How to get back the last closed tab. How to return layers to the panel in Photoshop How to return the toolbar in Photoshop

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How to get back the last closed tab.

Sometimes it happens that for unknown reasons, or due to a glitch computer mouse, or the brain sends a distorted impulse to the hand, and we inadvertently close the browser tab that we still need. But after all, we have not fully familiarized ourselves with the content of the page. What to do? How to return, reopen an accidentally closed tab?

Opening an accidentally closed tab

Of course, you can get into the browser history, but it's so long and tedious.

This problem is very easily solved by another method. The fact is that in every browser (more or less new version) There is Hotkeys.

I used to have Opera 12. And using the "poke" method, I found that the combination Ctrl+Z returns the last closed tab.

Later I switched to Opera 23 and Google Chrome . Both of these browsers have the same Chronium-based engine. What was my disappointment when, after pressing the Ctrl + Z keys, it did not bring any result. The first thought was delete completely". But the mind took over. I went into the instructions and found that for these browsers there is a function " open last closed tab". To do this, you need to use a combination Ctrl+Shift+T .

Yes, at first it was very inconvenient, more than once I thought about returning to Opera 12, which I liked much more. And not only due to the reason described in this article. It is much more convenient than its later versions.

But, time passed, and I got used to it. Now I already use these hotkeys automatically when I accidentally close the desired browser tab. I guess for other browsers Mozilla Firefox etc. this diagram works just as well.

By the way, you can also go to the settings of any browser and find there " Recently closed sites«.

If you erased too much while working with an eraser in Photoshop, this can be easily restored.

How to do it?

When you choose an instrument Eraser, its panel appears at the top of the working window. There is a tab Restore history. Check this checkbox (box). And now, the eraser will not erase, but restore the previously deleted. Everything is very simple.

Restore what did not need to be deleted, uncheck the box Restore history. And then the eraser will erase the background of the picture as usual.

Do not forget to uncheck the box, otherwise you will continue to restore the previously erased!!!

True, there is one but ... This function will work if the function is pre-enabled . It is usually enabled by default.

Check or enable it if necessary like this:

Opening a tab Window. In it we choose Story- in the window that opens in the upper right corner, click on the icon with a triangle.

In the dropdown menu select History palette options.

In the parameters of the history palette, there should be a checkmark in the checkbox Automatically create the first snapshot. If it's not there, then put it in.

All. Now, if necessary, you can always restore mistakenly erased with an eraser.

How to restore a panel in Photoshop?

Master's response:

Sometimes optimizing your workspace on your computer can play a trick on you. For example, if you accidentally pressed a certain key, after which the desired panel or menu window was hidden. Adobe Photoshop is no exception, because it has a large number of opportunities for working with bitmaps that it provides.

First, launch Adobe Photoshop, and then open the menu item Window. There are items here that enable or disable the program panels. All active panels will be marked with checkmarks. If you want to turn on a panel or turn it off, just click on it with the left mouse button. You can also use hotkeys. For example, if you want to remove or restore the layers panel, then you just need to press F7.

Press Tab. Such a hotkey helps to set or hide the status bar, all palettes and the toolbar all together. If you press the Shift + Tab combination in this position, then the palettes will appear. If you press Shift+Tab while the toolbar, palette, and status bar are displayed in the application, all palettes will disappear. If you press Shift+Tab again, the key combination will return the panel with palettes to its place.

You can also set up hotkeys yourself in order to turn on and off the panels you want. To do this, click Window>Workspace>Keyboard Shortcuts & Menus, and in a new window open Keyboard Shortcuts. Then make sure that the new Shortcutsfor drop-down menu has the Application menus item enabled. Then expand the Window tab. Next, click on the item for which you want to set the required hot key. To the right of the item you will see an input field.

Remember that only function keys - F1-F12, can be used as hot keys, and also Ctrl combinations and other buttons. If you inadvertently specify a key that is already in use, the application will inform you about this using the inscription at the bottom of the window - is already in use and will be removed from (then the item for which this key is already assigned will be indicated). Under the inscription you will see two buttons Accept and go to conflict and Undo Changes. If you click on the first inscription, then confirm the replacement of the hot key or keys, and if the second, then cancel the change of buttons.

