Allow pop-ups in the browser. Pop-ups in the Google Chrome browser on a computer: how to remove or allow them. Popup window instead of "Thank you for subscribing" page

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Pop-ups are windows that suddenly appear without the user's permission. They are different in size, they can appear at the top of the browser, right in the middle, at the very bottom.

The user enters a site, starts reading the article for which he switched to this web resource, at which time a rectangle with information suddenly appears in front of him, closing the text and making it impossible to read. This causes irritation and a desire to get rid of it.

To the question " how to remove popups This article will answer.

Types of pop-ups

Suddenly pop-ups can be:

  • useful;
  • not very useful;
  • malicious.

Useful pop-ups are used to expand the functionality of the site: display the necessary tips, unobtrusive advertising, educational information.

For example, using the opened window WOT program(Web of Trust), which is a free browser add-on Mozilla Firefox, will warn that the user is about to visit a site with a bad reputation or dangerous content:

By clicking on the inscription " Detailed rating information", The reader will get acquainted with the verdict of many users and will be able to decide on their own what to do next: " Open the site", Despite its reputation, or " Leave the site", By pressing one or another button, respectively.

Relatively useful pop-ups. Let's say that the user first gets to some site, has not yet had time to get acquainted with it, and then an offer appears before his eyes to subscribe to receive site materials or receive some kind of information product.

On such pop-ups, the close button ( cross) or the word "Exit" can be so heavily veiled that they cannot be found and it is very difficult to get rid of a suddenly pop-up window.

In such a situation, the user is left to either accept the offer that has suddenly arisen so that he can continue to get acquainted with the site, or simply leave it.

Malicious pop-ups may contain a tempting offer but lead to a site with malicious content. Such a window may require something threatening from the site visitor, for example, to enter a phone number.

Unfortunately, pop-up windows are quite often used with malicious intent, so the possibility of their "floating up" often has to be blocked.

The network even has lists of suspicious sites that distribute ads and viruses through such windows. You need to prevent the browser from opening them, because such surprises can block the computer.

There are also pop-ups that appear when you try to close a site. Thus, the author of the site asks the visitor to stay on the page in order to receive a gift. The slowing down inscription can be of any content, with two options: leave or stay:

A tempting offer can end in two ways: either the user is actually offered a gift, or they are automatically redirected to a malicious page. Such sites can be added to the list of unreliable, so as not to get on it next time, if its usefulness seemed doubtful.

Tired of the sudden appearance of numerous windows, the user naturally asks the question:
« how to block popups”, so that they do not annoy, do not distract from targeted actions on the site? The answer to this question is given in the next section of this article.

How to block pop-ups?

The browser usually does not block suddenly appearing windows that websites need to work: subscriptions, sales of services. Some advertising banners similar to pop-up windows, but they are not, browsers cannot prevent their occurrence.

Most often, in all modern browsers, pop-up blocking is always enabled by default, you just need to check if this option is accidentally unchecked. But the prohibition of opening does not affect scripts written in the JavaScript language.

Pop-up Blocker in Mozilla Firefox Browser

In the top menu of the browser, you need to left-click on the item Tools, and then select the item Settings:

Then you need to select the option Content, to the left of the inscription " Pop-up blocker» be sure to check the box. Press OK :

Opposite this inscription there is a button Exceptions, by clicking on which you can add to the list of safe sites for which pop-ups are allowed:

Pop-up Blocker in Google Chrome

A button with three horizontal lines is visible in the right corner: you need to click on it with the left mouse button, and then select Settings from the drop-down menu:

Then you need to select the lowest item " Show advanced settings»:

Now you need to open the section "Personal data" - " Content settings» — « Popup windows».
And finally, you need to activate the inscription " Block pop-ups on all sites(recommended)":

Here it is also possible Exception Management»: Exceptions should be made for reliable, trusted sites.

