Mozilla add-ons download. "Extensions for working with mobile devices". Add-ons for Firefox to help webmasters

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Mozilla Firefox- a popular Internet browser that provides convenient surfing. But it contains only the basic tools for browsing the web. The functionality can be extended by installing add-ons that allow you to customize the browser based on your needs, independently creating a set of modules necessary for operation.

How to find and install add-ons

Complete themes that change appearance buttons and menus and background themes that decorate the menu bar and tab area by editing it with " background image". To view installed add-ons. For advanced users, you can also install add-ons from a file. If you have saved the add-on installation file on your computer, you can install the add-on using the button representing the gear located on the right upper corner the Extension Manager Extension panel.

The possibilities that add-ons offer are incredibly diverse: they allow you to completely change the look of Firefox, make it easier or faster to work with the browser, and even teach it to translate pages, use an FTP client directly from Firefox, and much more. Some of the most useful additions will be discussed below.

How to install add-ons?

All add-ons for Mozilla Firefox with their brief description presented on the official website of the browser. The procedure for installing them is as quick and simple as possible: just follow the link of the selected add-on. Next, the system will ask permission to install, and if it is approved, the process will start. You can work with the new add-on after activation, for this you should restart your browser.


After installation, some extensions may show an extension icon in the toolbar. See How to Customize the Toolbar. For information on how to allow extensions, plugins, or themes, see the following articles. If you see a warning message, follow these steps. Error. A plugin is required to display this content.

Now let's go into some details. And now we have added three new systems to the list of supported timer integrations. Thus, starting from the current version, all our browser plugins will have an almost identical code base. This makes it easier for us to develop further.

List installed add-ons located in the "Tools" menu, or in the panels and menus that appear (depending on the add-on), you can find a collection of them. The add-on for Mozilla is managed through the "Add-ons Manager", the path to which is located in the "Tools" > "Add-ons" menu. You can also install recommended programs from here.

Thanks for reading this blog post. Others make changes to the basic functionality, which are eventually bypassed. And if you have an active security extension that no longer works well, you may be unknowingly open to cyberattacks. In this report, we list our recommendations. To make our list, we grouped the add-ons by their features and analyzed them.

Exceptional features Customization options Efficiency as reported by user ratings Activity update User community size. This addon has the ability to block both ads and 3rd party network requests. Minor version author saves versions in up to date; at the time of this writing, version 7 has been updated in May. In addition, it has a large user base of over 1 million users.

Adguard Adblocker

Many users dream of having no ads. Now it has become a reality. Adguard is an add-on for Firefox that allows you to disable ads on any web page. It will not let through even the most well-programmed advertisements that other blockers cannot detect.

Adguard has advantages over the famous Adblock Plus. It provides wide functionality, while guaranteeing reliable protection of the browser and computer from dangerous files and other threats. To work, the extension does not require many resources and prevents fraudsters from obtaining personal user data.

It has over 20 million users and the author regularly updates current version. This means that it blocks most network requests until you whitelist the requests you think are safe. Tracking business applications is key to improving services and offerings. The government claims that tracking enhances national security.

So, for better or worse, web tracking is here to stay. But many people don't want companies to know how they got to their websites. Others would prefer not to leave a mark on the government. This is a quick and easy add-on that pleases many users and offers a quick whitelist to limit intrusiveness.

no script

You can also increase security by disabling scripts after installing the NoScript add-on in the Mozilla browser. It allows you to block the execution of suspicious JavaScripts, Flash and other plug-ins. In addition, some trusted sites can be whitelisted. These restrictions will not apply to them. The user will be notified about the number of prohibited codes found on the sites.

However, one drawback is that it does not allow users to specify trackers to block.

  • Remove all other filter extensions.
  • Set to Disable.
  • Reinstall other filter extensions.
In terms of analytics, link tracking is one of the most important features. Through browser requests, which are mostly invisible to users, a website can find out where its traffic is coming from. However, in many cases, the user may not want to share this information between sites.