Restoring layer operations in Adobe Photoshop is the same as restoring a file from the changes made, however, this is not always possible, since the program memory stores a limited number of operations.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop software.


  • Select the first one and view the change history with the current file. In order to restore the layers, return the work done on the file to the desired level, in which all the layers were in place.
  • You can also do this from the main menu of the document, using the "Undo action" and "Redo action" items in the "Editing" on the program panel at the top. This method is not as convenient as the first one, since you cannot view the entire history of changes, which makes it much easier to navigate and return the editing of the drawing to the desired position.
  • To most clearly explain what the toolbar is for, we will draw some analogy with everyday life. Imagine that you need to assemble a small closet for things. All shelves and doors are dismantled, but you have a bunch of screws, self-tapping screws to install it. However, you do not have a single screwdriver or other constructive device. Naturally, you will not be able to perform any actions with your future cabinet. So in the Adobe Photoshop program: the image will be a representative of furniture, self-tapping screws, tongues and screws are built-in functions of Photoshop, and the tool area (located, by the way, on the left) for working with photographs will be a screwdriver. Without it, you will not be able to process the photo in any way as it should.

    Bringing back the dashboard is very easy

    Of course, the absence of such a function on the workspace does not mean that you will not be able to use the items in this panel. A hotkey is assigned to each of them. This means that when certain buttons are pressed, the corresponding device will open. But learning them all is quite difficult, and the choice of these parameters is small. After all, each item of the toolbar has sub-items that you cannot select with hot keys. For example, "Eraser", when right-clicking on it, gives the user a choice (which eraser you want to use). We hope that now you understand how important it is to place this wonderful functional shelf in the work area.

    Standard layout of interface elements

    How do I get the toolbar back in Photoshop?

    Let's assume she's gone. It doesn't matter how, the main thing is that it is no more. Do not be disappointed, because you can return them in Photoshop in just two steps! We will not pull the rubber, but immediately proceed to these actions:

    1. Select "Window" from the top menu bar.
    2. At the bottom of the window that appears, check the box next to the word "Tools".

    That's all, now the function area will again serve you faithfully and help you process photos and other images.

    You can turn the panel on and off from the Window menu.

    How to remove tools?

    No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but you may need not how to return the panel in Photoshop, but how to remove it. This is also easy to do, especially since then you will be able to return it according to the previous two-step instruction. What to do?

    1. Go to the "Window" item from the top main menu of Adobe Photoshop.
    2. Uncheck the "Tools" box.
    3. If this method is not to your liking, then you can left-click to move the existing toolbar from the edge of the screen to any position, and then click on the cross that appears in the upper right corner of the toolbar for editing.


    Open the toolbar in Adobe Photoshop, which contains information about the operations you have performed. To do this, open the "Windows" menu in top panel graphic editor and check the "History" checkbox. After that, in the lower right corner you should have a new additional window with two tabs - "History" and "Operations" (History / Actions in English Adobe versions photoshop).

    Select the first one and view the change history with the current file. In order to restore layers, return the work done on the file to the desired level, at which all layers were in place.

    You can also use the alternate rollback method to roll back layers in Adobe Photoshop. To do this, being in the editing menu of the current image, press the key combination Shift+Ctrl+Z or Alt+Ctrl+Z to switch to the return or repetition of one or another action performed on the image.

    You can also do this from the main menu of the document, using the "" and "Repeat action" item in the "Editing" on the program panel at the top. This method is not as convenient as the first one, since you cannot view the entire history of changes, which makes it much easier to navigate and return the editing of the drawing to the desired position.

    Set the memory of Adobe Photoshop to the maximum number of operations stored in memory, this will help you if you often perform many actions on images, and their sequence contains too many items to store in memory at default settings. This is done in the memory settings in the Edit menu. You can change the number of steps the program remembers up to 1000, but keep in mind that Photoshop will use more system resources.


    If you reopen an image after saving it, the layers cannot be restored.