Opera pop-up blocker

Click home button"Opera" on the left. Then select " Settings» - « General settings»:

Now you need to find the inscription " Specify how to deal with pop-ups” and select the option “ Block unsolicited»:

It is worth noting that in the Opera browser for quick setup keyboard key F12 answers. When you click it, a window pops up in which you can also set a lock:

Important note:
For different versions browser settings may differ slightly, commands may be called slightly differently. But finding a place to set your pop-up blocker in any web browser is easy! You just need to be extremely careful when setting the settings!

Other browsers also have similar settings. The answer to the question " how to disable popup blocker" is also simple: in the settings of web browsers, you need to uncheck the appropriate checkboxes - pop-up blocking will be disabled.

Some pop-up windows can be very annoying, they appear periodically, distracting from reading or watching a video, closing the monitor screen. To avoid this, you can use special programs to disable their occurrence.

Popular programs and plugins for blocking pop-ups

1. The most popular plugin for blocking ads and annoying pop-ups is considered to be Adblock or its new modification Adblock Plus. This extension is best solution the question "how to remove pop-up ads", it is specially written for each popular web browser and is installed as an add-on.

For example, in Mozilla browser Firefox, you need to select the Add-ons item in the tools menu:

Then enter the key phrase Adblok in the search box:

After the program finds this add-on, you need to give the command to install it. After that, the application will block all unwanted ads. In addition, you need to additionally use the correct subscriptions for AdBlock: Anti-advertising, Anti-porno. In many browsers, this application is also easy to install.

2. It is very convenient to use special firewall programs (firewalls) to increase protection, which monitor the security of visited sites, for example Outpost Firewall.
3. A rather popular add-on for web browsers called No Script blocks JavaScript scripts. No Script appears in the right-click menu. It allows you to disable or enable the display JavaScript elements for different sites. As practice shows, this add-on slightly slows down the browser, excessively prohibiting many site actions, but improves security.

Hello, dear readers of the site site! While surfing the Internet, you must have come across pages that display various information in popup blocks. Nothing like that, but she's very annoying. It may offer to buy something, or ask: “Maybe you are looking for an answer to such and such a question? Write to our expert…”.

They may not appear immediately, but after you click on the page, close it, or after a certain time. Considering that in Lately a lot of viruses and programs that can harm a computer are distributed through them, the issue of blocking them is very relevant.

Therefore, let's look at how to block pop-up windows in the Yandex browser using the capabilities of the browser itself, without installing third-party extensions and programs, as well as how to disable their blocking.

Pop-up blocker

If you need to remove such blocks in the Yandex browser, click on the three horizontal bars in the right upper corner web browser and select "Settings" from the menu.

Scroll down the settings page and click on the "Show advanced settings" button.

In the window that opens, find the "Pop-ups" section and put a marker in the "Block on all sites" field. Then click on the "Finish" button.

After that, when you open a site on which they are located in Yandex browser, you will see a crossed-out square on the right in the address bar. Clicking on it will open a list of what has been blocked.

Allow pop-up windows in the Yandex browser

In the Yandex browser settings, their blocking is enabled by default. And if, on the contrary, you need to turn it off so that you can fill out the registration form, or see Additional information then do the following.

As described in the previous paragraph, go to the browser settings and in the "Personal data" find the section with the desired name. Put a marker in the "Allow on all sites" field and click "Finish".

Now they will be displayed on all sites where they are provided.

By the way, the browser itself does not recommend enabling this function so that they appear on all pages. But what if you regularly visit a certain site and the information that is displayed in them is extremely important to you? Let's move on to the next item...

Pop-up settings

In the Yandex browser, users have the ability to specify which sites to block or allow them on.

If it is allowed on all sites, but there are a couple of those where you would like to disable them, then in the "Content Settings" in the already familiar section, click on the "Manage exceptions" button.

This window will appear. In the first field, insert the site address, and opposite from the list, select "Block". Then click Done.

Here you can add all the necessary addresses. To remove an extra resource from the list, move the mouse cursor over it and click on the cross that will appear in the line on the right.

After that, on the specified pages, pop-up windows will be blocked.

If, on the contrary, you have prohibited them in your browser settings, but you still need them to appear on certain sites, then click the "Manage exceptions" button.

