Advantages of windows 10 after android. Comparison of three systems iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Survive in the harsh smartphone market

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Microsoft released a preview version of Windows 8.1 Enterprise, which immediately began to be compared with other mobile operating systems. And in many ways, this comparison is not in favor of Android and iOS. Even a cursory examination revealed at least ten obvious advantages of Windows 8, making this system the most suitable for installation in tablets.

1. Support for multiple user profiles

This function has existed in Windows since the days of NT, and for more than 10 years it has been honed, as they say, to perfection. IN Apple iOS it is not, and is not planned in the near future, and Android received a similar feature only a few days ago, updating to version 4.3. However, in Windows 8, each user can customize the system for themselves, while in Android 4.3 "versatility" has very few settings.

2. Multi-monitor support

A tablet on Windows 8 can easily be connected to a desktop monitor or TV without the use of tricky technologies and manipulations with settings. A couple of touches on the screen - and now its contents are duplicated on a large display. This can be achieved both through wired interfaces and wireless technologies.

3. Work with any peripherals

You can connect absolutely any gadget that can work with this operating system to tablets on Windows 8. Printers, keyboards, mice, pocket media and much more - the tablet recognizes all this without problems, while Android and iOS are more picky in this regard. Yes, and you will have to tinker with the drivers, which is not very good for the average user, who does not want to understand the intricacies of the systems at all.

4. Snap view technology

This technology allows you to divide the display into two halves for simultaneous work in two applications. Convenient and functional, and in Windows 8.1 it will become even more perfect.

5. Decent file manager

The standard "Explorer" in Windows is much more functional than the solutions integrated into Android and iOS. Of course, you can install additional applications, but only a small part of them can compete with the "Explorer" in terms of capabilities.

6. File encryption

Windows 8 can encrypt files so that they do not get to anyone else, and Android and iOS without additional software- No.

7. Stylus support

In Windows 8, the ability to work with styluses was originally built in, and it existed in more early versions systems. In fact, this feature is over 10 years old.

8. Bing News App

This software is an aggregator of various useful information, especially news, and also it is a search engine and to some extent mail client. Versatility in this case is a blessing. There is no similar solution with the same functionality for other mobile platforms.

9. Support for full browsers

Like it or not, but mobile web browsers have limited functionality compared to their desktop versions. Windows 8 works with full browsers unlike Android and iOS.

10. Work with any software

Windows is still the main development platform for heavyweight software- 3D editors, office suites and other important programs. For Android and iOS, only their analogues are released, devoid of the lion's share of functionality.

Let's say that Android and iOS didn't please you, after which you paid attention to the third in the list of mobile OS: Windows phone OS. In this article, we will tell you about possible reasons transition, about the advantages of WP8 over the rest, and in other articles about how to make the transition go smoothly and painlessly. However, we will also have benefits for switching to other operating systems - for the sake of completeness.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

Undoubtedly, each OS has its advantages and disadvantages, and the debate about and disadvantages of Windows Phone has not subsided since its introduction a few years ago. During this time, Microsoft's OS has taken a solid third place in the global OS rankings and continues to slowly move up, leaving less and less chance for less fortunate competitors.

As for target audience this operating system, it can be conditionally divided into two types: those who came to the world of smartphones just yesterday, and those who switched to it from other mobile operating systems for a number of reasons, some of which have become critical. It is about them, the second, that we will talk about today. (note: the author of this article himself switched to Windows Phone several years ago, so this article partially describes his own experience).

Today we will talk not so much about the advantages of Windows Phone as such (we have already talked about them), but about the reasons for switching to it from iOS or Android. If you are tired of enduring glitches, lags and exorbitant Android appetite or the closeness and high cost of iOS devices - maybe it's time to consider something else? Although, of course, some reasons will overlap with the clear advantages of the OS from Microsoft (just in case, we note that neither the author nor the editors are trying to ignore the shortcomings of Windows Phone, which, of course, it has, it's just a topic for another article) .