    Sometimes workspace optimization turns into an evil monster for the user. For example, when accidentally pressing a certain key hides some desired panel or menu box. Adobe Photoshop is no exception when you consider the number of options for working with bitmaps that it can provide.


    Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the Window menu item. Here are the items for turning on / off the panels of the program. Activated panels are marked with checkmarks. So, to enable or disable any of the panels, just click on it with the left mouse button. You can also use hotkeys to turn panels on/off, for example, to remove or restore panel layers, just press F7.

    Press Tab. This hotkey allows you to hide or set the status bar at once, panel tools and all palettes. If you press Shift + Tab in this position, the palettes will appear. If you press Shift+Tab when the program displays and panel tools, and the status bar, and palettes, the palettes will disappear. Pressing Shift+Tab again will return panel with palettes.

    In addition, you can independently configure hotkeys to enable / disable certain panels. To do this, click the menu item Window > Workspace > Keyboard Shortcuts & Menus and open the Keyboard Shortcuts tab in the window that appears. Make sure that the Application menus item is activated in the Shortcuts for drop-down menu and expand the Window item. Click on the item for which you want to set a hotkey, an input field will appear to the right of it.


    The layers panel in the on state can have two display options. To expand it, just click on the "Layers" icon in the panel, which is usually located at the right edge of the window. And any panel is minimized by clicking on the double arrow at the right edge of its title.

    Expand the "Window" section in the Photoshop menu and check the "Layers" item if the display of this panel is turned off. This can be done not only by clicking the necessary labels with the mouse pointer, but also by using the keyboard. To expand the menu section, first press the Alt key (left or right - it does not matter), and then the key with the letter "O" on the Russian keyboard layout. Use the navigation buttons to navigate through the sections. Because desired string near the end of the list, you can get to it faster using the up arrow. Well, clicking the left mouse button on the selected item replaces pressing the Enter key.

    You can do without the editor menu, since the command to turn on / off the layers panel is assigned a “hot key”, pressing which when the panel is turned off leads to its appearance, and when it is turned on, it has the opposite effect. This key is F7, use it to quickly show or hide this UI element.

    Most of the components of the Photoshop workspace can be freely moved by the user. This is convenient, but sometimes with a careless movement you can push one of them so that it becomes completely incomprehensible how to return it to the space available for normal settings. This also happens with the layers panel: it is impossible to find it on the screen, although the corresponding item is checked in the menu of the graphic editor. In this case, use the "emergency" method - download another version of the working environment. To do this, open the "Window" section of the menu, go to the "Workspace" section and select one of the preset options (for example, "Drawing" or "Main Workspace").

    Quite often, to reduce the weight of the image, photographers turn off layers. Such a step allows you to significantly reduce the size of the image, which is especially important when downloading a file from the Internet to save traffic.

    You will need

    • - Personal Computer;
    • - installed software- "Photoshop", any version;
    • - a picture in which you want to turn off the layers.


    As a rule, image files containing a large number of layers (especially diverse and templates) are quite voluminous in weight. For some relief, many photo designers turn off layers, which are very easy to restore in any version of Photoshop. This is especially in demand when uploading images to the Internet.

    In the working window on the top menu bar, find the "File" item. It is located on the left side. Click on this button and select "Save As" from the list of options. Then, in the window that opens, specify the location of the image that needs to be processed.

    For the convenience of viewing photos in the free space of the workspace, right-click and select the “Page Thumbnails” view. On the bottom line, specify the format of the image you are using. For working with layers, PNG and PSD are most preferred.

    When the desired photo appears in the working window, start processing the layers. You can open a screen in which they all “highlight” by pressing the F7 hot key on the keyboard or by selecting the “Window” section in the menu bar. If you decide to use the second option, your next step is to select the "Layers" option.

    After that, a list of all the layers available in the photo will appear in an additional window. To enable / disable them, it is enough to left-click in the left column of the opened screen in the corresponding squares. The “eye” sign will help you “see” the layer. If you disable this icon, the layer will automatically hide from the image.

    In this way, you can hide or reveal some of the layers in the photo or all at once.