We insert the address of the page where they should be displayed, and select "Allow" opposite. Add all the pages you need to this list and click Finish.

Now, on all sites whose addresses are listed in the exclusion list, you can view information in pop-up windows.

If you don’t know exactly on which resource you need to be allowed to show them, then it’s okay.

For example, they went to the page, and displaying information in a similar block is necessary. Click on the crossed-out square in the address bar on the right and in the window that opens, put a marker in the "Allow pop-up windows on the site" field.

After that, this site will automatically be added to the list of exceptions that you filled out yourself a little higher.

If you do not want them to constantly appear on this site, then simply click on the desired link of the blocked window to view it.

So, without using third-party extensions, Yandex browser users have the ability to quickly block or, conversely, allow pop-up windows on various pages in the Internet.

Before dealing with the question of how you can disable or enable pop-up blocking, you should understand what is meant by this concept.

This phenomenon may be three kinds:

  • Advertising, embedded by the site owner. Often it is useful because it coincides with the theme of the site or is interconnected with it.
  • annoying ads and spam. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the computer is infected with a malicious virus.
  • User interactions. Such windows are rare, but they are important for full-fledged work with this site, for example, a captcha window for authorization; a dialog box with confirmation of an action or operation; enlarged image.

Thus, often a complete or selective blocking becomes the solution to the problem, but sometimes a list of exceptions can come in handy.

Advertising in Google Chrome

According to default settings browser Google Chrome blocks ads, but this feature can be turned off.

Disable or enable, if necessary, the above function can be in the following way:

  • We launch browser Google Chrome;
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, we find the button " More" and click;
  • Here we select the menu " Settings»;
  • At the bottom of the page, select " Additional»;
  • Next, go to the section Privacy & Security", and then " Content settings»;
  • Let's go to " Popup windows” and set the switch to the desired position.

Setting up Yandex browser

Yandex.Browser is quite new, but it also has a built-in function for full or partial ad blocking.

In order to disable or allow similar components, as well as add individual sites to the exclusion list, the first step is to go to browser options. This button is located in the upper right corner of the screen, and clicking on it will open a menu in which you should find a section with additional settings.

Here you need to go to the section " Protection of personal data", and then " Content settings". This will open a separate section with settings, where the desired block is located “ Popup windows”.

Here you can enable either turn off ban all viewed sites, as well as set a list of exception sites.

Opera Browser

The Opera browser allows you to manage these ads in two ways.

Option 1. You need to click on the Opera logo in the upper left corner, which will open the menu list. Here you need the item " Settings” — “Fast” — “Popup windows”.

Option 2. If the top line or “line” of the main menu is enabled in the browser, then you can go to the management of pop-up windows through the menu “ Tools”.

Settings in Mozilla Firefox

Firefox automatically blocks these ads by default, but you can control this feature. To do this, you need to go through the path " Tools” — “Settings” — “Content” — “Block pop-ups

Here, if necessary, you can specify the site exception or set a whole list of them.

Changes in Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is quite old and it was from it that many subsequent browsers adopted the blocking feature in question. Manage this process this browser Can in the following way:

  • Open the " Service", and then " Browser Properties”;
  • After that click on “ Confidentiality”, then to “ Pop-up blocker” and finally open the menu “ Options”;
  • Here in the section " Lock level” you can set the desired parameters.
Sales Generator

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We will send the material to you:

Pop-up- this is a pop-up window that appears on the screen when visiting the site and encourages a person to perform certain actions (subscribe to the newsletter, become a participant in the promotion, enter their contact information, etc.). Basically the task pop-up-windows – collect email addresses.

Various studies testify to the effectiveness of pop-ups. For example, a site with 44 thousand visitors acquired 10-15 subscribers to its newsletter daily, and after the launch of pop-up windows with a delay of one minute, about 100-150 visitors began to subscribe every day.

What is the purpose of the collection e-mail-ov using pop-up? Let's make a simple analogy. The site is a damaged bucket filled with water. All your efforts to fill it to the top are doomed to failure, as the liquid pours out of the holes. The situation is similar for website visitors. Many people close the tab after visiting the site and never return to the “bucket”.