Reason one: space

This is probably the least popular reason among geeks: here we are talking about those people who already know everything at the level they need about the other two operating systems and want to try something new. This decision is supported, at least, by the fact that the ideology of the Windows Phone OS is different from those of Apple and Google: both in terms of the user interface and work “inside”.

For such people, the transition will be given most smoothly, since everything new will be perceived with interest and as a reason to dig. And if there is sufficient experience of interaction with different ecosystems, then there will be no problems at all. Although at first something may seem uncomfortable.

Reason two: the agony of choice

How many Android smartphones will you try to choose from? Hundreds? Thousand? Tens of thousands? If buying at Chinese store, then the latter will be the most correct; but even if you even just go to the nearest hypermarket, then from the abundance you will have a “video data buffer overflow”, which cunning sellers will not fail to take advantage of to impose on you a product that “needs to be sold at all costs”.

The same can be said about app stores. Apple and Google are proud to have over a million of the most different programs, brag about these figures in every possible way ... Microsoft, on the other hand, is much more modest: it was recently reported about 400 thousand applications in the Windows Phone Store, which is almost three times less than in each of the other two "stores".

In fact, for everyday tasks it is convenient and you can find almost everything. How is the installation of the desired application in App Store Google and Apple? You determine what you want from an application, and then install one, another, fifth, tenth, twentieth (that is, literally 20) - until you finally find something that is really what you need. If you find it at all. Finally, the application you need may cost an inadequate amount of money.

On Windows Phone App store many times less, so picking up something you need is much easier when viewed from this point of view: therefore, a smaller number is also a plus. Another plus is that since there are quite a few smartphones and tablets on WP8, the score goes literally to dozens, and the configuration is quite similar for most of them, it will be much easier to choose a device for yourself. The entire "gentleman's set" of applications (camera, readers, games, listening to music, watching videos, working with documents, etc.) is presented on the Windows Phone platform, and almost all of this is available by default on any WP smartphone. Moreover, many programs are made even better than their Android counterparts, especially free ones. Let's say all decent audio players on Android cost money (especially those that can play music by directory, not just playlists), but there are many more free ones on WP.

Reason three: almost everything always works on WP

With smartphones on Windows Phone, it is quite difficult to find an application that does not work specifically on your device. Difficult, but possible - and this is more likely to be an exception to the rule, which you can "complain" in the app store. The same can be roughly said about the iPhone with iOS, but it can never be said about Android. The closed platform from Microsoft also has its advantages compared to Android: it is much more difficult for a variety of slag to stake out a place under the sun.

In addition, Windows Phone already contains a fairly large number of functions (not only applications, as mentioned in the previous paragraph) by default, for the implementation of which in Android it is required to install additional programs. And they work as they should, because they come as part of the operating system.

Reason Four: Dislike for Apple

No matter what anyone says, but the ideology of the OS from Apple and Microsoft is similar in many respects (closeness of the OS, careful selection of applications, a high level of hardware compatibility, etc.). But for many reasons, Apple has earned both the love of fans and the dislike (to put it mildly) of opponents. Mostly for the unreasonably high price for both accessories and many applications.

Meanwhile, the whole world sits on Windows (everyone already knows about the share of this OS in the world), and with the release of Windows 10, Microsoft, which is going to combine all versions of its OS under one “roof”, will make everything even more unified.

And yes, formally Windows Phone will cease to exist with the release of Windows 10 - that is (again - formally) this will be the same OS, with changes and additions, but it will be called (at least as it is known today) Windows 10 (Mobile ); in fact, everything will remain as it is, that is, normally.

Reason five: speed

Thanks to the same closed platform, as well as Microsoft's strict requirements for the hardware configuration of each smartphone, the speed of work is always at a high level. The smoothness of the interface, launching programs, switching between applications, and other operations always go smoothly and quickly, which cannot be said about Android, which has long been tired of competition for “better” interface frills.