Secure Login

Probably, you have often encountered a situation where you could not remember the password to one of your accounts. Now users register on dozens of resources, and it becomes a problem to remember passwords for each, because setting the same one is not very safe. What to do? Add-ons for Firefox will help with this. Saving passwords will make life easier thanks to the Secure Login extension. It is enough to press one button on the toolbar, and the add-on will automatically fill in the registration data for any site.

It should be noted that this extension does not create encryption where it did not previously exist. Instead, it forces servers to display the encrypted version if they try to display the unencrypted ones first. The Outlook add-on helps inform users if the certificate associated with an encrypted site is trustworthy or not. Using its server ID database, the add-on will let you know if the secure site's certificate has failed. Using this method prevents man-in-the-middle attacks, allows the use of self-signed certificates, and helps improve browsing security.


With this add-on, Mozilla will give you the opportunity to view the code of the pages, as well as make your own adjustments. It will also be possible to find out Additional information about any web page. To do this, just click on the icon on the browser taskbar.

Update Scanner

If you often go to the same sites and monitor updates, make this process easier with the Mozilla Update Scanner add-on. The plugin will automatically keep track of all updates on the pages selected by the user. Notifications about them will appear in a pop-up window in the lower right corner. In this case, the new information is colored in yellow, so you will immediately see what updates have appeared on the site.

Using private windows can be cumbersome.

  • You need to open a whole new window.
  • Bookmarks don't work.
Using this extension, you can add bookmarks to private window. Bookmarks are encrypted and password protected so you can use them. They are also stored locally so there is no problem with cloud hacking.

Either from the file menu or with a keyboard shortcut you can open closed tab next to their normal browsing tabs. This add-on has recently been updated but has a small user base. Your browser looks for this data whenever you return to the site so it can populate the page with its information.

Google favicon

Most sites have their own favicon for the site. This is also displayed in bookmarks: there is a corresponding icon near the site title. This is convenient and allows you to quickly navigate the huge list when searching for the right site. But there are times when the icons do not want to be updated. On help will come Google favicon add-on for Mozilla. It restores all bookmark icons.

In theory, this makes websites easier to use. Your browser's cache is a storage container for your visited website data. The benefit of a cache is that it can speed up loading times because the browser doesn't have to work so hard to render a website.

Password management and generation

The downside, however, is that the cache exposes the browsing history to another user. Through its options catalog the user can adjust. Leave no cookie marks with this fast-acting extension. Clearing the cache is a good practice to save your browsing history online. It also provides options for automatic tab reloading. This password manager gets our recommendation because of its powerful and intuitive interface. Using one master password, the extension then encrypts and backs up all of your current passwords.


With it, you can save all the elements of web markup for later viewing offline. In addition, the add-on offers an extensive control panel for saved pages. This allows you to quickly find necessary information among the large number of web pages saved while surfing.

Also, it doesn't store your master password; only you maintain this information. In addition, he has mobile app, which provides offline access to your password data. Users have stated that it takes up too much memory and that latest versions work incorrectly. This is not our experience in our tests, so we will continue to recommend it on this moment. But we will also be monitoring this situation and evaluating any future recommendations from this supplement.

It works across devices and platforms. The add-on has a solid user community and a decent update history. Many web servers request information from your browser's user agent. If left unattended, the agent will reveal your browser type and operating platform.

Google translator

The plugin will be useful to those users who often visit web pages on foreign language. With this Mozilla add-on, you can easily translate a single part of a page or the entire page. Hotkeys are configured for ease of translation.

Awesome Screenshot


This extension will provide the ability to automate some actions in the browser using macros. If you have no idea, then this add-on will be absolutely useless for you. And those users who know how to use them and what to use, and can even create macros themselves, will appreciate the endless possibilities of this add-on, which will facilitate the task of performing routine operations in the browser.

It should be noted, however, that since Cross-site requests are requests your browser advises you to make on the website you are visiting on a completely different website. While these are usually legitimate requests, they often result in advertising companies and other websites knowing your browsing habits, including the specific pages you view throughout the day.

The default is to deny any cross site request, but users can configure requests from the toolbar. It also features an intuitive whitelisting system. A newer version is available - "Request Policy". A new version is still in beta at the time of this writing. The developers are still working on issues and bug improvements.