For a business to be successful, you need to achieve high traffic to your Internet resource. The more email addresses you collect, the more people you can subsequently attract to your site through the use of an effective e-mail newsletter.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Obvious advantages and disadvantages of pop-ups

Showing pop-ups - evil or effective tool

Imagine the situation: you are engrossed in reading the information on the page, you are trying to scroll through it ... and ad windows pop up in front of you. The first reaction is irritation. However, if you are on the site of an online store and want to purchase something, then the discount offered in the pop-up will certainly please you.

Another situation is also possible. While reading the posts of a blogger who is an Internet marketer, a pop-up window prompts you to download a guide to the most common mistakes in Google Adwords absolutely free. Most likely, you will be interested in such a pop-up offer.

The perception of pop-up can be both negative and positive. It depends, as in any other case, on whether the offer contained in the pop-up is useful and relevant to the potential client.

Obvious Advantages and Disadvantages of Customizing Popups

Advantages pop-ups:

  • They allow you to attract attention. When users click on a link from another site, they first see a pop-up banner that offers something to their advantage. This delays them and pushes them to take further action.
  • When used, conversions increase. Statistics show that pop-up banners are much more effective (13 times) compared to regular banners, which are created to increase website traffic or the number of views.
  • By usingpop-up windows you can quickly get feedback. The presence of a pop-up banner on the page with frequently asked questions will allow visitors to contact site administrators more quickly.

Flaws pop-ups:

  • Decrease in attendance. In case of improper installation of pop-up windows, visitors will feel only irritation when they appear. For example, if the banner is huge or you have to look for a cross for a long time to close it, then users may prefer other sites.
  • Treating banners as spam. This is possible with a very large number of pop-ups. The result can be a deterioration in the company's reputation.
  • Pop-up banners can be blocked. Some people know that it is possible to install a program in the browser that will block the appearance of pop-ups. At the same time, you can forget about the effectiveness of advertising using pop-up.

The key to effective communication with site visitors through pop-up banners is constant testing of texts, design and format of their display.

We list the most significant elements:

Types of pop-ups on the site

There are two groups of pop-up windows: Hello-Board and Page-Stop.

The first category is characterized by horizontal or vertical placement of banners, in which the user can see the main information of the page, and its functionality remains almost the same. This pop-up variant is soft, allowing you to maintain a balance between the perception of visitors and the result that is achieved through the use of banners.

Such pop-ups have disadvantages, but to eliminate them on this moment it is impossible - the review of the site, although partially, is limited. This makes Hello-board windows less efficient than Page-Stop windows.

The Page-Stop banner category implies a complete restriction of activity on the site until the visitor clicks on one of the buttons - accepts the offer or refuses it by closing the pop-up. Such a pop-up window in most cases only annoys users, because it distracts them from the main purpose of visiting the page.

The Good, the Bad, and the Great Example of a Popup

  • Good example

When you visit Lamoda and Quelle online stores for the first time, windows pop up with special offers:

"Make a purchase, and delivery will be at our expense"; "Subscribe and we'll drop 40% off." Attractive offers, right? It should be noted that such techniques are constantly used in trade. If you pay attention, you can see that in each department shopping centers there are ads about sales and big discounts, supposedly valid today. However, this sales system is practiced all the time.

It is very important for an online store (including Lamoda) to get email address visitor. Marketers will include it in the list of e-mails for distribution and will offer their products. This is beneficial to everyone. Users receive discounts, and online stores receive regular customers. This model is called "win-win".

Submit your application

The well-known CallBackHunter. When this technology was just born in Runet, it caused a wow effect. After all, you will agree, you drive in the phone and they automatically call you back in 30 seconds and advise on certain issues. The conversion of many sites have increased. But the inability of most site owners to properly configure this technology soon led to the fact that it causes irritation in everyone. There are two reasons for this. The first is its instant appearance after going to the site. The visitor does not even have time to find out where he is, and whether he needs something here. The second - the wording in CallBackHunter is at least puzzling:

The pop-up window does not contain any profitable offer, the user is not persuaded to subscribe. This is where the element of surprise comes into play. If a visitor clicks on the desired pop-up button without having figured out how to close the window, then a call will automatically go to the company. Employees will begin to offer products and may even sell something. Thus, the organization can only lose its reputation.