Finally, the main argument "for speed" is the intelligent work with RAM, which automatically unloads rarely used or unused applications from random access memory, giving priority to frequently used ones. This allows you to work comfortably both on a smartphone with 512 megabytes of RAM, and with 1 GB, not to mention two, which, by the way, is still the ceiling - and not to say that it was not enough. Because even on 1 gigabyte everything flies, including games, and 2 GB is needed only for heavy dynamic races, shooters or The Sims.

Reason Six: Metro UI

The "tiled" interface may not be the most comfortable on a desktop with a mouse, as everyone is used to the good old Start menu, but for devices with touch screen it fits perfectly. If on iOS and Android the interface ideology is approximately the same (desktop - shortcut bar - list of applications), then the tiles of the main desktop and the second screen on the right with an alphabetical list of applications are actually very convenient.

Moreover, it cannot be said that the interface on iOS and Android is much worse) no, it is just different, it may be more convenient for someone there, and for someone here. In general, an amateur, but still very convenient to have tiles (three different sizes) of frequently used functions and applications on the Windows Phone desktop.

Reason eight: old devices do not work much worse than new ones

This can literally be called a knockout for Android smartphones, because three-year-old Android smartphones are no longer able, for the most part, not only to be updated (for a reason called “the manufacturer doesn’t care”), but even to work correctly. Why? Because progress has not kept pace with the appetite of Android, and 1 GB of RAM with 4 GB of internal memory today is not only not enough, but also frankly not enough. Very little.

In contrast to this, we can cite HTC Mozart - one of the first WP-smartphones over 3.5 years old, which is still fully functional even today, despite the seemingly ridiculous 576 MB of RAM and the "pathetic" 8 GB of internal memory. Yes, Microsoft ended support for the seventh Windows versions Phone, rolled out a year and a half ago latest version 7.8, but even today you can find it without any problems desired application, which supports this version of the OS and even works without brakes. Again, the personal experience of the author of this article, who became one of the first owners of Mozart and still is.

To summarize, we can conclude the following: old smartphones on WP7.8 fully satisfy the basic needs, and allow even a little more, if you don’t get carried away and don’t install super-mega-3D games and “heavy” applications that require large resources. With The Sims and Asphalt 8, for example, Mozart and his peers will definitely not cope.

Reason nine: regular navigation system

This will be a rather highly specialized plus, and it will primarily apply to Nokia / Microsoft phones, which are always equipped with a powerful standard HERE navigation system, which allows you to save a lot on individual navigators.

Maps are downloaded and work offline (and online can be turned on for information about traffic jams, and the system lays the route immediately depending on the current congestion of the routes), there is voice assistants in many languages ​​(and in Russian, yes), the interface does not slow down (like almost everything on Windows Phone), and maps are updated quite often. Perhaps for some this will be a significant advantage. Since the "Navitels" and others like them were no longer scolded only by the lazy. Very lazy.

Reason ten: no viruses

Unlike the desktop version of Windows and Android for a long time, there are no viruses in Windows Phone, and the reason for this is not only the low popularity of this mobile OS (the "Elusive Jack" factor), but also because it is quite difficult for them to penetrate there. It's no secret that Android viruses penetrate primarily through fake apps and phishing mobile sites - and with Windows Phone, as with iOS, this channel cannot be said to be popular.

In fact, they play a role here as closeness source code and a reliable security system.

Not a reason but a plus

It would be possible to attribute the proprietary "cloud" Microsoft OneDrive, and free 7-15 GB of space, which are given to everyone, to the pluses; but this is no longer an argument today, since both Apple and Google, and many others, can boast of such a “bun”.

And in the end I will tell

Of course, this OS also has disadvantages, but the pluses are quite significant, as it seems to me. Two and a half years ago I purchased Nokia Lumia 820: this is my second phone on Windows Phone, it is still actively used, the third battery has already been bought (due to the heavy workload of the device by me), and I have not needed everyday Android for a long time, although I also have a second Android smartphone, and Nexus tablet. But the main device is this “three-year-old” Lumia 820 (and it will be three years since its release), which works as fast and well as after purchase.

