla, be attentive to the description of the add-on. Pay attention to the developer and make sure that he is verified to avoid conflicts between the browser and your computer. Download this add-on only if the developer is Yandex or Mozilla.

Let's set visual bookmarks using Mozilla add-ons Firefox.

Download Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

    1. To download the add-on, follow the link above and click the button "Add to Firefox" at the bottom of the blue block.

    1. Mozilla does everything for maximum security its users, so it always asks if you are sure about installing this or that add-on. In this case, we need to press the button "Install", starting the long-awaited installation.

    1. When the installation is complete, a message will appear. Click "OK", smoothly moving on to the bookmark settings for you.

Setting up visual bookmarks

Once the installation of the add-on is complete, in a new open tab we will be greeted by a new window with the ability to configure tables that contain links to sites. The user can enter any site into this window so that it is always quickly accessible.

In order to create a new bookmark and open visual bookmarks from Yandex, just click on «+» in the tab bar.

Changing the background of visual bookmarks

    1. When opening tabs, you can change the background to the one you like without going into the settings on the start window. To do this, just click on the selected picture and select the item "Ready" to the right of the proposed background options.
    1. If you want to set your own background, click the button at the bottom right "Settings", opening additional background image settings.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the item "Upload your background" and select your own image as the background image on the bookmarks page.

How to add a new site to your bookmarks bar

    1. To add a new site to the bookmarks bar, just click the button "Add bookmark".

    1. In the window that opens, enter the URL of the site that we want to add to the quick access panel.

  1. After adding a site, it will appear at the end of the panel of web pages with quick access to them. Now you can access it at any time by simply opening your visual bookmarks and clicking on the icon of the added site.

Editing existing bookmarks

To edit the visual bookmarks of sites located on the page, you need to hover over any of the existing tiles and select the appropriate option.

    1. By pressing the small lock, we secure the bookmark in place. This means that even if new bookmarks appear, the pinned one will still remain in its place.

    1. Clicking on the gear opens a window with full editing of the existing bookmark. It is proposed to edit the site link and its description after clicking the button "Edit Description".

    1. To delete a site page from the Yandex visual bookmarks bar,
      you need to click on the cross...

  1. Confirm your action by pressing the button "Yes".

Small information block

When you open visual bookmarks, a small block appears at the top with information that is important for most active people:

  • Current weather conditions;
  • Current exchange rates in the country.

By clicking on one of the options, you can find out more detailed information. This block can be deleted by clicking on the cross to the right of the information block and hovering over it with the mouse as a tab for settings.

Regulating the number of bookmarks

    1. Click "Settings" on the start window.

  1. At the very top we adjust the parameter "Quantity" to the value we need. The more bookmarks there are, the smaller their size on the panel.

Additional parameters for Yandex bookmarks

In addition to the main ones, there are additional parameters, also located in the window called up by clicking on "Settings" on the main panel. These parameters will allow you to free the panel from unnecessary information and make using the visual panel even more convenient, at your discretion.

In order to avoid setting up tabs again if the operating system crashes or if necessary, you need to reinstall the Internet browser, there is a function for saving them. The main thing is, do not forget to regularly fix the changed tabs using the button "Save to file".

In general, visual bookmarks from Yandex are a good product for those who like simplicity. Using a browser with quick access to your favorite sites makes working on the computer more enjoyable and much more convenient.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The Yandex bar, which I once wrote about in some detail, has ceased to exist. It had quite a few useful options and it had every right to exist. But not everything is so sad, in fact, something simple happened.

The panel has become more compact, lighter and less intrusive, but the essence remains the same, especially since the bar can be easily updated with elements. A similar situation with renaming occurs with other Internet giants, for example, the free mail service, which has not earned a very good reputation.

Personally, I liked the bar most of all for such an option as visual bookmarks, which Yandex added to Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome And Internet Explorer for easy navigation through the resources you most visit. By the way, I recently found a worthy alternative - which is in many ways superior to the brainchild of Yandex.

On the way to your cherished goal, they will try to intercept you and persuade you to do so, but you are persistent and will not succumb to provocation, although I really liked him in his current incarnation.

Set visual bookmarks will be no more difficult than any other window application. The only thing is that at the first step of the installation wizard you will be asked (which is nice) to disable all additional gadgets, namely the default search, and, what’s especially nice, you can disable the spy module, which collects data for the RuNet mirror about which sites we need What do you like and what don't:

It is clear that search engine we need this data to build more relevant results, but not everyone likes being spied on, even with good intentions. Next, the installer will reconfigure your browser and it will start with a new (blank) page open:

The screenshot shows the appearance of the page with Yandex bookmarks for Google Chrome and I like them the most, because they practically duplicate the Opera Express panel, to which I am very accustomed.

When you move the mouse cursor to an empty rectangle, a “+” sign will appear on it, by clicking on which you will be able to create a new tab based on pages previously opened in the browser or simply by entering the desired URL and the name of the future bookmark in the appropriate fields:

Then you can freely drag it with the mouse to any convenient place, which easily allows you to sort the sites you need in the sequence you need. In addition, when you move the mouse cursor to any of the created tabs at the top of it, you will see a control panel with four buttons:

Using them, you can delete a bookmark, update the screenshot of the bookmarked site, change something in the settings (assign a different URL, change the name or set a different screenshot update period), and also hide it. I didn’t understand what the last option could be used for, because in the place of the hidden tab there still remains a hole, and if you move the cursor to it, it will appear.

At the bottom of the page with Yandex visual tabs in Google Chrome there is a “Settings” button, which will allow you to change the appearance of the panel to suit your preferences (change the possible number of rectangles, add a background and set the refresh period for screenshots).

Visual tabs for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer

For Mozilla Firefox and Internet explorer they look the same and you can download them all from the same link:

But, in my opinion, the new version of Firefox bookmarks from Yandex is significantly inferior in convenience to the tabs for Google Chrome described just above. This matter looks somehow more clumsy and stupid, despite the fact that old version for Firefox it did not have such shortcomings (the best is the enemy of the good). Although, the taste and color... Moreover, with old bookmarks.

The image of the tab is now not a screenshot of the site being laid, but some of its logo, which most often represents the name taken from this very site. The color scheme of the tabs is also selected based on the shades available on the site:

The new version of visual bookmarks for Mazila Firefox bears the proud number 2.5 and allows you not only to manually add new sites, but also inserts your most frequently visited resources into the panel. Is it convenient? Personally, I don't, but maybe you'll like it. The advantage is that immediately after installing tabs in Firefox and IE, you will see the Yandex panel filled with the sites you most frequently visited before.

When you move the mouse cursor over any of them, you can pin it using the corresponding icon. Why is this necessary? Well, so that when more popular resources invade, this particular tab would remain in place:

The gear-shaped button is used to change the site to which this tab will lead:

IN new version express panels for Mazila and Donkey, I did not understand how they can be moved and sorted. Dragging with the mouse does not solve this problem. To add new tabs to the sites you need, just click on the “Settings” button in the lower right corner.

As a result, a window will open where you can set the number of bookmarks in the panel and change the background image. If you click on the “Advanced options” button, you can also disable the spyware module by unchecking the corresponding box.

But all the same, the new versions of visual bookmarks for Mazila and IE left a purely negative impression (perhaps I didn’t understand or get into something), so I don’t use them yet, but the version of Yandex tabs for Google Chrome, on the contrary, makes me sad only positive emotions. Probably different developers worked on them. If you want to return to the past, then use the link given just above to version 1.5).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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