You should strive to satisfy customer needs, not to increase sales at any cost. Building relationships with consumers should be based on trust, then you can count on long-term cooperation, beneficial to both parties.

  • Great example

On the website of the General Director magazine, which is our client, the following banner pops up:

This form appears while reading an article or after spending a certain amount of time on the site. The main purpose of this form is to give people useful content when they are about to leave the site.

Note that the pop-up on the site of the General Director magazine contains enough information, his offer is tempting. With importunity, too, did not go too far. Visitors don't get the impression that this pop-up belongs to another site or is an advertisement, so it works effectively.

7 ideas on how to set up pop-ups on your site

1. Popup window instead of banner

Webmasters often use banners, placing them on the side of the site or in the sidebar. If you click on the banner, a specific page will open. If it contains an offer to subscribe to the newsletter, then pop-up forms can be used instead.


  • The pop-up will open instantly, while the subscription page will take some time to load. This can lead to an increase in the conversion of subscribers.
  • There is an opportunity to save space. If the banner has been replaced by a subscription form, then you can limit yourself to just one button, removing all fields. Clicking on it will cause a popup to appear.


  • You won’t be able to place a lot of information on a pop-up, unlike the subscription page. You will also not be able to upload an image or video.

2. Popup window instead of subscription

Here we mean subscription forms placed both on separate pages and on the side of the main page (in the sidebar, as in the example). In blogs, there are offers to subscribe to the newsletter at the end of the article. A good option in this case is to eliminate all fields, leaving one button to click, which will call the popup. And it can already contain the required number of fields.


  • Increase in the number of subscribers. The reason for this is that by clicking on the pop-up call button, the visitor is already more inclined to fill in the fields. If the subscription form is displayed immediately, it is usually ignored.
  • More economical use of Internet space. Fields from the subscription form can be replaced with promotional information. Another option is to design the page in a minimalist style, making it neat.


  • User expectations remain unjustified. For example, by clicking on the “Download” button, a person waits for the download to begin. The appearance after this form to fill out can cause negative emotions. However, you can combine this with any item and subsequently create buttons that allow you to download files immediately (without pop-ups).

3. Pop-up window instead of words of gratitude

This is a good and simple solution. There is no need to create pages with words of gratitude and links to download the files of interest. Instead, you should direct the person to the same page, while slightly changing its address (for example, /?yhx935/ was added to /page/). Such an add-on will give a command to open a pop-up with thanks or download links.


  • You can create such pages, spending much less time on it.


  • You will need to find a specialist who will configure the appearance of a pop-up window when adding a secret parameter to the page address.
  • Support for links to social media does not apply to all pop-ups.

4. Popup window instead of "Thank you for subscribing" page

This popup form is similar to the previous views. A user who subscribes to the newsletter is not directed to a thank you page, but to a selling page, where a pop-up immediately pops up. It contains the links and words of gratitude that the visitor needs. Under the pop-up, you can place information about a paid product related to the completed subscription, and an offer to purchase it for a promotion.


  • No need for a thank you page.
  • Conversion growth. When the window is closed, a person gets to a fully loaded page with an advertisement for a paid product. If you make it attractive, then many will close the pop-up window to see the offer in more detail.


  • The pop-up window should pop up instantly, otherwise users may suspect you of deceit and the absence of the necessary links. As a result, sales volumes will fall.

5. Secret Popup

For users who travel for a long time on your Internet resource, you can develop a secret pop-up by placing information about very advantageous offers on it. If you create it correctly, then only certain people who are most active will have the opportunity to see such a pop-up. This is a nice bonus.