Of course, something will change in the upcoming Windows 10 ecosystem, but, as they say, we'll wait and see.

When choosing a smartphone, we look at different factors, and one of the main ones is the operating system with which we will have to deal. Google Android, Apple iPhone or Microsoft Windows phone? Many buyers believe that the main competition is between the first two, and Windows Phone is not serious. But we will try to debunk this myth.

10 Benefits of Windows Phone

Plus one: it's not an iPhone

From the point of view of the "Yabloko" this looks like a definite drawback, but those who do not like Cupertino products will clearly look at this fact with interest.

In fact, in many respects the ideology of operating iOS systems and WP8 are similar: the closeness of both from " external influences”, a strict selection of applications is a rather narrow selection of gadgets. But if Apple only needs to deal with gadgets from Apple itself, then Microsoft is much better in this regard: smartphones on Windows Phone are produced by many respected manufacturers, from Microsoft itself to HTC and Samsung (the latter - even despite the promotion of competitor WP - OC Tizen).

To summarize and discard the technical details, then Windows Phone can be called "iOS without Apple." The latter, as you know, like to set absolutely ridiculous prices for their components, while there is no such problem with gadgets on Windows Phone, the components here are the most “ordinary” ones. In general, if you like the ideology Apple devices, but do not like the pricing (or any other) policy of the "apple" company, take a closer look at smartphones on WP and tablets on Windows.

Plus two: yes, it's Windows

In view of the upcoming unification of operating Microsoft systems for all mobile and desktop devices, this advantage looks especially attractive. Now a smartphone on Windows Phone 8.1 also syncs with Windows 8.1 without any problems, but when Windows 10 comes out, it will be Windows 10 for everyone, without the Phone prefix. By the way, the release for developers has already been released, which, as it were, hints.

Such unification means, at a minimum, the absence of gadget synchronization problems (and now they are trifles, but they do occur), and the convenience of working on all devices should, in theory, be similar.

Basically, the same can be said about different versions Apple iOS, but not about Google Android. Yes, there are Chromebooks, but this is where the variety of Android devices ends.

Plus three: no problem of lack of RAM

This is the scourge of Android devices: 512 MB of RAM was once enough, but now 2 GB is considered the minimum allowable for comfortable work. While the Lumia 720 on Windows Phone 8 can handle the same 512 MB of RAM without any problems, and even allows you to comfortably work with the navigation system (which the author personally tested a couple of years ago), not to mention the 2010 HTC Mozart with its 576 megabytes of memory: despite the obsolescence of Windows Phone 7.8 and the actual termination of support for this Microsoft versions, you can still work comfortably on this device (unless, of course, you install “heavy” games). Moreover, you do not have to turn off various "pretty things" like animation of menu transitions. Of course, there are already top-end WP devices with 2 gigabytes of RAM.

But a three-year-old Android smartphone with one gigabyte of memory on the fourth version of the operating system is godlessly slow today, and devices with three gigabytes of RAM actually cause more sadness than joy, because the “more, more, more!” it fits perfectly.

By the way, the Apple iPhone does not have such a problem either, which is proved by the presence of “old” iPhones of the third dash of the fifth generation in ads and at well-attended auctions, where they sell like hot cakes. And this is not only because iOS is a smart and simple operating system in its own right, but also because iOS also does not have problems with RAM, like Windows Phone.

Unlike Android. The increase in RAM in "android phones" only proves this.

Plus Four: Default Applications

Since Android smartphones are not only lazy in the basement (just look at their number in tens of thousands in any Chinese online store), they usually do not have a rich bundle by default. Of course, various major vendors like Samsung or HTC cram into their android variant a lot of everything that is possible and impossible, but the vast majority of Android smartphones on the market do not have anything other than stock firmware. Someone generous can, perhaps, give away a free shell and a couple of free applications. But the common denominator is that a small number (4% of the market, plus or minus, according to analysts) of smartphones on Windows Phone give their users quite a lot of useful branded applications, and the mega-diversity of Android means that you have to finish everything yourself. Even with the excellent HTC Sense shell.