Curious to know how much time you spend daily on a particular site? Then the RescueTime plugin will surely be useful for you, which will display the statistics of visits to all sites, as well as the time spent on each of them.


With this Mozilla Firefox add-ons Internet surfing will speed up. You will be able to visit your favorite sites faster, easier to perform such routine actions as copying and pasting information from Internet pages, as well as to correct them.

Filling out forms with real addresses Email often leads to spam in your mailbox. A relatively small community uses this add-on. While both of these add-ons provide quality features and have robust user communities, recent research has shown that they also have reuse vulnerabilities that can leave users open to attacks. If you write something, assume it will last forever. This includes page element tags across the extension, articles, code, user pages, and talk pages.

Cooliris Previews

Not always when loading a page, it contains the information that we are looking for. The Cooliris Previews add-on offers to open the page in preview surfing. She appears in time additional window, and it takes much less time to load it. Thus, you can find out in advance whether the page we have chosen contains the necessary information or not.

Some limited exceptions are described below. Simply visiting a website does not reveal your identity to the public. This is a public act and you publicly identify this edit as your author. If you are logged in, you will be identified by your username.

Depending on your connection, this number may only be tracked by a major ISP, or specifically by your school, work, or home. As such, it will be available to developers and may be released under certain circumstances. However, remember to disable yourself after using the alias to prevent others from using your identity. It will be deleted when the browser session is closed. User passwords are the only guarantee of the integrity of the user's activity history.


Sometimes it happens that there is not enough time to read an interesting article. In this case, you can postpone this lesson using the Save-to-read plugin. This is convenient, because now you do not need to keep many tabs open or clean disposable bookmarks.


The plugin changes the IP to a foreign one. Now it will not be a problem to visit sites where you have been banned by IP. In addition, this extension allows you to access resources that are prohibited in your country or city. Thanks to the use of a proxy server, it became possible to bypass these restrictions. Moreover, the pages in this case are loaded quite quickly.

All users are encouraged to choose strong passwords and not share them. No one shall knowingly disclose another user's password for public release directly or indirectly. Every time you visit a web page, you send a lot of information to the web server. Most web servers regularly keep access logs with some of this information that can be used to get a general picture of what pages are popular, what other sites link to it, and what web browser users are using.

Download Statusbar

With it, download information will be displayed in a separate status bar, which will allow you to monitor the download progress. Also, downloaded files can be automatically scanned by an antivirus (but this should be specified separately in the settings). The plugin partially allows you to resume downloading files: you can manually pause and then resume downloading from where it stopped.

Log data can be analyzed by developers during the solution technical problems, tracking erroneous web spiders that overwhelm the site, or very rarely, to correlate usernames, and network addresses changes when investigating abuse of the site or service.

In response to a valid subpoena or other mandatory request from law enforcement. If the information relates to page views generated by a spider or bot and its dissemination is necessary to illustrate or solve technical problems. Sharing information with third parties.

Flash Video Downloader

The add-on is designed to download videos from various resources. The advantage is that you do not need to configure anything, because the plugin already contains desired settings for downloading from the 200 most popular services.

video downloader

The extension allows you not only to download the video, but also to view it. The plugin comes with a handy video player. The extension supports downloading from almost all sites.

This information will be available to all site developers with access to the servers. This allows other registered users to send you email through the website. Your address will not be revealed to them if you don't reply, or perhaps if the email bounces.

You can change your email address, which we store on file, at any time. List archives can also be archived by third party services. Emails are usually not deleted or modified, but this can be done in extreme cases. Some email addresses may forward mail to a group of volunteers trusted by the community, use the ticket system to view and reply to them. By sending mail to one of these addresses, your address may become public in that group. Downloader

With the help of this "Mozilla" add-on, you can download videos, music and pictures from the social network in a few clicks. The plugin displays the correct names, indicates the size and bitrate of the files.


We've covered some of the most interesting Mozilla add-ons that you might find useful. ordinary user. Today, several thousand plugins are available on the Firefox official website, which make it possible to significantly expand the functionality and fully customize the browser to suit your needs. For each user, this set of useful plugins will be different, depending on preferences and type of activity.