Such a pop-up may appear, for example, after 36 minutes of being on your page (or longer). Alternatively, you can find out how long no more than 1% of visitors stay on your site, and score this time in a pop-up. It is not necessary to offer a promotion, you can poll users (+ then give a discount) if you want to collect any data about those who look at your page for a long time.


  • The most active get bonuses. If the offer is profitable, users will be satisfied. Such a pop-up for the site is an analogue of a hidden Easter egg.


  • If everyone finds the "egg", then you will suffer losses.

Adding to the list of personalization can be considered strange. However, now it is not used often, and together with pop-ups it would work quite effectively. It consists in the following. If you know the user's contacts (for example, name, email address, phone number), then:

  • Do automatic filling of subscription forms on the page.
  • Delete unnecessary forms. They are useless, since you can send your offer to the visitor by e-mail. Removed forms can be replaced with advertising (instead of the form that was on the side of the page, create a banner advertising a selling site or promotion).


  • You will be able to achieve a higher conversion, since the fields will be filled in automatically, all that remains is to click on the pop-up button.
  • You will be able to place more ads on the site.

7. Popup window inside the article

It is possible not only to create pop-ups that appear on their own, but also to include several buttons in the text on the page, clicking on which will cause pop-ups to appear. The longer the article, the more buttons you can place.


  • Users won't get annoyed by pop-ups as they can call it whenever they want.
  • The ability to increase conversions. To do this, you need to attract the interest of visitors to the pop-up call buttons.


  • There are unnecessary elements in the article. In this regard, it is recommended to associate such buttons with personalization: the subscriber should no longer see them in the text.

How to create your own popup

How to make a pop-up yourself? For this you must know HTML language at least at a basic level. In this case, you can easily make a pop-up window for the site.

JavaScript framework libraries (jQuery, MooTools, Prototype, etc.) are often used to create it, but they are of no use to the layman. HTML Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Table Description Language Tools css styles allow you to develop a good pop-up. Windows written in these languages ​​will not depend on the presence of JavaScript support in the browser.

The code that gives the command to open a pop-up window is placed on two lines. The task of the first is to form a link, clicking on which causes a pop-up to appear:

The tag attribute values ​​for this link are as follows. Onmouseover defines the type of mouse cursor that appears when hovering over the pop-up button. Onclick is needed to command the appearance of a hidden block with the pop-up identifier after the user clicks on the button.

The second line is the popup. The pop-up ID is used to specify the layer. The style attribute allows you to set the parameters of the window, font and frame (their color, size, background):

The popup is invisible by default (because the display selector is set to none in the code body).

These two lines are enough to create an html popup. You will need to insert them between tags And

your site, and the popup will work.

In order for the pop-up to close, you need to insert before the tag

a link giving the command to hide the visible layer with the pop-up id:

If desired, you can set the appearance of the window not when you click the link, but only when you hover over it. To do this, change the first line:

move your mouse here!

popup window for wordpress

There is more than one popup plugin for Wordpress. How to choose the right one from the many options? Pop-up can occur unexpectedly or smoothly, on the main page of the site or on the inside, immediately when you go to the page or when it is closed. Below are the best plugin options:

  • ITRO Popup Plugin

Is free. It is very convenient to use, editing is also not difficult. The plugin provides the ability to upload images, tags for titles, videos from YouTube.

Settings allow you to customize. You can create a banner of any size, color. The borders of pop-up windows are also editable. You can also select the pages on which pop-ups will pop up.

  • YITH Newsletter Popup

Also is free. Designed to create a pop-up window in the subscription form. It is not difficult to install and configure. You only have to work on two pages. On one - general settings, on the other - the pop-up design editor.

General settings make it possible to write a title, insert a picture and information in the form of text. Here you can also set the background color, text color, select the font. The disadvantage is the inability to choose the location of the text and pictures. However, the templated pop-up is quite nice.

  • WordPress PopUp

This plugin allows you to create creative popups. Its advantages include the ease of adding forms and pictures, big choice appearance parameters. You can set the appearance of a pop-up only for users who have not commented on the site, or who got to the page from a search engine. You can specify in the settings how many times the pop-up window can pop up in front of each visitor.