By the way, the swipe keyboard included with Windows Phone 8.1 can be called a nice bonus: while in Google Android, such an innovation appeared on a regular basis only some time ago (somewhere around versions 4.2-4.3), and before that it was necessary to use paid application Swype or analogues, free versions which were nowhere near as good, having, among other things, extremely poor default dictionaries.

True, not for Windows Phone Google Chrome(as well as Hangouts), but everything else is there. And even sync Google account is on par with the default Hotmail account. There is also a cloud Microsoft application OneDrive - similar functionality in Android is called Google Drive, it provides the same space in both clouds: 15 GB each.

Plus fifth: little can be configured (and broken, respectively)

Probably, many at first decide to put this plus into a minus, but if you look from the point of view of the average user, then what does he want? Only one thing: to have everything you need, and so that it all works as it should. Without "finishing", "root", "customization" and other terrible words. Bought - use.

With Windows Phone, everything is exactly like this: I took it out of the box and everything works. You can change the color of the “tiles”, make a ringtone, arrange the desktop as you wish, but you don’t need to unlock your smartphone to get superuser rights, install tricky applications to clean and reorganize the memory, both operational and permanent… Because everything works fine without it .

By the way, this plus can be attributed to Apple - for the umpteenth time.

Plus six: simplicity

But since we have already mentioned the iPhone, so the operating system from Microsoft can give the user the same simplicity. Yes, there are not very many applications (yet), but their number is increasing. Yes, customization is very limited (see above) - but you don't need to shaman with a tambourine to make something work.

Simplicity is a guiding principle not only for the iPhone, but also for smartphones based on Windows Phone. You just won’t be allowed to spoil something in the system (including applications), ways to get something you need are also easy, and even a child can deal with everything (especially since there is a very simple and effective children’s mode called “Children’s corner "(Kid's Corner). "Usability", in general, on top.

Plus seven: updating the OS regardless of the manufacturer and device class

Everyone is familiar with the Android distribution model: coming out a new version The OS appears on the newest Nexuses, then smartphone manufacturers begin to slowly swing and integrate the new OS into their firmware very slowly. Sometimes months pass, and in some cases until, it seems, actual devices, new android and does not come at all.

With Windows Phone 8, everything is easier: updates appear for all devices at about the same time, and for both the weak Lumia 520 and the powerful HTC 8x, all functions are available equally, except that toys on weak WP smartphones will slow down. There are no "finishing" your own shells: firmware different manufacturers differ, perhaps, in the amount of proprietary software, which is also not very much.

Plus number eight: safety

In fact, the roots of this grow not from the fact that in principle there are no viruses in the mobile OS from Microsoft (as in the joke about Elusive Joe), unlike the desktop relative, but from the fact that, due to their low prevalence, they simply have not yet begun to be written.

The second reason is the closed nature of the source code, which makes the OS practically invulnerable to hacking, at least for now. And antivirus for Android today is almost a mandatory must-have application for all "droids".

Plus nine: Xbox Live

This is more of a plus for gamers, but it's worth mentioning anyway: the Xbox Live system is integrated into Windows Phone, so you can use your profile in this system for all games, collecting points and "pumping" your character, and there are common rating tables where you can compete with other players not in some game separately, but in general in all at once.

Plus tenth: regular navigation system

While there is still debate on the "Internet" about which is better, Microsoft quietly builds a full-fledged offline HERE navigation system into its Lumia smartphones for free and has no problems with it. The system is really very powerful, there are updated maps of all countries of the world, there is a really full driving mode (offline!) in the HERE Drive application with voice prompts, there is also an application indicating the nearest places (from cafes to shopping centers) in overlay mode on a three-dimensional map with positioning in space.