I decided to give the title of today's article, because in fact I am going to give a very large list of useful extensions with a Russian description for them. All known extensions and add-ons can of course be found on the official website, but sometimes people do not know what to look for or do not know the name of the plugin they need. In the list you will find browser add-ons for working with tabs and bookmarks, add-ons to improve the security of your browser and many many others... I hope this collection will be useful to you.

I will start the selection with extensions related to one way or another with security Surfing the Internet

This Firefox extension, blocking javascript execution, Java applets, Flash, and other potentially dangerous components of HTML pages until the user allows their execution on this site or globally. NoScript also allows users to whitelist sites that are allowed to use this opportunity. Plugin management is possible independently of scenarios. Another feature of NoScript is to protect the user from XSS attacks with the ability to create separate lists of servers that require functionality similar to XSS attacks.

Blacklist javascript.

Controls allowed cross-site requests. Increases the privacy of web surfing. Protects you from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and other attacks.

Provides Extra options javascript for firefox. Extends the control you have over what a web page's javascript can and cannot do. It's nowhere near as comprehensive as NoScript is just a simple Lite alternative.

Checking links with antivirus. With this extension, you can check any link on the Internet for viruses, Trojans, and more. malicious code!
» Spoiler (click to read) «

Protects you when you use the Internet and make purchases in online stores. Color-matched WOT icons help you avoid online scams, identity theft and unauthorized use, untrustworthy online shopping, and other security risks. They will warn you before you click on a dangerous link.

Flashblock is intended for those Firefox users who are not fans of Macromedia Flash. This extension blocks the loading of ALL flash videos from web pages, leaving an empty frame with a button instead. By clicking on this button, you can view this flash movie.

Serves to protect against the so-called. non-removable long-term cookies, a new generation of "Super-Cookies" that have silently conquered the Internet. This new generation of tokens provides unlimited tracking for industry and market research, such as Flash cookies (Local Shared Objects, LSO) and DOM Storage. BetterPrivacy removes them all.

Protect your privacy. See who's tracking your web browser and block them with Ghostery. Monitors websites that are following you and warns you about it.

Sets a permanent opt-out of behavioral advertising on 84 different ad networks, Interferes with ads from Google, Yahoo and many other networks. also helps to delete other cookies, which are sometimes not deleted in the standard way.

Gives you the ability to block any site.

Kills pop-up windows.

A toolbar that will help you protect yourself from phishing scams.

Applications for tabs

This add-on was created for working with tabs, contains a bunch of settings, is also multifunctional, adds a loading indicator to each tab, a button to cancel closing tabs, records each session of bookmarks when the browser is closed, and much more. And includes many additions provided below. I recommend to all

When double clicking on a tab, it leaves only the tab icon, saves space. Can be configured to automatically minimize tabs by address.

A Firefox extension that gives you the ability to rename all your tabs in the Firefox browser.
TabRenamizer adds two new options to your menu:
Rename tabs manually.
Rename tabs automatically: When this option is enabled, tabs are renamed automatically. You can set a rule under which certain tabs themselves will be renamed.

Closes a tab by double clicking on the page.

Adds an override button to the toolbar without canceling the back button functionality.

If you don't like that Firefox 3.5 doesn't close the last tab and doesn't show a cross in the corner, then this add-on shows a "Close" button on the last tab, which, when clicked, only closes the tab itself, not the browser.

Creates a tab thumbnail and a loading indicator in each tab.

Opens a tab to the right of the current one.

Tab lock and protection.

A small extension for coloring tabs in different colors for each tab or one color for a single URL.

Shows the number of open tabs.

Switches between tabs when scrolling the mouse wheel in the tab bar.

Allows you to use separate keyboard layouts for each tab.

If the site does not have its own icon, you can add your own by assigning any color you like to it.

Hover your mouse over the tabs to see the page content within them. Screen.

Shows a loading indicator in each tab.

Ability to copy the tab name from the context menu.

After installing this add-on, your tabs will be above the address bar like in Google.