    The layer structure in Adobe Photoshop is part of the main toolkit that allows the designer to work with a flat digital image, as with a system of independent graphic objects superimposed on each other, and forming a single composition. The creation of each new layer increases the flexibility of image processing, makes it possible to perform many retouching, color correction, effects, etc. operations.


    The layer system of the program is like a stack of flat images taken from real life, as if you were making a collage of paper illustrations cut out from somewhere and pieces of multi-colored paper, laying them out on the table one on top of the other - some would overlap each other, some would be partially visible, some would stick out beyond the working surface. If the material of the illustrations were translucent, one could see through it what lies underneath, etc. Adobe Photoshop works in a similar way, only images and cutouts are digital.
    Photoshop layers can be of several types.
    Firstly, it can be, in fact, digital bitmaps- fragments, drawings, etc.
    Secondly, it can be layers generated by the program - solid and multi-colored geometric shapes, primitives, lines, letters, etc.
    Thirdly, these can be layers that do not have their own image, but perform auxiliary functions - as a rule, these are layers that correct the color, brightness, and other parameters of the image below them.
    In the list of layers, as a rule, there is one special layer - it is called Background or Background - which has significant limitations compared to other layers: it has a size strictly tied to the working size of the composition, it cannot be moved from its place, and does not have transparency / Being at the same time, on the very last line in the list of layers, by default it is the basis of the entire composition, all other layers are located above this background layer. When you first open any image in Photoshop, it is a minimal composition - that is, it consists of a single layer of type Background.
    All other layers created during work can have more free parameters and be used more flexibly.
    - first of all, they can have any dimensions - their height and width can be either less than the working field of your composition, or more than it, in the latter case, of course, the edges of these layers will be hidden outside the picture frame.
    - secondly, each layer can have one of the freely selectable blending modes - that is, you can specify how it will interact with the underlying image. This is primarily the general degree of its transparency, controlled by a separate parameter. And also the mathematical one by which the interaction will be determined - it can darken or brighten the underlying image, affect its shadow areas or be visible only in bright areas, affect color, saturation, etc.
    - thirdly, each layer can have a transparency mask. The mask is raster map, which has the same geometric dimensions as the layer to which it belongs. The color of each of its pixels can be in the range from black to white, which, accordingly, makes the image of the information layer in this area visible, invisible or translucent. That is, for example, you have a rectangular one, and you need only its oval-shaped section to be visible, outside of which the layer should be invisible. To achieve this, you can draw a white oval in the right place on the layer mask, then the edges of the layer will become transparent, and the picture inside the oval will be visible.

    Since a layer of the Background type, as mentioned above, cannot change either its transparency or its geometric dimensions, then most often, the most necessary operation is to get rid of these restrictions, i.e. creating a full-fledged layer from the Background layer.
    To do this, open in Adobe Photoshop. Make visible the panel with the list of layers (F7 or menu item Window>Layers). We see that there is only one layer in the list. Background (Background), hover over it with the mouse and in context menu(V Windows system- this is the left mouse button) we find the item Layer from Background (Layer from the background). You can also find this command in the menu Layer>New> Layer from Background.
    Now the resulting layer can be moved, stretched - increased and decreased in size, relative to the composition field, - erased, deleted or masked in it unnecessary areas, etc.

    You can duplicate the layer, sometimes it is necessary for editing operations, when some areas need to be modified, but the original image should remain intact just in case. Then, having selected the desired layer in the list of layers, we find the command in the main menu Layer> New> Layer via Copy (Layer by copying). In the layers panel, this can be done by simply dragging the line with the desired layer with the mouse on the “blank sheet” icon at the bottom of the panel.
    On a separate layer, you can duplicate not the entire original layer, but some part of it. To do this, you can first make a selection on it - with tools from the Lasso, Marquee, Quick Selection, etc. kit. In this case, when choosing the Layer via Copy command, only a fragment of the original one will be copied to the new layer.

    For any image pasted into the composition via the clipboard, a new unique layer will be automatically created.
    When creating geometric primitives or inscriptions with Photoshop tools, for each object created, its own layer will also be automatically generated.