There is, perhaps, only one minus for HERE cards: the cards are downloaded only to the built-in memory and categorically do not want to live on a flash drive. Well, no one is perfect.

As for offline navigators on Android, here you can allow a small lyrical digression into the topic. A few days ago, the author of this article watched a video of one popular autoblogger, in which he proved to us that a separate navigator where better than a smartphone. At the same time, rather ancient Samsung acted as a smartphone, and Navitel, cursed by many, acted as a navigation system. That is, it turns out like this: if you have an old Samsung smartphone, and you bought an expensive Navitel - it's better to buy a separate navigator.

The main thing is that there is nothing to argue with. Everything is just like that. And so many owners of old Android devices think the same way.


Of course, the operating room Windows systems Phone has its drawbacks (remember - no one is perfect), but we hope we have clearly demonstrated to you that this OS is quite competitive. In terms of simplicity and convenience, it is not inferior to iOS, and smartphones on it are several times cheaper. Like, for example, or, which we recently talked about.

This post is a site user's own opinion and experience using Windows 10 Mobile Preview Builds.

Many regular readers somehow thought (and some decided) about switching to the preview version. I myself was a tester of three builds, and this article is intended to talk about non-obvious and not immediately noticeable little things. new system which for some may be critical.

This material is primarily intended for those who are not sure whether they should become an insider and test new builds themselves and send bug reports.

I tested the system only on Microsoft Lumia 532, and in this material I will reflect only those aspects that do not depend on the device. There is a possibility that some items will disappear in build 10525, but from experience this is far from a fact.


1. Notification Center.

This is the main advantage of the new system. This is access to an extended list of switches, deleting individual notifications, the ability to respond to notifications. I believe that this is exactly how it should have looked since Windows phone 8.1. It remains to make it translucent as in the desktop "top ten".

2. Start screen.

The appearance of the desktop and the list of applications also deserves praise and the question "Why not do it right away?" appearance was on desktop Windows 8.1. It seems that this change is insignificant, but only at first glance - it was the same with the picture on top of the tiles in Windows phone 8.1.

3. Joystick on the keyboard.

A very cool alternative to moving the cursor with a magnifying glass on apple devices, which is one of the most convenient.

A feature that is sorely lacking in 8.1 during recovery from backup. And the rest is a very competent approach to the implementation of the function. I would also like to see the download speed - sometimes it is useful.

5. New system apps.

I want to note right away that this does not apply to all applications, and not to the full extent. This plus is at the intersection of new features and new bugs. This includes new office applications, mail and calendar, music, calculator, alarms and clocks and especially new browser. The new phone applications, messages and contacts are called advantages, alas, the language does not turn.


1. Scaling bugs.

Under this concept, I combine incomprehensible text wrapping in the store, very large or vice versa very small interface elements, etc. It looks disgusting from every point of view. I really hope this is just a bug and not a feature.

2. A bug in the notification shade.

Perhaps I find fault, but some of the additional icons cling to the eye when the curtain is lowered, which then disappear. If this is done in order to show that they are there, then why the "Expand" button?

3. Keyboard bugs.

These are probably the most annoying bugs in the system. When manual typing occurs, instead of some letters, neighboring letters can be entered, and only with a certain sequence, i.e. in other cases, the letter is active; autocorrect often works incorrectly and often suggests capitalized words in the middle of a sentence. Personally, I'm "tired" of changing "On" to "not" and vice versa; the keyboard itself is smaller than 8.1, possibly due to the same scaling issues.

4. Incorrect background work of applications.

Everything is very bad here for those who are not advanced. If not configured correctly background work applications, then with battery saving turned on, for example, you may not hear the alarm clock in the morning. In other words, what was protected from crooked hands can now be in them. And even turning off the seemingly background work of applications, some of them can send push notifications.

5. New multitasking menu.

In the multitasking menu, compared to 8.1, the animation of closing applications is very slow. Combined with the lack of a "close all" button, this is a little depressing. Also, when you open this menu in landscape orientation, it will allow you to close applications only in it and does not rotate vertically.