Bookmark apps

Install - Quick access to your most visited websites. Divides the page into 9 boxes (if you wish, you can have more) like in Opera, into which you can enter the addresses of your favorite sites. I recommend to all.

Divides the page into 9 windows (more if you wish) like in Opera, into which you can enter the addresses of your favorite sites for quick access.

This is an add-on for remembering and playing bookmarks. Convenient and practical. Another tabbed panel will appear, where you can transfer any pages and then load them into the main tabbed panel. This panel can be at the bottom and disappear automatically, or disappear and appear when a button is pressed. Bookmarks can be divided into categories.

Reduces bookmarks on the panel-muzzle of the firelis to an icon, which allows you to start dozens of them there without spreading the interface wider across itself. When hovering the mouse over a specific icon, the bookmark to which this icon belongs is “opened” to its normal state.

After installing this Firefox addon, bookmarks always open in a new tab.

Adds bookmarks to the context menu so that you can access them with the right mouse button.

Sort bookmarks.

Adds a bookmark folder context menu item that opens Organizer extended to that folder.

When adding pages to bookmarks, it detects their duplicates. It also knows how to find and delete existing bookmarks.

Adds a user interface for replacing bookmark icons.

Hides bookmark icons.

If you need to place the bookmarks bar next to stretchable items, you can install this extension.

Hides the bookmarks bar automatically, when hovering over it reappears.

Platypus is a Firefox extension that allows you to modify web pages using your browser and then save those changes to script code for Greasmonkey.

FTP client for Mozilla Firefox. FireFTP is a free, secure and cross-platform ftp client for Mozilla Firefox that provides easy access to ftp servers.

Minimizes (minimizes) Mozilla windows to the system tray.

This extension makes it easy to use multiple profiles in Firefox and Thunderbird. Two items Open Profile Manager (Open Profile Manager) and Launch another profile (Launch another profile) are added to the File menu, and by creating two or more profiles with different settings, for example, a profile for Work and a profile for Game games, you can easily switch between them .

Creates additional panel where you can put shortcuts, folders, files, . txt files.

Automatically hides top panel browser, where the *File* *Edit* *View* menu is located, after 30 seconds (by default) and displays when you hover the mouse cursor.

Automatically hides the main menu bar. To temporarily display it, press the Alt key.

Adding some conveniences to working with notifications about statistics, private messages, new torrents and comments. View torrent files.

In the lower corner of the picture, a save item will appear, when clicked, a choice of a folder for saving will appear.

Adds new features for viewing images in a new window. I recommend

Check page links to:, megaupload, mediafire,,, badongo,, filefactory, sendspace, depositfiles,

Allows you to quickly enable and disable Java and javascript in the status bar.

With this add-on, you can double-click links in new tabs. You can double-click on a tab to duplicate it.

Enlarges the image when hovering over.

Adds mouse gestures.

Highlights the domain address and decrypts the address for easier perception. --SCREEN--

Change the number of visible results shown in the Locationbar dropdown when searching.

Saves a session of bookmarks with one click on the button, when you close FF, those that have been saved will open, or press the button and it will save the bookmarks and exit.

Blocks media while loading pages. Prevents audio and video from automatically playing. Button on the control panel On / Off.

An extension that, when you click on a button, automatically inserts a username and password, like a wand in Opera.

Speed ​​up Google search, preview by keywords phrases.

This extension allows you to copy the name (anchor) of the link, and also provides the "full link copy" function. Access to functions is carried out through the context menu and consists of 2 additional items (one of which, in turn, is a small submenu).
If the function of copying the name of the link does not raise unnecessary questions - it is a regular anchor of the link, then it is worth dwelling on the function of "full" copying of the link in more detail.

Adds the item * Open image in new tab * to the context menu of the right mouse button.