    Adjustment layers, with the help of which color correction operations are carried out, can be created both through the menu Layer> New Adjustment Layer, or by finding the icon with a black and white circle divided in two at the bottom of the layers panel. Next, you have the opportunity to select one of the types of adjustment layer. Such layers will be created. Recall that if there is a selection on the image before the start of the operation to create a new layer - and this is evidenced by the presence of flickering dotted lines along the selection outlines - then the layer being created will inherit this selection as a mask. Thus, for example, a color correction operation using a new layer will not be performed on the entire image, but only on the selected part, that is, where the layer mask allows it to be opaque.


    In the course of working with the composition, a lot of lines can accumulate in the list of layers. To organize a large number of layers, they can be grouped into folders, they can be combined into one layer, merging with each other. At the same time, it is always necessary to remember that just as creating a new layer increases the flexibility of editing and expands the possibilities in processing an image, so destroying it - merging with others - deprives, sometimes irrevocably, access to information about the image and the ability to edit an object or fragment. You should always be aware of whether the modification of the image on this separate layer is really over and you will never need it again.

    When malfunctions occur operating system, optional on Windows, the functionality of some programs is declining dramatically. For example, sometimes in Firefox browser several panels disappear, so it is difficult to navigate to a web page even using search engines.

    You will need

    • - Internet browser Mozilla Firefox.


    When you start the browser, you may find that among the displayed panels there is no navigation bar, address bar, etc. There are times when, by a “happy” coincidence, absolutely all panels disappear. In such cases, do not panic, reinstall your Internet browser or, worse, update your operating system version.

    Almost all program presets can be changed through the settings menu, but what if this menu is not displayed. In the latest releases of the browser, this flaw has been fixed, and when you press the Alt key, the top menu line appears. Release the key and the menu will disappear again.

    Therefore, you need to hold down the Alt key, click the "View" menu and select the "Toolbars" item. In the list that opens, check the boxes for the missing panels at the top of the browser. Also, the arrangement of panels and individual icons can be changed after selecting the "Customize" item of the "Toolbars" menu item.

    In the window that opens, you will have access not only to panels, but also to other icons (commands) that are not added to the browser by default in order to save space for displaying Internet pages. For example, if you use information from pages to quote in forums, instant messengers, or other means of communication, you can display elements of working with text (commands "paste", "cut" and "copy").

    If you do not remember exactly which panel and where it was located, just click the "Restore" button in open window and all panels will return to their original position. You can also change the display of active icons by adding labels to them or removing icons, leaving only text (the “Show” drop-down list). To finish working with toolbar settings, click the "Close" button, you do not need to restart the browser.

    Panels in Photoshop is an important part of the program. They contain basic information and tools for work. It is not possible to work without panels, if for some reason they have disappeared from view, they must be restored.

    Restoring layer operations in Adobe Photoshop is the same as restoring a file from the changes made, however, this is not always possible, since the program memory stores a limited number of operations.

    You will need

    • - Adobe Photoshop software.


  • Open the toolbar in Adobe Photoshop, which contains information about the operations you have performed. To do this, open the "Windows" menu in the top panel of the graphical editor and check the "History" box. After that, in the lower right corner you should have a new additional window with two tabs - "History" and "Operations" (History / Actions in the English version of Adobe Photoshop).
  • Select the first one and view the change history with the current file. In order to restore the layers, return the work done on the file to the desired level, in which all the layers were in place.
  • You can also use the alternate rollback method to roll back layers in Adobe Photoshop. To do this, being in the editing menu of the current image, press the key combination Shift+Ctrl+Z or Alt+Ctrl+Z to switch to the return or repetition of one or another action performed on the image.
  • You can also do this from the main menu of the document, using the "Undo action" and "Redo action" items in the "Editing" on the program panel at the top. This method is not as convenient as the first one, since you cannot view the entire history of changes, which makes it much easier to navigate and return the editing of the drawing to the desired position.
  • Set the memory of Adobe Photoshop to the maximum number of operations stored in memory, this will help you if you often perform many actions on images, and their sequence contains too many items to store in memory at default settings. This is done in the memory settings in the Edit menu. You can change the number of steps the program remembers up to 1000, but keep in mind that Photoshop will use more system resources.

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