6. Lock screen bug.

The screen after unlocking may not light up or light up immediately, while the date and time appear with a delay.

Many lament about the lack of Russian Cortana, but not many people know that there is a fairly convenient voice control in Windows phone 8.1, which greatly simplifies the life of headset users. And this one is crazy useful feature in Windows 10 Mobile has simply disappeared.

8. Spoiled implementation of working with two SIM-cards.

In Windows phone 8.1, work with two SIM cards is insanely convenient. Thanks to the switches and different color indications, it is simply impossible to confuse where you are making a call from and where the SMS came from. In the mobile "top ten" this is done clumsily and absolutely not intuitively. Again, a nod to the phone applications, messages and contacts.

In addition to what I have listed, there are other strengths and problem areas of the new system, but I have described only those that forced me to roll back to stable version systems. There are crashes and reboots, the battery eats like crazy. Perhaps the expense is connected precisely with my device, but the fact that it works 3-4 times less from one charge makes you at least think about the advisability of being an insider.

Some points may seem like mere trifles, but we, as Windows users phone, it's well known that a positive user experience is all about the little things.

The rejection of old solutions that worked well in favor of new ones, in theory more convenient, involuntarily evokes memories of Windows times Phone 7.5 and the wonderful Zune program, which has sunk into oblivion along with intelligent synchronization (including Wi-Fi) and the ability to update the phone and download applications via a computer. And all for the convenience of the mass-storage format and over-the-air updates. In the end, it was possible to leave both options for interaction.

Write in the comments why you fell in love or were upset about Windows 10 Mobile, as well as your comments and suggestions on the content of the article.

Windows 10 Mobile may not be the ideal mobile operating system, but it has some features that Android lacks. We've picked 5 Windows 10 Mobile features to add to Android.

1. Home screen

The Home screen is one of the few unique features of Windows 10 Mobile. And I'm not talking about tiles, although they are also very comfortable.

My favorite thing about the Windows 10 Mobile home screen is the vertical scrolling. It sounds trite, but for daily use it is very convenient. Android users you need to swipe left and right to find the app you need.

2. Tiles

Another feature of home Windows screen 10 Mobile is in tiles. This concept provides excellent continuity. I really enjoy using animated tiles that display constantly changing images, missed calls or messages. Widgets on Android can hardly compete with tiles on Windows 10 Mobile.

3. Easy one-hand operation mode activation

Few people are able to control the 5.7-inch Lumia 950 XL smartphone with one hand, but sometimes it is simply necessary. Windows Mobile 10 has convenient solution this problem: pressing and holding Windows button, the one-handed operation mode is activated, which effectively reduces the screen by half. You can return to full screen mode by long pressing the Windows button.

It is worth noting that a similar function is used on some Android smartphones, but, as a rule, you need to press an inconvenient key combination to activate it.

4. High performance

Windows 10 Mobile is an extremely fast operating system. Even weak smartphones like my old Lumia 630 show smooth animation and menu navigation. However, if the smartphone has less than 2 GB of RAM, problems may arise. Microsoft should increase the minimum amount of RAM to 2 GB for Windows 10 Mobile to run perfectly on all devices.

5. Continuum: Use your smartphone as a PC

Continuum is considered one of the main features of Windows 10 Mobile.

Thanks to the Continuum feature, your smartphone can be used as a personal computer. You can connect windows smartphone with Continuum support to the monitor, and add a mouse with a keyboard, and use the system as a main PC.

On the connected monitor, you will see the familiar working Windows table, and many versatile applications. This feature is especially useful if you are working with text documents or create a large number of presentations. Also you can connect HDMI TV and a projector.


Although Windows Mobile 10 has its drawbacks, Microsoft offers a very interesting operating system with an intuitive interface. I hope the producers Android smartphones pay attention to the main Windows features 10 Mobile and add them to their devices.

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