This plugin is more like a browser decoration as it turns a standard "404" page into its poster art with the Firefox logo, the main plus of the add-on in automatic update pages. Screenshot:

Allows you to install extensions (including several at once) and themes (one at a time) from disk; automatically archive extensions installed from the Internet; disable time delay when installing xpi files. Adds additional settings in the extension and theme manager. Includes features from the Open Profile Folder, about:About, Nightly tester tools, and a host of other extensions ( full list see the extension's official page). Allows you to export the configuration to a file. Adds an Add-ons button to the panel, as well as a button to all hidden browser settings. Can override the add-on compatibility check.
(Irreplaceable for those who often install new extensions and make various changes to various hidden FF settings)

An add-on that allows you to download files using download managers such as Dawnload Master, intercepts the link and passes it to your download manager. It also becomes possible to download video and audio from sites such as Vkontakte and many other network resources.
Note: Unlike Downloadhelper, downloading occurs through your download manager, and not the standard Mozilla.

History counter. Displays the number of history steps next to the BackForward buttons and on each tab.
Note: Numbers may appear over the text on the tab, so it's best to disable the display on tabs in the add-on's settings.

Automatic download, time reset from file hosting.
File sharing:

If you add a lot of additions, then in context menu there are many (unnecessary) commands that begin to interfere with the use of everyday tasks. This addition will help get rid of them, change the context menu. It can also change the menu located at the top of the browser. *File*-*Edit*- etc

This add-on was created for working with tabs, contains a bunch of settings, is also multifunctional, adds a loading indicator to each tab, a button to cancel closing tabs, records each session of bookmarks when the browser is closed, and much more. And includes many additions provided below.

The context menu automatically pops up when text is selected, and also contains a bunch of useful settings. It's easy to turn this feature on and off.

Quickly saves the address of a page for reading it one time later. For example, we go to the forum where we liked the topic to which we want to return later, with one click you can save this page (by the principle of adding to bookmarks from the status bar).
Very detailed description and instructions for use in Russian at

An indispensable addition if you use standard bookmarks. Useful for adding pages to bookmarks, folders, and the control panel.

Bookmarks bar in several lines.

Displaying the site through Internet Explorer in Firefox.
You can open any site, you can also set a rule which sites always open through IE.

Combines the "Stop" and "Refresh" buttons into one, as is done in Safari and Flock. The button functions change depending on the status of the page.

Great addition. It remembers the username and password well, and inserts it into forms.

Next to the Back Forward buttons, the buttons for moving to the beginning of the story and the end. And buttons for turning pages one by one.

Trims the context menu on the fly.

Pre-launch splash screen in Firefox.

Translates text from the context menu, in a pop-up window, and can also translate the entire page. There is a text detection function. He himself will determine the language of the text and translate it. You just need to click on the button in the Detect window that appears.

Adds mouse gestures.

This is a tool for creating backup profiles for programs such as: MozSuite/SeaMonkey, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Netscape, Flock, Sunbird and Spicebird. It will help you save mail, bookmarks, address books, passwords, extensions, etc.

Automatically copies the selected text to the clipboard. Pasting text from the clipboard occurs by pressing the middle mouse button. It is easy to enable and easily disable this feature with a button on the control panel.

simple and convenient way download video and audio from many resources on the net. It also remembers where and what video / audio you watched.

Adds an icon to the status bar for fast switching browser between online/offline modes.

After installing this plugin, an icon in the form of a camera appears in the status bar, by clicking on which you can disable the loading of all graphic files on the page, all images that are loaded from another server, allow displaying only images from the cache, or enable graphics loading without restrictions. The most important thing is that the parameters for working with images can be defined separately for each tab.

Return to the previous page without reloading it (as in Opera).

A button appears in the address bar that deletes what has been written. (It makes it easier to clear the address bar of the browser)

Saves pictures by double-clicking the mouse to a pre-specified folder.

A small extension to improve the Firefox search box. Adds two buttons to any of the panels. The functions of the first one are to highlight the result on the page received during the search. By clicking on the second one, you can jump to the part of the page where it is located by highlighting it.

If some add-ons stop working for you due to Firefox incompatibility, this plugin will fix the problem and your add-ons will start working again.
Note: various kinds of bugs are possible, use this add-on in extreme cases.

With it, you can open several sites at once, your own selection with one click. If you have a specific list of sites viewed daily, news, resources of some kind, then all of them can be added to the Morning Coffee list. After that, it remains to configure the add-on, it is possible to open all sites from the list immediately after starting the browser or manually, by pressing a key.