  • Optinmonster

This plugin is paid, but it provides a wide range of options for editing popups. It is automatically supported by GetResponse, MailChimp and others. After selecting the mail service, automatic configuration takes place. The paid version is designed to conduct testing and analyze its results to identify a more effective pop-up option. Videos can be embedded directly into the form.

  • Ninja Popups

Also a paid plugin that many email services support. The templates are designed on a professional level, the banner design can be made in the style of the site. It is possible to customize the appearance of a pop-up window on any page, in any category. Pop-up can also pop up when the site is closed.

You can make the page private until the user shares it on social networks or subscribes. It is possible to conduct tests to improve the efficiency of the pop-up window.

9 tips to make a popup and not overdo it

1. Don't be familiar

In no case should you be rude, take visitors for idiots. It is also better not to delve into what drives them. Under the prohibition of inscriptions in pop-up windows like "No, I prefer not to have subscribers", as they can be understood as "No, I do not want to do business with you."

2. Don't compensate for quality with quantity.

The desire to reach 400% should not lead to an increase in the number of pop-up windows at the expense of their quality. To choose the most effective option, conduct tests. Do not place pop-ups on every page of the site.

3. Don't Pop Up at the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

The appearance of a pop-up while the page is loading will result in a loss of visitors. If the pop-up window is large and difficult to close, it is more likely to lose potential customers.

The best option is to have a pop-up appear shortly before the user closes the page. You can set it up this way by analyzing how long visitors stay on your site. You can also fix how the cursor moves from the block with content to the blocks that come across on the way towards the button to close the page.

4. Personalize your popups

Now, when organizing electronic sales, it is fashionable to do personalization. It is believed that it is more pleasant for a person to make purchases in stores where goods are offered to him personally. Nobody wants to be a faceless user.

If possible, personalize your pop-ups. If you are the owner of an online store, then wait until the client indicates what he is interested in, and then form an offer in accordance with this.

5. Don't hide the cross to close the window

If the pop-up is difficult to close, then the user may develop a negative attitude towards your site. Therefore, the likelihood of them making a purchase (or subscribing, etc.) will be reduced.

6. Don't be overly pushy as much as possible.

Unexpected events do not always please a person, especially if they get in the way of his goal. If a pop-up pops up while reading an interesting article or choosing a product and offers to subscribe to a weekly newsletter, then productive interaction will not work.

7. Be specific

The peculiarity of the pop-up window is the need to quickly attract the attention of the visitor. To do this, you need to clearly formulate your proposals, then it will be clear to potential customers.

8. Be Concise

Not only textual information should be concise, but also the design of the pop-up window. It is better to choose a simple design, colors are calm, and functional elements- familiar to most users. It is effective to break the pop-up into zones that make the structure of your offer understandable on an intuitive level.

9. Weigh all the pros and cons

Create pop-up windows only if there are no other options.

9 reasons why your pop-up is not working

You have a "non-mobile" popup

About 1/3 of users use smartphones to view websites. However, in most cases, pop-up windows on the phone do not display correctly. The image of the pop-up window on the phone looks blurry, there is no way to close it or see it in full. This is the reason for the loss of income. Be sure to check the functionality of your pop-up windows. If there are problems, the site should be adapted for smartphones.

You did not rate the plugin

Your site's responsiveness decreases with each plugin. If the page is slow, then there is less traffic, and therefore fewer sales. Download speed can be found on or PageSpeed ​​Insights services. In addition to the result, you will be given recommendations to improve the speed of the site:

But that's not all.

If your site's popup plugins conflict, it can cause them to look terrible. Before you allow pop-ups to show visitors, you need to make sure that they look good on all devices.

Your popup design is poor

You show the pop-up to your potential customers. In order for them to form an opinion about your brand products as practical, high-quality, well-designed, you need to work on the design of pop-up windows, make sure that they are convenient for visitors. Create a pop-up in the style of your page, use beautiful fonts, upload pictures.