On the bottom panel it shows how many images are on the page, how many kb are downloaded, speed, time and page load percentage.

Notepad in the browser, automatically saves what you have written when you exit, you can select text on the page and send it to QuickNote without going into it.

Extension for managing sidebars. Allows you to quickly switch between sidebars, view a list of installed extensions and topics, the status of current downloads, page information, source page, as well as the web page itself in the sidebar. Includes a number of buttons for the toolbar. The menu is in Russian!

Definition of concepts using Wikipedia and Wiktionary, without the need to open a new window or tab. Based on open source.
Only version 2.0.0 or later supports Russian.
Shift or Ctrl or Alt + pressing the right mouse button.

An extension for Firefox that allows you to improve Google search results by adding additional information (links to Yandex, Yahoo,, MSN, etc.) and removing unwanted information (advertising and spam). All functions are optional.

Install - Shows page thumbnails in Google search engine and Yahoo.

Highlights text in the Google search engine and adds icons near sites.

Extending the capabilities of the standard Firefox download manager. Changes the appearance of the manager and allows you to open it in a window, tab, or sidebar.

Search for text in all tabs at once.

Puts the browser's top menu into a single button.

Copies the selected text to the clipboard, (select the text and wait until the icon appears above the text), that is, you can choose which text to copy and which you don’t need, you can paste the text with the middle mouse button. recommend for familiarization

Shows the IP address that is visible on the network. (A button will appear in the lower right corner, when you press it, your IP will be displayed.

If you want to change the look of your favorite browser in a couple of seconds, then this add-on is for you.
All T-shirts for Firefox can be found here:

An easy way to download and convert videos from YouTube and other similar sites, as well as audio and pictures.
If you want to not only download, but also convert the downloaded video, you will need to install a special converter separately.

Adds icons to the context menu of the browser.

This is an add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser that allows you to take screenshots of the pages you open.
Unlike other tools of this kind, this add-on provides the user with a number of tools for editing a screenshot and adding graphic and text annotations. Such functionality will be useful for web developers, testers and editors.

Adds two buttons to the control panel that return to the very top and to the very bottom of the page. (Useful on such long pages like this)

Counts the number of pages you visit and returns the average number of pages visited per day.

When you right-click on a link, a new item will appear in the context menu, save the link and immediately follow it.

ReminderFox is a Firefox extension that displays and manages reminder and task dates. ReminderFox is not a complete calendar. In fact, its purpose is simply to remind important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) without the use of special bulky calendar programs.

Copy, Print, Save, Save to Folder icons will appear on the images.

It is an online password manager and form filler that will make your web surfing more comfortable and secure.
More information can be found here:

Press the "RU" button and write in Russian in all fields on the page. Instead of translita, Russian letters will come out. Horosho → Good.

WebShadow - a plugin that allows you to communicate with those who are currently viewing the same site as you!!!

Tired of bookmarking every page you visit? Cut, save and share only the parts you need so you can easily find them later.

Preview any web page for printing.

Saves web pages to a PDF document.

Closing a browser or tab, a button on the control panel.

Saves space on your monitor, leaving more space for browsing sites. If you rarely use the menu bar (Where is File, Edit), then this plugin will allow you to replace it with 3 neat buttons - bookmarks, history, and everything else. Moreover, unused items can be hidden altogether.

The item *copy link name* will appear in the context menu.

Button on the panel. Get back to your last page with Google search results, current tab history.

Installed a lot of extensions and the Tools menu item has grown to incredible sizes? Then this extension is for you!
Trims the Tools menu by moving all items added by extensions to a separate More Tools menu.
Russian locale is included in the official assembly.

Displays the web surfing time in the status bar. Details can be found here.

Creating buttons for launching external applications (programs) on the toolbar.
For example, you can place the ICQ button on the FF control panel, or the Aimp player and run virtually any program from the control panel.
- Extension for viewing and managing the history of forms.

Automatically show/hide the sidebar by simply touching the window border.

BB codes in the context menu, for forums. You can screw different tags, for example, there is a mod on the sibnet * Private text *, it will be possible from the context. menu enclose text in this mod.

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