You did not invent, but copied the text for the pop-up window

A businessman must be original in order to stand out from his competitors. Then he is guaranteed success. If your strategy is to copy others, you will not be able to come out on top. Users will be the last to visit your site. You must show the audience that you are the leader. Keep this in mind when creating pop-ups.

You have irrelevant content

For example, the user has sent the product to the cart, there is not much left before the completion of the purchase, and for some reason he closes the tab... At the same time, a pop-up window pops up offering a book in in electronic format. Do you think this decision is correct?

Another example. A person reads your blog without buying anything. Is it possible to offer him a discount on the goods, do you think?

The same offer to users at different stages of the buying process will not be equally effective. Those who are in the process of choosing, adding an item to the cart, will come in handy with a discount or free shipping. And for those who visit your page for the first time, you can offer a trial version of the product.

It is worth recalling that the content of pop-up windows must match the content of the page. For example, in the catalog of women's clothing, you should not allow the appearance of pop-up windows advertising ties.

You are asking for too much information.

What you do depends on what information you want to get about your customers in order to further cooperate with them. Usually people are more willing to fill out forms if there are not many of them.

However, if a person provides additional information (gender, age, name, address, etc.), then the personalization of offers will be deeper.

In the case of creating a one-step popup window, it is best to request only e-mail.

If the window is multi-step, then other data can be requested. If visitors are interested in the first pop-up, they are usually willing to provide more information about themselves in the second pop-up. However, it should also contain no more than four fields.

You haven't A/B tested

Marketers know that effective A/B testing allows you to increase profits with existing traffic.

Before split testing you need:

  • determine which triggers have the main impact on users;
  • measure point A before setting point B;
  • check everything yourself, not trusting the general statistics;
  • increase the number of visits required for testing (at least 1500 for each window);
  • determine the indicators to be measured.

There should be several tests. By comparing the design of pop-ups, identify the most effective ones. Even small changes can double your conversions.

If you have ruled out the influence of the reasons listed above, then you need to dig deeper - audit the site. And for this it is better to turn to professionals! Specialists Internet agency "Sales Generator" in a short time, they will conduct a complete analysis of the errors of internal and external optimization of the resource for you, as well as provide 47+ recommendations for increasing traffic and sales from your site.

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This article describes all mozilla settings Firefox, designed to control pop-ups.

What are pop-ups?

Pop-up windows are windows that appear automatically without your permission. They may vary in size, but usually do not reach the size of the entire screen. Some popups appear on top Firefox windows(they are called pop-ups), others may appear under the Firefox window (they are called pop-unders).

Firefox allows you to set control over pop-ups in Firefox Preferences. Pop-up blocking is enabled by default, so you don't have to worry about turning it on in Firefox.

When blocking a pop-up, Firefox shows an information bar (unless it's been disabled before - see below) and an icon in the address bar.

When you click the Settings button in the information bar or the icon in the address bar, a menu appears with the following options:

Pop-up blocking can cause problems with some websites A: Some websites, including some banking sites, use pop-up windows to provide access to important features. Blocking all pop-up windows excludes the possibility of such access. To allow certain websites to open pop-up windows while blocking all other websites, add those websites to the list of allowed websites.

Pop-up blocker doesn't always work A: While Firefox blocks most pop-ups, some websites may open pop-ups using unknown methods even when pop-ups from them are blocked.

Pop-up blocker settings

To access pop-up blocker settings:

allow: Click to add the website to the exception list. Delete website: Click to remove a website from the exception list. Delete all websites: Click to remove all websites from the exception list.

Note A: Pop-up blocking does not always work and may cause problems with some websites. More information on blocking pop-ups is available in the section above.

Pop-ups are not blocked

Check if Firefox is the source of the popup

Pop-ups can appear not only from Firefox. You can determine the source of the popups by appearance window.

Check if pop-up blocking is enabled and applies to this site

A pop-up window appears after clicking the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard

Certain events, such as a mouse click or a keystroke on the keyboard, can trigger a pop-up window, regardless of your pop-up blocker settings. This is by design because Firefox doesn't block pop-ups that websites need to function.

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